f l'h. Canadian Statemnan, Eowmanlflh, ha. O, 1N8 Births Deathsj In Memoriamn Coming Events Articles for Sale Help Wanted Notices IReal Estate frSl elEtt o MALW - Mr. and Mrs. CONLEY, Etta-At Memoria1l ADAMS-In laving mernory a Rummage Sale, January 8thi1,000 BALES cal; straw. Call WOMAN or girl for bouse- nterested pras r b" Nrthoe-Tre emim GogeB James Marlow (nee Wright), Hospital on 1y14nday, Jan$arylof Dad and Mother wops-a the Salvation Army, 1 until 263-2019. 1-1 work, few hours weekly. Mrs. vited ta apply for the position bikhmmdm ivl Blaksock wsh a nnounce 14th, 1965, Eea Taker, .ôf 56 ed away January 5th, 1938 and 4. 1HPOERD1pl ---uk Austin Wood, 623-2212. 1-1* of Secretary -Treasurer Of kitchen with lotsfbut-nEA the àarrival ci their chosnsn Scugog Streqt, Bowrruýnville, aur 0 91 Dance, Tyrone Hal Satur- 1$8.75. Caîl 986-4709. 1-FULopatim irecbadslrg Henall, i-ivd wfFULLarparttirnewateitresofsimeblo e M ar.TApphip cola cuphonalre lt i ha.Po1 2 Fprederick James, a brother for: eae i o o Cne.Ma1h id o in lwday, January 9th; Clara Ne, - be.Phone 786-2518. wanted. Apply Mr. CampbellraBad plcain oVr esnal o uc ae An.i-i Rested at tiNe hrtcutt and, softly, es- HALFe y r. uh hneOhaa7 Ane reFnrUUo orsce lt bittfs Musicrnakers. Corne andM Vg1,Nwovle .~ ~ Htl saa 7t ercie y r.RtiPoeOhw 2-59 - ny$,0 anee o ____Smith FnrFuner unrli pnyurscedpo: have a gond tm. 1 _k Urn v hr teansw oe reVglNwovle. Skuce, R.R. 4, Lindsay, flotlit eletbihdB TENNANT - Morley andl service 7 o'clock Tuesdye- hr-teoesw ovdae__ __ATRfo aead eîee WOMAN ta manage house later than January il, 1965. Muriel are proud ta announce ing. Interment Fredericton,I resting Mose.igTusa 4horsrie ai6355 while mother in hospitai, T alsan-epi1B the'arrivai of a girl, Kel ly;N.B. on Thursday. -I And will neyer be forgot. night at 8 o'c1ock, sponsored' 29-tf school age children. Phone Eliabthweghig lb. 4% ---Sdl mise an away ~- by the Junior Chamber of---- - - 623-3563, 48 Parkway Crescent. Business REALTOROnraxast d.Gv ozz., on December 26th, 1964,ý CRYDERMAN, Margaret - At 1niembered by Pearl and Ai!. Commerce Red Barn, Norh AR5lWtrs,67x5 ee - 71 King S t. E..,omnil u nofr et Memnoriai Hospital,' Bow-i Memorli Hosial, Bmn- Ruby and Earl and farnilies, Oshawa. 45-tf phone 623-2465 after 4 p.m. EPRECDmnfrwr Opportunity 6353Cak anhp 3bd ___1-aAcadpatvilleb edin-- -- 8ndar am Write Adver- YOU, too, can make money, BOWMANVILLE.Nrh ro eikp oeo 31, 1964, Margaret C apman the Newtonville hall, January1 WATER for sale ana dcelivered. tiser 581 / aainSae-riigCicils Activeenacsofad.Hrowtr TWPINSFred nd M ! Hamton, n ber d year, IADAMS-In loving memory th, 1965, at 8:30. Admission ICal Cliff Pethick 263-2131. man o Bo 190 Bon ae- arks. ouinhilaeinitd abungalow. Attracie3bdanbsret.Aigpi. aré'delighted ta announce te beloved wife of Le s Cryder- of a dear son, Gary, whn pass- 50c. Ladies please bring lunch. __ 2 vill&e ___ ~ ~ ~ ~ ile 1-1 visit us. Stonehouse Chin- 'or rc oewt tah 690 ah hîrth of their son al Memoriai man, dea math of Mrs. K. ed away December 27, 1956. lPrizes will be given. 