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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 3

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-t t -t -. -., - t ettended! by redaUive. u Ed. Rundie, Bowmianvile. wa;1 hostess for another miscel - laneotas shower attended by, fniends and neighbors. Setting Was St. John's Anglican Church 7% !nicinS eme,]owmanvmne, AM*~ 14, I w~uEE ~E '#~EEV#~V~~ E EE~EIII~IIIt~ On Good Friday morning et1 1l o'clock, Rev. Dugan is hav- ang a joint service for the mmhole charge at Tyrone Unit., RATES UITFR tather. the bride wore a onM. and Mrs. Arthur Read see-iengthgon fwht and Lynne and Mur. Henry Al-white altar bouquets nylon sheer over taffeta styledi Ashton, on Sinay end standards of snapdragons with a rounded neckline, Mr. Ed. Hallet, Toronto, and 'mums prettily derorated! three-quarten length sîeeves spent Saturday with Mr. Vic- St. John's Anglican Church, and serm-full skirt. Appliqued ter Smith. Bowmanville, for the mar- floral sprays accented thel Mr. end Mrs. Alfred Gar- ;. '- riage on Saturdav afternoon. gown. Mer elbow-Iength veil rard end family were Sunday March 20, 1965. at 4 o'c!ock of: was held by a peari tiara and tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Linda Louise Ruiter, she carried a cascade bouquet Charlie Garrard. .. .... .i-., daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0f red roses and white 'muns. Mr'. Donald Thompson, Bow- H. Ruiter, and Mr. William; M.iss Carol Ruiter, Bowman- manville, called on his me- Richard Bates, îon of Mr. and ville was ber sîster's attend- ther, Mrs. A. Thompon, on Mrs. W. H. Bates. ail of Bow- ant in a street-îengtb frock Monday. inanville. of lilac nylon sheer over taf- Sympathy as extended te * - es Rev. K. J. Frampton off i- feta highligbted by a match- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton in eiated and the wedding music ing ribbon embnoidered jac- the passing of Mrs. Ashton's was played by the church or- ket, and fasbioned with short mother, Mrs. Edna'MeLaugh- ganist, Mr. C. Evans. sîceves and scoop neckline. lin, at the Oshawa Hospital on Given in marniage by her Sh e wore a matching large Monday. - - ~ iflat-bow beaddress with cir- M.Jci Potts spent the cular veiling. and ber bouquet weekend witih his father, Mr'. was of wbite and yellow T. Pot-ts, end relatives et Col- S P CI L ! , Rndie Bowan- Mr. and M'rs. Lloyd Slemon ville, was best man and the adSanwrSudy p. uibers were the bride's brio.- prguesso r.Fe os TUES. WED. ýther, Mr. Donald Ruiter, Bow- Mnikiln Mris Alice Thompson enter- THUR. mavîll, ad Mr Wiliamtained a few ladies Vo after- THUR. i'Parker, Oshawa, brother-mn- noon tea on Wednesday. 'law of the groom. Mr-. and Mrs. D. Cameron A reception was held at tbe visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. home of the bride's parents, Downey, Shaw's, on Sna mother received in a pastel Mrs. Arthur Read wit>h ae- ON ALL iblue brocade suit with white latives in Toronto on Monday accessories and corsage Of and Tuesday. Pink 'mums. She was assîsted Ma-s. K. Cowling visited Mrs. COLD 1by the groom's mother who Kari Colbary, Bowmanville, chose a two-piece pale green on Tuesday. PERM NENT figured dress witb matching accessonjesadcrage o W, A BVEELIS Following tbe reception the, Mr. and Mrs. WillimRcad aessh ninteboept, were mar- i*oxee Sea ae bride and groom left on a Ma-. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf ried in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, March MRS. JOSIE ROBERTS honcymoon motor trip, circ- and children were Tuesday 20, 1965, at 4 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Linda Louise Ruiter, daughter 7years' eprec velling the bride wore a light Van Camp. 7 xprinc ling Lake Ontario. For tra- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ruiter, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MRS. LEE MACKO i blue dress and navy coat witb On Wednesday afternoon Bates, ail of Bowmanville. forery f ana i white bat and gloves, and cor-1 eleven mnembers of the Good ___ ,euy bpsage of white 'mums. egbu Club attended te ______________ The bride attended Bow-IApril meeting at the hornethef Vv'iI Celebrate First Birthday :manville Public Schools an Mrs. Arthur Gibson. We were PHONE 623-5703 Pont Hope High School, andbhappy to have Mrs. M. Fowler the groom, who is employed and Ma-s. Rex Fowler wîth us, S by Houdailie Industries, Osh- followin-g their stay in Floni- H uy~ uç1 awa. attended Bowmanville da. The president, Mrs. C. H Y KPublic and Higb Scbools. Wilson conducted the meeting Parties honored the bride and rogt the business HAIRSYLING prier te ber manriage. A mis- items before the ladies for cellaneous shower was given their consideration. Mrs. Gib- 47 KING ST. W. by Mas. George Almond of son presented two lucky Bowmanviile. T he bride's ladies witb prizes. Mrs. Rex BOWMAN VILLE aunt, Ma-s. Wm. Thomas of Fowller WaS one winner and ....... l:'..'.M. ___________ Oshawa, beld a linen sbowe-r Mrs. A. Bannes the other. Mrs. C. Wilson assîsted Mrs. Gib- sonrti n t(e rigof fruit bread and hescookies, cake and ice creani, tea or A FLAVOR that 1 coffee for a delightful social bi aîf houa-. Carlit be copied -Mn.-ndMa-s. Grant Bennett have arrived home after ~ '-- Maybe you're not fussy about ornig h intr onh flavor in a ginger aie. But Te Base Line comnmunîty .......- Wiison's are. That's why extends heartfelt sympatby te Mrs. George Coomnbs, Bill and -"- Wilson's Ginger Aie fastes so Jack, Mrs. H. Woodward and good. Skiifui blending gives son Jack in the loss of bus- 7 Wiison's the right balance Of band, father and grandfatber fiavor and Mrs. R. Trîmble and Mrs.~ the Jamaica ginger fao n Allan Clarke, Bowrnanviile, .~' sparkling carbonation. Don't WeeSaudyveigupe guests of Mn. and Ma-s. Edwaa-d . -M.. ~ illet anyone tell you ail ginger Foley and Ma-s. L. Hockin. aies taste the sanie. Try Mn. Albert James, Bishop- '. Wilson's and discover the ton, Quebec, was a Wednes- '-k ... day dinnea- guest of bis aunt, diff erence. Ma-s, C. Wilson. .. Misses Beverley and Bar- ffl kR ' .." bara Wright spent a recent ~~'~-Ï--~~s::............ti'~ weekend with tlieii aunt and -- .~e. uncle, Mn. and Ma-s. Mel Shiels, P ...5- Oshawa--s2'J j ~~The South Courtice School ., .. hockey teami won Over the :ffl~ Mitchell'8 Corners teani last fi" ~ week to secure the itr soolhokychampionship. di Several boys from this area e. . play on the teani. Congr-atu- lations! -iàrE Qh Pesig WESLEY VILLE ~. GINGER ALE 1r. ýMesdames T., Wilson and H.; I Reeve collectedtedoain of baking from ladies on the lakeshore who contributedý, The charming wee girl in the above photo is little Miss Brenda Lee S -same for the tea held by thei ton who will celebrate her fia-st birthday on Monday, Apnil 19th. She is Pont Hope branch of the qan-1 yungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton of Enniskillen, and cen Society on WedneciyO April 7. They were delivenedi grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Bothwell, Maple Grove, and Mn. and to Port Hope in the early af-1 Milton Stainton, Enniskillen. Her great-grandfather is Mr. Dave Bothwell Sternoon. Bibo copne of Maple Grove.