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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 13

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B L A C K S i O C ( J~~~WIth M-9. A. J. Cook, Blrook- iTrewfi. Doreen endDoad Werrv sand Mm Anne, OBITUARYThe Canadian Statesmn omniî,Jn ,1851 B L C K SO C K 1Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal-iguests of Mr. and Mrm. Fredi Christmnas guests of Mr'. rlTerry and Candy, Yel- Trewin and sons and Mr. and'June Cowling and Roy - Mr.' MISS F. MeLAUGRLIN there. A resident gfOhw hi a 0mmesad~ (Intended for laet week) ,on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Margaret, Toronto, were home:1 verton, were Sunday guests of1 Mrs. Albert Wright. an r.RylWhtelM.for many years, shemoeto elkn ninhedsrcfr Dewte ie log and rainjKen Dunsmoor, 'Brian and foIr he weekend. )&r. and Mms. Neil Malcolmý Friday guests of Mr. and'and Mrs. Reimner and Bever- A weIl known former resi-lToronto 2,5 years ago hl etu n riuaesnig rulay nghthere was a;Beth, end Mis. MKechnie. IMr. and Mrs. Rarrv and M rsv.Bradb rn, . bBoand fMrs K eith' S. rCath are r, .al,ýn tofhaagn, issFlDe.ce9,196,a embder of OSt.ande'1aetdcoimse.wl 7dyMc- Christmras Day guests of were M.adMs ol S ahrneM n aSt osddeps opît,19oron- nierChurch.rctteRhbhCoian godattendance et the: Mr. and Mrs. Godon St.rong,lLaughlin, Mrs. J. Forder. Hdsn hle n obeiMi-.Gro ahatadJ ' H t survc re in the United, Ralph, Bob and Beth wereland NMrs. George Wolfe, Brian1 Maxion and Roy, were Miss Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs.I three children, Bay Ridges. o h vsi e 5hya. Ms caglni uvvdM~ eaBag .... Cnrh Techoir sang an Wednesday evening guests ofiand John and Mr-. Harry San-. Chrystal Fallis, Peterborough, Lorne Shea and Kevin, Fleet-1 Miss Ruth Marlow, Toronto. A daughter of the Itxe h a brother, Douga c jlb heogns o h nend 0 igt!PeceIMr. and M-is. Erile Barr andi derson had Christmas dinner Ms JaMrabr. htbwodrr adMrLarughlnihelnneedtc.ilamMLugln n llnoafhin fOsaa Sewa caso.Amn tetriln 4d ls" e.Rmrld-Bever-ley, and Friday M-r. and! and evening with Mr. andi M-is. M-r. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- Collis andi Garry and Mrs. G. ý Ivan Thompsons and Jim Ma r- Bond, the deceased was born predeceaseti hy threesses yn eetttecorwl red a short Christmas' Mrs. Strong and Beth werelfHerb. Hooey. son, Nestieton, M-r. andi M-is., Johnston, Oshawa,. low joiined themn Christmas'at Tyrone. Moving to Osha- Mrs. Milton Werry(Lti>fsig Th LrdsPae" ge. On Sunday morningamong thie guests of Mr. andf Friday guests of Mr. and Jim Fallis andi family, Cad- Mr. Gordon Manning, Wood- Day, and M-r. and M-s1w0 awt erprnsa hl~ shawa; Mrs. HarvyCk H-GraThuAtHo Rcmurilchos asbis rs.RossCuris, rilia. Mrs. J.ack Bonnetta andi farn-ýmus. Chrystal and Joan re-lford, spent Wednesday - Sun- Leask and four childi-en, Bar- she received__ber education (Zillah) of Cooksville n r.Sa il-Me he."h , 'J- h ws aheady Friday guests of Mr-. an d ily - Mr. and Mis. Roy Bon- mained for the weekend. day with M-r. and Mrs. Bruce, rie, were Sunday guests of- -Jms ame (Jni) fHevnArTein. -choir sang "Ring. Mrs. Eti. Harris andi Jim were: nettea, Messrs. Garry andi Keithi Mrs. Arvella Menr-y spent1 Mountjoy andi fam.ily. