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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 15

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CRd& ofTak Cards of Thanks Tnes Wantedj For Rent Maigistrate"s Court The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, April 14, 1065 1 moriey ta Mr. J. C. Cook, the IR. Virtue and Mn8. R. Burgs* M. & M. treasurer. Diane1 judged our pyjama bags, witt Lambhert guessed the ciosestlthe winners being Hettie Rei- too1msin feig rs eg a Dbi ilr Mnm. John Trimble would! May 1 take this opportunity CALL FOR TENDERS- ROOM for rent, suitable for TO 140P. like to express hier thanks to to thank ail my kind neigh-,XIn the Estate of Charles Isaac two persons. Phone 623-7044.! April l3th, 1965 1 opened case of 24 ale. The'empties. In the scond bedi,4P r Dr. Ewert and the nurses on 'bors and friends of Orono who., Beaman, deceased. 1__ ________5 nCow-1onyG.Fosa.xitdpyngMslre i nadwsigia nen duxing hier recent stay many ways during the past ; comprised of part of Lot 19, in1 full basement, ground floor at Clarke, Campbellford, acteci double tihe retail price). Iwine. Empties were strewnl ~JUU.E re 15-1:winter, and I wish one and the Fourth Concession of the 169 King E. Aduits. Phone for the Crown. "Later in the evening," con- around the floor of the kit- ~ 4I! f r r.Nra onTak gi.before the 20th day o! April, 1-623-344.- -151 emtiPeerNego d Ivxng room.rr fwish ta express to their many: Alice Richards, Orono. 1965, ta be sent to the under- TWO bedrooms, five-roomn1UOnMills,5ascharonlged A rei reitsarchewear and."I Fbary Con. rstale G ' f r i e n d s a n d r e l a t i v e s t h e i r ~1 5 - f s i g n e d . F u r t h e r p a r t i u a s o h o m e , h o t w a t e r h e a t e d , c l o s e d 7 ' i h s e d n n H g - r i f r e e t . W e e a - v n a n d M s e u h~A sfiner tans rgeesther uprh n ingtlnsmyb h O'l d les. 62334. fway 401 at 70 miles an hour. rived two men came out ontolfoilowing a neighbour's col- T 7 gifts and cards received on My sincere thanks ta rla-the undersigned Executor. The___ ______623224._5- He insisted hie was not going'teprhiannoxcedlit.Whveadors- ther olen edin Dy. ivs nd rind f r e mayhgs tne lo eesriySA- osresnb oves' 65 but adnidtted hie was condition. Inside were seven-picions for over a y'ear. Shel ST A SO O D theirfGotdeatchidgnbis speedometertennersoMrs. Deruriha, her son.ssyseshenasllonelyrandMthisDe WehRe brvesthelRightsta LimitnQuanandieh 15-1cars and lrettes, aor h aso accepted. rent. Write Advertiser 611, every mcinte. pedmee her daug.hter and the daugh-îher way of having iots ofi kindness shown my family! Earl Argue, Executor, c/o The Canadian Statesman,1CntbeGEvsOP r'com-ewhsad cmpycnlu We wish ta thank our many during my stay in Oshawa! R.R. No. 1, !P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville anstab ehale .E eans, pPt"InS onemmon-1aw usband. icomay"cncue h f- TR' O RS relatives and friends who re- General Hospital. Also thanksl15' Pontypool, Ontario. 1i151 'sted hd f o lwe the ac t e- onberdoo, "went onficAer this she will have tW av ofbre s okidy i he'taDr.McKa nrseand stafP.,with the distance bte teopened cases containing Reaisre.sh JHis Worship J i i i P r t P r r y o s p i t l . R m e r i . T O W S H I P 0 F C A R K E G U A R A N T E E D t e l e v i s i o n a n d c a r s c o n s t a n t . M a g i s t r a t e R . ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Allie and May Johnston. Helen Dorrell. 