10 TheCamia Statuemàn, frwmunvMfl, Ja. 21, i19U Capacity Audience Attends Interesting Sp ode Lecture -Film rixe address given by Les was made of gold plate. silver Neat, Toronta, on Spoade China: plate, pewter. and wood. under tihe auspices of the Deaths fron, food poisoning Guildettes in St. John's Parish dropped when hard giaze Nak en Monday evening prov- china came fnta general use," ed most intere sting ta an au-* the speaker explained. De- dience of nearly 20l1, people. signs for china were co4ied The president, Mrs. Robert tramn the gold and silver plate L. Evans, welcomed ail those patternq of the Georgian per. who attended. George We'h- iod, he said. ter introdured the speaker. "A complete set of dinner- Mr. Neat. represenitative of ware inc!uded some 200 tn 300 Copeland and Duncan Limit- pieces. every item of course ed. hand painted. Dinners in LI his speech which dealt tuose days naa many courçe.ç, with the history and develop- and would last nearly ail ev- ment of bonie china, porcelain, ening. For years only t.he rich ant earthenware are on the'couldi afford china dinnerware continent and liFngland, Mr. as lb was sn expensive. Spocle Neat told hi.s listeners that if %vas the first to introduce an anvOne were golng abroad underglazed china printing they could visit the' great mrethod wit-h the hand paint- SpodP plant a Stk ing of the design filled in ai- Trent. terwards. This enabled himn to The. speaker explained that lower prices. ail anyone would need to do "«Josiah Spode waç aiso the would be to ask George Web- first potter t.o make bonte ster at Rickaby's Limited for china, and the formula lie a latter of introduction. and'evolved hais been pri7pd then thev would be given a"thcough succeeding genera- tour thrtougi' that plant. and tions. also taken to lunch by a Spode Mr. Neat said that William officiai. Copen joined Spode and be- Diseussing the nrigin of fine came business head and dis- china ini Europe, (it had been tributor. in the middle of the TeCutc ititBbstes rann ore pnoe abr known for centuries in the 1800's the last Spode immi-, TeCutcDitctBbstr'Tanng orepnoeiBraa Orient), Mr-. Neat stated that'g'aited to Auistralia. and theiby the Northumberland-Durhamr Tubeî'culosis and Health Associa- Dianne Hi tt was the middle of the 170's fi rm has been run by the'tion, recent]y completed graduation exercises. This photo shows raine o bear l cmeinogeneral Copen famnily since then, lie those who received their diplomnas: Janice Adair, Vivian Adair, Laturskî, use as dinnerware. Previously stated. W d aeBed abr ra abt.Gi eeByh esoe lb had been used mainly for "The factorv is still at th ed aeBed abr ra abr alBbe lthe i eso , teapats, and occasional pieces samne site. Stoke-on -Trent, and!Beerthuizen, Lorelei Beerthuizen, Rosemnary1 Beerthuizen, Bonnie i Lyn TayI( made boy Sevres and others on, many of the workers today IBishop, Wendy Brown, LindaBtSzneCretr aieCl neW theconinet, re escndats f te oig-Ilier, Marlon Ellis, Richard Ellis, Patricia Estabrooks, Cheryle Fulton,1 "The first potting was donc nal empioyec.s. A great num- -__ in Holiand by the lele bro- ber of deaf and dumb peopleý thers. T'hev moved tai Eng- are emplayed as it has been land to protect their secrets.' found that sucli persoos ai'eB EHN and located li Stoke-on-Tr-ent. partictilarly deft at the intri- 1 EHN They chose this site because cate and fine work. of good canais for transporta- Mc. Neat presented an in- Ited Cross Annual Meeting :mention of the net results oflthe woî'k M the Sund tion, and there was a plentiful teresting motion picture that, At the annual meeting il. "% 35.'ve s ýri of S7.00 abank lathn o! 589. supply cf higli grade coal showed that pottei'y was a--'the Manvers Township branuh S-'.a h u o 5-ù1 akbaac f$99 there for theiî' ovens. sociated with the early agrîi- of the Canadian Red Ci-ssl'ad hP -Ict on Heaili' s.19.60) contributedi to n "Thle lele brot-ler., cautionsly