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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1965, p. 7

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Check New Garden Tools ItMr. and Mrs. Donald Foulds, a patient in Memorial Hos- IWen S0'lId, spent last week pital. 1ývith M î Mrs. Lloyd Ayre Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Trimble an d famlýiI and family of Aklavik in the Mr. ..1 Mrs. S. Black and;North West Territories are Mr. and Mis. Ralph Ames re- 'visiting the former's parents, Sturned last Sunday from a Mr. and Mrs. E. Trimble, On- pleasant 10-day wmnter holi-itario Street. Mr. Trimble, who day in Florida.1 is on the Council of The North Miss Carolyn Stacey, Quen's West Territories, is presently ,~University, Kingston, spent ýattending a Session of the the weekend with her parents,1 Council in Ottawa. Mr. and Mis. Manseil Stacey,, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rath- Orchardview Blvd. bun, Concession Street, and - Congratulations and best Rev. and Mrs. D. R. Dewdnev wishes to Mr. David Mortimer of Newcastle, attended a Kilgannon wvho will celebrate banquet in Trinity College his 89th birthday next Mon-; School, Port Hope, last Satur- day, February 22nd. day in honor of the lOth an-i Mis. Bert Colwell has re- niversary of the founding of! M turned from a week's visit the school. Mr. Rathbun is a with her son and daughter-in- former student of Trinity Col- kaw, Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Col.- lege School. well and family, Coe Hill. Mr. Lloyd Ayre has return- Miss Marlene Fenton, who:ed from Montreal, Que., where is attending the University of ýhe attended the Salon De Agri-' Toronto, was a weekend guest !culture Sheep Show. The, with Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Snid- ý champion and reserve market er and Brook, Brown Street.1 lambs were bred by Mr. Ayre Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evans lat bis farm, -Ayre Acres". Bryan and Colleen and Mr: The champion ]amb sold for a Arthur Wannamaker, Brook- record price of $21 a pound Ein, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'and the reserve champion A E. Moffatt, Prospect Street.1 sold for $5 a pound. Mr. and Mrs. Robert GilI, Mrs. Andy Zentner of Sur- King St. West, returned home lrey Centre, B.C., has returned on Sunday from a most enjoy- home by 'plane after spending able two-week vacation atiseveral weeks with her brotb- Montego Bay and Kingston, er and sister-in-law, Mr. and At the Canadian Hardware Show held in Toronto recently, several merchants Jamaica. :Mrs. T. Masterson. She was from this area were in attendance, including Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Belle of Mr. Bruce Furlong of accompanied by hier mother, Van Belle Garden Centre shown here looking over somne of the new gardening Scarborough spent the week- 'Mrs. Margaret Mulholland of end with his brother-in-law Belfast, Ireland, who arrived tools. An estimnated 7,000 dealers from over a wide area attended the show and and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. in Canada on January 6th to, purchased their supplies for the coming season. Photo by Milne Gea. W. Graham Jr., and fam- :attend the 25th wedding anni- ily, Jane Street. versary of lher son and dauh- Mr. Veraod ter-mn-law, Mr. and Mrs. gT. Mr. VrnonSaunders an Masterson, and for a xcd son Bob, Toronto, and Mr. and led visit with them. Mrs. Mul-V Were recent visitors with thelColumbia for a mnnth no' two S.ympathY of this communitytime was enjoyed bsy al.___ A. rmerprns, Mvr. andM. 