. . ~ . ¶ t jr. r t V ¶¶ 11 7 V I 2 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowxnanvîlle, April 21, 1965 dent John Goldey end pre-1 sented a "bannerette" to the ~.1 tui didhh I Bowmanville Club. lM Courl~I wt irpaetM. Area Objective Is $6,300 Ron Stewart introduced the!'rR hnue usHlRgr, agistraes Court IApoe who regaled his audience with dayinMexco Can er oce! S Bit zincidents of his a.oci: i f Bwavle(FROM RAGE OE C a c r S c e y s B i zwith the organization. As ex-ý ii Bowmanvifle.I ile ube fgr re amples o! Kin C!ubs' useful-J Aprîl Zth, 1965 shot. lack of evidence. cosevenof which wl otm yaapat t1~r!oe, EA I Ai*I ness he cted that, fl 1964,1Constable Knowles, OPP, Kenneth Marshall Jarvis, 23 continuous story, n h onieSuh ~~ IIh5~e~ ~ y ~ 'f Kin spent one and a quartier Lloyd Harold Thinel, 99 Whitby Detachrnent, said he Elena Avenue, Oshawa, plead- eighth will be a srieui, Ms ife ru s H ere T is I o n daI N ig h t million dollars in Canada; Governxnent Road, Toronto, came to thie sene when Con- ed guilty te being intoxicated the letter stated. sse yhrduhe Ms howa Mntral lubpaid the pleaded not guilty elaigstveShl once again the Canadian Cancer Society is appeal- - fare for many unem*ployed to -the scene of an accident stbeSiiz rad.ioed him in a public place. "!e fine "There will alsobeacnrl.FaeyBonnve, d yand took the accused ta the was $15 and costs, or 10 days. exterior exhibit ae hc r.R ras lcsok funds to continue their Research, Education and treat-:!W lll '"eak a ' trmilio.wnaiantsoKmilse fnuge nvted him an osal oisn htyCntbeD t aterP he Ctsw enilcarvnse-i oo fMstd s ment Program. ~~~Bitain during the Second or 10 das$15 and $16 cots Detach-rme nt, saldthe tonduct- said hie laid the charge ate iiswl eittesoyo onHmlowoi ob On Monday, April 26th, Bowmanvil]e and e- an d nClbtepsn, catl rehldn adort dorcnvs. h rrl!tat this has always been o:pp, testified that he was showed 1.3 parts per thousand staggering south on Courtice nmodern electronic n ime e it iseqeeu areas conduct a month long canvass.posbe eaueoth cle called ta Summit Drive at of alcohol. Road. co-operation of the conmnuni- Casrea were hie found a Mr~bsa~h n i OetGfs2 echniques will betrdcdgt.Awiesanbrd tohdo this," the cmmunicationtbookyastre eivediby tP The campaignwill be conucted by th Canadian rtv with any local Kin Club; car with damage to the trunk, wife lied spent the day in Avenue, Scarboroub lae epand riet-ead i no Order of Foresters and Sunshine Group assisted by i 'ý that Kin, being essentially a tail light and rear bumper, Totsopigm tTefltgit o rvn 0lese the ldies f Cout Veturewith rea cptais Mes loca club depnds o the hat h estmatedat $4. He oyagur foorontoon tetanhourgn in way 41hApil Th lettr alststaed tht j 9e0stoilenspictres onLin Aclose co-operation O! its lWilliam W$40.nHe Surveyornda's yonnger days40A deli- Stephens and Les Smaîe. ~~~~~cmm-unity. Kin today, loalwa hon e era ices Of way home. He said that be 1lith. Constable G. Evans, for the CentennialCmi-coslnc a noesr ars CareceBel, ruc TnkHaoldGison Murie a chrome and a 1964 licence becanie oonfuscd and proceed- OPP, told His Worahzp he had. Sehnan Le ml.world-wide organization. dedi- plate, he continued, wbich e u noHgwy41b osre h a rvligsienwill corne ta ow n-vdbrheotses With very littie publicity the Bowmanville Branchi dote-oHgwy41b bevdtecrtaeliivleo admniserto henees o Cnce Ptiets e rug,. cated to service to mankind. were from a station wagon the wrong ramp. east at a high rate of