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow.' Cecil Ferguson and family,i'Toronto and twobrtrs Te gnra pulc i OnMr.nsmrnn t an r.Ia on-LuaadElnLakacNwate lin of Oshawa. scc ocr tteBw On o'okrvicwas helti inet Mr: andi Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy,!Mrs. Doug. Bonnetta anti fam- Jack Webb andi family, Oak- joy end family were guests <if'spending this week with Mr. Mr-. andi Mrs. Tom Cole, h uea evc a anil etcsa hrh t.'JocseCrhirch.Canon Asb-! Grant andi Neil McLaughlinj ily. Ajax, M-r. and Mrs. Erir ville. Miss Isabel Henry, New- M.r. and Mrs. Harold Hawkinan Mrs. Maxlow, andi Jiml Mrs. Margaret Tarvis aniM.ed at the Gerrow uva ixrySro ot.Pso .Jo nCm unio nn As mi- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Edgerton., Buss anti familly, W hitby. caste, and M r. Clarence Kent- Port Perry, Friday. and Margaret Leask with the Olive Beacork, Oshawa, Mi.-.1 he Oshaa, ec br l xvi m nitr he es preacheti on 'Christmas.- Çadrnus, M-r. and M-is. Gilbert'!Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff, nier, Wbitby, were Sunday1 M-r. and Mrs. Ted MeM-ahoni Ivan Thompsons.an Mr.Ls ecok ndoloe b'itrm t sasinohsrvc. y Ceoem.unier was adrn Magill, Columbus Mr. and Graham and Marilyn wereevening guest-s of Mrs. Henrv.' and fasilv and Miss Edna Mr. and M-is. Jirn Ballitigal faml Prince Albert, Mr. andiBowmanville Cemetr.Rex T<PtrotlCuhwa M-urray ews eywt r adMs oreDf.1M.ad r.HrodWelLarmer, wt teKen Lr adbabv Dean, Pr er, Ms dletBeacock, M.H A.M l mitp good attendance, adas nand M-rs. Jack Chapnman antilPort Perry, Friday. fer and Miss Dianne, Bowman-Imers. Peterborough, andi AI-.spent Saturdey with Mr. andand Mrs. Lloyd Beacock andntrUieiCu-h Tîbeseka on Sunday monig Dec. 27th, Linda, Port Perry, and Mr.'Mr n!Mxs ar rgtville, Mr. and Mrs. GlenlIan Larmers, Tronto, at tue rs John Ballingal andi fam- bo>'s celebrateti Christmas ncd ucor thefotîntetohaePato Lm when the Canon's sermon was John Taylor. r.sanding ar W y igt Wheeler and familv, -Oshawa,r home of M-r. and M-ss. Har-oldi ily. Saturdav wiih Mr. and M-rs.___ fitn o t on a n:M.adMs ar aieai nBnrf.M-r. andi Mrs. Bob Wheeler Larrner and Grant, Bux-keton, Mr. lan Robh and Miss. John Bearock. d~X]toepeetejy PreattinoforSt ohn vs yfno r, n ls ai a1rltve nBnrf.and family, M-r.and M-ms. Ali}'iiday. Marilyn Allan, Toronto, visit ýMr. and Vris. Ronald Drink -or Tiblýoiinly fo a rew aro mm unive o Camp ln andCapPrt Pit e C r. sm a yd isitor hms withKhan and family were Friday~ Rev. and Mrs. John Romerilied M-r. end Mrs. Chas. Smith water andi familv, Ottawac lcgse esg.Mr *lie n e w i is e dyNearx m m u io n a G le ns tVa n C a m p sd MrPo rtrnPe rr y. fM-r.,an d M -rs. s pLo r n ed h ov ero n kur dI . agix amnitee. e t riia.were Mrs. HowardiWas Walsh and! nt -is.Evetj ni ailCoric, pntatiOivr Strta. r vsiig -s . W.anu W.JV Van"vmunîlean s rai intlis to bc guest speakerHilton, niMr niMm.Mr at --.Hbr ob'M-r, anti Mrs. LeisSwain l Romeril andi Dennis, Mrs. Roy Turner anti girls and Cr.