REVLON Invents Wet Lipsticlc MOON DROPS MOISTURE BATH LIPSTICK - COMPLETE$2.00 REFILL - $1.50 RONSON VARAFLAME BUTANE LIGHTER YES ...WE HAVE THEM VALUE SPECIALS es advertis.d in The Toronto Daily Star and Toronto Telegram JURY &LOVELL LIMITED r s '~1 2 The Canadian Stitesnian, BawmnanvLlle, Feb. 10, 1965 $1000 frons inteoeest enon v ments made o! funds giver thse Town for Museum i Average OnIy 50c per Letterpoe yrsL.BWila was reoeived. A balance interest fionstisesesaý funds -which had been held a Tawn account wasa Women's Hospital Auxiiary tanrdto e ue traneseredta orte Mv.s Annual Membershiop Tea Hears mnS7o 3.0wa Management an d Displ About Rotary Easter Seal Drive Committee, Mis, a ce said tise Museumn was o Thse Women«s Hospital Aux-i raad bY the recording secre- Mrs. O'Neill, co-convenor of from May 30 ta Tisanksglti ilary held ifs annuai Mentben- 1tary, Mrs. Joseph Cuddalhee.1 the Marathon Bridge, repart- each day but Monday,a ship Tea on Friday aftcrnoont Mfrs. L. T. MeLaughlin mov-;ed that $49.50 from this r- Mondays when a holiday. in Trinity United Churcis Sun- ed tisat an auxiliary stanip be ject lied been turncd in ta tise ter Thanksgiving, thse Muset day School Rooms.. Mrs. J. J. purohased for the Lib;rarv treasurer in January. Her cc- was open weekends ta 1Ni Brown was the convenor. Cart. This was seconded by convenor, Mrs. E. V. Hoar, 29th. A great many grot Prior ta tise tea the presîdent, Mrs. J. O'Neill and carnied. seconded the adoption of Mrs. taured tise Museumi in 19 Mrs. w. M. Rtideli presided Mis Jesse Van Nest moved O'Neiil's report. including Peterboroughs H et thse regular montisly meet- r.w .wic-o- tonical. Society, a number îng ! «e audi the ux: -venor o! thse Libras-y Carf, re- Wocnen's Institutes and chui A motion picture depicting ary's books. Thee lst vice- ported that books had been grouPs from the aireaa tise wonderful wo.rk b'eing president, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre donated in January by Rev. town, thse Hospital Aucilia dlonc at thie Ontario Crippled secondecc this motion. wisi K- J. Frampton, Mrs. Fred o! Maniorial Hospital, Brow Children's Centre, Scarbor- carrieci. Griffin, and Sam~uel E. Dcw- ies, and school classes frc ougis, was shown by Bill cli, Hampton. Sha asked for Hampton,, West Coc Thîesburger. Chairman o! the Mrs. S. G. McMurtcr, the volunteers ta assist with tise tice, Cartwright Central,& Bowanvllc Roary Cki'simmadiate past president, sec- vîr Gat ns alis Bo'wmanville both public& Easter Seals Committec. The ondeci by Mrs. Fred Stevens, moved tise adoption aif her re- iigh scisoals. fil grphialy pctucd hemoved that a letter af appre- parýt, and this w'as seconded A speclial viewing nigistw fimgrphcal pcuedteciation be sent ta Miss Gwen by T4rs. Cailan.he Jue4wsn em treatmcnt g i v e n different Burman, the Dietitian, for tise hl ue4we e Voung patients, and theyog-dicus Cita Dne Plans were discussed for of Town Council, heads of 6f sters' valiant co-operationfo uts Crstaffsdtiertise HospitelBnhayPnyvice clubs, soisool principa with tise doctors, nurses, and fmrmbhestaffand fotpe bard t b 1he atth LionsaCom-reeves af townsips, mernbE physio-thcrapists. «s~te aftcrnoon teas for munity Centre, and on a m-a palanet n thr Mr. hieburer oldthe auxiliery meetings. Thtis mno- tion by Mrs. Cawker, second"initd and refreshinents S auxiliary thet tise Easter Seel tion was carnieci. cd by Mrs. Brown, Wadnc mesers o! theBo siane Canspaign to raise funds ta A motion by Mrs. Wesley day, Mancli 24f1h was set as mrbr fBwmnil cssist cripplcd chldran will