15-1* MUNICIPAL WORKSB.axemaetefn l5~l ______ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Television Service Co. Phone anTcYsoRfvOdy, n Wes and Clara Pearce wish The Officers and Members. TENDERS FOR A 623-3883. 53-tf advised tihe accused not to i W edartid4Hme iîe r .Be ta thank their relatives and of Bowmanville and District - -wsetecutstrewel' hdortid4Hme-1vstdMs.A Bec at o a friends for the laveîy even-, Red Cross Society wish toi MNCPLGRG Refrigeration hle had no defense. ing o! the "Tyrone Meaty Cheslev on the occasion of herý ing, the beautiful gifts andipublicly express sincere ap- SEALED Tenders, plainly'adRbr ae Spencer, R.R. Md"e h oeo r.Li1tb Robet JmesMods atthehom cf rs 9lt brthday lest weekend.1 cards on the occasion of their peito t'i atanCo marked as ta contents will bel prcaint mdCpanCn 2, Bdackwater, aged 18, Ronald Skinner on Wednesday, March! Flcvwers placed iii the church 4o. SV 8O 2 5 h F' .J .L~ . H av e , a3 18 a nauw - it h t- h e m ee d ig, fol o w e Y i c wr e S nd a l o in g m e r - CAV E 25hWedding Anniversary. Avassers and others Who assist- received by the Road Super- ApHrvyp38Nasu teei3ltcTemetngwsSethrunavirinceree i special thanks ta those whoed in any way with the 1965 lintendent, until Asawplic7,aniawnce hth pede nllw d lfoere nSAlEgmeor carea Theyohavemde ithi FIDYsMY7,16 Commercial and Domestie i-ence Allan Pedersen, R.R. 2, the minutes which were read iof Mr. John Maiette.3 We wuld ike o ex ress sîb ey oreusata surps- fr at 5:00 p.m. Retrigeration - Milk Coolers Blackwater, were charged b aieAl ed n hlMr. sand Mrs. W. Laveridge,ý Phonedlie o xpBsEsblTfr sSYER as orjointiy with theft of fourl rail, eau. We eooked somne1JovsdCa4svstdM. FehD yCnd rd ag thedee constructionfinncil ajetcon-1-1wheel dises, three batterieslSwiss steak which w-e each dM DulsStabig o ur deep a p pei ti e s on n i a c a b e t v .1 - r t l c u l i g h v n 'D y 2 - 7 4an d arm ed ro b b ery d u rin g th e 1sa sp led fo r lu n chi. M rs. k i - lan d fa mn ilv , P o n ty poo l. thnst i niiui h --poured concrete foundcation Nlghts -623-3177 past mnt. Seieradc-nr lan a dascusion dnoz. 89c have contributed sa genteraus- We, the tamily of the late and floor siabs and a buiitý-up c re eeoagd.onî Lunch was served and enjov-' Mrs. Percy McCoy spent a EG us shelter. aur sincere thanks and grati- lApproximate size - 46' x 92' X'EETI nth1 ~'eyad ihwi- ehl h oîth4H Ms am hr m r RbradPerWin tude during aur recent be- 116' high, with adjoining sec- md iteviie r. .j1LA Iwtan hank doto -1 r adtribt, wods o smpay Lot 27'ý, oncessih. o fb ne pump.They were re- of Sheîagh Murphy. We open-Goodmîan, Bowmamviîîe, îast;'L I O KH P 9 tives and friemds for floral The building is located in Iatdmn.di utd aapa dwt h .eg.Temn ck hyLo 2,CocesonVo te' next Tuesday. Terence Kelly, utes were read by Arlien Alio am jx perit! nurses for their care, friends anmd acts o! kindness. Fueral County Road just north D dto SrieOhawa, appeared for Spencer Hall, anmd the ralll eau ans-'the weekend with lier grand-!DMSE' rs and relatives for cards simd thanks ta Marris Special ,rn ntenwTwsi edtck SrCri0, DM visits while in hospitai. also a!Home, Rev. Dugan, palîbearer Yr oaednx ateCa-Utiihest Cash Prîces for Dead an Pdel e. dwred. ngsWe made stw d r phare nts M.and rs. WES 1Philip Druz. 750 Ritsan dmlnswihw a fi am ido audaynigi-it FEHBKDRDS were so kind ta my fsimily! Marion Maiette anmd famiiy.! Plans, specifications andý Ro dugMyarsoncAle. 