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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 15

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A S Streets. The drivers ln the (Doria) of Haznpton andlier- an ebrU ro,13 Wav- daughter, Mrs. Gardon Shack. MC or for Rent erly Road. Both cars sustain- leton of Hampton. ai str t sTOn r iiVCroom for tw e o redng. Also surviving are a sister, C Or e ngr w -1oi hospital; brek- There was a two-car cal-'Mrs. S Nash of Detroit- ed n B w ania ~Iea -ed ilu luchspaketimn Elgin and Odeil brther, Thomas Gibbs,' ai l i B wm'Ill 1f% del.Cl 2-839. Streets on Sunday. The driv- Tyrone and 19 grandhildren. uIj ers involved were Arthur S.i She was also predeceased byf January 5th. 1965 r tai with a broken pelvis. liam Street, Oshawa, ,,,Celreb ra t V J L Iin g EI s . McKay, Oshawa, and Douglas three brothers and a sister, D'Arcy George Hoffman, "Your driving record is very October 3 lst with theft aofN cnd D. Woodiock, Summerfield George Gibbs, Oshawa; Wil"~ Beechburg, pleaded guilty to bad," commnentedMagsrt bu 7 rmhean, ~I BordCort iam Gibbs, Crystal Beach; a charge laid by Corporal K. Burger. "You don't have the Reuben Brown, appeared MDe,ý-fie I tdMr. Woodlock was driving Jsp Gibbs, Croydon, Eng- Freethy November 22nd, of God-given rig'ht to drive a car cerrber ist. Re pleaded guiity d it S te J o ssI l i C 'South n Elgin Street and M r.1I and and M rs. Harry Parsons failing t a stop at a red light. no m atter what. You have a' and was found guilty. He was T e g l e v Y a' v h m r a n e pe w o L tM y . Write Adver- MeKay's car was coming off; (Louise), Croydon, England. Magistrate J. D. Burger con- licence whioh m.ay be taken remanded until December 29! Thegalpay, ss r' Evsterson, Ming p r 58 Caradian States- Odell Street when the accident; The funeral service was victed himr and placed the fine away at any trne. The fact for pre-sentence report, toid Bail for Teenagers heid an attendedhad a wneflFacsVresn isPt P.. Box 190, Bowman- happened. Constable Don An-i held at the Northcutt and at $10 and costs, or five deys. that you have a wife and ta get a job, make restiuton Thursday evening in St. Jo- ie and ail were give at iaWlik isPry al 1-1derson was the investigatîng 1 Smith Funeral Home, Bow- Corporal Freetihy toid the smail chidren is ail that js ta lis aunt and ta stay separ- seph's Auditoium by the hats' an d naisemnakersrVndnugJinItnyWo. officer. Total damage ta the I manville, at 2:30 p.m. Jan. 2, cor he had bee called ta keeping yu out of jail. I ate and apart from is pals, waatlc oth 'bizatnra-TheKeleksgeWhall r CC vehicles amounted to moreI1965. Interment was in Hamp- investigate an accident short- Y'0u1cOie back again that s MC.Lean and Sunderland. ___a_ st______________________ ldecorated, andeclensnMsLdwaVad. Accident than $100. :ton Cemetery. Rev. C. Catto ly after noon at the corner of where you wili go."'a Last week his mother i- O IU music for dancing waspae ug n letKrks Ac ie tconducted the service. Liberty igStet.He Ms ary Wright, wife ofore h htby Rick and the Iguansî eM.adMs li atr y n igSres e Ms omdtecourt whtehadtgeessremer, on Mr ad rsIFrd brRt R u ., IIPlieaer er Msss Onowbein qeson ths.1wiean grn Plbaes wr Messsaid Hoffman, who was east- the