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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 11

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The canadin Swe-ma, nowmavie, an, , e Trukes eat Juvs T YRONE Mrs Bruce Tillson, Editor Phone 987-4213 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teed and Fred Bign11 Sherene, M1r. James Hatherly! Toronto.geadduhes edisCrsmsCneti Oy0 S OWO nOWerS ~~of Newtonville, Miss Jean hIommt alo e Ro a s D w o e s Webb of Clarke, Rev. Mr.and iFamilygaeigweehlcmbr2at8occkTh å 5 e E e OMMMRNY Newcastle:- W h i1e Santa Truck Mrs. Crawford of Caesarea, Chr itma n ewYa'ticlheortdhlews i CC0oDmrmVi l ue .i , N ewc se:- o'n e n ta T u k ïs or n t r e g al , M . a d Mrs. Ew art B ragg ,l o e ata d D o d Deca c v fo t i f s iv soligled skiteswas etterbtha e Vanderstoop, Shermnan Bowmanville were dinner!Daey geancideEfed rcosyatda atro Newcastle:-dOly twoHlee-swek lit arbefor ann a Shields and Green. Juvenfle guests during Christmas weekiwr usso r n r.Crmnefliln ii guese durng tears- wcoul ptethe oe ayone scorers were Pete McCullough at Mrs. Hatherly's. Mrs. Ha- Donald Davey.fntoinaejyblad mas wekd gin du Crinsi ce uthenwfllonusatubut andTerry Walton. therly spent her Christmas at 'CongratulatiostMranecuaggwy.RyGbs the New eadar eek, so the ythe hoavbenwll Stred eesecond game was a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatherly's. Mrs. Henry Sano h aeteWloesecfl NeCasl: IefrtSho ifrnei aayti h trmmwstre bowling news is cdown from out. And with . the drop inIing at 10 ' wih te soreofend- Netonle leb at edthi25hWdngo btewolsco, rd maeeet-ig for 195 scouldent mi ay? hin-Thtorclsroom wd urntethe usual teams and scores, tempera.ture, there is c n oals over the Rowers.o thye Tenn al Co. nra tioyniesr.Asrrs a-igtenasno om ig eld in h Pulic Shoolon as i rlm an tR ickrd aseif Crsmshoiaante oebttisweyid altetearnadŠndyee-Coper, Wane Pers. ran Mein g aoe t ed .m.Jaury 3t a l terhnu eWshYoa A te n Monay veng wth a r an ine thught e cd f ligteningh la on the palleys in full use again and img the town leagues put it t'HoadQin ecendnTyneU.tdhuh. uryevngwn28e-msEeruaMryCri- members peent. Mrs. Paul- h aines th entirecschodo y teers h o vad osuh bowling news should be back very good ue- he ol ihaesoe Smeah setne oie tene.-teyn emdtn linen Stog rs tMrs. Mag- aret himselfM. ickr e ol that larclsers o hte a Ms. M. to normal again next edition.Th lageoifmdegoing to Scott Rudell Frg thMrandMrlis.onthms ibsnewMisYeargussfMrgamnfeertshepo Breeto an Gorg Chrd ha noonecold.ere are Creighton of Port Hope, a For the week ending Dec- four teams, Juveniles, Rowr Rowers, the Rowe brothersadmes o nthe passmg an Mrs. DonStanto .ad Rcittio, Jey s wreretson ntGorofe Cfr hno nne clsrosdn.eahro wny-ee er'ember 26th, the top bowlers Truckers and the Royales niaccounted for five, Brian and mn hsistererMrs. liryder-sn WMsG.SegtthJuor:CneDr wnerte rm. laofic frgw ey, alsand soteaexerefwnce, svn eahn nte aissegubw-thypoiesome great Sa Vern with two and Glen with Chman, apformrnr. Willim|Miss Jan . ilsnsaa eir-Arsi ollowinthirnelection w ymbeloked ar Hispr ofgreitnw ahe.ing oe20 ndoepeeoadexieentvrySn one. John Tendam also scor- ber a a rn, Hamptn.t Anum- 1HlMiss MaaElot.ainClu.'uir:Da' fo hirmn hian V ic hair.sg estio ohep Mr. Gie eea ebr fteEleano26Perrin270, Alta Lang- evening, starting at 7 p.m. e w, ihJerry Dost and ed the Norcutt adis t til, iSarletShcl-mvnn,,lybySno ma Cn w hed ohVickaird wauggstonhirea pr-iemnbor xrseheir viewstCath66,Mer ry Foster 239, There wll be a double-header Mercer roundigota h so-Ohapel end attended the fuIn yStairtiranMs.Jiosinging;ecain hashed tisoffcein hetowork four or five hours concerning an error of 1,400. y e 3,Ja lnec ek and the fellows are ing. 