1 je Settin W as t.e eor ets Newcastle 1'a Cnldialmttsa, oravleJn1,16 Pire of wýkonoii rsAlnWo h Mm i',. Bue. ion, Editor Phono 9874213 b r n mentry n ech pctuon achool ecauseOccupants o:~t and Mrs. F'rankMrihnaWo hwdvesc Cols it UB d to, heP.U.C. as well as were difingwihegbr ta be a difference of oipiion ing from theirhoeteGaen fGshmie Ilew asd At Ope ing With sorne money n the banik, IaIIedatagope blzberet GreTm.dc boewee they, eflOlP.U.C. Qheck rtis ynihosth adno ehe <' ~ iveetrig should go to the expense of hh includesfu f r éc i l a n Jo a i 19 6 M e tin putting in the water. wih M rtcek cv¶eIni ee h w, deitn Newcastle:- Cubs met Man-th yerhe wadgt Mary Ann, De]be an n teodadnwIda h d Mrs. S. Bierstlcker Mr. John Davis. Mrs. Gwen day evening for their Diane eramreebck pls gea ~~New Year's week visil-'Gibson, Master, Albert Ian,* meeting of 1965. With sai many ýdeal more, as the persons now1 with Mr. étnd r.Rln'See ae nSalu mng wth relatives and friends dry, Mr. Reg Lovekin, Mr. 111 with cold and 'flu, the a-' needing the water wuld beSot. hweàBlarl ati, - near Grand Rapids, Michign Fan M oe Mr H non Pr tendance was not as bighe as harged for frntage tax. So estfct.n Our frienda and neighborÏ ker, M r. Ed Smith and Mr. it might have been. But those' Others, however, feel that 'ofAîth o o fhehihind ad ow in Bownanville Hospital thisiJoe S'mith- from. R.R. No. 2 is who were there proved eager everyone who flow builds infl lancis.r wek are MT. George Chard,1 Mr. Stan Pote<>us ta take up where they had ici t1 town and wants water can da lage has benreadt PiuesnEgad cu- _____________offin___________have______but______il__________is believed thate talr' d In B P ack , a b rand new 1 f r i h m e ve . T i a ,ý b ey on d rep air a d a l t e C u e ' a a e b urnrhing wer detroy d. a ging ofTheiG ard ere *rru kers Bea Roy Is Chuni joined the group, Don-ithey are not charged frontage Th rti h enk& os i*1Clrs etmntrb ta the Cub Birthday Wheel, have not coane to, an agree- theirclothingexptwaPrlmntBidgsBlih Juvs Trou nce Rovers ~ ~~~having just reached the Cub1 nient one way or other, saidthy erweigedngMeu.tehoeatepot J v r u c o e sage. also going thrc>ugh thei Reeve Cunningham. an oseolsupesShkpaean Wodwth birthday wheel, due to recent, The Reeve said again. he Thememe' tit ey ~ ~~~~~~~birthdays. were Cubs Dav1d was sorry for Mrs. Parkers. .Temmers0fBhayec In Tow n Lge. H ocke Shearer and Hubert Vatider-, ruflaraund, but also soeryfor' Woteraned ant tehm !Mr.icde sta rre. tlRowans u o cho Newcastle:- Another great'led by Pete McCullough who Roth packs enjoyed one or CrlPaerrodupte nd,. eetin omd o hi otms0 h uc pe ond exciting game of Towniscared four, Fred Alldread.more games. and were given said. "No, if a person can't' ý .~~ Mrs. g n onynih wt TespaerwR3nroue teague Hockey was played onjwitii two. R. Kennedy, Waltera bit oi practice in marching.ýcorne into council and get aý ar ye rsdn.adtakdb r.Hca Sunday evening in the Mem-i Rickard and D. Green each In the better weather the ýtruthful answer, you shouldn't'..