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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 2

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2 ¯. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 14, 1965 First Birthday POmTP00L - n Mac Hood, Guest Speaker s we are ,leaed to reort rrÜ K lGD y e Ü D 7. , e7" that Mrs. Delbert Bowins has returned home after undergo- e Young Vets Entertam Old Sweats 1 B akng ca OSepre os.Goero See Slies Worl War 1Ht SpotsTo Address Lion ebr on Saturday evening. The by Ed Youngman onto, thanking the Bwa-ig h ain oso by Ed Yougman theinterest of actie servic nallerssending messagecrowd was somewhat smaller, Those culinary cuties of ville Club frterslni aby' drs h On Apil th, 60 "Oldhe ter soatiesric flrom te "Pimple"on tp ofthe oc b ue to bad roads and1 Hampton U.C.W. providedthe treatment of him whehewsFi.Dra.Lv Sweats" gathered in the Mr. Hood, a forceful, elo-!Vimy, "The Byng Boys are ball team ls playoffs.a Th eltsyLdmnernjoyed by sty thCeiretpeetnaentafildathi h ebrh LeinHall, in answer to the quent speaker, told of the im- lhere". (General Byng was in the nea futurnnwing a dance u ionrnArl ta recent meeting, wt! iedl a ndecoigcarru lnndrsosbil invitaton by Branch 178, R. portance of the Battle fVmyCndian Corps Commander). be advertised laue. re hc iltesir egureetig, wta five doll ar ll.Te lb is C.L., to have dinner '"on Ridge to the establishment of 1MrrHoodushowed olored er. PeidtentcareneGdadpopl.afe h fo Demo rs oet them". This has become an Canada as a nation, and how1 slides of many places weIlli .M.DulsLgan has sold in the chair. R ski elznga diin annual event, and much ap- the loss of the "Ridge" erod- ýknown to World War IVets, hs farmn to Mr. Ken Porter Atrasn-og ihRs eleven bucks. n roevso.t h reciaed byWorl War ed he moale f theGermns. o actal trnche, nowpre-and will be moving to Bethany Metcalf at the piano, and Jim This is only one exmlof teethu niy wc ets because, aside from the He told of the Canadian sig-1servedi in concrete;, rebuilt intenerftueurinklang, and guhestfrmtefnspitogodelw.a Lnsme e srng r alendid. hospitality enjoyed, famous buildings; slimy, death- Loa od r h ihs Lingtn, and trelmedfo.hi hchpreteBh BbWliastane h eseagngmenralze ha, razcatrsowusfu pnd; snce156wih omeflodngLidsy, er wlcme. ud lu'smebesandacivtisdpeker ad.reenedhi in the hurly-burly of today's places, once devoid of vege- i oaclas onsieal lsi es r evda reseant foW hil teir meein saecnwt ovei fteocs fast-paced world, they are not * tation, now covered with for- dmg srpre nTw-sxya tedne n o-dce nabsns-iemn o forottn.The~ ae ll in-- ess. e oldof owtha hel-ship, County and Provincial manville's proudest papa, ner. there is room forrao ancially able to buy a dinner, C n 1* « e hole quagmire of Passchen- Hgwas.JhnySto ccpedap es-able infr may epcal but it boosts their morale to dale is now a beautiful, fertile Wedn blswilb inrtfo i duhe, aie hnamembnce a efne ETR have the World War II "boys" ( FROM PAGE ONE ) farming area, where even now, igo Saturday at the Marsh forssome fncied, or atualeCANAD publicly acknowledge their Counties in 1959, and alsolfarmers are apt to plow up church for a local young lady. sarue aget speaker1 breach of the rules,anis' comradeship with a free, bang- servedi one year as a member tons of scrap metal, which MVr. Jack Rupert has sold hhis ricesomeuremnerxaception!anxousehteay HRENEnecrtdtor udinner, and entertammnent- of the Durham County District they promptly convert into fr ato h ilg eet oti uepealdo piGueorgseaWheroirceth acos Cnd fr te yof the old codgers must High School Board. cash at the junk dealers. ly. We understand they will be 10th, when a letter was readgt sekr oic Hn)smmro 95 be intending to spend next "There is not time for de- In conclusion, he urged the moving to Toronto. from Warren Crawford, Tor- 'ramiblyn, Zone ChairmaRg O"aoaa or 4dy summer mn snake - iested spair In .defeat," the newly re. younger generation of Vet- Several from here attended ion 10; b or nimBomnvle, fom.