The_____________________eZ= 6 IN On Saturdi 18 heCaadanSttsmaf owanlfe,3a.S l5jG raduates Get E. H. A. Certif icatesFrn e YELVERTONl t Christmas In 1(Irmtended for last week) and family, and Mr. Harold . Mr. and 1V. The festive season was oh. Stinson observed the occasion la Muttfe served at YeIvertôn as foUlows. on Saturda, evenmng with Mr. ies t o Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wil- and Mrmi Wàlter Wright and Rs oei son and girls with the Rou girls of Blackstock. Halls at Whitby. Glad to hear that Miss Em children, Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson Henders was recentlY released and family spent three days fromn Petrbooug hopiad with the Jim Taylors at Lon- land spent a few days with Man and r don. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lane and Mnadgirl Mrs. Sam Cý Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, l's now staying with the Roy msDyvs Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson cf lHenders in Port Perry. ma E.y Cryo Scarborough with the David Mrs. Charlie Cutts, L'!nda, Mrs. E. Cry Wilsons and Mrs. McQuade. Judy and Charlie Jr., visited Jean S Rud Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- last week with the Fred M.adMs volm and girls with the Bert daughters oeein l M1cMullens on Christmas Day.,quaintances in the commun- CrsmsD On Sunday they were hsts to ity by attending the Christmas d~and Mrs. Ras the Bert McMullene and Misses, concert. Chistmren. 14ynne and Lee Adams. The annual Public SchoolMradM O n S tu d y th r R x - C h ristm as C o n cert p u t on b y ch ildr___ ___ __ ans entertained the whole pupils of S.S. No. 1, Yelver- ,Tackson family, 26 strang; Mr.iton, last Tuesday evening and and Mrs. Roy Jackson and boys supervised by Miss Muriel SLindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch was very well pre- erval Jackson and son of sented with each and everyTA Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Mur-. pupîl taking their respective ., y Jackson of Oshawa, Mr. parts in a capable manner. i anmd Mrs. Bill Werry and their 1 though considerable talent -was aie quartet of Kedron, Mr. dîsplayed by these amateur d Mrs. Alf Jackson and Mr. Ithespians, we failed to detect d Mrs. Doug Jackson of any budding Richard Burtons ooklin. or Elizabeth Taylors. The n New Year's the Art Row pupils and teacher are ta be pln aeneran the Row- congratulated on the resuits of cannection. ltheir group effort. Likewise, the Norman Wil- Miss Cindy Malcolm of: These successful graduates of the Electric Heating Association course ns wilI be at home ta ail the F Scarborough ils spending the fromn Port Perrv, Blackstock, anid Downsview receive their certificates from ilson tribe an that occasion. !Christmas holidays with herCE SMr. -and Mrs. Ray Robinson cosnCisJuyRbno . E. Crease, Ontario Hydro's Central Region Consumer Service Engineer. tertained Mrs. Gardon Rab- The Robinson family spent a From the lef t are Ed McMahon, Blackstock, Murray Burnf ield, Port Ferry; Mr. son and Mr. and Mrs. Bert few days with their grand- 1Crease; Ross Duff, Blackstock; Thomas Dean, Burketon; and Austin Kalfbleisch isee and family of Cavan for mother Robinson in Cavan. of Downsview. (Ontario Hydro Photo) ristmnas dinner. In the ev- Master Jay Malcolm ÎS ng they were hasts ta Mr. ispen ding a few days witlh Mrs. Gardon Henderson cousin Marti Malcolm while :family cf Toronto and Mitzi holidays with Krn Ernestine Hendersan and,1Krn y of Bethany. 