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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 9

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GOODYEAR BOWLING Treai Standings as of Apr. 8 Averages (l4th Week) B. Henning Belts 7, Fan Belts o; Ban. J. Murphy bUrY 7, Laboratory 0; Machine J. Goode Shop 7, Tigers 0; Hose 5, A. Lobb ______ Braîders 2; Cornets 5, Lead H. Bromell Press 2. W. Hately Hlgh SiglsJ. Bond ______ R. Perfect ____ Le ~rd 370, J. Murphy 296, R Hately A. 0>b 296, H. Bromeil 295, E. Oke _______ M. £Ihorpson 290, M. Sebris F. Wright 286. B. Martyn ____- High Triples F. Blackburn J. Murphy 796, L. Heard 787, A. Rowe-_ ___ B. Martyn 778, H. Bromeli 753, K. Piper _______ J. Honeyman 733, A. Lobb J. Luxton _____ 732, V. Connors 715, F. Black- M. Thompson burn 704. F. Smith _____- Team Standings S. Carson ______ Beits ---.____ 69 R. Wright Machine Shop 59 J. Geddes -____ Banbury- 57 A. Randie______ Braiders - 52 J. Houck ______ Tigers 50 L. Conliors _____ Rse t.49, Cornets 451- . Fan Beits 44 ' Laboratory -401 Lead Press -.251 (0F Bowling il kin 7, King 0; B. West- ake 5, Brock 2; R. Westlake 5, a Sno.wden 2; B~Ishop 5, Cook 2. Teama B. Westlake .-..... ... . 66 Brock ...................599 pnVýýDakin .-................ 59 Bishop ........»................. 47 R. Westlake .-........43 Snowden ... ..........42 Cook........................... 29 King........................... 191 Men - High Single, Ron * Brock 279-, Highi Triple. Jack MacNab 695. j- ~ Ladies - l{igh Single, Vera King 243; High Triple, Marie Sedman 621. Qi 200 Gaines: H. Snowden 217. 203, G. Prout 200, R. West- Iake 207, D. Dennis 219, 204, 224, M. Sedman 229, G. Mar- --shall 240, 236, 210, D. Bishop *232, 261, V. Luke 211, 240, D. McReelis 223, E.. King 226, à 211, G. Dennis 216, V. King 243, 218, R. Woodward 206, 245, J. MacNab 211, 251, 233, B. Goodmurphy 202, P. Burna 211. ' B e 1 600 Triples: G. Marshiall 686, D. Bishop 664, D. Dennis 645, M. Sediman 621, H. Snow- M. Sedman...... den 612, R Brock 615. F. Allen ........... Averages J. Mantie .......... Gaines Ave. B. Westlake.... G. Marsiali ......... 3 227 R. Woodward.. R. Brock ............ 39 221 B. Allen ....... E. King............... 39 212 B. Jones ........... E. Ros.............. 36 211 E. Luke ..... ... D. Bishop........... 39 209 B. Goodunurphy H. Snowden........ 36 206 V. Luke ......... R. Westake ...... 39 201 N. Gibson ......... M. Dakin............ 39 198 S. Brock ........ J. MacN&b ......... 39 198 C. Roberts ........ G. Prout ............39 195 D. McReelis -... B. Potter ............ 39 192 1. Gibson .......... D. Demnis .......... 39 190 F. Snowden....... need money for any worthwhilIe purpose? v Vask for i"t by name em -.-AT TORONTO-.DOMINION If you'd like ta buy a new (or used) car, boat, outboard motor, household equipment, o« furniture; make some improvements around the house; finance inedical o« vacation expenses ... whatever the reason; see your Toronto-Dominion Bank Manager firsti!He can hep. you borrow the money you need ut Iower cost. Toronto- Dominion Personal Loans are life-insured 1 Repayments can b. arranged to fit essly into any budget. It makes good business sense ta borrow money from the people at The Bank. Stop in and ue how .aIly a Inn con b. arranged ut Toronto-Domjnaon. Compare our rates MiOMTHLYINSTALMENT REPAYMENT C4ANT 12 18 24. 30 36 MOOS. MMOS. OS. MOS. mOu S M 543.80 530.04 523.09 1UZ S516.14 ffl 87.J1 0.87 46.17 37.t3 32.2 VU 131.-U 80.11 19.206 8.74 4t.42 tM 175.81 120.14 92.34 75.15 4.U1 2,100 215.77 10.17 l1h43 84.U0 U.78 MU N&10372 IMM21 138M51 11&83. 