j Man and Wife Badly Burned ta Sbog.* Cat, Budgie Die in Blaze t 14 Constable L. F. Dryden, OPP, assist-! Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were rushed ed by Inspector George Halliday of the by ambulance to Memorial Hospital, VOLUME 111 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1965, O e op UBR1 Provincial Fire Marshal's Office, Tor' and after emergency treatment wertl5th Annual Production h.onto, is investigating a flash fire in! transferred ta Toronto General Hospî-ý-- which Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Braeley, tai. Their condition is still serious.fo m Hamnpton, were badly burned. Damage to the interior of the Ba Cornz a Ponnin' Pa cks 'Em Fomrnha ie The fire brake out about six o'clock 'ley's house is estimated at $2,000. Mr.! ,wIwH d on Saturday evening in the Bradley's and Mrs. Bradley's pets, a dog, cat, andi T home in Hampton. Neighbors noticed budqie lost their lives in the f ire. For Three Niahts RunninnH p Inrd c sinoke coming f rom the house about 15 Mr. Bradley is employed by GenOrgane minutes affer Mr. Bradley's return tbiere. eral Motors, Oshawa, and Mrs. BradleyA o n H li dtru n N wa Mrs. Merle Allun and other neigh- is a part time clerk in the DarlingtonW____ __ Church-goesi hllnrhato etn bors helped the two fire victims, who Township Assessor's office. They have ed by he ack a Jlnt6 een-C le, Snd heaetinsoefrteonEtr had escaped f rom the burning building, one ,son, Herbert, Hampton, and twolN pei Of Try ntekd JiCluhu nT A nday whenaseileriespaneat23 while Mr. Allun telephoned the Bowman- daughters, Mrs. Harvey Wilbur, (Shir the Town all au aditr onR- EA The eveintwlasobahmeoigfrth villeTunoan rs o FlemmingExhib'ts for day evening, eihd capa-paetofg vleAeAmuacadclethig1city audiences. This sparkîing' CMAG of Ottawa andhsiteolstrsRceHey jawiàianville Fire Department._____(Lucille),_Columbus. rLibrary Wh enee k i m OBJECAMAIwel, formerly ee:pcr hyaetecide a t et thgo muiOJCIEoMranentcrtaining lyrics, and arnus- TVE* $6,000 o r n r.JmsSie h eebr n rik Isen UnaOPEN THAttend ing skits. raised in Durha onyadhv lydams 'rri ~ ~~~~Stores in Bowrnanville wili April 1Çjh te flytb la Can- lion Morris, the able Master I active role intheatvte fteDrauCu y ~~be !!Peno usay evcning P , , *r Wek Tsof Ceremon.s,. wecomiede-' I of Toronto. Nomiafé Gariet f~ < d I~Torrwî until9 p.rn. fori cryone to the 15th annual $3,900 The entireafi . heconvenience of shoppers, year's slogan is "Reading lo Cornz-A-Poppin' Show. The ,* - .who wi h v ay in sr l the Lev t t un .h,..i... TA. . pz wpp.'A, .~T . Garnet B. Rickard, Darling-, ton Twp. farmer, was chosen: ]ast Wcdnesday evening to bel the Progressive Conservative: candidate in Durham Countyý iu the next- federal election.i %"icka rd wvas re -nomninated! fr at the annual meeting of thcj Durham Couinty Progressive, Conservative Association held in Port Hope. No one cisc was norinated on Wednesday even- J was not contested. In the 1963 general federal election Mr. Rickard was the. P.C. candidate in Durham.* He'- was dcefcated by Liberal Rus~- 1 sel' C. Honrcy. M.P.. who xvas' re-elected fo represent the' county in thir-lnuse cf Cern- Mons for a second tcrm. Mi-. Riekard was a member: of Darlington Township Muni- Cipal Council for rnany years.j He Was Warden of the Unitedî TURN TO PAGE TWO, j - - - - * - -- - - - m"v'- for the weekend. Handy stores, restaurants, a n licia f~ gas stations wiil be open Friday. BREAKS lIS HIP 1,0 M-r. Carson Hubbs, Jackman Road, is in Oshawa Hospital, ty iiniry suffering from a fractured hip. Mr. Hubbs trîp-ped and fell - - - --------------a--l7 -this weck in his drive- ýv'ay. His many friends wiii Post Offiïce ws i WiiI Be Closed ÇBts and On Good Friday OVER TOP - It was ani Holiday Hours at the Posttece ed ts obcti.I Office on Good Friday, ecee t betv.I April 16th, will be as fol- ail returns have corne in lows: will be over $3,000. Last The Post Office mwilI bec$2,100. Nice work! closedalal day. There mwilI be no rir mail delivery. jThere wlll he orle tref jletter box collection a 5:00 p.ni. Mails will lie rerpived an idespatched as usual. jOn Easter Monda3', Apri l9th. the Post Office will b Garnet B. Riekard _ open -aIl day._ - - New One Burns Bowmanvi]le firemnen are pictured abo%,e about 4:30 o'clock on Sunday after- moon fighting flames in a car owned by Cyril Oake, .28 Hubert Avenue, Scar- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Qake