'rl .ug r n oga n il eel eirs last, and was oagain ete to eeyStra.Ti ol Tefuthdbe osd230, Betty Thompson 227, hoping for a good turnout of Nex-t Sunday night the Floon S pa rdy Ly hhMr nnedAMrrMhrsmarol. hatand ait thi ete. Ms. gve Mtra. ainsw long e f Cunlto Schn ool oad Diane Langstaff 226, Grace fans to cheer the teams along Truckers play the Royals in Sundyemrs nein the ichurchndbor, amr.BryCae2DysoChits Storks wa ts as eted to w;.ieeken. GMiesa onteanfrom uci School Board toManders 224, June Kramer E the first game at seven with ay mmorning we.L re n o- ravboysHtonwreS-Rc agntos ae oficeofVce oareed alo et te loadof the Concifror quite ardmoths215, Nina Madill 214, Helen In the first gamne, the the Juveniles goin ' ing ememory of Mhrs. L. Cry- urdassitrsadSn'yttoDw aek agi aeofc fVc. ,school was too much for any now, and with people criticiz- Couroux 213, Peggy Bruner Truers d2 eeate tedJvethe Row ers in tngaan emn.Rv hi ugnsget er r n r. yNel sThedd i Before going on to election oeproadthyfl o igth or n t em- 211, Lil Farrow 209, Vel Wat-ls6tt.Kearyldte aeSeyu hescn en rm wa ae hi tet Verdun TibaulndcilrnOpeefyBehKowtnSr of oher ommttees, Mr. thatpestaan he shold b rso ntheyBointend t roeince son 206, Dorothy Mercer 201, ----- and frmIsaiahrs4ThechorapOrwokr.ndMs aletNgh:Sno lyb Rickeird spoke briefly on the hired. and for aHl who really was at Colleen Pickering 200. ter ndfif therse. T h orMlr. LnnSknnr ndBodew great job the members had! Mr. Gaines, who received a fault MnsLau 2 n enee nate,"at Mr. and Mrs. R.rB.Glasell ll; isit f Inpecton, enio dne on their committees in ri sein salary of two hundred The Board accepted the over - Brian Rowe 298, Joe ofavy Ouwle w sh m;M .an rs o T y ý r a thrs."Peeyand GervGweedlyn wrle om pay eiain a etpsadmdthsu-l.rlstteawente ewris ofee ttteieemer Lws 86 GogeKibalMr. are Ylw1e0ws amMMr8adr. rak ery Yarsgust o r.an Ms2Tylr:Bblradn, ren thes nthatd thecnithe spr ftescoloee o 1.0prmot o 027,Rn'dMur 7,Rnhostess for the Christmasllor. ilrand Mr. ony-Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wery, G Rey GaplZo.Rynameirsggai be left just as they are iflgiving him ex-tra duties, felt months under the new honor- Good 261, Gary Barchard 237, meeting of the United Church!Mrs.anduchiTldranr and Mrl.Itnd Ms.Adi Haaa- oer amilt e-oehrioAbr on eundsur aceleiain hr there was no objection from the raise should have been ariumn. The following indem-¡Glen Rowe 227.' Women on Monday night. Thel ruc yo and fam Ws ily. àttee aflyg-oethroAbrtClgBlevllyAn Reyeg;J. and Sr.onTesa at th h a e e, i t oMjctuio uth where he stood with yet anfr -ualv catio w sthe nepublte nd n an y2no n otand b e d to Hordon Hills and Harold,!Su raand Mrs. Frank W erry wee Chrstmas u sso n o e sc m Bry e , iG MC uld o imverhep ontatrdi a t s . A veg e tMaximum 280 , Danwere: ary , es ee eeie. twa n Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hills and enaN w Y a s D y it ad Mr.T W. e to , or t arvddu ng he igi . Wn an gnehaeof P rchas-M cCui lough illtry s. hi re ayM onthly 20, JoeLan 23,T rsaffLangnounced that Christmas cards family joined