Darlington Council Holds Inaugurai HoId Annual Shows The Bowmeinville Racing Bottrdil & Son; Youn.g Cocks Pigeon Club held their annual up to 120 miles, lst Brown pigeon shows recently at thc Bras., 2nd A. & E. Luke, 3rd hoineof Mr. Ran Luke in G. Bottel & Son. Youngý Hampton. The shows are held Cocks flown over 120 miles,, during the winter mainly ta let Ralphl Luke, 2nd Rani retain an interesti the sportlLuke, 3rd M1avin Broc.; Youn.g during the off season. Ther ok likeliest te fly, lst Glen were fanciers from Oshawa, Bottell & Son. 2nd Glen Bat- Port Hope, and the Bowman- trell & Son, 3vrd Len Kinsman. ville Club competing for the' The second show was f O show honours. ýOld Birds: OId Hens flown up The first show was for,î ta 300 miles, let Len Richards, Young Birds bred in 1964, and! 2nd and 3rd A . & E. Luke, inoluded: Young Hans, flowni Old Hens flown aven 3001 up ta 120 miles, 1lst Glen Bot- miles, lst Saon Grant, 2nd' trell & Son. 2nd Brown Bros.. Ralph Luke, 3rd L. Richards; Darlingtori Township Council held its inaugural HIarold Muir, Reeve Arthur Blanchard, Cauncillor Carl 3rd Len Kinsman; Young lHens Old Hens likeliest ta fly, Isti mleeting Thursday wheri the council fan 1965 was sworn Down, Councillor Mary Budai and Clerk Walter' flown aven 120 miles, ist L. L. Richards, 2nd E.& A, Luke, hi b Clrk alte Rudie Th caucilfro lef taRunle.Richards, 2nd D. & B. Staîn. 3rd Sami Grant; Old Cocke, In y CerkWaterRunle Th coricl romlef t Rudle iton, 3rd Saem Grant. Young; flown up ta 300 ileslt !right is Councillor Richard Gibbs, Deputy Reeve -Oshawa Times Photo. 1 Hens likeliest ta fly, lst Ralpli Ralph Luke, 2nd A. Kellar,ý ____________________________________________________Luke, 2nd SaTm Grant, 3rd G. 3rd L. Richavds; Old Cocksl Grave, called et lRussell Per- flown over 300 miles, lst A.1 klns' on New Year's Day. Diane, Toronto, Miss Dawna MacGillis, 2nd G. Bottreil &I Forbes Fisher visited his Patter, Ottawa, were Sunday Son, -3rd Bennett & Bowden; nephew, Roy Fisher, Oshawa,I visitors at Hen.ry Dart's. Old Côcks likellest to fly, lsti manvile. -and oanne MbIr. Clairke L. Richards. Mrs Elie 'Nel, shwaMooe, shaawere Satur- The third and final showl Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor vsidy at Allan Fishen's on a visitons at Keith Stain- was fralte inr fthe1 Mn. and Mrs, Ailan Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, the best birds as fallows: Mr. and Mns. J. Russell Satu rday. January 9th. the Cornish - Watkm s wedding visited at George Fisher's, David and Douglas were sup- Bast Young Cock, Glen Bot- Ormistan of Enniskillan vîsit- Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland at Ompah on Saturday. Oshawa, on Saturday. ipar guests at David Shaw's, treli & Son; Best Young Hien, cd Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Brown Caverley of Mcknrthur's Mlîs Mns. C. Jette aof ohnstown, Mr. and Mrs. N. Patter and Oshawa, on Sunday. Len Richards; Best Old Cock, oln Wednesdav o f 1,t ug'k. 1visitedrI g'- iste 1r,..Tr. Marshall n.