aurnbnrn t4te0mnn Wins County Public Speaking Awarcl 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1965ý. Time Safety Award Winners At a special dinner on Feb. l2th at the Lions Centre Ontario Hydro's Region Manager Adam Smith, lef t, paid bigb tribute to staff members of the Rural Ontario Area Hydro here who have won their third safety certificate. They have had no Iost Urne accidents since 1959. Area Manager W. Rex. Walters is receiving the special aad Kînsmen WîII Procdaim Cys tic Fibrosîs Week Durinci Las! Week of MIv' - - - - - o;v 1 Ttiv Bowmanville Kins'men Jodvîi Geddes moved a vote are supporting Bob Oison, a Cki.b's dinner meeting at the of thanks to Mr. Poulos for member of the Cobourg Kins-ý 1'ing Dutchmani Motor Hotel1 his informative address. Pre-, men Club, for nomination asf t wee w^jbast Founders .ident Brunt also expressed' Deputy-Governor of Zone C., ghtiî~ ce1eration of tIh is personal appreciation to: The election will take place azsociat L%,e 4.51h Birthdav. the special -speaker. iduring the Kinýen's Spring Presiden t 'sr"rtn r- h -Toast to 'the Associa-1 COuni tBriOti gided. tion of Kinsmen was proposedlApril. Irvinf. Brown, the Past Dis- hY O.borne Williams, a Pasé Art Hooper, a Past trict Go\veroor, lot roduccd the1 President. The national Dir,-,dent, who is the represente- epeaker, .amcs Poulos, Tor- ector of Kin Expansion , Mr.itive of the Bow-manville Kins- onto, National Director of Km 'Poulos, responded.1 men Club an th? Arene Board, Expansion, who gave an in- Many Co'bourg Kinsmeni stated that the Kin Crest andj spiring talk on Kim idealsi were present et the Founder's Plaque has been placed in thel and aspects of the organiza-I Nighitdinnermeeting. They <(TURN TO PAGE TWOI tion's national poidra.- . - hic Per CoDT Placed 66 ChilIdren For Adoption -in 1964 C.A.S. Director Reports President Read Budge at the annuel meeting of the North- u mberland-Durham Children's Aid Society at the Lions Com- munity Centre on Tuesday evening welcomed the large number of people attending, and said that their presence signified interest in the worth- while work of the organiza- 'tion. Rev. Fred Swann was cali- ed upon by President Budge to open the meeting with pray- er. President Budge paid tribute to the late A. J. Bal- ]lett, Port Hope, treasurer of the organization, who died some months ago, for hjs de- voted work. A member of the executive, D. H. Bullock, Port Hope, succeeded Mr. Bal. ]lett as treasurer, thue presi- dent stated. Akd rff If%~ilEV c %~.ut# v L33C 3~ Red Cross Campaign The Chairman of the Nom- inating Committee, Mrs. Allan B. Sylvester, presented the cit ' adopto this assoec-R abîd Fo cmitsaotesioTis amoed- onded by T. Jones, Cobourg, and carried unanimousiy cTamatonfors eted 'yac- A ttacks clmten ocrsethed coming year were: Honorary President, A. d.Bnchof H aptonties;S m L.n Boanchear td, mpon War-il Honorary Directors, Rev. L. Clearly, Port Hope; D. R. May- A fox suspeoted to be bee, Campbellford; H. C. suffering from rabies attack- Campbell, Bailieboro; Rev. E. ed a smaii dog on the ver- C. Kelloway, Cobourg; Reeve andah of a home at 14 Mili Sidney Little, Bowmanville, Lane on Monday. It also and Mrs. H. S. Winfield, Port trled to bite the lady of the Hope. b ouse, Mrs. Lee, when she President Read Budge, Port came to her dog's rescue. Hope; Vice - Presidents, T. Fortunately, she was too fast Jones, Cobourg, and Rev. Fred for It and badl already clos- (TURN TO PAGE TWO cd the door when It came After Sunday Those 64 Plates Are Illegal The deadline for obtaîn- ing 1965 car licence plates is less than a week away. Transport Minister Irwln Haskett today remlnded owners that 1965 plates must bc on ail passenger and dual purpose automobiles and motorcycies by midnlght next Sunday, February 28, when 1964 plates will ex- pire. "As announced previous- ly and widely publiclzed, there wiil be absolutely no extension of the deadline," said Mr. Haskett. "Plates went on sale on December 1 allowing a full three months for their purchase"'. Saturday, February 27 ls ln fact the lest day te oh- tain plates before the dead- Unme. Drivers .ppcna$ls cars with 1964 plates efter