1-1 McCLARY-Easy electric range, MAN 40 ta 60. HnesaschlaRcRR.1Uxrdge ers o uglw garage, 3 Hospital, Bowmanville, on ;Bwers ( ert e) of Belle- They say tire heals al sorrows1 Old Tyre Dancing ever oda e.Phone 623-55-18,trioysruidn w-O.Phe85679 1tf M nday, January 4th, 1965. !viile; M E/Harrop (Cecile) And helps us ta forget, territory surrtunding Bow- Ont. Phane 852-6729.L -u icrgrttd Drs. of Doil nd Raymond of i But time sa far has only and the Nova Scotians. Caller, USED Washer Pats m iWaoer, plu tos.12,000 " r' toBuy rombnawonlgelteîdcotd Pieda ,Nothctt ndSmih Fneal . Cyle GandValey 1/4h. rn otors. Paddy'sl Vice Pres., Dept. CK, P.O. Box-- Only $9,800 witht and the wonderful nurses in NrhutadSrihFnr1 How much we miss ynu yet. tw miles north o! Picki.M arket, Hampton. 263-2241. 170, Station R, Toronto 17, On- USED coal blower. Wm. Alun .ers -- 11!olok Suray aserna:3on. gaitus _______t_____ 1& Son, Scugog St., Telephonel HAMPTON. 4Bero Sasmn-RLoki thbe Matemnity Ward. 1-4 oe uea evie23 o aeussrnt afgt1___ 11-52 tario. 623-5576. hm ihatc ______ ____________ I-i hom, larewth a lt.hdgrg nPoo9743 YEI-M.ad r.Cir-Interment Hampton Cemetery.l And coui age to bear the blw, The annual meeting o! the KEYS cut automatlcally. while $25.00 WILL establish you r Flarge. treed lot. This home is _____ 1-1s are i- But.watnid eant t lose Solina Community Hall wîlli you waît, at McMuiien Hard- awn business -in exclu-sive dis- FRTcl aiti efr, in a nice location n i x enceYezk (ee ube) ae 1- iBt %,ba ilmeat t los yo, coseta alvng.Telephone hap t nnucete ith- -No one will ever know. be held Friday, January 8th, ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- trict. SelI daily used products, close tawel calvng et a baby girl on 'Tuesday,,GRAY-At the Hospital for --Sadly missed ar d alwaysr-16,a :5p..Bsns il.3-tf Commission 4517,. Free pro- RandDvi, 63224t. Oniy 15mndrv JwMuary 5th, 1965, al Memnoriali Sick Chiidren, Toronto, on mnembered by Mom, D1,mein o1we ycr SPRINGWALL by Beverley ut frcstmr-prerniums. LIVE poultry ol ther1to Oshawa. Askin 1.0 ELO libspital, Bowmanviiie. ProudlSaturday, January 2nd, 1965, Itwinsz, Bryce and Blairie. l-ý party. Ladies please bring twin beds, like new, 10 year 30 days trial plan. JITO, Dept. ticks. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Beth.iwith easy terms.'13KaStE.Ohw grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kathleen Gray, aged four daYs, 1IVUU urne.Poe6337 ,53 t uet otei n.7~OOO eEETI-7369 George Huber and greatgrand- beloved infant laughter of! DAMANT-Ia loving memory Woodview Comrnunîty Centre after 5.------_1 -î 111 2-tf buLngHaTEDowbedv mother Mrs. Irene Terry. 