- - Photo by Astor St nrs. R. Bee of Port Hope tolM . I Peterborough on Friday and l I1 Saturday to see er daughterim l'I f A I Elsie, Ma-s. Peter Clarke, wbo'Wl n--A c ï ec e l Joseph's hospital there, to nemnedy a long standing hear- 'ing difficulty.Fif i don, Ontario, keeping bouse D r a lu e tn for son Neal and bis wife. ADLi. i There was a good attend- Sunday morning with Mrs. A. b u f~L ILI I ru i u îorndyke supplying in the, by Aleen Aked Head of Architectural Draft-jari old country carpentei primary class. The regular. ing, Danfoa-tb T e c b n i c a I1 good bonest tradesm. teacher, Ma-s. J. Groeneveldî The la5rt meeting or the -Scbool, Mr. Rempel spoke as would have the knowled was visiting with the aest ofwinten season was held by a pecialist on restoration of Irestone an aId building. her family at the home of Tononto's D ur h am County pioneen buildings especiallyl than this is nequired. friends in Barrie. Club on Fradav, Marcb 26th, log cabins and octagonall buildings have been ai The junior classes have at the Women's Art Associa- bouses and drew on bis ex-!,or mutilated over the much activity during theja- les-- ion. Tbrough the years many periences as consultant on log in nestoration considerabl son period, and the Sunday changes bav!e altered the buildings in the restoration ofi sea-rch is required witl school rooni is bnîgbt witb course of the Durhami Club's Uppea- Canada Village and' pneconreived idea, as Vi theja- murals made by tbem-! meetings - some more thanYork Pioneer V illage on original for you neyer1 selves to illusta-ate the story of! others: 196.i must surely be Steeles Ave. Mr-. Rempel wîll' what you will find. In their lessons. There were 361 tops for upsetting changts!also supervise the restoration'other 'hundned years thE communicants besides Rev.: and turbulent weatben on the ý of a pioneer farm in Darling-1 storation you do will be, 'Cargo at communion obsea-ved nigbt of eacb meeting. ton Park for Danlingtonla record, a book of faci duaing cburch service on Sun- The necent deaths of Mr. C. Township. In these days of the original of tihat bui' day marning. RgLo-vekin and Mrs. L. B. demnolition and destruction ofj 50 you cannot bonestly Mr. and Ma-s. Hector Danke Wifams. two of the Club's old buildings it ii a relief toi petuate mistakes. Neyer have been visiting relatives oîdest and most valued mem- bear a specialist speak on a-e- your own peasonal aste ii during this past week in Bow-i bers cast a shadow of sadness storation a-nd preservation of' fere with nestoration. If i man ville, Whitby, Toronto and -e h etn:bt fsm o hm ae eegnieym other places. avn hom eeting:bc botb fome ftn.taes origecntueî ima The regular quarterîy meet- wbo wl. msMdf r .Mi Rempel said a buildingteoiia cntuto ing of the Sunday scbool ex-, many , Years. As the fathen which is restored to is oii that building, even if you ecutive was held in the Sunday ndwdwotopatpeinacniinbcomes a social bore tbem - restore t] ischol oomon ondy een-dents, both Mn. Reg. Lovekin, document comparable to a Don't perpetuate a lie! Ichal oomonMonay ven Nwcastle, and Ma-s. L. B. senicus book on History com- Restoration is very ex ing, April 12, with GeorgeWll Tufford in charge. Ma-s, J.