a family gath- Bethany . .. ndH w s gie a seca w d o n cage o uc a -someone right away. Attendance Honorarium staff 240, MinneTayor 25,Vm a pbe s on is ornd i ng at Mr. and Mrs.W. A. Hillsr. and fMr.H rlik - o eblh inyos ol Chg, rd on .Fin reton and G.: Mr. Munro, having to give Fewer than 60 $ 5.00 Nina Madill 2nneMabel Goode Van Carn cp i sioayIda , Ty ro n rne.We t sf orlandth ngC re hlday n er.M nsr.LodS i-S nttn i epr iti uh r nFi ac.ip the storeroom to make in- 60 or more but fewer 225, Betty Major 223, M ar eiw t how l b epl des to re- Me r. and fM ys Frawnk Wt- 1 r's f. . T y- ne ca a y w r his-td cnd ,n torne1n The December minutes were to another classroom, had an- than 100 --700 Hendersoli 215, Evelyn, Ma r eie ft he ladiew resla r. and atMily spnt New r both ristm. a s a m a gues t Mr an M spe nt to l. read by secretary Ed. Bar-!other problem for the board, 100 or more but fewer dows 215, PegyP y 2.2Myea- r inde ft chelU.C.W. Pres-ICYer'lsmiDay at FMr.tand .Mrs ead, New mYar s Day. reNe l ornt e Co, roki.Sry O rJn rRom tah , chard, and were approved as!where to store the large than 200 -.10.00 Grace Couch 210, a nce 22, yter ilt o e eld o n itebru .yr l mit s . FEetwood es. Mr. and oMr K. a vers.to e arMrfM CoeslniheMssPa K oxendoutSn read., Ronald Munro read hislamount of supplies. It was 200 or more but fewer 1 00Quantrill 207, Alta0 an ictffed ry 11 in imcoe.STre e t r. anud ayMrs n gE s tsH a n Boma nville, w er wrhspialdwe rst el onirR o tahr r .P prm ipl rpor. hee adsuggested that with the pur- than 300 1r027 la Pngtf d Ch rch inof sayw. The fwer.Sand r . F .nk pir -es s gestsMr of Mr .Ea Mrs.,e feengttNer.te r obecm eddo been no change in the enroll- chase of allthese supplies, a300 or more but fewer thy Mererr 203Rnt04, orco Wor Day of Prayrnwil l efM. ad rev n ge t HV an d r snd a .ier Mr. and Ms aodSi-tepeetto favr n ment during December, but proper storage place should than 600 . . 1.20.00202., c n arch 5.ased tnyleO ri n ons will akeesn-g, s M r ecMr.tandMs . ar iaa r splen e e rs a o a le a d sc esfl e tr #pur pupils left as of January' lbe built, and supplies put un-[ 600 or more but fewernbe sue - 22 ad a ed m tobcsedto th O r !i Mr ndJohnas B ae;Bettews and girsO hw. withMr. and Mrs.R s Sh r tan e . and two new pupils had come'der lock and key. Mr. Munro than 10030.00 ien s ilLeaue -25, anod Jan m ynbo let.w th Mr.icke and D rooe, OKaren, M.o Bck ett, is Avill a r. and w chiul r E nsil . Lawrence Gaines, school ae beenMcCulotighwoketer10ha moe2 bt0fwer 40.00 29 and K2, Wte 2 r e ryo ls call wa s masrd iss Be tylGoP taou as, rne McketndMrs.an d Bs. k.r.H oldr. a snod C smMh r caretaker, was on hand to ad-a plan, and present it to car-1 The bills brought to the'e te 2.wt yblso hita.Ms hlisWslk eeM.adaioc .Too t C.ad r s.ber Sodn dress the board concerningl penters for tenders, and bring meeting were authorized to ThicksoPtrbrMh R.ars. arvg n e ellowe es aeNwYa' a usso rW r.FodBcet utcadNwYa' a he. aditional rooa ke wh t exrecommendations for thei a a d urntistie ethe Westhes1 rvl Db al n e tteand Mrs. Lloyd Broome and ]en, ts of MNMw rieEskil w evi em use M r G a rle as ed w h a I ne t m eti g .i m eti g w s a j o rn e . a t e phome. rs lM o rg e e eD l• r. ed th e w orsh ip serv - M r. an d M rs. B ob F lett an d A lld read . N ew Y ear's w i hMm Barar An Sots ut f urand Szne. Thicsononna ce with Mrs. B. Tink, Mrs. daughters and Mrs. T. Flett, Sympathy