1i;Robert and Beyrice Gra y, 74 lof a dear son and brother -Monster S i n g o. Twenty CHROME kitchen suite, table 1IWOMAN whn can drive - If VVr ýb~d grag fyuseti o pcashm ihave KigSt. Wes, Bowmanville;lBria n Smith Damant w* !amstety dollars; tive and four chairs in good con- 'you would enjoy working 3 o_ 'aesuet_____i_ Engaeaegedarnts e$1o5Trssa nioaseawyeJai.nthb196.. aTelthipty ollrs;$15oditonaeasnabe. Tlepone4 hurs da calin reglary DESSMKIN, atertian, wh $.00 dow. atac$darag, frce ai Mr ndMs.Rs Giar !Eugene. -,.Service was held ;n We think a 'o tdyfranîcpo-an w jcptsa 63354 __ -'pechmnh nagru o n daesmd. eepae NETNILE Mdm wt alhatn, bu ¾ar Mr n r.Rs ibr fthe Morris Funerai Chapel, But that is' nothing new, $250. Door prizes. Next - -' 13 b____ -.ng Orono are happy ta announce IBawmanviîîe, an Monday, We thouglbt about you yester- M.vi'nday, 8 pa.,. Red Barn. GOODBRAND Fabrics is auth- Studio Girl casrnetic clients on 987-4506. -123bdombnao.Vr frsbris iutdo o thie engagement of their eldest jJanuary 4th, 1965, at 2 o'clock. dCay Oshiwa. 46-tf oiized dealer for Eina - White a0ot1ab stbibdi n dughter Barbara Diane, tai Interment Bowmanville Cere- And the day before that 10. Par_ nt-T__ her Nght wiiil Sewing Machines. See ur around Bwmanville and are ALTERATIONS on dreseslovely home., n lre lt2040 t npc hshm A~tn Tni orse f Van- tery. 1-1 We shalthink o o ehi nteadtru !special prices. ,8t ilngt aelgt deliv- and oats SeeMrstF. Rcamd ,eriesrii)etc., O writeehelStudheiadiGirl ofPhone 623-3154. -13ocml ihVAcsa 2-50 couver, B.C., son o! Mr. and!amorw---Bwanil High Schaol BYNGo eligfuntreeieec. rteSuioGrlrgA.in i e Mss*. A. Forster. i-i HASTINGS, Etta Maud-En- And each day through the ýon Thursday, January 14 a,ýorappliances, caîl Elmer, La Fler Avep. onal 2884 tere int res in iiisale 'H pon: usinss 23-224 -Latitu e .,îî pa upta 32. A.oB IARESTAURAN00. T. O uyfo bu ,0 esadcik tee nors nHlsae years, 17:30 p.m. Parents of Grade Hampn: uies26-24per! RE&AURANT 19r. and Mrs. Thamas Robert Manor, Oshawa, on Monday,!Though absetourevy I sdent oarveyVIstdns in Bowmanville resdence 263-2695. 6-tf hour. 1-3 LL.JIJng L.aLfgHgay15 erOoo.nsstuedn9acso!ad Syeso!Toono nnune heJauay th 165 EtaMad eaand adjacent rural areas are A.LUMINUM Doors and Win- 1 PHONE 623-7127 ýFully equipped. iy$20.iwthgaradfnae.nl eýegement a! their daughter Gifford, widow o! Chas. Hast- Still laved, stili missed and invited ta attcnd. 1-1 dows. Contact McMuilen Hard- UNUSUAL, OPPORTUNITY 135 Nelson St. Bowmanvillel Terms. I$.0,0wt qimn n Juuit Eten t E onlen,- igtandmJohnofMrsMevLen- dar.BOngsILE--ndA mother6Kin S. a! owMrs. arg MerveSats ad 6ry 12dear. ar ngitMcntosh a! Boston, son 1Cryderman (rae) o! Osha-1- Always mcm cmbered by BWANILDRAMA vwlre. Phio t Bomne 2-40.3-'CaLa nited atesin and _________ 4-t h20 E ar nea yrn1cld of'>r. a dMrsThDunarre-i age oley of!4aronto, Lamne 1mother and father, ssp* WORKSHOP wiiI sponsorvil.Poe6350.3-fCndncopninarulIrirt..i- Teesigsnth10Aream I sste ~ astural field urgently requires.J12 ER I EFC 18,0oî pruned Soc ie 1x?