speed vleo June 2rdt et adiitrt h ed fCne ainsr rgThe speaker was ably thank- registered to the mother ofl Magistrate J. D. Burgerashe came off the Waverley t i h hb D-nc eet.MyrRa local officiels and eemn dressings and transportation etc. ed by Bob Fairey and given te accused. ipaed Rfieat$0 a d ramnp. thesie for te ex its Ivan h gnrst f h omnvleLos Constable J. W. Cartwright, costs, or 10 days. There ~ cokdhmt h uc t ev osSees e Throgh te geerosty f th Bow anvile LonsHobbs drew the winning tic- Opp, dhsett hea-a 'tmtc upno !î-tion of Highway 401 and 35,- onded by Reeve SidnyLti, 5 Club in providing the Rose Room on Tuesday after- kt ubr8,telcyr-de tie fllwng ayhead ancate continucd the ffcer i Iwas moved that thismatrb noons many thousands of dressings used by local 4 ent omter 3,theusand -dolr tled îth he accused dyand ctravelling 90 d to95 ies anturned over toa h Pbi ciinto hetosaddllrtakdwihte cuAdad nthony des Roches plead- hour and not gaining. I radio-.rpryCmitet me 94PY OT -R patients arc made at these sewing sessions. These cheque being Glenn Richards his mother. There were pleces A îyt w iagsli daha o ra lc ttest.Ttswscrid of shaa.ed guit atocare adM.Whitin, n sewing groups headed by the Sunshine Group welcome o!Osaw. ! hrmean te fonfoFrrurya3h r ng an neotalo96ckEV 2DR moy interested ladies fromn 2 to 4 p.m. Sympathy, in the loss of his 1 cence plate missing, conclud- ncl Prxtn 3 h uck !Hgwy2 94FR -R father, was cxpressed ta Jack ed the officer. -unl]cene person to drive his At thbe service centre east of Councillor MauriePo The Sunshine Group make gifts for the Little Red Harris. Vro car oost hinm $10 and costs, or Ncwcastle be saw me in the told oouncil that ail sofPlc ries i r Door in Oshawa and the Children's Ward of Princess Incidentallly, Bill Kilpatrickdamaged cas,town teort.e 10dys. For roducig led earve miorndpldth EgnSretBdeoerelpdwlh - eie Margaret H-ospital in Toronto, and during the yearî is a member o! the World h a atl h or vdnewe euse yaoff. For 15 miles he had tra- the CPR tracks. H adttt uoai1rasisos support the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic by address- mi4oncl-aiehoo 0t about rnidnight when he was and costs, or an additional 10 miles an hour and in the pas-.mSll snx otesd- LAIGA ing the many hundreds of Donor cards sent out. Bull as well as thte local club. wakened by a crash and heard days. . ising laealtt a~H odWl nis nbr ig.W OEAEPIE Last year the area objective of $6,000.00 was sur- eda tracelerautn. He addf Constable P. C. l{1arte-Max- me he was going to Deseronto He moved that theCnain edl OP l hecuritat heda rcs. aibeRala passed by $150.00. This year our objective is $6,300.00. Ait untiî tuh t not cmehgo!e î, iopp, toa.cartbeincour et h r. rcs"PcfcRala ent!edWiete et Amybis wifeecame homethadcstvppedtaeCaralbeinksdrrv- Mr.iGrn!fathsiinsistednthat and asked to make h ee-ByNwadSv Anynemisedduin te cnvssth LoalBaks Hon. Maurice SauvefrmVitgaieihorn en by Rey English Who itad his car would not go 90 miles sary repairs immeditl.Ti wiUl be pleased to accept donations or caîl the Cam-1 'hour later. She was orryng no liecin a co-a or ab 3-btntwssc n ycouclo paignChaiman, rs. . G. aundrs - hone623-212. The xecuive theCana the licence plate and to'ld himpanied by thte owner,Anthony 90. His girl friend, who had Wesley Fice, and carîd 93FR -R It is flot the disease but neglect of the remedy dia Cubo! es Dritmio! the de t hi a e ohs.Telte r-be out o! the court xvhen announced this week