is extendied from Macdonald, Bowvie satbers, bu t4 ouro oe tspndiSzngte ChicstmaekTan Millson and Mrs. Don !Columbus were Sunday dinner Tyrone friends to Mrs. Willi Mr. and Mrs.WaerPk ktedheacboteto opskate, a he. Mr. MooCremspwenTaylor assisting. guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Staples on the passing of her Sr., Mr. Walter BrflM GW CO S ad t hofv them . kt e , aW eesay .ad MTh rsyw th Rev. Catto told us many in- Flett and family. husband. and Mrs. Lloyd Skne an mntalknoedghemofthe bna- Wtheshicksns bu hat rkteresting highlights of Christ-I Mr. and Mrs. R. Vice andSeedyrecovery tfo Mrs family were NwYa' liewca tle ;mstalsof fige katg her-e hisasbt a a okmas customs im Africa and af. 1Mr. E. Vice were New Year' S avdPasey who underwent guests Of Mr. adMs • is noage limt for tese cla- Mr. ad Mrs.S. Minis terwards answered members'IDay guests of Mr. and Mrs. surgery in Bowmanville M-GibreZo ss, bu tee lis for hsckeahibyst Mr. and Mrs. C's questions. We were pleased to George Harper, Utica. imorial Hospital, and Mr. Al- Christmas Da.vitosf ses, butages ere msxt foun.Mr cer hib, wMiss GndMr.Cr have Miss Doris Millson of: Mrs. Greta McCormack, bert Wood (Cherry) who suf.- Mr. and Mrs. Wle oe Soci l an L( rson Weshoe pren ixtsawdl reiePeterboroussgh, wa hmercfoOshawa with us for the meet- lIColumbus, was a Sunday visi- fered a heart attack New ridge and childre er r MMr nd Mrs ed G mou ng Achdecon and he child en must haw heasw th Cnd set hist- nM s eMilsgv h r. i .and Mrs . Veand Bowanvile Hospta. is iliamn Hayd ,Cnr Mand rs. dMrs Jack K a r. Blfur. 1standmgton skates, so as to Mr. and Mrs. B. Trebenchey talk on our changing Christ- gr - iceMr.anwer Monday am ygteigwshl nc vr n enn la adMand am.aewtonim- e .and Mrs Bruce Tillson ecitethe efforts ob nhePortHevei th the Merce'smansemeane, consistingofi hfhm O r. and Mrs. er tte e rra. . snt PointMr.adMs a M. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Mrs. Len Morse and David, from them. The fee for both Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldre tea was enjoyed. Mrsand, MrsHKo and MablWlkno sh 'M. rdCsteTJea.r awa Mr ad Ms. lfBuringon lat Wdnsdalthee atiitis i $.00forth hed Critma..r Rev. Catto had a fine ser-soMranMs.J Knox spent the weekend with ear' Recent dinneruetfM ram and family and Mr. then went on to Hamilton to entire season. In the case of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tre mon on Sunday morning-his and aiy n r n r. itr r.A'il.ad .an r.W ao r nd Mrs. Bill Kimball, Co- visit Mr. and Mrs. H. Mac- hockey, the fee pays the in- held Christmas and had Alvi topic, "Christmas Hope". Miss G. Knox and family spent tended Tyrone United Church Mr. and Mrs. A.1lae g wr rwere New Year guests Leod and family and Mr. C. E. surance prem-ium fior the boys Trew, Mrs. Widdis, Millbrook. Jean Baker favoured wth a MrN enYea'sy tBrg.dSudM rin. fmiyEniilnMrad 3.end Mr. George Kim-l Tillson. The boys stayed in registered, in the figure skat- Mr. Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. J' lovely solo "The Beautiful Ms e aso',Bouhm r nd Mrs. George All- Mrs. James Martnadfan.HWMC O A ,d a. HaitnfrteNwYa gtefepy n nie-Paokadteby Garden of Prayer". , Mr. and Mrs. A. McQuinn dread spent New Year's Day ily, DunbartonM.D' Addy Tink end Mr. holiday, wthile Mr. and Mrs. lai expenses we have during Miss Mary Powell and Mr NetSndy anay10 n hild pren,Tyoeweih Mr. and Mrs. HaverTronto. MissviAnne SAVDONYOUaCA s. Pe Dewel andTillson went on to Brantford, the season. Any further in- and Mrs. M. McAllister hac Rev. C. R. Rudd, District Sec- wt e aetM.adMs tog atn ubr visi with Mrs. ondon hta n id omtosgrigete fCrsmswt Mr. and Mrs. retary for the)Canzadian-Bible R. Page on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. James Mur- few days with h1 upn NSRNEWT Fr ch Sr., durmng the'sor. In Waindsor they visited these activities may be gained M. Walker. Society will preach here. Allaen,Harptnotstd MDonnalldoch and faily, Bowr|uncle Mm holidMr. and Mrs. Howard O'Hara by contacting any of the ----.- _ On Sunday, January 17 WoteHmtnvstdMs.v>ePr adMs ark '.adMs . o dSAEFR as osehasre-andfamlyandm Cathm cachs nmed orMrs J.Rev. Roy Jordison, former .' Wotten and Francis during and 'Douglas, Miss jean Pig. and children were e a tu'rn acDoeald College, visited anwithS athand orthru andM rs. Bee-L.GSAULT missionary ta Trinidad, will te holidays. .. gott, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bow. guests of Mr. andMr.STe t. as, d Quebe af iste r. JackMunStadf gaytnd bout figurskati. Bee OGSUT be our guest minister. James Baker visited his ers, Mr. F. L. Byam, Mrs. Elva win and Judith, Bw Spe nn hsChrstms c, a- r . Jur friendsandfeighb our nd asu wgue posetheTh nna HllBaree-cousin, David Ormiston, Bow- Beckett, and Mr. Clifford Mr. and Mrs.Rave tin he wihrisans, in Owmfrenande sitaghis tendages owte villae, aneMr. and Mrs. Earl Penwar.. ing will be held on Fridaymavle Byam were New Year's Day Debbie wereNe Ye tr.endhomrs. Harlsry Jose. weekale aseHJspiall thiteaers Unde 21lbgeDane"den and family and Mrs. W. night, January 8th. A good Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gren. guests of Mr. andM CH Mrs Oive Hbba Oh- redMaster RobeBAnisi the ofing. We hub ae"- Penwarden spent New Year's attendance is requested. family attended the recep- vile Byam and children per, Seagrave ..r 3&w a d i s .pening fheoseek nmg, Mater RobertForget, ally bee ngable to home tela wt r n r.M el h o e' nttt iltion for Jeans parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs atrP r r. and Mrs . R M wihMr. Oandr Mr. Chs.Master lerrt nr, s plano ave aothe ne lThand family,Jntil.me n hrdyngt nd Mrs. Howard Malcolm of were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy.adÍ b GiaLk s speiig te we anFst Aler M nr hnDais, pn th ave nrfutur e lso ey were StraBuprJnay 4a :5i h o - rougham on the occasion of and Mrs. David Park, Bo were Sunday Gilkes. SusanMrs. Ge Gibson r.Diasvois, nted h -ai ftre A guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. munity Hall. Roll call, "A their Golden Wedding Anni- manville ,ow ygustdo Mr..W e Mr.P.LGrsey it etrr ibson, Mr e. LVie- thsrices a ave secured Penwarden and Sunday sup- famous Canadian anid his (or versary. During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J.Gibbs n an Me. W edroBw Mmss Reided of North aemt .Hanlanon ark e.Lve h erMvndces fra1n.Tisper guests of Mrs. Kelly, her) accomplishment". and evening many friends and gons with M.dM - s. andn Ms Miss. SimmonandMNr..Bri, Pakin, M lnrkaeeM.ndomes îom Toronto and Orono. Mrs. W. Penwarden isl The C.G.I.T. will mectet relatives visited with the hon- Perfect, Bowar. fra.R. M.anMlwr.A ouga MrSimmonsaoth r.of.TorotQianneyan Mrs. V.Atnes s el iated wth the C.B.C. staying with Mrs. Kelly for alFriday night, January 8th ctired couple in Brougham Hall New Year's owmnvile, fr an famly wreNwYa' SpemnSa tdaofPTeorofRoQinyad. 