rDeadline Saturday ~Community 1Th@ Caidan StatsoaEwanflMy ,98 i ID a lieSaud 215, Alta Langstaff 213,Bt26,SilyMe.r26 5 5 4~~~~Bo ln Thompson 205, Elaine otJan Kmai 2, nc lv u 4 4 qý1204, Ruth Couch 200.Gans28JakC rd28 Newcastle -~ An excellent The winninff team,thJt-Bue err27,GdAli Taei.S,'wEtisseason of bowling has been sons, with players Eey;1,DreeBwn25 'éA enjoyed by thIe various teamsMeadows, Dlrs Wie h inn em h e Mr%. Bruce. 1illson, Editor Phone 9874213 !S iov I ppearin g tkgpr h ecsleYon el ac anscnwt lyr ac .,ntkn at ihis se cas now on1enPerNgany lao:ans BueMreJa w .c o r e s t o a n e n d , a n d f o l l o w - ! P e r r i n . M a t i , o a K m b i l M k in w a t eI H n r , s c e a y u n N ew castle:- Thé R ecreatto a hane.to per orm- T ing the list of the top bow lers M n - 2 5 a d o e o ht n u a ln o f ney, treasurer, and A. Gray a casrite:- ha r et i on haerehsto pbe a biongeV.in the final week, are a list GMod -2825 Densdma 79 herslt f ah e dietrof fund raising pro- Thr.a ob ie re-' of the top winning teams in GarLydarcayrd 228 i aegmshaebe ae jects. John Rickard, G. Steà- lookout for boys and girls 6 sponse than has been shown the play-off games. 26 ly alr28 rc h ooeaino h nn riphenson and Mns. R.. Cobble- years to 14 years of. age who te datte, or this evening maY Ladies - 200 and over - Jean Tennant 227.agroteCmnutyLes T o m s & S o n s L td . A nncS n ce' ckPesdetftealso T nt S&owbeng planned sibly c:nc:lled. Perhapsvr>)u Min nie Taylor 254, Yv:nne,:ngs, wih play:rs ef Mohr soit on)ey s to tke pwat i teba e . tyore oat neor ot- Ard l245, rNa Tncy ans264, Hein ing team, te t, r.Bh Hri.Wt th of Dorothin the eTennant,, Cl39e a dHenrin toqRick-LePearsseevaGarre inby thel G te233, N taM apre!F rent G a yraph-a imany rnore0 cîtizeÎnarwill b 1 hips have been invited tO;and sit 'down rigiit now and i23.1, Dorothy Mércer 229, Helen Dan Harris. ndfrhhsileadhg epunred to T hrveWonkvardousjoin in with the talents from writeyour application. 'Couroux 215, Cathy Mercér, Juniors - 200 and oven o rpe coroîttes.Thewhoe-hart1 Newcastle. Whilé many a let-'-___ _____ __________ _________________ ed support of everyone is'trptrad vriemn 1 througl the Statesmin have. W ' qr'r9 r 11(10 d e rn C) n e S t o p S fo re ~~~needed to make this project a enmd~ ~ersas i O S . E K * iu f I hsconnection, t he comthoght twould be, epca- On this page, readers wffl1 Great credit must be given1when Mr. Johnson left for hisýmittee extend their thanks ta1ily fi-rn tkieir own village. O EN H U E THIS W EruENfi find an adverti-cement an-f to h aaeeto ounwpeiead cnetdh okr oh o o noniga pnHueti' h aaeeto os éieandcvrtdth onck onthesfor ejob Tinie is running out, the h noncn a pe Hue hs,&Sons Ltd., who have work- i it to provide additional shop- 1well dn odcig ti final tirne to apply is th:s weéked .at Toms & Sons LtI. ed long and hard to bringiping facilitiés. Unfortunatély, aforementionéd survey. Saudy aw .Weeae In Newcastle. sud-i facilities to this area. HoadTmtéfudr amt tl ar. al the singers and -dancers Those from this area who, It was in the faîl of 1945, died in 1960, before his; plansi nival and dance is plannéd, seen so often at the local have. fot visited the Toms. that Howard Toms purchaséd! could be completed, but hisý and on that ocasion thé wi- i çho n udsh o- W e-s#view H e ig h ts, N eUs l store recenty should make a, thé corner building. known at wjdow and famil ' continued -ner of thé lucky 50-50 drW1 ets an Sunave seoolcn réal effort to seé thé am.azing' that time as the Coulson1 thé work he bégan. will réceive a minimum . cl, ents? Mainyavrealsobeon' transformiation that has taken; Block. It housed Mr-. Ward's os& 5 of $1l000. Kéep watoh for the1 the drums and piano. This is place there in récent months1général store, a vacant store eenl, l.dateofti anvdadke,- Thé complqtéd store now oc-l and Mel]ow's Drug Store. Mr. have continued théin programlin of dth ca rnl, and e eépeiini hudhae e h mfmd t earelastiI nth nat or sotifc eekséiin tsol avS e t e C so u ctipies an entire block and Tomsad his familyoendof treyimngt b a rlssetwillisala atfca read Mrs. L. Rowe, and nat could alrnost be called a sho'p-thé general store forbsnsst h omunhpitnbypovd, n e ohépod fMrs. A. Rowe as writtén. ping centre because it in- in January 1946 and haven'tIin"g modershoppig convn -arold__Grant,_ 1 iénces for ladies end children'M.adMs aodGat cludes a modern self-servei looked hack 5slcé. in the fourth store in théi newcoméers ta the village, are AW IGA supermai-ket, a rnen'z Westl.. and~~~~ by'so strh Ind1 1951, IGA was introduc-'block. Thé prémises have LU living in t hée Wst iew ren's wéar, ladies' wear and' éd ta