Hampton School Choirs Take Top Honors at Kiwanis Festival ry 70-Yr. Od Speaker! 0 ed a n jî K iw anis C lub gati. B.W .1.. w hpre they w ere eting diyring the evening and splendid hospitality. Here, 7 ni March 'r5th, At tihe Flying they met manv Canadians, in- DutchImn Motel. unidc'r the; cluding an inter-club frorn e airmanshin of President Cuebec, of nine members. nl &ownlee. That night, the prize was won One guest wArs present. B,)b bY a Canadian from Saskat-, Cook, lho remembered that chewan for having corne the several years ago he helped farthest. The Nassau Kiwanisi instali a rebuit motor in the Club. las, year. ;od .sxv guest speaker'cz ca, before tbouýpnd dollars worth of lihat Person undertook a jour- pcanuit. as a fund-raising pro- > liey to Calgary. Alberta.« ject. Jim Collils. Bil! Cobhan One of the meoibers decid- and Jfick Morton were pro. e(d that as that evening was sent, with nicely tanned faceý,, a happy occasion. it would be acquired durin'z their sr)Lt1-i a gond idea to start a "Happ 'V erm cruise. Thev recounted Frund.' so anyonec- aughtrnot, incidents of thei r tripfl- amiling xas a.ssessed a dol- .» flIast interesting being a i it lar nineteen dollarswa to a Kiwanis meeting in Nac- the evenings proceeds. - This same club further e phasizrd their slogan, W B uild- b 'v starting a home - or waîfs--childr-en vith îno apparent home. OUR When one of our local merm- ber-SPAPtiRnedcoming frorn president of the Nas.vau Club~ , PACKS urprised Messrs. Colliss , Cob- AIIeban and Morton b * ysting 1 thathe knew Bowmanville quite well. because of hoi-! dayîng ai Lake Seugog for '. the past _)l vears. Threp guests were present! from Westmount. Oshawa K;l PflW ED ~ When the dessert was serv- *P VVERO !d. a waitrcss presented a lighted candle bedecked cake ___ to the -Liest speaker, Ed., The public school at Hampton once more distinguislied itself at - -Youngman. while the assemb - th- Kiwanis Music Festival at Peterborough Iast weck. Unlder lead- Lly sang "HLppy Bithdav"* in' Phrone honor of Ed's 70th birthday,:ership of music director Ross Meteaif the junior choir. upper photo, March lath. H-e was intro.'placedî first in a class of five with 86 marks, and the senior choir ~63 30 ucdY Rosi Rrook. and in a class of 10 choirs also placed f irst with 87 marksan ecvi ______ lîfe incidentsaof igo. the Kiwanis trophy. Unifortunatriy, a shortage of space made it impossible to publish photos of two other Darlington choirs who topped their classes. They wiII appear next wveek, along with others in the area who were successful in the competition. Fout, choirs were entered from Darlington schools and all won first in Ilieir class. Hampton teachers ini these photos include Principal Wm. Lycett, Mrs. D. Hall, Miss Janice Bcech and Mrlis. E. Burgess. mmy Life 50 Yrs. Ago ecaIIe'd at Kiwanis SPECIAL $1699,5 DAVENPORT SUITE Not 2 pce. but 31 pce. Suite Daveno - Rezular Chair and Swivel Chatir Only $1.75 per week SPECIAL $189.95 3 pce. BEDROOM SUITE Mir. and Mrm. Dresser 72" long 4 Drawer Chest and Panel Red OnIy $1.75 per week Budget Aecoujnts Weleoniêd No Outside Finanelnc 26 King St. F. 623-3808 Bowmianvllle FURNITURE CO. LTD. 51% PAID ON G UARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued in amouints from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. "earn the above indicated interest, pybeha]f-yeariy by cheque. authorized investmaent for al ýanadian In.gurance Companies and trust funds.