2. Adestelens far and widnownth eNv r wd s. Rb 7ocok ttehm ft exndesongratulations andM.adMs oreAnsEG i Lnyn r.J C f f u d y n Peebo -fRR *. *NAn e re h rs eeM2.CraW tn1 rg noaad rn Hd ar.najadi nPere D IR K BRrN KM A Our eVIIODThe n r evryoe wod, Knda. Thy al spn7 orco t Mxel'sh ereSt MrhnoMsmonFusn esulthe ia" nd rs Clem RdahmadPoe6332 uleS On ea S ""teens®fa an" the, sa e Mr. and Mr. Sd or, arnd e on ey, Dien and.Kan Rs.2 d eeliibefrNaent 'yoM.adMs .E u. For furtherormatio nd atch familywere ndyeeningMr. nd Ms RaphGDohawaoand Mrs. erteFryi huers ustberistr e d ri'ffi, LaaMrelnd SAEAR so additional a dtisg uests fRs. men- wereSaturday dinner u uoOhwwr e akeBadand mshadRobr, iny r n r.mMtsatmblisrnaop Newcatle: The Court of M . Erc Fosay hs ha his trg t ethfe vllag e. lan Allan dvan, Tyrone, spent Do Mr. adMr s Wler Dav Year's ay gustsDonf r. andtrosuhedn thire gs eisthen r R Ahm ad cidexera.o e: ootot ReC sonursu ed agin nasevssme nt hegdTo60f e coesoustheand expcas th e w eeensdawith ra nd u d a m eiy, KdrnnMr s . Brian u M Ogomer, tonMr. 2p regitd adi ng ta-NewYea'sdaygusstfhr Monday morningtJanuarye4thitctwondollarsM.footlfortun-anime.iCameron.Mr. and Mrs. Harey Yel ý adMrs . a M.GeogeBittl- produc e-ig tile outlaye t a a n M a ndrRam to gie thirprlingoverthe eveloedelndindehs 15 ---Mr. and Mrs. Albrt Vhan-dlolees and famils were e n e an Dann a e, hawa , ecr us r raders The Ty rn ubi Sho ale on A as herortheN v etfotfr aitthrerdladioa VILLE B SdadseveniN y ranph r.r anMrDavit hawMrandY rs . ryder- ihteBadndmshveRbrLday1 Heights ara arehassssedaat.fot.a Mrs. alter an, e ily, Blackstock rSnday guests of Mr. and truhrgsee e dd e f tf na w Do ohu s epu Mr u ayM e altrs wor n wMannneh t s. aster MJDcv- t ane1 deS P E ingsa L LO W P R ICESD a N eprop t y bu- The o r o fge o a scae of 44 feet by 2h ;t elo t r en dill andaSun- M r. a ndM rs. Jo Ra yka m r v sieot H Y o -mnM s ru c h e o ssgo ry der-s r a re a deon esuot rtge. in ss 5 fen caeab 6srda0holwa el er s a yTyn 1rsantnanBrami A Ced ol m n1leRudlean JearBon··* ON ATIOaLB ANSr frontag changd fromg40n a isitors were :. aek1u; r n rs .BarMr. and Mrs. GJimgPhili pdce This is alornge amen as hawe rsallonfired, an oM.adMs .Qunr1e usso tergada-PuMr. and Mrs. HM.vJacke-,Millson and snTon New Year' an nsraceagntisasesed canescold e ad. er, t r.an Ms.G.ensMr. and Mrs. F.l.bSth.- son, Oshawa; Mr. andaMrs Day. thagetei ndev vr eloea de prie wagvnM c Ms usl ht o ahl ihran iney C 50o Pat Mcntyr, CricePwrMsE.Hcayandug-S g.Lt98 Sp il W inter ÀA ctiviti e-s-1mHug ndMs W.hnurphydays ls ek wth her siterHaysAnni cedtoday tGlet tMyS.ece.s.,ls s 8 Mrs. R lteS hdM.and and Linda, Lifford. !Mrs. Roy Langmaid and Mr. the support price for eggs in Newasle- n pie f heor o irs ndbos igedupMrs. R.davory, Starkvilan Mr. and Mrs. Willie John- Langmaid. On New Year's the period October 1, 1964 to aGLET - -Saiess SteelBads6sug.it89 w er, wh icheofen n o takerlparn our figdurelBowmanvill. e Btwelson and George, Lindsay, were_ Day they and the Chas. Lang- Septemnber 30, 1965, will re- libGLET thing but co-operative, the skating program. M le s s r s. Mr. Henr White ad M Sunday guetsonM. ad Mr.ad w rustsR.oFMr. n a inunch a fomthe a- SC R H ie as member of te. Necastl Re- ougla Waltn, Ir McCua Tom oodryith M an M. Ber Johnon. Ms. L.Prestn,,Bowanvile. prviousyear' 34 cnts. -oz.3u4.cestt79 reationomtteewhavte