151 15-1 !tender form-s may be obtained~ BURRETT FUR FARM January 29th with failing ta led a discussion on "HowGriffin and family, Lindsay. AP L Maio__ n.1-1 from the Consulting Engineer! Phone Long Distance iproduce evidence o! insurance much meat ta buy." The nextý Mr anid Mrs. W. Rahm were ,My sincere thanks toalal my A miost sincere "Thank 'ann amd afler Wednesday, April1 Zenith 66550 (no charge to yon' o that the $20 fee had been meeting wili be held at the dinner guests along with Mr.1 Agri. Lc. a. 51--65paid samd with failing ta, notify 'home o! Irene Reyenga, April simd Mrs. L. Wilson and An,; SA fiends, eighbours and rela- You' ta my manx' friends for:21, 1965. A non-refundableiDept. A re i. o 5 -- 65ih prha e no f anstor t 9ehi- T e C upeSlbAVEmea d is A m M re Cak»i3e pot _Whoente_____ ad_1_______i___-_ ffit anmd those who visited me .ters and gifts, al Who camne ta uie. eClhlh ~ ce. To bath charges the ac-' at the home o! Ralph and Judyj Toronto, at tihe home o i. whi le in hospital. Also speciaî visit me. A special thank you IA certiîîed chelque for Casuehplaedmo uitn tiAhelI7t a :4Spot id -oCfm ainsMd. thnst ussadsafo frD.MkoD.Seoof the tender price shalsic- ýue lae o uly ilArllt t74 ..In r.Ce amad Memarial Hospitalanwhotaffkednurses.simd saffronSule an-îsiyeah ede.for Dead or Crippled Fermi Constable P. DenHoed, OPP, the theme being "TPhe Stanley: amily, Ajax, Sumday evening. ChqiaAE Memria Hspial holooed A100 Pefomane BndStock. Picked up promptly. j told the court the truck had!Cup Hockey Party." Gond Friday Service et il GOLDEN Y7 LW 5 alter me so weli. Thamk yo Floor, Memorial Hospital;,A10%ProraceBn Telephone colleet 26.3-2721 'been !ound on the shoulder, A family birthday Party i1'an in Tyrome United Church. ga much. MayVn!,Ms ei u- ilas erqieIo! C'ounty Road 1 simd hadjhomour o! Mr-. C. W. Wooýdley Salem choir will assist Tyrone WalterF. Par. 15.1lev, Shirley Wood, Betty Lowest or amy tender fot 'Margwill Fur Farm'been towed swav toa ery1wshletheom W a t r . Pa k 1 1 Sk l in , re a iv s si d ne g - necessarily acceptd. g ra eeorrhby w pl w l ad s he at he o e ai Mr. choir. Salem , H aydon and Ty "FO QALIb ors for ail their help and To: TYOEgrgro honwpo a idMs o oe omn -nc nongregations sire urged 'FRtALT houghtfulness during my stayý Mr. M. L. Ross. Licence No. 389-C-65 go t'hrnugh. He said that lie; ville, Saturday evenimg. itO Attend. B % 4 SELECT USED CARS" in hospital anmd on returnmi.4 Road Superintendent, -4tfifoumd tattoRlde ruck was --jMi-.simd Mrs. P. de Jonmg A Brazilian Carnival was- -SEE home. Township o! Clar-ke, jwho ssid that Mr. Druz hadSanturdamy ewmcast ee1l ,s onxpores rMission S*Hay- Mai-ion G. Buî-îey. 15-U Orona, Ontaria. S ee d fo r Sale. iered i rta Rald nîosaMdr.mii estwer ld ta oersnd a i ssio d M.J. W. Stne, 45%MMRE ow e it for th t hs. Mi e . W asîdon id T yro s am desed M C ~ U L N - A u ct o n S le sReeve. lM r. D ruz ca e ta the ofice D b sm r. W o as~a d g rs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M c UE N ----ý--Totnimý;Asoiaest.theokn frehetuclde ou r.an md sanRogsdi ams dn w n sn rewr WEEKLY otn is& sotsLd, P R I D E mot produce pi-o! aof insuir-! Debhîe were Sunday visitors!suniz aroundth eapie, RSHLAG SIE N.iC LOP K MOTO oco a thCbasufolMriRu- lshgimd aulrWetothepned her wa $127 ee' TUCESAE MLA] M T RSALES LIVESTOCK SALES i .306 Dundas Streptaindithat cav, of Mr-.simd Mrs. D. Standish,iwhrn aur mission dru'rn was' aDrhnConySlsAna'Whitby, Ontario. SEED CORN ' Mi.Du xlin ta atSongravýe. h - LIMITED - ro - Every Shurs.e0pni.