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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 8

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8The. Cmadian Statemmn, nowmanvole, :an. e, 1mB SPORTropgcs By Frank Mohun 123-7234 MtUL - THE GREATEST! Since Bobby Hull has been rappng ln goals with amaz- lng regularity lately, we have been'reminded o! a calumn written quite some time 110 in an old Maple Leaf programme. Ed Fltkin pointed out that Gordie Howe, who eclipsed RPichard's 544 goal record in regular season play, passed the Roeket's total including playoffs this seasan. Howe with 566 là stlll capable of pottîng quite a few, which makes Hul'. chançes of overtaking him in future years even more difficuit. Strange part in loaking back is that Frank Mahovllch, pushed Into Hull's shadow, started off as the most prolifie scorer of all three. The ]Big M was Il goals up on Hull mlter two years, fell ten back in his poorest season to date, then rebounded with 48 ta lead Bobby by nine. Hull notched his record-tying 50 the next season, but after hall a dozen seasans the Hawk star was only five ln front 182 ta 177. Meanwhile ]Rowe had scored 160 times. Actually, alter the first three years Hull had blinked the red light twice as often as Howe 70 te 35. Heading into this season Bobby had 225 goals ta 209 by Howe and 203 for Mahovlich. Here's how they compare in scaring their first seven years: Howe 7 Bul 13 18 39 31 50 31 43 Mahovlleh 20 22 18 48 33 36 26 209 225 203 Mahavlich scored anc goal ln a three game trial ln 1956-57 giving him 204. Now to quote Mr. Fitkin:- "Howe, in his first seven seasons, averaged 29.8 goals per year. Hull's average at the close ai the 1963-64 season was 32.9 and the Big M had a 29.1 mark. In Gordie's next seven years he scored 237 goals and his scoring average bit a high mark of 33.9 per season. 'l'o match Howe's 18-year-record, Hull will have ta average 31 goals per season and Mahovlich will have ta score at a 32.9 annual clip." Since that was written, Bobby has already attaîncd his required average with the season not hall over and it will take a disastrous slunip for him not to break the 50 goal mark. We knaw Canadiens' fans wan't be happy about thîs, but this reporter would like to sec Hull get themn in 50 games, the same number as "Racket" played. As for Mahov- Iich he's gat to show a lot of improvement to be mentioned la the same breath with Howe, Richard or Hull. Undoubtedly Mr. Howc bas praved to be the greatest hockey player of aal time, but ai the years roll on, will Bobby Hull go on ta knock Howe off that lofty pedastal? -t. - -î. t t t1 GENERALS UNBEATEN IN NEW YEAR Judging by their first two appearances in 1965, Oshawa Gencrals might be on the way towmrds shaking a disastrous slump that ha. hft thcm in fourth place. The way Montreal Jr. Canadiens have been moving ltely couplcd with Oshawa's losing streak, the Canadiens had narrowed the margin toaa niere six points out o! fourth with three games in band. Only thing going for Generals was a fabulous home ice record, wbich saw thcm hase only once ta the league-leading Marlies. Tuesday night Marîboros made it two, but the Mator City crew came up with a tremendously improved effort and reahhy deserved ta win. It was the scason's top game, fittingly enougb, watched by some 4500 fans, largest of the Audltoriurp.'ibrie! history. týJ.