- Wilanis. Bowmanville, aI- piled tbru painstaking a-e-'sive. If lots of money 'Croeneveld acted as secaetary wayvs had the Dur-ham Club searcb with a Sound founda- available, do one tbîng foi the evening and the sup - close to their heaa-ts. attend- tion of correct facts. Restora- pen]y, then anothen little t plies for the second year of ing evenýy meeting when they tion means thie fabrie is per- paoperly. If a building is the curriculum wea-e discuss-]iîved in Toronto. Auld Lang fectlv sound, repairs and a-e- quined and aenoved toaa ed and number of baoks ae- Syne, in which tbey jained Sa newal only are needed. In site - that building wasE quired for each class decided I many is. will continue in reconstruction the faba-ic bas in its original position A social evening was plarnn'edrmembrance and in thaugbt deteaiorated and new sound varîous reasons and great j for Easter week, one tempea-- tbe ink will remain unbroken. old material sinilar to tbe should be taken ta pa-esd ance programme for tbe fol- Ma-. John I. Rempel. a well- original should be sougbt and !the former orientation. P lowing quarter and some ar-, knoivn arcbitect and friend of , used. Most people are not it facing the same way; if ringements for film nigbt at Programime Convenor J. P. construction c o n s c i o u s. A door faces south, face ýCanton later this week, iI4ovekin, was thie speaker.' commnon mistake ua thinking i building that way on its anw % op% y00 0% &x W~w E t yUl 11 The highlights of the ré- readyv to continue their edu- the repreesentative of Rotaryw cent Rotary District 707 Con- cation in a land with a dif- International a;t the event was ference held at the Royal !ferent language. He urged Herb Tyo fCiao h York Hotel, Toronto, were re-ithat the local Rotarians noi.autaiorTafYRtrsf ao t pre yPresident John Bain!nate a candidate. o oaysfmu poredhyBo1 Four Way Test. Sndtev nreiday. he v BoiMr. Stevens also talked Do n Morris, the President Stev ns o Fri ay. heyabout the Inter-Act move- l t, m v d a o e of h nk spoke at the luncheon meeting ment in Rotary, and pointed let, Prnesdn ainote r.f than of the Bowrnanville Rotary out that members of Inter-Act resietBiM Se Club held at the Flying Dutch- Clubs must have exoept ona1 yen and Dr. Mann for their man Motor Hotel. 'The imme- scholastic ability. He t.old of interesting talks. Guests pre.. diate Past Pi-esident, Dr. G. the Coiboren Inter-Act Clu~b, sent at the luncheon meeting Edw n ann aso gav a sho t nd of ev ral of it su ce s- w ere John V an H arin elen, Ed w n M nnals ga e a sho t a d o se era of il u ce s-W hitby Ted R eed and C harles talk on the procedure OfIfui projects.F.L catbthfOs wa seletin ne Rotry em1 President Bain stated that the re<'ent District Confer- Dr. H. B. Rundle received encewson ofte]aes a 20 Years Perfect Attendance everheldne the o ar wrld Pin. The presentation was He spoke of the varlous Iead- K.made by the Attendance ing speakers heard during the YOUR SChairman, Art Ribey. Presi- conference. The address y dent-Elect Don Morris on bc- Professor Ralpýh Dent, a i half of the club prescnted a choiogist on the staff of theK gîft to Past President Mann University of Guelph, on tL fo r h is in fa n t so n . i o m n c t o s a u - Mr. Stevens stated 1hat standing. the president said. ther wee 1600registrationsl "n Saturday the luncheonP CK t the recent Rotary District speaker was Hon. George Conference. There were 7-0ýiHees, President of 'the Mon- Bowmanville Rotarians W.ho'1 treal Stock Exchange, who attended, he added. told us why we should buy, .e "The ofen' renewsý Canadian" President Bain' one's ent'husiasm for Rotary., said, and he referred to Mr.