'before returning to Bowman- is extended to Mr. and Mrs.' Mrs. Allan Snowdon and N'WfN TT ,A.Sandrs Wvele R. ile.Howard Cryderman in tbe Mr. and Mrs. Reg Taylor, NE T N IL 't-.Mr. and Mrs. George passing of their brother-mn- Oshawa, visited their parents, liannah, Lambs Lane, ac- At the Red Cross Blood law. Mr. John Boddy, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hi. Wilkins, Mrs. H. Trimi spent a couple companied by Mr. and Mrs. Donors Chie held at the and to bis wife, Mrs. John Port Hope. of days in Oshawa last week Mlarvin Hannah of Oshawa,j Lions Community Centre under Bodcly. and otber relatives. MVr and Mrs. Lonî Gond- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Coulson were Sunday guests of Mr. and the auspices o! the Bowman- Ladies of the congregation murp hy and baby Diana visit- and family. Mrs. Alan Hannah, Wood- ýville and District Branch of 'don't forget the U.C.W. meet- cd her mother Mrs. Allan Mesdames W. Wood, S. Lan- *bridge. the Canadian Red Cross So-!ing on Tbursdav eveninè;, Feb. Snowdon on Sunday. caster and A. Wade abne EdiorJon . ams ndciety recently, Dr. Harold Fer- îaîîl in the C.E. Centre when M1Ir. and Mr.s. lleîrv EII, the Oshawa Presbyterial An- Mes. James attended the On- uonws1b hyiia nMrs. Arthur Collison. Bow- Oshawa, were \'isitors on Sun- fluai Meeting, Thursday after-, tario eeklycail. Among those who assist- manville, will be present 10 day witb their son and wife, noon and evening, at Simcoel soaionWel Newspapers As- c d was Mrs. William Wallis.! speak on Trinidad. AIl ladies Mr.adMs'Vhia. tetUie hrh SCainconvention held aiTea ad cookies were served 'welome. Mrs. . Thuillarri, Bancroft, Mrs. Herman Horstman of, the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, to tbc donors during the a fer- M sà ay Dubeau aidsn a etrei bre afe hsvlage~ is a pateti o Theay ndFiy0fnnadevinbyagupare visiting ber parents, Mr. spending a couple of weeks ai Memorial Hospital. Iat ee.o! Bowmanville Lionettes, Mrs. and Mrs. Rice, at Mitchell ber granddaughier's. Mr. and LAC Bruce Burley was a, Mr. and Mrs. S. ROY Ashton ýE. L. Clifton, Mrs. James A. 'Squîare. Ms B ar Larry, Sharon and David New- Bell, Mrs. Walter Rundle, Mrs. M.adMs .J SieMsC ar supper guest, Friday, witb Mr. toTrno pn ud ,Clarence Hockin, Mrs. ByronM.ad rsG.J pc, Mr. and Mrs. Kcn Kubnkc, and Mrs. Don Vinklc, Bruce tnThorncl seand aunMd ansoeMs Cln !i-Toronto, were Sunday dioner and Miss Betty Ellen Kubnke bas beco out at tbc Wcst Coast, *n Ms.H.J.Bacok,~ wistlc, Mrs. Doug Kemp, Mr,. guests witb their cousins, Mrs. spent the weekcnd with lber but is now teansfcrrcd tol' an rioSre.et, andao calednt. Bruce Lush, Mrs. Bo-ilim L. C. Snowdon and Mr. Bob sister and biusband. Mr. and Camp Borden for furiher train- aece Mr. Eber Snowden who isiand Mrs. C. A. McDonald. 'Snowdcn. :Mes. Howard Waldroff. Tien- ing. ____________________ SI ________Miss Mary Ann Doyle enter- ton,, and on Sunday, accom- Master Peter Henderson en- ,tained a number of bier girl panied by ber brother and îertaincd a number o! bis LONG~1TTm fiends on Friday evening for wife, Mr. and Mes. Gordon friends Saturday evening, i LONG S Ujj.L lber bicbbday. A very enjoyable Gray, they visited their grand- bocainfbsbrhdy BOWIMNVILLE mother, Mrs. Asa Gray, Greenthocainf sbrhdy Mrs. F. E. Alexander, Bow-:bread was put up for atîction.'Acres nursing borne ai Bay- Mes. Stecd and family rnov- PENTECOSTAL manville, spent Sunday with We sent a donation o! $700 to iside. Tlieir grandmotber bad ed to Cobourg last weekend. bher brother, Mr. Robt. Sim. 'the March of Dimes. We clos- just cclebrated bier 98tb birth-ý Mrs. Earl McEwen and Mis GacRSCt was acd the meeting with hymn!day. Grace-Anne of Peterborough, ssundayuper uSio M. 651, "God is our refuge and! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bur-:spent Saturday with Mrs. ibery Sree. Suth and Mi-s. F. O. Smith and' our strcnigtbh." and benedie-gs ad fmiy EbnerCciBrly 'h4one 623-5100 fa.mily, .Bowmanville. ltion. Lunch was servcd. wcre Sundax' supper uebsMçssrs. Truemai Hender- \vith bis parents. Mc. and Mrs. son, Harry Wade, Ross Brown! 