îast-named accused, wasntknw heehrsn aj MRS. MARY A. SISSON hung vertically, cmpeeyN catan Mr.J lCelebrate ~~James Woodley, John Nash, seen the red light. He had because she failed ta produce wePte ditdta r.Mr dlieSsocvrdtewlso on New Year's Day at 1:551S Jack Gibbs and Dick Gibbs. collided with a car north- evidence of insurance. Con- he and McLeen had hitch- formerly af Bethany, aged 104 and provided an efcielcWmnsLauwr h a.ni.a cardrive by Jhn Nev Yea ' _____________ baud on Âbert, drien bytableJoyntstate that . e ii-eh edotaLondoon ryigy tog earsdiedruietl in hr slep bakgroud forthe dncebcaperoes. Rv. F.K. Maaane a..acrdie yJh e e rs Donald D. McKendrick, Tor- surance policy which she pro- find ernployment. i at the Kawartha Nursingba.Huesvradrelt-heprhpistadhl . ]Rowe, 139 Wellington Street,on. Home in Peterborough on Sat- ters forming the messg&a-issat Rv .L only> rkidedonthefrotyrnawatAe IfrIbostynt rduedhadexare Setecer "Iarnwilin tagie ay uda, Jnury , 165eSh p"Ne aem eresupened'dvsertatheCYO wre ls of the bridge over the CPR At Golf Club L.EI.. %JudenIII1"1Ilived in Bowmanville two 8th and tht .uddent happen- boy a chance," stated Magis- hadbnay, ain t theref 196rm he p ersceu rchaepee tracks at the west end ai Bow- _ years ago," remarked Crown ed Spene 7h Mrs. trate Baxter. "Neteryo r alyasadwssrce nianill, an th vehclelaiti Nw Yer'sEve as ele-~ÂIf I L Attorney G. F. Bannycastie, Wright asked for 30 days ta appearance nar your attitud svrlyasawssre10 tearo n i t etge vYl ns e, ad theeshi weretiwithYepneumonias ceaboutsCtwo Streamersr youini muletîdere colorsemoservedutin fthed afestieoomn the side ai the structure. brated at the Bowmanvilie "and severai times 1 very pay her fine. enld t earst utie . you eesao Mr. Rawe was not injured. Golf and Curling Club with a nearly went through the saine Ronald Ishmaei Pleau, 360 hantol dta ae rsiui You we Ses go. forme fstvecaopyaovthe servig tales hd lo For sToeEssayolights.MShy Sasethe formerMaryrthe dancers.aiThesevstreaaersuentrepof estofdpoinsett th Damage ta his car amounted festive dance. Mrs. Pat Yeo' op E s y ih. FrsmteaoohsMaySre, la r d aear t do e . You r dladteitadu hte i nd omthe ctreaoo to more than $100. Constable was the general convenor, and ~'liglat is hard ta see when you with dangerous ding todec tatappear îJmst week. Yon Tracy Davis was the investi- the aifair was enjoyed by a Ms are coming east. ehpa ember 3rd, heard thrivine Dic- did not appear. You were toîd teMaEvaes D t and the ceilininta the tp o they w- gating officer. igreat manyý people. ais Cheryl Forsey, aged 16, larger liglat or a warning signý missed. Terence Kelly, Oshb- fom McL epaaan d et youwrgh Township, Durham atively fastened withbaoos At 3:15 a.m. on New Year's. The large chandelier wasa student at Bowmanville High 'Traffic light ahead' is thel awa, advisecl his client ta bingin sc mpan y . Y o n t yJne5160 and the streamers' enste Day a car driven by Robert L. 