1Mr. and Mrs. Orval Quack- S OI N Ray Roisos henbh and boys celebrated (Intended for last week) ren visîted at Mr.Ge ls a a ussc r n Malcolms and Hender h aet "Mni teatronHwr iio ad Pieierborouatrga. ingsy happy family gather- peills, Tauntan, on Christmas 1Ms oad Mlsn n ilies were Saturday! ýingswere held-' throughout the Day eafeno. aiy gguests of Mr. and Mrs.' Misses Marleah and Darlene community an Christmas Day 1Mr. and Mrs. Clare AIln Mr. and Mrs. Howard Far- anadso a Peer' Mlclm pen afewdas wthand during the weekend. !Robert and John; Mr. and roStarkvihle; Mr. and Mrs. Ygrandparents, the Bert Mc-i Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz Mrs. Alfred Allun and sans, ýRass Faarrow, Mr, and Mrs. K. nd rs.Flyd tinon'Mulen, anevilc'Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Osha.- Bowmanvlle, were Sunday 1Rowe,I Lnýda and Kenny, Bow- wa; Mrs. J. Yellowlees and dînner guests af Mr. and Mis. mavle r. and Mrs. D. Miss Gladys Yellowlees were!Wes. Yellowlees and sons. Lapham and daughter, Hamp- Christmas Day guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennîs Barry ton, were with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Davis. and chîldren, Hepworth, were George Knox and family on 1Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellow- Sunday evenrmg visitars wîtîî Christmas Day. ____!]cles, Harold and Murray jaîn- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink j 4ed a family gathering ai theilees and family. land family and Mrs. H. Tink ~ I ppj ' ~home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack'ý Miss Ida Arnott and Mrs. spent Christmas Day with Mr.' V M a r k s, Sscarborough, un !Jessie Chester, Oshawa, re- and Mrs. Perey Dewell and laChristmas Day. icently visited Mrs. N. Wotten. family, Hampton. 0 ~Mr. and Mrs. John Knox! Dr. and Mrs. George Wenry Mr. Lamne Tink was a 45 and fami]y were Christmas and family, Oshawa; Mr. Christmas Day guest of Miss Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. iMonty Emmenson, Bowman- Pat MeIntyne, Courtice.O Robent Miller, Brougham. ville, were Christmas Day Mrs. H. Tink visited on on PAI ONCorporal and Mrs. Ken guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sunday with Mr. nd Mr. P A D O Stan, Seve ad Tm, tt-, Werry and family and Mr. S. Perey Dewell and fam[ily, wa; Mr. and Mns. E. Larmner, E. Werry. Hampton. *S I G AR NT EDr. and s rs. Gln arsme Miss Helen Baker was at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink DE andsos, r.andMr. Rlp ýhome for the weekend. Mr. E. an aiy wene guests o. Mr. GUARANTarmeEan family, Black-!!Ormiston, M.and Mns. Ketand Mns. 0.Jackson, Oshawa, stock, enjoyed a Christmas Ormiston, R a s e m a r y and on Sunday. faiy gathering with Mr. and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Scott M.adMs o agad Mns. Harvey Yellowlees and ,Ehssery, Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. CRes Lang-d UST CERTIFICATES farnily on Saturday. !Ralph Ormiston, Betty, Bon- Mar. and miy wearles Chris- Mr. nd Ms. alphDavs'ni, MrrayandRobert, Mr. mi n aiywr hit accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston mas Day dinner guests of Mn. ees issued in anieunts from $100 Walter Davis, Kedron, attend- and family, Mn. and and r~ Mrs. Roy' MeGill, Ennis. the top fune~i1 arr Bomavilc len.thto epaddo , r5yas the funr of their aunt,Bar Cowling, Bwavlc Mr~. and Mi's. C. Langmaid lts high, Upwrd fo 3 4 r yers iMns. J. Black at Woodstock on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston and family were Christmas Deepsle ýearn the above indicated* interest, Thursday. 