~ otn rga ovnr orlàl Arena. In the opening1 with one .For the Rowers,, boys will march autdoors for:be in offic. You have donel BROW S'MsMotnaoredapm gamre, the Truckers defeated Brian Rowe scored two, Vern better training; there isn't t00 right in answering me. " ap a" the Royals with a score of 8, Rowe and Fred Glanville each Imuch roomn in the rooms Lheyi Councillar Waiton said there~ r.Dv cels h Mrs. ThmsJako ave toi 6. The opening goal forý with anc. meet in. shotild flot have been thisý commntson he mttanTh lihe Truokers was scarcd bTh basoyesi Toono Wsten eac 0rth WoldDepnd theb T"Co waSheare, wit Next Sundax' the Rowr h oswerc ginr-odup, it was time Mrs.1 Hospital for men ck a BCoth sn îe gare goith will play thec Truckers in the minded that t.hroughout hoc- Parker received sanie answcril'able ta ret.urntohenOuFo"cnluigwh Sohermsingl'egols gan Aopening gamne, wîth the Ju ýkey practices and gamnes, if and tume for counicil ta learn' her daughter. r. Feln eemd ohl veniles and the Rowers meet1 they are held on the same a bit more. Reeve Cunning-: Sed amnvle nSn Green. Two goals were scored ! .evening as Cubs, to coame into hday. We opesewîîso al fhmebkn r.T byLrr eac, n tre o ng in t'he second game. Cb ny1:t'e oudb am explainr.d le could noti be r etoetth betfJnnnseatemiuean by Lorry Pearce, and it was Wxcused n owa tearing te clthe hydra that thcy havelb etrdc Ken Gray. Still with hockey. itawdo!iexthis way or that, thevi Scoring for the Royals, learned that during Mondayj uniform that night. j h o d atmt h i a uoriaty s e eal o c hde nmhanil eot Ms ar Hoar uiny ih wo igts rctcegme aah There is sanie talk of a Pas- do, he qaid. neighbourhoodar utetngRly ndMsNoiW d and singles ta Earl Foster,'Bud Wagcer of the Atoms'sible change of meeting Place,;wl otnea edr i- Gary Cooper, TIracey Bmblevicaused injury ta the leg lie or a change of meeting night, Waltan said then that coun- Over mcasles.T i o hn and Paul Allan. In this gamej hurt earlier during a garne af, or even bath. >enti iwiihôl et ihte oiMs h rwellescn nt"etI h eu.. Siherman Sheilds rcceived an, football. Wc hope that CoachdcddCb adprnî.smission and leArn the whl ie abda eoilHs uc a evdb i Injury ta his shoulder. 'Wager hasn't done tao much' will bé notified of the changt, stary. If we have ta, then let's' intabwmanvlehvn a-hsesMs etrMrt In the second gane, the Ju- harm ta himself, and will beland in the meantime the boys 'take away their authority, he nansyfl t e oeasse b r.HryRly veniles walloped the Rowers aâble ta continue with thelare ta came ta the hall the praposed. enalasty.Wchp hewî rs naaleMs.Gog 9.to 4. Juvenile scorers were %sport he is sa fond of. sanie as usual. Parker and Cali wilre L.sonbabetrtunabrNalMsTdSeney ceeve a copy of the letter be h som e ade a]s n tnP iniz sent ta P.U.Ce and tley teous, who is ecvringfo can take their letters to Mr.abotwh n In u u a o n î e tBrittn ta get things mving. M.and rom rn Mr. Pidgenn wiil infor a-~" ~ ** h t In au g u ral C oun cil M eet ni Pa 196S. TheorgesAis caheforerMis aN onElzaethGbsnr Dcmer ~ ar snd .W kradCall when they re- ~ ercsAgia hrh ewcastle, was the setting for the wedding af the Anglicancurha *E f ceive an answer. ofMr and Mrs. Richard Irwin Bkr shown