Cawkcr, secondeci bv Mrs. the date for this avent. Mrs. Wisean canmnenc run from Mercis IStisto April Ayre. was passcd. In titis mo- Mns. Stevens mnoved thet thse capable wonk donc by , l8tli. Tise objective in tlis tion it was dccided that flow-1 Mrs. E. R. Tisompson be ap- Aubrey Smith in hier positi district is $6,000. ers would be sent on tise deatis pointcd convenar for -tise as guide and hostess duri "Our Rotary Club scnds out of auxilîary mernibers, but Birtisday Party, and tihat Mrs. 1964. AIl Board menibers e 7,500 Eastcr Seal packages. wiscn a deatis of a membcn's Van Nest be in charge o-f tise pnessed pleasuna on iearni It takes a lot off gencrous peo- relative occurs a ard of decoretions. This was second- thiat Mrs. Smaith bas accePtI ple, wiso scnd in $5 or more, symnpathsy be sent. Mrs. Caw- cd by Mns. Glenisolme Hughes, tise Board's invitation fo coi ta make up for the unganerous ker, scconded bv Mns. Me- and cerricd. tnei hspsto o 9 Who senci in nothing. Miurter, moved tisat when an Mrs. J. J. Brown was tac Mrs. Lunney rapo'nted brie "You may find it isard 4.> auxihîary membar is a patient convenor o! the Membersisip ly on tise new displays believe, but lest year tise ne- in tise iospital a buci vase Tea which wes mucis enjoyed 1964 and painted o'ut th, turns aecaged only 50 cents enid a rose be sent ta ber. This by the auxiliery membe-ns and sanie displays are cisang$ par latter. We are hoping by wes carricd. their guasts. The serving wholl1Y or in part eccliye showing tisis film and others Mi-s. McLaug'hlin, sacondeci table wa-s ccntred wit-i a ta maintain continuing inte in as meny places as possible by Mrs. Wallis, moved that beautiful arrangement o! yel- est for visitors. As publici ta bning fisis average up con- aeiglit pest presidcnt's pins andi bow and white clirysentha- cisairman se ex-pressed a siderably. ana president's pin be order- munis, and pink and whit e preciation of tisa excellei "For the first timne the On- cd, and this was carnied. carnations, and it was lighted coverege and support giVE tario Society for Crippled On a motion by Mrs. Dun- by tali white silver dcconeted by Tise Canadian Statesrna Ciildrcn is including treat- cSn Smith, secondcd by Mrs ta-pers in silver cendlasti.cks. Sise also reported an bi ment for Cystic Fibrosis, McLaugihin, it was decided Those wiso assisted in senv- cisures distnibuteci ta motel 'wticis means tise use off costly fa gîve Mrs. Van Nest $10 for ing were Mrs. Rudelà, tisa pre- stores, tise Public Librery, a drugs, and even more costly plastic flowers for tise Day sident, Mns. McMurter, the so past cards sold tisroug equipment. We have several Room on flic Chronie Floor immediate ,past president, stores, Flying Dutaisman M( of tisese unfortunate childrcn Off tiseisospital. Mrs. Van Nest, Mrs. W-euis, ton Hotel, and at tise Museum in aur comrnunity, wiich Mrs. MeMurter gave a il Mrs., Stevens and Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Wiseman expresse o;hould affect aur contribu- tice of a motion to be made, tise deep appracietion o! th tions in a personal way," Mn. et thse Mercis meeting ai tise u c whole Board for tise leadeq 'Mebre ad uilryta amend thec con- h~ iip and work done by th Tisa president, *Mns. Rudel], stittition by adding a provision IIMrc o f ilnes cisairman and treasuren, rM tisanlced tise membens and that fthe Cliairman off the * Tomipson. ther uetsfor coming out in Special F'avors Cammîttee be Br.utz Nets was Mr. sulidradulwatic. -n.madle a memnber o!fVise execu- ~ * * mously re-elected chainmar R. G. Cowse, Vise treasuner, tive. Tise Mercis of Dîmes Blitz Min. L. B. Williams, honorar presented a satisfactory finan- Mrs. R. R. Cellan, tise cor- Cavs ed o Mnaychim ,Mr.Weanw cial statement. 