-.i990 regions, judging by the amnounit nominated P.C. candidate told erans to hold high the torch the Conservative Convention - -- gad ateodUiegrsiyooe Cndin or 6dy of anti-snake bite medicmne the 350 people gathered in being thrown to themn by the held in Port Hope on Wednes- .-otwt ereo ah- fo 390 consumed at the dinner. . ort . ho e Hg cool raui- failing hands of the "Old dyeenn.A i alro cine hrmcad 'oua" eueTu After the openmng ritual, torium.e Tg he oserative Sweats"--the torch of free- c-c|0 0 operating "Tamblyn'rg 1 as rm$6 President Keith Ferguson wel- Party should now take on the dom, plus taking care of Vet- Store", mn Lindsay. comed the guests who did full task of uniting Canada in a erans dlown on their luck. He spg oke onaffasu pranco oplt nomto justice to the excellent meal, more meaningful and modern , CalsDilytake h E V RT NR und-UpigtLonsucashe lpthsadcek(V)te prepared by the Ladies' Aux-.ofdeainh ecae. speaker and presented himP forthcoming Districtmetn;vctotht trssyu 111ary, and served by the Discussing fedieral govern. !with a gift. Sorry to report that Mi3ss Two young men, James Bail the necessity of weaigte n edtouWTY R younger comrades. ment welfare proposais, Mr.| Don Cameron thanked the Em Henders has suffered an- and Ronald Boyce, both of Club pin on lapel at altms Mayor Ivan Hobbs extended Rickard said that the P.C.|Ladies' Auxiliary for their other heart attack and is not London, Ont., received treat. as well as identificatio tc- Fleswl esn best wishes on behalf of Bow- Party shul.wrkaaistspedi.efot. in very good condition amettMmoilHstafrers on cars. He complmne rmty manville. overdevelopment of the wel. Jim Lawrence voiced the present- lacerations following an acci- the Bowmanville ClubfrisJU Y & L V L A souvenir, at each Plate, fare state in this country. "The appreciation of the guests to Little Robert Joseph Kennett, above, son of Mr-. Mrs. Barry Preston is ex-'dent to their car on 401 High- fine efforts in providn h was a metal, rotary desk cal- state should help those who Branch 178 in general, and and Mrs. George Kennett, Bowmanville, celebrates pected home from Oshawa way at Waverley Road on excellent recreationalcnr, TRVLAEC endar, plus a tmny Union Jack are unable to help themselves, the younger Vets in particular. his first birthday today, April 14th., 1965. He is the Hospital this week. 'Sunday morning at 6:30i and wondered if the Sttsa HOE6336 -the latter ,quickly adorned while interfering as little as Everyone then en.10yed the grandson of Mrs. Mar'orie Kennett of Bowm 11ll Mr. Joe Mackie had the mis- o'clock". The vehicle went off!wouldte hmteresoftempulsBo anie the recipients' lapels: possible in the lives of those lbalance of the eveming with aowave fortune this week to hack the pavement, out of control. n h itr ftebid Jim Woodward mntroduced altostanheevs""hill-billy" band, cards, plenty and the late Mr. Robert Kennett, and Mr. and Mrs- three toes badly with his More than $100 damage wasý the guest speaker, McIntyre he asserted. of refreshment and lots of George Jacobson of Cobourg.-. hatchet while working on the- sustained to the car. The ac- Hood, well known newspaper- Harold Bradley, who was chat.