Canada and Toms storelhéén completely redone Wn.1 Heights sub-division. T h e rmany othér items of merohan-i was one of the chartered, beautiful colons and includel Ser ants and théin éight child- I15 MINUTESFO OHW dise lihat one would only ex-1stores in this x'ast organiza- new fixturés, etc. that présent e s n e oedhr rmter pect to find in a large subur-'tion. In 1952, due to the in- a most attractive appéarance. home in Cobourg. Mn.,Grantl ban centre. In addition, every - crease in buÀýness, the store Tehpis ato h!Ms .J cadesad1i h e wiro h .G thing in thé way of fixture-s e'ané ex1bor ak.Té.apes a thof téM-. adJ . Mcendles nd ith-nwoné ofth P.G. .laî ing ovér what, had béén an, shopping expérience thatM.adMs hlo c éelLnbrC. ato ' LS OSHOS&C-UCE display counitérs, gemn aat iiosti ekn'ah h ilg.Tecmpn il floors and ligbting is as mod-, apîane ent.a atheisitoths waredi n sadAthr nt- té ilae.Thicman wI ern~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ asy col ése n lc. hy hv otné oista I h trsaeji- visited Mrs. Shirley En-1 Lunvbér." Working with his ér scudb enaypae.ýTe aecniudt d togéthér so that customérs, Y Yet, thé one-stop shopping, make alteration.s during the mev enter at any one of thé ight and Buck on thé weék-1 son, is Harold Grant Sr.1111PARKLx &u. SV v~1Â~ centre is located in thé vil-ý intervening years. Expansion; four doors and w a n d e rý; end, also visited with Mn. and ý More néw neighbors to thé lagé of Newcastle with a pop-! was again undertaken in 1957. 1 through thé éntiré store wit-, Mrs. Doug. Walton and fam-: sub-division are Mn. and Mrs. , WITHIN WALIGDSAC uqation of about 1,500 citizens. iThex' took ovér thé drug store out going outsidé. îly on Sunday. Ivan Phinnéy and theirso, Mrs. E. C. Woodland has ré-' recently mov 'ed heré -fnom turned ta thé village follow- Oshawa. In business for him-- 3 MINUTESFRMLK OTA O Organize Assn f0 Promote ng a brief holiday in Ber self,Ivne a plasterer. -MNCPLATRUPY Iuda, Rev. Woodland rén-ain- Mn. and Mrs. Pété Ballan- O rga ize Assn to Prom te:ng terefora longer holiday. tyné and their youn, family ,Manager of the Juvénkééarently mrv'éd thefillarn , MroCIPA A rtificial Ice in A rena hatthhs e co-peatdbuin Pete is a constable with thé Newcastl:- At thé Fatherl gréat détermination, a com- tickets to support théir club, aavil eacmn f IN WESTVIEW HEGHTS. and Son Evening held quitél1 mittée bas been forrnéd ta trY 1 havé boostéd théir funds. .pP recently in thé Town Hall,1 and put artificial icé inot arigreatly, and the playens of, Anyone stéeing one of oui- :Goalié Dénnîs Gibson and own local ai-ena.1 that team will now hé order-1 local plumhing and béatingý YOUR ~ ~~bth of thé Oshawa Génerals, of thé ratépayers of this vil- funds. A happy supporter was it's a réal dangerous profès B a tfl u tmBui o e N E SPAER ti-esed in an interview, and, lage was conducted ta ascén- thé holder of the lucky ticket, sion, as Carl supports flot one,, tending, . Let Your Boylmunity with thé respect toý t1é. Mr. Farrow won $50.00 few weeks ago, feeling rather Pie rm $4,0 oNHA Seiiain Skate." They' by no means1 the installation of an artificial'1 and a roc! and réel. pi-aud of his work, Carl step- I~~ACK~ méant have them corné ta one ice unit in thé Mémorial Fréd an nihbusn ped beck ta admiré his mias- or possibly two practices a Ai-ena. tepiece, forgti a th week. but éverv day ta skate. Thé resuits of this survey omnil optl ti e géti ngat thér. This was thé gnéatest hélp of, indicated that approximatéî el karMr.MayAhdea imé hé allt teoun dér A alI in plaving a good gamé of i80% of the ratepayers - 1 Mrs. Joan Allison, Mary Jane qumik fai t t on seanL W Jhce, ob al oskt'avmrofsc poet nAm v1S'ta pi-évent his cmigouto1 fast and well. Somé of our -1rporarýy committée present- Mris. Ellen Gibson, Mrs. Emm thé fal with a broken thbrnb. teams found two and three éd this information toa aspé- AHenders, Mi-s.a Mary Patter]Newcastle - Phone 9744 muumumu I~ v~ éks ent y with no ice at cial meeting of thé council oi !Mr. Ernest Rinoh, Mrs. Elea-AdnwafeagmeohlllL Ô A't the ai-ena for them ta prac- April 28th and wei-e given' noi hlt n M.Ewadtlhe bis f ami fastoné han pla.voffs where they playedý As a result, thé Artificial: Thé récent Cancer Blitz held enou.gh to break theltl i- W R L ASAALBEADA ORSRIE thi-cé games in léss than eight 1 Icé Association bas béén fox-m- 1 in thé village nétted $323.00, gén in tbréé places, and ýnaw 6 33O3 hours without having had a éd.a This association is headpd!t'his was a total of $40.00 over boU hbands are wcighted& close ta, thi-ce weeks. With; W aI t o , vice-chairman. A. Mrs. Rowe was given in las-t néxt week, Carl? I 1~