« \STE RLING ETUT CORPORATION 372 Bey St., Toronto 35 Dunlop St., barrie 73 Missisoeaga I., Orillia of CORNER Ad fai WHOLESALE ie 5.5 KING ST. E. Wh enr OPPOSITE BOWMANVILLE HOTEI, arc Th, to AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR CONSUMERSI DISTRIBUTIN; WHOLESALE CATALOGUE_ Series tven at One Apiece Mape Gov Generals Down Flyers 5..3 W-1. Report l'lie Micimeeting orf ihe Os[hA\wa Ge-nprals' reboutîd-' the middle ssoîaî îs dsoihnp o i ffi Maple Grove Women'ýs ls i '1rýýjtube whor1head iii thie Cixisfjan ,Pd frryy un early 1-1 deficit ýwhen il looked like bth ea-first tell minutes, The Flvers Eue a in Cen the Cofitan Io down Niagara Falls Flyens' gue-Icaders Wer0 outhcrrlooked anviliîîg -but league- s[ehurch on Mendaren th ~-.before R crowd of i.275 way. Bannerman hbeit Hernie leaders as Oqhwake t iom rh h, Itn Monda, e ai% bhe Civic Auiditorium lasti Parent on a riqini 2.5 fooler l a,.haad e 8h, i x-is1or1 esbeut. night in Oshawa. The win Io stan Ithe williing core- angrdn >thaescrriP evn i sitonsar Ccv- Pvenefd theP bceqt of seven back.Nigrhae cedPcsd" Ms fo ri semui-final series at one game While cnjoyvîug a 1-:3 d- in finl a cpriod but il was' dermnan prrsddfi h ui apiece. vantage RBuchanan cicked liardci I tell. Dnllis Gibsot i Iess Session. Th , e nt, ting Captain Rot Buchananî fi r-, twicre ou power pla\ s B811 made iwo grei saves. botb ou opeoned by the singing or 11U Pd three goals and Bill Ban- Little drew R qpe;qrlng major Marcotte, brfore Bauinermnan Instittite Ode and the r(,peat-: neran coed wic t led bt lycs ru otosevra knocked ini a rebotind at the ing of Ille Lord's Prayer. bhe Gencrals. Buclpnan click-:minors and Oshawa had tlieir! 19:14 ma r.ua a e ~ Rotl] call, "Rring a sanîple, Pcd on a power plýy after 55 chance wben Dave Woodlc 'v - IBobvOr.o luir favorite tonic.." w. seconds of the opening per-ý picked up fis-e for boardiiîîg Osýhawva ont-' 4nit te Flyprs aiiswPredi. The minîtte.s of' bod, but Don Marcotte tied itl'Buehanan. Gencris couldn-i 34-30. Three stars werc: Bu- the, FebrîiarY meeting 'r Rt 16:32 and Bud Debnody get îîntracked wbeu ti hmr had chanatn. Banncrmaiî and San- read. and approvedi. Com-' sent Niagara Falls on top 52 a Iwo man adx'antage for'derson. The serbes continues municationsý were readan secondàs late. ncarlY Iwo minutes. Friday rn Niagara Falls, Sat-' trcistirer"s report g i v e n. Derek Sandeî sol made it In .the third ilx as ilir, nrda ai Oshawa, and Tue,- Tbanks for cards anîd reme n-' .-1 aftrr only 10 secondi ofivxisitors turu as Oshawa pas-daY hack lu the Falls. brartrps wcre received from several inenîhrs. Il "vas decidied Ibat t ilr' Conservcionist Reftires C- ws" h yyasl il,' sn nhortouse. "Cabcritir tn ver-s' bad w eatber, he lue!d Plan ed 4 Millon T eeson April 22ndi if thiat date a Edward 'nungman, onue of ou1 If tlipir lcfhai-Rv. lresponsible foi- nominal er\z bbhe first men ta practicp sou i l* Rtt liaI v s es tet H;;.