-________ _ 1,5-2 wa-cplntd n Otaioln194'had endorsed al Mr-.simd Mns. Clinton Enig- next week Margaret Hamil- E T L n I MQueenD r' Selingo vrhrss ate n, 73 - - Mrlnedi ntroIn16 :1ls W.dMPal, e tn visitedton, treasurer, prcsenled the! CalMQenPe. Slinges, e, Cetc.J Aeid ep V ntd Order rour varieties NOW- ionssimd hsid taken the truckrs. s imad Mi-. simd!-_ 219 KING ST. E. & Son, Sales Managers. 1 -tf WIRSE, uV whie the supply asts id some other equipmet for! Mrs. D. Miller, Debbie sad FINE QUALITY SAV andMAart-LE _______ He said that hie had GMNUMNnn.N time._Phone 9 d74 part1- ERaDtruck of bis own but hsid I Mi-.simd Mrs. E. A. Vu-tue ROUET N Authorlzed Dealer for Auction sale of farm stock, -WAITRES-S-wan'ted, expeëri-6322 used this anc ta haul. sorte 1vkierd Mi-.simd Mrs. S. Par-MRES Cars implements and furniture, the enced. Apply Olympia Res- 12-8 theihehad Jeu it i-. simd Mrs.eGeorge A. If&V»u~eL G AIT Phonbe r62 -33 o ety5 a!. By rn N stttur .5 Ithere. Magistrate Baxter dis- dread visited Mr. and Mrs. D.: K U FANOSTAFP ORD Pho e 6 3-3 56 ot 5, on. 5, arlngtîiEXPERIENCED m aýn for dairy S p ri g ein g missed the charge,. Alldiread, Bowma vile, Sun-, B O A ~C L E T ***Township, t1, mile east o! farm. Telephone Blackstock i euîng 'd'ai' LTD NOTE: Sales on aur 1965 Tutoslln o 4986-4856.151TRYP eHeOP oadAnngts houi M. at 1:30. List af articles next -A.__________ 15 T oTaffOstcket:aonsabl Ramblers are breakint l we' ae.Cifr et-FL rpr ie 1 ail D, emHoed, OPP) auty ted, -. .resuit we have we'Haprogffr ea FLo ar iewatessnd RnknFeruryl8ha i t A at'Th e Acres icac~ pl i.Cmbl, H g yl 4as ie 1 idcss Segts !GhwReth SHXuAND AVE A he 1aga eeto fier Genosha otel, Oshawa. 37-t! S E E D or five days: (Constable R. taurant on Saturday nightjDIi A 'Qualltr elect 'Used Cars" EVER--- j Pai-ker) Wallace Cam.pbel were Mir-. simd Mrs. Harold ~ E the ea, most are iow Thirty Hereford cattie, 2 HAVE YOU EE THOUGHT for good resuits and Iow costs March 27th, noisy mufflerSa onaidsr i- nid i Safford Brothers .~W M mlla, c al tn de . M .-H. tractais, self-propelled A BO T SE LIN G A V O N Certified and j S ugog Street, $10 anmd Lloyd Stainton, Flint, WM* - * combine, N.-H. baler, aide-1 It eosts flathing Regcsigred M05t5'Mrs. 196 Chv. ake mnur loder ful ie ta fimd out the details. Commfercial 'o--ive days* 1 GeteMhgsnMr. andMrs. Don' TIE modern fam machinery, Hay, Phone 725-9696 Modnpumenta'sPON Super Sport seed and furmiture, proiSerty - _______15-1 H. XW. Stapleton Millj B- omyQeewsStainton, Douglas.d yner oxumn1337Ki623-3541OD RE H rtpo! Howard MeMullen, Lot 3, WITH $2500 foriw- --case, ý NWOVLEhving prper commercial SemJan isi-et haklo,ý 318 Dundas S. E. Whtby Con. 7, Manvers, 2 miles South, ow.n a business with interest- vehicle licence for haulimg WloO'aa Phone Whltby WE GLADLY AEYU RDRB HN VSt automatie with power 114 mile East o! Yelverton, off ing incomes; aur 225 products 78-24ame-i naj.Tefn id Rick Gay o! Courtice.Mhak-35 Sbrakes and steerlng. Black 'No. 7A Highway, on Saturday, easily sold in reserved district.,15-4was $50 simd costs, or distres.9. Mi-.simd,,M.rs.-Larm-e ,Amnis I with black isiterior. ýApril l7th. Terms cash. Farm Commission 45 % - specîais with' --4,_jWlim .PtesoRRI- A bautftl cr. sold. Furniture sells at 12 free produets - premiums. 