Lde 1%0 Canofai tatianBownmvllle, Mar. 17, 1985 MAPLE GROVE '.e Guides' and Brownies' Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Ste- mer are holding a card, yens spent nearly two weeks prh is rnonth in the Chris- j with their grandsons, 1 he i tfth Educalon Centre. Forl Topping boys, Toronto. while., fiartber particulars see Com-'; their parents, Mr. and Mrs., 4pg Events". B oy Topping, spent a week in: .Me.L. C. Snowden enjoved, FloricLa. Svitlast Wednesday with M.r. and Mrs. Ray Snowden,!, Ifs. T. H. Everson, also her, Jslington, were last Wednes-' "mahter Mrs. W. G. SalIter, day visitors with her mother,! oWf Oshawa. Mrs. Everson!Mrs. R. R. Stevens. and sisteri à-in her 98th year. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks. ZCongratulations to aI] win- Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bleeks, rmm from the Maple Grove. Ottaw'a, and Mr. Don Brown,ý &hoo]s tri the Kiwanis musi- O.A.C., Guelph. spent the' e, festival held in Peterbor-' weekend with their parents, 6%tlast week. Mr. and Mr.,. W. H. Brown,. Sunday visitors with Mr. and brother David. md Mrs. Harry Thomas were, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brock their son, Mr. and Mrs. F. 1. and family, Oshawa, were! Thomas, granddaughters. Mr.,Saturday evening sup pe r aiid Mrs. A. Franklin and son, guests with Mr. and Mrs. P.' Bradley, Miss Lynda Thomas," Fhntof f.1 and her friend Mr. Don Gib- Mrs. RSs Grant, Bowman-i iàrn, ail from Oshawa, on the ville, is spending tbis weeki occasion of Mr. Harry Thomas' witb' the Snowden grand-ý 7lst birthday. Congratula tions. o hildren, wbile their parents,, 'Mrs, H. Coont'y and daugh-. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snowden,i ters, Mrs. Micky Dowsýon and are visiting his sister and bus-j uon Paul, Zion. and Mrs. John.ý band, Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Clark and son Steven, New- Ewing and family, Seven Is-' êastle, New Brunswick. wer-e lands. visitors last week with the Mr. and Mrs. ,Harry Snow- *ormer's sisters in Trenton,:den and daughters, Bowman- @olso grandnia, Mrs. Blanch ville, Mr, and Mrs. Len Good-ý Cooney, Green Acres Nursing murphy and daughters, Osh- Homne, Trenton. and the for- awa. were Sunday visitors wier's father, Mr. R. Iýbbo.tson, wlth their mother. Mrs. Allan Brighton. own._____ What's your stand on Mut higher dividends? Mr. Blake Dii denild s: Tihait'she _mo -iey you get back fromf the life in- surance company every year'? In t r i eç w e r _- - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ That's right. Mr._Blake WelIif Mu tuai LiI'e-returns more I'd have to saY its a good thing! Interviewer It's even htter when vouleîvè the dividends to accumiujate and ear interest. Mr. Bake. . How much interestf Mr'. Blal I'd like1 Where( Int-erviei Just cal Life of'ý Ln cyewerr- Weil, this year Mutual Life is paying SY% interest on accuinu- iated dividends. And that's just The' one of the options >'ou cao ASSURAN Jr. Farmers Elèct New Officers DURHAM COUNTY PROGR:ESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION NOMINATION MEET'ING and Election of Officers nt the PORT HOPE HIGH SCHOOL Wed., April 7th 7:30 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: ERIK NIELSON, M.P. FOR THE YUKON Special Entertainment -EVERYONE WELCOME- b 1 IBIG PRIZES1 $100 WINNERS WILLIAM EDMONDSON 80 HUNT ST. BOWMANVI LLE MRS. E. BARNUM, ($100) 133 Agnes St. OSHAWA, ONT. MR. R. W. PATERSON, ($ 216 Green St. WHITBY, ONT. MR. A. GAL BRAITH, ($500) 859 Dundas St. W., WHITBY, ONT. MEATY DELICIOUS êmINapA ROWoR 44QF.A-l New Low Price - DOMINO GINGER A LEL2 KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ 30-oz. Botties 1 6-ci. Jar 25C >eÉol no 59C D'1 11 -oz. Botties Pkg. cf 60 79 20-oz. Tins 48-cz. Tins 39C $100 lOc ,,,oz. Pkg. SPECIAL Ajax Heavy Dufy 18c off Giant box Powdered Detergent 69c Macaroni& SpaghettI3 - $1 CAK MIXESie Ceramuîy Si7. AyIm.er Choice FRUIT COCKTAIL Viva VEGETABLE QIL l5-os. Tins 4 f or $1 24-ot. Bot). 