mlid- night, Sunday, February 28, will be hiable to a fine of up to $50.00. As of February 22, plates had flot been purehased for 422,501 vehicies or 24.9 per cent of the total ln the prov- Ince. Boy's Death ;Soviet, Chinese Communismf Accidentai o prdbySekra Says Jury Canadia Clubpeeing Dr. G.M. Rhnnie. Port Per- ry, an ArtingCoroner for Dur-Ca a i n C u e tn hem Countv presided at the9 inoue t hein thiq morniog et the 1; n Hall into the death A warning eoncerning the To introducing, the guest, Middde Intelligence Corps of R iar~d Gordon 'Fait, age implacable essence of Com-icpeaker, the president, Mrs.during World Wer II. He was six years, R.R. LI, Nestieton. munism was expounded bylEdward Samuel, told the clube Captain in the Canadien The urefoud tat he it-Dr. J. B. Hardie, MA., Ph.D.,, that Dr. Hardie is the Profes-1 Intelligence Corps from 1950 Te b ry dth a cthedlbt- Halifax, in bis address et the sor of Hebrew and the Old to 1959, and is silîl on tîhe ane accisdet as the edictmeeting of the Canadian ClublTestament et Pine Hill Col- strength of the Army Intelli- absoacdetadvr the vectof West Durham. The meet-'lege, Halifax. She mentioned gence Training Co mp a ny, hiclvolte d. rie ftev , usseIli , w'vs held at Trinity that he speaks Russian fluent- Halifax. WadC Ir.ion. ofrac bR e Chureh auditorium on Mondayll13 as 'velI as four other ]an-! "Com.munism is the most ord neligeýmnc.Thef aien evening. Dr. Hardie's subjectiguages and is also a qualified 'influential single factor in the or nglignce Theaccientas "The Unfriendly Giant. linguist in many others. wor'ld because of its size. hapeedonNo 7 HghayA Study in Communist Evolu-' Dr. Hardie, a Scotsmran, which is more than anc third last October. tioi"ievdi h meia ry (UNT AETO The .iur ' valso brought ù O iend nteInprilAm, IRNT AETO the followi ilg rider to the ver-, dict: "We recommend that stil- dents whose hames are on M ne sA rv rm T aln main highways be picked upo k y ri e r m T aln and discharged hv the sehool bus in front of their own homes, and that the bus re- main on the highiway with flashers operating until stu- dents are cer of the high- Way. "We also recommend thatý conside-atonbe given to an aniendmcnt to *the Highway' Traffic Act wvhich would re-:....... quire ail treffic in bath direc-, tions ln came hto a stop while: flasheprs are operating on school busces.' Glen Martx'o 'vas foreman, ef the jury, and the other jury, members 'vere Ralph Ames, Harry Saund-'rs, George Bell-ý man and Louis McFeeters. n hii,'ý hours of Friday* ornîng t iere 'vere five break- uns in the lowuu. and almost $100 and a qiîantitv of cigar- r. ettes 'vere -,tolen.j At Paddys Texaco Station,' Ring Street East, between li and 15 cartons of cigarettes wei- taken. and $95.75 wes' sto4&,>m Bowmativille Auto PartCevcral packages of Cigar ees and $3 Was stolen fromn Ray Gibbs' Sunoco Ste-1 tien. .mcêQueen's Motors and Bow-: uanville High School were' eac entered, but nothing was; ~mnvile Plice. An even dozen Gibbon mankevs had a fasît trp over the weekend. Tbey left their home in Thailand on Sunday and arrived here by plane on Monday aiternoon, each wearing a bandmade kimona to protect tbem from the cold. Un- fortunatelv, one did not survive, but tbe rest of tbem were Sa deligbted to be here-that they climbed ail over Bowmanville Zoo owner Keith Canneil when he uncrated them. Several of the agile little animais are quite tame and the Con- neli children, Alan, sbown here, bave been having a wonderful tinie with them. The increase in the cost of, living is also feit withini charitable organizations, wilhi Red Cross no exception. Not' only is thue cost of operationý rising but alIso the demands on the Society. The Biood Program is anc exaniple. The nced for blood increased over 6% lest year in Ontario, with the same in- crease estimated for 1965. This is approximately 17,000 more botties of blood, bring-ý ing the total to 297,000 a year. To meet these demands flot, TURN TO PAGE TWO) i ÇDi'ts after uer. That fox Is stili on the loose aithough police chased It north as far as the Bow- mnanville Curling Club. Alil school chiidren wcre warned to bc careful if they saw the animal. The