'adorned with silver and pink Scol o heSeilCn-ase.iplead nfot guilty. ar ateayep onU She married Stephen W. Sis- hgngdow t caer e ls Tait, Bowmanville Hotel, metallie material, and the tas odutdby CKLB Radio i Arthur George Wright, Cel- Corporal J. E. Clos told anfin at any ae offer son and they lived ail their Tewnoswr lopc struck a post on the bridge tables which were arranged ttion, Oshawa, with ber es-1 ina Street, Oshawa, was fin. the court he had followed Mr. ed arfnd aay kwateyo Oe Btb ona frm ear senlthe ae leading ta Bowmanville West around the dance floor, were wih Jack "Mo FrstFom, ed $159 and cSts, or 30 days, pleau south an Highway 35Your aunt. If you don't so etany. She was a faithful BecDaaetoteveil cnrd ihlihe ýnlsLonos Speca for driving while bis licence and west on County Road Nu. u eeFbur n ti h member af St. Mary's Angli- Miss Tina Hugheswsth was considerable, but the driv- in red, silver, or green crystal Msic'.Sei ,duhtýcof a ne upninSpe-1a pesupt 0mlsa phr eray2di stegnricneo o Bech Dmae a heveicecetrd it lghedcadisM--. dMSheoragagheraiwa ude sspnio Sptm-i t pedsUpto70mle aîrfoforr fr ou" anCurhLifod.geerl onenr o te ai, ULIPE ISIN SR er escaped injury. This acci- globes - n r.Gog osy ber 17th. He chose the fine hour. The officer stated that Six Toronto youth e Mr. Sisson, in addition ta be- Miss Louise Parrywa te CostaMmbrf dent was also investigated by Each af the five large win- Jr., 66 Ontario Street. and asked for 14 days to pay. he held his breath and slowed charged on Hallowe'en wingafamrws lo a unh anenorwandiss 'wordsHappyNew Yar wrt- memer ofCKLB' staf, and tatedthat e hadlaid te speding the elephoe svsem a impublcityhThoseLin-oOshawa&dD1 Constable Davis. idows in the room bore the On Sunday. Terry Mann, a Constable M. joynt, OPP, down when he observed Pleau mnaliciaus damage ta a cot- chinery agent and a pioneer d atro a ncag - Therepp was a two-caremer o col-s teffandatabi t onlithed aidgee atedWiiliamste'teePointytebegfin presponsiblee r hision at t cr a cgog- tn in sparkling artificial his wife, drove Miss Forsey, charge following an accident wrong side a ihe od wth tiogWi lltamEric ointell acBethany. At lais own ex- for the marvelous decatns elEtteB folo hck o rnd edriv-danowspovd wneswo cae fon ndiihwyN. .H adofa ppaî vthe lji umigs Cro are poe n i heaeaforad îg teesat1:5 no xcpîoaîy godad hEscndadicrdpac t h crnraiSun oa ealghsaiaaendon aohe eînin a oma eneheMisshefrs el-weeMisHgeshtehns,__ music for dnigwspoi tnes h aefrmadHgwyN.2 eadd'a hoe ai nd nk Satiron ers ai the cars involved were byTdKsanhiCaaOsaaadWibtToo-htWrhtdmte lis- from the west. The second! (male), aged 17; Ronald Min- in the village ta his fr Mrs. Vi Osborne, 12 Scugag liers, Oshawa. Gala bats and 'ta. The party met Jack Lon- cence was undei- suspension charge. speeding, was alsal shaîl, aged 16; Robert Rida-hoe Ltrhebitacn Cahaîns.Bah ebcl ss-noisemakers were distributeddon and heard him play with and a check with the Depart- dismissed on a teahnîcality. lards, aged 19; Reg Renouf,. ., Jn Stet adJhagny, t e. unsete Terrac Satres. nd oh vandy s-t.ot everyone presenit. the Sparrows at Crang Plaza. mnent of Transport confirmed George Allun Snell, Bay aged 18; John McMillan, ae tinuing line ta J. Naîsmithisi us tane mno amge CnsAt twa 'clock on New Afterwards, Mr. London ac-!this. Ridges, cbarged with failing 19, and LloydThe, agd1 store in Lotus and installed a1 tail ned ir d iiama ed. onsr. s morning a deliciaus full companied the group ta Osha-1 Terence Kelly, O s hi a w a, ta stop for a red liglat Novem- aperedDeem el, ped-8,switch"' in