*e îoRd, Generals had lost ten strmight, while Pl ying some pretty bad hockey. The loss of Roc Buchanan butthe team even more than just the games he missed, bause "Bucky" was wcIl below par for several games after returning. However, Buchanan bas since extended bis point- streak to 13 gaines to go 14 points abead af his record at the same turne last season. Then Bill Bannerman sustained an awful facial gash, rwbich required sametbing like 30 stitches ta repair, but battling Billy didn't miss a game. Just when it seemcd he - might be rolling, young rookie centre Jim Booth was injured,t then it was Bll White and Darryl Leach.1 But the absence oI captain Danny O'Shea probably has hurt the club more than anythicg. Danny, out with torn knee ligaments has cow missed a dozen games. It was ex-1 pected that be wauld have been back mucb sooner and up tintil the wcekend, manager Wren Blair didn't have much Idea as to bow much longer Danny wouhd be out. , But so far in 1965, the picture looks a ittie brighter.i ck ars Day, Gencrals downcd Kitchener in a game thatz was as bad as Tuesday's was good. Then Sunday tbey pulledr out a win aver Peterborough in the final 90 seconds ta final-1 ly break tbe ten game losing road streak. Surprisingly enaugh1 the win was accomplishcd witbout starry rigbt winger Wayne Casbman. After scaricg tbrec goals Friday, Cashman was called up by the parent Boston Bruins for their Sunday r n1ght clash in Detroit. t t i. i. i LOCAL 189 HOCKEYs This Sunday marning Local 189 hockey resumes fulli blast, with Comets meeting Hornets at nine o'clock andt Eruins tacgling with the Raiders in the second game. t t f t i. t1 JUVENILES WALLOP PETES Bowmacville Juveniles wind up their regular sehedule this week, wben tbey wiîl be attempting ta maintain an undefeated mark in Whitby Thursday night and against Cobourg at 8 p.ni. here Sunday nigbt. The locals have com- 1- piled a fine record thus far, witb six wins and a pair af tis te their credit. Bowmmnville wmlloped Peterborougb 10-1 in an exhibition tilt at the Memorial Arena Sunday night. It was their third exhibition victory gainst a pair of lasses. The Jueils will soon start along the playoff trail aginst anc of the other A minor clubs in the loop - Ajax, Whitby or Cobourg. f t t tt JR& LEAGUE RESUMES SUNDAY Only five double-headers remain In the Jr. Men's Town ZagZue which resumnes league play agaîn Sunday evcning 4t five o'clock. In the first clash, Local 189 will tangle with M«cQueen's Motors, witb Bill's Billiards and Nichol'. Motors hooklng Up in the nightcap. iFriday Afternoon League (Alleys) 8 ........ 15.......... 29 1........ 3 ......... 19 ........ 24s........ 12 ........ 19. sohedule 1 & 2 1-2 5-4 3-I 2-6 1-5 3-2 5-8 1-4 le 23 .......... 5-4 6-1 2-3 3&4 5&6,30 .......... 2-h 4.3 6-5 3-4 5-6 Teanus 1.6 - 2.3. No. 1-E. Eteher, R. Hutch- 2.5 6-4 imsoc, B. McDonad, M. Mol- 4-1 3-5fatt. No. 2-M. Colville, S. Buck- 6- 3 4-2 cell, E. Coonbes, M. Aber- 4.5 1.6 nethy, G. Richards. 1.2 3.4 No. 3-O. ?otfield. M. Coyle, 5.3 6.2 N. McFPeeteMs M. White. No. 4-M. Gibson, M. Fas- 2-4 5.1 ter, D). Rogers. R. Cowan, N. 3-1 4.6 Eldridge. 6-5 2-i No. 5-M. Maily, J. Lobb,i 3.2 4-5 M. MéDonald, L. Richards, L.i Graham.1 4:6 1-3 No. 6-M. Cowan, A. Shet-i à-3 6.2 1er, N. Oudeshorn, 0. Rich- 2.4 &.1 ards, B. Richards. Members of Bowmanville Juveniles who made a good showing Burns, B. Cameran, Michael Puk, Manager, Harvey Webster Coach; against Peterborough on the weekend are shown here as follows Front left to right: J. Hughes, G. Bal], T. Devitt, L. Nemis, G. Linton, Back row, lef t to right: Mike Nemis, Time, K. Dickens, T. G. Akey W. Dawn, W. Walroff. Absent, T. Puk, stick boy. Baker, D. Worden, H. Perry, D. McMurter, D. Puk, P. Werry, S. Local 189 Hockey Hornets inaIIy Beat Raiders Last year Hornets were five seconds later it was ail Masters' second goal won it leading Raiders 3-1 when the even on Bob Fairey's unassist- with a minute and 47 seconds lights went out. In fact, to be ed