SThe Canadian Statesman, lowmnanville, April 14, 1903 Speaks at Men'1s Canadian Club Oshawa Mayor 's Wife The Bowmanville Mens troduced by President Brov Carudian Club held an out- extended a warm welcome standingly successfui Ladies' tae Men's Canadian Clu Nigit Banquet at the Maple;members and their w ives.f Grove Christian Educationsaid that lie was pleased th, Centre last Wednesday even-,tht' eiub*s Ladies, Niglit wý ing. President W. H. Brown, being held iin the chureh presided, and more than 100,Educatioii Centre. "We a members, theïr wives. andIver *v proud of our new buil guests greatly enjoyed the-ing." Mr. Romerîl staled. event. President, Brown in aff Rev. John P. Romneri, theciaiky welconiing aIl presei minister of the Maple Gî'ove expressed bis appreciationi United Church. w-ho was in. tihe co-operatian lhe had i ceived from ail the' membei regarding Ladies Niglit. In witty speech lie extended lie iwishes for an enjoyable ever ing, and told several amusin stortes. The othei's at the' head tabl fl 'e int.roduced by Presider DO YO HAVE Brown. bis wife. Past rs dent John Rickard and Mr. Rickard, Mrs. Lyman Gifforc E iwUun Oshawa. Vice-President Hai vey Brooks and Mrs. Brooks rai~miJohn Rickard. the imni HEALTH diate Past President. propose the' toast to the ladies. H said hie was pleased and hion LIflha~Aa ~ o;rd fa have been askedt INSUR NCE-7 gîve tbis most importa. toast. Would Our prebent health "-e cannot get along witl insurance help pay the ex- out the' ladies. They make au penses of a major ilînes . . . homes. keep bouse. and rea in AND out of hospital? With O.ur children. Tbey are ou liospital and medical costs at partners in business and i aM ail time high today-and 'retired lite. climbing steadily-jt would be rMr. Riekard aiso spokeo the comn'unity work done bc ,Wise to let us take a look at women. and of! the good aiC exactly what coverage you do eoniplished liv i.omcn*s or have. ganizations. He refe.rred ,( Cail us today for a no-cost, women mnembeî's of oarlia ment. and women cabiruý Mo-obligation review of your ministers. Ne stated that h( hcalih nuurance. was look-înt'forward ni hear. STUART1 JAMES Itanranvce -.I Ring st. E. Bi Office 423-5681 ing th- Ladies Nig'ht gues speaker. .Mrs. Lyman Giffor' give ber address. We are forîuîiale oiih;iav von ladies, il wvouldlie i R.Possble to pet along ýlI tol tht' honored guests. 1-l then î'ecited a Iovely verso that pî'aised the' hîgh qualitieý Real Litate Excellent entertainmerit waý Residence Training Sehool. Bowman. 623-549, ville. Harold Corey. in minroý ducing tht' boys, remindedth(t ROYAL623-5589 R OYA 0BWMAN VILLE WED. TO SAT., APRIL 14 TO 17 MATINEE SATURDAY. 2 P.M. WALT DISNEY'S "Emil and the Detectives"F Good Family Comedy in Color EASTER SUNDAY MID.NITE SHOW "The Choppers" anid "The Terror" Aduit Entertainment SUN. TO WED., APRIL 18 - 21 One Complete Show at 7:30 P.M.. "The World of Henry Orient" Peter SelIeris. Paula Prentiss (Color) OPENING MAY 5th FOR 8 DAYS "Goldfinger" ta tub H'e hat vas ýh'S are Id- f nt rs Sa est n-. .ng' let !nt sil- rs., j emined elft" bu In te Sang. gong. The final &ongs "ung by the boys were trernendously en- I oyed. Axnong theni were, He 'Has the Whole World in His Hands. My- Bonnie Lassie. Something t0 Sing About. and May the Good Lord Bless and s on Sunday moriîing's o<iRi ra- Admsrns 7mae2 fml dio relîg:ous program. its-3ml.5faj 8 The grouP vwere awarded Discharges 86 much applause for thleir siîng-i Majoi' operatians . Il îng al Bless This Honse, The Minor' operatioîs 1 Very Last Day. .-Jl'PThrough Emergencv ti'eatments 29 th' -Niglt. fRock vflou. Go l'el] the' MoLIntall.S. and lhe Visiting hours .