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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1965, p. 15

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Re added that we eaiv ct nte ihu a a g s d four youthj ee Iatg ped d gxt, w s fui u' i 1. I~ i*11 EUMagsratels Court inCafe c -,adof Thnka Cards of Thcinks Ini Memorii Tenders Wantedà Hetd in Bowmanville hicbeer at th onavlecdn cu l 1 n ot Iwsh tatethank relatives, I wish ta thank my neig-AEa-nmoigmeir a N8E ONTE FReiam oe, tmeafcrli e MevnDx a iltR fenfuseadDrSy-bsfriendriendnandrXdAV EaR-uInd nd atemry f NIE ORT UDEFNDFebra r 4, 1983 H reorInwl aiv. uph. OhWa alled butrccdth ecrsad ecothewsatbudn ortecre given me tives for their klndness ta my CyriliAvery who passe wyA' URXJrr arncLan gdthat lwecrshad been involv- ,clent, WI'UIam H afl haud osch prhs. dhay41nerLnb' ia cFarda during my stay in wif e and myseif with carda, February 231h,190TE ES >RMEIL ,R. 196Po. Hoe, wau cdBThe drivrIai Uic irst lcalfled tEathc1hadTdrVen Todd lcadcd flt road. H said tha, awgtet -mriýal itaI, Bowman- flowers, visite and transporta.~ Softly the leaves ai memory AND SERVICES charged October 7th wîth care- car, Ralph Norton, was west- ifor NtoalOoers saaJerry Toa tinduigmysa i . bound on Uic Seventh Conces- for over four years and Wl. oniEIAYca ile fl esdriving and driving whiie Nationachecking the car behind iii 1ah. ÉrVenng 81 ptl.Maythns o rSEART SAEDTED helicence was under suep- Sioni ai Clarke Township about hig way te make a delivey in Possession af aloaildFe.rrvewnrorheivd rr V nni g. -1 ithi. M n thssanda ta Dr. tly we gather and ERS plainly marked as la con- sian. He pleaded gu t r ls etyc 'h a w a vil. He inid tU icfrm n d Ca sa l K. . La n, o I nt t e p ssn i n. h Keit Smnaurenn l u G nl 35 w hen the Second car pas ad requ eted their drivers te OPP, tcstlied t at h l id he p s Wa ons c r W en h aof Medical Floor of Memaorial re a urehe m , oua rtl; le in wU ree tlve1:30 P im ti' C r treysG.p.hlm at a hgh rate ai speed, drive wlth ther headll h hl a rge aler seci ng Uca- ws J b u at .li f urfienud lk t akail Unsee n, ear, yo S.ndeslgne unti 1:30p.m., h tare.~ a hnh sopdteohr~a pee pa f urfredaan nihbors Hospital, Bowmanviile. atyaer ... oncasl adtecutseve hrl aUc ha Tyrone and district frte brSod.8- cutsevdsapyoth gtasasafety measure. ea nar h fo heEerSawe. 1 SURilloved, stili misued, tili ul Boann1Y195 ta Ucafie ohd~careedou a cotrl a d tahateis h. ieght oveiY china cabinet which very dear. encele, 1skid,' he conhlnuad !*as presented la us recently. Sneetak a r try Lvngy emebe r tefaolg tat ed 1ie oh.accurin. rndohut oavel rle 192 eetthr as iet then h. br tak. near Kirby shorlatrmd-"htthbrksadwn forhefedig- ettur teocur nte d TchtelemaI. ai dam- c ar. Todd laidbra Dr.n and Hennieuppiy ai, bituminousnkma-oCor.tabley F.oDrydenrenckeaelarge(1pale andofver-umiiousha-pConlaabavaP. hlltl1ngkUaclargePoleaaratherrcanfusedIY W. weoedbath galnhe about SugciFor eoiiHs.treatnient and mulch. De- cause of sickness ita the famlly. aet