lais home. SBDVSO Two cars callided at Kn course buffet supper was serv- wa and bad dinner witla Miss1 counsel for the defense, poinit- ber 24th, plea*ded not guilty r cd guilty and were fouind Ms isni eebrd LbrySt. N.BWfa edA ru ofEnsinF'i i Me rs. Siso iember ed Liberty ,4j-,cggsresat 1:26 ed ru fEnsîlnFrsey and the other twoled out that Wright was mar- Constable D. Anderson statediguiltY. isear es foenfihu Corne In Today' .Ol ewlt eti on atrdy, n bthladies catereid for tis sumP-' place winners at the Bo-Peep ried with two chide n'htSel a rvn ato Constable H. R. Cornelsrie nrlyn, oepandsbdvso vehicles received minor dam- tous meal. Restaurant there. ýgainfully employed at Gerier- King Street and, not heeding, OPP, told His Worship tlaaj messages for neiglabors, and beautifully ag. h dier wr Ewrd Ti i heseod otetai Motors. Hie said that dur- the red light, collided with a!the yauths had been able ta for her laospitality at theirý Halîman, 72 Scugog Street, and ffTPTf~ won by Miss Farsey within a xng the Motors lay-ofi lis cli- car northbound on Libertyi came ta an agreement with home during ber busbaid's Barry L. Head, 96 Ontario U IUARY e otsSh a h î ent had got a ride out toaiadriven by Bcrtrarn Wanna- ýMr. Colwell as ta restitution many years af service in E Street. Constable Bird was fwner aia h a e T Cn- farm ta pick apples, adding maker. buoo ih r umns Manvers Township Council as thhenesigtnvestier nrgatiChnnlg CVoonfficer. h dd othata r.Sclluncillar, nt wthMr deputy aconelreeveutyrevanndE At 1:55 p.m. on Saturday a;. identified a tremendously en- ride home Mrs. Wright bad evidence, then pointed out camne ta terms ai reparation ree e ubadde 9i AN TULTRA-MDR -TRYHU car driven by Richard Budel,' Fallawing an illness ai six!larged and distorted abject as corne for him and lac took a that the sumrmons xvhich he and return January 5th. years ago. 19 Bradshaw Street, and ai weeks the death occurred on a cob ai corn. Her prizes in chance and drove home to a-lad received was incorrect !i This week the court was She is survived by two is open for inspetolyapiteto Vehicle driven by Frank D.J Thursday, December 31, 1964 this contest were a radio, two ward Oshawa. The car was a that it stated bis car was on told that Carol Wamner wa sons, Dr. Elma W. Sisson aiofN 2339 Manning, Oshawa, were in-lat Memorial Hospital, Bow- ogpa eodadapntotal wreck, cnldd M.Lbry Srefo Kn. Wblee ab nBiihBowranville and Kari Sisson P KIgpa ecrs n elly, n h ccusedlaMgisera trer dismised olumblia.eve t ei rtshweroaiPeterborough, as weil as FrihnsCuts fF .Kai valved in a collision at Kinglmanville ai Mrs. Lewis Cryd- 'and pencil set. speynt th e montlsedin b aspi t e a rge rsisepresentem byi.a . oo ile , e seven grandchildren, 14 great- FrihnsC and Liberty Streets. Totallerman ai Hampton. She was' randhre mnthîidhspandechatebreesete bgr.C.eat-le damage ta tlae two vehîcles in ber 83rd year. Traiiic tickets: (Constable Toronto. Hie said that the gnchilren anomes Bujit By Canstable Bird investigated. iman, the deceased wa a ach ETUE AS nesn Nv mbe s damage were sa far apart that A dauglater, Mrs. W. L. amunedtamoe ha 10. hefome Mr are Ptap- s F . EET USEDQU AT S5GPAns, NOP)ebert ae - siatsrcie igea-rncide.LOUPAN D Constable Bird also investi- daughter