*sh o! Gaît. Temrig fNwJeroey, and Frank o!jAveril, brothers Lance n W E aRTOS nBAT hrnew rapevc eatet p1LMBN ETN 600dw.i odto ihbtro n W1take place on Saturday, Port Perry, in her 88th year.lDana. i STAGE MAKE-UF ýow as $99.00. Full line irpentivinhsae f,'Citmsre. Febuar Sh, 965 a 3 'cockResedat rmtrog Fneal'- onductedl by Mr. Maynard I Beatty appliances. P a d d y 's fumnaceelarge bamn with run- Robinson, 8 p.m., Lions Centre!Market, Hampton 263-2,141. pictrushaerenariPhe63-50 I9ACEfman avdigwteodradrn- in-«Cnox Presbyterian Cburch, Home, Oshawa, with funeraliLAN-In loving rnmary of 'Thur. Jan. 7 and Thur. Jan. 14:h d1-5 utuaialgondadb P.O. Box 1599 Ptroog. Go rc n xr pig Tornt. -1sevie n hechpe o Wd-a dear wife and mather who, .-0____ -____ - wcll-regarded in area. iown etebruh nesday, January 6th at 1 p.m. passed away Janua ry 6th, 1962.' per session MIXED ado, 2 cords re- Poiin1 ul-ieo a 78 Ontario St., Bwa il home with al cneiecs Interment Hampton Cernetery. i Evervone Welcome 53-2i sawed any length, $35 a Joad, 1 itinbeul-ieo a Mariages Inemn apa entr.We are sad within aur be-~ ~ $2 d , handled at, first along with ____ Large barn. GoodiadAs' LbetGrdn MdNTYREThe -nul MeLEY-an--lOnowilowme20orad J-A.your present farming opera- E ~TN ng $25.000 with tem.5i oanbckuglw ?mT E- OE -OniLonely are aur hrarts today: Election of Officers of the Carscadden, Phone 35 R 9, tian Successful applicant cao 4nCEfr cmHm-i xeln eieta ra ,.81-ay, December 26th, 1964, HEIGHTON-At his residence, For the one we loved sa dearlv ýBawmanville and D i st riclet Orona. - 5-4! ,fcxpect earnings between $100>11tAn.HoE fularnodrie.batfl aoaycpors U~ied hurhby he ev.~.on Tuesday, .lanuarv th,' away. Socic'y will be held Wednes- heater with automatic fan,1 opportunity for early advance- WHITEWASHING STABLES ive soîl with amplewtrsppecbahihvatyndt- R&Mril, assisted by the Rev. 196.5, Tho sH enry Heighton, l We th in k o!f her in silence, dy aur 3h 95a complete with al] fittings: also ment in this area. toerlo rotdhy .Eileaed9-ers ubafid of the; No eye can see us weep, 8 p.m. in the Council Cham- anc 20,000 b.t.u. gas space Wiean elmeaotBETT M k-S ply- c45,0 and0ing.Ak dwalsand rmtruh d Foley o! Mapie Grave,t dear unclý of-" Cyril Beard. When others are aslecp. lie are cardîally învited ta alClle 1t o!& Mau av di. d - lae lzatbArfMas ad utmnysietCeasar.s1dbrs Bxmavi Te u-SUea-terPone -2969.