1 and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Day-evening visitors with Mr. If's buil Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis!r Mrs. Gary Ormiston, Whitby, and Mrs. Bill Ashton, Brad- 400 excl payable liaIf-yearly by cheque. wene Chri stmas Eve guests of ýýwere with Mn. and Mrs. Tam smr ut rized investment for ail Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kassatz,'Baker and family for Christ- sm.ad1f~~*o unarct w C adan Insurance Companies isaa mas Day. famly aeeboog; dr luaat Miss Pat Knox was brides-ý Sunday guests cf Mr. and faiy ee aog;M.and gaat andtrstfuds mid t hemarigeofMrs. L. Pnestpn and family, for niany andtrst uns. iad a te mrnagecfher IMns. Tam Baker and family Bom r. L quln yOU cati f-friend, Donothy Foley and Mr.lwere'Mrs. Hawai-&Couch, Missr.L qa, Paul Mclntyre in Maple Grave 1 Matj~Il Couch, Mns. H. Wat. "~~n.C ~g SAVE - United Church on Saturdaylers, Misses Elizabeth and Hi'- mai anê j _i ere Sun-buth TEafternoon. I ary Johnson, Mr. and Mrs- day dipi 4ests of Mr. and $95~ T Reverend Catto pneached alBanry Caw]ing, Bowmanville; Mrs R -L . gmaid. SAVE enidsemo o "hrstasý Ms.Miss Aurilda Hockaday setI slep De ifusplndd srmo o "Critma Mr ad Ms.J. Smales and Christmas Day with Mr. and F Regularil h iaih TR ST the beaiurc floral c o faml:rOhaa Miss Ma M. ndrnDo onSP naIonig Bragg, Miss Eileen Couch, ters and Mrs. Sid Hockaday. late Mrs.n the funeral cf the Mn. and Mrs. Vytas Treciokas, and family accompanied by leers gRo~ss Parce cf Eben- Paul and Ellen, Toronto; Rev. Mn. and Mns. Z. R. Taylor weeplaced thene by rela-,gnanddaughter, Sunderland. spevnd CiMs Day S withn tetives. i Mn. and M1's. Roy Kn'ox, sans at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. 372 Bey St. 35 Dunlop st., 73 Missiasaga E., Mn. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe Il Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Blill E. R. Taylor remnained for the Toronto barrit Orilla and family spent Christmas IMurphy, Toronto; Mn. and weed Day with Mn. and Mns. Harold[ Mrs. J. Slemon, Kathnyn and Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor Pascoe. Robent and Mns. T. M. Slem- ad fml ee Sna iMns. Rae Pascoe and child-'an, Enniskillen, wene Christ- gaests of Mr.and Mns. Morly 1 Gîlnoy, Enfield. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs andI familY were guests at Mn. and trMrs. Hanlan McCanrell's, of I reamsl Omemee, an Saturday.(se d~a TOC ~r KE~LMR MERHAN ISEtors wihMr. and Mrs Harr yyn ~ ~ I:AKnox and sans. $59l5 Ien 196 SOCK OF REULA M RCH NDSEMn. and M.ns. Fred Watson, camfort va Canal and Paul wene with Mn. I aryc MA Y ON F A IDand Mns. W. Watson, Oshawa, dec rataofr "NY ONE OF A KIND on Christmnas Day.CIleoar Mn. and Mns. G. Brown and lWnI, frai family spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown, Oshawa. r r CLEARING A and~ children, Tyone,, spent Christmas Day with hen CLEAIR NG ATParents, Mi'. and Mns. R. Page, DitA IrI ALL RE UCE PR CRA ;sMn. and .Mrs. R. Page visit- ed on SuÛday with Mn. and MrIs. B. Wolnik, Hampton. Recent visitons with Mn. and 'Ms.StnMiisnand sons w Mr . and M isan hi MM lips, Toron to, and Mn. and weMr. Bil.aand rsaJiny Mm W Newtonville. I sonM. and Ms. Stwand Mill- M m Mson, M . and Mrs. Stoard Mill- K R A p on .Were Sunday evening din- f il ner guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. is spending 4 few days wîth Mn. FURI UIR LIMTEDand Mrs. Percy Westlake and sans. BOWMANVILLE ~Mr. and Mrs.FrnWet 37CIIST.E.BOMANVILEPHONE 623-7071 lake and family attended a family gathering on Christ-.Jf 4 mas Dy etMr. and Mrs.