Culture, and that it developedj Society on Monday night,.M rs. work which includcd ('od liver ýsions. only erployed deat and dLumh with the invention o f the Hugli DeGeer wa.s re-elecirdnil Capsules disi ributed to ail t i attlr~o' M'wkers. T'his was a policy of wheel in 3500 B.C o irtidîc sPei the public scliol Ptipils inWm irysae lehd 1protection to preserve the Pottery startcdlin Sumaria dent. Manvers township. $45926 hadicitda Iebpimo T h o m ffl ie ld o n ian a g e d in !E g y p a n d th prie nd eIn ;e m er g enffv liefo rp ]6ifaile 4 b urials.als O no n n e w m e s e c r e c y o f t h e i r p r o c e s s ers . a n p ' a m t e e t , O h R o f f c co 1 1 5 a e a s e s o f f i r e . A n e w c h r o m e l e r h a d b e e n r c e i v e d b y c c pretend that he was deaf andi China it reached its hgetpeiei -s la oi Aumb, and so servedi his ap- .standards, and the fundameni- piien:M eAlnCo~. d for- the loan ('uphoard andi e.Tnwr eoe i prenticesliip. tais have remained uchagrane, second vice-president: $000!nfteraqaîtr . tenem erhip mli b tr "Afterwards Mr. Wieldon ed ever since, it was explai- Mms.* Harcy Richardson, third $0-0iett edLa-es h ebrprl vfa net p shp hisel, tok ased-was xplan-,vice- presi dent; Ms. Douglas Mrs DeGeer repored 6.1 fer and one by death.. smetiSp shahmsl, ook à,Seas ed. ieeg lSmelt. secretary: Mrs. Noel made Ib elderlV and Mrs. Thomas Jennings - .u'prentces.Josa'h pod and Somebeatifu piees f Wa'd, reaurer Mc andMi'~ s'iut- ns ndil mi bag de anoccout he UniUni -Josiaix Wedgewood li 1733.!Chinese porcelain have been Woodtec easrMand Arir i n d to lshutina a heCucl oensodaia 8pode was only 10 yeams oldf preserved hy the WfamrilLesand of Chivrs t hI-n i h!hi-h omtlSOgnz "W-hen he stamted ta *work for,ý the original owners for - rgti hreo an tmeeas saon who liad a paid membersl, 'Wildo. H evntall1geeraion. omeites wreboard: Mis- Laura Morton, hr a some discussion !of 36 and 4 life members, wi bouglit the business fmom hisireservedi focr te use of the convenor o! Blond Donors r'e the needs o! senior citizens an average attendance af employer in 769 Empecor. lb was pointed out Srie:Ms li Argue, and it was felt tat a suitabie'ai the 10 meetinigs held durij "Prior ta 1700 dinnerwarei tha t soft base china is 1heArthurr Wî'iglt and Hen.fy Club î'oomshudbarngdIt cr.Tev aeab iearest to true oriental porce- Jakemnan. Welfaî'e committee.: foi- a meeting place. George ance on hand of $268., 'iliri ,Mrs. Hugli DeGeer and Mrs. Smith was appointed to mn- Funds were raised throu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _p l a te_ _ l a i n . . :R o y S t c an g . S e n i o r C it iz e n s q ulir e f u it h e c a b o ui t t Iis m a t - ' t e a s , b a z a a , b a k e s a le , g a r d , En i al Sp ade paeh lattman 1comm ttee; Mr. D 0oLI g I a ter. party and cateing 10 otherc bas nlyonemoud. he ongSmeit and Bob. Ry-ley-, Fir.s' The Posici' Contest wa.iganîzations. Contribution: hi asd onl oned mod Th on Aid committee. Mrs. Allan judged and four oung arti.3stsbeen made to the gene: - is used ta, make the bestbobncer wýpaillbechiranofbe rceivcd a tpt Toronto and fn ffi tc, toway china was depicted in theC npaincnmmittee and wiil 'fcee tickets, b the Ice Follie.1the remodelling of the Man -film . As each stage is corn- arrange for her assistants. -, They were in order of menit 1 missions, support of a Gret - 'pleted anc of a seies of thor-! George Smith chaired the Carol Horner, Ruthi Bradley'ý foster chuld. sunshine box 4uw1h inspections is made .jolelections. Bonnie Giles ad etr ee s 0sk and shtut-ipn,. the ju] insure that the finished item!IVMiss Laurta Morton reporicd Mrs. Betty Stanîev ofrTor':-Oi ihoii' flow'r sn wili be perfect. that donors from this area had onto, wlin is a representatixie cases of bereavement. the Pe Befare firing, each piece o! given 41 blood donations in Of thte Public Relations De_-,ci'boi'ough Alcoholie Soclet Spode is packed sepairately Peterborough. partment and focmerly with 9î newsletters sent o-ut, $24 and then paaced in one a«fthe Mca. Noel Wood gave te the Toronto Blond Donor Cli- sent to Pres'hytery as Wellj old bottie ovens for 32 hours fiýnancial repart includin- nie, was the gLiest speaker and Presbyter.y fees. Mca. je, * at a heat of 1120 centigrade.