h oro a a 90HsWrhpree djd.storY about boataato 2mle or su ok The farnil cf the ~ pitli, Bowmanville and Osha. CAMPBELL-In iaving me. iivery, F.O.B. by tank fe ldshield broken by ment unlil Maren .TroalppnfrC 0,e men wa General Hospital, for their mary of aur dear son, Allan, truck ta any point In the i oora n alwsflying sancs, and ta i ec ado .PtkhHih le spuecn.rcaklsad Hfenry Garr sincerely thank attentive care during my re- who passed away Mar. 1, 1962. Cuie. n n ndu ghr's binh.GofrontP. Prker as iTonto, shaaiop iun o vr e aem a fred , n ih os a dC u te.w 8ond car $450 for a compiete tn wh deci d Ina P In Whilby, pure] sn i er n p o a b' ad cos tives for cards, 'phone calis appreciation ta aur neîghbaurs When do han cauld give'r,000hcubic ards ai dnI guilty te motel on Hlghay3,atogadrsanliecad i, and kidnsss rndre dr-and fnienda for ail their kind- thee ease, gravel. NESTLETON U.C.W. Chaîlice, Oshawa, had barrow- 21s H w s anlced and home atuar the e ime h en ak a Ptroo g " Ing their recent bereavement. ness, bath while in hospitai God, the heiper ai the helpiess, (3) Rentai af diesel aowered The Febnuary meeting Ofi cd the car and permltted fined $50 and cats, or seven ed why they did a rv n CntbeP eHeOP Willard and Jean Gorr. and since my return home. Saw thy pain and gave thee earth moving equpmet sleton U.C.W. was 'held at Lcn ta drive and that Luclcn days,,sdther. was an auto- home, h. a ued nped tst ed hthe ad iv t- 8-1 peace. ~~~(4) Suppiy ai weed and bnush the home ai Mns. George Bow- Leacn was also a passenger. matic suspension af hie licence "We 'weeahliaougtd the ocurec cdhi Isht hnDr.Senn-Lovingiy nemembered by spraying materials. ers with. twelve members sud AUl four had been drnig o three months. Warshpe.hvesvnkd oan asn hog h w is tatha keDs. Saean oth rda d yadd .8-1 ()a up of a wwie e ncngeive chndr n pese t. he oninu d t e r por, ud ic tabeT.hEens OP , aih me ud eheo ldravePorrto ouhaO Pd it. ac M é d i a l e t, n r s e a n d a i s ff a il lte R e d r o h ss fa nw d g ai e s . P e i e t n . L w e c a - d i e , J r y L o n n wC o rtt G . E a t s ,h . h a h d m u e a th , e c a k a s d s i et a Medca Foaran al tos mnvile sncee haksfor PORTER-In loving memory (6) Supply of tires and tubes. colm, opened the meeting wilh ho waseonopuratian andj¶ bld 1h.tuosght by carde, and a special thanks ta iass ai aur home by fire anId Picton Porter, who passed fuel and lubricants. ing" iollowed by a hynin. sinfedartsaruîd c near the Cream o ai isWorshlpdimsdthdoealUtasnes MYy mother-in-law, who took niany thanks ta IMr. Fred away Febnuary 28, 1960. ()Spisi ur alad r.GatCapeiadhn, feua cns, ereceield ly, Camp about Il p.m. case. M ta i nm y citld en du i g r of nd a th r ilendsa n Als o ng t e r a i y s e d y traffic paint. un it led in i the n ex t portion O shaw a, pointed ut that t c T e a f c n a d d t a a k o m o h e r 1 6 o lM N M N S & o iny say i hos italneig bors ai Sarkvile, also That leadi us straight ta AUl prices ta b . submitted ai the meeting. M rs. M aurice accusd had been work thei Te was et sued wh t Prk-h o rmDon d Glr d, R.t5,BheA RK R Mrs. Don Bishop 8.if to Father McClarry, Father you on forms obtained from 1the Nesiltread the Devotianal, GneaiMolrsfo a er w was ntsurway2 or 01 butaldvi$5ad30,or0 I wish tMalane annd Pr duc S peily PaeLr te m m resa h h p y u desg e.follwed by the first chapter years. Magistrate R. B. Baxter thal h. was lokng for the days. The evIden e w sgvno, e.