ý One realizes that there are!Hees' remark regarding thie, O ER more than 1,000 Rotary Clubsllarge part of th is countryS. throughout the world, saispending power that is con- working for our four fields of~ trolled hy women.a-b service, club, community, vo-1 He also described 3haGv catona, ntenaionl.ernor s Banquet and Bal,ý and Phone 623-3303 The plenary sessions of thc' told his fellow Rotarians that convention were discussed 1 M-r. Stevens. He mentionedi that one was dhaired by Tom1 DeGeer, son of a Past Diýstrict (i l f jj Governor. Walter DeGeer, a ry Cleariers %'.,tucÀle former mernber of the Bow-ý manville Rotary Club. A panel of seven Rotar: EIIIN H R Foundation Fellows discussed DFNTON HR thbe im~portance of this founda-! tion in the furtherance of 1. That indefinable somethlng possesaedl by tirls with world peace through inter-' stunning figures. national understanding, Mr.ý Stevens stated. He reminded 2. The ability to make somenne else thlnk that both of you the club that w ithin a few : ar et y w n rf l months the selection of Rn- aepet wnefl tary Foundation Fellows wilI 3. What one lu bold he has until hie begins to rely on it. be made for the autumn of 1966. Me explained that prir-1 ity will be given to stu-dentsl* ' site. If a barn or two buildi- ings are moved, preserve the' CLOTHES CARE HINT: sa ine relation sh ip . F irst n ia k e 'Io u r e s n l a p a a c q g e t y l i r v d I r s l an overali plan, show iw hat, e s n l a pe rn1) re t y l v o ed I r s l we are trying to do. History; cleaned clothes. Bring them tn your local dry leaners. moues slowly! Visit some re- storation projects es the Pion-1 CRIPPLED CHILDREN NEED VOUR SUPPORT eer Village, Upper Canada USE EASTER SEALS Village or Fort George. While Mrs. Rempel ran the' projector, Mr. Rempel showedý -construction of the restored A7NR W. Stracian Farm aet the Pioneer=e V illa g e , th e S h a ro n S tu d y , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ near Newmarket whose photos1 of Vhis original building gave' a true picture allowing the lanterns on the roof to, be re- placed by exact replicas. Cut nails were used originall,! < simil-ar were obtained thrul sible, old tools are used to! mnatch the old moulding de-' pru f ho c sigs. Patience, thought, rare $ P of details, tirne and money, plus a genuine desire toi ;ruthfully keep aIl the original1 details of construction, are necessary for restoration, MrI'1 tu a iz r Rempel. concluded. for the lady who keeps in style!! Mr. and Mrs. Rempel were thanked by Miss Aked who** said their paths and hers had crossed several times before.' n each occasion it had been Sav g h s f r C id e aprivilege to have Mr. Rerm-v ge S o s f r hid n pel sharing bis knowledge of in B, C, D and E Widths Ild hoeuses which he so gen- erously gave. asfCilrn*sSaaLJrteedcShoes ne annuai election ofo f- l o C id e ' - a a e~ i e e icers was held, th,- same* :xecutive returned witb the Dxception of Fîrst Vice Presi- ent, Dr. 0. B. Dickinson talk- Ig over from Mr. A. H. Cou- H S U P E ns whose resignation due o f r M n o e , B y n il tirement plans to leave the o e , W m n, B y n il ty miake this inevitable. Mr. 1Spicer announced the an-** iual summer bus trip te Dur- ,am C-ounty would be Satur- D C n C T - M L lay, June l9th, with dinner itO rono United Church.F o th el D s ed M n M rs. J. P. Lovekin w as lins-Fo th W eI D s ed M n ss for the social bour, assist- * I by Group 5. Tea and cof- Pe were poured hy Mrs. C tg. Lovekin and Miss Akeri )affodil nosegays were wora Pried f Rom UpS0 -9 Stain- te! sthe ,ed iher fe 1S r. ib ;udio gis vl. cal thi ho, Sy -. WHY NOT SURPRISE A SPECIAL SOMEN WITH A BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED GIFTI SELECTED AT ""THE BIG 20"l ServPHON Ths2re3S4M 18 the 111 REMEMBER TO BUY AND USE EASTER SEALS the new 27 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE

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