\' .Il penises of IH Hmmk conservation in this part nt s uol the sanie. department Club. -ocnkn .'ntarin, and wln îater ne-. came foreman in charge of the )urliam County Forest and' le Ganaraska Authonity For-' St svill retire in March. Before th'e advent of con- ;rvation authorities in the: irovir.ce, Mn. Youngman, theni iPontypool farmer, stumped hc Gananaska countryside in 136 and 1937 with othen men' ntcnested in saving the soilj )f the area. With hlm wer-e Dr. A. H.' icbardson. uxow callcd the 'father" of the Gananaska uthority, Watson Porter, then litor-in-chiet of the Fanmer's dvocate and J. D. Thomas, a rming consultant with TIm- ienial 011. Tlhcy bad ihue oecivEd 1nunzman ihen tbey talked 10 farmer.s tuai stops erosiou su)1hr id business people of the;are v.elconie Io il', cea, Mr. Youngmani recalled. "Anîd todaý,*s farmer uS int 'hey wanted the government conserv'ation consciotis, so h(> )provide maie truies for dlocs not ici bis land go like lanting, landowners "0 pla-nt former neatn iein own trees and allof ibis ,"Tbc tIrouIble befoiv wa; ý is -~~ - îîuîurufic ueparinuient n f jil gnii-----'," i ' a- Apinosoo -Esias - andprest'nlfloing on te Lands and Forests nov fil- PPI nilîl-i-eu fi-, boys aîîd bwýo A piano, shlFp ntl"p Ganaraska River anrini its De p arb1mo i tn f Agnicîlîvure girlý. There ai-e2 grand- plyD k' ohn McGî rk.'inl, tributarie.-. did a nything sta tling". cii ild:-ri.pavd1- oh -Gi They Laughed .A Real Need F w-as nue of hue tii-st f< Mriz. Cccii MNilis îirodiicEî-1 Tlicy aughedat us but eghi-ca 1l7,P ihe importance of ibte guest speaker. Mrs,. Gra- Tlcylugeda u. ut igt There sa arcea incd for conserv-ation Ioiifarmers and. bam. Pre-school leacher of *years laten. iu 194. the 01,' conser'vabion nîcasires Parlir. lif, uov,,it does flot stop there. the.Osbawý\a and District A- tarin Governimeiit passed Ileg- "but, the Lands auîd Foiesis "'lui ibi case of large plant-, sotiatiOii for RetardeId Child- 'isiation tii fornu conservatico was insi c'oasting along until in_î if provudes work for reru. Mrs. Grahîam showed a authorilies. 1945. iliau '. people and wi Il provude fi liniif the wxovk w il b etardi- The Ganaraska Authorît3 "We endeavored tu 'sakc a hlrge amouint of wood pro- d eblîdren and aIso lbeld aý was one of the first three îhem uîip.FOr' ciglut veau-s \VC ducts in the fiuue.quiestionî anid as-vperioci formed in thle province. and worked ouritiiern,* said Mr. "Anv '.av'-oui bake il. con-' Wheuî sbe explained the work the first to start buying land YoLIIgmlauu. "Il Seeis t}îclV seuvatioti pays". -The Peter- Of ibe teacher orf r-sbn ýand planting lices. d o attgepile o-tgExmnr hlrnAvteftakso Mr-. Youngman sold bis farm dduIxattigtpibdhrnhFaiîr blru voe0 hnst ta wonk wilhthie authoritv'in aIl wboha id l]ped on tlie Prognani was moved lvMns. ils for-mative yean, 1946. Beh jA httm hrvsoi BOY SCOUT NEWSmebtgcoeih th adlime th e.c uhamshe oeit, cnpdhy; Ihe laudFoesthe1.37Duaranu s<oîj1Werk'- saswa]: the kIn r0 xpress ourb-atiks lui repeatiîug the Mary Sftja!