0 uiesresPonding secretary, reported Febrary c ted n; Ms's.y; Femanw arisng fom ecomendtion ben set t Mis M.Smmearous response. The retunns Dîlling was electcd treasure arisng romrecmmedatonsbeensen toMis M.Somer-amounteci ta $1,310. Mrs. Fred Property committea is cor madle et a racent executive ville, for the Christmas trav Cale was tise Compaign Chair- paseci ai Messrs. Chant, Run meeting were deait witis by favors made bv St. Paul's C.G.aasstd yMs.Du dle end Gilbert; Menagemne tis mebes. is miute o lTandi ta Mrs. L. Lucas for Kemp. Thse Mercisoff Dimnes and Displey, Mrs. Wisema tise executive meeting wcre tise Ncw Year's tray favars Headque rs wes et tise Lions Mrs. Lunney, Mr. Dilling madle by tise Bowmenville Cammunity Centre endRo Publicity. Mrs. Lunney. ______ _____ _____ ______ ____ irl G ides.Stewart assisteci witis tie e -_____________ Letters off thanks for tise turns, o'rre auxiliery's sympetisy wceene- If anyane misscd tise ceti- ccivcd from Mrs. R. Land and vessens wisen tisey called it Dont F re Mrs. E. Laird, and ber son would be mucis appreciatac ilif Don. An acknowledgement Of tisey would send thein done- Heart Fund 'theaorder for 200 mare off tise tion ta tise Cempeign Chair- auxilierY's Cook Book was man, Mrs. Cale, 11 Ecisaîl Ave. Blitz on Monday recciveci iram tise Women 5 Tise District Cepteins were Club Publîshing Ca'mpeny. Mns. E. L. Ewert, Mrs. Lloyd_____________ Mrs. Callan elso reaci an in- Clifton, Mns. A. Oswald, Mrs. vitation fran tise Port Hope Robant Hildîteis, Mrs. Hanny HopialAuilar'sBaaa CllcutMr.K. Frectisy, Cu adTee on February lotis. Mns. Bud Henning, Mns. Clan-J doW n Mrs. Callen movcd the adop- ence Hockin, Mns. Fred Gnif- J d lb W n ___tion af ieha report. Tis wasifun an dMrs. Edgar Tomlinson. scconded by Mirs. C. G. Mos'-ý Mxs. Rudli welcomed twoM r Tte W ncw members o! tisa auxiliary, M sc KesuI t M cm aster W Mrs. J. T. Scott and Mrs. Fred y Wood. Tisa president an- Tise iollowing is a list of TiseMaple Leaf Judo Club, nouncec tisat Mrs. H. B. succassful candidates in exam- R.R. 2, Bowmanville hlave KneDpp lid resigned lier afice ications helci recantly by tise necently brouglit home mone a s President ai tac Ontario Royal Conservatory a! Music chempionships. On Saturday, Association o! Hospital Aux- o! Toronto in Bowmanvil,January 3th, they competed iliaries, and tiset Mis. George Ont. Tise naines are ernangedat MeMaster University, Ham- Raymond lied been appointed in ondes- o! menit. ilton, in an invitational tourna- 1-10W MUCH YOU MAY ta succeed iber.GRD IXPAOet It was also reportcd by Mrs. GAEI PANmet .AEON YOUR CAR Rudel fisat in tise current is« I- Honours - John T. McGutirk.1 August Liaube, Oshsawa, SAEsue of Tise Volunteer tisera, GRADE VIII PIANO ýwon tisa orange baît title. INSURANCE WITH was a cammendin o! thcj Ho1-nors z- Nny o rel;Bian Pigden, Oshsawa, took FA BU LOUS MATTRESS SALE NOW ON!! SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES__168 Hundreds of coils - ---1 BETTE£ QUALITY SMOOTH TOP AND QUILTED .MATTRESSES Serta, Sealy, Marshall, values to, $59-50 $37 ONL'Y AT WILSONS -*7 a SMOOTH TOP 2fo 1ROYAL.O.PEDIC MATTRESSES fo damask ticking, taped de Pre-buit borders, rope handies$6 IRG.$69.5OEACH NOW 2FOR 6.,50 DON'T MISS THESE EXCMTNG BARGAINS AND MANY MORE AT WILSON* FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA A!