- iqt.rih i-ni..a rcI. .. lNtpn E rfWDleWoVJ Mr. and Mrs. Rase Taylor Chatterton and Mr. Chatter- and children of Scanborough ton for a few days last week. spent Saturday evening with Mn. and Mre. Gardon Sug- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor. gatt of Toronto visited Mre. Mrs. F. Baldwin and Mrs. Wm. Seymour on Saturday. Irene Patterson af Pontiac,M Congratulations ta Mn. and MIchigan with Miss Edra BestbratEedtentilerWadding of Taronto visited Mr. and rtdhe SlrWdin Mns. Horaca Best on Wednes- Anniversany on Dec. 3th. clayeveing f lst wek. Mrs. Walter Couch je at the daycvnig f letwek. Strathaven Nursing Home, Mrs. E. Smith of Birming- Bawmanille. ham, England returned home Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cornish on Saturday after six monthe of Buffalo, N.Y.; Mn. and Mns. visit with ber daughter. Mrs. Gardon Simipson and Mn. and Tom Hardy, Mr. Hardy -and[Mrs. Laverne Boyd attendedi children. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Carnish, the!( vfaD ~ I ri Iqrlaer Mre. Evelyn Watkins, OIrono C ou cm eair marniage in the Ang- lican Churcli at Ompaho T O er 1 * a., wasi.tc cVL ,nce DiMuU. .1. Hardy, Mr. Hardy and fami last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dei Hodgson of Ajax, Mrs. Haro Skinner and Mrs. Russ Virtue of Tyrone weré amci the 40 guests who called la week on Mrs. D. G. Hooper congratulate her on her 83j birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas AIE Mr. and Mirs. Orville Chatte ton were weekend guestsi Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broom Toronto. ipie Hosts ily ean ,old mgl [ast ,ta 3rd lin, ;er- of nie, >0Friends On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dent, on tables were set with gay centre Wednesday evening, December pieces and buffet lunch was, O0th, celebrated their twenty- served. -Times fifth -wedding anniversary. To [mark the occasion, the couple, along with their four children, ZIO Gardon, David, Krista andMO ~~i Loren, were host ta at least Mrs. Inez Henry and Misa one hnre n tetyieRose Ferig, Ham~iltn, spent public school classmnates, at a, at Ray Cameron's. party held in the Orono Town Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout, Hall.Donnie and Randy, Bowman- Mrs. Dent is the formeriville, were at Ray Cameron's Mildred Davey, daughter af on Christmas Day. the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward lvMr and Mrs. Allan Fisher, Davey. Mr. Dent is the son of 1Mr. Farbes Fliher and Miss the late Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Joan Pollock, Toronto, were SFraQuality Buy o n t. Bath famnilies at one Christm'as Day visitors at time lived in the Leskard area. Harvey Webster's, Little Bni- late mod l usd ýMr. and Mrs. Dent were 'tain. imrre on December 30th, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart. hev - lds1939. Mr. Dent was-a member entertained their sans andj Olds.af the Royal Canadian Engin- familles: M4r. and Mrs. Arthur L Cadillaîc' eers fr6m 1939 ta 1945. In 194 Dart and family, Mr. and Mrs.1 j the couple moved ta Orono Bob Dart and faniily and Mr. SEE - where Mr. Dent bas been mnan- and Mrs. Pred Dart and fa- SEE -ager of the Orono Hydro sys- ily, Woodville. DIs and Ar- tm Dn rcied hrnold Dart, Woodvile stayedi guessweatringa nvy blue for holidtays and Edlith and KEIH M Idrgests with corsage o bwh ed Nan cy Dart spent a few days at desswithcorageof witeandwith their grandparents. pink carnations.Mran r.AlnGspl ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Bath Mr. and Mrs. Dent and . iandMshlanwGspeli OSA