4i49c 65c YORK PORK & BEANS FOR THE FRINGE Pickles Bread 'Yi' Butter 2for69c Libby TOMATO Carnation Polske JUICE Pickles Aylmer rancy Cut Green Beans Cream Style Corn 48-ox. Tin 39c 32-oz. jars 2 for 69c 10-oz. Tins Donald Welsh, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, will head Durham County's Jun ior Farmer organization for the coming year. He was elected to office at the annual meeting on Saturday at Maple Grove and is shown here reeiving the gavel from las t year's president, Mrs. William Tamblyn of Orono who was congratulated for- her fine leadership _efforts. - * EA. Wade and Grant. N Ew Tu N VIL LE Rev. J. M. Hoskin of Balaý Mr. and Mrs. Luther Daveyievening. inc]uded Mrs. C. M. iilpec er etSna of Cobourg were visitors a' Jones, Mrs. Roy Hall, Mrs. A.0ornclock. then sal pulpi of~ week ago witli Mr. and Mrs.f Wade, Mrs. Milligan, Mi Ss1 'lcwenapl lp Win. Stapleton. ïBernice Milligan, Mrs. F.1pvdeeaio Ym ue Hend erson. Street United Church. King-, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood, stan, xviii attend, to hear him., ,Mr. and Mrs. G. Stapletoni,! Mrs. S. J. Lancaster return- T his arrangemnent lias been 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce. Mi.s.: ed home fromn Memnorial Hos-i made at the request of the! G. McCullough, Mr. M. Barrie pital on Thursda ' . Chairman or the Conference. were among the guests at the Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Hender-i Settlement Comnmittee. home off Mr. A. Redknap. Osh- soni attended the Maýiic Cak onhi eces awa, recenitly. Ladies Niglit at Whitby, o.hmeiusbinhldI moîîhlv eetig isbein he] Mr. and Mis. Earl Walkey fusa eelg Moînday atternoon, March 15,1 'Mrs. Fred Hendersan and Mr. and Mrs, Jini Casweil at _Newvcastle. iMrs. Arnold Wade attended with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood Stîndiv atternuon, Newton-ý tht reepionforth Grnd attended t h e Sportmni ~ î finislied the' regular, Worthy Matran of the Eastern Sowini Toronto Saturday schedule in first place in Vie' Star, at the Royal York Rote]. nîght. Port Iloape Mercantile Hockeyj Toronto, last Tuesday. Amang those atteniding the Leaguie. Thev clinchled theý Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. Staple- Card Party at Providence on, tille w\ith a 'convincing 10-il ton were visitais rit Orono 01, Satu.rday evening, were Mr. victorN, avec the' Nicholson' Tuesday with Mis. C. Robin-' and Mrs. W. Boughen. Mc.i File. *Newtoîiville goals were:' son. lai;and Mcs. Hugli Stapleton,j (1) Tî'jîn trom Westheuser Loca laiesattending 'Lbe Mrs. C. M. Jones, Messrs. Da-i and B. Robinson: (2) Trimy EatrnSarBrtdi at vid Imlach and Matîrice tfram Harris: (3) Cou roux: atPr1oe ensa O'Neill. ffrom (irav and Lanîgstaf;: MVr. Arnold Wade accomu- (4) Grav fram R. Robini.oi; panied the Jim Roberts Fan (5) Gray fromi Triim: (6) Cou-: Club off Port Holpe to Mon-, roulx tram I.angstaf: (7) R.' treal, Satucda. where illhevj Robl:inson tfram Trim: (8): attended the' Monitreal-Detr-oit!Gra *v frum Langstaff and Cou- hockey game that night at the 'roux: (9) R. Robinson frýmý Forlimn. logg: (10) Westheiser fro.-n, Mis. Rod Gilmour and daui- 11099- Battersby avei'ted the gher off Taranto spent tl shulLtouIt With a powvec play' weekend with Mcs. Lena goal late in the' gai-ne. New-, Ovens. taux ville toak haIt off thet' our, Mi'. and Mis. McNail lrNin mincir penalties. Next, Sun-! off oiriih, ust ack 1rainday the' quarter-finals foi'-ht several weeks' holiday in i1,hamPionship \will be a sud- Florida. were callers, Friday,iden death affair. Newvtonville at Mir. F. Gilmer-'s-. plavs the openring ganie at Mrs. Wm. Millîgan attended 1':(0 p.rn. j tht' Horticultucal Show at the; 0'Keefe Centre on Satui'daV. Miss Diane BLnrley off Boxv- O IU R rnnvll ws a weekend O JU R guest with Mr.S. Rax, Tomp-ý MRS. JOHN YELLOWVLEFS kIns. jThe' Lake Shore Gi'oup held The death occlirreci suddevi- anothe' off tiiei' bi-monthl.vIl on Sunday, March 7, 1965,1 dances ait the Hiall, Saturday at the Oshawa General lias-' rrighîl. ipitl, of Mrs. Ruby Yellow-, Satiîrday nlight Suippei' andilees off Solina. 