%u taatve, t N ihnk riends GilPro u t V n Ltd. daysh r e nc k e Lowest or any tender wiîî "Religion and Life" from the fmcd hm $50 and cote or 7ranch.by C sabe R R c adon Ot (um i.ef, fi reatvs G'o Nihbr lu iier an -vrop Tgte eoc nw not necessanily be accepted. study book "God and Bia days, an the finit charge, and On Fbur t ynRMPtro fo lwrsfruit adget dfamily. 'And J. i.'. Monhouse, r Eng., rAninîee.ting dis.C~ampbelh.eon.H $vnC5f00..2 Oh-Rcar asnTrno DP SAFR lweresen t madnd anJ. D.awavMoveîno - Pomie"P. Mn Capbel500and costs, or six months Richard C y 5RR.2Oh Ln CP Ptroogh J R liy ty t eoralHs-I ih a xres ysicee We seem la have a way, CunAen ngnertpae. f îîuôr discussion' t-h-n- Richard.. 45E In tYatMmralHs onte'Egier oo lc.one th od H ay. vnwa, charged wlth abtaining charged October2tiwî'L» P t l lo h se ta meD r Ing s o x r ssm in e e Of wandering back ta m eet United Counties aofy uon e n ue, o ha wa r nl n er a e a *'. . ~ ..d a .a A n os i n d n u se . I in t an e g s fo re a ds, î o - O n t e r ad t e te d y M n c p l u l i gu e s e a t gi e , t a n o l.a d e d h ile u n d er ab y was v n E T H ER Yo U IonT piaAlfso tan k usst D.o.fhaib yrelties Oin theYoU t yser . Northumberland and Durhani, Minutes were read, Treas-I William Hallett, 1096 B bTecaTerence Kelly Floar. gifts ail _____Muicipa_ Builing,_______________AVrE ers, it and l who visited -vrrmmee ywf COBOURG, Ontai. 82 notes read and severl mem- not guiîty te a charge ai cane- UihepCronfn 4uih.'isher Gearge H. Coombs. meduigm tynMe Violet and daughtens Donna, 8.2__bers________f_____ buigm tyi e eresipaid theitr fees.rCards less driving laid Octoben 22nd. anbcueteewsTAE - 8-1 mariai Hospital, Bowmanville. Venda and Dianne. 8-i eosigned ta several il This was fallowing an acci- Han o p anionJaage. The A vry speial thaks ta r ________________________inl hospital. Mns. dent about il a.m. at the "hale- i opnJmsE- AI R I Lilieîamîyai helat Ms.A. F. Mspcelnzi M Drs . eSCOTT-in lavîng memory oai IN THE MATTER FTELawrence Malcolmi and Mns. in-the--wail" east ai New- wand Cawiing, R.R. 4, Bow-LMIE LieWelsh Ashton wish ta thuizen, special nurse, also a dear mother, Ruth Scott, ESTATE 0F ERNEST LAIRD, Wllfond Jackson gave interest- castie in which Mrs. Ken manville, was canvicted ofai TA SI oue express thein sincere thanks nurses and staff ai the medical wha passed away FebruanY LATE 0F THE TOWN 0F xng Cgognsith ruy opr' ainwsklldsmlrofns n ie 5 and appreciation ta relatives, floor for their excellent care 24, 1952. BOWMAN VILLE I N T HE tenial in Oshawa. sud the othen occupants ai the and $11 cashs, or seven days, fnind ad eihbrsforth ad innes.Time may heal the broken- COUNTY 0F DURHAM, CON- Karen Campbell then fav- car severely injured. and Uic liguer was canfiscated.M ae a y pathyf nd eautiess Leslie Allun. 