that thte FROM PAGE ONE) iakdotie duced an insurance certificate Griffiths testi!ied, declared it,SEA "3" which generally destroys life. Please help us in our guest speaker at their next A letter from thte Glenholme1 John McMillan, a passenger dated August 20th, 1964, ta wou'îd not go ove Auoatetrnsisin canvass that no one in our area may be deprived ofmeetîng on Tuesday, April Scitool for retarded children, in te Thinel veiticle, admit- expire September 20, 1965 - a "$30 and costs, or 10 days":cso ado aon the benefit of Research and services. '27th, in the Lions Centre will Oshawa, stated that the pro- ted that they bad struck the 13-month period. The officer said His Worehip. i Acci192 ORd4DR Sa the Honourable Maurice!vincial government pays 80 parked car and had panicked said that des Roches had in- Maurice Bt-ian Chase, 155 R6cl. r.ON Y OL his car in thte rniddle of the SavMiitro! oetyi1e cent o! the cost of this and left the scene. deed applied for tite policy Brock Street, E., 0Oààa wao n Ucso aicrm P N Y O L road and left it tere unat- thm edrl government. hicol and the remaining 20 Raymond Lobb, 197 Park- but neer paid any premiums. aged 19, pleaded gumty to, Rosanarndan-l tede. ar er prkd mneeting will- begîn at 8:151per cent is ta be shared by dalle Road, W., Peterborougit, Bruce Mills, R.R. 1, Ennis- drinking while under age and' M.and Mrs. Ernest Cavano every conceivalylc spot, as pm 'the municipalities using its a CGE. employee, aged 43, killen, pleaded not guilty ta assauît March 29th. Hie was On Sunday evenigt7:5dcs 4ne trs.Ol hà,ve returned home after well as many unconceivable Mr. Sauve is a native o! services. It pointed out that pleaded nlot guiity to impair- a careless drîving charge laid convicted on both counits. o'clock, Wilson WaeVr- 2,0 rgnlmls spending winter at Interces- crnes as their owners bccame Montreal, and a graduate B.A.IOshawa is paying $5,474.14, ed drîvîng Aptil 4th. Defense Mardi 24th. He was repre- The first fine was $40 and mers, 45 ChurchStews191PY UH siç City, Florida. Ernest bias aware when hey probed in Of St. Mary's College. He hast and informed council that couinsel was G. H. T. Far- sented by TerrY Kelly, Osh- casts, or 10 days, and te sec- driving itis car southo li BLEEE -R bùUJt a new home here. He th.e mud ta search for same. an LL.B. from the Faculty of Bowmanville's share amountsquharson, Peterborough. awa. ond $10 and costs, or an ad- Street, and \vas aj i hr ADO i-Worts titat bc had a výsit Yelverton U.C.W. did a Law, University of Montreal. ta $607.91.i Constable J. Schultz, Opp, Constable K. Ruttan, OPP, dition-al five days. as it rounded the uv t In fr.0m Mr. and Mrs. Wilýý in dof;" fsines-s with bot He also attended the London' Cotincillor G 1 le n h oa 1 m le told His Worship he was in told His Worsitip he liad been "I was called ta an Oshawa Concession Street sohevi-6c.eni, BrSoks who also spent their coffee and lunch - some 1,000 Scitool o! Ecanomies and the1 ughes, seconded by Reeve the cruiser on the parking lot called ta H.am'pton ta investi- address," testi!ied Constable ele went off thepae nt auoaitrsmso. winter niontits in that area. cups of cof!ee, more or fess Faculty o! Law o! the Uie 'iny ite oe ta h fTeVoaeraot9idney nacietsotyafe .F rdnOP Teean rn he Tlxe Brooks wîll be returning were purchased to sustair; sity o! Paris, wbere ite received irequeSt o! the scitool for pay- an te Sunday nigitt when he midnigbt. He !ound one car David Skelton, aged 17, told ed off. Constable