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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 7

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-~ ________________ g 'j H~~~~lfem,', R.C.N.. Winnilpeg. J AII f, ohn Clark and baby Erown. ,The Canadian Statesmani omnflJn ,16 Mr. and Mrs. ftarry Taylorl MP L E G R O V E Seve, Newcatle, New Bruns. Mr. and Mrs. R. Westawa', I ~ - 2 I ( 7 ' ~ I ~and sons Allan and Mark, Nap- ALwick, are visiting ber parents, Cameron, spent the weekend ý*~ . ~ N..F Q 1~derso a nee, Mr. and Mrs. Errije aI- Communion service nextter Vera and brother Frank. M.a nd Mrs. H. Cooney and with their daughter and hun- g'O ý 1 a; Mr. Paul Conscience,, Baptismal service was held Peterborough, were Sunday! Mr. and Mrs. Don Hannah, and family. Tbey as iie Phone 623-3303 tOshawa; Mrs. NormanW - last Sunday whien the follow.Iluflcheofl guests with Mrs. nanvîlle, were New Year'sltheir littie grandson, Todd Rs Evervone reportedagodPtekptaenrltoea ters and son Larry, Osaw;in bS owalr M r.adMSeesli h ik children were baptized C. Snowden. Air. Bob nw alr nM.adMs tv e! nteSc hi1dreU1s crowd and a good ti.me e h inesSain Mr. and Mrs. Rc..i Aider, Patti1 Denise Ann, daughter of Mr.i den, Mr. and Mrs. John Hub. ýDoyle and Mrs. C. Jeffery. ;Hopital, Toronto. Glad to be NwYa' , ac Mii K Bukly ad aug- rs HaryGren nd hld-and Warren, town, were houi-;fand Mrs. Harry Chamberlain;'bnd Mr. and Mrs. Cranston Scott!al to report et meetinge Msn of Toroy ndwee at- rn, Toy roen hi day guests of Mrs. Norman H. Anita Darlene, daughter of! Mrs. L. C. Snowden, accom- and son Billie, BowmanviIle some improvernent in Todd'sOaneHl.hsdnc a:enedy Dc.3t.Th y visio Trtor wth Miss r n d r TomPearso Taylor, Church Street. iMr. and Mrs. H. W. Prescott;1panied by her daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vie Hall, Orono! condition. i sponsored b& the local LOB on~i colBor i viior ih is M.an r. o easn New Year's Day guests with ISusan Elizabeth, daughter ofiOtis Pritchard, and grandsons, were New Year's guests withý Mrs. 1-. R. Foley bas re- A. and L.O.L. and waswi odter .rtmeigo ,À ed Willmott, Church St. and daughters Julie and Car- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Good- Mr. and Mrs. John Norris: John and Paul Pritchard, Ma- the former's aunt and uncle,1 turned home after spending; patronized. Good musicwsTesaJn 2 tBtay C. Yellowlees spent rie have returned fromn an en- man, Wellington Street, were IScott Allin, son of Mr. and:notick, were Tuesday, Dec. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow.,1the past week at hier nephew'ssupplied by the MiEdnite a- rcial i hita ~I3 Day with bier joyable tbree-week vacation Mrs. L. J. Goodman, town; Mr. Mrs. H. W. O'Neil; Donald ' 29th dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, jMr. and Mrs. Orland Hall andi blers. On tihe arrivai ftete.lcesl ihvr e u ~ id son-in-law, Mr. in Miami Beach and Longboat and* Mrs. Fred Goodman, Pet- William, son of Mr. and Mrs.,Mrs. J. R. Bennett, Toronto. Whitbv, were Sunday visîtorsifamilv and also hier sister,!New YeaT everyone wassp eto h goes os h d Hockaday, Solina.'Key, Florida. erborougb; Mr. and Mrs. EarliV. E. Cookson; Steven Roy, Mrs. Pritchard and sons have with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swal-!Mrs. jS. T. Bartlett. plied witb bats and honm n emn o ntrobyr Mrs in. Watson and son' Among the many reports of Goodman, Peter and Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rontsince returned to Manotick. low. M n r.