The Conadian Statesman, Igowmnanville, April 28, 1983 %%cmanviIIe. mpent lest wftk e' ll nd fourth year ndrau- wiWh heriiiianrrendents.,ate study. DlW'î andMr. ennthSarnels 1At graduation in 94 h san Thompson and Ann Ma-ri for eight fellowship f$ 0 hi mnhymeiga R e o t f o u es a k low spent some Easter hodÏi- n_ per annum, whichw'Iehoeo r.Hid alo days with their grandparenttiifneauofthecls Telais9e67dbun L I ~ L. M.~Mr .and Mrs. Wallace Marlow.W n $3,00e0C.>ActuallyTuesday eening, Afilthetc LJy ,-ex Carru.thers, M . P.Gordie and Jamie Malcolm' ' had ofltîsr guritn i- 95et-JnayIt 95 0e10adi h asaed fteholidayed with Mrs. A. J umuvr othe aiu a ,jues last week, the Minister planning boards out of a total present pol .icyo ooual rokî ii a t ie el hBos hi hiea ci Municipal Affairs, the -Hon.1 of 385 were inactive. Wlfrid Spooner and bis de-1M'r. ad Mrs.Rhd B1u!-'L '1e&ogigs y ire,006~fe Wilfrid Spooner, drew the at-j One of the principal obsta- partment is followed, more meannlo FalsicarTw brllan Otaio tu bSa5,SOêndntnaAwalihrdsolrsweekss wih-Ing96,.heba tention of the Legisiature ta' des to be overconie in pilan- and more responsibility wjîî mer, engeton falM. awerents harelliant on tr stu- aniondepmieetnofnifeý lcoas uha it fina167lt a nkwllmak n enedy fl am e rather significant sta- ning is the rnultiplicity of be placed in the hands of thisMr.weeken Guetrm. adsecn succsave ach wo teir slecin ommritte f ieout dotîbt the best graduate arts and one in 1h cecs netie o h feno Thes sttisîcsreval a ~f Onari 97 n'uicialiies Inthe eveopmnt f tis'Blackstock Hi-C attended a lowshijps for university study representing al region stuad "Cnt inum es soih enl orlstdy- ah woh $50.coutdturfth At- ubstantial increase in .e- 39 counties, 30 cities, 8 sep- policy, the Department of Spring Frolic in Port Perry. at graduate level under the Canada.interuvemkal yFoechftefi teniue, population and s rtdtws 5 on.14MncpAfisat tie pre- Frid.ay night. Frolic was spon- Bank of Montreal Canada Depending on the quality of c t he ruly earkable waiforie partiociefilwnnsmtv Muem thtpod segment. villages. 575 township muni- sent time is entering into sored by Port Perry Hi-C. Centennial Scholarship Plan. the students' work. the fe-1lîwhc ebabenaetoihehsarcptetruhvry nertig an hnc cialities, 20 improvement agreements witjh counties and Miss Dianne Wheeler. Bow- They are among the nine lows'hips of $3.000 per annumnIcarry out hier research pro- out the full seven-erpat h nwBy'Cu hr In15 h eeu fto heisrits il districts, 3,053 adjoining niunicipalities on a manville, spent Friday niglit Can adian scholars receiving can continue until the end of grýami." the bank will have, oie hyejyda orssi $327ciialitn;ies an 6 td chlbo>ard and thous.ands 50 - 50 cost basis ta inquire in- and Saturday with Mr-. and awards of $3,000 per annuni the current phase of the pro- First ('eiîtennial Praject 1 The plan provideg htal'h osejydhmug $874 an cf ~of other boards and commis- to and report upon the fol- Mrs. Ernest Swain and family. under the bank*s plan. gram in 1967. The awards TeBo coasi ln tdnswoere !Maddikadarvdhm mi7lliocn. I neanelar siens with the resuit that in lowing: Mr-. and Mrs. Ceci] Hyde The awards, for study anNy- are subject to annual review. ýinaugurated across Canada in scholai-ships in 190Il eaou ieocok ladneper n ialth e ne p lnning for any changes or (a) 'he present structure. and Jeffrey Paine, Toronto,!where in Canada or abroad. Second Stage 1960, was the first project un- eligible for admissint h rw' .