were driving to Newcastle on 401 Highway in a new stationwaýon for whch hie had recently traded his car. A short distance west of the Libc'rtNy Street entrance to Bowmanville smoke poured f rom under the hood of *the v'ehicIe The fire spread rapidly through the îînterior of the car. Constable Murray JoyJ3t, OPP?, anvestigated. cation". This year tjie Bowman- ville Llbrary là not havlng exhibits as ln other years. We are anticlpating the opening of our new library ini the fail when we expect to bave many attractions. We invite the publie to visit the library and browse through Our many new, in- teresting books. (uÇlieces inounced this week that Lmpaign for funds bas is expected that when that the total collected year's total was about -i t t t aiCALLING ALE KIN --- Bowmanville Kinsmen will be celcbrating their i5th birthday party nex' I T uesdav at the Flying Dutchman, 6:30 p.m. TheN at areetryi ng to locate al past members of the clui ,d t invite them to the big celebration. In othe words, "Ail Kin km kum." Incidentally, the Ki Investment l3th big draw for $1,000 wiIl tak be place during the evening. t LEAVING - Their manv friends wiIl be sari ta learn that Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Gropp an- family will be leaving for Tillsonburg sometime i, the near future. Mr. Gropp, manager of the Cana di an Imperial Bank of Commerce branch ber for nearly three years, received word of bis trans fer over the weekend. To date, he bas no informa Jtion who will be taking over as manager her( nor does he know definitely when the move wi' take place. *- t + t t i. 1EASTER HIKE - About 24 members of ist Boy rnanville Troop Boy Scouts have an ambitiou hike program lined up for the Easter bolidays They plan to work on their Venturers badges b, walking from Lake Ontario, along the Cotton;: Creek bank bo the ridge and returning by Jack ans Creek. Special camp sites bave been arrang edannd there will he adequate leadership to makc certain fences aren't damaged or gates lef t open Scoutmaster Bob Davies would like any propert,' owners along their route to cali bim at 263-2433 if they wisb more information or bave any objec- tion to the Scouts crossing their property. t 'i. *1* t t t LOST RING - Someone in the area lef t a gold ring in Milligan's IGA store recently. It bas an1 interesting inscription tbat wou.ld indicate it is a valuable keepsake. It reads: "Rotary Spokes Club, Edmonton, Nov. 23/20. The ring may be claimed at The Statesman office. -t 1- t- t t GIFTS - The Editor is beginning bo wonder after two recent incidents. Mrs. M. E. Abrams brought in a charming fuchsia and a wooden motto as follows "It is better to remain silent and thought a fool . .. tban to speak up and remove ail doubt." The same week, the Editor's wife gave bim a book entîtled "Reflections of an Angry Middle- Aged Editor." Not too subtle, were tbey! Fred Generai, carol Birtwis- tic and June Brown, Bruce Lush, the stage mana-! ger, was also in charge of props. Others who helped _ with the production were:, Scenery, Fred General; Soundî and Lighting, Tom Rehder;ý Make-up, Colleen Lush; Cos- tumes (rentai and sewing), CRIPPLED CF, Kay Rehder, Dorothy Mo)ri Martha Sylvester; T ic ke ts, NEED YOUR TURN TO PAGE TWO) 'HILDREN SUPPORT the servicc. Evcrybody is invitcd. C.LuI1y connectLiofns ecause the organ 15 being purchased from Mr. Rice Honeywell, husband of one of the guest artists, and'he is manager of the Heintzman store in Willowdale. Dr. Keith Spicer s organist at St. Marc's French United Church in Ottawa and his sister Helen is a voice graduate of the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto and a former soloist of Rose- dale United Church. The Rev. R. C. White will he in charge of Befor. After Marilyn Nash, 27 Church Street, won the honor of being crowned On- tario Queen of TOPS Clubs, at the Provincial Convention of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Clubs held in Hcamilton on April 9th and lOth. The young and pretty Bowmanville woman had achieved a total weight loss of 105 pounds in 10 1/2 months. She is the wif e of Charles Nash and they came ta Bowmanville -f rom Nova Scotia eight years a go. Their sweet littie three year old daughter, Helen, is the Bowmctnville notary Club's Easter Seals "Miss Timmy of 1965."19 CURN TO PIAGE Xrwc>" As Federal P.C. C Speakers Urge Parý T rades Car Biersteker,C.