effort. Fairey clicked again remaining in the game. exact, it was Sunday, Novem- ber 22nd, when a power fail- at 14:17 ta send the high-fly- Raiders lifted net-minder ure halted play. Last Sundaying Raiders on top. Jack Mantle in favour of a the teams started where they Hornets finally salved goal- sixth attacker and came close,, left off carlier, with eîght keeper John Fowler's tre- but couldn't get the equalizer. minutes and a few seconds mendous puck-stopping dis- Masters added assists on ail gone in the second period, and play as Charlie Trim's early three Hornets' 1964 goals scor- Hornets finally beat Raiders third period tally tied it and ed by Bob Sheridan, Ron 6-5. Don Masters sent the winners Stewart and Lloyd Hamilton.- But it was quite a struggle! Ion top mid-way in the final. Alex Wiseman had notchedj At the 10:40 mark Howard Pete Stacey bagged the equal-1 the first goal for the Raiders, Quinriey rapped in a "Buck izer just 10 seconds later and1whîle Bob Fairey wound up Cowle pass and a minute and that's the way it stood until with a pair of goals and assists. Gens Start New Year Righi By Toppîng Rangers 6 to 4 After winding up 1964 last Joncs tied it early in the fighting, with Cashman land- Tuesday night in a losing second on a perfect set-up ing several soIid shots ta gain cause, but tremendous gaine, from Bill Hway, but Jim Booth the decision. Oshawa Generals started 1965 regained the lead at 1:51 as his Rangers got back in the on the right foot, defeating attempted passout went in off gamne with 19 seconds remain- Kitchener Rangers 6-4, but in goalie Gary Kurt's skate. ing as Randy Legge beat Gib- a lack-lustre contest, Friday Sandy Fitzpatrick evened it son from the blue line, with night. Over 3,000 fans watch- up again, tipping in Mike Fitzpatrick provîding a per- ed the New Year's day display Rabitaille's slider as Kitchen- fect screen. that at times looked as if bath er's first line hemmed the Gen- Ian Young was forced ta M ains were over-tired from erals third-strîngers in their corne up with a couple of big e previaus night's festivities.lIown zone. stops after replacing Gibson Oshawa started off with Oshawa went ahead 5-3 on a ta start the final session, but twa goals in the first two pair of quickies, 47 seconds Kurt was kept busy at the minutes and it appeared that apart. Cashman eut across the other end handling Orr's another 11-1 raut was in the gaal-mouth on a beautiful ef- bombs. Kitchener pulled Kurt making, as the holiday crowd fort after taking Bobby Orr's in favour of a sixth attacker roared their approval. pass, then Bill Little clicked with 35 seconds remaining, Bob Marshall convcrted a at the 8:12 mark after be and and after Buchanan just fail- Ran Buchanan pass after only Buchanan had shuttled the cd ta control the puck in front 26 seconds of play and with puck back and forth as they of the open cage, Chris Roberts only 1:52 gane, Wayne Cash- broke away with one man was banished for tripping at man tipped in a drive by Bob back. There were a few 19:40. Eight seconds later Kilger. Bob Jones got credit anxious m ome n ts w h en Cashman completed the hat- for a power play goal at 7:42, "Bucky"~ was crashed into the trick, scaring from his awn when goal-keeper Dennis Gib- corner an the play, and was blue line, on Orr's pass. son let the puck get away, as slow regaining his feet. Thresaswr aha he attempted to caver up. Bill' Ken Gratton and Cashman (h continued ta sparkle, White had just returned ta enlivened the duli proceed-IFitzpatrick, with a goal and the ice, while Bill Bannerman ings when they drew high--1 three assists, and Orr, as usual was still aff.1 stick ing minors and majors for