- -, J O IU R $8.4 xe se$308.62, vU ftLh1D Canadian ~aemn ômnue pi 1 C m O n e in te Bal a e with a balance of $57.42. _____________________________ I I ROBW.T.UANIRC r e O ! 'e n eG mi Reports of the year's pro-1 The A lmetn f the vain. I 7 igas eegiven by BIUC.. ftrnonopened N erta grea evcewshlýsandig wertee ovnr. U...atronUnit d Hm"Ne,"'1wn hemein staningcom.itee onveorsbY ingng ymn"There Is alThy Cross" wasugnd rsliislnc waseedb Fuoneal srice wafo s. nhrheldeta rprb igigh In br pesidntil reortGreen Hill Far Away," follOWICourtice read hce I'r.S oel n r.W ti-ram oKingsto. Bnisewode Mrs. Ryley thanked members ed by prayer by theeaader,:Hi Steps",an coedte Kigtn General Hospital, fer t.She mntipoand s- p rt was ugivenbyrMrs. G.' Friday, April 9th after an 111- eral ighlih t Ormistonpor w fr ihiso their suaport:nd n-:pands. Meein. K. trasrrsEtR WEpS AY W E ness of one month. whidi included clbain o e otdfo recent officiai bandthDrs. W. F.e Banster, s-the 50th anniversary of teBoard Meig band ofD ChaWmers nited, Institute, the bus trip to Gra-1 Mrs. Tubb announced that i PA M CuhKingston, had served vnurt ad ba npteatronUi a enBn throug'h Muskoka Lakes, the 1invited to King Street U.C.W. W elyctrt Bb' ed.Sm -190owo heresinc 195. Mr. Ba- reeptin fo Dr.and rs.R.lApril 28, and that Mrs. W.*Une ister was always interested in M. Butler, and short course on'Branch would be the speaker w tmsw aebe ald"ohrsHle" the youth of the church, and frw was a leader of Canadian Girls ~~~~gave an account of the studies! l8th. pet aysae nee fe u hr in Training. A life member of of the 4-H Girls' homemakingi, The program was turned: macyha iedfrteayw wIiroe àthe United Church Women's club, mentioning that Patsy oe oteCmitelýI o organization, she was active Bigelow had received her povchrer anthd m mitt. aee n*!o n mrec ed also in the Women's Aid at . ~~~~~ ~'~' ~ vinciaa honors for completingigave many interesting para-i_, siama'recbeadipneeahnewt and in the University Faculty ~~12 units and expressing thakigahs on the life of Mary,! oigcr.0 oreyudnthv ohv $ingstonmGeeralubo spitai, s to the assistant leader, M Jr.M offer of Jesus taken from a bab y o g t o r i t r se , d p n a i h r: Women's Club of Queen's ~~l~i~' v... y., Noel Wood. the study book, Bible Women.ma>srvc.Btiyodyuwiiatc- University, where ber bus- Tac band taught in addition to Is n Te rol eil was answered Mr. . rmstn nddei by payment of fees and hints byMhe KOffri wandtheed-rylk u opee tc fbb rdci duties at Chalmers United. R.frs ighuecenn. j h ustslitwas. Mrs. Banister was born in R. Hes olis akeMrs. Milroteduhe fM.Tentative plans were dis- Harold Stainton who sang ý' and Mrs. Stuart Hall. Prior c u5ssd hi mark Canada's Cen-1 "Open the Gates of the TeOU OCORCN HYEi e 'to her marriage in 1933 she * tennial year and it was agreed jpie, accompanied by Miss L. o ne edcn.1ik your recrpto taught in public schools in the '~ ~t ln lwrn rbteS'Osbrne. if shoppn ery rw iI eie rmt> dsrcfor several years. She .' and also provide one or two! Mrs. K. E. Courtice gave an,* withotexrchr.Agramnypoee- was active in the Red Cross at ,. picnic tables on the bighwaysIinspiring devotional using asl trust uitthiprsiton.M>wec- Millbrook in the early 19401S! . . close to the village. hler theme, "The Urgency of1 Pound yus whcn her husband was in the' Mrs. Emery Smnith and Mrs.jthe Hour," and feels there is' armed forces. Hector Morton were appoint. a great urgency to spread thePO E6336 Mrs.Banste issurvvedby i~ d convenors to arrange for Gospel. Easter being the sac- £ Mrs Bnite i suviedbycaerig t he Anliay rexatme ou r ie s sould ym bier husband, two daughters, ctrn tte Agia e ieof r eadlv Mrs. Robert Clarke (Barbara) hrhDenrmetn, poutv lvsfrGd, *J R m w m of Toronto, and Emmeline, It-,was agreed to apply fgr:dividually as well as in groups. RIGS.EBO MN LE Kingston Htwo broluetesWîîstesotcorerWe should remember too, that .. RSRPINCEIT and Clifford Hall, both of with a Flair" or 'Focus on and