-intmas guer.saof M-r.anubert III rreChristmas Bible CoflMge. Me is pres. qndtheW.A ofices wll c wre mon tartyn anihi r. nd rs.W.cntlyl ndprs svnorine anths. arodntecosan.b M.ant iras. Clare Vernon1ha anti family, Port Hope,. fa mily, Coe Hill, anti Mrs. AI-! wereM-.y(. Inducted. i'Iy, Fî-îday. lant irus. Bill Cobbletiick anti! anti familv, Providence, Fni- were Christmas Day guests! bert Empey, Madoc. Ma-yM- niM-- oanaî About 3,5 of the Gîe Club:' -,at r. irn ic-Sharon, Leamington, Mr-. antidax .-l . ie r, CM.anti e y - -re Co oth ihSho etcar- ai-, Bowmanville, M-r- anti M-is. M-is. Danny Cotacicco, Lesa ant Mi antiMr e uce - niMisWsPa I d TedMt~OlC olling ail arounti the village EmrArhr onl ni at oy saw at is M-ranti Mxs. Dava SwainiTillsonburg, were weekenti and Mis. Craxxfort spent Fri-and M-is. Chas. Stainton anti The Rehohoth Chrîyn e OR LDAPINE Wetinasdav. Althnugh it wsJim W'hitby , s Topsn anti family, Lontion, were ýguests of M-r. anti Mrs. Harold: day wîth M-r. anti Mrs. lied1 Kathx-xn, al] of Oshawa, M-r. foi-mati Church Choir xlprthuh sas Marilyn! Ethel Thmso..eekendi guest.s of M-r. anti Kyte anti faxnily. Crawford andi Miss M-amy Lo ni M-is. Albert Martyn, Le- sent a special sacretcoer gendhappy in spreatiingl Fridav with Mr-. anti M-ms .'lCheryl end Rick'v, Port Para-y, 'ArcheantiteM-a-s.hEtigar Moi-Lew, anti .M-r. Royd Wrys. pet WFi-i Mr ti M-s uaslMuntanti -ranti -i-s MafCrla otah rro t Snda (LASIFED cheper. They were entertainctbiAe r ati i-r. Mris.f anti M-ranti M-is. Or- Ven-J r n r.EgrHradM.RyWrysetFi r n r.Rse on-adM.edMr.Hre a-csa hrh o SbrArhr and rO1.shawa, M-m. anti M-is. Eailiay with Dr.aniMisJh o'petChstawth-mtnBwanle by the Hi-C in the C. E. Cen-' Bill Grace, Glan anti Elaine. ning e Fia gus oan Mr.Jhjys tCsms wereFriia gust of ________________________________________________________t__7___1 tre afterwaa-ds. Beaverton, calleti in the after» -rat --.Jh am Holiday Visitors: - noon.1 M-r, anti Mrs. Marwood Mc- Mrq. R. Ford lias galle to M-is. 1I1. McKee anti Mr.- Kea wara Friday guesis of M-r. - Toronto for, an extendedt visit! Hugit McKee, Norwich, M-r. anti M-is. Eti Lawson, Yelvar-i~ with lhem families. -anti M-is. George Dunbar andi ton. iJ L f1 L M-r. anti M-is. Austin B3ea-, family, Scarhoroug*h w e re M-r. anti M-n. Jim MoIt'h* ~ J f i'A e ~ ,ock ara sp-niding some tiane Fritiay guasts of Mr. and M-is.' Baleville, spent the weekend%#j VU y ic ceil > M 4r with Mi-. anti M-is. John Mew Bill Feaigu.,on anti Alan anti with Mr. anti M-is. Jno. Van-1 and family. Toronto. M-r. Roy Fargusoxi. ning.I Miss Elaine Mountjo,King- Mr. anti M-s. Arthur- Rahmi,' Miss Doris H-amilton, Tor-- wton. Mi-. Lai-iy Hoskin, Han-ýBowmanville, anti M-is. Cecil onto, was home with her par- !Iton, Mr. Jini Byers, Kempt-'Hi]! with thbe Stan Rehms, ents, Mr. and M-is. Fred MHarn- ville. MrAi-dis McArt-hur,!Fridav. - ilton, anti giandpai-ents M-r. Lontion, at their respective Mr-enti M-is. Walter Wrighl: anti M-is. Richard Wall, Fri- homes foi- the lîolidays. anti girls, Mr, anti M-is. Lloyd day. Mr. anti Mis. Gortion Pai.