above, on caudy ee r2,W desanieatcoîon tDe ais wirn ivany Problems daughterlter tnescle rmtreOn- and M .Wl iamHarold Gibson, Williams Grave, Newcastle, and the -bride- Asrrs at a ed taiofiin frth rstofagroom is the son of Mrs. Barkley, California, and the late Mr. Benjamin Baker. for rpn ris . .im- new fire truck and pump. Pot Ato Sud orsonr.n SndayevnMgr hn fI l s o n e n n V l t rDuring the discussonof_____Phot_________Studisonon______ Ms > o c r î g Wt rfire truck. bath Cauns. Wal- aur oi their 25th ednin ton and Dickinson made il was the addrcss Of the guest Thvein augtrPgie n quite clear that tha.se spread- /,4 paer r Gog M-sni-la, Ene, a a Newcastle>- The first meet- 1 office af Reeve or Cauncillor.,ment, brought forth a set o!1ing. sspeiksrhat.tGeorweree- z Cu ct t 12 (1 Ing of the 1965 Council was]He wished them a happy yearIplans ta show counicil and to0 against the village having a e d n Laughlin, dairy and shecp their mother aidddett held in Counicil Chambers on1 ai close relatlonship amanglask their permission for start-'new truck were badly maisin- larier irom Beaverton. Histher ling orci 0ltteget e»ven in all, preasent ta wî -,Oncqe a sma]l village, New-'of the village on the north'against*il, they felt as the rest, .sitsihl hre Ite1t i oiFr aae'acTomm. eocihin ness the new council sworn'castle bas grown considerably side. Mr. Foy 'vas told coun- did that the village needed a, Evergreens, poinsettias andiwit hywr achn Iiteroffice. Iuigthe ycars. The sign cil would bave ta have time nwtuk u hy wr ht mmi h l w ai edding band e ap g ment, ',as bath reireghing and Susan presentedthinohr Rcv.D. . Dwdny was just coming nmb town, saiditcb give the plans their atten-. against going out and gting cnilgbfrmc nata-witlh aiîk illusion vi urn .eil c e ntresting. Afothears vng obe- ancidwt a cosgwa present and offered bis con-; Mr. Dewdney, is vcry impres- tion, and lhe would receive 'one prîce, andi buying. This tive setting for temre theveicscngebanqutscme e d pa nthe ears t r eoees nda îe crato gratulatians ta the mien whoisive to people wha bave seen: their answer at another date.1 was the reason for tendersnSaudyofcebr26 iw'hite carnations andAe-o w h intee pr h al a coae were again electcd into theý the difference in the numberî Fred Grafham attended coun- being calleci. 1964, in St. George's Anglican ja eu'yrss aefn usigasrc hl hywceaawt of people naw living here;ciî once again tao learn if they! A motion was made, calîing Church, Newcastle, -o! Miss cnBauyrs.jetfrm pshgasritwl hywe than a few years back. The' had heard from the lawyer for three readings, ta malce a Maion Eizabeth Gibsan, dau- Mr. Walter Gbson, Univer-1 corn diet, it was a pleasant pink bels and stremr hr inth ubi sholwul c rblm cancerning water borraw imaney if or when they hgam Ha'rold Gitson, Williams the bride, was best man. The1 fide farmer on a large scale decorateci, surrouddb OWMC O liard a VVork impassible without having1 frorn the sub-divisian at the' needta.coisatw Grave, Newcastle, and M ushers were the bnide's twin u-Pset a lot of pet theories. dozen reci roses ac H r tW rt a Criidcpeoft ap-' Richard Irwin Baker, son ot n M. oga GbaHe personallv favoureci grass- e evcta h iisn SV NYU A sehool.