la top aperatar. Mid gels Drop 4-3 Decision To Uxbridge on Saturday by Jim Clarke Despite a starry goaltending effort by Dana Dament, Bow- manville Midgets drapped a 4-3 decision ta, Uxbridge here on Saturday night. Dana came Up with at least a dozen d'azz- ling saves, as Uxbridýge out- shot the locals 30-20. He wasi especially vigilant in the thirdý when the visitors held a 13-91 edge in shots. Two of Uxbridge's goalsý came with a man advantage.1 Geer, a top performer for the! winners, scoreci the decidingi marker at 2:45 of the third;I Dave Maynard was off for tripping a.t the time. Bowman-, ville, trailing 4-2, made itý dloser, when Dennis Horne-j n.iuk scored at 17:22.1 Uxbridge captain, St. John and Noble, a long with Geer, took care of the winner's scor- ing. For Bowmanville, Dave F'ountain, Johnny Qyler and Dennis Homeniuk scosred. D. Doînant's fine goaltending was laoegely responsibie for keep- ing Bowmanville in the game throughout. Uxbridge opened the scor- ing a't 8:55 od the first, with Geer rapping in St. John's re- bound. Damant had made a spectacular save on St. John and had no dhance on Geer's drive. Dave Fountain scred for Bowmnanville on a close inI drive, at 12:30, to even the~ score. Johnny Taylor endi Ronnie Simpson drew assists. eut mouth, but returned to Bowmanville's George hem- make a sparkling save on St. ver was off for tripping when John minutes later. St John sdamnied Gecr's re- Uxbridgc bad a goal dis- bound past Damant. Dana allowcd ncar thbe cnd of the took Gecr's drive on thbe face period. 'Mhe puck was fired mask mnd was shaken up. He from the side boards and took a short breather wit.h a somnehow went undes- the side MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PubicSkating FRIDAY, JAN. Sth SUNDAY SKATING 2 - 4 p.m. ADMISSION Adults 50c - Children -35e MONDAY, JANUARY llth TOT'S SKATING - 3 to 5:20 p.m. Children and Acconmpanying Adult 25e each YOUTH BOWLING Mixed Major League 01«e PatfieM's team pae The tonna for the. mmoe. first in the Nmied Maorsdxedtle wesedzewai 'est eolig Leaaue for the first exeautive meeting u o ods,' soeue with 35 points, Ber- night, and ar~e as Iaowg nicc Buday's second wIi 32 No. 1-D)oris joe pins, on Monday, Dec. 28t1i. Bebee, I. Wright, .w George Elliott had biigh sigle M. Mairn, j. Major. o339 and high triple of 8ýl No. 2__Berice ButayCOPL. Demise Annaert had a r"c M Annaert, H. BaUn à 309 gaine and H. Bailantine î;;ioek, j. Sutclife, S. Mur. The heg triples af the night Phy. went ta M. Annaert 797 'H* No. 3-Shirley Bicke' Baliantine 780, D. Joli 792, Capt.; P. Dobbins, M, H. Ballein 749 B. Buday 695 J. M<eNultij, D. rl&A D. Annmert 691, Albert Sanian gela Sarnan. 681, R. Wright 670, S. Bickeil NO. 4-01k U!e ~ ~ . 660, P. Dobbins 630, E. per. G. ElbLott, J. M£urphy, V.Ml fect 622, G. Bebee 618. weli, M. Peris, D. Holreyd. Teans Standings No. 5-Helen Dunn, (>pli. Paffield .......... 48840 35 E. Perfect, L. Connôrs, V. Buday ...........49638 32 Cornors, J. Holroyd, M. Me- Biiekell ........... 46553 22 Nulty. ' JolI ................ 47880 20 No. 6-Muriel Holroyd, Dunn ............. 46815 19 Capt.: H. Balleni, B. Hjlroyd, Etoher........... 45250 16 Albert Saman, B. Brawn, H. High Averages Siniick. H. Ballem ................272 Second Sciiedule E. Perfect ................251 Alîcys 7-8 9-10 ll-la D. Joîl ...................242 Jan. 4 .... 1-2 3-4 5-8 G. Elliott ................242 Jan. il .... 5-4 1-8 2-à P. Dobbins,................. 231 Jan. 18 ...3-1 2.5 6-4 M. Annaert ..............228 Jan. 25 ...2-6 4-1 3.5 G. Bebee .................223 Feb. 1I... 1- 5 6-3 4-2 B.* Buday ................22f) Feb. 8 ... 3-2 4-5 1.6 H. Bailantine ............21.1 Feb. 15 ... 