~ a real good time was bdb a h eti ayyas m, of Brockville are Christmas parties that were Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Spencer! Brooks, Byron Wade, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norris,i Mr. and Mrs. W. G. O'Neilî0 :cetvsie ermt-anlt.erlanc ae bou lntjetictwslidmet nPn sting her parents, Mr. and missed, was the one the staff Hope and Nyal, Brantford'ainBuesosfMradMssD aNrs, Oshawa, and daugbter Ann Marie, derthe r da nc botV r.C. E. Rehder, Beech Ave.'of Bowmanville Cleaners & and Mr. and Mrs. L. Crawford !Mrs. Bruce Battans. :were Sunday dînner guests1son Colin. Harcourt, have been r. Frd1Ahto, a under the same ais~ejpo ee.eyo ody onnJ.Jar. fmand TmmisidladCa]iLsli.nMs.l.EHdDuaeyenCyedlayLeenngit 800 .msnan C.. J.S.Dorrsladya- M. ad Ms. . W.OsNi1H.lt W.rma Poter OrnormsainMrPWiltaeridsn o Ca spent Christmas witb bis par-! Mrs. N. Woodley spent a a two-week holiday wîth bier the church basement, meetingltended the church service to and attended the cbristening! Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Colla- hospital in a poor conitin enta, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cam- 1 few days wîth friends at Scar- son and daugbter-in-law, Mr. nchreoMisuanaird;isee their granddaughter bap-jof their grandson. cutt were Sunday evnng seealerMr.andi l n eexedorsmah eoHgStet bruhandHrio , anddMrs. Ray Dudley and John Iopie, iienhp tized. Mr. Don Brown has return- supper guests witb their M.sMdln og n New Year's Day guests with also vîsîted ber nephew, Mr~.!David in Cincinnati, Ohio_, Mr. and Mrs. James Ricb- Mr. and Mrs. E. Spry ad e t th OA.C, uelho adTonrnoantMr and.MranBobdJobnstoeandlreturGedlthTrontorafturtMr.aWnJames Boggswenter Mr. and Mrs. A. Marjerrison, Mervin Stephens, Victoria, and spent Christmas witb Mrs. fards, Oshawa, were Sunday family were Sunday guests ofispendîng Christmas and NewadMspeo ohson nd in h oiaswt e andfinsadniho Flett Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Hospital, London, Ont. Ray Dudley's family, Rev. and 'visitors with bier parents, Mr.f bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern'Year's holidays with bis pa1._:family, Courtice. spaenits, Mr. aMs. hre o adprywnStra Duncan Fraser, Lynn and, Mr. James Lane, staff rnem M rs. J. D. Young', in Williams- and Mrs. A. F. St. Pierre, sis-ISpry, Leskard. 'ents Mr. and Mrs. W. H.ý Miss Carole Greenbam bhas Greenham. ceig M4arjory, Toronto. iber Bank of Montreal, Br- ,ton, N. Caroline. The weath- Mr. Lorne Trimble, Pastor and Mr. Douglas Lane, Uni-: er was a perfect 80 degrees of Chesterville Pentecostal versity of Guelph, spent and on Christmas Day Mrs. Church, Chesterville. visited 'Christmas week witb their Dudley picked a camelia and bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.1parents, Mr. and Mrs.Rosisoeacsuiterad W. Trimble, Ontario Street. Lane, Shaw's. i Rss Noew narsus in ethe i n Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey,f Mr. and Mrs. Denis Gagne 'Mrs. Bert Colwell and Irwin King St. East, were New Year's and Mare of Hull, Que., have were Mrs. Colwell's son and guests of Mrs. Fairey's sister returned home after spending daughter-in-Iaw, Rev. and Mrs.A and brother-in-law, Mr. and C}rctmas and New Year's E. S. (Ted) Colwell, Susan and Mrs. A. Dolan, Wiflowdale. 