- - - - - ---- Dept. of Highways brushing cident was investigated by T.1 mani; thrice wounded veteran- the P.C. candidate in North- Bill Kilpatrick deserves a'sentation of a riddle. gang. Numerous stitches were A. Yardy, OPP. of .a World War I mnfantry umberland County in the last medal for his arrangement of The Jillettes and Chorus, Eng agement required to repair the damrage A car driven by Mrs. Shirley umit, and long time worker mn election, stated that unless re- special events, plus unlimited opened the second half of the and Joe is now wearing a cast Robbins, 46 West Beach, failed a distribution occurs first the patience mnakmng a balky pro- schow in spirited style, follow- to protect the injured mnem- to negotiate a turn on Simp-ý candidate chosen that night jector function. . ed by great applause. bers. Looks like Joseph won't son Avenue at 2:15 a.mn. on:a will lead the Durham Countyl This reporter, noticing a The Mixed Chorus under be able to play "this little pig Sunday. Mrs. Robbins suffer- W E L Progressie eConservatives inie upleofethenddboys tre rddrecndmte y 1yweeltt easr.et" for several e i ne a dIe ved tr tTrnyÜntdCU h BA RG NS "The task now is to carry lights for a moment, then fad- Marg Munday was the pianist' Yelverton community wasiin the Out-Patient Depart- A R A N ;the Conservative message to ing mnto the darkened area, and the girls looked lovely in' elrpeetda h e-mn fMmra optl 196 FOD 4DR the electorate. This message thought how symbolic they beautiful evening dresses. tileton C.O.F. Hall on Saturday There was about $150 damage i i 196 FOD 4DR. has been somewhat blurred by were of ,he 1914-18 genera- nght at the joint presentation to Mrs. Robbins' car. Consta- r d SEDAN '300 ýcriticism of this party's lead- tion-ntcae for a brief JakMnywsthau held for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ble John Bird investigated the Automatic transmission, er," Mr. Bradley said. He spell now, but soon-olvo.oadd-etro h Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. AI- accident.815. custom radio. Maroon. claimed that the issues of the ---- - Medic of Bowmanville." Ken wyn Haines in honour of their There was a two car col- 1962 FORD 4-DR. forthcoming election are be-J 1poscin plye the quizziald recent wedding. They were lision in front of No. 21 Temn- SEDAN • clouddn Ottawa.soPes-thkn M ta vsee ce tureow umerous erance Sree hon Monday at Sponsored b omnvleRtayCu 6 cyl., standard transmis- dent of the Ontario County avh otrscamn e no doubt corne in handy in volved were Earle Lonsberry, sion, customn radio, chrome Progressive Conservative As- ceptiomist, and the patients equipping their new homes. R.R. 1, Port Rowan, and J. P' TICKETS- - - - - $20 discs, 4 new tires. Only sociation, stated that party C u were Merrill Brown, Jack An oubreak of measles in Dolan. Suinset Road. Damage 20,00 inl mles raks s ned ns k rac BrOePAGEFONEr) JmGeneral, Keith OlwadJeanneour co muna d p s fel oedpoxthatwo ears totalle taa Tickets may be otie rmRtr ebr "BELVEDERE" 2-DR. igo on eb pa Frank, Foster Herringon; Pro- Fred Fisk and Bob Stevens smlaeul o akravsiae HARDTOP stated, and added that the gram, Lyn Lowry; Orchestra, as a pair of waggish tramps Slant S cyl. engine, auto- party must follow his leader- Lou Dewell; and Ushers, enroute to Ottawa gave the matic transmission, chrome ship if it expects to win in George White. . audience many laughs. An- discs, windshield washers. the next election. The excellent orchestra, dir- other successful short was Two-tone beige and white. "Mr. Diefenbaker had a ected by Lou Dewell, played well acted by Jean Stevens vision in 1957, and now he a medley of Cornz-A-Poppin' and Jim Frank. li 0 196 COVAI 2-R•may have something else," Mr. tnsadohrpplrsl A wonderfully funny sketch SEDN Tompon ai. H exlaiedections for en overture. The with Gwen Black a'nd Bev Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. eyl. engine