'J'le deceased evening guests witb Mr. and was iu her 73rd year. Mcs. Don Vinkle included Mr. A daughitei off the' tale Mir. and Mrs. Keit-i Caswell. Port'and Mî's. Johin Pascoe. the' de- HopeMir. and Mrs. Ilarold ceased was born on Mav 2) BesI, Wesleyville, Mr. and'1892, in Mariposa Towniship,: 'Mi-,. Brian Caswell, Crooked Vitoi'ia Couut.buhalie lu the' Solîna area practically' jMr. Frank Stapletoti Ot'al] heir lite. Toronto was hromie ovei'the Beino - aetdmiiin weekend. We wish Frank B .1 tlne iti-a, in is ew asi .as a Youing woman she gaVeý sucess i i Dwpst'au freelv of lber service sa. wihthe Purcbasiul ganist and a cs ascor-i ýment at the C.N.R. Depotiait n laa !cj, Toronto., member orf'Mt. Vernon Cbnrch ua j;f~ ,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gil- onl the eenhlie ýua1L if 's erSteven and David, of i On December2, 1913, she Islington. were visitors Sat-1 was married ta John Yellow- urday at Mr'. F. Gilmer's. lees. Mi.s Doroth.v Stapleton off Mrs. Yellowlees uwas an ac- "Kingston was home over the tive inbei off aIl the' wa- lweekend. On Sunday, she ac- men'.s organizations al Eldad comnpanied Mr. and Mrs,,United Church and was aisoi George Stapleton and Keith,i active in the work off tht' and Mrs. Geor~ge Sinith ()ff Solina Women's Institiite. She Newcastle, Ia Por't Hope,,was vers' fond f rknitt iu.g ed! where lhev \were (Il iniiier ihandwork. J 1er lire %vas (d- ke - ,uests off Mri. and Mrs. LI ,arie1 old(oNie home (init-i dfaniii v to k fl&)ý'lmor-e about IÎL. beth he occasion hi ing th'l, band inOco *t'1961, and bx' can 1_9..2 atter'sirstP birtlidaxv. a daughter Madeline. Mrs. ,wer _______Stacev and Sid Brown wýe:eO;daughîliecS, Miss Gladvs' Yie!-i outat ennsi Lae oer i"l owles and IsobeI -(Mrz.' ivour nearest Muitual weekend, ice-ffishing-. Ordp~ri Ralph Davis), and two o*ý Canada rcprescntative. yoir supplv of freshi fisli thisý Wesîev and Harvey Yellow- wee(k at Brown's store! ]ees, il off Solina. Mc. and Mrs. Stewar't Woodj Mrs. Yellîywlees is alsa suir- and amiy, o Bomanvllevived by a sister, Mrs. Ma bel wecre Sunday xisitors at Mr..IWestî v off Balmertown, On-: WilredWod'. tarlo. a brother, Norman Rev-1 - rs E. McEwen, Grace-Ann; nolds off Toronto, and eight, and Gary. of Peter'borough, graudcbildren. Shie uas pîe- were visitors Sundax i Mr-' deceased by a sister. Miss Ida' Cecil Btirlev's. Reynolds, and a brother' kMirisand Ms.R 'pFol"P- Thomas Reviiolds off Toronto. kinsandboys, Port Hope, TI unrl er'e wa were Sunday supper guests %t Tefnrlsevc Mr. Bert Tonipkins'. lheld on Wednesday, March Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Wde 10, at the Noclhcutt and ,mith were supper guests, Sundav 1 Funeral Hiome in Bowman- wilhMc Mr. B Waàjý ville. Rex'erend Charles Catto, and boys. minister off Eldad United, Mrs. Lakin and daughiter off Churcb. candictied the' ser- Oshawa visited Mrs. Bou- ývice. gerie, Sunday.1 The manv beaUtifufl flor-al iMrs. Gwen Cole and familv tributes -a\*e silent evidehce off West Hill were visitai's on off the' higb esteemn in whicn Mt/Utual Life S,,day with Mrs. Phîl Gi]- thle deceased was beld by al CE~~ COPN FCND Mr. -AndMs erg --Itemn _a md nt Ideal for MNeat Loaf or Hamburgs Fî'esh, Ground Chuck 5c91b By the 1iece - Rinîdiess Breakfast Bacon 59cl California (Growvn No. 1 Silow White .1 im fr (AU LIFLOWER 39c 11.pkg. 43e From SunnY brai-I Size 105'o.1 JAFFA ORANGES doz. 65C ýoSize I'i(K'39c 31exiani No. 1 Re d Ripe Tasi îomatBos29 Cherry oaos2 Ail ni erchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is unconditionally' guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. FREE PARKING I 'o CHOICE Shiririffs APPLE JUICE3 5 FLAVOURS ROYAL JELLY POWDERS AYLMER PURE TrOMATrO KETCHUP 4 15 BAGS FREE RED ROSE TEA BAGS Chuck Steaks Fresh SIiced BEEF LIVER I)iamond Bi-and WIENERS * Mi.65.7C jIKADOVYice Representative: g DONALD) C. WELSH 23 Sunset Terrace, Poe6354 CANDY FEATURE DARES JU JUBES l;J. 5 9 C RICIEMEIA( Pkg. of lZ's SCONE ROLLS 27 YORK Frozen - 4 Klnds 8 oz. pkx. MEAT PIES- Values Effective in Bowmanville Until Closing Tinte, Sat., March 20, 1965. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. a- m Carnation 24-oz. lors Catelli 2-1b, Baga 1 3 Varieties Fornily Sixe 1 69C rhÉmbgp- i()ý