8-1 hearted, TRACTOR, DECEASED. ouned by repiding her Provin- Edward Semplonius testi- COnstab R. Parkerte agsf_____yan baui Years may make the waund NOTICE TO CREDITORS cial pnize winning essay "How fied that he was westboun fied that Uic police had be TRAVEL JGNYPooWIb fui floral tributes. A special less sone ALL persans having dlaims aur school can take part in the following thnee other cars cfdfooinadstrbance DowmanVUIl 2-31MOak83 thanks ta the Ladies' Auxiîiary Words are not enough ta ex- But it cannat filtic longing against the Estate ai ERNEST fair program" which wa. vey 1 trvelig at normal specd. He at thie BowmanvillBe Are. ta the Royal Canadian Legian, press my heartfelt thanks ta For the loved anc gane LAIRD, late ai the Town ai much enjoyed. Tii. meeting jsaid that whcn h. saw tic Buffbive Rebekah Lodge, Dr. ail my friends, relatives and before. Bowmanvllle in the Caunty of closed with the offering and eastbound van wlth the ______________________________________ E. L. Ewerh, Marris Funeral neighbars for ail their candi We shall say the grief lu Durham, Cantractar, deceased, prayen. healights on h. pulled Directors and Rev. H. A. and flowers, and offers ai lessened who died on or about the 1 11h Mrs. Grant Campbel sud ta the nati shoulder sud Turner. 8.1î heip ta my family, during mY Tiaugh a smlle may hide dai of anuary, A~.D. 1965, are Rien gnoup served lunch.. Mr&. waited as did the twa cars recet sty inthe ospial. he tarsheday ntfedt ed ulArodWllasmve ot nmditl aedo hm u EEILS O N !Special thanks ta Drs. Keith Memonies keep the wound particulans ta the undersigned of thanks toalal for the enjoy- tie anc ahead ofi httwentM RESUTS C UNTISlemon, Mikios and Rundle, stîilapen an or before the 19th day ai able atennoon and especially hhrough tie subway and was Rev. HoLslander, nurses and Despite the passing ai thc Manch, A.D. 1965, aiten which ta Kanen for hen excellent hit aimait head-on by the van. staff on surgical floor, asa my years. date the Estate wiil b. dis-.papen. Ho added that he ran farward friends in tie dietary depart- -Lovingly nemembered by tributed with regard only ta àta sce if h. cauld b. of assist- me rent.oy. . Jessie, Bruce and familles. dlaims ai which tic under- "FOR- QUALIT11 ance and found Mrs. Hooper, Audry Horoyd 8-18-1 signed shail then have had SELECT USED CARS» thc driver was injured, her MULTPLE ISTIC S'notice. malien, a pasuenger In thc ERIETHERTELL-In laving me. DATED at Oshawa this 111h SEZ front seat, dead, and a lady Consuit a Member of the flepairs mary of a dear father, Thomas day ai February, A.D. 1965. wlth a baby and amall chIld :7 src6GUAANEE tlevsin ndNanman, who passed awaY LAURA ALICE LAIRD, B in thie back seat, alsa bîdly radioa& er vicANEDev i mnaed.Feb. 29th, 1964. Executrix, rinjured. Rezl-.steradTeeiso ervice Ca ae.e We last a dad with a heart ai By her Solicitor, UVU -E Driversaioftic two atier BelEtt or eeiinSrieC.Poe gald JOSEPH P. AGNQ. cr which had pulicd enta 623-3883. 