- >Upc 96i4,1 His- Sof irch mnd tary, )UT- many yeans, lails ta aller hum stins tise General ta funther Worksho~,. md Drama W orks ho p is Busy Preparing for Gay Comedy To Celebrate Anniversary Less than one manth ne- the syrnpathy and understand- romnantic longings, and how mains for the cast and crew ing lie thinks he deserves; ail this romantic entangle- a! "Waltz o! the Toreadors" while she, an the other hand, ment is sorted out could anly ta put thse finishing touches finds salace with the continu- have been penned by a~ on wha.t prSmises ta be an ed visits af thse suave !amily Frendhman o! M. Anoulh's outstanding avent in local doctar. mastery. theatrical history. Th Gnra adhi wf Director J ea n Sheridan, In celebration ai their fifth were blessed with two home- Drain a Worshop n citu des anniverisafry, The Bowman- iy, silly and ungrateful dau- D"G e o rs an Mrgae" ville Drama Workshop have ghters whose presence the "Geog e tand is p rodu tio , undertaken «sein most anibi- General finds unbearable. He . ofteToedrs i tickzs production. "Waltz af ohoasesinstead ta admire tiher sltzanfdtexoearience. thse Tareadors" is a gay, spirit- succession of attractive maids esklan exric.. ed oomedy in thse French who comse and go in this ill1 "Waltz of thse Toreadons"l mriner - an aging General assorted household. will be pnesented in thse Bow- spends his times remainiscing manville Town Hall an Thurs- over his past conquests in thee Unexpectedly from tihe Gen- day, March 4; Friday, Marais fiels aIBotte en Lo e rals past, appears a woman 5; and Saturday, Marais 6; nt fieds f Bttl an Loe. who captivated him many 8:15 p.m. Tickets are avail- His wife, an invalid for ago. Mer re-appearance able from any members of! the bers weVbrsianis let Telis of Achievements During 50- Year History ad Discussing tise Golden Anni- became tise first International wanis i- versary o! Kiwenis tisa guest President. In 1924 in Denver, new . speaker et tise dt'nner meeting Colorado, tise annuel conven- evt [_ af tise Bowmanville Kiwanis tion edopted tise present con- sri n Club iseld et tise Flying Dutch- stitution and by-laws and tise tiseCi ,t man Mater Motel on Monday six permanent objectives af introdi d evening, Kiwenien Past Lieu- Kiwenis. Tise naine Kiwenis esked r tenant-Governon Henry Reed, International wcs decideci upon and d( .Oshsawa, stated tisat tise record tisen as tise official namne o! mndcc yo! this ongenizetion's gnowtb tise orgenization. "'In in tise lest 50 yeens naveels an "Tisa lirst Kiwanis Peace $20,00( even cxpending influence and Tablet wes placed on tise Cisests na continually incneesing col'- Canada-U.S. border in 1935 te otiser cern for tisa pnablems of tise commemorate tise signing o! 1961 t times. tise Rus-Begot Agreement be- Kiwa: A ncw member, Donald tween tise two countries. Toront -Plain, was inductad dunîng tise Tise speaker told tise club nected [meeting into tise local Kiwanis tisat during World War II to dev -Club. Tise Pest Lieutenant- 15,000 Kiwaniens served in tise parmit Governor officiated et tise in- armed services o! tiseir coun- waiis duction. Prasident J ohnf tries, and meny others did Tisera eBrownlca presented a mcm- viteily importent wonk on tisa Peece ber's badge ta Mr. Plain end home front. Ha said tisat tise de-U.S Secnetany Ted Hutton made growth of Kiwanis was terrifie "Tis tise presentation o! e new during tisepost war years, and ives f membership kit ta isim. Mn. tiset in 1950 tise 3,000tis Kiwan- ana, a Plein is tise Service Manager is Club was formed in Lan- troduct of MeQucen Matons. caster, New Brunswick, a sub- gramn Immediae Past President urb