- Council bas ta sce the unigaec his property. praisals have been askcd for Mrs. Barkley, California, and Oornell University, end Mr. land versus cornland farmning, childrcn had priesctd1 h 1 fuiture, and counicil bas had ta According ta a written opin-. for the sale of the park pro-' the latte Mr. Benjamin Baker. Dvc isn aeec n-ac epsesc h atsa?,aet.ISRNEWT'k M onday Night take .over and lead the people !on from the village solicitor,j pcrty in thc WestviewHeigbts Rev. D. R. Dewdney officiat- versity. fgrsfo i w rci hyoee thcilg oad hsE .Lvkn h ilg a!ra d. MTie reception was held at' cal expériences ta support bis gîfts presentcdtahm byTTIA Nea~-M.adMsI things. The progress af the nat respansible ion this prob-1 Coun. Couch ne min decd Mrs. Harper Kclsey, New- Wlim rvhm ftecam.Tecu fbsa-tergetn Cea st:M. and rs vais in their bancis. 1cmn, and M. Graham would counicil oi the b-a,-sedcagtle,' played the wedding bridé'& parents, where the:dîê%ss, we Presunied, was thatMirs. J. Haines,CosvleMn et lastgetthe 0 eopeta Rev. Dwdeyhave to 'deal :ith t:e: ~ ehfof5e ýpeople te shovelj ru:lc andI brdeJohn Eard1ey, Xucats were neceived by thele yfariner must keep re-aE. Beet.oGo are rygraeui a ctiffered a prayer ai guidaence tractor, Mr. Sluce. Mn. Gra' their waîks. It bas a aeewa"l, a ooit rd' mother. She wore a cords ta show bis strang 'Mc. andi Mrs. D.Rusle or ees wc S gencauI othe members ai caunicil, haiasked if Ibis meant thati in the papier. but apeth e wcastl, was kîst.green brocade jacket-, well as eak spots in mnan-MGorgetawn, M:- rd a liheir cas' and totr garoI hiiathr hebieioirowr oraeof hnn il oe.i ciein tabcm or f ýToronto visitar ee n etlat e hrnt h grýep1 afllwteindustry any say in thwc motter, andI ifiby-law is ta be enforced, let'sllengtlh gown ai w'hite peau delFbeneepio ten. No two ferros or fan- and Mrs. T. Ca'ladBbv tbree vebcles, laedveloping af their vil- Ibis cleared counicil. He re-Istart it naw, said Couchigsoeeha.d P~aSann oplelwinthorebci hion te-mesaeakeadtrfoeM an Mr.JLmiM. ceived a yes answer, that r.Dobroshinsky, hvigneckline adcupepoifrantedo ýer*aealk n teeoelè.aâ*r.J Altieevhcepankeci' The merl wece then sworn council bad no say in it aI ahl. I received bis letter reganding sîceves. The silimsirigh n at Niagara aî.Fr just because anc or mare fac- adMs .M.Bîic n anth ouldpoprywceinaofic y .B.Pigo1 What then, asked Graham,, the extra building built on bis lighrtec by lace appliques, travelling the bride wOre ai:directo sn ufietra- dramned soflietime d urni tc village clerk. ýif the water gaes across nunipraperty without a permit, ilowcd inta a bnief train. Hier, royal blue wool crepe suit,! !ta s a ufcin e-Vianna and JackiMsDos Manday nigiht and early Tues- Reeve Cunningbam thankeci ber two hig1bway, what would came in ta the Clerk ta say hudrlnthbufn elwinter white bat, black ac- otfns vlatn n 'Si oanuswn, Mn.and day morning, when the! Rev. Dcwdney foc bis kind be doinc then? lIt bas ta go'lie would buy a permit if thcyi oi silk illusion wes held lya cessonries and corsage ai white 0 oa