ý Percy Weàtlake's.j lay Mr. and Mr.&anNrokln; Mr. buae Hardy Wltrust te God tho thing we lake Jr. ar.4 iam- and' Stanley were with Mr. J ay and do, the Cook famiiy and Mrs. Joe Snowden on An~d let Hlm guide aur journey )arty in Memnonial Christmas Day. abyd. )use, Bowmanvîlle. Mn.. and Mrs. Joe Snowden dabyd. vins. Frank West- and Bruce were Sunday guests The yean is yet unspiled. mily visited Mns. of Mr. and Mns. Jin Pengelly It lifts a sang )n at Strathaven et 'Bnooklin. Like saine cean shining in Bowmanville. May 1. the SaUina Cornes-i fountýiin in the heant, Wrs. J. Leger and pondent, share these thoughts A u ic cîng us ta night rand Mrs. Ken with aill -ho -read hs weekly A eachcwjog 1family, Mn. and news calumn aitd also the Edi ahwog ;trer and Dianna, tan and Staff cf the Canadian Bravely ta bear whatever be s. Keith Cryden- Statesman: aur part, is, Zion; Mn. and, For the New Year To wal.k with kindness and 'arn wene Christ-iTeya sytumrd. smpcty ites imanr. ad From its dlean page To face aur problemas with an rde and Mis No shadow nises cf an aid i unbowed* head, Rnl an Mis regret. I To lave oun neighbour with e, Bowmanville, It is as yet an uninade1 humility s.C. J. Wray and pigiae n aewt rttd u of Oshawa, were piUiaenAdtkewttgaiud u nT uched by joys or se rnows,I daily bnead. my guests cfMT or the fret of daily living. The yean is yet unlived, but ss Cryderman and Ahl is fresh and new At shall prove And we may keep it so if on Only the gneatness of our ns.FosterSnawlourway r Fathen's lave. 'Kinettes> Xmas Pa Bowmanville'Fine rheld their annual meeting mn the fwiMot at the Acres Resta A deliclous mea ed and 'ail enjoyed a va±ley gaines in the dinîing room ta was well decorated for 0 festive season. Each Kinette brought nf food which ~Pla a gaily d ot ~et 'd later delivereia tien Army f m ti t. the needy.W Santa Claus and his hel arrived with great hil and presented each girl Wl gif t. AVE $3O the superb IMMONS EPSLEEP*mattress ýeg. Value $79.50 Now $4950 3nover boon a botter trne ta bui, grade DEEPSLEEP Mattress with istandards of quality and camfort. ep construction la outstandingi It for supreme comfort with over. [usive Adjusto-Rest* colis. The oaven stripe caver Is sleek and va. And the superb Deepsleep la ted te, stay neat and new looklng ' restful yearsl Thiis la; iha buy-m 't do botter! A -TOTAL -OF $M0 when yoa, matching box spring -also only -ad geteven langer mattress lifel' $30 en the Deep- ILuxe Qullted,tool ~$95.NOWjus 59 WVE 140 on this MMONS leep Quilt Continental Bed 31 only) ess, box spring and legs Il for only $ 6950 eent bed, cmbnn goad. ,omfortwith arealyieasy-to-own oo$e from 3smartlY styled Vinyl red headboards (extra). AN EXTRA ROOM: IMMÔNS ELD Hide-A-Bed* Sofa 'gant dauble value that serves ilght with equal comfort. Operi Ild and you've got a full wldth, Slumber Kigratrs-ot itself -a top rated SImmans mlue. Select fram an excellent ýolours and patternls . . . ail chosen. Prices start 'way j $1950 E(] 'AD VA NTA GE OF THEIA NIA RY TUA W ON PRICESIPI -~<flE~ f KING ST. Eu ' a 9 , -àlý- N'Ei IE PHONE 623 -.7oi