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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 11

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,Little One -Year -OId Shelley, ESPECIAI. LOW PRICES * ON N&TîONAL BRANDS * SAt Your Local »ruggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Scat. 1 In SUPER REGULAR or, GENTLE SUPER SPECIAL Ton Home 1 ermament sugg. ist 2.00 12 San Spray Deo dorant -3.OZ- nerosol, sugg.IiSt 9C8 8C Aspirin Childrein f s Size Flavoured3es, sugg îîist 39,, 29c ENO FRUIT e$ALT ae size, sugg. iîst 1.19 99C BUFFERIN TAPJLETS - ----- -- ossugg. i 77c White Rai. S----po ------ýsugg. îÎst 75c 59C SMACLEANS 1001H PASTE iugg îîist 69Ç 49c ,NES E SPRAZE 12-oz. aerosol, 1.39 value 77c FLA & B5 ----- 12's sugg. lîst 168 1 .3 3 4 TAMPAX 40's. sugg. list 1.75 1.49 0'~ WATCHr FOR THIS AD FACH WPPiR JACKSONS DIO C STORE JGINSGN'S DERUG STOIRE AMEZ NczgEEÇ i, DEIJS 1ORONO lUI &LOYEL S-TUITT PHARNACY Ail -'i ¶ 4f, 4I~ hi ~itj Il!' 41f 4Iff if f f 411f 411f "'f ~îf 41f 'il 'tuf 41f 44 If 'I 'f f f f f A Newcastle - Tise foUlowmng; books have been obtained fort Newcastle's Memorial Library:l Tise Stanley Cup. Thse sea hS Boiliîsg Hot, Tise Ambassador,, Iliîd of tise Deseri, The! Deadlv Fniend. Queen of Diamonds, From Our Town!. (By Jack Scott). Tise Sun Is, MY Shadow, America Amenî- ca, Thse Master of Badgers Hall. Junior Books by L. Montgomsery: Tise Gol d e n Raad. Pat of tise Silver Bush, Rilla af Dingleside. UCW News Ne\wca5-tie:- Tihe Aprîl ineet-. J1 of a Unit 4. U.C.W., met at! Vise hanse of Mrs, Wm. Allin,f witis eight members present.i Me.George Ailin opened tise meeinîg wîth an appropriateý poem and prayer. foHowed by; hvîssn As Comes tise Breatis Of Spring' Mes Falk read, tise scrpture lesson, devotion-ý ai readinga and prayer. IMrs.; Wrn. Allun w'as ins charge of' tise studx' boak on Brazil and deai wî,vth ax'isit ta Brasilia. a cils' is Brazil la Souths Amserîca. There is a popula- tion Of 75.000.000 people, one-, half of wison cannot read on' write - and tise pon class carti, ronisS73.oo ta $10000 a 3 ear. Bliving chiefi\ ain iread, rîce, cranad beans, with an' occasional bit of ciiken or dried bcd .Tihe impoi-ts are newvsprint. aituminurs. oiaztic. svssiieîIc ruisher, asisestos. machinerv ai xvaod pulp, and tise exporu. are caffee. bananas. cacoa. cotton. wool, petroleuni.Thee 1:fe expectan- e- in tisai country îs 31 yeaes. Collection was taken and aine homne cals. fine hospital cails .five rest home ýaIls ne- ported MesFalk.Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. George Milln were appointed to make planis for the dinner for the staff of theî Sunday School and their wî'Sor hiisbands ca' the mee::ing ,luchwas Served.. a Immw wana WED*? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium Must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To keep InSured follow the instructions on thp Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104, that your present employer is required to give you on ieaving. Vour ON TARIO HOSPI TAL INSURANCEý Plan T«wrno7, Ontano D*ýstnîcf. Deputy Eti Nichoils,, Port Hope, was master of ceremaonies for tise eveni, as-i sisied by Brent.on Riokard,; Cisaîman of District A, and several other Newcastle Lions, including Frank Hoar. Murray, 'Walton, Murray Paterson and' Tracey Emisle'.. Folowing tise speeches, tise' Lianettes served a deliciauis lunch ta contestants and memn- bers of tise audience. Tise two top wîaners woni $20 each, plus a tropisy and, certificates. Ail others won $10 for compctiîsg. Second Place speakers aiso xvere awarded tropisies andr certifi- cales. 