ben Doughs H o r Qinny, ud lerto Wood YOh Mr. and Mrs. 1Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNally, M.adMs R rsr heArclualSaiia > y et ming thv ee proWge, Alexwart Qinnd!AbMrt od, Oshawa. lWarkworth, were New Year's:Allan and Bobby spent several tion Board will support the ynd of he andskr atig ere aetvolntedmillrookaitdMr. eoFalli,!Day guests of Mr. and Mrs.1days recently with LAC Gil- price of Grade A Large size DRS AT B- - s- » u 1 7 ofrhoway. ad k thBererve i n te hockeyAubre G, ihMr.ad r.!James Sawdon. bert Tapp and Mrs. Tapp, at eggs by a deficiency payment RS AT BL S he wonerulwe their epre nW xtwhencky MureydiMore. RMr. and Mrs. Stanley GobtlExeter. program at a national weight- rienced before Christ-I the teams really get going wt rad s Ba and Bruce were Saturday sup- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Long and ed average price of 34 centsa VICK'S Formula - -4-4uas10 wa anie hetofthr w-ll emoe oy i Mr En Whit C eth y. per guests of the Kovacs' Hilary, Port Credit; Mr. and per dozen to producers, arenaa nde ee uo of couse ay el will b o Msg Mrs. I. Whit e wit Mr. andtMs ahyHlHapoMrs. Don Fraser, Englehart, In the 1963-64 period, the ic a a booe ber greatly appcorseiat ed. As lMr.andhi. Pu ol-M.s andhrs.G.HakerHamn r wr recent visitors with national average price amount- U FE N TA LT -- s- -c8 icrogrtabowas:in farathefigure sat iscth Mr. and Mrs Hul koa-John Baker were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser and ed to 32 cents per dozen, re- prat , s1Wfra the arenarthis' conerned, Misses PtrRudeld M An .anaka, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom, sons. sulting in a deficiency pay- e aethe ae thw. anedndaMe acGre have y Wn and Joan Hanaka,iA, Baker, Ottawa.i Mrs. E. Hockaday and Mrs. ment of two cents per dozen MICRIN Oral Atisept s au» nof ethe w a en enga agedfor his eonMrs Wanamaker and Mr. andl Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Graven- Sid Hockaday visited Mr. and to producers. To date, pay- - - g 7 Ofthee wahfloseye an. e avbe n or t u«n-M. Wanamaker Bewdley. ýhurst, spent Tuesday with the'Mrs. Howard Cowling, Whitby, ments amounting to approx- I thenson, h o yeaaeis seuin hae eie of nMr. rand Mr .. ercer hadBaker family.ion Sunday. imately $760,000 have been WA TCH FOR THIS AD A H W E Stpesoncare tak s er uolp hemanicsof Mel d Ms . it, Vci1Mrs. May Johns, Bruce and .Eileen Hockaday spent theimade. ,Ihiee as c ome this year. Mrlp EymanWl and Steven Pontypool, andiAnn Baker, were Sunday sup-1weekend with Veronica and The maximum for a de- BOWMA&NVILE anerthing cohasmes tos elr.M.emen-MTo.oand Ms. Eric Baty, of per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theresa Rushkay, Courtice, ficiency payment remains un..NWCSL erno- aer perfor erat oeth Icbe -n ,W ehr.IViand lMrs. Thick- . hGorerne Vandam and iand famiyvisied on Tu sday prproducer. Thisze rs JCSNSD U TRE JR SNSDU TR e o-r-so a s ia rner withuth f Faq o wer e and lM r . S o. E a iy w r an d I rs. n e thylMr adMrs. A. F. Aber- Grae A Etra Lrge, Grde > A LEX M cGR EGOR , D RU GSO ON ey ageawa FigueSatn lb.Mr.aydMi s.DaohnenDeKoker.Ruth, Marie and .GarryBk-entertained heir fariliy on hoeveThe prvdsatth | UR OVL SU TS H RM C thirtyltine, it jant Our ain to snake sonToronto; Misn Suzanne oa with Mr. andJ Y3. Seranad sons, .R. an esha ot gthat woul Newcastle Hockey

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