531f Who was mare bo us han 141/2 King Mtee aGA, Qthe ~cashole plamFr wealth untold; Oshawa, Ontario. 7-3MOTOR L ESJUbband uenldncsmrF ol Withut frewel h fel aslepmuch the sanie slary. ~UP R V LUEWitt onlypemories for us Repairs Investigating officer, Cons. E* We have lait but God ha. Refrig-eration MQen OPP, gave measurements and gained,n 219 KING ST. . descbd the signe "Low Nar- IF O R SA E a 0Oeoftebs Dd h O WMAN VILE row Subway" and One Lino OeR A P T S O P N wonld conhained. Appliance Service Aî*rz4Tnafflc When Used by Trucks" E "R .A .NG A E -Always remembered by Commercial and Domestie Atort4Dealr er o n ach sideofithie subway. S E Et OURI ~ é i daughters Hazel and SirlcyMs opr kthsan sons-in-law Nanman and Lea, Refnlgcration - MIIk Casiers Ramlbler Cars ands Hapser ta tisentnd grandchidrtn Bannie, George, Phone BERT SYER Phono 623-3356 an ttrccnd siohad seewn ie T HE FOLLOWING David and Heathen. 8-1 Days 2-574uck te olnga s OWfl side Nlghts -623-3177 . .* ciUgtheraad a shenov TBERTELL-In loving me.-rndrHrTae NOE alst dt r aug sidthve subapy Ten ThamasfNana, h passd aulELCRI roof tht the 1965 Ramblerthie centre ai lie raad strilcing A R E A RG awaymaNoran, ag a, Feb.a9th, 38-If 1a the popular choice . . . hen car. awyoeyerao Fb 9h,3-fcorne la todzy and ask ene Counsel for thc defense, R. ARE IN STOCK - IfMDAEDLVR TO SAVE YOU $ $ $ 194 f u in afride Gndean husband;gant S E R V ICE deosuraistfonr a AT foneven, ELY I E face, emmisssîralmilag SWESLEY194VILLE rAli Prices Include F1 a U d ra Butwouwefmis or miîng S EC AL 164Ra blr tail trees, onc ah least Bu yu ei s e emmbrWheel Alignment ##7700# 80feet higli, were cuî down 1 ONLY - 9' x 12' DYKSTRA FO O DS None on carti can lake yaur $.9Saio ao erod aronwhlahs of' ~ I~e~ M re We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantities A hapac e. w nemn asV8egn ihatmtebyteDne os hy "h sn t av lV LEAN - TENDE - BONELESS o seettcmmn-As ult transnission, custem radio, wene locuats sud hac reacied LA -TEDR-BNL SHwsettemmr g Qat equipped wilh power brakes tRie helgit tRiat make thon-i - or -$31 5 itill SHOCK ABSORBERS and. sleering. This wagon In. nlsk, in wandy weather, to th: 2 ONLY - 9" x 12' RoBtundthhSteak aloe75ess$850 alaIntop condition. safetyofithie home., hangeabc ___________M_________________1962 Pontiac 2-Dr. intcappares a te"laeactus' ,varvel Viscos wieIsbll.8-1 GENERAL TIRE s cyl., standard transmission. but foresight has stantcd 'the BONELESS FRESH -LANRMA0F S AW Goal dlean car. remedy, for sevenal other Above throe Rugi are manufactudfoLihTrfcAea RIMAR F OSHtrees have been planted and ME O IA S 534 RITSON RD. SOUTH[ 1961 Volkswageons are makiing good growth. 