5-6 1-2 3-4 R. Wright ................217 Feb. 22 ... 1-4 .5.3 6-2. M. Murphy ................ 2 05 Mat:1...... 6-3 2-4 5-I J. Murphy...................202.Mer. . 2-5 3-1 4-6 L. Connoirs 202-- «***"*" Mar. 15 .....4-3 6-5 1-2 SI g( tc il vi et in P( Li tm gr se 10 17 Fe 21 Sunbeam Handicap Famlly .... Inter-Town Youth League .... F Twosome Taurnaments .... Standing after 3 Rounds.. e Bantams bowled December Girls: Pts. 26, 1964, when 35 couples Bowmanvile ...............20 Fe' bowled, while Jrs., and Srs. Oshawa S C ...............16 bowled the follawing Satur- Oshawa M.C ................. 10 day with 48 couples sceing Wbitby .....................2 action. Crests donated by Boys: Pts. 1 Sunbeam Bread were won by Oshawa S.C .................. 143 the following family combi- Whitby ...................... 141 nations: Oshawa M.C....... ....... 12 MohradDuhe: Bowmanville ............ 8 MBhand -(1Daugtty Bth- High Single - Girls, M .yc weland R.-(1)Tay 4;(2)Hatehy 250; Boys, M. Childer- a welland . Tylor754;(2)hone 280. Lyn Pipe.r and B. Piper 740. High Triple - Girls, M. Jr. - (1) Sharlene Cain and Hately 694; Boys, M. Childer- K. Cain 701; (2) Nancy Ed- hone 693. mondson and 0O Etcher 674. ________ Sr. - (1) Heather Moore and E. Moore 623; (2) Gail Sellers .A and B. Sellers à99. ~ no v e Father and Daughter: J no e Batm- (1) Debbic Lewis' e u n P a and B. Lewis 763; (2) Donna1 Bradley and D. Bradley 702. 'e uiePa Jr. - (1) Pet Bate and T Bate 676: (2) Nancy GoodwinThsn a an . Goodwin 671. S.r. - (1) Linda Mi.'Ltbn and G. Muttan 719; (2% Linda[ Bowmanviile Junior Me's Maynas-d and K. M4aynard 647. League resunies play this Sun- Mother and Son: day nigbt, after a three week w' Bantam - D a v i d Ouder- layaff.te shoorn and N. Oudershoorn Last year's champions, Lo- ý 579. cal 189, winncrs of tuhe Ken's ! Jr. - (1) Ron Dunn and H. Men's Wear Trophy, pl.ay Mc- i Dunn 631; (2) Don Bickcll Qucen's in the opener at 5 and L. Woodcock 614. p.m. In the second game at Father and Son: 6:30, Bil1's Billiards meet Bantam - Tcrry Brock and Nichais' Motors. The four A. Brock 682: Ralph Bowmee- clubs have played cight garces ster and R. Bowmeester 657. and have five games remain- Jr. - Alan Crago and m. ing before thbe playoffs. Richards 669: Greg Adams and Nichais Motors, w.ho lost M. Adams .599. out in last year's finals, are Sr. - Randy Beauprie and I. currcntly in first place. Bill's Beauprie 599: Brian Colville Billiards hold down second and J. Colville .578. spot, anc point ahead of 189, We would like ta thank in the third and final playoff S.mith Beveraiges for theïr spot. McQueen's Raimblers donation for the Jr. and Sr. are mircd in the cellar at pre- Tournament. ----------- -- Second schedule will start Jen. 9th: Jr. Leagues at 1l o'clock, Sr. and Bantam Girls 973 ARTM7>ENJVW at 2:30. There is sti Il room~ for more Bantam girl bowlers.1 IF Vý c crlu ýxtu1-e iavei and Dave Fauntain mnissed on scorîng chances in the middle frame, as Uxbridge n*otched the only goal. Noble complet- ed a three way passing play. with Foote and Geer drawing assists. Geer poked in his, second of the night for UN - bridge at 2:45 of the thid,1 rnaking it 4-2. St. John set it up beautifully, shifting pastl Barraball and drawing Da-1 mant to one side. Damant was sensaitîonal for the remainder of the periad. as Uxbridge poured it on. Barton (2) and Cordingley (2) were his chief victims. Dennis Homeniuk narrowed it to 4-3, on a perfect pass from Simp- son ait 17:22. Uxbridge put on tremendous pressure again, Ibut Dament outguessed St. John and Harrison. Ielng the Puck: Officiais Joe Kennett ofi Bow'manville aind Ashenhurst of Uxbridge meted out 13, penalties, Bowmanville draw-1 ing seven. Geer of the visi-1 tors and Leaver drew rough-1 ing sentences late in the third. 