1Judges xxere Miss E. Boyd. A. M. Thompson, Baxvmanvie and J. H. Hailiday, Oshawa Entertaînmnenî ai interrisis. <ion was provided bx' Mis-, Tisa Kozuis and hei accordian, Community Bowling Newcastle-Tse follovi ng ir, lise list of top isoslers for tise week eadîng Apiiilotis Ladies, 200 and aven- Mviii- oie Taylor 286. Jeans Ard 268, Mai" vHeadersari 258. Evelyn -Nortisnup 239. Dora Youîîgnaa ' 36, Maisel Good 23.3, Eleaisai f Pennîn 233, Dorotisy Teanantj 225, Mary l"oster ?23. Mary 2u1î,t MRthi 14.Helen, Julo.v 1M.rthnCo14.s 214, Couroux '209, Jean Allen 206, Colleen Pickerin~g 204, (;race Coucis 20.5. Men, 225 arîd ovn- -George Kimnbaîl 280. Rnc- Pearre 264.1 Bll Lake 262. Francis Quantnili 248, Bill White 2-30, Loxvell ýHighfield 22,5. ,Juniors, 20lf andi roei. Ron Good 216,. Mike White 209, Tisursday Nigist League, 200 and aver-Mabel Lewis 239. 'Ken Whitney 238, Russell Powell 214, Marilyn Caucs 209. Hanna Farrow '?06. Hor. ace pitts 20,."l, n N I' Lean 202, Beatrice Morgan 200. r iveî.., Councilor Walton sýtat- her nd S n Niht aw was a very good thing for* our town to have. and it ~j. ~should have been drawn upi 5 arlier, but he was opposed toi Clo e H~ cey eas n assng ibefore clearing Up., , v o ' C ose H t:) k ey S e a o n arkers problem. Why. ask- ed CunellorWalonshould: f A B Ione persan be charged the full! Vuil! lake Place April 24therire of ele hook onai n Newaste - Ata rcerit nd t i deinie aso hatlhee ofics fr aothr v by-law until Parker's prob- meeigofthee .,, ase Rer n nt lathtteeolie raohrxar. lem ils dealt with. meein o th Nxxaste ecBobby Or, and Jimmv Whit It %vas decided to eave anv CeonclC hambiers pela n the takertýx'. membes 'af the plans foi' our s im mîing pro- Mr. Pidgean asked cunicil ' Counil hamers plns eregrain axer Ia the next et if there was a chance that Mr. madefora Fthe andSonOshwa ~ nealswîl bepres- îng.xxhen tl \as felt defrnite Allison sold the Parkers theW might, ta close off another sue ent ta an rswer ai questions information regardîîîg înstruc- land, stating that there xvas oessful hockey seasan. and ta and sigil autograpi s. All in tors %vould be available. xvater in when there wa hand out the well-earned tro- ai!, axerl nice night i plan If this happened. said MI;f. litries and awards. The rn- ned and o veryone should en- The1 chaiai xwas ntruct- Pidgeon, the Parkers cauld sue bers expressed thr'îr disap- joyhi mssi If. TIe night plan- ed ta see Mrs. Howxard Quin- Allisoni. pointxnent that a hiockey rîed for i Saturday, Aprilî ,4 nex. Guide Captaîî. ta leari Charge Parkers for the wat-l tourn.ament couldri't have heen As itwiU be dîffîcult ta con- whether ai, ot anv .Guides er, statecàCouneillor Bonathan, held at the arena. but these tact evei.: one înxalved, t xvas vould bc iîerested in co'n-you can't do it, any otheî wav. plans went awry whe, the decided -ta enlîst thse aid ai ducting playgnoui d act x ities They baught il, it's their ,~ 'i weahe reus~ 0 co-operate. the coachies. at thepr this summ-er. trouble, let themn sue Allson" \ *n t xvas decided ta contact the The 4 iînual electiaîî at Margaret Breicton \v as gîx - If x au give in ta Parkens,'x , Hockey Mothers with regard officens itîas held at this mecet- en the green light on farnning w'ouid \ou give in ta Calîs,~"~ ta refreshments ton tse 'ah ing. xx itis the present execu- and organizusg a Ju.nior Girls!ta? asked Councillor Bona-3'.. ~,, e and Son" night. and it has tive.s. Slan Brereton. chair- Softhall