- I-I '1.yourseiRplgton onVce- ta Phone Newtovllle 786-2 EtleLAKt2-99, f,0. alJh upr Menye 0Resting at t1hiéMarris Funcrall- -Ever rcrnembered by hîîs- attend. -INUTO, blowing mcth- P.denI.ox 4rrinon, Vice-ri-,-Wl AK,0 ar. and Mrs. Lyle McIntymc, Chapel, Bowmanvîîîc. Serviceband Gog nd ai. o1-îh oc1vai.Wrk dn-Bx 4 Lndn Otai -WifHAK3 ro- 1273650 Ce eOtario. -_____in_ he George nand Joani; F.Oi-D TOUR - m ' ipgi]aranteed. F rlele - PHO- STE-- 1- 2 'lestîmates. Harry L. Wad - Save Dollars! Have your hs '~~~T~mks 2o'cock. Interment Bowman- MEADOWS- bn loving me-,IMrhBth-2t Phone Ncwtanville 786-2256. Notice to Credior ertield and chairs re-uphost" onF.ieif e Cenetey. -maryo! dea fater ad i38-tf ered. Free estimates. samples ILMIE Asincetaal- grandfather, George R. Mead- THIRD ANNUAL TOUR -ETE a isltd NOTICE TO CREDITORS Itaken ta the horne.RELOI w~ snt takyou gifts IRELAND, John-At bis barn ows who passed away Januar Catrd i-odtoe ETE a nuac' AND OTHERS ieudget Terms Arrangcd 'Bowmanville - 1 rn t 7 hrhS. omnit ad kind wiovs ely cardon Soun on oCoach 3r, 196. rels s e nesampltesIN THE ESTATE 0F Herbert isePayI o!FbgasmteasinteWHYTE BROS. IJPHOLSTERY Phonie 623-906-33 tlft-, occasion o! aur Golden January 4th, 1965, Jo Ire-, Always a smiic instead ofa!a otlanTorlnudd'oeoriyurhm.Fe John Camieron, usuially knowo 0 îgW Poe6355 'w' cding Anniversary. I]and, in bis 80th year. rmerly Htl n ousfrownsoeonyorhm.Fee12Kn , hn 2-25 IHA A r. and Mrs. James Parr. o! Bowma ville, be ved hus- Always a band wben onc rcrsonally escorted etlae.Gabrn arc sHerb aer C aeof orhas 3-tf bHiGhAom,97arsMmrOswandDti 1.1*!band o!fV olet C eekley and was down, 623-5551. ____ -1 Town oCaomean le, ofthe wt rc oealmdTi ReiEtt or nd Phone 623-3265 o! Bwmanvlle, nCthe JACK BURGESS conveninces. Tw ban. 2Areoiylml --dear fathq o! hn, William, Always truc, thoughtfula O'-c!CunyoDrhm and Iom on Wds, tejburs aart n d m !Mm m Rrn(Mr- Wonderfuoremores heof Fabries. Sec page five for erly a! the Township o! DarI- OIL BURNERS - FURNACEIS $30o000.tersalmts od$ %Fdnî or ade fM .Rie Mr Wnefu eoisbllista!f mateqipls@id drastica,«Uy ingtan, said County, Retired CLEANED HIGHWAY FARM,15ars'ag an,6ar d.ires for the% ioveiy flow- garet), Niagara Falls, N.Y. 1 left bchind. COLMER ,IVLflreduced prices at Goodbrand Farmer, deceased, who dicd atl PLUMBING RÙ'AIRS 'with A-1 buildings.Ecletpn.:eloigg ore urGold n d dei nn- rown ngtte Ma oe, 646ndSt. Rager ran and rndhilond- ER IC:Fabrics, 28 King St. W., Bow- the Town o! Bowmanville on,1 PHONE HAMPTON soil. Close ta town calvr¾ml ae o fot orGofldeand cads cived esionng a bemeuga6 Sand - Eer rememnderd hso TA ELSEVIEmanvi île.1- or about the 7th day o! No-: ýWO11etc. Asking $43.00,(m.ae Cre rpr~ veraary, December 23rd, 1964. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, for ren. 1.1 jBOX 631 - BOWMANVIL LAM Sae: --o -aps-om -mbr--964 --.L ---) Are a--w-t-brck istd2a3ony2$5,0 Brue nd dih lar. ervceonThusdy.i '-ne-- - 14.95; table lamps !rmr 5.9.5. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R. S. 0.,! Mail Address: bouse, baro. Tracto nldd on 1.1* I ~ ~ -1SPARKM-AN- la loving GA TBNG Rug sale, 6 x 9, from 24.95; 1960. Ch. 408, Sec. 52. P.O. Box 543, Bowmanvilledoi.12Arstcfan. 0 mary o! a dear father, Wilfred tu9dxy ressesloy7.5 ear guaraï ICe dis a d stthe ov sae n0Tl om wih ilciy on Pearce-With sincere ap- 'MILLEY--Suddenly at Ncw- Spamkmao who passed away, Satuda, an. 9 9 12 ne, yloa7.95gSarat- ýcrdios and othero s aingLYCETT & GARDENI 100 Acre farm wt am enecsvan 3'x6' 0 iation we wish ta acknow- castle on Wednesday, Decem- 1Jnay0t,96.138. upFriueKigaereuI t dpa-Gýd hIe mder ethe many expressions o! ber 30, 19Q~4, GardonluA.hMi1ley, The baod lu Ou M nA.Mley Tebowwsgra, h hok W., 623-3781. 1-II. ticulars and full proof there-, SHEET METAL WORK es. Barn. Largepad Yfrtge2misfom e- àyàpathy extended by aur aged 24 years, belovcd bus- severe. LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE -O-FFICEE T- __ - -'aio ta the undersigned, an or AIiCNlTIN1G$17.000. Terms. tnil.Ecletvlea brUeis, a ndneg- band a! Sharon AlIdread, RR lW c littie thought the end quîpmle rtrs ddr, ahenty dpl before the 2nd day o! Febru-, Ooo -Otro10Arswt b4as t the passing o! our 1, Newtonvillc., Service was'1 was near, i Bw avle wies dcs ahes ul-amy, 1965, a fter which date t tha rnnaro10res witharicnoe.3000-$0 on OeW loved wife and niother. held ini the -Morris Funeral And only those who have losi at 8 pa..I atrs cheque writers, files,,assets o! the Estate wiîî belPhones: Shop 194MI ahor.Bm.Totau 7 ce nHgwy 1ssuly rfumniture.ly.We buy, scîl, rentI______Res. 33R11 (Collert) stmearns. A s k i ng$r00 1 n erOoo au '~os Peace ad !aily.Chapel, B m*ranville, on Sat- cao tell,' 16 GAMES AT $10 EACH service. Largest stock, budgetIdsrbtdhvn eadt,-îTrs'becmeca rnae Surday,,4hnuary 2nd, at 4:30 The pain o! parting without, 4 AME AT $25 EACH i udLa'the Will and the dlaims that AUTOMATIC BEEF FARM, 400 cmswt ombue an4'x5' p.m. Interment Bond Head! farewell. 1iem.Nwadue.Lw have then been rcccived.exlen udi "would ike ta take this Op- Cemnetery, Newcastle. 1.i1'More each day wc miss )'au, $10 ACKOTioea glan pries. BiDATED a omnile hsstrcam. Highway oain ce donn omn nity ta thank relatives, ---father, Sîare the eait Haltn RazIn(Nrth I a Ba w Dcmanviie.19is4CAI\VAH exellen$buidig. Lre$1.0T-Tms i saa.28-tf 2dda a$ecmbr,194 s and neighboums for ýSISSON, Mrs. Mary Adehaide, Friends may think the> 3 - Wa.v Split Ohw)__ Lawrence C. Masan, Esq., Q.C., $l.25Asig $5,00 em.vletw lisa ae gifts, flowcrs, during 1 -At Kawartba Nursing Homne,: wound is healed, Number for this month. 54 TV TQWERS Barrister and Solicitor, with 93.00 gas purchase excellent buidings50 ce am adfmae 1,0 recent stay in Memorial11 Satu rday, January 2nd, 1965,iBut they little know the lI Box 29 - .10 King St. W., Bud's Fina Products workable. Stream. Aknt uIpie - pital, Bawmanvilhe. Special Mary Adelaide Dcvitt, o! Beth- sari'ow, ADIMISSION - $1.00 $50 up ïBowmanville, Ont..,0Arswthtatsra anks ta Dr. Miklos, nurses ý any, aged 104 yearsC bld That lies within aur hearis Corne and hring your frlends OHA ASolicitor for the Executors. 