1 Ballimer and Clark sharedi the Uxbridge goaltending dut-i ies and performed well. Geer, St. John and Barton, were the pick of the Uxbridge j forwards. Harrison and Foote carried about 90% of the win- ners' defensive load and were standouts. Dana Damant in goal, Gleni !inney on defence and Dennis Homneniuk were Bownian- viIie's best. Dave Fouritain, Ronnie Sim.pson and Johnny Jyler misa gave it a big ef- fort for the locals. Bowrnanville was without the services of defencemnan Jeff Gilhaooy for the second straigvt gwme. Jeff 1. stili re- covering from the efiects of ai .oncussion suffered in an cx- hibitioni match with Trenton;[ Mar. 22.. enit with four points. Their r .29.. goaltending Problm appear Apr ....... ;have been solved however. ApR. 12.. ahe acquredhe services Of Apr. 19 . le seaonedad pable Curt PI.ay-offi 'anstane. Curt, an experienc- A Happy :d goalkeeper, lies been hav. New year tc ig onc ai hi. fi.nest yeais, 3erforming ini the Goodyear 'eague. His steady play be- veen the pipes should aid LcQueen's playoffd r iv e rreatly during the rcmaining -hedule. J-=Local 189 vs McQueen's BUis vs Nichols 7--Local 189 vs Nichoa MlcQueen's vs Bill's 4-NJdhols vs TMcQueen's Bill's vs Local 189 [-Nichols vs Bill's Local 189 vis McQueen's 7-MicQueen's vs BilI's Local 189 vs Nichols Playof!. Semi-Finals wiil be out of 3. 'b. 14--Second place tean vs 7Third. 'b. 21-Second place team vs Third. eb. 28-(if necessary) Second place teain vs Third, or first place club vs BANNER winner oM sei-final 6i series. Final playoff will be best 14 Re] out of 5 series. BowI The Junior League execýu- SnLf Te have set the date for this SnLf ear's banquet as April 24th Company, t6:30, at the Memocrjal Park ubhouse. KINSMEN 6-1 3-2 4.5 5-2 4-6 1-3 1-4 53 6-2 3-6 2-4 5-1 5-4 6-1 2-3 fs April 2Mtl. rand Prosperous all. R PASSANT Z3-3258 Dhder Ave. manville a Assurance y of Canada BRING THIS SPECIAL 1/z PRICE PASS te the -~- FRIDAY, JAN. St KINSMEN SUPER CAR at the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE OR$ 7,8001IN PRIZES lncluding New 1965 speclfled car tram dealer of your choie or $2,000 Cash; $1,000 HI-La Game; $1,400 Big Snowball (53 nos.); $1.200 SmaII Snowball (52 nos.); $600 regular ganses; $450 Special games. Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes Don't forget ta buy the eeonomy pack for value aud save money. KINSMEN VA CI FA If you are considering trading cars in 1965 . . . see us first, your best deal with an authorized GM dealer. 1964 BEAUMONT 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON V-S engine with standard transmission, customn radio, electric tailgate, wheel discs, backup lights. Very low mileage and still under new car warranty. 1963 MERCURY 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., with standard trans- mission. Good clean car in excellent condition. 1962 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN 8 cyl., automatic transmis- sion, customn radio. Azure Aqua, an excellent operating automobile in the most popular model. 1961 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN 6 tyl., autoiuatie transimis- sion, custom radio, back seat speaker. Beautiful Satin SU. ver. A real sharp car! 1959 3-TON VAN (A KARRIER GAME COCK) Equipped with 14 ft. insulated van. Reasonably priced. See this one and save $ $ $ $ $. Enquire of our easy GMAC Budget Terms !JIII 166 KJNG ST. E Rap Philp l "r, Stew Preston Ray Lathaugua. Colin Cocha h AVAMJcw« il /4~ B 0 W M A N V 1 L E -1 1( M, Stew Preston Ray lAthangue colin ÇÀ"e 1

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