-! Couts Fre., .35 i-nnvop, a'td Picks uin tue Disz- ihe Maple roveScout iMo- colleci.. huncb \,as sriveci k' 'plal nîe iScotch and ied ax i:1Wîe .t huîb p! hesaî Iu ornnict1 rup whjbe pinr. The coult for- adres. Scout Mthers for the finei,- est bas grown tri only 1,500 acres today. being superceded Ne%'casýte bd Wthvunch thev' donatert and -Prv- by the authnity forgest whiea -and Soit1 banquet xsith 142edA, thb. course. We are veýrY New Gas W ater now contains more than 8,00& parents auîdi boys bcîuig Pl- '? t11Iiabc to have Ihs sppoRate aci-es - seunl. Maple Grave ha n rtof these 'vouderfui ladies. Heating R t Since 1946 he bas had atteudarice of 109 at theur banî- The re-cbarteruug of the, 'somenl ' Io do with plant- ýqîiet. Both lhese grouips also si osvautliI Scout Troop The Ontaiou EnengvRoand);rc in,, more than 4,000,000 trees. -hadi a local dikplav fn Scul- s almosi cornplPed anîd webas approved a new, lower -They did flot all grow. But Weck are c' (xpectinzg tbe v will beinatur"al gas water hcatung nat ýlenogh dd tostoperoson ad îI, Bnryiavjý;o hi a i)(.ýf uir fluer Troops once, as applieni for by« vThe Cou- 'il is now a beautifuil forest thatý Pareut- Nigb' witl 'b -ýaan W eda- es tosmrs a oma will be of great value to future: .. Cbf5 more Scout Tcoops in Bow- The new rate is heing offer- generalions"-p. 1ialu nu bcOrgrm atiuil!e Io bandle al] the ed ta those residential custom- The work cf plant iiu o.vaiil Cuh Groupý Clubs that corne up froni the er's who tise gas for water slowilngîow as aIl available bad a fine dispayil! the nId vx isting Packs cadi --car. heaîînig only. It is a $2-.îO-pcr- 10lw priced land is being laken jIG.A. s1OYe 0ri King Street. Maple Grove Scoutshclpcd month "flat rate" designed on up. anîd the 'v d ese lv (-a o4Of ccc- lte Newcastle Sportrnen«sithe basis of average bot waber Il Shoffîni ut stop ierce ho-.\- dit fou' hi-i effori. 'Ple sDour C:i;b prepare 600 lbs. of <onI~requirements for single familv ever. sa VS Mn . Votnugman noirte, iti.s vaz- i cu r d~nbî tn the fiel~dei g.lki m cos- "There are still more thaît Sectiouîs iniBsmaii nev- lo lhclp the pbeasauuts sun;uvive eratiaii tbc lower average unit '5,000 acres of sub-marginai er partucupatrd as nrlaîîned and the wiin. cost eiîjoyed by those custom- land on the sand ridge tha, offset te wboh ort'Pbi.i sail the ~ ta ers who u'se gas for central shoid he planted". The Pa'c Scouitei-s Baic luas beeni forwardcd b e on ating aitd vater heating. 1-e.dub i hi ilb A" Course field un Bowmait- the past mon!lb. Let'S hear r!te rate applies lao waîer dO.?Manîy farmers need ltaI il v asagetsceswi wtiyu ak roo hcating e1quipoient approved lan fo pstue nd ine te,32 Scouters tram Coboucrg.-ai-c p]annuîung thismon th. y The Consumnens' Gas Com- Iand for pandastureilcandny sinth Certhe Second World War much has Pr -oeaî omni' avadteCîainGas bee tkenupby hnsî a atendiniz: ]ri cf îbeýe wr Association anîd is available tree~ -oens rnm thr Rnw~manville t.- (rpln tîlr' eedfruse witb water heatens "Th Icegrwes ~-e~a<-îîict Yoiîr Suppuit * ,je Ea teWhic!h aie- ejher Owuiled by iuse et the land in a way - We on District Staff wouil Seals. lithe opnue r etd r is vohseî-katits ave ti nod, he cleaned tir asý a Coni- Iiited to Mwork in conserva- teunial project was made b\, tioti. 