attacked dog will be ln quarantine for sonie wveeks. Fortunately, It has been lnnoculate.d for rabies. Near Newcastle, a farm Collie thought to be suffer- ing fromn rabies, Ivas shot by Provincial Police early lVed- nesday mornlng and the lhead wlll be sent for an- alysis. According to Dr. J. E. Mendry, Federal Health of Animais Branch here, rabies among animais appears to be on the increase in this area at the present time. and' £Pieces BEAR SHOWS UP - Last week an item in this column mentioned a photo taken in 1912 outside Harry Allin's Grocery showing a man and a bear putting on an act. This week the bear identified himself, none other than Luther "Toot" Nichols, Carlisle Avenue. Many years ago, someone gave bis mother a fur coat and she made a bear suit out of it. He and the late Roy "Bar" Dilling worked up quite an act they put on at parties, Hallowe'en _,fflerades and almost anyspecialeovent. t t i t t CONGRATULATIONS - Last week, Harold Skinner of Tyrone was elected President of the Canadian Sheep Breeders Assn., during their an- nual meeting in Toronto. t t t t i. WINNERS - George Parker and Cy Trewin are in the money this week. Tbey won draw f ive and six in the Kin Investment series, winning $50 apiece. . DID IT AGAIN - Mrs. Wilson Vivian (Dorothy) of Tyrone received a phone caîl from California on Monday notifying ber that she had won second prize in an international contest held recently by a cleaning unit company. First prize was $7,500 but she bad to be content with à mere $2,500. Her nephew Gary 1-oskin of Oshawa, who had arranged for the original appointment also wvon $750. Mrs. Vivian bas been winning contests for years, including two cars, a movie camera, watcb and sizeable sums of money. RETAIL COURSE- Next Monday night at the Bowmanville Hotel, candidates wil] start on a 10 week course of instruction in Retail Management. This is sponsored by Bowmanville Chamber oi Commerce in cooperation with the Dept. of Educa- tion of Ontario, with participation restricted to owners or operators of businesses. Persons inter- ested should contact Don Milligan at his IGA store this weekend to enroîl, or wsrite to Box 1240, Bow- manville Chamber of Commerce. CORRECTION - In the report of the Public Speaking Semi-Finals at Blackstock last week, there was an error. Robert Fraser ni Darlington sbould bave been listed as second in tbe contest, flot fourtb. He spoke on the voyage of the Kon Tiki. tt ~~t 4+ GET AROUND - A card arrived Ibis week from Ruth and Norm Scott, formerly of Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries and now of Toronto. Appar- ently, they are eitber holidaying or on business in Antigua, Montserrat (wbere tbey were guests ni the Chief Minister) Dominica and tben on to Puerto Rico. Norm reports Ibere are many Cana- dians in the West Indies. Could be he bas bought an island or sometbing, because the card showed Scott's Head Bay, Dominica, West Indies. TIME ]PASSES - The announcement today of the deatb of film comedian Stan Laurel will brîng back many memaries bo rapidly aging adults of enjoyable afternoon matinees spent in the Royal Theatre some years aga. He and partner Oliver Hardy, also deceased, brought good, dlean unso- phisticated bumor ta the screen that could be en- joyed by people of any age. tt t BLAMES TEACHERS - Warden Arthur Blani- chard, reeve of Darlington township, was among Ibose attending an executive meeting of Mayors and Reeves at Campbellford on Saturday. He ad- dressed the gatbering brief ly, but the main speaker was the President Mayor Gardon Stronach af Lon- don who was outspoken in bis candemnatian of skyrocketing costs of education, laying mast of the blame on the Ontario Teachers' Federation for "featherbedding, duplication and waste." No doubt, some reply ta bis attack will be fartbcoming in due time. No one from Bowmanville Counicil at- tendec. Ellen Mlilison of Orono Public School and daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Edward M\ilisoni, Oron.o, wvas chosen the top publie speaker in Durham during the county finals ini the United Churcb, Orono, Tuesday evening. She spoke on Sir Winston Churchill, the 1\lan oi the Hour, and will now