Faith can move mountains,' S. M. Sot hB .C inn.BS.Pm Millbrook. Fiiie"a a lent. and it is the rcsponsibility ofý The funeral was heid fromi Mrs. T. Jennings, Mrs. Ear 1.1:erto t aryt& Chalmers United Church, with Neals er aont rs e ea hpe Message, that Christ'sý EDr. Elias Andrews, principal delsegae t o ted the 1east __onthecross_______in' of Queen's Theological College,____________ ýand Dr. Brown, a retired min- Dra ititana et ister who served Chalmers iga orsinMy Church for 26 years, officiat- Mrs. Hector Morton gave a ing. Interment was in Centre- report of the district execu- ville Presbyterian Cemetery. .. .'tive meeting held recently at Palîbearers were J. E. Horton, ."" Port Hope. jCharles McMaster, Charles Ai intaon fm th Il lng r Gro Mls Mount Pleasant Institute to ( reHward Johnson and H. attend their June meeting was The young bail player in the above photo is Edward James Osborne, sonl held at the borne of Mrs. LOhNon Sunay aternoonr..an Mrs. Raymond Osborne, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Edward James, Iho Glenn Preston and will fea-' R AW visied is athr, r. ertPhoto by Ireland Studio hostess assisted by Mrs. Hec-ý Mary and Wendy Cornish en conducted the business. Spenceley. ___ Outs JjI'II'g spent a couple of days with Our May meeting to be in' their grandmother and aunt,! o o1,DJn ad f ... .~ Bertha Arrnour, Hampton. Gisnamie.~p I > f m 1~~1J Mrs F. G. Smith is a patient Mrs. Jack Johnston, pro-A D ~ D T t Srathven es -Iomie, gram convenor in charge, cali - Misses Heather and Penny a,,1IT I Bowmanville. 1 ed on Mrs. DeJong for a solo.,* Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp- Rider, Port Perry, favored us ton, were Easter Sunday di-è ihadinode. ethr1O A .iEducation, Mrs. Ben DeJong; Sner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,Rider played a piano solo. 1 Historical Research and Cur- Sidney Cornish.1 Mr. Allan Cole, Bowman- The regular meeting of So- rent Events, Mrs. Alan Bea- %K ~Wilhie DeMille and Barry ville, showed us a great mnany lina W.I. was beld -in the bail cock; Homne Economies and Vîrue owmnvlle wee eryintretifg sens, includ- Thurs-day evening, April 8t'h, Health, Mrs. George Heaslp Matched sets for your Good Frîday dinner guests of 'ing the colored illumination of wîh u presidn t Mrs. W.!edbyMuiss uRa>r . utt engagement and wed- Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Niagara Falls, and a great Hilh rsdn.'wesmurCrtr r.G. dig las Ech~t~ Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk number of floats from the The first highlight of the Thompson, read by Mrs. G din plns.Eac se is were Easter dinner guests of 1964-1965 Rose Bowl Parade meeting was of course our Bowers; Public Relations, Mrs. distinctive and beauti- Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwardcn which were beautiful. Annual Meeting procedure, j.awrence Malcolm; Resolu- ,fUi Offeing any and family. Penny Rider played a very' and secondly the display and tions, Mrs. George Johns; LD fui. *. oferng anyauction of our home féshioned A. Beacock; Citizenship and variations In beauty Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Milîson nîce musical number. Mrs. bonnets. Sunshine Committee, Mns. BN visited Mr. and Mrs. W. DeJong, accompanied by Mrs. and value. Vaneyk, Friday evening. Davey, sang "Little Yellow The meeting opened with George Bowers. REMOVED He o g S ut H m n D g hc a oe. the singng of 0 Canada, fol- The election of officers fol- V EE NI5~~ chol lubopnedther Ari Hethe Rder favored us with lowed by the W. 1. Ode and lowed, with Mrs. M. Emerson mmm~UmMMUm 9thoomeetipn it theingngamuialnmbr the Mary Stewart Collect. Our presiding. The siate of offi- MM f O anda acomaned Th meeting coe with the igg Sec.