o! St. John. Law", James Colliss introduccd tise "It was during tisis period young tgucst speaker. Tise Past that Kiwanis was notable for quence Lieutenant-Gavernon said thet its etteck on tise forces tiset bookîtl tise first Kiwenis Club was tisretened tise integrity of tise tisa Un formeci in Detroit, Midi., in Constitution o! tise United tan by :1915. Ha pointcd out tisat now States. Kiwanis sougist tise include Kiwanis International bas praservation o! freedom, witis o! just 'more then 5,000 clubs, and a pamphlet and radio series tise0 250,000 mambers. celleci "It's Fun to Live in Educet Tise speaker mentioned tisat Americe," andi "It's Great ta let ww dunîng 1915 tliree Kiwanis heac Canadien". Marc than for dis Clubs were iormed, end tise 16,000,000 o! tisese brochures inca of next yer 16. One o! tise latter ware distributed by clubs in This wes tise Kiwanis Club o! Hem- bath cauntnies. climax ilton, Ont,; and tisis !irst made "A Kiwanis spansored gnoup 5,00()0 Kiwanis International, hae seid. o! University men called Circla Annmve "Mvany Kiwaniens served in K bagan to a gtier farce and Prated World War I, whicis took 353 direction about this time. In in ser Kiwanis livas eut ai a mcm- tise United States tise first Vjork,1 bersisip tisat had climbed to Congressional Dinnen honoring F. C. 10,000 in those short yers. Kiwanians in tise higisest eche- o! tisai "In 1920 Kiwenis edopted Ions o! governinent service for his tise motta "We Build", on tise took place. Tise Ballot Bat- Presici- suggestion o! a pest president talion was formed. The Ko- bis pe: o! e Washington, D.C., Ki- rean Wan lnspired a new de. Past1 wanis Club, and tis motta bas grec o! national and commun- Reeci. sarved Kiwenis aven since. îty service, and tise growing "Gnowing empisasis on in- tlineat o! cammunisin caused ternationel understanding lad an increesing number o! Ki- fa tise observance o! tisa first wanis services aimed et Canada-United States Good- strengtisening tise establisiseci wilI Wcek in 1922. Tisis bas wey o! hIfe. been observed aven sînce an- "By tise mid-fifties tise nually witis clubs visiting 4,OOOtis club had been fonmcd, othar Kiwanis Clubs acrass and Kiwanis Clubs were cm- tise border. piasizing national henitege, "Tise first Kîwanis Conven- also teking part in e Crusade tion was lielci in Toronto, and1 for Traffic Saîety, and i,400 a Canadien, George F. Hixon,radio stations were usng Ki- 266 Pînts of Blood Don ated ai Clinic HeId by Red CrossI le Mns. W. M. Rudeli, Immcdi- Davcy, Fred Gniffin, Jesse ae Pest President o! tise Bow- Van Nest and William Wallis. manville and District Brandis Volunteer ciericel iselp was o! tise Canadien Redi Cross given by Mns. B. L. Burk, Miss Society, was in charge o! an- Marie Chant, Mrs. John Ged- rangements fan tise successful des, Mrs. Harold Hibbon and Red Cross Blood Donors Clinie Mns. W. Lawrie. beld lest Wedncsday eltarnoon Otisars whoaessisted et tise and evening et tise Lions Coin- Redi Cross Blood Donors Clin- munity Centre. ic were Mrs. W. R. Spry, Prasi- Tisera were 276 donors witli dent o! tise Bawmanvillc and in 10 rejeats s0 266 pints o! blooci District Brandis, Mrs. E. J. .ware receiveci. Tise Red Cross Rundle, Mrs. C. Kiappar, Mrs. 1 exacutive wes specially pleas- A. Vendenspnit, Mrs. J. Ver- , ed by the response fnom Bow- incuien, Miss Glenna Park, 3-imenville, Countica and Clarke Miss B. Rundla, Mrs. H. Fer- tHigis Scisool students. guson, Mrs. Thomas W. But- Tisosa who assisted wits tery, Mrs. H. Dykstra, Mrs. R. roaa, ana struci< a parked car nes'llng orme cnianJ!d IU e duUma, Eand