ge, thieves siphoned froni hall ta wands andI for bis prayer aiOnewyfcte'te. yswol sIhmàn.Bu ,- rw o ab eirpeîs ~5f ' Mr. nd Ms. Baker' ic sacs nIeoreMrs. T. SinipsonDnn n frhn e qa rt viera a a t nk i og sp ritu a gu i sn c andi hel n!M r. Slice ave any w ay oai r its w ill only be granted un-' and her cascade bouquet m i, w ill be residing t W hitby,I Sh~ arpe ry k en e e ni Sal , n anI M s. W..al they mnight receive an "A" for coingrinotu eated i n cilHe 1stpping the water? The der council's specification. o! white and Amreicain B au- Ont. On pni..and Lynda, M . Ge ana , D R R N M N anrom e oitiohot vetifhti-cr.e.y oWhiledHoestyross.OnSunday we at Malconia!Newtonvillc, Mn A l nTm thc quietness ai their wark, n in officaai.Ht e a-Rev aitdou ht fi M.Foa Awo Hms t'rse.Ivisited with Mn. and Mcs.'by.Ooo hoe6332 nouce tht ithth g 19t0g ta No. 2 it would not be'also ncceived a similar letten, Mrs. Grant Henîoan Cour' rTTD'1 AdbNltyat Lu n Mrn t r ipsnbdSuo'S.Bw a tbey failed bacly in neatness,!o!flice village, Ihere was more M. Grabam's prahicin and and answered the letter, wit- lice was matran ai honor andl JjYELVE TON'Mr. andi Mrs . Hank Bon anditwa phone calîsofcnrtl as as adbee spiledall ibusiniess and more and mare, tthey would laok after it. The ing that the building ai which'ýthe' brideaniaids werc Miss 1 girls aI Port Credit. M".N in n rinle îtrV n '" AEFR pruieaddh.g s co es a bc d nc asnea, he sid'Re v 2ad b y o ld ' tl c u ci po e wa n u ila y y da T rnl, rno nd esie os nce enoanels n c nty reunei De aor II nli roqMn a leit just as tbey wene drop-,saw the langest increase ai as-1 Slice what ta do on his own buildingat a nytee Ms idaGboBwand; eniten wsanlane n Hollaentlwhretured atnsV SE, udbuv~UUIioolonrn. ped. ~~sessirent aven any other year. propenty. Grahami said if tempDorarily. The buiilding wasuile, oui i h rie umu !fins andnegh- ended m her fathere s fueal Man V iIe usîwr Ttse4 4h1 ga.wa-e -e a-dht hv akthycoln' eI- anwatcnsrctdtab .vde - Tby eein ieo-en..hr gtee- t ie brc ni-pntIrele-sinoiinlwedngg.ss2 4,was imposseible ta geé tvr, cammitîce were planning this BtyMjr23,ClenPc Mn. and Mrs.MrayMl E J I IVL I -wirac,.. vle 5 Britten maving, he always bas month, At the last dance, twoi kent ing 2, May ow 20,Pic-l, adMrr Jack V/il- T ILT TIS S.the saine answen, I baven't O.P.P. ai ficens wene sent b keig 20 rave C o8,cbson, Mnr.Ban ClM ns. an I- ' $12 L ~ l ~ Q~ doné Anvtbing yet. Sgt. Banken to, look afler' 203 Mn anci M5,s'S Howard McMoniMrLT>141L >mens and LET -Pii4 Mrs Parker saici thal for tbings. These constables, Tili-' Mn L25 ndave -SPRnAYii i..,OIAT0R Tftck six monthas he bas Son and ,lnvnt. each neceived .Men - 225 an oaiLm- gr99c been elhasing councillors wbo special duity pay of $12.Ofl Rowe 298, George Kimbau llAl join in wishing Art andTA I TCe0* n turn send ber ta Mn. Brit- eacb. Couch felt Ibis was a' 284, Bo0b Gianville 273, Kent DoTs the best in year@s ta jIlw SOMIINEX TA UM LLIJ¶' Y OU CAN ALW AYS GO ~ton, who in turn does notbing. lot foc recreatian te band out,' Whitney 262, Steve 11aichardi cm@ a nd hearty congratula- B O O E IE -6ts;e5 c 4 YOU AN LW AY 00 Council, toe, Itha Mrs;. but, wben he spoke te Con-!' 