-Treas. Mrs. W. Ashton cers for 1965-66 was read by of " Caada accmpaied1 Th metin cloed iththeread minutes of Maroh meet- Mrs. F. Dayes: Past President, JeweIIsry & Gift Shop by Mrs. Davey at the piano.1 singîng of "The Queen" and a ing, gave the treasurer's re- Mrs. Herbert Vine; President, 29 Ring St. E., Bowmanvilio President Charlie Penward- social time followed. ____port, and read the correspon- Mrs. Arthur Hyi'and: 1lat Vice t-hWa - -- CANADA'S OWN CAR 0 See your local Studcbaker Dealer 0 RAY C11313S SALES & SERVICE I4aydon 181 King St. E.j GRAHAM'S GARAGE dence. 1-resdent, Mrs. Cecil Wilson; Monthly business as fol- 2nd Vice President, M.rs. Alan lows: Co ntinue to save Can- Beacock; Secretary-Treasurer, ada Packers labels and please Mrs. Richard Davison; Assist- give them to Mrs. Davis. Mrs. ant Secretary, Mrs. Adeiberi E. Spires is writing to the Beacock; Pianist, Mrs. Law- Cntennial Planning Board so. rence Malcolm, District Dir- jwe in turn will be on their ector, Mrs. Malcolm Emerson; Imailing list. We are again Alternate District Director, canivassing our communitv in Mrs. Vernon Hudson; Branch aid of the Cancer Fund. Mss Directors, Mrs. Fred Dayes. 'ais volunteered to con- Mrs. Wi]ford Jackson, Mrs. ene this worthy project. Mis., Alan Beacock. R. Davis reported on the Dis- Ail Standing Committee trict Executive meeting. The Convenors were retus-ned to District Annual is in Newton- finish their three-year term ville, May llth. Five dollars of office. was voted for the Pennies of Ms-s. Malcoini Emerson re- Friendship Fund. The record ported on the District Execu- player has been purchased tive meeting ta arrange for and was on display. Com- the Annual meeting in New- ments were made by Mrs. R. tonville on May llth. An-ý Fraser in regards to the op- nounicement was made of thel eration and care of the instru- 50th Anniversary banquet in Iment. ,.Blackstock and representa Next came cour Penny Hat tives planned to attend. Auction. There were hats of' Mrs. Arthur Hyland resum-i many ghapes and hues, both ed the chair and plans were elegant and humorous. Last made for the May meeting at but flot least was thc auc- Mrs. R. Davison's when the * jtioeer-ess, Ms-s. C. Langsnaid. usual sale of plants and bulbs whom we recomimend most will be held. Names od for- bighly. She kept pounding mer Cartwright. residents were away until she reacbed the requested by the Pair Com- he fantastic price of ten cents for mittee for the Blackstock Cen-, airnost every bat. tennial Fair celebrations. Our annual business meet- Delegates to the District e, ing followed, with reports Annual will be Mesdames M. on from officers and assistant Emerson, A. Hyland, G. Bow-j th, group convenors. The sîcte of ers and R. Davison. ng officers was brought in by the Mrs. George Johns and Mrs.1 nominating conimittee. Ms-s. David Jobns assisted by the id R. Davis presided for election executive served a delîclous rd of officers and she aiso mastaI- lunch for which Mrs. Harry lied the new officers. At this McLaughlin voîced the pleas- tirne Mrs. T. Baker moved thp' tre of the ladies. for Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Wm. Ashton- - be paid her honorarium fee BTAY .' for ail her services. EHN W.1 Mrs H.Kno an grup The annual meeting of the, were in charge of the pro- Bethany Womnen's Institute gram. Mrs. D. Taylor com-wahedo Mndy tte imentcd on the motto, Support home of Mrs. Harry Ryley . Canadian products and Cana- Mss Hector Morton, district dian Industries will support director, presided for theý you. Mrs. E. Spires presented election of offices-s. Ms-s. Har-' the topir, Wbat's Nem, in Elec- Irv Ryley was unanimously re-i trica] Appliances. elected as President for the! Meeting closed with Tleîomn er iQueen. Gnou p in charge scr- Other officers are: Mrs. Ad-, ived cake and irie cream. dison Scott. vice-president: Mrs. Thomas Jennings, secre- NRSTLETON W. . ý tary-treasurer, with Mrs. Earl iMcQuaid as assistant; Mrs.