146LbryS.S 6356 3.0.Ony$.0lon __________ _____OSHAWA_____1__ Itf 1Oshawa Homes: i edlhls eyseî Sstaff o! the hospîtal. ýwife a! the laite Jtphen W., concealed. -_______ Ross W. Cobblcdick. i-1* Sisson,d '> T ear mo fcm o! Dr.i _Er rememhered hs' daligh- FrRetTV SUPPLY L1 -1 Roo---gla, tted grge ah-DrintnBolvrdS, Elmo W Sisso o![ Bowman- ter Corrine. san-in-law George --- -wFouTNrndomwthvnt. obe-l-crol rc bna~ myrltieficd nCroO h dte(aV Ms i 0t LOADING - TRENCHING down.cms s oan. survived by eightlFred Toms who died Jaouary SMALL store,1. Divisio OK E N i Acion Sales F111 deliveredbuglw itscfctandaarmtsAhixrsad "4ltd eduio y ta j grnd dren, The late Mrs.'lIth, 1961. ApyOypaRestaurant.', _10_____ _______ 24HonSWATeR ERbICE and wrcntedaprtEnt eupeticuc.$300 Menprial Hospital, Bowrnan- Sisson rested at the Com- i Sad1lj missed alnng Ide's way', Phone 623-7153. I-1'A protected lodine Disinfeef.- , WEKan - md enen pine nbt ml odSub-Fu ,fle.i Special thanks ta Dr. istock Funemal Home, 356 Ru-' Quietly reOiembercd every TWObedroom semi-dÏÏached_12nt and Germicide for Farm, IETCKSLS623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE ivnqurrsOny$.0beaobicbnglw it ~ Rudle.nurss ad stff IîdgeSt. Petrbomugh whee da, th loe 'hme, ntara S.. pssesionDalr andPoulry anittionat Drha Couty Slesnrdn BARult& BYA Saw. 142 aces and.$20.00S clf the Medical Floor. a private service was hcld. 1r e keep in memaory telv Feb. Ist; $70 monthly. 623-239 otîîn .5 vîat DurhaBowmanvlalese Homes: Ter&ms.A Mrs. Hattie Holmes. 1i loterment al; St. Mamy's Cerne- ' of the past, 239 i-I .g1 75%,aalal Orono - Every Thurs.. 7:30 p.m. PLUMBNG & HETINGorn tcry, Lifford, Mooday. January 1No matter bow long, we williT -- ----- lodine. Non-toxhe oriiSligMreCtlSin,, LMSN EVIE 4Bedroom hoailmdrecnte- motnw3 SALES,-cmranveiences Askig bedoomsbick bngalo, lo :Iwish ta express my sincere. 4tb. 1-1 neyer forget. IWO-room fumnished apart- tating and Non-stalnlng. Calves, Shep Jet. ..A. SLSReERIEeidcovnine tV-k areaie ndfins - -Frthose-1haL-nw him, allment in Newcastle, newly der-hepet.9-7trp-h-a n FamewhBedroomabu AALAL ïmdïtly. Suites. bic unaowo ka to Rv. Chris. Duga.i i623-7141, -. the i 3th day o! ouI erKing St. E., Bowmanville. L. R.R. 3 Bowmanv rescaser- DolaSuile i~x~IL1.'lot. Asking $13.25.Tr. .,G1aziereand Dr. D. M:IAtr or 116,ar3eeb ee beBd-si tting room, ground floor, I1t rse otmoayCuh W,. will check: TWO, 3 bedmoom ugao rol, use ndsaf.r q194 aeheeynoti!ied ta nunsed el ecrtdIChintz otmrayCuhunecnsuti, ~ue1lnuresandstaf. 623-2184 send in 10 Strike & Strike urnishted, nicewldoatan nted!es and Chairs - Leather Couch-, Brakes Tires - Steeringndrcstuiobckit Fern Wilson. 