246, Ronald Munro 227, Earl lins" for tiheir p n e s e set h t abeaotparlîgTaylor 225, Wayne Flntaîî achieveinent. T h eRowan R MO S LT In a 'Jeep" 4-wheel drive vehicle araund. Théy felt a resolu-ithe dance on bis own tlme,j 225. le 23,Sîaitnuînta lmtcvy uii nsB by P w rRg.7c59 tien should be made, and a be was tld this cauldn't bel uirs-20an vn 'ftribuf Ye lont emnu iy'~I letter sent ta the Public Utili- ýdone, and il wasaJi u ior2eadn)ve lufae t e rent o casony Jhsn B y Po »Jeep' vehicles have hte p@wer and exratraction f t ies Committee te get saine gested ibhat he should speakî Malkeiwiscz 231, Ran GooatI ii a splendid Oppr-UC$.0 sze O 4-whetl drive to get you throush. And with à anowplow action, ta the Sgt. wba mlght give' 216, Judy Powell 215, Nancy'tunity te offer tIieni sane well I TA- c4lsom boult to fil any Jsep' v.hIle .. . y.eé,l Councillor Wallon asked if Iheni dîty men ta stop In: Gaines 207, John St. Amand1 deserved acclaini for their th eyn Vi g.Wenodiey eice etauc, pepe eehcld up Ibis way, once and awbilc Ihroughout 200. Imoat generous services rend-' th wy s ougo Wenorlnryveicesgm SU@, could council net take back the cvening, on who mayi Tbursday Mixed Leage-rd in taie pesî.1 VICKS VAPO « 64RUSz *. JeeP' double tvactlo.s bction fls through - and halpt frein P.U.C. tlhc autlianity giv-; again scnd down two off duty 200 and avec - Marilyn Couch Toer atnRUB te4Drha et»ý oVtthrouglt 10eOnce 4fo#v* eeen a rugged e hm ealwrd.e emaigaohr$400 3,KnWiny25adiCounty ro &Soils Imprav. »Moile lut action you'il see that Cunningham, tbev could. Couch agreed that wbile! Russ Powell 201. ve-1 A UA VEV Counicillon Couch said part'Ibev could possibly gel by' Friday Mixed League - 200 men annual meeting held i w e-,m r epolm.Frn i e.xcs, ain t Mrs. eeve men olmeanngaother $2.00 25, e hîndoe- ey 205ar38 nd o s e e attendngt e nai A U EL A9c 7 &»uzm» o etiq houhdepParker fon thein .being fiai Possiblv c'ould not, antI if theyi Laura Hazeldon 300, Nin& Me- te wa eas Ta e sawtof WATCH FOR THIS A A H W E mms-geuajob-p.'oved'Jeepvehlcî.Ij ep water was that therè was naw, couîd ju.st bave an on duty diii 252, Alice Rowe 250, Ruthî the_______________as _____ ' i, C4àM Sm... Qurf lnte Io much frost. What about Mani came in for a few min- Couch 245, Linda BolderatoneIRP BOWMANVILLE E ASL CrMe la fOP -0deMoutrad tio d in the fail whenî thece was no utcs, If trouble did break ouI, 240, Marge Patterson 238. cetoYur STOREe to-day fnost. and when the water tbey could get tacpie inSheidan Packer 222.Mra I A KO RGJH SNSDU T I shoujd have been put in? a burry. Reeve CunL ghn Pattercon 219, Stan A12.lin àL lc EC ,B U S Scon the public and the remindcidcouncil thal by-then, Bernice Partner 2u212. For Your Llvnflock J CSNSD U T I miembers af oouncil were il might be too late. Dean 211. Marilyn Couch 211, I LE cG EOR RU SORN Si Lancaster Garage trwn questions hkan One man ol do the iobýEv. Enbey 208,Gorge Zweir Atg M A N JURY & LOVELL S U T~P A N C R.R. 2, NIWCASTLE ONTARIO werecl bv saying he felt lîke they had te gi-ce tvat tin C 4 :L Ain 5. 8 1. r 1... 3 D 8~~ . . ~-~v~I- vr