-8 p.m. daily Robe of Calvarv. Vice - Presideii -, H a ri .e v Brooks introduced the guest spfeoker M ,van r ffOhrd,.H spieak er. M \r of Lm a Gifford, s Who told the' gathering tha' i* \WaS Ï Plea,ý;ulr ' bhe inv ited< Io1 'share tuie club's Ladies IE Mrsh. Gfo' eclr ht N EW Nrs ighî. d ealid h Voltaire. w1io Tved between h lzbt ou 1694 and 1-.78. had once writ- h lzbt ou ten: -'The' fate of a nation de- Hi there' Ive heen on the pends on the' good or had tardy list as far as news gaes. digestion of ils leaders. Xo foi' the past three weeks, but men are re.spoiîsible for both." xith exams and studying, J Report from Queen's Park by Alex Carruthers', M. P P. a A history of the Bobier dMunicipal Nursing home at Dutton has been submitted to the committee of the Port Hope Council investigating the possibilit of sîrilar uise of the former Port Hope hospital. Mr. Alex Carruthers. M.- P.P. Durham, as chairman of the Select Committee On Aging, visited this home lasi September and was greatly imnpressed with its 1facilities and administration. 4 Mr. Carruthers states that Rthe Dutton home was given 10 the Municipalities of Dut- ton and Dunwich by the late Edward Bobier on the condition that il lie used as a Nursing Home. It had been a large spacious home. and il w as easily converted to where il would accommo- date up to 18 Io '20 patients. The two municipalities ac- cepted the' offer and Nvith the help of practically every' women's organization, and every Service club in the Business Direckory Mtt' fUti ail* t; y rd 'lite speaker said tbis state- Rut'ss everyone wvas too liusy ___ r- ment of the Ficucli nhjio<- 10 î'ead the' C.H.S. nev-s anv\- RAY J. DILLING plier who died iieai'lv 200 aý Chartercd Accountant t'- vears agro. starîed a trenîd oi Last MNoiîday morning. ait 93 Church Street ed ,tbought for ber. The i'esult assembil xvas called. at w'hich 6213-3861 Fewas lhat suîe decidc'd 10 ad- lime a film on the Caribbean MONTEITHRIEHL._ WATERS ,- dre-ss tbis Ladlies- Night* aLidi- was stîown. II. vas a colotîr & CO. to ence on tht' subjecî o! a na- travelogue film and proved Chartered Accountant.s nt tional dî.sh foi' Canada. very înteresting. 1 guess in a Oshawa Shopping Centre "We have liad for years thie îvay it vvas meant 10 relax us 728-7527 h- symbols of the heaver and tht'.f0r the shock of oui' examina- LOADJMSBOK u.r maple leaf. Now u'e have ation results. ChOARtd JAESuntaOKS ar national flag for Canada, and Monday afleî'nooîî, a Smu- 'î'rteed in B ant ur in the Speech frorr the Throîîe dents' Council meeting \vas rustee 2 n5W 725-995* 3 n tht' Governor-General stated:held. A motion wvas passed Sut 0N 2595 that the' govcî'nment xvil] en-;thlat 've give the' grade 13 . hawa Shopping C-en-tie of deavoi' 10 have O Canada for100 o~'ster tnp a M. J H (OGGINS iy aur Nationial Anlhnm. Montreal. They lefi Thursday Charlei'ed Accounitant c- -WÀh v 1101 have a ntoa mrig Second Floar rdis- M' Gifford asked. W7e i'ceîved our two pin5 New Lîbrarv uidi o0 She stated Ihiat xweli knownpong tables some lime ago 'or. King & eperance Sts. a-, chefs liad heeri consulted. and'(ust before the' exams). Everv- __ Pin'6331 et liad been empîîaîic iii savinglone seems to enjoy plaviîig, YALE, FRIEDLANDER t' that the' dislî chosen most of- 'and aUr sparet' ime doesn't go & COMPANY rten liv Canadians is ont' thatly quite Sa slow'ty. C'hartered Accountaiits t could lie callt'd ever-ýbcldysl Mondav night a iiumber o! Licensed Trustees d. dish, baked licansnmusic anîd Glet' Club mcem- in Bankruptcy TPle speaker c.oîteced tlaî,bers had tht' apportunity of 64 King SI. E_728-7371 ea]] 'h1roligih(aiadiall hi.stoix' goîîîg ta set'"'lîhe Sound or Oshaxx a. Oniaro silice ',hic Indians uvere a .,MAusic." iin Tor'onto. Nearly a[l - WILSON-& BURROWS Hoolhelaga and haked br'ais who went. thoughî itxvas C'hai'lered Accountants 'c ivere ont helaore Jacques Car- reallix teiiific. and xish tc) 114 King SI.. East. Oshawa, Onît. t' ie:'. thii:dis!) h as,;bt'eiî pi.u- îank Mrs. Wcstheuser for Pariners: elai' in Canada. Voyager- andýmakinlg ail tht' arrangements. Ronlald F. D. Wilsoni, C.A. 5s set'eirs nmade bah'ed beanis a Thurisda.v morninmg, we xvere G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. 