teans. ages 7 ta 1:3 in- than t already been reported that man: Mârgaret Brereton. sec- clusîx'e. anx' lime the weathen CouincillinCouch saildihei~~~ '~ they will serv'e hot dogs andretary. znd Evelyn Narthrup. is sutitable. If is hoped the felt carlher that the Public;d soft drinks. Next. it was de- treasur!j. given an excellent league. af which Nex.castle Utilities liad the money and cided ta secure ai-, rnteresting vote of t'onfideisce by the oth- xvas a part. ili ho In fuli wouild have put in the xater andentPrtaininRipfIimta show. er rnerjers in their return ta force agan this \e"an. Councîllar W'alton repeated: that lie was for the By-Law, and %vauld approve it, but oisly. after Parker'. a returned vet. ean, gels a fair deal. Allîson, e O C au segood profit, then sits back and! Sf i! D scusionlaughs at counicil. Stil Cau e D scusîon"Weil,' asked thse Reeve, il "do xve get a seconder for thîs ifout Haw came we got gut By - Iaw Passes Council ths ar.nenemstaav appruved Il. and now we can't even gel a seconder xxhen w Newcastle lise îogulai Boaid.Mrs. Margaiet Bîcie- atterna . arid eee jj get ta the end of il. we'Ive meeting of Counuvl vas held ton andi Mr. Ed Barchard xvere nînghiain. and lise nvited Mn. tnied ta be fair"'. Monday eveniîg in Counici! presei.althtie meeting ta ask Banchard ta (:orne in thon foi, At tis ooint Councillor Chambers wîth ail meissbersfor an approximate budget ai fora-e ie iieecled in bring Dickinson asked "Cari Pankeor present. 'Minutes of thse last S32,004l, This is $6.000 more counicîl ain accunate re'por. sue Allîson for the expense?" meeting, and ai the special than I1 N si?' ear. but, it was ne- Mr. Gordon Gray addî'essed "'Yes." said Mn. Bonathan.i meeting held Mvarcis 22nd xxere poî'tedi that theree s a $ 1,500, rounlcil î'egai'dingt lise ater "TheIi ['11 Second the motion,". The wee lassie ini the above photo is Shelley Leone' read by the CIeî'k. Mn. F. balancE', ta pav Hartxvg Cons- lying iii front' of hi'. haine. said MnI. Dickinson. r Pidigeon. and approx'ed as nead . structiti n foi' the addition ta 'flie . i s r Genranase b heRev f y. daughter ol Mir. and Mrs. Charles Ci'ax'. 9ý Aletter was received by thse sel 1o01. alld thse teachers enoughi.liese'aîd. ta let mrore al]xvoi'e inifax'ur Cuai !o Southxvay Di,, Who xvas one-yeaî'-old last Februi' caunicil ini regards Iotahie Cal- nece'x.r -i a raise an pay this than about 60 Per (Cciiit te Cotulh reminded couicil W:e l8th. Shellev's proud grandparents are Mr. atid Mî's.ý lins home which is built onr year . An extra teacheri was xvater run ihnoiigl.anîd fihe feli as did Mr. Walton. thatý C. H. Lane-of Nextonvillean Mr.ReaCava the Clarke Street noad alloxv- hired 1 his veai' and, said vlrs. nest falîs aven the Iaxxn alîd Paî'kers and Calls too, shouîd1 Newcastle. ance. The Colins familx', Brere h in. we miay leven need seeps inta, his celai. At aone have gatteit their water. Bt have requcsted that counicil ta his e anothei' befoi'e very time. said Mn. Gr'ay. lie set his lie preferred ta go along with close this road as tise propenty long. in exen have ta build. pump) runriig i 6 arn. anîd thse wisises ai Counceil. and not r s n l g euronin i s eigsub- depeîiniJig on how fast thse nexv it never stapped jinfil 1 iiabpart froin them, a'dionse divided. Reeve Cunningham sub-dt0visian is buit and farn- tihe afteiion l dt 'u ats oi n oucîir a1 auggested that before any- îly setttled. The expenditures>ail that tme !lie said, ta cleai' ton said, "Well. I don't. 