-_ _ - - talked on tie value of lte nîngs commented on the goc Every pece is always decor- automnobile, aod the fragile Blood Donor Services and prograins at each meeting. f ~~~ated aOver tie glaze, and i apciigepshv o ht'BlODd Banks. Sic described' Mî's. Vincent Jackson ai receives five or six glazes.,tered, or even cracked! The&ali the phases that blood goes ,nouneed that new mu-sic lia Hand engraved copperpiate i<makers of Spode have arrang- thî'ouoh. the sanitary pr-ecauI-been Puî'chased foir the cho used to, make guide 1-mes for',cd to pregent tItis demos tons cireiake, etc. Mî's. ducing tlie year and they ha the aintrs t use ý ion gainnextmont inNovai Stanley also said that Canada, a sm'all balance on hand. P'ainters a 'e apprenticediýScotia. lias the largest blond bank in Clarence Rowan ceporte foc ticir woi-k at 15 yeas Off lMx's. Ernest Blake on be- te %orld, x'eî out or 35 pet',the Cemeteî'y well cared f O ge, and sametinies work tacýhaIt of te audience thanked -cent eligible donoî's (tie rc-lind a balance on hand in th 50 vears in the Spode plant.lMr. Neat for his interestjngýmainIng percentage is mnade'ltreasury,. TieY Luse 24 carat gold amal- addmess. Evcryone precse n t up o! those under 18 or over Mi's. T. Jenning. commeni ýO4 W MUCH YOU MAY ganated wti mnercury for thelwas fascinated witi the cx- 60 or with somne types of iii-: ed on the work done at th gold rim.! quisite displays on view. Mc'. ness) onl', 4 per cent gix,'.!Manse wbich had include SAVE ON YOUR CAR The manufacture of eaî'th- Geocge Webster of Rickb,'s blond. MI's. Stanley ticgprd'mov-ing the bathi'oom frof enwaî'e was al-so explained iniLimibed liad arranged a dliin- t-liai mor'e people be pî'epared flic firat floor to theuptr INS RNC WTH dtal.W'hile il is less expein-,nec table. covered with a pink t0 gîve blond i'eguAlarly. ccemodelling and enlargingc sive than bone china because felt cloth. and set with Spocie The speaker was intî'oduî'ed Ite kitchen. two bcdcon STATE FARMI te pî'ocess ia more aubomnat- in thle Billingsley- Rose pq and thanked li\ Mrs. DeGeez-.,papeced and paînted. new jil cd, earbhenware Plates and terri, and Classie crystal. T he The ladies secvced lunch. floars foc bedcaoms and l ci-t pieces are also beauti- attractive floral centrepicce Congregatianal Meeting î'ePairs ta the furn-oec, Som fui altItough they are opaque was won by Mca. Mark Roc- The annual Congregationlal:-new curtains9 and light fix as opposed f0 the translucency nigk, Who wben te audi- eeig f Ie United Churcli fumes af china. Most item,, are hand- ence was asked how long tliev Was hcld on Moîîday- niglit in It was iecommended tha painbed over printed designsihad owned Spode, was aile 1 the Sunda\ scIto al hh-fIeSead aebcbl made by- hand engraved cnp-1repfly tiat sIte has had lier's cd lv Rex'. William Pieî'Cv tHic churcli steeple 1epairci lepa-te. Many Spde artists. o oethn2 -ar. -Tefoltoillg officiais we i'e There was also e discussloi have Itad paintings, shown i0: 'Ple winneî's in te di'awv elected for 1965. ce te necds ..! theSua ti oylAcdmy-, Landon. foractfe pî'izes, Iovely Spodei Members o! Session: A]lan Scehool foc larger quartera. Mr.Neat expinea ta tiplates and vase s, whicli werc, Beer (cleî'k) lienrcy Jakeman, i Rex-. Pie'cy- expresse1 conrac- 0 cmmo oinion fdonated by Rickaby's were onad oeMervyn Por- thanks to ail officiais an( gond bonie china is extremefy Mis, W. Harold Charlton, tenuIs,Ha" Prestonl, Geoî-e membeî's frtrc-pr stcong. RltItough he warncdj Mca. Wayne Pucdy, Mca. WaddelE a t' I weatier'ilt, tion during te y-car. Henri Itousewivcs to bewaî'e of one Jamnes