4 J 04 CAI ctharg.s ifctuded la mofimy paynrsl The recent carnival, sponsored by Bowrnanville Skating Club, saw many local youngsters in action as well as some outstanding visiting stars. The young skaters at top, dressed as Swiss Misses, drew rnuch applause for their performance. The group includes Janet Large, Linda Webb, Cheryl Williams, Pat TNow- ian, Dianne Harrison, Cathy McGuirk, Donna Mikolic and Ann Morris. Lower photo shows Carrol Forrest and Kevin Lethbridge, Canadian Dance Champions, who put on a briliant show of precision skill for the packed arena audience. Men's Major League Mystery Sont of the Week 'Bond 750 (255), Norm Hen- Oh where, oh where did the ning 737 (302-262), Hap bowling news go; Palmer 738 and a big 378 Oh where, oh where did it go. single gaine, Laurence Lea-, Did John M. James burn it Up, man 721 (249), Jack Landeri Or did Ai forget to show. 716 (248), Howard Bromeil 712 Last week, as you know, the (253), Vince Vanstone 712 Men's Major Bowling news (286), Frank Samis 702 (290). disappeared and it is stili a Lou McFeeter had a single mystery what happened ta it. gaine of 307, Jack Parker 296, Kari Piper won the high triple Lowell MacDougal 291, Ai with 853 and Don Bagneil had Osborne 282, Bob Glanville a big 354 single gaine. At 279, John Oke 279, Ed Leslie Ieast we have pointed out the 278, Garf Clarke 278, Dr. H. top bowlers. B. Rundie 265, Ernie Perfect This week Mauritz Anneart 263, Bill Shotter 263, Bill won the high triple, having Westlake 261, Bud Barter 260. gaines of 290-318-238 for 846. The Olympia Restaurant Matt Harrison had 845 and the teain had a high single game high single gaine of the Of 1433 and this score is also schedule, 391. Matt's other held by the Jury & Loveli gaines were 210-244. Russ teain. Hallman hit 801 (178-297. Ernie Perfect and Larry 326). Piper are going right down to Bert Engley 784 (278-:306), the wire to decide the high Larry Piper 769 (312), Ron average champion. Perfect Maynard 737 (314), Jack has only 33 pins on Larry afte*i each has bowled 42 games. Pee Wees Lose to ep A udaMy s, lel 2 pen for the Men's Major: A League banquet to be held at T nird aînae420 Menxorial Park. Standings End of l4th Wveek r To G orgeownSecond Schedule To Gorgtow iW L P Georgetown scored two un- cQee's--------- 30 12 30& answered third period goals to Lander Hardware- 24 18 24' down Bowmanville 4-2 here Nels Osborne Ins. 24 18 24 Monday night in the third.Liberty Bowl 23 19 23 gaine of a best of five Ontario Frank's Variety -. 23 19 231 Pee Wee Championship ser- Ken's Men's Wear 23 19 23ý les. The second consecutive Olympia Rest. 21 21 21' win gives Georgetown a 2-1 Beaver Luniber- 19 23 19 edge with the fourth contest Dykstra's Food-.. 18 24 18 slated for Georgetown, Sun. Pepsi Cola 17 25 171 day afternoon., Jury & Loveîl - 17 25 17: Paul Finlay opened the I. G. A. 1 33 29 13 scoring at 11:10 of the first Averages period, but Tommy Simpson Naine Games Ave. camne back to tie it on a passiErnie Perfect - 42 2581 froin Mike Donoghue. In the Larry Piper - 42 2571 second, Simpson sent Bow. Al Osborne 39 246: nianville on top in the flrsttMu.ritz Anneart- 42 240.ý minute with Donoghue and Harold Bennett- 42 236' David Ormiston assîstîng. But Dr. H. B. Rundle- 42 233 Finlay rnatched Simnpson, withiMatt Harrison - 36 231 bis second marker at 2:30 and'Bill Westlake- 42 230: that's the way it stood heading Vince Vanstone- 42 230 into the third. Russ Halîman 42 12281 Benny Heppes cppitalized on Clarence Oke - 42 22r,6 à ~defensive lapse to notch the Ed Leslie -____ 39 225! winner at the 7:36 mark, andj Hap Palmer -. 42 225' ;four minutes later Neil Kor- Bob) Glanville 36 224 sack connected for the insur- Bud Henning 42 224i ance goal. Bert Engley - 42 2241 Robert Willoughby again Elton Brock - 42 224 turned in a stellar perforrn- Si Trewin ---___ 42 2231 ance in goal as the winners Don Bagnell .. 