'with Mrs. Gagne's parents, Tommy, Coe Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations and bes; Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Eldridge, Paul Melntyre, Oshawa; Mr. wisbes ta Mr. and Mrs. Wm.i Meadowview Blvd. and Mrs. Ted Foley, Mr. Don- qnn, Centre Street, who celle- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare,adFoeMsParHokn btated their 63rd weddy1g an- Tyrone; Mr. Bert Jewell Base Line; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie ersary on New Year s Day. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. H.J: Foley and Mrs. R. L. Worden, 4 r1Y Ms oh es Babcock and Mrs. Marjerrison town. Ted and bis family Jim and Jill have returned to town, were New Year' ys petI:oul o dyAw& Tweed after spending the holi- supper guests witb Miss Mabel bis mother and brother. days with her parents, Mr. and! Jewell, Carlisle Ave. New Year's visitors with Mrs. Percy Luxton Sr., Hunt Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, Street.i Silver Street, have returneci Scugog Street, were Mrs. War- Mr. Gerald Hallowell bas re-: home after spending Christ- ren Pincb, Sarasota, Florida; fured o Vctoia ollgemas week with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pineh, tunerse i toronto, after and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Esie Jean and Richard, Cleve- ,Unvesit o Toono, ftr G Lwinerandfaily Ok-land, Ohio; Mr. and Mrsi speding the holîdays witb bis G. LawingerLandofnl, Oa DoueltheGIlDoA, W aycEveryday parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Hal- ridg crs1onoOn Lnas iklon, OiB ruce aned fA e Wa Ee rd îowell.Dnad Mr. and Mrs. J. Varo, Dirkf Ll inWckf, SaObaio , Mc1 Miss oad Creasser re-i Mark and Scott retur' t Allan r.Wm Pinc San rso' turnd hme ast eekaft 1 teirhom inMontrea, Que., Lake, Louisiana; Mr. and Mrs.i O IDNLZEGSsg.lt796c spending Christmas with ber onl Sunday after spendîng Gerald Pincb and Gerald Jr. COîII OEGS- ugls 9 7 talusins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Need- Christmas and New Year's of Searborough, Ont.; Mr.______________________-- - City, Que.n Mrs. John Humphrey, and Mrs. Donald Ca, AMr Y AHR M Ci adtaoyQebcI ri Ms VrQsprnter.ay ich s Awa , dMr ug ls 1535 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sauind Dvso tetndCnha saa 8 mm Higlier Sperd Movi.'Film (1nciludes Proce,"ing) ers and Mrs. E. Brass, Toron- Mc. and Mcs. A. S. Badger,!R LE M ta, spent Boxing Day with Mr.!Barbi and Patti, Woodstock;!RçAr i rn IN Saunders' parents, Mr. and spent Christmas week with' flPT A I MAGNOLAX Laxative tiugg. llst 85c 65c Mr.AThr andrWav-1h is parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J.L Mr. !rbu Suner, Badger, King St. East. O. S. JSP HMO COD LIVER OIL Capsules I.D.A. 1o' Reg. 98e 77C erley Road. -David S. Badger, R.C.N., Hali.