ai the late Mr. and;r SE"ptdnh,40 t 5mie it was impossible ta reconcile Hannala (Vers) of Bethany JLL.1.P ET gated a collision wlaicla hap- Mrs. George Gibbs. She was;j~~ - SEE - houx., $10 and costs, or five futle. Hte sueste t A ie 1960.rvic pened at 2:20 p.m. on Satur- bari at Exmouth, Devonshire,,La uu uhu s rN ewvv y, John Letty, 'Ingersoil, frle wtessbe calied to asA privat fneaisrvc e Lown- day à)t Ontario and Nelson England, and came ta Canada'kM flUE M d a a 75 ta 80 miles an clear this matter up or that rasld ao m s nPterorsounh. iA11o FI912. uiY cQUE ENeeinBiral home in Pet rbooula . His Worslaip adjourned the Mrs FIEQAI!Aresident ai Darlington P o r m $15 and costs, or 10 days. emeer, iJ MONUMENTS AND Township for many years> the c *~ase to anuary 26th and re- eeer iford. MuiuEiS deceased lived for a tîme at'RnldSotaiBwanMRLagsate R. B. Baxter re- quested the Crown ta cal] the WHETHERÀ Ebenezer and later at Tyrone i Rnl ct fBwa-M T RS L S mne Edward Ch ar le s necessary witnesses, adding, WHTE O WISH TO Apitett npc lIhnd.r,,.mbeoremovngtaiamtoe40 High School teaching Kernp, Claurch Street, charged jocularly: "I suggest Constable TRAVEL BY ForAPhoe6339 4atLend-nNethw.awnuai asse harm, until Jamptry 40tstaffitclahîke ta0British Columbia ounblyt OPMEar I MQuED kMl cu RAodILCrel e ientor ff OF STAFFORD was a member ai the Hamp- of the Ontario Secondary al uen, Prexs. David Williain Patter, Wii- and bring Warner back". I * i ace a lI be M .r Hi e ra ur la tt igthe. Royal o e ml on- J n a y Igh ith i e o B iis oum i AI rP sios. LTD. ton Wamen's Institute and wasScShool Teachers' Federation at 219 KING ST. E. thdadMs TA S I worker. She worked ~~tahec.2thyal ot.Tro- BOWMANVILLE I fRTTJÀVtermi. Bert Payne wasConAsulHV.IP- Spractical nurse in the district. Teacherg-were told that il Autborizest Dealer for 1 ITJAR- Heenan, ere-- FterW Deaidr or man years was teir resonsibiity tocon-RMS is PEARCE Malane was appainted Prop-JU Y & L V L Mrs. Cryderman was pre- wa hi epnibit acn ambler Car erty Committee Chairman, and & REAL ESTArÀ deceased by her first lausband, tinue upgrading their qualifi- CarsFoîîowung an îllness ai one Mr. Posteildn CmT RAVL AENCY B rot hers Wlliam Chapman in 1961. The cation. Speakers stressed that Phone 623-3356 ! month, h elaa r.Rs Bidn omte oravle 623-3361 177 CHURCHSTBO M C. Pýýearcerrath fMen-Ror- Chairman.l following year she married the former goals ai saiary and rcîaî Hospital, Bowmanville, a rn __ LIMITED Mr. Cryderman wbo survives. tenure of office were now aiiiHsia, omnilo Nou enrLeit ta maurri ber death are iess importance than proies- NOTE: Sales ta date are Sunday, Decemîber 20, 1964. two dauglaters, Mrs. K. Bow- sioala influence and teaching proof that the 1965 Rambler Slae was in ber 70Mhyear. Box 133 'ers (Gertrude) ai Belleville, abiity. la the popular choice . . . Daughter of the late Mr. $18 Duuadas St. E. Whltby and Mrs E. Harrap (Ceeule) ai The Federation was author- cone in today and ask ane and Mrs. J. G. bangmnaid, the Phono Whltby Dobie and a son, Raymond, ai ized ta spend up ta $150000 of our sales staff for a former Georgie Langmaid was NOhawk 9-3552 Long Brancla and twa step- thus year on a program ta demonstration ride! born at Zion, and received her cidren, Mrs. Gardon