42 222ý held a 36-25 inargin in shots Lowell MacDougal 42 222 on goal. Mike Donoghue wasaJckBn ____ 6 22 big gun for Bowmanville, par- Russ Hately 42 220! ticularly in the middle session. Don Oke-.- 42 2191 For Gergetown Inglis, Kor- Bud Barter ___ 42 218, seck and Finlay led the way. Art P.owe t2 216 in Lou Wlseran- 42 Bob Richards - 42 Stan McMurter- 39 Aif Samelis 42 Kari Piper 42 Lou McFeeteru 39 Ron Maynard - 42 IRuss Oke- - 42 George Bebee 42 Jack Parker 33 Tedk Bagndel42 Jack aner 42 Mike Murphy 42 216 The Canadian %ttem 216 215 215 Jui Callan ___ 212 Bill Orme ___ 212 enk Sarnis 211 Norm Henning 209 At Saman - -__ 208 Frank Mohun 208 Frank Blunt 208 Howard Bromel - 207 Harold Michelson - 207 John Oke mman, omnfeArl1,10 9 Skating Club. Carnival Attracis Large Audience SPRING FIX-UP DEPENDABLE FRIENDLY SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES AND PLANNING HELP Phone For Delivery DAMP BASEMENT? RESILACRETE IS THE ANSWER MASONRY FILLER You Just hrush ft on. It water. proofs by' pluqlnql tIi'0tlny holes and cracks throuqh whlch water mlqht look, and thon, osais the enfire Wall wlth a nov hard., waterproof, colour- ed surface . Good colour selection. Par11 '9 Concret. Hardener A combmaion flner hardoner and finish talot nds dustiq porna- nontly. Saha night loto the. pores of concret*, thon solidifies fi act un a bindor ta hold concret* particles toqother undor the houiest traffic ' .good Pa glliL 10-30 Ceiling Partition STRAPPING V'x2 r'l' a pas. par b]à=&* 2"x ,99C 7 pa pr bund. a bundie NOW... BEFORE SPRING CLEANING SATINCOTE WHITE Washable, double.cotoi satin white ceilng fie. Speciai touque end qroove edge for fontt «cantate application. Anyane eau do If . . . yau simpl utopie.hfile tii 0hestrapplaq.To quality il 1untlorm ticknoss «.S color for the bout resuits. MICRO ACCOUSTICAL More thon 1,000 micro, sound absori,. lnq perforations ft ar e deconative end functional. Washable, double. coated finish ai sain. vit.. Speclal tonuueand goove .dqes for faut accurette application. Guanteed quality. HANO VER SINK CABINETS Naturel blrch cabinets, pre. cision fltfed, handeratfted and machine sanded b Ranovon Kitchans. Complets with non-drip Anborile cone05 piece canoter top, nickel stainlnsi steel sink viti trainer. Chrome laucots. warp-free doors. and glide drawe.s. lctory assembled rsady tb finish. Ail sues 9 fio . 4 r ' t. 84" u i % 3 , s n a i e Roady ta finish or Complot* with 5mb ami BIG DIP In Paint Prices S V ESAV SCILTONEe7 " SATIN LATEX !"i ~famous Interlor SATIN LATEX paint sm only $7.20 For the. monti of April penrgallon. Stock up nov .. deliiti Carton Lots . . Cash and Carry 13/2c Carton Lots. . . Cash ani Carry CONTOURED COUNTER TOPS Contour.d curvod iplasi back viti roll.d non-drip edge ai gleamlng Anbonite. A Bond counter top fiat you can lu- staol ourself . . . simply r-, moye lb. old top and set .,;e ctoured top lplace. Golasin Glilfer on Whte. î0.Ft. Lessgth 1147. JI RANGE coHOODS - MIAMI-CAREY Keep Your Kitchen Clean and Fresh! Two speed fun, lifetime Siteî. twln lighto and pusi button controls ...Muami.Carel quallty throuqhoUt . . . Cap. porto. . .special sauver Pr i -e atory assemble&. roady Io Install. 24" or 30" Wldths Larger 36"1 Width only $29.95 Duet-Free Range Hoodu Froin $49.95 Ail Finishes and Styles To Fit Your Kitchen Available. ARBORITE of Odd Sizes Genuine Arborite ln a aclection of aises and patterns. Quantity Ilmited . . . shop early! Ideal for kitchens, bathroomm and iurnlture. 207 George Glanville 206 Bob Wiflarns 206 Laurence Leaman.. 206 Bill Shotter- - 206 Bob Kent - ---. 206 Dave McKnlght - 206 John Gould---- 205 Maurice Richards-. 205 Harry Akey ---- -- ~& i i - TORONTO-DOMINIONM Where peo pe make the djfference B. L BUEKL, Manager Bewmanvill. Brancb ae GU ý& 1 uu £Uu

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