Barclay-. Miss Eeîiî'Clairence Roxxaliî.Vi n c e nfJakeman mYovcd a vote c peci1 wlicn washing theirt Pickard. Mca KX. Scott and Jack.soîî. Raîpli P'estoil, Cat-'l thanks bu MI,. and Mca. Pieî'c prized Spode. He sa-id thi.q! Mrs. Clifford Mackîin. POi'teotIS Cliarles Weatieî'iltfoi' their leadcî'sbip in al DIRK BRINKMAN danger' is the modemn sing-, Amnong the lovely pieces o! Mi's. Mar'ioi'xý Cuppins, Mis, phases o!flte woi'k cf th( -' Phone 623-369-1 îng tap. He advised that thisSpode on display'- were aMai art Beer. chu rci. 14ugt t. Bomav li e Puehed back tram lihe sink 1Plate, valued at $450, fî'um ftie Stewar'ds: foc thi'ee \'ear Rev. Pic'i'cv cndtd ~cuokSt. Bomavile efre vahig dsis. set owned by- an Indian M,-,ci erniRoas Dax'idson, Ralpli brie! wnrship'service of scri-p The speaker told o! a dem. harani, one o!f te l.iabel'iaRowan allRiBb y-iu' 'adn.pa-îsa [ulSA EFAMOn-st'a-tion that has been made Pattern <'hosen by Queen i- eY, Jat'I: Neals. '.. Hat'old ll\lil. and led in a dsuso 1! utaii~Ôm~len~raiccapay sxo'ltimes tb prove te tria. and. ai, exarnple i h ,, hite: folt-r wo \1 dei-ir'tefi prueo!l i Con. Office: Toronto, Ont. strengili and dncabiîitv o eiî cue i ilu Pr iiiredPo-tu i'- sion1 th!ui] Cini'cliof te misr bone china. Four, cLps are Margaret o i:rxi fd~JfhliS Ix'r o-xeedddm ivCII-c. eru lîsed to support a snall Volv. sona set, an. Denitis Cliallice: forl neb-suy-aprpr uesio - -aî', Har'old White, Charlesjau-e, "in our local churci do Wc -a th erilt, .Aî'thuîir Wrigiî,lwe have a cîea.r conception of aIl financa obligations mnetl. scompased, w-ha are to he ti lectrical haîg system ticOhurci not nly on Sun- D onal A . acG r gor comnpleely paid for and a bal- d-ay for a fw hours. but Do ad . M a Glgranceon ItSnd o'!S531.82. ee 9'4K NG ST. E. INSURANCE 13OWMANVILLE Mra. Thomas Jackson an- The concensus of toptini TELEHONE623-962 uarters for tic Mîsionarv womk o! lie Churci i!; mare TMEPR NE 62-5962and Maintenanre Fîînd. than a financial responsibîli- Mrs, Marry Ryley reported ty, tihat it ahould be the mem- Gossick, Shirley Gossick, Margaret Goyne, John Goyne,' farrison, Karen I-awke, Glynis Healey, Randy Henry, Lai'- OBITUARY mes, Donald Hutton, Laurie Iliffe, Donna .Johnson, Lixida Kathy McGuix-k, Marga-et Muir, Sandra Raistoxi, Kathy MRS. BERNIECF E. SMITH Ronald Van De Walker Deborah Vetzal, Gai Wltr, in ailing health for several M'n aerezaaIt erYears, the death of Mrs. Ber- Paula Worden. nicce Elaine Smith, aged 641 -- years, occurred at Memoirial, ýHospital, Bownian ville, on â bers' purpose to live to theattend-ance and participation 'lhursday. January 21, 1965. glorv of G od, to have p Faith !in ChUrch affairs, but 1ht t e S e h d b e n h s ia o:Ar Er and live that Fai'rh to the fuI- work goes on even when only one week. lest by spreading the Gospel, a few attend. The task of the A daughîe'r of the late Mr.' More stewardsh ip i., needed , Church is great and everyone ia nd Mrs. Emerson Geary, the too few are totally committed â1should plaY his or her pari ;deceased was born at Stan]ey, to God's full purpose: organi- in the full mission ot the Wisconsin, U.S.A. She receiv- zational patterns inhcrited are Church. ed her education li the Uni- ,U flot to blame for failurcs. The Rev. Pieircv\ closed ithe mneet- cd States.16T M E NC opinion was expres.&ed that ing with prayer, after which Mrs . Smith had resided o the present industrial system. ithe ladies served lunch and a Maple Grove Road, R.R. 2 of shift work interfered withisocial hour was enjoyed. Bowmonville, for- 17 years. iter, Photo of 44 Courtice Baby Sitters Who Groduated Recently Of ai North American cars today, Rambler is your best used car buy. Why Rambler? 1. BETTER CONSTRUCTION Exclusive Single Unit Construction with Uni.ide makes every Rambler body a strong, safe, all-welded, single unit. A rugged Rambler body stands up 10 punish- ment a lot longer, a lot better. ll's built ta take years and miles in its sîride. 