Aspake of teryasi the Christmas Day at Gerry Glas. OSHAWA ~cammunity and alang with el. PHONES: their guests renewed many ac- U .Ae 'MseJa quaintances of former years .AecMllatr an Business - 725-6504 The graup alsa enjoyed danc: and Ros penit Christmnas Residence- 728-6952 ing ta the miusic of a four- wîth Mr. and Mirs. George Ovr 00Cas piece orchestra. Hilts, Oshawa. Over100 arsThe hall was gaily decorated Mr. and Mi. Aubrey Hir- to Choose Froni for the occasion with stream- cock and Brian, Oshawa, ers, belis and a large beautiful spent Christmas at Fred Cami- ______________________floral arrangement__Individual eran's. __ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stain-' ton lied Chiristma.s inner with MIr. Russell Perkins and Margaret, and were supper guests at Keith Stainton's an CORNERChristmnas night. ~' H LE A EMr. and Mrs. JmR.antn HOLE ALE Shaw's, Osiiawa. 55 KING ST. E. had as guets on Christm.as Dey, lU andMirs. H .Se OPPOSITE BOWMANVILLE HOTEL phen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collis, Oshawa, Mr. anid Mrs. Harry Poloz, tpe and Jeffrey. Mrs. Inez Henry, Miss Rosel Ferigo, Mr. Beverley Camer. K LEEN EX ýCanern apent Boxing Day. on, Donna HesBm-yan Judy REG. 200's st larke Mre, llaOFsh-r ORspenteChrsta e ey Mr . and Mrs. Fred Comsea CHUBBIES 300"s spent New Year's at Aubreyi Hircock's, Oshawa. 1&. and Mre. IHans Geissa. berger Sr. had es their Igues an New Year's Dey: Mn. and, LIMITED QUANTITY Mrs. Arthur Dart and famnily,ý (25 TO A CUSTOMER) ger Jr. and sons, Mr. and Mrs.' Alfred Moh], Toronto, Mn. I George Koller, GeorXet*wn,ý ___________________________ Mr. Albert Ullmann, Toronto.ý Mr and Mrs. Grant Glaspel! - and Dwavne. UM n is Ralph Glaspeli n wn Over .500 Pieces af TroIMn and Mns. Ray C Scott, Douglas and Lnida. Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Glaspeilamd Tricia, Oshawa, M ELM A McMater. Joan and Ros, Mers FNB. Garselv i. rse DINNER PLATES IDVD A L at Gerrv Glaspell's. ~UPSANDSAU ERSPRICED Carolyn and EMaine, Niagara ETC. Falh, visited at r.Ae IMcMaeter's. Mrs. F. B. GIaspcll lias ne- turned toalier own home again after spending sonne tinie with Mrs. Alex M icMaster. 9 / Mr. and Mrs Jim Stainton, Mrs Rusel Stainton, Ross St.ainton and Keith Staintan went ta Toronto the Sunday after Cliistznas ta pay theîr' remoects ta the late T'homias H. homas who passed away vPr'y suddenlv on Boxing Day Mrs. Russell Stainton stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Rov Thio- O FF imsunti uiay nght. M.Stan jie^ Mpl b 4, u 4 4 4 n j v u AI Keflir: est Old MIen, A. The Canadian Statesman, Eownianvmfe. :an. le, lm8 & E. LLke. Best Cock and Best Bird in Show, A. Keller; also one for Best Opposite i and Alan MâcGillis ô& Poâr Best Hen and Best Opposite Sex. Hope, to whoin we would 11k Sex. A. & E. Luke. There was" The iudges for the showi to say hank you for a jo1ý a nice trophy for Best Birdwerc Jack Askew of OshawAwell done. SIMMONS SALE - CONTINUES - NOWHERE CAN YOU PURCHASE A 405 - COIL MATTRESS FOR ONLY........................................ REG. $79.50 VALUE TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THIS GREAT $AVING 1 - LIMITED TIME OFFER - F. A. KRAMP LTD. PHONE 623-7071 37-41 KING ST. E. BOWMANVI LLE ~1 i w w - - - -- - - -~ ANUA Session - SAVE $30.00 BOWMANVILLE ý 4- 1