'f slapte o! their dlie*l. and it bas quite pleascd to have fram Plhant' 728-7554 beei; a favorite xith Iimber- Consumers' Gas Company,' four - HALL, PERKIN & CO. lmen. riwyttp'snaie.who present- g builders. she assertrd. t'd 'Gasarama 1965." It was Charterred Accauntants O0 "L'asI car Canadians spentntrsi, and gave us a King Street - Newcastle - $4.000,000) for canîîed beans. much widei' scape on the' 987-4214n )- and 1,250,000 bushels o! drîed many uses of natural gas in 36'2ý King st. F. - Oshawa e' beans vere consutnod !11*:î.1zotir present day woî'ld. 725-6539 Scounti,' v in 1964. The' craie foi' Friday' afteriîooiî Wt' \vt'it Williain C. i-ai!, B Comm.. C.A. casserole dishcs has niadefortunate in lhavîîîg a delega- David G. Peî'kin,.C.A. liakt'd beans even more fash- tion o! students fî'am B.H.S., lanalile. present a delightful play. en- C "Baked beans aie served in titled "Hillbully Suc." Tliose Ch i r oU jJ t C tht' IMPerial Roorn at tht' taking part in tht' piav iwere: Royl Yrk otl. orotoChris Mallam. Rita Vanheirtin'- G. EDWIN !%ANN, D.C. foi' $3.20. and naltfar aw.a,,: geri. Cathy, Etcher, Lana M or- Ciorco baked licans are se.rxed for iî'i;oti, Barbiara Fenils, Charles Ofc 'fiee aI tht' Scott ission, Evans, John Buîrke and Steve 15 Elgin St . coi'. o! Horsey St. Bakt'd beans are Vwelconîed Jt'fft'ry. 'Ihone 6213-5509 liv fishermen on bath tl- At- Wre aîe always pleasrd 10 Office Hotîrs: Byappoîntment. lantic and Pacifie, coasts aiîd see samething of this nature - '-___ elsewht'rt îî itis coiîrv, from allier schools. nat anlv D e n t ai theY are favorite fare t' a because we gel out of classes,-- nivals it Quebec', larx'esting but it shows us what other DR. IV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. in Brîtish Columbia. and barn,'high schools can do. and gives,75 King St. E Bowmanville raisings iin New' Brunswiîck us a greater initiative and Office HoLUS tht' speaker declart'd. '"drive ta beltet' aur school. Tht' 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily "Tht' reasoris wvxbakest.udEiiîs o! B.H.S. are to beClosed Saturday and Sunday' beas re schfa\ortes shighly commended on their Office Phone 623-5790 because t'hevaeipne splendid performance. Res. Phone Newcastle 987-426 nutitinsanddownrihî e- Friday at 3:15, we hiad aDR- - nutrtios, nd co%--nrght e- DR C.F. CATTRAN, D.D.S.: lieious." frs, Gifford stated sock-bop in tht' gym. We w IllOfc She mentîoned that a calrn o! t i an April dance Ofc 1ta'.bt7lntahvea King St. E. Bawmanville beans may lie \vat'nicd up and' hs\abtpa ohv Office Haurs: read lo ea inIo inues.big "splash" an May 7.9 .nIo6p.dal reav Ii 'ailii10miiiits. "Tht' Ducanes" w'ili piovide C 9 d ar ay np.m. da and she discussed tht' differ- tht' dance music. and il xviIi bsdStrdvadSna ent wa ' s tliat deleccable haime le a drcss-up affair. This s Tj~Iphone: Office 623-5459 made baked beaiîs aie pre- -.n early remindeî' for eveî"'- D R. E. . W. SI SSON paî'ed.. onet' l make sure they aren't L.D.S., D.D.S. Gordymi Brin îovc'd a vote 'ýgt'ouiided' that Friday night. Office in his home of thaîks 1lMo~ Gifford fori Who says we don't bave l1t0 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvîie her informaiv'e address. 