- OEP fTHMO Holiday guests with Dr. and 'fax, also spent part of bis 1 A High Requiem Mass was' Gillette FOAMY Shave Cream sugg, llst 79c 68C Mrs. E. W. Sîsson were Mr. Christmas leave with hiýlfsung December 29th, 1964, at' a KelWodland Mrs tp.nSso and grandparents. ýSt. Peter's Roman Catholie GlLLETTEStainless Steel Blades 6's sugg. list 89o 77c SYLVANAAG1o M- Kelly, WiShacon LeandcMr.nandChurch, Trenton, for Joseph versity of Toronto, atrspn-W.Thmoafre s-SC R Hair DeSn -zsg.ls 9 68C Hear the 'ing Christmas with ber par- wa resident, who died Dec. 26,14ssg. lt12 Rehoboth Choir Lah teddte7hItr pital The deceased had bee& O M R ARG O MIGD IT N A LT .0 40 Members ýVarsity Missionary conven- i faîling bealth for some time 1 IK oml 4sg.ls .510 40 Membonhed tth Uiersittion and was in bis 68th yeac. f Conditions as it groomsl UFRNTBESi.50ssg.ls 8 3 1tth Illinois, Urbana, Ilinois, re- He was born at Wigan, Lan- B FEI A LT ossg.ls 8 3 tth turning home on New Year' S cashire, England, the son of i~"16 1 a.the late Mr. and Mrs. Jsp, SUGG. LS 8 MICRIN Oral Antiseticsg.ls 9 7 U ITl Day.NVLL William Thomson. JseîLST 8cpcug.lt7co7 BO M NVLE 'New Yea's Day guests with1 For 26 years he was an ac- ITALIAN BALM - - ----5ugg. llst 59e 49C PENTECOSTAL Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, counitant with General Motors iAG1Bu PE TEOSAL bTird Street, wpre Mrs. KilN of Canada Ltd. Mr, Thomson f CDE Blu ASSEMBLY ýleen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. was a resident of Oshawa for SPECI SU78 C204 Harvey Aiken, Tom andirmany years until maving ta LISTEIAS UG Liery tre, ouh abaaMiibok;Mr adCoseýn OtALLgt ersEFECI E CNILS 1.59Y M Bu LieryMrs. Orville Challice and fam- ao ily, Orono, and Mr. and. Mrs. fHei FF CTIE NTa JA UA Y 9 i ___of___St.__ SIJNDAY, JAN. lUth Keitb Tregunna and fm 0y f'p as a embr ohSt f -'iKedron. fm l etec r cb àt 7 É..M. Mr*, r ---ýïH1a ir- The-decelsed is eurvived .by tucned home on Monday afterlAnn Robinson, and three iU A Mr a~dMr. amHllce bs îf, hHfrmradny: Shoulders aa Kudra's Subject: spending Christmas and New daughters, Mrs. John Higgins i i uwPp oBsl Year's with their son and (Catherine), Mrs. Thomas, ef Me sa Whb man Whose Life daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hartney (Louise), bath of Hung y a Tread" Ronald Hall, Jimmy and Toronto, and Mrs. Kaye Elliott ',*n r Hn yaTra Nancy, Chatham. Mr. W. Tay- (Ann) of Trenton. FO U SE S O Aaafi lacpat.metlze o alsa spent Christmas and Two sans, Joseph of Osha- >nam npoo F R ur i JI D R fl1h Departmetalized New Year's with bis nephewv, wa, and Frederick of Bowman-8zSP C L Sua Mrs. Ronald Hall. 'ville, also survive. The deceas-: 0 ., ug lit 12SP C Sunday School 9:55 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gecry Tait,'das lae cesserHn~ed&sgg Ist 12 Oshawa, were Christmas Eve'England, Mrs. Nellie Benson, Saoti1s, Worship -i a.m. and New Year's Day visi-fMr.AW.HrioadMs.l. "WATEDPOWR" tacs with Mrs. Amy Tait. Evelyn Harrison, and il grand- sà Oe~- «'ASEDPO ER irs. Tait spent Christmas chi]dren also survive. I~ Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. Tait in Oshawa. New Year'slth~e mass and interment was Dywt r n r eyRv .G lnysn a dutý. *-P C A Day visitors witb Mcs. Tait in Mount Calvary Cemetery. j ff .ampoou m Family Night Service lwere Mrs. Ada SwndellslThe palbearers were Kaye 1 "THOUGHTS ON 1 George and Kay Forsey, Randy lHartney, Douglas Stcickland, 1 iE l HarnJohn Higins, Thomysthat really works! REVVAL 'ad Cndy ton.1 Michael Harrison and Sidney f &2d27« «'Let Un Go Itot the Hanse f Hughes and family, Librtv of thec Lord!" ýStreet North, were Mc. anèî JOHN ANGUS MacLEAN . Mrs. D. Williamson, Toronto,, The deatb accurred sudden-i ci fol f ist 89 7 7 . ka- - - *n_ ___V_______ --- ean, od freman foc Dar- ington Township. Mc. Mac- TRIN TY NITE CH RCH Lean was in bis 46th yeac. TRIN TY U ITED CRUR H 'iBorn at Antigonish, Nova K. rScotia, Mr. MacLean was3 Minister- Rev. Wrn. . Houslander, B.A., B.D.1 son of the late Mc. and Mcs. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. . asAnsMaha.H received bis education at New SUNDAY, JANUARY lUth, 1965. Glasgow, Nova Scotia, and came to the Bowmanville acea 11 a.m. - Morning Worsbip in 1950. He bad been an emn- ployee of the Township for Sacrament of HoIy Communion over 12 years and formerly' "No the Fondaton, ~ ,worked for the Eastecn Car "No therFoun atio"" iPlant, Trenton, N.S. He ai- 7 p.m. - Evening Worship tended St. Josepb's Roman Catholic C'hurcb, Bowrnan- Sacrament of HoIy Communion ville. He was an ardent sports "Hurn n Pasion"fan, and always had a smile. SUNDA SCHOL fHe is survived by bis wife,, SUNAY CHOL the former Katharine M- Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 9:30 a.m. iGrath, and six children, Vellaý Primry nd indegaren 11:0 ai. (Mi-s. John Rekker), Coiirtice,ý Primry nd indegaren 11:0 am. Leo of Bowrnanville, Heather,, Beginners - 11:00 arn. Veral, Ronnie and Pbîlip at r home; and two grandchildren, Mark and Vance. Also surviving are his steo- Smotiber, r.Mn aLn, R u1uBQ TH CHRISTIAN ! five sisters, Evelyn (Mrs.1 H kenry Murphy), Trenton, NS.,' Florence (Mrs. George Day- ies), WestviIle, N.S., Mar-, Rt~uK ED ~URCHguerite (Mrs. Gerry Cunning- ham), R.N .,.Halifax, N.S.,' Scugg Sreet BomanvlleJean (Mrs. Don MacLean), r Seugo Stret, Bwmanvlle New Glasgow, N.S., sabelleý (M.rs. George Rockey), Avon-1 Rev ohn . Vrbruge, .A. B.D Minter dale, NS.: and two half-bro-. Rev.Joh C_ erbugge B.., BD.,Miniter t&ers, Hugh and Leo of Suth-; Telephone 623-5023 erlands River, N.S.; and tw& half-sisters, Marie (Mrs. Rod- WORSIpSRVICS !die MacDougall), Antigonish,! _OSI SRIE N.S., and Louise (Mrs. James :Boyle), Truro, N.S. A brother! 9:00 a.m. - Dutch predeceased hlm. iThe funerai was held Dec- 11:00 a.m. - English f ember 5th at 10 o'clock from:ý i 7:0 p.. - ngliii ISt. Joseph's Cburch, Bowman-, ville. nhe service was con-ý Proclaiing the WhI ecouslo o ducted by Rev. F. K. Malane.! s o. ounsl et d Pllbearers were Ceci] Mills, ________Allan Dickle, Cart. Ferguson,' Bull Ashton, Lae Annis and Bruoe MontgSniery. The beautiful floral tributesi "Back To God Hour"" Broadcat frc>ni friends and relativesf teera in wbhich thUicea fd CKLS Sunday, Jan. lOth, at 9:15 p.rn. wOs held. Interment in Bowmanville Feminine Napkins Regular, Super or Sienderline 12's sugg. Iist 51c 39C g raceuue Royale Facial Tîssues SPECIAL 29c 3-pIy Facial Royale man size 3 -ply Facial Tissues A MAJOR BREAK - THROUGH IN SHAVING COMFORT Enjoy the sheer comfort of HOT lather shaving with this brand new product. Just boId the top of the can under hot water for a few seconds and presto, you have a bot creamy, beard-softening lather. I Schlek bot lather Shave Sehlck hot lather Shave' Cream wltb Stainless Steel Creain and Stainleas Steel Injector Blades. Double-Edge Diades, BOT OLY2.00 BOTH ONLY 1.79 SAVE 40c Sehlck hot lather Shave Creani and New Double - Edge Razor wlth Stainles Steel Blades 2.29 value BOTH ONLY 1,089 L KL>I1 The Toothpaste that Reduces Cavities Cf st - im0001 ll 109 value 88 c ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-5792 i w I ~0q ssc 1.09 value 33c PRESCRIPTIONS - I.D.A. REMEDIES

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