'i thing is done one -way or tise'are Dt lsei'xise up veî'y lttle, the xater out, At.tise sanefot in favai' of the iuîî-aroundTo CubS co t ,R v i other, the members of council; but It 4e balance on tise addition'timp. MNI. G ra v pî'esented we've gîvea ihese people, orý ahould investigate ta be rer- and the teachers' i-aise was a counicîl with a billtisal. he has tise way we are handling it: Newcastle- Di iiing Monday Canaddan flag. on I uesday tain that the bouse is wheî'e ît muSt..» already paid lai tise lan 'of Ilaxx. Make ,it clear in the vng1sm in thought ta be. Tise auditors vxere Ioa meet a puIIIP. île (alflrnnted tilsatmi])Ltes I am not for tîsis, and even ing's e t h ie Cîîbs evening, tise Guides aînd Rov-! Represen tiste Scioion acrNincii cisambens thse oext if Otheis cauld have hetise u'wilxii ot vote for the inexv y-and A and B Pack5 ansd also ers~ also were isnesented with! tise new Caxiadian i fag. These Representîng ai~~~o the hie punip, thon ieho te t law ". l'ie m ajority ruled, and ' tie Scout lî o , W oî'e in fr- w il be ee pu lc v a t e Iseshald e nimuired.he y-lxx wa aprovd. duced ta Lion Presideni Mur- firsi lime duî'ing tise Scoutl,: Reeve Cunninughsam asked the i Tise Siseil sîgn, from G. Fer- ray Paterson, isy Chairnrian of .Cuis Rover, Guide andi Brav-: raads coînmitiee ta take theýgusai's garage, which used to thse Scout Movement, Mr, Alexînie 'parade wicih is heing: proper steps andtihnîg in a sanîg fions a paie aver tise Hendry. It was MnL. Patenson ' ssiarîv 1 letvm ede '~full report foi'tise next court- 'oad, was knacked clown some pleasani duty to preseat thiese:pandsoty ci] meeting. time aga wisen Mr. J. Alldread three graups with the aew, onae of the Scouts helrsedi Dayligist Savîng stants tissPulled away fron tise pumpsjI h Bwanil paper: montls, and tise Reeve wili pro- in bis truck, and pulled away drive lasi Saturday, and sai-ne; ac-dela7-eron î aim tie date ia a futurei the sigis as well. Mr. Ferguson i1 ___________ ae fee hi'hl als cÇo.Ça/'Mâr~ Aflreâd 'Mi Dai ion: of thisipape 'asked Permission fr:rn counc4f :POP botte drive nxt week. Inreference ta th ise -to use t~p Newcastle',-,oawn~p~.Dy vstdhsson and bis family, iBer 4ard, M\-rs. Vickie Blight, lbeen long awaiting. Me. 'it will naw bang over thse 1 9a nd aIder' Cubs wîll ise Mr. and Mrs. Bruce TilisoniMr. i George Chard, Mn. JohnlPidgeon reported on god au- sidewalk. Permission was for our elp and boys on thse weekend. Dav's, Mrs. Barbara Gilkes. lthcunity, tisat Newcastle's namneigranted.'fryu ep Our friends and neighbors iMst acheli Gazelle, Mrs. Vel- was weii on tise top of tise1 The new &top sign by-îaw is %n hospital this week are: Mrs.: ma 7akeman, Mrs. Adele Park- ls for obtainîng the aew naw beîng drawn up. This M 8 S e k r er.. Ernest Rincis. Mrs. pumrper. job was givea ta Caunciliar! ST.GERG'S Ja ~ Shaw. Mî. Edwaed Tise fîrensen have requestcd ,Bonathan wbo wiii bring in, CHURCH ~Sm fth, Mrs. Jeanne Vantyghm two Liniforasr. Speaking on a full report ta counicil ata~ whnyut n1 CH RHancd0 Mes. Marilyn Wallon. theiî' behaif, Counciliar. Coucisý later date. Some signs h ave' Ihen you turn 1 Newcastle 'illie iicer weathen is ahead, felt that tise uniform shouidlalready been macle availablet you're no longer cov- T k a t i MAUNDY THURSDA ancf this weekend is Easten be granteti ta tiseis. Alber-t1 and are ready ta be erected as! ered by your parents' ;p we &kend - don't forget taf Naylar, said Councilior Couch, 'soon as tise by-law is passed, Hospital Insurance. n a.m.