1 M M;. L. C. Snowden. Ani-i Iii 196:1,Mur. Youngmaiîwa nouniccmcnts were miadp of awaîded a prize as top c'ounîi'yBowmianvi.le Women's Insti-i correspondent in Ontario foc tute KOpper Karnival to he, lus writings which appear held on M'arch lith, and weckl1'v in The Canadian' Hampton Womcu's Insfifute Staiesmati, Bowmanville. Dessert Tea ou Marchb]-,th, 'Once in a whieP you woiîd- Mi. ordon Bepehcb.cit- er- slat the heck to wriýte vetor for Home Econornices' about, but lb alvaYs cones," and llealth, took charge ot Ibe lie said. pniigramn. A 'piano duiel by Mu'i-. Yoîjiîgmaii fl~ orin n Misses Nancy and borna Moi- Lonidon, Englauud, 701 vcars ago. 1 toit was enjo e'd hby aIl. Hie (-Amle lu Canada ini 190(4 'lie îmolto. "IHealîh is thc In seule u n the Shanty Bay greatest of all bîîmaî bies-1 arca rnear Barrie. sings. yet wve speîîd il so cai'e- le spcnt fiv-e 'ycars overseas, lesslv." was comit-netiîted onl fi-or 1914 Iu 1919 withi the bv" Miss Bonurue Beecb. Sher 19th Caîîadîa aî RIioii. Onsaiî tlîat a persoîî whn wvastes luis tetîtru lie settjcd onu land 'theii' bealtb is fot, a verv te- licar Poutypool 'vbere Il e srousible person: hy living farmed fr 26 '-asWith hîs igbt we mnav be able' b oVer- w-ife, Wunnîfred. corne disease. and that a; soi"d H-e w-50 wbiu e a-ce midnidgoes wtth a soîîtîid hodv, i lue position ui aîof rivfoie- liartdwork svas tues-enharrm- ni aný fulIn in haith. Choice Qualîty R.g tfin 2«% - SAVE bc A&P HALVES 24 PAFs3 oz 791 Pine;apple Grape4rtik Reg. Inn 37e-SAVE "4 DRINK 3el0 (Plain r>r Satted) Re. pko 37C --- SAVE tie L~~ SODA 3b 1 .0C0 3UE3e5R Jame Parkor R*. Price batf 22c - SAVE Se95. White. Simimu A 24-, M % c .--- "S UPER-RIGHT QUALITY# COOKED - READY TO SERVE SMOKED SHANK PORTION lb 39C LAMB ID BASKET CANNED HAMS RIB ROASIS BEEF LIVER SHORT OR CROSS CUT SUPIER-RIGHT AUl MEAT HAMS Bull PORTION lb 49C ROAST, CHOPS, STEW CUTS BURNS RED BRAND STEER BEEF 1-f& 49C SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY SLICED, SKINLESS P29C 3 269 i59C 24b bag 89c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE ARRIVING DAILY ASPARAGUS BROCCOLI Alil prices in tis iadguaraqate*edtkougl, Saturday. March 20tl,, 1M6 New Crop Long Green Tender- Speort No. 1 Grade California Large, Fre'sh Bunchem No. 1 Grade P,49c buOch 35C Flo.-îda New Crop, T.d,d-Strngl. GREEN BIANS Nn.2.9 The Canadiax Stiteaman, Bownvfie, Mar. 17, 1965 13 "' Tx,.4~'~ohri MeneWlev and famllv, Zion (Hope TowAAP/porpt Hope, had dinner wit1h Zion riop:Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meneilley, Mr. and Mrs. Chaç. Meneil-f Port Hope. leY and Mrs. Arthur Germond,' Mr. and Mr.. red Tu.fford. OShRU-a, spent several days lastJ Port Hope, and Mrs. Zilda week visiting relatives in! Allison, Peterborough, motor- Orifia nd aubashee. rd tb London during the week to visit with relatives there, Sunday Sehool wvss cancel- Mran s,.Iwire led at Zion last Sunday as the 'bu aiMs .Twr bakroads were very mnuddv.tre home Thursday from 1Miss Elaine Caswell celebrat- tervqtt h tts ed her 2lst birthday, Saturdav, ,Feb. 28. In the evening a sur prise party was held at thet-ON homne of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wil- 'son, Newcastle, for Wyllene et-n ad n oet (Mrs. Douglas Rahme) and ý a MfL ansDs and Forea, Elaine. Both girls hRd reach. and isDbi ce ed their 2lst birthday. Hampton. public speaking fin- alist, will be heard t Horne Last Sundav Mr. and Mrs.'and School Club Thursday Chas. Meneilley, Mr. and Mrs. levening. KLEENEX i c MODESS 3 c KOTEX Reg. Comp. Sic 3 MISS CLAIROL COMP. $ .85$ 46 SILK AND SILVERCOMP. $1.95 LOVING CARE COMP. $1.95 RI $1.49 7 oZi;ý'w 2 m2 9 1 LL 1 WIENERS BANANAS