Mrs. A. kiiem- hMusum IIIowned by Lois Elliott, 59 Di. driving donors were Harrystra. vision Street. Damage ta the two vehicles amountedt0oap* 04e Les Ricard was the investi- TfiIfl ur e for FROM PAGE ONE) gating o'lficer. veloped a plan for the future, On Monday afternoon at relating to theie mprovement 2:55 o'dlock a car driven byW e k y P b i h r an maneac of reaý[i Phi ip John Balson, Hamp- andth cotiuedexansonton, struck a iparked car own- Many Ontario weekly news-' Camse, Alberta, Cnadin, and improvemet off the dis-' Secdby teet. h Nichols, paper publishers and theïr and president of the Canadian plays. Seion daStaee t.thee woas wives will be taking time Weekly Newspapers' Associa- Much needcd repairs to the mnrdsaetatetocr. away from busy offices this tion, will address the dele- verandah were madle in 1964,['Constable John Bird investi- weekend ta attend the Annuai gates. There will be speakers and approval was given b., gated. Convention of the Ontario on ail aspects of week[ly news- the Board for the building off Howard Burgess, Chape] Weekly Newspapers Associa- papes' du.ring theý a library on the east end of, Street, was a driver of one tian in Toranto's Royal York business sessions. the property, 17his reduces Off the vehicles involved in a Hotel, February l2th and l3th. Hon. Charles McNaughton, the size off the gardien which two car collision eanly on Sun- Wilson Bayer of the Brace- Minister of Highways, will ad- was costly ta maintain, and1 day morning at the corner Off bridge Herald-Gazette is the dress the delegates at lunch- shotild resuit in a beautifuir Ritson Road end Edward convention <hairman. lean an Friday, mter which area between the two build-iStreet in Oshawa. MTr. Bur- Ofca ecm r oadLnUiest ings whîch can readily be, gess and James McQuarrie, Ooifi eeoe DrSowahrd llion, UeSity cared for, Mr. ThSnpson said j who was a passenger in the Delegates will be welcomed will speak and coriduct a for- Mr. Thompson expressedl Burgess car, aiffered minor on Thursday evening by Mr. uni on editorial writing. appreciation for the fine help'lacerations. and Mrs. John Morris. Mr. Han. Mitchell Sharp wil and ca-aperatian r e c e i v e d, The driver off the second1 Maris is the publisher of the speak ta the deleates in the from the two Council repre- car was Baris Fomenko, 243 Prescott Journal and presi- interest o! Excpo 67, lollowing sentatives. Edward Avenue, O s h a w a. dent af the association. the breakfast on Saturday. iA satisfactory financial re- Mrs. ITene Famnenko, a pas- At a "Get-Acquainted Par- On Saturday mornlng the part was presented by Mr, senger in her husband's car, ty," Larry Holmes, public re- delegates wil visit -the Ry- Thorrpson who perforned the ý was talcen ta Oshawa General latians representative af the erson Polytechnicai Institute duties o! treasurer as well as'Hospital for treatment. She Ontario Brewer's Institute, will where they will be guests for chairman duririe 1964. The sust*iined cuts ta her fore- be hast at a "Gay Nineties luncheon. The speaker will be ýgatreevdfrmtePr-ha, n othe back of herjParty." Haon. Wm. Davis, Minister cf vince amounted to $733, and head.j K. G. Patridge, publisher o Education. sradio rccordings. A progrein off cammunity ce on tise national levai, Citizenship Quotient, was iuced, and people wcre d ta examine tieseslves [acide whetiser they ware ad good citîzens 11959 Kiwanians neiseci 0000 ion Community ts, tise Cancer Funds, and importent naeds. In tise lengest convention in anis isistory wes iseld in nta. Tise delegetes di. d tise Board o! Trustees cvelop