Wibur criniatsulatSSTiract avîties 964 RhaOitaioLa ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___in at , s ula S T, d i e1 94 m b le r dies C allege, W hitby. In 1918 in the field ai educatianal 7 -r she married Ross C. Pearce, studies.,u D. wlaa survives. Since her mr SAVI NG Statin Wago Mrs. Pearce hrad resided AT , V-8, fully power equipped. Mrs. Pearce was a meember iChrf l er B . Local, one owner car with ai Ebenezer United Churcla very low mileage. Stili and in the past was an eider under new car warranty. of the church for many years, DYKST A FO DS Trm Pl nts4 Volkswagen school for yearsan~d hnd Take advantage of the goenmni The Young Spring & Wire be an enthusiastrcwre /' Corp. ai Canada Ltd. bas been hete md]wt eobl"l BA N A N A tS purchased by Chrysler Canaaîo(.Loa, )n wneof the churala. She was talso Lt..i bsbenannounce loby nileage car. If you arý e in the TB Associa ion, RodWoTdgam pesdet i looking for economy see andwas pat-seretay a lb. lOcndphWUNTERirWORK. APROGRAM_ ent drig ecmbr.Nine Sp rt ILoyd Down, Ron ()@borrie, 25e new applications were filed Covril Ron Bîckle, Joe andi Bil L TR C FX U E Rdoand heater. Save Sodn was oracured for twa. 1 1 yo hi s a f KPoperevîg elaen December included 23 heads! Convenient on-th. spot p25 i1 aiv eents cases wit 16 die-esoupîce, To Co an i BROADLOOM (ARPET'N pendants, eight single esn, Service Station and eiglat peope who receiv- Oenro am. Sh lBad ÂLL. K mentary Aid. Check on our Toeh' eaa metig St. VV[lheier an ..Spl- utl1 ingtit be: R E PA IRS TO YOURH( 4 C The ttala cost ai weîare fo SNOW TIRE SPECIAL Jsehs Sprt Scha i Deem erwa $,98.5,bu wthacepabeorîe-n Board was held in St. Jaeph's 3ss g ctD ecmber as 4t1h5, ut h! acpal taeI Auditorium on Wednesday ev- asrovpcleanrecaverie s tugh ening, December 30h. Chair- A N A DD ITIO N G A R1 princi and edral s musi 24-HOURi mari Tom Cowan presided. dies4,23.8dche-ack a ont iTWN EVC Reports were presented by- ta$,238i heatulcstt TWNGSRVC ev. F. K. Malane, Finance RECREAR M - N n 3isl the tawn wiUl be only $674.74. Phone 6233401 Cammittee Chairman;C RAJTamOs uPlL EA R The report for December ai Aiterrmnan 4Building Inspector Ronal te Hours 623-2083 Fair, Prtopet hmn n 3 1s ehrntn hc a id Bobbe oPoste, .L.Buildig heria.SEE US FIRST FOR EXPERT ADVICE, FREE ES'IAE eie ttheoun iwalsomeber ndof U.AL. The report aitheGrounds eiveond a thecnil meeto- adO..Cornmittee Chairman Bill AND MATERIALS REQUIRED ing n Mnda evnin, sow-e iThiesburger was read by Mr. ed that eight building permits CNAT ari h nvial b -_ 'S er lsudant tatth tti sence ai Mr. Thiesburger, who cost ai construction wasi EarI MeQueen was away in Montreal on bus- M $64,490. There were lt plumrb- Weldon Brown iness.SHWW OD PD UI ing permits issued during the Bud Fogg Those electeti members of montla. tebadfr16 eTm O HW OD P FIEE In December 73 bulidÉiin- ~Jack Mffer te owartrP165nee John Cowan, ert PayedJohn COUITICE spectians were made, and 10 Bei'lylGoii Noble, Mrs. Michael Heenan, 7-1611 LIMlTED ELVRY trench inspections. There were BillI IcQueen Rev. F. K. Malarie, and Robert 20 inquiries, and seven investi- $ ales 'Poste. Mr. Cowan was made gatins, __________________Chairrnan o1 the 49aird for a

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