- Holy Communion cal and give us the names of is seceetary of tise Mutual Aid, A leiter was received bons IoI".J B p.m. - Eensong ic r guest s an hasts. The and most of these men attendi Counicil froni a prospective To keep ns ured, YOUNwase-Egten pe- (GOOP FRIDAYi' scloool childrcn will eîjay in tînifoîni. whie Newcastle 'buyer fantsor dCPR sa ttake ou mi ecs tleaîti teLin s uis- Il ar. - Service proper Eakte hoidys starting this IChief Miller and Secretary tion asking permission ta vidual membership 'District A.3 public speakiisg, 8 .m eson dt.rng, keep alert, children ningham suggsted Counillr letter wll be sent back ta tie' wthin 30 days. Get corn est here FridaY' eveig, ~ EASTER f ail get and rua onta tise raad Coucis shouid decide on tise would-be buyer, statin iat yor ppihtin or obe'Ktieuneit oihal.ad EATRDAY wil haut iooking. . request as Ise is in change of bath C.P.R. officiais, and thse R a , optt orca W iw, TPetionougand 8 &.m. - oIy Communion ilrs. George Smith, Mr. and tisaibtudget and shouid know i town, agreed that thse building tabnahsilL Mni WloPerbr ig,! 11 a.m. m oly Communion Me s. Gea. Stapieton and Mn. 'whether he can allow for uni- iwas ta be tornclown. or from the Commis- iopped thse large cnte',, win- ad Sermon arw,.f is. Laurie Stapleton;foims or st. Al b uis brug tinli ta Sion. aug tie ig tIoifa enter tIe 7 pa.- Evensong ýaîmd daugister spent Sunday Tise Ihird neadîng vas cail-,couscil were authorizecl ta be: Ontania-Quebec finals la Owven and Sermon w lb Miss Dorolhy Stapleton, ed for the Water By-law. Be-i paid. ïSaund on Max' 1sf for scisolan- pKîmm 4n'rgstos. - fore tise third _ eading was --~- ~ ___ Jsiipý,. ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___- ~I U 1 E tDSecond place xas won hv ~ w--w-'w- ~ J a~aa ft ~ . fm ~ ~ ~ M W Sandra Gibbons, Brigton, and -, uB ab . u M w u . u - 1P- Iri .,'i Il SUPER - RIGHT QUALITY, (OOKED, READY TO SERVE SHANK BUTT WHOLI PORTION PORTION 14 t< 45c1b55c 4 NO CENTRE $LICES REMOVED SHANK HALF 5 3ct BUTT HALF TIIDVEVCVAC SX BRAND PURE PORI< SAUSAGE MEAT CANNED HAMS 3-ib ti $2.69 Jane Parkaer Rag. Prie.ce &ehMe - BAVE Se ENGLISH ah33 FRUITCAKE «33 Faceli. Royale, 2-PIy (Whit.e pPmnk) Bathroom 2 OAk33 TISSUE ___________ 3c Premium SPECIAU CLARK'S soup 3 ' ~49c (Muahroom. Soth Broh, Chieker, and Ries, Chueker, Noodie, norem cf Chieken or Veab.se.Frut)n Vgtb HAMS o 16 16s 19C 16 59C LB 3 9c Il FRESH A Y4 SHORT OR CROSS CUT GRAND WITM HAM OR POULTRV Ooean spray, Wkalib or JeIIied Cranberrmy Sauce 15s-o-ez fn 2 9c i Try Thoim T oda - ThWre Deielus Jané, Parlc. HOT3 C ROSS BUNS 3 (10e OffOrnai) ALL '1 DETERGENT Pri..' Park Ree Prie. pkg Mge - SAVE te SALADA pkg 8 FLORIDA, VALENCIA, FULL 0F JIJICE, LARGE SIZE O.RA NGES dozn 49C CALIFORNIA GROWN, FRESH TOP, ORIGINAL BIJNCHES, Ne. 1 GRADE CARROTS 2§xI29C 1 MMMM FO ODIA1ANST ~wOES~« ALL PRICES IN THIS AD G UA MA TE THROUCH 4ATURDAV, APRIL lTth, 1MB. M--- --- laEmý mmý - .Olb. ý c c 1 Newtonvilie Ladies. 175 and!The Canadian 8±atestnan, B&wmanville, April 14, 196m ( o v e r -- J e a n H a l l 1 9 2 . H e l e n - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sinclair 194, Marg MacDonald l.~. 188, Mrlene Stacey 183, Liz WiEars 15.'Li ns V iew SIides Frîday Night League, 200, Iand over-Jsephine Zweirý I310, Ruth Bonathan 270, Sten I251, Janet McCracken 251. Sel- 0 o a l n kamp 243, George Kirnbat :gIî~ do Prkr 46 Bn oo a ken ro vvest Coas[ 239. Brian Rowe 224, Alice !Rowe 224, Narda Hoogkamp Newcastle-The local LionsColwill. H. Falk, C. Megit. R. 216. Laura Hazeldon 215, Marge Patterson 2.13, Jacik:Club held their recent dinner!B. Rikard, E. Foshoy and P. H-olmes 213, Hazel M. Munro:meeting at the Elmhurst Ho-!Wa'gar. 210, KaY Powell 206, Tracy tel. During their programme,! A splendid job of running Embley 24RuhCuh01 the recent Public Speaking 20.RCouc 0,te njydatl n filmiContest here in the Commun. Jea Homes200slides of the trip west recently ity Hall was iveli praised byr taken by Mr. R. Cobbledick. 