with standard tathP.'sfdrledrsochestra was composed Of Herrington as the owners of a Scott, Oshawa, announce theF transmission. call for loyalty will mean:. Rick Dewell1, trumpet, Doug dance academny, and Dorothy forthcoming marriage of their~ "Are we going to be a strong Rackham, bass viol, Lou Dew- VanDriel in the role of pupil, daughiter, Marilyn Alice to Mr. 1961 MERCURY nation or a loose collection of el], Don Hamm, Charles Coch- was outstanding ' Robert Ross Richards, son of COMET 4-DR. SEDAN 10 independient provinces," Mr. rane, saxophones, and W. E. "Spanish B'ulloney," a treat Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Richards, 8 eyL., antomatio transmis- Thompson stated. Arroher, drums. for the eyes as well as the Bowmanville. The wedding to sion, custom radio, seat Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. for i The show was opened with ear, written and directed by take place bn Saturday, May belts, padded dash, backup Durham County, warned that'-the singmng of the gay and Nomah Allin and Vi Gropp, 15th, in Kirig Street United lights. Gleaming black fin. Canadais becoming a welfare ever popular song, Co>rnz-A- combined Latin romance, me-. huchhOhaaat3 .m lsh with maroon interior, state. "We are being ýenslaved Poppmn', and the six pretty morable singing and dancing, 199PYM UH with our own mnoney," hie said. Jilettes scored a hit with also delightful humor as a ing very nicely at the General He agreed that a form f e their dancing and high kick- contrast. Jean Billett was te Hospital, Toronto.4 "BELVEDERE 4-DR. curity must be provided, but ing. The illettes, Shirley pianist. 'Ihe costumnes were Miss Elsie Oke was a recent SEDAN said it is impossible under any Frank, Dorothy Kelly, Rena picturesque. ' visitor with Mrs. R. D. Pres- u cm Custom radio, windshield compulsory welfare program. Fisk, Jean Harness, Phyllis Rosemary Merkley was a ton, Maple Grove. washers, mirrors, two-tone The scheduled guest speak- Barr and Mary Kirkton, wore Lady of Spain, Bud Oke, the Mrs. Allan Werry was hos- MOTOR HOTEL paint. Spotless. Only 40,000 er, Erik .Nielsen, Progressive becomning costumes, blue taf- Matador, Don Morris, Ferdi- tess on Tuesday to the Kedron original miles. Conservative M.P. for the feta tail coats with silver la- nand the Bull, AI Strike and U.C.W. Dessert Luncheon; 17 Yukon, was unable to attend pels, matching blue shorts, Jim F r ank, Banderilleros, ladies at-tended the luncheRES onU RA ; SALES AND SERVICE the meeting as he remained in long black silk stockings, and Rosemary Merk1ey, Lyn Low- Mrs. E. A. Werry was alsoa RESTA ( Ottawa to support a non-confi- teir tall black tophats were ry, Colin Birtwistle, Enid guest. for dence motion. Mr. Nielsen banded in silver. They were Austin, the dancers. LAWN BOY MOWERS through questions asked in the directedi by Pat Stocker and Tesnigsnrtswr Sympathy is extended to the and House of Commons sparked Sh irle rnk. .Arlene Ayre, Norah Allin, Vi f MeLuiy of, te latetrs. Wil JOHNSON XT the mnvestigation that resulted! The expressive smnging bylGiropp, Eileen Gatchell, Elva MLubn .J , , . ,-ULK11 tnu t ori k--vJ toniu with ccSkIll. FOS- Driel, Elva Hockin, Norah Al-MBowmanville, were SundayCnedYm- Wh edPtts 361/iKin S.EatKigS. ter Herrmngton and AI Sylves- lin and Dorothy Kelly. visitors at A. Brunt'is. y PEidYai ingaa, StastigS.ieroswl sseea tes Prior to the start of the! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tur- Baked Potato, Sour Creamn and Chives OsawOnaroNewcastle, Ontario were aýmong the Romans. show the audience was kept ner, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Oke, Cauliflower au Gratin 725.6539 "Alls Quiet on the Western amused by the antics of two Mr. Albert Oke had Sunday re en nSalosadPmno 987 4240 Front or A Strike's A Strike clowns, whose identitie eet a wt r n r.F o -C ipGreenB Sals inad l o an i e to rssi g Fo6A That," a good humored concealed bylaglnd atirelwr trtwistle w rBrw a ned s'rThey were June Wils d M s sdColeeRdi.,Assorted Rolis and Butter P R IN P IALC S S medousl funny The frst ' Snoek, Bowmanville, Mr. Jas.DESSERTS scene presented the produc- A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Grant- tPI G SP CS ion ine at Mlowd ajo oos. ENNISKILLEN " "" " °*-*' Cake a la Mode - ello and whippedCea This was followed by a con- recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.OdFahoeRieP dn ference between the union E. A. Werry, Bert and Betty OdFsindRr udn president and the Motors' gen. Mrs. W. Howells spent a day Jane. Hot Apple Pie and Cheese - Pumpkin WINDOW BLINDS 36"# x 70" leral manager, a strike vote at last week with her sisters, Mr .and Mrs. Grant Werry. hclt Mn afi a unon eetig, icketing, Mrs. Ardhie Kemp and Mirs. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry hadCheead rcks CELLULOSE ............ oach $1.39 and the settlement. The songa' Frank Dorrell, at her parents Saturday evening dinner with Freesh Fd ruiter lyrics were cleverly apt. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, rsFui In the cast were: New Work. Trenton. Willowdale. COTTON .................... each $2.25 er, Jim Frank; Foreman, AI Mr. f md MrX. Floyd Pethick Mrs. Herbert Stainton has Orange Pekoe Tea- Coff ee Sylvester; Shop Steward, Lýyn and Bill, .Scarborough, spent hoved from MT. and Mrs. L. Milk- Chocolate Milk White Latex Paint ...................... $3.95 galion Lowry; Union President, Sunday with his parents, the moved from Mr. and Mrs. L. Merrill Brown; General Man- S. R. Pethicks. Bowmanville. Wager, AI Strike; Femnale Work- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn Miss Doris Wright, Oshawa, SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES ýeave 'Tex, Ready Paisted Wallpaper ers, Dorotmy VanDriel and visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mr. Murray Axfordi, Mr. and Favors For the Kiddies 69c single roll Bev Herrington; Male Work- Wearn at Claremont. Mrs. Ron Clemens, Brenton ers, Ken Kelly, Fred General, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- and Brad, Hampton, were Jack Munday, Ralph McIntyre man and girls, Zion, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and SEE OUR DISPLAY OF SEE THE NEW VINYL WALL COVERINGS and Colin Birtwistle. Sunday supper guests at Mr. Mrs. E. Wright. BABY CHICKS FOR EVERY ROOM. 1The Men's Chorus, directed and Mrs. Leonard Stainton's. Mr. Claude Smith had hi- by Merrill Brown, harmnonious Mrs. Jim Muller, Oshawa, operation last week postponed Still somne good bargains in Paints and Wallpapers singing of several selections, was an overnight guest on till Thursday this week. We Phone for and a medley of nursery Friday night with her parents, wisih hurn a speedy recovery. hyewas excellent. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. John SlemonR YHRalph Kelly was amusing asý We are very pleased to re- visited Mr. and Mrs. Don - Oservations Paul Revere riding through port Rodney Irwin is improv- Pugh, A.jax. th iht to spread the alarmn PAINT AND WALLPAPER iAnaSt¿ karie Mosesnd:Bowmanviiie PoliceAsvsociation "isplanning 33 IN ST W BO MAVILE tracere cipients of e hs me- sponsor a 3-ring circus here im August, complete 33 NGST W.BO M Isagtie. JuecBron in o t her- with animal acts, floss candy, etc. Proceeds will i. a ma m shr'gave a well done pre- go to charity. More details will appear later.

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