2. NO RATTIES Ratiles and squeaks in other cars are causecl by nuts-and-bolîs construction. But Ramblers unique Uni- side body is free of rattles and squeaks because it's diff er- ent from conventional body-frame construction. 3. BETTER RUSTPROOFING Exclusive Deep-Dip Rustproofing, continually i- proved since is introduction nine years ago, is the world's best rustproofing method. The body of every Rambler is dipped to ils roofline seven separate limes in rustproofing Io seal off every nook and cranny from the ravages of rust. 4. BETTER PAINT Ramblers exclusive three coats of Lustre-Gard Enarnel resist wear and tear, season afier season. 5. BETTER WEATHER INSULATION We introduced exclusive Fibre glass Roofliners irn 1 961. Durable, washable vinyl cavering stays attractive years longer than traditional cloth lining. 6. BETTER WINTER INSULATION Rambler's Weather-Eye Heater and exclusqive Double Doar Seals give year-in, year-out protection against wind and weather, cold and drafts. 7. BETTER BRAKES Exclusive Double Safety Brakes, a Rambler feature introduced in 1 962, are gradually being copied by other manufacturers. Front and rear brakes work independently to provide superior stopping protection, If ana set is damaged, the other stili operates. 8. BETTER SEATING Rambler offers the industry's widest choice of corn- fort andi seating options. Exclusive reclîning seats and ad/ustable headrests are sturdily-buik t i give you maxi- mum soating comfort year afteryeor., 9. BETTER MUFFLER R ambler's exclusive Ceramic-Armored Mu/fier, Tai/pipe and Exhaust System is made of tough galvanlized metal bonded with a long-lasting ceramic shieId to resist rvst and corrosion. 10. BETTER VALUE With so many built-in exclusive features, Rambler holds its new car value much longer. R ambler is built with a/I possible owners in mind-not just the first. In the beginning, when il counts, Rambler is built fer better 10 last far longer. 11. HIGH DEMAND Rambler owners are loyal owners. That's why today's used car lots aren't crowded with used Ramblers. Rambler owners like the cars they drive. They take good care of them. When you spot a used Rambler, you kriow its in top condition. The new 1965 Rambler ia a top-qua/:ty car, too. It o (fers exclusive construction features, it's pockad with so/id value for your money, and if wlf de/ivar thousands of miles of trouble-frea par- formance-now when it's naw and Jater when it becomes a used car. Rambler is your hast car buy-naw or used. The proof is waiting for you right flow et vour Rambler Dea/ers. You'// find the modal, st yle, co/our and Meaturas you lik/caet a price you Ilk. Se@ your Rambler Dca/aras widc-ranging sa/action of top-qua/ity cars today. k IOualt yRamroiprts and suoarb Rambler service ar a valah/a from out nef work of RPmh/er Dealers 1ik'oughout Cnd McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 KING STREET, EAST PHONE 623 - 3356 -4-'- - '.. - ,,'.-s - - ----------- haçIUc*vd!at DunbrtonOnt. ISeveral years ago Mrs. ISnith suffte."ediuries in a motor accident which left hixr partially crippled. A dog fan- cier, she was well knowxn throughout the area. and for 16 ears specialized ini rasing Palomino cacker spaniels4' Surviving are three iters and two brathers, Mrs. Daîd Carlstrom, Rochester, M&in' Mrs. Robert De Weese. Grange, Mlinois, ýr Aa Badon. New AuWn, Wis, consin, William G:r, Van. couver. Wash., and Raymand Geary of Hibbing, Min M'Nany nieces and nephews, ail residents of the United State4 also survive. Mrs. Smith was predereas- Pdby one sister and one bro. ther. The funeral servie was held from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville, on Sat- urday, January 23rd, and was conducted by Rev. J. P. ro- merîl of Courtie. Interment was li Bowmanvjlle Cerne- tery. Paiibearers wl e r e Messrs. Charles lbbotson, Klaus Ver. sendaa, William C o0oanm b s, H'erbert Colmer. H or ar e Brown. and Samuel Von Gun- ten. r- 1