enter the district finals in Have- lock. Prcsidcnt Ross Stonehouse of the Durham CoUnty Club of Toronto presented the winner \.vith the club's trophy and invited ber to attend and speak at their Marc h meeting._______________________________ AJex Carruthers M.P.P. Says Ontario's Government Recommends Increase t'o '$100 for Old Age Pensions The Ontario government, fits and these will average n Pension Plan, strongly recom- over and above their present' mends that the present $75. Old Age Pension. L a ig H r per month Old Age Securityý Mr. Carruthers suggested be raised to $100., Alex Car-ithat the changing economicNe t M n a ruthers, M.P.P. Durham, stat-lclimate of our society has e t M n a ed to an Orono andi District 1created acute problems for aur Credit Union meeting in Orono'aging population. Compulsory - on Monday evening. - ietirement, thé fret that few- n Out of 1,481,000 people over er people are working for ............. 65 in 1965, he said o'ulv 131, themselves, urbanization, in- 000 will ever rececve any bene-11 TURN TO PAGE TWO) Re-ellect Cavan Reevej Head EMO Committee The f ~irs. eeting of the ector of EMO for the Pro- Emerzencv ,-Measures Commit- vince, who explained what is ,- tee of Council was held in being carried out in the rest Ë the Coîinties Building, Co- of the province in planning bourg, on Friday. Februarv 9, for a nuclear or naturel dis- . - 196.5. ester and urged the Comimrit- 196.5 rnemhers are: A. I. tee to extend their activities Blanuchard (Watrdcn). Reeve ,,efor Emergency Weifare and Darlington Twvsp.: L. A. Hoo-' to study ail aspects of a coun- ton. Rýe%,e Cavan Twvsp.: Sid-ities wide Emergency Commu-, Rev. Fred Swiann inev Little. Rerve Bowmnan- ;nications network. FrdSanwohe ville: A. L. Brown. Reevc Also -présent as guests were, been the minister of St. An. Came* beIlfo-d: G. H. Ross,î Mrs. Muriel Edwards of CO- drew's Presbyterien Churcli D/Reevec, Muira '. bourg, the Emergency We]- here for four years, is leaving L. A. 1-lootniwas ir-electedfare Director, and Mrs. Lenah next Monday for Brantford, Chairman l'or thec coming Fisher, Deputy lZeeve of CO- Ontario. He has eccepted e cal! year wilh Mr- Brown as; Vice bourg and past Vice Chair- from Knx rebt ia Chaimsn.manof te Cmmitee. Church, Brantford. He will Presci i li l meieting wa s Thrse meetings are hcld'also be in charge of Mount M r. .1. A. K. Rutherford. Dir- monthly. iPleasant Presbyterian Church, _i~whichi is situated seven miles Second In Speaking Contest Atog lerget evn Mr. Swenn is looking forward to taking up his duties as Minister of Knox Presbyterien Church, Brantford, which is undertaking a building prog- ram, and looks upon his new appointment as e challenge. While here Mr. Swann has been a member of the North- umberland Durham Child- ren's Aid Society, and has been prominently associeted with the work of the orgeni- zatian. He was President of the Bowmanville Ministerial Association in 1964, and an active member of the Bow- manville and District Chapter <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Explosion Rocks Area ,.~This Morning' Marie Yen of Antioch Public School was awarded se-cond prize in the Durham Public Speaking finals atý Orono on Tuesday evening. She spoke on Quick Sand. Glen Hiodgson oi Bowmanville Lions Club presented ber with the Lions Club Shield and also presented individual trophies bo other contestants from West Durhamn. A loud explosion shook Bowmenville late this mrnu- Ing, but apperently no dam- ate resulted. Information bas been re- layed from The Port Hope Guide staff who undertook an extensive investigation that the noise was a senle boom ceused by an airplane over the Densfort Bridge area, north of Rice Lake. The effects were felt in Peterborough, Port Hope and Trenton as well as In this ares and as fer west au Oshawa. An Air Force In- formant suggestedl that It was se widespread that It could have been causeil hi a U.S. bomber with the Stra. tegie Air Command. Switchboards througtiont the ares have been buz sa citizeus trled te fini oUt whist haîthappeîwd. Neai the Densfori Bridge area. ene man reported that dIhq uBiewOtt Ni oveU,, ' -1 ~J1- 'Ig. i à --.i l0c Per Copy