1ev. A. Kudra, B.Th. Mrs. Gabriel Kovac bias Morley Burgess. and Bill Wade werc among the Pastor been a patient in Memorial OB1UA Y Me. and Mrs. E. L. Gilbank Odd Fcllows who attended the PatrHospital, Bowmaoville, for a O IU R and sons Bill and David werc, Detroit - Toronto hockey game few clays.1 Sunday supper guests witb ber Saturday night ai Maple Leaf SUNDAY SERVICES: .Mr. and Mrs. John Sawdon MAJOR DAVID L. BENNETT parents. Me. and Mrs. H. G. Gardens. Their wîves enjoy- and family, Miss Jean Sawdon rea.eashpigtpndgup 9:55a.m.Sunay Shooland MissIsabllaS'awonThe deatb of Majonr David Femn c hpigtp nigu ,hoo ýan Mis IsaellaS-awon,,Miss Gladvs Allun and with supper at the home o!' Osihawa, were Sunday guestsLoad ent, eesl. Master Calvin Alini, New- Mes. Harry Wade. o! Me. and Mes. James Saw tc]ucred at Mlem orial .Hspi- castle, were Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane 11 a.m. W me' don, Fbal. Bowm 96nville, on il-sdavvisiîors with their gcandpar- werc Satueday evening visi-ý MisoayCouncil Day M.alMs.Henupytbur 2 95 fera 1 os, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Free-'tors at Mr. L. Clysdale's. Missonay *Bowm.anville, were Sundayns fsxyas ewsi man. Mrs. Rowe-Sleeman, Toron- - Ms. udr spakng uppr gesî o Mr an Mr. is 71st year. The manv friends nf Mes. to; Mes. Leushner of Niagara Mr. uda peki H upeld urphyo .an r, Son of tlie laie Mc. and Mrs. John Noble are pleased 10 Falls; Mr. and Mes. L. Gilmer EVANELITIC7 pm Jabez Thomas Bennett, toc know she bas returned borne of Buffalo were wcckend' EVNGLITI pm.Club 50 deceased was boro at Si. Al-,aftec baving suegeîry in Mcm- guests ai Mr. F. Gilme's. PASTR'STHEE: lub50 hld bei Feru-bans in England, and reeeivcd.oriaî Hospital, Bowmanville, Mes. G. W. Joncs rcturned arymeeingaitheLon Suli b~ eucaionb nglnd ndand is doing nicel. borne feom Memorial Hospitall "Fie easnsWhyI eetl i thseLngmembersianada. In 1915lhe mracied Mi, and Mrs. Micîlees and on Saturday. "Fie Rasos W y 1me bbct former Grace Winnifred family, Richmond Hill, wcre Don't forget the U .W Believe Christ Is Coming ad0evstrpeet u Maidens wbo prcdeeeased hiin.!Fridav evening visitors \vitb met Ildiett1he Sda So"Pres. Mes. John Vaneyk open- .ajo Bmnetîogreiaies, ssta ae hunay, cd te metig wtb ymo. MjorBenebibadcesdedhecsiser nd usbnd.Mc.,Scbool Hall, Wednesday after-1 Soo369, "ather o!eming , in hmin Newcastle for 16 years andiand Mrs. E. Spry and family. noon, Feb. 24 at 2:30 p.m. ~ ED, EB36t9ae , "h folmoenb'in hmbefore r'pving 10 NewcasIeýMr. and Mes. Bill Armsbrong Mrs. Carl, Paeden, Judy andl WE.,FE. 4t aeonsPer," Mrs. bbvthýad lived in Toronto. A wel and family, Collingwood, ,pot Wayne, of Bowmanville, wcre 1 7:3 p.. nd rs Wodlc Voeskfknown area artisi, he was -1t the weekend witb bis sîster Sunday dinner guesis with Me. wr 0one lime a social or. Heiand busband. Mr. and Mes. aoc: Mes. Wlfred Paedcn. Faiycharge of the worsbip period. was also a bigb school tea-ýSpry and family. M.adMs i fam * aiyNight service ýHymnl 380, -Where cross tbc cher. of Toronto and Me. and Mrs. Special !crowded ways of lite." Mrs. BHe served wih tbe armed Te rdetad Bruce Leuby of Port Hope' *SeilFilm Sbown: Vaneyk eonducbed the neces- forces during World Wacs 1T h rsdnad were Sunday afiernoon callers' "Evangelism" sary business on hand. thon and Il. During World War I Directors of at Mr. C. M. Jones'. turncd bbc meeting over foribe was severely woundcd atI "Yo ae eyr asîanerthe program. Our prograr Vimy Ridge and was in bos-ý THE CHILDREN'S hcld fuay dinnehomety wa "Yuaenvrasrne consisted o! our annual Val-:pSuodfray at homee as' aILLthe Bonwmanvillle cotine Auciion. Mes. Jirn a mmne ! ecsbeUitnIJ. rJiLi1 bor.n rbs motran, lein REHOBOTH MARANATI Christian Reformed (hurcl ScggStreet, Bowmanville à. JohineC.OVerbrugge, B.A., B.D., Mini Telephone 623-5023 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 a.m. - Dutch 11:00 a.m. - English 7:30 p.rn. - English Proclaiming the Whole Counsel of Goc "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB Oshawa - Sunday, Feb. 2lst, at 9:15 funeral 'service azsisted by the deceased's son-in-law. Rev. 