'ail who attended, and it was telt that the job given to the KENDAL The report from the noml1 Newcastle Lions wvas well inating Committee, shows E. R-. done. The U.C.W. met at the home Lovekin running for president, A Murray Walton st vice. Ray -A their tiexi meeting, which !01 Mrs. Keith Wood, Sixth Goode 2nd v'ice, and Tracey;is on the evening this paper Line, on Wednesday. There Embley 3rd vice. Running for goes ta press, the local Lions were nine members pesent.1directors are M., PedwelI.I Club look forward to an ad- IRe'. R. C. White gave a talk - .Jdress to be given them by 1 Jack Munday of Courtire. on "Creation" from the Study staff have lefi o11 a trip to ___ Book. -God and His Purpose," Florida. Mrs. Mercer. VOIiu and Mrs. Stapleton gave a regular correspondent, xx ilI re- reading for Easter. Arrange- turn home with them. SALEM4 iments were made for the Ma-MsCaoLite f cr sanie Banquet on April 24th -iMiss Caro. Litie of Suar- Sun- iOoo;mnto wsalomaeborough and Miss Marie Littlei .-Dg' amSn Orono:Pmentionough.alsonmadhet day message was "The Frus- for a wedding in July for'af Ptroog.sett trated Christ." Easter service iwhjrh we shall also bc rater xeekend xith Mr. and Mrs. t:3pm nxSudy ing. Gifts were received forRYL iti. 't 1:30 p.m nextSna cuc.-r the Winn family. A presenta-, Miss Catherine Stexxart ati. .Thee ml e oa chu rch ser- ion of a pottery' vase wastefded the funeral of Mi. Peter; vice a ~rn nGo given to Mrs. W. H. Foster 85iLofthouse of Oshawa ,,!da.y,-t' Jila.. our past presîdent. A good re-Thursday last. Saaeni U.C.W. wiU halct port froni the Make Believe W1,e are glad to know that, their Apnîl meeting at thee Tea was given by the secre-iMrs. C. Thompson is homielehurch this Thursday, ApriFý7:ý tary with more donations ex-, again after spending twoI15. Mrs. John Coonibes and, jý pected. Our next meeting xiii week wîth lier sisters in Ca-lher gvoup axe in charge. bonMaY .5 at 8 p.rn. at Mrs. bourg. We hope that she is im- i Mr. and Mvrs. Bob Davies. 'W. H' Fosten'1S. praved in health. i and faniily have moved to", Sunday was Palm Sunday.! Mr. and Mrs. Wîlfred Rough- Enniskillen and Mr. and bmrs. S- Rev. R. C. White's sermon wasiley. David and Donald, visîted Rau Kelly have moved t on "The Way of Peace". We with Mrs. Swarbrick on Sun- Blackstock. had a splendid choir and their!day. We were glad ta hear Sympathy is extended ta.' antliem "Alone" was mast ap-ýthat Donald is out of hospital Mrs. John Maelette and fami}y, ' pr anite. andexi Suday ill1 and recovering from his seri- Woodville, ini the passing of' be aserandwehoe or aous accident some weeks ago. Mr. Mallette. They were for- good attendance. There will bel Master Christopher Staintoninmex' resîdents ol this com- reception of new members and of Bowmanville, is staying munity. celebration of Communion. with is aunt, Mrs. Keith Wood A nuniber fi-on here enjay- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Mere while bis parents are in Cali- ed "Corn - A -Poppin" Jast,.ý and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lang- 'fornia for Easter. week et the Town Hjall. SMOKED R, 5 9c m

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