LsRcr EA to titeir home itere in te im- folk against thie winter's chili itis Pit.D. in Economics in 19521ment o! Bawmanville's share noticied Mr. Lobb and bis wife involved w.hich bad skidded me he bad entered a telephone investigated te acciet mediate future. . as mclting snow seeped The minister was Technicalof the cost be granted. This drive away fromn the restur- 250 feet an bare, dry~ pave- bootîî at the eastern outskirt There was a twacr ol6cy.einwthsndd Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane titrougit almost impervious Adviser ta tite Canadian and[was carried. ant and Vurn west on Highway ment, titen off the t-oad and o! Oshawa and caîled bis girl lision which resultedimnotrsisi. will celebrate their 49tit wed- clotbing - even our old brawn Catitolic Con f e d e r atian a!f The Bowmanville Kinsmen 401 in the eastbound lane fac- into the east ditch. where it friend. WJiile lie was ta'lking damiage ta bath vetce n 16 ECR dijng anniversar this Mon- fedorClubeexpressedseinea Letter fro 1in2 eas19b5.nH Craffic.resnadpped offtetwotitydroapalesd thefaccusedadroveouptwititdra phurctthetreeteeastveofpDwvi- aOCET 4-StR.eSEDAN day. Unfortunately Mrs. Lane nicotine juice down tite back iteld the position af Assistant . nk a oncil for permis- Mr. Lobb titen made a U- and travelled anatiter 188 feet. carload of associates and de- sian Street, an Strà t6cl, uoai rnms is in Toronto General Hospi- of aur neck and beyond. One Secretary of the Royal Com- sien ta bold a Street Bingo on turn and started off east with The fine was $75 and costs, manded the use of the phone. 4:26 p.m. The drivesoie tal and ber tusband is also in customer wîtli dental plates mission on Canada's Economic Friday evening, May 28tb, on the tralffic at a very slow rate Or 10 days. Licence was sus- Skelton tald me witen be re- vehicles involved wr r.socso aisa Poor bealth. Ernie is a vet- chattering wildly eased tem Prospects from 1955 ta 1958 Division Street. However, o! sped, went on Cnstable pended for one year. fused Chase îeapt out o! tite Isabell Selmeci 5 etbispde a Sory t her tat m. her thy v~~rtedso m~-Director o! Public Relations for lieKnmn aebe in- stapped bim te accused lents~, Allan .Herbetr Reid,lcut over one eye and bleed- Merkley, 2 Concessio tetI "EVDR -R .Srla erok MCllu hatisrin hos- ettahey iped la ieteQeecLbrlPat.lcformed titat the Bowmanville stumbled end had ta be telp- ilents, Allan Herbert Reid, ing. I ohecked a room in a Canstable Don An(esnwaEA vital. He was înjured wbile cream in te coffee and then entered federal politics in te Rotary Club is sponsoring a ed into te cruiser and blis j charged with careless driving., nearby motel and found Citase the investigating o!!cr:utm raiwnsll working witit cattle. bit his finger witen iie went general election af June 1962,?iaflo Recilal by Ray DudleyIeves were glJassy and blood- The charge was dismissed for and bis pal% drinking." vsesmrostotn We egrt a rpor te t retoe Vem o iter fr-when he was elected Member in Trinily United Citurch at-- sudden passing o! Mrs. Hec- mer abode. Anyibow. the la- o! Parliament for Magdalenîiesetie Th lterfnhpuinbadapotetamk TT'T ' trBgs eetn y-de rse pr .i pi.16,wselectedaoflte Street Bingo cauld be alarferdtateRod.n Walters said no as telie asserted._____________ paty te thosewito maurn. $150.00i from the afternonn' Pi 96,\as 0'hagdtaTmerne St. Crr amitee wtîRoweRtay lunidi'dbtfori Deputy-Reex'e Stevens point- Mis. Gordon OshonLnbSLSAN EVC ___Ch:ma ! h