1 ONLY - 6'x 9' Steak Roast HAMBURG MMPh Snl 78622f%1 3£Z -II:~t The icebanks aang -thee 5~Vsos 39 7e 2 s 7 c 73-J ~~6 7 Tmy LTN16 otac4D. ~ ~ d oliOL UntdCute fMis. John Dickey, long t l' ion. Now la the lime te bur James Nichois with a~ MVTM BOUSNothmbrandadDra resident ai Nestleton, masd tht much needed pickup! dra.wn by hlm, uliowcd Uice BOUSOLO N l BielndinDrinaway in Ohawa General Hs- a Slion oihecounhry sud 451OUP NTNYLON - S Building il~~*al on Saturday. Mr. and,*piin. D P N - aRa~a~mLm COBOU~RG, Ontario. 8han2 eFudenow' ve aidof ils diacovery and is DOG juoCharles AKINge_________ ta O D MA G RN miii the Dickey home. CONVENIENT m> pictured wh.l was known 1 ONLY -6# x 9' qW1TMn.Dicey hs sentti.ON-TRE-SPOT LOW-COST tihei western hemispiere In NAE LI3b past several years i a Bow-FNACN Goefleld Payne showed a rnap 13ce CPAC... manville Nursing home. ti aK itet etr. " U H O M RA A 'S3 c7 c bAMr. and Mnm. Clifford Olver Servce Station drawn by hùmeslf la compare Uiec cuntry's aize wlth Canada 501 DUPONTI NYLON- sud Mn. Robert Halboran, Ton- Openafrram 7 amn. sud tlid af lie size aifi $6995 anla, wene Sunday cailens on until 12 midalght Amtazon river. Penny Web- Theso two Bugs have a 1-yearGuane TOWN OF EOWMAN VILLE Mn. and Mn.. Bruce Heaslip. st**«g and Rceniany Tlsnosky Built for Heavy Traffl ELECTRIC do wt. 25 wt. TENDERS Mn. and Mns. Ivsu Rohmer told ai things grown in Bnazil an fmlyspn teweekend 24-HOUR and wR.lcgest Canada LUGHT BULBS 60 wt. 100 wt. Seae tenders, clearly mark- i Mithell with thefr parents TOWNG there. Sandra Payne E H V AL-TO-W L A PTN -SVEunlersigned for the purchase Mn. and Mns. Narman Lyons Phono 623-3401 Janiero; Robyn Clar-ke tld ai 4for 79c 33c af the aid "Post Office" build- and Lori, Uxbnidge, Mn. and -testte frliin;Rt lug located at lb. corner af Mns. Herman Rodman, karon Af 1er Hours 623-2083 ichoastate ofthi relidn; Ruli N.79MLD Tempenance and King Strete ansd Wilson af Little Brilain, nmrof et h NAL NII]Can ca iic war iAALBE st p .ml SQ..VI). Inth ow O OW&UUOIweeSunday visitons with Mn. a" 0O393" and Mmrs Strachan. Ra. Tuf- $12TALE SHPADSV TuaWi 4 P.m. on Monday, Mardi and Mns. Cecil Wilson. Il was fodwt i ag e ete SHOPA" AVE T lt, 1965. Hlgbest or aay tond- the occasion ai Karen'a third M. & fardw* i h g aed lter ORCRE XET tS er not nocessarily accepici. birliday. m.& ean âds e y aled T DS OU RT EXPEGOL B LAE Building avallable for lflpc. Mr. and Mn.. Arnold wil-~ CONTACT: iiinntheg .nd cludn ersesI ODSUS ORRoREURMfS IHYU IJ T~~~~I K A~~~ lion Msndsy through Friday, iams and family, Mrn r.1ra i acum- essa 9 105. Dug alil andfaniy,3w Weldon Brown trate the prectice ai M. & M.E 77 sw . A EY3. L. REID, manville, spent Sunday with Bud Fogg John Groeneveld, Vici i ch- Kh W'ig EY UBCierk Trouver, Mn. sd Mr&. Clarke WiU- oeh and1n Carke Uowed OSHAW A W oOD P O U I PHONE Tone îwmfe arns. Jc He S. S. niombens a lovely weod. COUBTICESOPNGCNR FOOD.S DELI VERT EBoxan137, OS. Mr. Nelson Marlaw was a il MIcQuen en lnay, Jewel boxasd coins 7811 IIID7811 Bowmnvit, nt. guest ai lie Alvin Marlow S"j and bills ai Brazilian money, 7U11 I TE 7-2 tfamil inWhltby onSuadai&ail omud bY Mm. J. WâU.isoe

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