e sound policy ta t tisa expansion ai Ki- ste otiser free countnies. eare naw 32 Kiwenis aMenkers aiong tise Cana- .. border. e 5,000th Kiwanis Club formed in Muncie, Indu- and in 1963 Kiwanîs in- :ed e drametic new pro- cntitled "«You and tise dcsigned to acquaint gpeople witl tise conse- as o! illegal ects. These ets were distnibuteci in Fited States, and re-writ- by Canadien lewycns ta de tise Britisis standards tice in conjunctian witis Ontario Depertinent off tion. In 1964 tisis book- as transieted into Frenchs stribution in tise Prov- )f Quebec. syeer îvill mark tise xai a new pragremn, tise Plus, and tise Golden iersery Yeas- wfll be cela- 1by all Kiwanis Clubs ervice and community Mr. Read stateci. CTippîns moved a vote rsks ta tise guest speaker iexcellant eddressenci nt Brownlee xp esed )ersonal appreciation ta Lieutenant - Govannor Clarke Home Burns Early This Morning The house owned by Gilbert Vanovilumn on the 5th LUne of Clarke Township was burned to the ground early this morn- ing. It took Mr. Vanovilum more than hall an hour ta reach the Orono Pire Depart- ment by telephone because some of the lines were down due ta the storm. The telephone cail was re- ceived by the lire Department at Orono at 4:05 a.m. The firemen at once hastened in their truck over ice-coated roads to Mr. Vanovilumn's [home, situated north of New- tonville and a mile and a hall east of Starkviile. [t was impossible ta save the residence as it was then almost demolished by lire, but the Orono Firemen were able ta prevent the lire from spreading ta the barn and other buildings. Mr. Vanovilum's house is a total loss. It was valued at $8,000 and is only partly cav- ered by insurance. C et Cash Today For OId Appliances througb STATES MAN C L A 8 1F1E D 8 Phone 623-3303 On the way home the fir. truck sUid into the ditch. Th*~ township sander- snowplow came to the rescue. Them was no damnage. For a Quality Buy on a late model used Chev. - Olds. Cadillac -SIEE,- KEITH SMITH ONTARIO MOTOR SALES OSHAWA PHONES: Business -725-6504 - LResidence -728-6953 Over 100 Cars to Choose From 2 King St. E. Phono 623.3361 I LADIES' CLUTCH PURSES $5.00 Value - Only $9 BILLFOLDS $5.00 Value - OnIy $3.50 MEN'S ELECTRIC SHAVE MIRROR Reg. $8.95 - Special $7.50 HAIR BRUSHES BRITISH ISRAEL - The Bible's National Message -2 Have you ever considered the. evidence on which we base aur belief that the. Celto-Saxon peoples ore - the continuation of God's servant race and nation Israel, and that aur ancient Throne is the. on. called in the Bible the. Throne of David? If flot, we would like ta point out that present world conditions are a most emphatic warning that this question con no longer b. safely ignored. Today we ore living in the. very shodow cf "Armageddon"-that great ond final conflict through which lsrael con corne sofely only by a general recognition of her identity und a. complote surrender, both individually and nationally, to God's WilI and Purpose for her. Thus the question cf wh.ther or flot we. are ¶ lsra.l is both vital and urgent. wu wouLD unI TOTt.You ABOUT ir For Your Copy of Our FREE lookiot "An introduction t. the akitish-bre.I Ivangel" Wete ta the Secretarys Canadion British lurcel Association in Ontario P.. ox 744, Station 8, Ottawa, Ontario IURY &LOVELL'S J- VALENTriNE CHOCOLATES Valentin- $3.95l Betty Ann Chocolatesh 14-OZ. - ONLY FANCY BOXED STATIONERY f Regular $1.00 - SPECIAL 59 BDC DESERT FLOWER TOILET l WATER AND HAND LOTION $1,U50 IE Regular $2.25 Value- SPECIAL-__ 1 ý -.. 1 - ýNow Over 5,000 Clubs m Go'vernor 2 King St. E. Phone 623-3361