30 1, JMilton, had four similar'- o'clock sharp, followed by days trial period. JITO, Dept. Notice to Ceitr charges dLçmissed. The one 19r63 Chev. implemrents simd stock. Lunch- E, 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS heard was foi- hauling erude Tw aoses avaulsible. Art Rowan, G. 15-1 trnlucentqurzfoQe - ag nsWa am ke, leks T d ac -PART TIME ill persans having dlaims bec ta Milton. He was repre- Tota choose trom. son, Ted Spenceley, auction- j against the Estate o! Rebeccaseedb h Autmate d sandrd eer. 1-2 ¶Ned Isrectr Dickcy, late o! the Town of! te y Tornas J~. S~ommer- ta iionsahgdajBowmanv14e in the County o! ville, Toi-ernto. t ean utom obile.. forVillage of NEWCASTLE Bwased i teCony f John W. Ladd, 133 Davis for uoobls hn pligstt eu-Durham, Widow, dcc Set, Stratford, was fined Whn ppyig tae emn-who died on or about the 2thSte, 193Chv Sdn STOCKER SA LE lerafion expectedApplications day of February 1965, are e- $10 sind costs, or five days, h.àtmteI euiu F50H A urdt edpriuaso for failimg ta produce owner-ý 4. /a1tmatle h beautiul 0F 50 HEAD MDGEON such dlaims ta the undersign- ghip. Inspectai- Meraw stated, belge finish. Good dlean car :Durham - Hereford - Angusý Village of Newcastle. 15-1 ldSietr orteEeuo e h ad checked the tractai-' throughout. Ya-lt-ea-olds, grass GR rwmnfrgnrlo rbfm h 6hdyo traller et the Governmet;M iow rserv e lî,son office work in Caurtice. Steady April 1965, alter which leist- sesleoh igth wa 0 nR E A I. SA.I~ 1962 Pontiac wllou eereo position, excellent working mentioned date the Executor ~-h5h Parisienne Sedan MONDAY, APR. 26 conditio'ns. Must have pleas- wili proceed ta distribute the Mrs. Pearl Derusha, Man- *O Auomti V wthpoerSae a omene ro pîyatant personality sind be able ta assets o! the ssiid deceased vers Station, aged 70, pleadedi O - bnae VSd steerln ero pmatttmeet the public. Shouîd have among the parties entitled guiltyta epngiua o Glaiggre.DRAMCUT commercial diploma. Apply thereto having regard ony ta aeoh ssfnd$0sm Gleamln green.DURHA M OUNTY Friday or Satu day, April 16 the cains af which hle shah cests, oi- seven days, sid th e r U 1961 Chev. Sales Arena, Orocno or 17, between 12:30 sind 2:30 then have notice. liquor wsis canfiscated. The14m*Er iD K 4Jm Wago Pln t attnd hisImpotan or between8 and 9 pm DATED at Lindsay, Ontario, residence was declared a pub-;b b W gnauction where buyer and seller ;51 Sals&Clvre maeBxerpitdott - c..îde. - . - meet each1 er.1T1rms1cash. CONENEN ngdae f 165 M IDEAL FOR: PATIOS, CARPORTS, ROOM DIVIDERS, AW% NSEC ON-HESPT LW-OS sae ha beaii r bfoe! G UA DS Lawrence C. Mason, Esq., Q.C., There wiII b. a dual- FINANCING 'Jonc Ist, 1965. 'Barrister, etc., f por l e i onc d 30yKinguirreeBoxe29, ,/Sehe pio frope e ing eed '30hKing StreeBoxes9, controlled driving i Can be sawn, drilled, nailed or sercwed with ordinary fhand tools 7S eyv i S t a ti o n he _ _ _ _ O ntario, untlt idiht being sold, subject toa re- oiio o yi e*, sho a vial o 0 0 0 serve bid. 1 e m n n Admîinistrstor.13 "Ted Spncelv, uctinee; 1the citizens of 24-BIOUR Lewis MeGîlI, Reeve,. Town-' "Ted SpnceeSERucVICer, EmployM O s aw WonP odctd TOWNGSE~C 'sipfMnvrs usi ~~n iBowmanville andOh w a Wo Phone 623-3401 MT o m Ninmr egt5surudn ra ter Hours 623-2083 SITS COUNTI Minimum Hlhl COURTICE SHOPPING CENTR Member of both N.A.L. Backogr<.Insintd o. 3- 3303 728-611728161 a"dO.. Previous experence preferred ter 7811 Startlnt rate $1.40-$1.50 per lin. P O E Eani MeQueen MULTIPLE LISTINC SER VICE NATIONAL SERVICER U Bud Fogg Contacatebe oftb-78m-9 Bill McQueen CautaMme fte EMPLOYMENT A L N Jerry Keant Oshawar & District SRIE jFRAPITETULOTTENM OB I D Dan Kearney Recd Estate Boczrd'314 SEICoE FOt. S.,ME 1 -f M I

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