1-e talent at Clarke? Sur'e we do! Phaoie 623-5604 also cxpi'essed lte pi-ca If flot an-ong tht' students, Office Houis lion o! PreCsfit 10aînong tht' teachers. A littie 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. dait't ht' Maple Gi ove Uiîit'd'ov.t' a monfli aga, aur- histor-v.Closed Wednesdav Suoday C'huiclî Ladies xvho lian aer echîMi'. Amesburv1 playcd -- ' _____ t'd for the' dcliuious diniier lte Icad raie iii "Thie Waltz o!f n sur Presîdent Bioxvil also -x- tlle Toreadoî'ts." Thîis pa st ancl tt'nded bis nersoiial thanks ta weekend. oui' geagraphy teach-- DONALDAÂ. -MaeGREGOR- Mrs (Jiffoi'd. andto ta Pt graup er' Mi. Lowrv. appeaî'ed in tht' Life. Auto, Home of boys fiori tbte Tî'aining deliglillul show'. "Cornz a Pop- însurant'e S1chJool Ifor i' litnt' singîng, pin' ". Aîtyont' desiî'ing auîto- 0 Kîig St. E.. Bowmanvillei and in the' piano acconîpanisi, granlis or pictîmnes. are asked Phone 623-5962 Mrs WV E F.'. Woî'kman, Hlet line up, single file, outside - - - - also iliaiîkcd Wilfrid Car- tht' main doon, bet'veen the T ruthei-5 and Les Collacuti xboýhouri of 9 and 4. ___ Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN _____________________________P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box 1659, Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 O HODGIN S-& MORRIS Barristers. Solicitors Notaries Public 14 Frantk St. Bowianivîle LAWRENCE C'. MASON, B.A. Rani'ister. Solicitor L K Nolary Public B.A., LL.B. Barrîster - Solicitor V ER Y 'KingSt.Wý ecsl Barrîsters, Solicitors Notaries PubLic WV. R. Strike, Q.C. Film*d o yA. A. H. Strîke, B.A. FridayEdward C. Wildma:. community, as well as in- dividual donations, the home was furnished and officially opened on Jan. itI 19,90. The home is under the control of the two munici- palities, who administer it; wîth a Board of three trus- tees, who in turn employ a Regislered Nurse as Super- visor. In 19621, upon receiving a bequest of almost $30,000 from a former patient in the home, the trustees decided to liuild a wing to the exist- ing building as they could no* accommidate the' de- marids -xvhic--lî were being made on Ithern. Ths wing was completed and officially opened on 'May 29th, 1963. The Home IIow accommo- dates 30 to 32 patients, bas a staff of froni 20 to 22. and has a rcgistered nursp in charge at ail limes. There is ;t waîîîîîg ii5ît foi, admis- sion much of the' time. Il is efficiently managed at very reasonable rates in compari- son wvith most nursing homes, and has neyer been sulisi- dized lix cither mumicipalit. Present rates are $5.50 per day is bed care is required. $4.50 per d3y if bed care is not required. From a local point of view' the Home is given excellent service and the' municipa]ity feels that becauise of ils pec- uliar nature, it should be allowed to quaiify for hospi- talization under the' 0.115.- C. This is impossible, how- ever, until the Federal Gov - ernment dev.ides to share in such a programme. Mr. Carruthers had pievi- ous] ' subnîîtted a -opx' of the' Home's Finaiicial State- ment Showing thal the' Dut- ton Nursing Home in 1964 shoxvcd a profit of some NESTLETON Sympat'hvI is extended to ML-s Ruth Proutt spent a dav Mr. and Mrs. Ro *v Mcbaugii- iin Toron'o. lin and other relatives in the' Mrs. Frank Synions. Bow- Ims of bis mother. Mrs. Willmaniie. spent Saturday with McLaîighliri. in Oshawa hos- ber mother. MNrs. N. C. Mar- pitl this ( Monday) morning. loxý'. MIr. anid Mis. Clarke 1A71- i. and Misý. Grant 'Flomp- liams atlended the furîeri'aof!, o visiled his moîher. MrF. Mir. C'harle, FE. Stephenson. Jas. 