'IAMorse Goddard. Duringth service favorite hvmns were SIpacd1bv 'Mr. Williams. or- gaos f Newcastle tUnited Rhes Churcb. Interment was n Belleville Cemeberv. Palîbearers were Messes. E. Withecsoon. Jack Wadc. John ister 4 Bennett, Grant Maidens Jr.. lAaring Maidcns and Michael Large. bcmn euiu Among temn euiu floral tributes, evideoce o! the esteem in whicb tbc deceascd ,-as hcld, were tbose from the SSehonl: Students of Clarke District Higb School: Brancb 178 o! tbc Royal Caoadian Legion. Boxvmanville: New- dcastle Cenotapai Committce: Orono Art Group: Art Insti- St utc o! Ontario: Communitx' Programme B'ranch, Depacb- Sment o! Education: Ontario Training School, Li n dsa y, Newýcastle United Church Wo-, Smen: nepartmen* i! Vrterans p.m Affair5ý: and the Staff of Riv- r'rc Ierdale Cdllegiate, Toronto. i ST. JOHN AMBULANCE WEEKEND FIRSI AID'(OURSE For Those 15 Vears and Over TWO-DAY COURSE: Saturday, Feb. 27th and Sunday, Feb. 28th 1965 Time: 8:30) a.m. to 5:30 p.m. BADMINTON HALL, BOWMANVILLE - Cost Nil - QUALIFIED FIRST AID INSTRUCTORS Films - Lectures - Practical Application Social & Eersonal Phone 623-3303 ~OOk/ AIT1 FEEL f FIT, Get ail of your health, hygiene and good-grooming needs from the man who knows them best. .. your l.D.A. pharmacist MACLEANS Tooth Paste Save 30c 1.09 valut I.D.A. SPECIAL 79c CLEARASIL Hides pimples ivhile it works because it's skin-coloured SUGG. LIST 1.25 99C SUN TAN KIT b eneraetrin one for a Fiorida-like tan SUGG. LIST 18.95 --15-95 C EPACOL Pleasant-tasting Gargie and Mouthwash 14-oz., SUGG. LIST 1.4099 D RISTAN Nasal Mlist 15 c.c., or Tablets 24's SUGG. LIST 1.25 99C I CE - 0 - DERM MIedicatcd Astringent SUGG. LIST 1.25 -----99C SOMINEX GentIy aids you to sleep 20 tabiets, SUGG. LIST 1.50 - ------- 1.29 by General Electric 69 Formula 22 by Wampole Vitamins and Minerais 100 tablets Magnolax by Wampole Gentie, effective laxative 20-oz. sugg. Iist 1.51)199 LECTRIC SHAVE The BEFORE Shave Lotion 7-oz. sugg. list 1.50 12 BROMO SELlIER Quickly settles upset stomacb. Family size sugg. Eist 1.09 89C AQUA VELVA Af ter Shaving Lotion lst1.25 1009 3.98 value 8. (ONFIDETS,., Sanitary Napki'ns 12's.3 sugg. list 51c39 SPRAY NETr Helene Curtis keeps hair in place ail day 6-oz., sugg. list 98c - E OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion 4¾/-oz., sugg. list 1.50 1.29 RIGHT GUARD Spray Deodorantby Gillette 5-oz., sugg. list 1.29 99C S LIM - MINT Chcwing Gum Reducing Plan sugg. list 1.98- ------- .6 Paramette Syrup2-oz., sugg. list 5.50 3.3 9 Paramette Tabletsl2's, sugg. lîst 6;.03.59 BUFFERIN Fast pain relief . . . headaches, muscular aches, colds 100's, sugg. iist 1.89-. 1.59 AURALGAN Pepto-Besmal Faciail Tissues MURINE Ear Draps for upset stomàcb 400 single 81/ x 93/ inch for your eyes For pain, wax, etc. Controls nausea, tissues, packed 2-l Soothes, Cleanses, indigestion. Refreshes, Sugg. list 1.25 16-oz., sugg. list 2.00 Reg. 29e box Sugg. list 1.25 SPECIAL -1009 SPECIAL.. 1.87 2 boxes 49c SPECIAL ...1.09 KAOPECTATE POLIDENT Easy Breeze "Elîte" VUCEROY For the treatment Cleans dentures best. Hair, Dryer Hot Water Bottie of diarrhoea. Stops denture breath. in Tote 'n' Travel Case 2 quart capacity. Built to 1 give long, dependable Sugg. list 1.39 Sugg. list 89e Sugg. list 18.88 service. Made in Canada SPCIL. 