ý The annual business meet- ýHector Moston, district direc-ý ing of Nestieton W. I. was bcld'i tor, with Mss George Neals as1 in the United Church base-1 alternate, Mrs. Thomas Jack- ment. Mrs. Arthur Hyl'and,1 son, Mrs. Ina Palmner and Mrs. president, was in the chair Bruce Ryley, branch direetors;i and opened the mecting in the! Ms-s. T. Jennings, public rela-1 usuial manner. tions officer: Mrs. Emeryi The roil caîl was payment Smith and Mrs. Bruce Ryley,! of dues, and donations were auditors, Mrs.Ross Cas-r, cura-j received from Ms-s. M. Eme-- tor of Tweedsmuir History. son and Ms-s. G. Johns. Cards Convenors of standing com- were signed remembering the mittees are: Mrs. Earl Me-! sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Hy - Quaid. agriculture and Cana-' land read a Iist of require- dian industries; Ms-s. Hector ments for the short course,! Morton, home economics and! -. "Belts and Buttonholes". I bealtb; Ms-s. Gor-don Chase,, The yearly financial state- citizenship and education - ment was read by Ms-s. R. Mrs. Emery Smith, resolu- Davison, secretary -t aeasr, tions; Mrs. Eas-l Weatheriltý followed by the a. ios e and Mrs. Vincent Jackson,' port by M rs. H. Mcbaughlin. Sunshine comittee. Convenors of Standing Com- Mrs. Jennings repos-ted an mittees for the past year s-eadi average attendance of 22 at their reports: Agriculture and1the 10 meetingsp beld.duri ng iCanaian Industrieii. Mu. M. thie yea.r. top.alWtd Heinz Fancy- 48-oz. Tomato Juice3 Tins5$ Raspberry or Strawberry with pectin Aylmer Jam Jar~ 47C HKeinz KETCHUP11043 KET(Hup2 BUIS.3 Orange Pekoekg. of 60 IGA o Tea Bags 59cl Prices Effective April 21, 22, 23 & 24. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. Black Diamnond White or Coloured OLD CHEESE 8-oz. Stie 41 C Frozen 4 Varieties 14-oz. Pkgs. Chinatown Dinners 2 for $1 SAVE THESE EXTRA BONUS TAPES Reýeive an Extra $10.00 tape with oqa or Super KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS Pegulof 12 AJAX DETERGENT Pack Giont CRISCO VEGETABLE 011aim Receive an Extra $4.00 tape wlth GLIDE LIQUID STARCH 32o.Sie Receive an Extra $2.00 tape with TULIP COLOURED MARGARINE . lc.P,, GREEN GIANT NIBLETS 2-1b. Bug TOMAOES en.Product of Mexico Freshly Ground Minced Beef Package LU /Short Rib Roast 491b Cross Cut Rib orc Boneless Shoulder Roast 551b Fresh Ground Chuck lb. 59c Royal Guest TableRite Rindiess Sle 1-db. Siced 2o.' Side Bacon Pg Bologna Pk.C HEINZ BEANS In Tomato Sauce Swift Beef or Irish Stew Heinz Prepared Mustard Bread & Butter Pickles Sunny Morn Tea Bags 411-1.1-69c 24-os. 39 Tin 9 216-1-. 39c mains 16;- 27 10q.of65c Players Cigarettes >'ýtCI. cf "206 Heinz Sandwich Spread $3.09 'j~ 25c Peek Frean Biscuits 29c Range 4 1 Pkqm. 89C Neilson's Assorted Bars 20fle 85c ~ are 5 IHospitality Apple Pie ............Each 39c MI Marsh Seedless or Ruby Red GRAPEFRUIT Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade 3-1b. Bag TENDER (ARROIS 29C California Canada No. 1 Grade EMPEROR GRAPES lb. 25c Delicious Easy to Peel Size 90'. JAFFA - ORANGES doz. 69c Bowmanville IGA Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE What's the price of a beautiful '6 5 Studebaker~ A lot less than you guessi Before you maie any 'guess-timate ' of a Studebakers price-tag, get an eye-full of th extra-value features you get as standard equipment on every Studebaker model: Windshield washers, aluminized rustproofing, bg 15" whccls for longer tire lifE padded dashboard, cou -spring foam cushion seats, luxurous door-to-dloor rugs (o many models), sturdy Armor-Guard frame construction for added safety and strength fu instrumentation, roomy interiors with plenty of hip-room for six aduits, ceilii room for hats as well as heads, fiat floors for easy getting in and getting out. Ai a sold 19gaUge steel body thats lhicker than other cars in its class. Ail standar equoi pm ent! n the Daytona Sport Sedan you even get an amazing transistorized ignton fo sme fre starts, impruved engine performance, longer lite for plugs and ponts, standard equipment. (A very Iowcost option on ail other models. When you add up ail the qualîty leatures you get in a '65 Studebaker, youre goirý to guess hgh on the price! Cornein - take a look, take a drive, make a deal.