1-peceSathincitorse efond haire- Lzy-By W Box:Wls stone fronts. Ol 2.0G__ ear t.':. .L-:We send *Sldtr o teEttBxkitchenette. 2. First floor, e ad hars-f Fi mac nshel Wper 'onwt ovnet ...GAATE e LIOENSED Floweru by , I640, Bowmanville, Ontario, onl'lrgdufunshd edsitngdsoc ceroe nvneak& Wino anywher. or bee the 151 day o! Febru- I ado m and Oriental Rug, Fot Lgt er Lgt mortgage for balancrda sevc a I Nursina nome 1-~~ltf amy, 196, ful pariculars o o! vaekthe hnedHlghest d ,-rOSock e ouhs-Rfrgrtr.Stop Llghts - Horn - Glass Nwtonville, 8 rooecrc eeiinSrieC. n Ldge Nursing Home -their caim. . 62 3-73 CrWled armStoves and Washers - Diing Rear View Mirror sud hoe ' I mpl ey.62-83 -t Imeiaeyafe hesi BURRETT FUR FARM Room, Dinette and Kîtchen Exhauat System.Anofecnse- way 2. Licensed. Ac- Personal 1Isdîatof Ftebry 9,the aneLngDitac Sits- Portable Bars - Swivel cd.Rergrtn ,W..ation available. Ki YEInupied iubraseso i esao iîb Wanted to Rent Zenith 66550 (no charge t'Oii) TV Chairs. Ail work aoneci8 oredhmewt md Nurse 24 bra. Vs_________sppie_-__________oteetaorwil e 8Rome hm e. Phono Mrs. Wm goodi> ma3.ed postpaid in plain distributed amongst the parties. lROO-M and kitchen, furnishedDp. Agrie..Lic No. 286C-64 ALL NAME BRAND GOODS llcensed mochaulci cm. cooveniences oni celt u seldenelpewith price lbat. entitled thereto, having regard Jor un!urnisbed. Phone after To2t!uEVE fe rNeca: Six samples 25c, 24 samples only ta dlaims o! wbich tbeiî:v1.396. orsopf- a1 1*n SoSava: ~1S~1DA e Ma Ber ..TheLur O uIwn! 1~~s.~~>r * 'f t rom 9a.m. u o ieof sale.: Save ay Be Vur Own SavonNursg Hoe.00.-Mai bber r Dept. T-28, said solicitors for the Estate i Cahonte - iataefaeilltleu available for UEORBDE LNIDnl onJo 2-64Rt1e'to <1 Sav Nu=9 omeNov-RuberCe. o- x 91. shaîl then have notice. THREE - bedmoom bhouse or!for Dead or Crippled Farmn 30-mile area.USORBDGTPA DoadMuty tien ATED owmani-- 1thpsstock. ik ppromptly.jTrsCah-Cheques accepted ~JGiLBac - 1331 h ETSh Smui-pivat. pat -.-.--.- th day of January, A.D. 1965. cilities.________oneleho623-e2926-221 Sal.u1e-s1evisonoyd Werî Ooo 69 a - 2-57 TVruDly luensed, Strike & Strike, TWObedoomboue onapr w lle Fur63ar71 1Seff' Frîtue Drvibn -ofeha d i - 63-ZI modemu.VWtor WO-bdror hus r at MargFriur itrbtr Pim uig Solicitors for the Estate of ment in Bowmanvilie or near-M rwl 17rFr Ltd., Toronto Rs aiànl ' aleraes IPIC Tung. A r th u r Leslie Thomas Cowling, by for occupancy Feb. lSth. TYRONYEFo information Cahl 85 Kin& t. Boiwmanville 'Norman Thomias 4.96L Hrwr amblane s rvie.P=n1Collison. Phone 623-3900. Box 640, Phone 623-5465 before Jan. 15.1i Licence No. 333-C-64 Whltby 668-4334 Phone 623-3134 PeterberoughIsdU~0Ei 081444, 414f87-4V BowDMavÙIP, Ontario, 1-â 8211 i-ti ~ ' -k 8 q v DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIEDî Tuesday, 4:030 p. m.