&S lbhl rosefro $34.5 illonsin il oemany b odiaes he a rganization a.nd methods of were Frid.ay guests of Mrs. E. were an nounced by G. Arnold Award of these nine fellow-. dertaken by a Canadian cor- final competition. aohraoesu ,cr n f153 ta $l.l billion inny1963,eanhbve f operation o! councils and Darcy and Mrs. 1. Argue. H art, ehairman and president ships is the second stage in1poration to observe the na-' rwa h cho nFia 1,953ase cf1.00bperiont.163 a e consuted before a common boards in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Geraîd Kelly,1o! the bank.i the thîrd phase of the B of Ms t V etnili 97 tDE ADESnghArl2r.Teewr paid by theplan can be devised. One can (b) The funictians and re- Columbus, were Thursday The Ontario winners are seven-year scholarship plan, a will also commemorate thei (Halifax ChronicleHrl) fute also ad n Çirant.s adbth province well realize how difficuit it is §ponsibilities of existiiig gOv- evening guests, and Mrs. Ted Catherine Reid of Willowdale h ighly-competitive education-1bank'sl5Oth anniversary thel Skim milk is usedt ahtehg ais rzswr ta raunicipalities, boards and ta get even twenty or twen ty-' erniment institutions, and lin- Reid, Heather and Pamela, and Michael Church ofDons al pragram. saine y'ear.. down hamburgers sohrdwnb r.Lran rw commissions durîng this per- five chairmen ta agree. termunicipal relations end Brampton, were Friday guests view. They will cmlt The phase Will continue un-. i nosads Ç~ inreasd tra $135 mil We ave wtnesed a teed probems.of Mr. and Ms-s. Harold Me- their tii-st year of fellowshiptil 1967s withawards of $3,000, Init i rstyea,4he lanmnoins andiln.n n m v Mlry h lien In 1953 ta $438 million i growth in administrative .reg- (c) The anticipated future Lo.ughlin. studies this spring, aiso under!per annum. subject to annualpovdd 8 top high-schoiol cok cgaloi get'hihoizswntttr 196,ent.Asisnce f28pr osb h aiu dpr-dvlpeto h raad Mr. and John Venningthe bank plan. ireview, "provided a satisfac-j sipgrautes w it 50suholar- Lda calie sf rnsaeCclMle r.Ja cent Assstan e .t local ments o! government. each reorganization required. spent the weekend with Mr.! Miss Reid la studying clas-l tory standard of work îhas ,ip orunvrstysud n ie ta diue formial oe.Do rz a o ,iýtunicipalities wili be increas- with its own field representa- (d) nhe effect of present and Mrs. Jim Mott, Belleville. 1sics at Oxford University and' been maintained»* 1960-61, an a quota basis co qScantabflqe.b r.SenoBwin ced-1n 1965 by $486 million ta tives and with no boundàry and futdure projects of senior Mi-. Elmer Archer, Whitbv,,M,*. Church is studying geo-, In reporting the seec in rngai tn rvice adtabes weenvle.O tedaw s pie ' o fa o!$620.4 million. This relationship., governments upon the respon- and Miss Marilyn Archer, graphy at the University of: committee's decisions to the teiiitories. poured heavy cream.wnbiatrKvnRhe eseesnt 4%s o te7roAgicltrehaemanprndosbiitbsandreoucePofthfesseor HawreSatrdy riisoCoumianBohThisbnk.Prfeso HarvLoan Ths iglycomettie lan Th mn ho hTkhMere-moanvile:2n pizth vince's net ordînary revenuea regianal policy based on the local goverrnment. guests, and Mr. and Mcs. Vin- top-ranking graduates at the University of British Coluin- iu 1961 callcd for the 16 bestecal is the greatestivnintbelmb r.Jsie e- eoiuare ta39%in 953 contyas uni. O th (e AI oter eiaed a.-cent Archer, Bowmanvi, Uiest o f Toront latb. committee chairman. cil- scholacýs to receive awards 10f sînce television feelsh uttr ndtidpie ot 8tatistics aiso 4how an in- other hand, Lands and Forests ters affecting the structure o! were Sunday guests of, Mr.