%-'Wright anti family joinat M-r.: Mr. anti M-is. Gary Xenninqg lay ai-e holitiayirtg with thii-at Mrs. Kaith Wright anti anti Penny, Port Pari-y, M-r. - f .ameinui -i-s. hnKeenfaumily anti Miss Ma7el Wright,' anti M-is. E. Little anti Sandy. 1 Mr. nd rs.Joh KeenOghawa, guasts of Mr. anti.Whitby, spant Friday withl Elizabeth anti Tommy, Bea- -i-s. Gai-net Wright, Port M-is. Chai-las Venning. Wayn rlonvî Quchec. are spanti- Pary, et the Scout Mall, Fi-- -aidLîn-ta. mfng the holy with her fa-! day. Mr-. anti Mrs. Ed. Harriis.1 thfprMr. Eveitt I'raxun. Mr. and M-is. Don Pargater Mr,. anti M-is. Bill Mahaffxr,l M-r. anti Mi-s. Br Deaîv, anti fa-mily, Mr-. anti M-s. Rov -Grant anti Nail Malcolm at-, Tor-onto, Mr. anti Mrs. Bai-iy Gr-aham andi family, Port Par- -tantiat service ini Port Pex-'w Dunsmnor, Kevi n anti Sherr.y, i-y, witb Mr, anti M-is. Mervyn'1 Unitati Chus-oh, Sunday moi-n- à Oshawa, cclehiateti Christmams Graham, Friday. ing, whara Linda Anne,, dau-l> Fxitay guasts of M-r. antighter of M-r. anti M-is Jack! M-is. .Herh Swain, Donald ant i Chapmnan, was one of the ha-I -w uDIr AI * I I Ralph, wera Mr, anti M-is. Bobl hies who eceivati the Sacra- M nth's FREESHOPIN Bennett, Oshawa, M-r. anti'ment of Baptism. After sci-- M mU L ! M-is. Rupt. Byers, Bowrnan- i vice tihay joineti the Chapman in th villa, M-r, anti M-is. Leith By- 1families anti more of the Har- CAH -r -nL.AR emsJimant Jaîci home of M-r. anti M-is. Jeck ',F M . an tiM ss. morray B -' ris anil. or tiC o a he FITnrr rv 1Wright spent Fritiay witb Fi-id-ay guests of Mr-.anti thair tiaughtai-s andi faniies'M-is. R.oy McL aughlin anti bY. imlyCa et the home of Mr. anti M-is.: famly wera M-is. Edith Muir-1yu altoh Dmnn sW David Faixthorne. Cathieanti phy, M-r. Wa-Ie upyatif u alTtfhe allot O'U Casfhvirvf ee rn f wbedlcge=ade ChrissiaFeint came home: fanily, M-T, anti Mrs. Harolti Of Wyoum*choiCoM andwWdballoo IootJ uspic We hew alteeys with thern for sone holidays.l Murphy anti family. ail of Ty- sile few <~Wee nkse c mlev'Mreb coe osetm o Fritiay guests of M-s. W. W. rone; M-r. anti M-as. Mugh Mu-ti- tpsibel ryUtOWO*0 l Van Camp were: Rev antiphyanti family, M-r. Albert Dominion ShOPPn o anxh iCh gmtmMCmi f YerCtsLSlb -iil I i M-is. Fred Riding, Barbara anti1 Murphy anti Britt, onmn'enotigh ta shop FREEfr3othinteneai Bowman-l on~ ffix cut st v'rfUi llexeing prizo. hnyli op atDminiiswe -bs e 'Paul, Chicago, M-r, anti Mrs.I1 ville, anti M-s. Daviti Kyta. soe Staphen Saywell anti M-ai-! MissJoyce Hooey, Ottawa,1 hisweel v o orfvtdt ai mtefeblo oi rvdda h gaTet anti Miss Helen Van M-is. William Hooey anti MissiyuraVUit Camp. Os'hawa; Miss MableiM-argai-at Hooay, Toron to,ý HeIp orfvw Van Camp, Tox-onto; M-r. anti were home for 1thba waekend.- DOMIN4IONA CASMrIERe ICI M-is. Blake Gunter anti femil Satu.rday avening tiionar VcaIoLI antiMr. Jack Van Camp. 1 guests of Mr, anti M-s. WalteiIWin a dreamnVctini Mr. ant iras. Anson Taylor,l Wright anti girl-s wera: Mr. BEAUT"¶L Scai-bosou-gb, -Mranti Ms. - Har-old S*inson,-Mr. anti M-ss...o S OL r s P od c Sp îa Q A I Gai-net Murray and daughtams, Fiioyd Stinson anti Pantela, fA 4 A( I*O S H L rs rd c p cas Q A IY M A P C A ICxesswell, M-is. J. Fortier, Yailvei-ton, M-r. antiM-i-s. Dale E IA N.1LA -Nestleton, Mr. anti M-is. Arn- S-inson, Pontypool. NEEDS IRM ARED VN IE E <tit Talorant dagbtr cle- Mr. antiMs-s. Alhert Ahbott, îmVN RPE E oldTayorenddaghtr il 4i//.1ýPORKIH PS o - batei Chrstnas ithMr.' Otta'wa, wera weakanti guasts; - brda. hristmrasrismas Dy; M-. ant ant irM-s. Roy Taylor, Thurs- Mr. Bob Smith, Toronto, join- L R E S Z OAOSRA T iM-r, anti Mrs. Arnolti Taylor Mrs. Ron Pierce anti Colleen, Milkîs the niost when it anti girls anti M-. anti M-is. Conway, wea-e Saturtiav' cornes ta Boy Taylor were Fxitay even- guests; M-is. M. P. Philp, Westý - ing dinner guests of Mr. ant iHall, andi Fl-.-Lieut. Pater anti c thirst-quencbing -M-s. Kenneth Noble, Ux-iM-is. Phîlp, Centrelia, were; tastiness.- bridge. î Suntiay guests of M-r. anti M-is! M-r. anti M-s. Arnolti Ta '- - Chas. S-mith anti Oliver. m PHONE 63-5444 lor anti girls joinedth ie rast Mr. anti M-ss. Fay Mountol i FOR HOME DELIVERY ihome of Mr. anti M-ss. Ronaldifanti M-as. Grant Mahaffy, Port' P iKestar, Zephyr, on Saturday.f Peri-y, ware Saturday eveningý M-r, ant iss Bob Bennatt,[dinner guests of Mr. antiM-i-s MEATY O NR T L Rb'E Messrs. Ronald anti Larryf Wn. Mahaffy anti boys. paNRA Hsknwre no-ron et lb, r.S P A REs.NoRIBSy- DAIRY paretM.adMsert, Peter-borough, Miss BettyDeep Cut Specials ____Spi__________ ,rank l{oskin, Friday, antial MeArthur, Toronto. antiM-d D A I Y wee gess f M. ndMrs.lAx-dis McArthur, Londomi Harvey Gra'hm for spelpn Christumas with their MR CE W I EA o T N E Bowmavilllanti the evening. arents, Dx-. J. A.-antid~ . " INTERIOR PAINTS and ENAMELS 1 raqT p esîtnM- __ é MD '~.I.b.anti Mrs. Peter Vantiei-htel, Tins g - Tins ONTARIO GROWN No.i INTRIR a Mr.an r. if ________________TENDER CRISP WASHED ~l GOLD CROSS EXTERIOR FINISHES MspPf. tut i-.ant i- IHEL-SUAD __ __ ____ ien ayo. hlt- PUREX - 2 PLY 5 COLORS RIHEL SUADr NIAGARABNDRNLS ___BUY NO AND SAVai___. wPLAToNt-AR OIS BACO ___ -___1 iMisses Gertrude Henry anti ** LAN RCNNMO ________ANDSAVE 'Doris Giffin, Toronto, wlui home wit'h Mr. Melville Gi-if- TO IE ISS>UE DONUTS__ jfin for the weakend. iM-ns. L. Bradliey, Bonwmani-ld i1 53.1b. ' f WALLPAPERS vii-le, is vistng Mr, anti M-i-.' W ks f c Pî -b SOME AS O OF F i Mr. antiMi-s. Raîpb Lai-mer 2Rî of .5 )/0-g LOW AS - EG. PRICE Sr. antiM-ms. Eher Snowdan, M 12s Bag MANY, MANY MORE BARGAINS St-ang anti famiîy, Ottawa, ______________________ _____ __________________________ TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION 'anti M-is. Ernest Lai-ner.AI vecaueSodtYur\ H/1 Saura M.antiMrs. Ei-n-. *-i A ecaL..iseSl tY est Lai-mer, Mr. anti M-as Ralph Las-max anti family')W.eev heRgtt!îi Dominion Store Is Unconditionalîy 0 'Coi-p. antiM-ms. Strang anti A \ABERNETHY'S 1Ifaxnily, M-r. antiMs-s. Glenn 4 Quantities.2 Guarated9o ive 100%mE Larmier anti family were W 2 guests of Mr. anti M-as. Harvey 1 Values Effective in Bowmanville Satisfaction. Pei Wallpaper Ylole n aiy on.i M-r. ant i-s. Glenn Lai-mar! Until Closing, Sat., Jan. 9, 1965. Dougalti families et St. Mai-fs, *F*R*EI\ PRING\i4 33KI(~STW.BOMAVL M-r. anti M-is. Neil Malcolm ~and 'amiiÀ' ,apeat ChriaVnasa j

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