HueStreets Cmitewihpwrthe $Ï7,000 purchase price o! Under the exacting attention Commnlfs special committce on Council's previaus motion ta act. Titis was moved bY the nd Ian Smith stated titat cd out that the town bas one and Mr. Bruce Tuck ail o YELVERTON ofth Teddy Bears - Messrs. Defense in dune 1963. On setting Division Street as tite Coutîillar Fice, seconded bylthe Ratary Club itad acquired o h ietCntn lpolospcnt h at ~LU~ o teFebruaîry 3rd, 1964, ite was'locatian o! Ibis event was Councillor Huhes.jects in te new Public Lib- witit relatives bere. Jackson and Spenceley, near tappoiactesfoTiti,0or, ugies Thehi-it orths wek' wom t asnt sfete ri- apoite PrvyCouncillor a ndl rescinded. Tiswas moved Cuel. Fcemvd the 17 e ares fore $7,00,and t o thsary, altiough il is being built' Mrs.C.Kemp, whabsbe The hi-lite niistr o! Farestry. ýby Cauncillor Hughes, second- coniIipne.* wititout a Centennial grant.aptetiOsaaHoial OT AR eommunity activ7ity was, <of gle a snow!lake off your nosf __ cd y ConcilorisupeCtantwithit is sec- landtaote tawn. 'This is ai.atenewaitayentVtemus- orEashMaw course., te farm sale of Mr. witbout fear titat you itad - - and meeting ea ch month, un- heftY gift," ite said. mgmudswusbaCnen- ter many montits,spn Deputy Reeve Ross Stevens ungonsfalb Cne-trSnily utretumedtios- end Mrs. Howard McMullen purobased sometiting, excel- I then moved tittcuclcnu less sPecially called by teMm. Smitht acided Ibat other nialcmeoainscn o uda thm ii tm witich, despite the womt-pas- lent prices were realized for htcuelcnu aosatn nMy ni evc lb reitrse n a ommrto eodt aiybtrtre citle !wetrippy snowa4ain- tsol dowiataSo arm n-hold lteir Street Bingo on Octaber. This was seconded titis park project, are rea dn h euitfo m n Ms itnHm che o wt ripysnw al. ol a watapiere u- emernc Sret.Ths a by Reeve Little, and carried. ta morally support it, but dyt Regardnth eusfrm M.adMs L ing urin th aftrnooFou. relîwis p"ViteOn anoentRotary for the park, he me-Imon and Kimberley, hoae ~ngduin te alenonme reliti pics. neaniet er scnddby Councillor Prout, ta support it financially untillminded itis listeners thatth sembled a busy day at Lind- dlock, devaid o! mecitanîsm.1 and carried.th park is a fact when hyno reing n say Faim. Traffie moved at a was Pumcitased for an inflated: FROM PAGE ONE) A request fromi the Bowý- flm a rr migitt donate a bal imnBavlein Cubhs pentth ekn snal' pae urng us bomsprce v n atiuecolecar Since tal date, 125,000 fliCi manville Police Association E or a football field. aise askcd te town titat con- I and Mrs. Harry Hermn oa uhrzdDae o dt o a c o m pls e e i si to p a t a n s gi t o b t i w i e r- in t e d - l h a v e p o u d y w o r n t e iii f r p e rm issio n t a sp o n so r t e ;' ' " i e o t ie r c u b s t ie n i î si d ert i fon b e i n ta t e p a - ý M isse s B a rb a r a a n db i l m u h - D d c - V l s i tiewbe om iit ame ig a obllagvebe iembe ntbeir lapels. Titus, Sells and Gray Circus from sibilitysopportaining Vite Cen-1pBrown are spending tor Els-s CitiesBServiceeGas, 011, womks" later!emlmo R e . e is upprt iti prjec i prn- ennal ranlfonit simming 1rioiaswtttti itr'Lbiat -. - Sorrvt-y a earn tatuIeMm. Rogers lias becnme a SrstFoidbrinqciple but are noV prepared VOpool project. IMrs. obery thyn, m ty-tlKNGS.E WESTERN MisDrlnaleil tlegend in bis awn lifetirne, August 2nd, was ganted on a itake any financial action, uni "Thte delgto lMr.Rbr ras CANADA the result o! a push by aland may well be proîrd a! bis motion by