<year. ed representative commentsidouble the amount - $1.500 as.dd "bady" ta bisdietc--soob Ms.VltRs, crpei the number of muni- bas 22 regions based on gea- local government in the area. and Mr.%. Wlbert Ace h winniers xaere chosen by_ university supervisors on per annum for second, third past-say, a big, juiysek ba . cipalties fi-rn 966 in 1953 ta graphical and physical char- Planning on a local, county,_________________________ QW? et present. acteristics; tourism has 32, and regional1 basis is indeed a 'Opecial emiphasis was plac- and a recent development by must and in many ai-eas is ed on the need for local, the Department of Reform long overdue. County and regional planning Institutions involves the es- 'Me day is gone when every during the debate on the esti- tablishment of district jails ta developer in. tîhe province had ina.tes. Municipalities a r e replace t.he aid oounty jail. the idea tihet ail hie had ta do realizing that if efficiency is We now have district high was -ta cut up a piece of land>1 4L K. te be naintained, if duplica- sehools a n d Conservation in lots, go out and sell it, and tion o! costs is ta be prevent- Authorities whase authority is niake a fortune. ed and pi-oper use of land be not restricted ta county or Now hie la told, "Oh no, you esta.blished, planning la a vital municipal boundaries. muîst make provision for Il çssity. The one public body wbich municipal services wbich the We Department has had is in a position and bhas the buyers o! thie land will re- eoemiderable dîfficulty in get- authority in many respects o0 quire, and you have got ta put tiflg municipalities ta assume dev elop planning on a reglon- Up land for other purposes planining i-esponsibilitv. As of a] basis is the Coi nty Councîl. su eh as pas-k lands.____ BLACKSTOCK Selven niembers of the Anna, members and one \,i&itor at-,l heur was enjoyed. Unit met at the home of MVrs. tended. In the absence a! the The Esther Unît met et the1î -Murray Bvers. Tuesday after- president, Mrs. Stanford Van home of Mrs. Harold Martyn moon, April 20. Leader Mrs. Camp pcesided and led the Weclnesday evening, April 21,1 III Kehjneth Samelîs pi-eided, worship period which consist- with nine members attending. H R Y O H S M S I G S V N S A E E D A U Lbrd's Prayer in unison and hymn "Rejoice the Lord la given by Mrs. Keith Van * lhymn. Mrs. Roy Taylor gave King**; scriptiire passage: a Camp and Mrs. Harvey Gra-r- * devotional paper on Easter. paper an "Today~s Opportuni- bain and included a short Ms-s. Jno. Carnaghan read the ties': prayer and offering. A reading by each o! those lad-Bu iscripture passage and led in special offering, tao be sent ta ies; the hyn-n, 'Beneath the i12B Y9 ~rayr. Oferig wa reciv-Miss Muriel Stevens for lier Cross of Jesus'"; sciiptureps ed and ded.jcated and another work in the Congo, was also sage and offering; Mrs. Van **Or ? AI hymin sung. Rail call reported receîved. Six hospital calîs Camp read an article, "The * O s;ix hospital and three home and six home calîs were re- Burning Heart of Easter." A cails mnade. One quilt is fun-1ported, aiso seven books read. special offering was taken ta: Ished and another niear*lylCorrespondence reported ex- be sent Miss Muriel Stevens i ready for quilting. These aiellpressions of thanks for cardq ta assigt lber work in the Con-;!A D;4 tei be sent ini bale for oveirseas.