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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 7

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Asked to r'ome tO the next held ai Karen Stec's home on' The canadien Statesmn omnllArl1,1~ meeting with opinions fOr a!April lst. at 4:00. We opened' naine. Our next meeting Wl) th e evtneng-service. Rev. R Cwuvu ,O vvr 1 ;5 be held t Karen Stecs at 4:0~ ihte4Hpeg.A e 1~AD E O C .. onArls.nembers were present. Our,~ ~ "t .Bma president EvelNn Beatty wasieyanwihutot.Hi e >XSre othwr hi isusn: Ms Walkerý in charge. Eh ~ .teewsette:"eu eryStet oth .r herwent over en outline of the IlBusinesss:cFoCristf-ttegiverHooadl Goo "Resquiremnents of the Club!iBsns:Furo h im dagtradsof-laRv, Menbers," such as attend club bers read the minutes for anGfs.I i icusRv anCSs.Stnly n/de Retngortscpa nclub exan1ple t yHew ebes cS" cÏLJ1t n and family of Shavville, Que-, R pr ts u.w activities. attend Achievement We didn't decide a name for :Rail Bmby hwe srptra k_____ Wnn~~erscth.i ns H c Day, and keep a record book. our club, but these have beenton P we to L v f r G d Phn 233 0 inesofteLon o-After ur pamphlets were dis- chosen: ne Meat Eaters. The' Monday, April lt a ee asaweDvn Phone 623-3303key dra for the MteaA tributed we discussed: (1) Varitie, e Meat Packers,! District Rally Day in h o-Haig avto n i ________________________________________Toronto playoff series were: TV n's Ins iu e Ruies to remember when and Meat Coquetts. The date!manv.ile PentecostalCuc.sbeun prta xein L.RiSuo uiywr.114, Fred Moore; 355, Velma -handling food, (2) Steps tao of our next meeting hais flot Eight churches wr er-csrse oeyuo h Mrs. J. .Red Scogmnlwrk Gay: 232, R. Martyn: 292, Dnug BLACKSTOCK W-. Last year's officers were re- malle dishwashing casier, and been decided. sented. The mînise iscs-Aoeet tefrodie Street, spent a few days last Becent guests with Mr. and Grant: 374. 'Meda Hagerman: installed by Mrs. W. Smale. equipment, (1) Abbreviations Discussion: We discussed ed "Evangelism" intea-dth fouSvirJsu week with Mr. Reid's parenits, Mrs. A. Hooper and familY. 257. Raiph Roc. At 12:30 noon. April -t"1. The birthday' box was brok- used in recipes, (4) Table of having a shower for a former ternoon session. Rev.RcadCrs) h huh a x I¶Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reid off St. Frederick Ave.. werc Nlrs. -*'2 members off Blackstock ewpnad$39 a on-\eight and measures. and (5) 4-H member. Linda McAllis- A. Bombay, DistrictSprnpesdtat HECRS r' Thomas. Hooper's sister and brother-in- Mr. and Mrs. Alhin Clemens. veneepeatuesapenaerfr.Wareind or'C$-tndnto.te6aten ntro iliel cm itatiswol Mrs. Ed. Kelly. London. law", Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Lax'erne Cleni-'Women's Institute met in the ed, to be used toward a schol- O temperatures aftrsn g d a s forod gueide four ooar-tnd Qe o st iatEncpe adeo h rs o h Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Mitchell of Toronto. crns and Mrs. Frank Rundle, entne h aur-lmn Counitu pHallucandined ars rip.to h hi!orHm sinet eHalh' edsusd ai etdteppro Mn.hmd fmbthrvi'Osonte frRom a vber phasat vedding in Kingston Road'cansisting off a zood variezv for the prograni. The motta concluded Our meeting. ous kinds off meat, Grades off A lively discussionr loe :8 or :1 t i n or n Wdnesayoff lacsbone. holdy with hcry dlaghtrULnited Church. Toronto, on off bot dishes for the first was "Be careful how you live.ý Meeting No. 2 meat, Cuts of meat. and thelthe address. rsretdfrorJsiia o n dedayMrls.b.tell soninawR ler ad ers. Friday, April 2nd. course, followed by dainiv vou may be the ooly Bible The second meeting was wise choice of meats. A fine crowd waspesxtiton Rm.425 __ Mr. nd rs.R. . Mtchll sn-i-la. Rv. nd rs.desserts topped with plenteous that some people ever read".have returned home from a Donald Powell and baby Mr. and 1Mrs. Mac Parker servings off ice creani, then'A nice paper was given by' visit with their daugbter and Sharon, Hunter River, P.E.I. and son Robert, Kingston,: ea and c'office.i Mrs. Cobourn- on the motta. son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hoar, were weckend guests with The apening exerci.ses were Master Billy White sang two, Vintue and ffamily off Hamil- Barbara and Tom. Willowdale, Mr. ard Mrs. Wilmot Shane, falowed by the business per-Inumbers very nicely. Mrs. M.! ton. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Prospect St. While hiere they iod for the regular April'Mouintjoy acompanied on the!i Mrs. Wilma Scoît. 128 Lib- Hoar off Downsview. were 2ttendcd Holy Communion at meeting. Roll eal w-a n-pao eeae eeapit eryS.North, Bowmanville, Sunday guests witMranS.Jo'sAginCuch wered with membership fee. ed for District Annual, Mrs. H. was the winner of the Club 1.5 Mrs. E. V. Hoar. King St. East. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beacomni One new member joined.'Smithi and Mrs. Smale. Easter dinner for 10. Proceeds Monday visitons with Mr. off Halifax, Nova Scotia, were'Minutes were read and adopt-' Mrs. Borek, the speciai' of the dnaw are used for com- and Mrs. Charles Johns, Lib- weekend guests with their ed and tickets for quilt and guest speaker, braught along! daughter and son-in-law, Mr.I othen Pnizes given out to he a number off eggs that had - ad Ms John Rice. Conces- ! sold. The short course 'Cop-' been painted with special de- ST P ULS NTE C UR H sion Street. Mr. and Mrs. Bea- oer Toig wa.s discussesien.; and colors she had e aholiday in Fionida. 'ladies are interested to bc try. Poland. One wonders how Minister: Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Thssmn atr~k 5une off a course. Mrs. Cha.s. thcyý could bc made so beauti- Thscoig ate eeedýmthad r.Carl Wright!fui. Shie had some that berja s Gd 'ti A rl7 Organist: Mr. M. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., is the finst long holiday week-1 will be in charge if a course soSadcloe wt fo cla L.T.C.L. end since Christmas and the. New Year. Many off you wihî li heid. ;oring, xvhich can be eaten. be having guests and sanie w'il M'rs. W. W. Van Camp and, The containers were very G ood Friday, April 16 bcviiin otoftwn Pe $eMrs. John Rahm will arrangelcute. Shef gave a good de- Super, Regular or GentieSUG LIT20 ic shv nomto o-frthe antique display at thelscniption of how the caloring cerning your visitons. and off'AgrjcultunaI Fair whieh is svas done. It was very inter- 11:00 am PUBLIC WORSHIP youn weekend trips for this !celebrating 100 years of acti- esting. They were passedtrH M UE .1 sion on dressing dolls in old ýyou, Mrs. Borek. The Queen-I S A rl 8Mrq. Stan Payne and Mr. costumes as part off the dis-'and gi'ace were sung. East undaying service at Bloon St. United, in-, stessed for the week of Our Dessert Tea on March!n N PRAY DEODO SCHRANI13-o.erol uglst9c8 c 9:5ar.-SNA COLChunch, Toronto, when thet'he local Fair and names and l7th \vas a great success fin- BASP Y E D R N - 1100 EATE SRVCEchoir, under the direction off addresses, of former residents ancially and it was vey en- A Tf 11:0 arn - ASTE SERICEM. Fnederick C. Silvesten,' are asked for. joyable ta meet so many ladies SOFrIQaUE BATH OIL 25z-oz., sugg. ist 169 1.69 5o. ug it26 2 SPECIAL MUSIC presented Part II off the Ora- Thene \viil bc a regular Mav fnom Bowmanvilie, Enffîeld, torn. 'Eiiiah". bv Mendels- meeting off the W. I., with no Sauina, H-aydon, Zion Thorn- N 7:00 parn. - EASTER SERVICE sohn. Mr'. Bernard Lynch, who prograni and no lunch, as finlal ton's Corners, Maple Grave1 Corne and Worship is a tenor soîoist a lo t ln o h 0hanvrayadTrn.W xedOr ESILE S R Z ------------------------- Church. sang the aria 'Then!0ff this W. T. are ta be mad'. very hest thanks. on P A E1-z eoo,13 au 7 Shall the Righteous Shine The banquet wîll be beld Mav lt was served buffet style DfV lAReuasie ord c -Forth"' and the tenor part iný l4th. Mrs. Hoult. Bramptoi,. With a wondenfful variety of DO E OA ---- ---N----- one thtTiseh ill be accompanied by Mrs.,fee. Several ladies desenve C ID iOn Mondas'. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Westlake, secretarv off thanks for iooking affter the', Anglican Lslie Brooks, Town,. MIr. Toronto W. 1. cicrn Retr e.K .FapoMABT.Glenn Brooks, Mvarkham, Mr.! Mrs. Chas. Sm3ith spoke for A iovely bouquet off daffo-j p N FRUIT SALIT- - - - - - -lresie ug it11 9 Reetr: Rv. . J.Frapton M.., BThland Mrs. Tom BurrowF, Westa few minutes on a project off dils and pussy willoxws adorn-j WEI)NESDAY 8:00 p.m. - Holy Week Service Hill and Mrs. Ed. McWaltens,, Port Perry Hospital Auxilir,,, cd the platfox'm, the gîft off MAUNY TURSAY 800 .m.Torotovistedtho--onton visitedoal . thag'e PlattenW Whta.drotheswelocalFERNW.BLT. -agrc----d----Mr---.-W.------ite----P--oeeeds - --e--e The Institution of The Lord's Supper Funeral Home, Fenelon Falîs, assist. She also asked the con- over B$95TA LE S-- -- --- -----r- 0', sgg.litbox7 GOODFRIDI' Non t 3:0 p.m - Tree our ervi e litt the late Mr. John El- venors of standing committecs es wcne given out for 'Shan PO T DL GO RDYNo o30 ..-TreHuSevc itbrother off Mrs. Brooks,: ta keep their program subjects rock under a chair" undein aD r FF T I 4 1 D F pca rested. Mr. Bill Brooks, CO- ppermost ils thin prograins. Plate",. coming the longest PORTABLE Eu.E-u.uu w.u.DRY U EASTER DAY whicb was held from the and thanks for- frujit and cards birthday'" and "nearest wed- îIT 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 'United Chunch, Fenelon Falls,' wasq recei,,ed. ding day".W IE R I H M O --------- -- oino - 9:30 a.m. - Holy Communion with Hyrnns witb Rev. Fisher offficiating.ý Business of the Aîniril- 11:00 a.rn. - Holy Communion, Choral Euchanist Intenment xvas in Fenelon Meeting followed, with t'ieiE E T I O T R S 3*00 p.m. - Famiîy andi Sunday Sehool Service Falls Cemetery. . treasurer giving ber vearîy - ELIZABETHVILLFE LE T I 0 1H B UHisp cal9 customers of Mr. Sidney F., rom Good Cheer and District, Cbirh servies and SuMA(dAIJ N O 1 . F - ftr Este Suday Srvies ilibc l, Nichais will be happy to learn Dinector. Standing commit- sehool were held here as usual. 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.rn. that he is pnagnessing niceiy, tee convenors gave reports off Easter services% wil be at i ý NOT CE: Altr E ste S nda, Srvies iIl bealthough very sow y. ram 'a their work. Mrs. C. Smith Garden Hill. On Wednesday' F L A S H B UM5------ or M 2 Clear by Sylvan a ± S ug . s i o (10u0adax forho ai12:0an.vr recent emceyper ato in then presidd for the clection evening, benten services were M1 3 (10:0 a.m. for tose 1 and ver)Oshawa Geneai Hospital.'of officers froni the list fisc hcld at Elizabevhsvile.I E A I ------- . . . B a d 6o. R g 9 9 ______________________________There is only one thing bath- nominating commitee present-1 On Wednesday Mrs. O. Mer-:M N R L O L-- ------------IDA -- ,1--ering Sid -~ that be bas nat cd. ven, Mirs. Quantrili and Mns. '4been able ta contact bis aid The following officers wer.ic1 H. White attended the Dafffa- cusomrs Aparnty h hd leced Pesienthes.Pe bakesl. DAMTU NIT D ( IID U utomrs Aparetiyhe ad Pecydi] Tea in Port Hope andi UR ITY NI T D C U C ýsalUULfq off the roads," he M'rs. Velva Bailey: 2nd Viceiý Our community belp with theAPXi £ Mînstr .ev Wn.K ouiade, A BD. wouid look theni rp a better Pnesident, Mrs. G'eorge Skclcl- lakn.TffenonA*NoPi M* oP AXs*N dr * oBisL used car, or a new anc. Be- ing: Secietar. Mrs. Ralph: On> Wednesdayatron.N is ads No O, r No gel1.74 Organist - Mr. Arthun Collisoni, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. cause off bis iiiness he bas barmen: Treasurer. M.rs. Rus-1 Mrs. M. Wbite. Mî's. Morris, been unabie ta do this. He'sel Mouintjov: District Dix'ec-'Mrs. R. Beatty. Mrs. C. Mer-: GOODFRIDY SEVICE- FRDAYAPRI 16 hopes tbey will undcrstand. 'for. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell: Pui>-!cen, Mrs. Walters adMs -,ri Relations, Ms Rov TavýThickon attended the Surn ew-P I G TM U TN O D R > ~ I L Il a.rn. Pianist, r.Lr'1N wS R N TI E D TNG P WI Tbompson; Auditors, Mx's. 1U' bamp Shades for Old Shades." Attend the Ford and Mrs. F. Staniland:We bad an excellent exhibit Here's wonderful spring news f romn Shulton - refreshing SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1965 Good Cheer, Mrs. C. Hill ani off Iamp shades w'hich wei'e sakigc gead î,.1 umgr e wt .5vleI Good Frid]y Mrs. J. Rahm: Leaders ofimade. Bowmanvi'ie, Morish, prkin ologn n del"-tui dutingpoder( h2 11:00 am Morning Worship ý Standing Committees, Mrs. W. Hampton and ourselves tooki puff) attractively combined in an ideal gift package. I~ "THE GLORY 0F THE CROSS" Service ýW. Van Camp, Mrs. j. Mc. part. witb three skits and a: Arthur, Mrs. S. Van Cqmp,ý reaîng off verses made tipi Desert Flower, Friendship Garden, Escpae ad A' "' Afrgrace 10:30 to 11:30 a.rn. Mrs. K. Sameils. ýabout the unit, made an n-Esa de nu ary m îcnt0 SUNAY CHOL Mssae: TheSilnce Collection and Pennies ffox<tenesting afternoon. SUNAYSCOOLMesae:"Th Slece Friendsbip werr received and: On Friday night the dance, Junor Itemeiae nd enor- :3 am.of the Cross" meeting ciosed with "The1 at Campbellcrofft Hall in hon- "BEAUTIFY" with Priar an Kndegaten- 1:2 an.SERVICES: - -- held, with a fair cx'owd. They1 3 ways better: more dyeing power for clearest, mon virn Bp eginners - 11:00 a.mi. Sunday School: Special HAMPTON W.s1veraî aile foxter 000 wte M colours; reclubanefothsadyo wat r P a : 5 a m e ere gai e o r $ 0 0wth est u o o r a a c or t e s a e o t ____________ Estr Iay- :5 am. The April meeting was bEld Ais enjoyabie evening for al. R 1 T quick dissolving in bot tap water . .. no streig in the C.E. building with Mrs ALko on Friday, the 4-HW _____________ 1 - ~ ~ ~ ta.."Hnw Do We Allun presiding, and opexscà Club girls beid a cup and, R E H 0 B 0 1H Knnw that Christ Arose *with the Odec and C c ll saue ser fox Miss Linda! New MentholaturnIAmrn ...BadLP O E RENOBOTH Fr~~~Solethe SviDread? niswc.R cd .Judy Bnistaw at M. Balnd M' I..A Ban 'Ms.G. Mercer ]eft on sun-TAKHL HEL Apilisth mnh o emmbr ht N o, hruh ou Bnailit olmbiasi'h'e 5 go- rdneY AResnt)awhLe e Ld f eaY say goodbye to Cancer Society. are assistîng r'esearch scientists ta improv-e the British pluan e Ij adlypeet.awoeN wWol fba mehos ftreatment and cure. Manv lives are already being saved Mnr. and Mnm DpKoker, products. Enriched creams and lotions, that soothe CONSTIPATION A P R IL 'Withv, wth icksans on away lines and dryness, keeping the skin soft and truhbetter medical knowledge. Sun day. smooth and face flattering foundations and pow- FRESH FRUITr P S I f ys h otht c hnfl hl\ou ctai help spread the arc loking forward ta their' ders in sof t and subte shades. See the complete X R C 15~~~~~~~ holidavs. glamoroLis selection of beauty aids soon.E T A TMec ontei rle s Is g~ood news that Cancer is frequently cur-able if it is detected in Meeting No. 1 teYRLYFUDFIMi Iudceamfu- NTRSHR th crl sags.Se vurfa il dctr oran uusalhrit lli fr metngornt Mcat in the Menu" was' dation that enhances ail skin types with velvet- VITAMIN BI othn vymptoms. beid at Mrs. R. Beattv's on: like softness. 1.50 jMarch 3lst, at 4:00. in aur! YARDLEY CREAM POWDER combines fine CAC R Arlis the month to give enîcouragemnent ta the tliousands of bers wlso are Helen Trew,i mulled powder witb a creamy base, in the sane 39c7 5 Ic , vounees edcta tothe task of nîaking the Cancer patient's q ube ae hree kadnie aem-as Fuid Film Fu07Con 17 SM O N IN 'raye;rs and yaour fînancial support.SI D . EEDE 3ou tanBusiness: At rach club %ve b.nas alng the 'jb of pre§[- Ar A rr dent and treasurer ta some-,, I AM R UIE L U Bowmanville Branch - Canadian Cancer Society on%,h auot hdn the aui ne whoasidnot Ehynat tx and treasurer is Joan Trew.* DRUGS IBLITZ -MONDA Y, APRIL 26th Oreporter to pubi he et î5 KIN T . - - POE6359 have not decided a naine for Our club, but &U off us are

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