Counillor Wesley, FROM PAGE ONE) 1te park is develooed," ie lgain iis eveninglans and family, BlacsokBWAVIL desre e cntiue a srveFic seconded by Counéillor The club's submission, whicb M1ayor said. bas brougitt out some points, yoong rougbneck admirer and ieV otnet 1ev icne rcesfo hýa edb e about Rotary's Park project,' Miss Luise Wehne, M n ____________ aeross Canada for the timfeedo! wrilngsie n fin- At de by serving lis country event are la be donated Vo'past president, stated that Vbeiother clubs want Ve see an esutimtoie cosanda o! deep sunimer of 1965: cd in Civic Hspital, Peter- asý a member of te famoutmo okyi t on club believes that such a park over all development plan,,ment are required," Deputy- 13 "Panorama" Tour, 14 days bomougit, witere site la bd Fi!ly-fourth Infanlry Batta' A equest from te Inde- would attract visitors and be titen lbey rnigitt be interesteleeetvnstad. M6358 tram - -- $299.00 cast applicd V Vte h, me ion an Active Service d1lr'ndetOdro OdFlos financial benefit ta local in spcci!ics. "At present wc doI M OW ANVLh []"Canadlan" Tour, 16 days member. World War 1. Ito old its annual Citurci mercitants, as well as provide not know witat il wiîî ost It Mayor Hobbs advised l frm - ---- 34.0 M. ndMs.Ra Rbiso:25th, was referred ta Police zens and people a!lte sr. iatmgt b viable couldi Conservation Autitority con-, El "Popular" Deluxe Tour, Ientertained Vhble followin'.: cvening xvas Bill Kilpatrlck'qsr ha sh b vi Citi 17 ay, ro . $6900gucats on EatF uda Mr. announcement that, an April .hif Bernard R. Kitney by rounding amea. dictate witat could te donc," cerning tite 17 acres it itad 17dasfom $5900aserSndy oncl.heasete.purchased. 'lit is Conservation Thurs., EnStA rl2,2,2 and Mrs. Norman Lemaî nd9t, confirmation bad been cuci.Il was claimned ltaIVite Ro-;ieasred 1d.ndi al nVb I Forcoplee nfrmaio Kn o lIamltnMmsGa- eceivdVtltteBwa-ICauncillor Hughes, second-,tarv Club bad neyer intended Mril rwn.ueo it Oed Vo put another building MatineS tra,2pm clip titis ad, check (V> tite don Robinson and Vt et ville Club itad been 'Ihat d ledb oite requ moved1thýt titis park projeet bc asso.!lRotarians, suggested tat ad-an it Witelier o n-apf oa tio n tht iteesî yu Vsesa- amiy he CvaerVt!fiial. dpiaKoe n .sto lt Cti iae wîifneogaiztoniiaallndf"bin.itamou eotîe aptVt Fr.ank Guy': Pre. " of sbawa rccJÇ ved àn1tics foromecreation purposes, a vision o! artificial ice for the' club, Don Lake: Charter Pres. lion ity Councillor a iae e- small cancrete building, suit- Amena, "Does Rotary anticîpale; Jac Lader Pat C-ovrno one.r1 S Coi iee, sec-le able for starage o! sucit equip- detenturing titis and beingi xevion exposes of Dtrc t L Nde; Ps o.v",aeno rn e' v ue ilo Rhe unteil. ment as pinic tables, etc., and responsible for te paying o! r TOW 0FBOW ANVLL o!Disric No 8 .Jke" A rquei romlit Imera a frame residence, whicit with the debentures?" he asked, TOWN OF BWMANVILLEBrown; Mayor Ix'an Hobbs;iTobacco Sales Company t minor nimprovements would te "We are commîtted Vo pay-, o l Fît-st Vice Pres. Bob Faire77,1erect a banner from easl ta suitable for enting, or as a ing $17,000) for tite property. l and Ron Stewart who infro- 1west on lte nortit side O! bouse for a park caretaker." We do noV want Vottink of duccd lte guest speaker. Liberty and King Streets !mom It was also pointed ouIttat titis as a one organization pro-1 J I wa anitiarîus elera-May 26ti taV June 7tit regard- parking aeas could be pian- ject, butateasacmuiy1 oz 1 y -. *'u. il~ion, wilh lots o! fun and e- ing Mospart, was granteti sut- ned wiihin lte grounds. affair," Mr. Walters, declared.I /TJlfà~O ff parîce, as could te exoected ject Vo approval o! tte P.U.C. The Rotary brie! read by Carnet Rickard onbe .1 o retiea a Vieuab o foly. pan. Ttiswasmovd bMasatrsuanodatpheiiBayldvelpin o!Vit lad ain clbMwhse embrs uslandlit Bel Tlepton Co- M. WlteshasoRtotaryhattCluboaryClu adocaed itehen Art Hoaper conducleti a lue- Councillor Fice, seconded frf meeting witit the beads of ail Centennial project. He said . ikdlitesae kv "dram for a dozen usefal Deputy Reeve Stevens.. service clubs in te town, as titis would be appropriale as; for -sad al .The st I stal m entp rizes. .,Jake" Brown's "Toast Mrs. F. W. Nelles, 76 Elgin wcll as te Chamber o! Com- te Centennial Committee is, Voalite Association" w'as e- Sreet, wrote council Vo ask merce, il is believed that there interesteti in "rejuvenating ori 0Fplete with reminîscences 0u! ltat consideration te given ta is te moral support of ahl maintaining witat bas been New. Young. Fragile. Faôndp' rosted. OFmany happy occasions, as wellif illing in lte deep dileit local- these organizations for this since Canada became a nation" PUSC TPN , LGRBIE as seriaus consideration o! the et in front o!fitem house. park projeel. be saîi. USCTPN ,UG RBIE value o! Kin Clubs as service Titis matter was referred Vo lis Worstip. Mayor Ivan George Vice, also speaking L1TTLE RED RED. Have ail 3 nbow! 'i~-orzanizatiouîs. ttc Roads and Streets Com- Hobbs, stated ltat aIVthe pre- as a member o!fte Rotary~ * 7JJDep. Gov. Frank Guy e- mittee with power ta act. viaus mneeting a!flte Rotary delegalion in reference Vo te '1 6 5 T AE spondedto th ie toast by point- A letter from Mrs.N. F. New- Club's delegation wiîh council, Deputy-Reeve's s ug g estVion' 144)&-; uA 4eRho bf. z ing out lite many fine projecîs man asked councli ta bave the il was stated tallite organi- about debentures said: "We b kW F *R~ 1 IS DUE AND PAYABLE undertaken by te B'owman- town property aI Vite corner zation itat bought lte 17 acres have a park boan for the pur- i '.oe ville Club in te pasl, and o! Scugog Street and EdsalI and inteiided Vo develop te citase price. It may be neces- J wisbing il success in aIl fu- Avenue levelled sa0 lit weeds land as a park, and that now sary Vo e-finance titis lan asi Phone 623-3361 bure undertaking. ýcan be cul, andi grass planted lte Rotary Club is requesting a debenture project." ,A PRIL 13 rd, 196.5 venr Gartshore;before lte summer. A mo- the town Vo take came of thte Mayor Hobbs sa:iàtal il setbs ihs n ertlinby Counicillor Hughes, development. would have been wise for thte at being unavaidablv absent. Isecontiet by Councillor Prout,-I odrforth ontre club t financee purchasel tMayor Ivan Hotbs spoke'referrîng titis request tao Vieceive a Cenlennial Grant of in lte first place as part o!f L . J. L, REIDeloquentîx o!flte club's in- Roatis andi Streets Committee approximately $16,000)lte pro- development project. ILYL J.L ED fluence for good iniitte town witit power la act. was car- ject would have toamrount la Mr. Smith stated tal the; U R &-O Clerk. o! Bowmanville. ricterod. .Col about $24,000, te Mayor ex- tank is noV looking VoaVite 17' 2 ]King St. E.Bo anle Dick Griffin coiîveyed test A request rm .C. jyl plamned. He asked te Rotary acres for security for te club's wishes frein National Presi-to have lte Works Department1delegation if the club intended loan. Thbaland could be deed- j