1.l23 1 SPECIAL . ...78?c sPECIAL1777, SP ECIAL .....99 C Poular bath sait at a money-saving BATH EPSOM SALTprIPe cnmbrd ~ma ~At*~~The I.D.A. Brand A.S.A. tablet. Each tablet full 5 grains I UASAL IRDLEI> Letîsalcîlic cd30',rg9c 5 IL bag 44c ANTACID STOACHastDER mfortable relief for upset78 ANTACIDSTOMACHPOWDERsomach.4-oz. bottle, reg. 98c ...-78 (AMPHORTED OILThe nId reliable "ruh" for relief of congestion and 3 CAMPHORATED OIsprains. I.DA. Brand, 3-oz., reg. 49c39 (ERTIIED ERA(HEDROPSPrompt, safe relief for cbildren and59 CERTIFED EAACHE ROPSaults.Dropper bottle, reg.7559 SPIRIT 0F CMPHORHelps to heal cold sores and skin eruptions.- 2 2quart capacity. White tubing, VICEROY FOUNTAIN SYRINGE 2 rapid-flow pipes 18 PRESCRIPTIONS 1 . D. A. REMEDIES £ ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS.e 5 KING ST, W. - - PHONE 623- 5792 Jkins and boys were dinner, tis expected that s5ome of The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvlle, Feb. i?, 196s guests, Sunday, with Mr. and our local Young ladies will be7 * Mrs. B. Tompkins. 'conducting a canvassheei Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fareow, aid o! the Heart FundneîY Toronto, callcd on Mrs. R. Saturday. Pîcase be preparcd! L V E R T O N Farrow. Sunday aftcrnoon. 10o make as generous .a ce- r e isno ulhtedowowshCpd Sunday visitors wibh Mes sponse as possible, bo this very M.KeWlon!Gephhedowo aseCi. Boegre nlue M. ao w rh w il pa. University spent thie weeknd stupid! Who cse could il be Bourgerie incluSunday anftcrnoonhwibbaponîy.with his parents hece. lon the eve of St. Valentine', Ms. A. Meadows, Mr. and Ms. Missferon it nl B. Brcyad aiy Ms ine players in uniform, New- Ms Jennifer MGill enter-' Day? We extend congratula- L an and fialI o!Misha-:tonville defeated the îast place tained a numbcr o! yung tions to thc new]ywcds, Mc. wa. :New Service Cleaners 6-.5 !riends on Peiday p.m., Feb. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolmn (nec wa. an Ms Car Gl Scoring for the winning localý l124h, on the occasion o! ber Joan Endicott) and Vle. and meMr aeadBtywcrc: Hogg from Trim and 101h birthday. A pleasant i.Aln Haes Cc mer, MfLiary, Fac andaty 1'Wcstbeuser; Trim from West- time was had by alî present. Brenda Malcolm), and wel- Peieto! LM.indsy, w e Sundy euser; Westhcusec from Gray; Congratulations tb Mi. andi corne thc new additions tb the gues. s .alkc.DoeVnke'. Trim from Gilmer:- Westheus- Mes. George Page o! Bethanylfamiîy ciccle. It's not ever)r Me. . alcywas a sup- er f rom Hogg; Hogg rom who obseved their 59kth wed- day a feller gets a new fui!- per guest, Sunday, with Mr. FWestbcuser and Trim. Scor- ding anniversarv on Sunday,Igrown ncphew and niece. and Mrs. A. Wade and Grant. ig for the Cleaners were St. Valcntine's Day.1 Pleascd 10 sec ncighboîîr Mr. and Mes. Walîace Douglas and Bone, with two A number from this eom- Floyd Stinson's photo appear Boughen le! t Sunday aftcc- l eacb, and Bill Osborne added1 munity attendcd Uic doubl ot)eFail"ea]' n noon to spend a few days in 'bbc single. The two teams1wedding held in Nestîcton on foetunately tbey gave him a Ottawa aod attend the flag-1stuck strictly bo hockey with Saturday night, the first one French name as a captionj; raising ceremony at the Parlia- looly five minor penalties, los- 1we lever attcnded. That scan- hencefortb be is known as ment Buildings on Monday. cers taking the odd caîl. tily clad fellow standing at "Emil". Drop into our store to see the many more Money-Saving Specials on our Health and Hygiene Sale W. reserve the right to limit quantities. 1 m 1.29 0 il 79C HEAT LAMP KIT ANUSOLHEMORRHOIDAL SUPPOSITORIES Box of 12 sugg. list 1.50 ý

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