'hompson, at Faîrview former M.P.. ini Port Hope Lodge, Whillivý,. anîd xere dlin- and vi.sited aI tht'haine of Mr'. ner guests of Mr. and Mirs and 'Mis. George Tinnie. Arthur Brown. O-zIaw a. CongralLîlatilns to MVr. and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Deli«v. Mrs. Slanle 'v Malcolin (MrUs. Madeline arîd Shirlle,, -o! Port Ru bv Forsvthe 1 who were Burwell v'îsited Mr-.anîd Mrs. marrîed in Florida an March Ivan Rcvhrer anîd familv. 301h. iHoward tLee arivex' homie Mi'. anîd M' ~~cî ' lasi week afier spendîi ,i.. Laughlin. Otlawa wct'e xvith t'ial wtcks iniOshawa îHo-p) Mr. an M ~ . H a rv M ,- ta l. Ris ba dilv c ruîsh cd c, Laughin iiî fld r. os."Foider hîand lias hea]cd nîcv inur for' tht' weekendi the' skin graftings. and fricndz visiorsu!ih M. ad mjý.wi 'sh hlm nwrll. Visiorsi.vlh i .andNus Mr. and Mrs. Prrce lilhert, C'larke WIlhanîs .eie Mi. anîd To:ronto. xvere in town for the' Mrs. Bert enîeJanet- \werkend. vilPc nd Ms Doug Mr and Mrs. flélph Bou e: s Fr'aser- of Por*: Hope and the o! Tytrone wei-e Sunidav din- Doug F'allis fainilv of Bow- nec. guests o! hîs paren ts, Mr. manx'ille. and MNrs. George Ba-wei's. Mis Joiîî\h'aldîiand ' . and Mrs. Vcîtil MeMulLl- DISCOUNT PRICES! Reg. 5.9 Crest Tooth Paste tube 98e Reg. 5e! pkg. 12's Modess Sanitary Pads pkg. 39c Re'g. 49c! Meditàm Band-Aid Plastic Strips 43c Reg. 75c! Johnson's Baby Powder tin 59c ISEST BLY' SavP 8c! I bb.Ys ORANGE JUICE len of Bôwrnanvile eailed on Mrs or<tiv Bristow and Miss Eva Williams and other> Gans- and Mr. Clarence Page. Neeteton frends oem Slndes. Dancing and bountiful lunch clinîaxed the evening A Successful qhower was The Nestieton United Ch£-e'h held in Foresters' Hall on Sat. Women with Mrs. Lawrence urday evening for Mr. and Malcolm as president sponsor- Mrs. Wayne Malcolin and Mr. ed and directed a beautiful and Mrs. Alwyn) Haines. Mr. Easter* Pageant in the church Ken Hudson was Master of on Sunday civening."h Ceremonies and on behalf of Chancel L;.iy" depi cted the the comnniitv presented thie Life of Chri t with nusie an~d Maleolms wîth a iazv boy ihadow plav. The' Juniot chair. end tablps \wîthlî arps. choir prox îded solos ailiLdtetgq and in the Haine-- a chester- and Miss Cheryt \Iettq andj field and chair and coffee Mvr-- Malcoim pie decV4te table- Music xvas .supplied by organ.-- 5i 4 CO PUAAD ON TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued ini arnounti from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. " earn the ahove indicated irterest, payable half-yearly by cheque. *authorized investmnent for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. \\STERLÏN E TiTRUSTS' CORPORATION 372 bey St., Toronto BLEI' Bt Y' Save 16c! 16-oz. Jars YORK PICKLES 3 for 83c Sph -Y Wafer. Bread 'N' Butter, Swept Nlxed RIxS'f BUVSave 19c! Fanc. LY Qiiy 'oEAS 5Pnd STOKELY PEAS 5for89c 48-oz. 'Fn BEST BUY! Save Re'! Ingersoll Skim N I 16 orJar CHEESE SPREAD - - 43C BEST Bt'1' Save lOc! Orange Pekoe Pk. .of 60 RED ROSE Tea Bags - 77c BEBYS i"-v l9ù! ~nke Pouc'h Pak &s.ortrd CAKE MIXES -- 4 for 89C AR 1.5-0/. Tins 35 Dimlop St., sori'ie 73 Missisiage à., Orille -PRODUCE- TIropical Besi Chiquita BANANAS 2,bs29c, Vine Ripe o Arzmi rfn i1hc. Tomatoes 1b33c Onions'3 f.rý5c Neiw Texas No. 1 Louî%îsamlaNo 1Cabbage 1lb1lOc YAMS lb19c Il SPUNACH ORDER H go ave 2e' 2 for 43c 1-z ks MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maiple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE Orono PECK'S RED & WHITE Newtonville Suggests "Bean s" for ';Meémorial Hospital Weekly Report Canada's National D ies hFor eek o! Apr. 5-11 inclus. BEST BLIY"SAVE 4c! LUSHUS JelIy Desserts K i1 't j "i j- 'i m PAID ON 1