~ received when il], fi-rn three go.. For the studv of chapterj < Mrc.. Russel Mountjoy dealt, persans. The llth chapter of 8 o! "God and Hfis Purpose" witih a portion cf 'God and "God and His Purpose" was groups were farmed and ea .. Iiis Purpose." and a discussioni read and disciisaed. Mca. Van grotîp given four questions ta ~ SAVE!I nn same tollowed. Meetingî Camp î'ead ane o! Chai-les answer, after wbich there wasl Jq~ elosed with benediction, after!Wesley's hymns. "I1 know that a general discussion. Decided~ ~~~~~ whicb lunch was served and a my Redeem er lives." two ta have a bake sale atter the ~' social time spent. poems, "Easter Morn" and General meeting next Tue;- M rs.Ia -aloi- was hostes"Oui- WorIl&" Meeting closed day. Metn clsd ih f&r the Do-cas Unit Wednes- 'itih benediction. Hostess ser- prayer. Lunch and social chit- O~~~ day afternoon, April 21. Sevpn ved lunch and a scilhait- chat brought a pleasant and < 1 *helpful meeting ta a close. 5\. Splendid services were held'î t in bath chuiches Sunday L 'gi n L d e e pmorning. In St. John's, Canon Le ion La iesHel ,Ashamore âreached on "The 4r ta Ennus." Littie NHL Teams d~tentdhrhte" Saviaur Suffered for Youi and Me." Two new flowers-stands, President Dornthv Richards ta the Royal Canadian Legion table, and 20 hymn boaks, a prsided at the meeting of the held un the Legion Hall on gift fi-rn the U.C.W., weire S V N -------- the auxiliary's draws ta be as bis text, "We sfial allIe o>I at lTHEb 816lia Ireth ~ STTLSAN OU> held in conjonction with the stand 'before the judgrnent o!f Legion Carinal in July Christ." INUSRIL IPE IM THESE DEALERI: It was decided that the Abi adAnwrK n in the auxiliary's maint1 flew ta Tcinidad Saturday for Cme vus oestof Spr ~ Ing.'s Iln raiiiJepltn l i pop-he W. Reid, Bethan cwwI ean etrie dlock,Ia visit with their grandpar- '. Jdm( iL -va JononDugSoeNwy sl an electric broiler, an electrie enta. a T. Enwright, Newcastle coffee percolator an a se t o Chai-les, Maryv and Nancy vyseil- eIeery NecsteTai Carningware. Commade B. Drinkwater, Ottawa, spent last, F.e.wcatleTaxirone - ' ing ackl asprizs. iah rs. rinwate a and family visited tihe Lloyd ý "bis continises to be oui- best seller. % hile" i. Wrights. i omly. Sizes 32 la 42. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Do!!, i Grabam and Marilyn enjoyed 1 LAVISHLY LACED SLIP a trip to Qi-iville, Ohia, and l lueasy-care Arnel* and Celanese* blend. Wdeeling, West Virginia, last WieoI~ ie 2t 0 week. Wienl.Szs.2t40 Mr. and Mrs. Ian Stewart, *Registered Trade Mark. ~Heather and Duncan, Mo n-1 BUIN SStreal, and Misses Jean an dl Joan Woodward, Pointe au Regularly 2.98 ea. HEO BBaB Sefril, Van CadMp and Ms.BLO SE e!S B L AC SanrilVani apeandMrs. GIRLS' DRESS BO S US and Mrs. Richard Van Camp ae and family, Friday. PflI) 57u ~l io hr LACK 0F FINANCING? Misses; Bannie, Heather amd, e ch EILI sîee'.ed blueb oogrs <'r Wednesday guesta o! Mr-. and FaRbîoned froin fatmous fo)r asotds)lsadfbig i M.Walter Wright and girls. qaslorye"DanlRiver" fabrîca S8z14 Maay growing Canadian businesse« requiring more ln, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, qalt"anRvrcoon.84 Mxand rlMr-. and rT aryo - 54.6X. Rcg. Values 3.98 and 4.98. sion programmes tbmugh 1DB. It may be ueful for you McLaughlin and Mr. J. For-' to diocuas the financial needs of yoiar business with u& dei- joined wi-th MT. and Mms.1 916'e Anson Taylor, Scarborough, 2 or 5 .67$« and were guests cf Mm-. and each Mms. Gem-net Murray arnd girls, or - o &S~DfsFéaCresswel.l, on Sunday. ea. r B W INDUSTRIALMr. and Mms. Boy Pentland, Sl! DEVELPMENTSANKLondon, w«eSaturday xlght 25 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANAOA num4ier cd cher friends dur C. igStra an Sundayv. 5 Kng St. E. (Â) L1 R f Bowman vill ln 6355 ToRONTO, ONT.:2W tlInWv.nîy Avenus - lebehome 36I-1145 Mr. and Mm-s Carl Wright vited Mi-.. N. Holmes, Osh- 4 F awa, Friday. Joen and )Xathy Samlh, LI'~ i . &Ï,~ il