j8 The canadia statOUf*n, Bowmanvl, Moy 5, 105 Clarke Students Adopt ilm-Yr. - Old Filipino Girl Leaves Soon for Overseas IRotary publeef on. David Higgon at Ian B. Sylvester rei Year Perfect Atteni The presentations by Art Ribey, the Chairman. Guesis present a chean meeting w~ Fred Lewis, Ted Si The student council of:Often they tell about life inifew pieces of clothing they !J"M'I KeslerK Carke High School lias finan-'Canada. Letters are exchang-: possess. Ray Wildblood. ai awa, Walter DeCg eïaJ.iy 'adoptd Dolores S. ed monthly. Lourdes helps support the mn il n ri Eigibility is determrie by, famiIv lýï peddling paperi im or Hope.ndAr Lesigznes, an 11-year-old Fili- thrughtheFoserneed and thie ability to bene- bags. She earns about 50 cents; ]Parntsgirl, Mnt Tahe'ft This means that every a day. She is occasionallv as- Parets'Pla, Motrel. oster child must go ta schoal., sisted by Dolores. counicil bias promised ta con- PONTYP( triute$IRa mnthfortheThe plahs purpose is ta guideý Dolores is a friend]y child tids u pp$6 ot for t eas a foster child toward economnic with a happy disposition. She i h~lstPors y . diinindependence and subsequent- is in the fifth grade of a go' xvas held Fridave lv the responsibilitv for hs ernment elementary sehool the school. Prize Iadiinmonthly letters farnil., and service in his She loves going to schoal andý ý were Mrs. Harry Va are being received from over- country. enjoys doing her studies. She' seas, both original and trans- Iation. I thern a fster » ~ .says she would ]ike ta be- ýgn rs .J dain nte otrchild "CahGrn Clifford Fallis andE May describe how it feels sud- Off the $16 rnonthly that the corne a teaciher. Dolores is the,~ A goodlY numbei denly ta bave shoes, a mat-ifoster parent agrees t O- n n inthenieaiy farmers %vere arn tress te sleep on instead of a 'tribute for at least a year, thJwhO goes to schoo.l. Even1 who wvent to Ottawa dirt floor, and the comfort off child receives $8 a month as! hu.htefthrwud 1iewîhaoti,0 a full stomach. The sponsor a cash grant. The rest is spent to see that his children get an1 iers and travelled the also receives reports on school for food and new clothing,leducation, he finds that he is'sna re and prE progress. Letters frn the medical care, school fees andcnot n a poition o sIn thenliya~rstt foster parent, both ogiaeuipmnent, and translations of: Their meagre incarne is noti Gavernment. They an rnltoaetreasured letters. Because each child L* vn ufcin o oezter ceived by the Ministe andtraslaionear nt te plan meets an basic daily needs. culture the Hon. Mr. special needs through its gen- Dolores besides helping her' 1crl loeta eral fund which is made up sister seli paper bags cao beX wil! lielp ta irnprov of contributions from donors. depended upon ta do soi-ne at unsatisfactory condit WErE /ANNKFUL Dolores lives with her fa- the household chores. The local Chambet ther and six brothers and sis- __________ merce hieldi a specia AOQR 11 NPS W & ters. The brothers are Rod-1 on Tlîursday eei O/TH~O&Hrigo. 14, Rarnon, 2 and An-J BETHANTV specieil speaker presE -cRc tonio, 1. Rer sisters are Lotr i plain the purpases EL!CTRI~AL i des. 15, Rosario, 7 and Ldia, Ms hrlsRvo1Hbs lon. WTm. A. Stewart. Minister of Agriculture, bands Patricia Knox, R.R., :Of the Chamber ofC NEATIN - 4.Thili t. C rti nieurîed firom isiig i Hampton, ler transportation for the Un~ited King~dom. She will spend nineweeks OMinoand r. a Cleveland and Akron, Ohlo,J in England and Ireland on, a Department of Agr iculture travelling~ scholarship). Ai*chie Whitrnee of Her father is a carpenter. with Mr. and Mrs. Georg'e r uda iio The father has tuberculosis N VinceSarid Mr. ad and is treated in the TB cliný1inceeand.and Mrs. MlanRoayS e kr tes s Sorry ta learn that Ritay SpakerStresesard Rusk is in poorh in the, city. Because of his ill r n rs e-e;,i wiîn odt *ness, he does fnot have a steady *M.an rs eog lsava1aiin or h job. He occasionaîîy earns SIand Forbes Fisher of f haa Is ai-- i os for doing carpentrv worki have been guests with Mr. and rtcin c Morris Mitci Th ote wre a l~:Mrs. Harold Green and m p o d/I akeli to hospitai on Vi dress the o elp sprtluer Mrs. Stella Boyd, Toronto , I p r a c f Hl i gMr. andi Mrs. Sa" 400#£ fanily but dieti in June 1963. bas been the guest of Mr. and lV r ave renled a portic Live With Aunt ýMrs. Norman Boatbby for theV~ Elgin Bucid home. 0 The entire tamilv lives witb past two weeks. I( E f 5 1 i ei"barber M r. Ray Bro% an aunt. The 'v occupy one Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logan - W U!-igIisUhome-t ________________and__ elp their aint pav have sald their farrn home toa g e~#Isbride %ho wi i rent when thev are able. Pi'e.! Kenneth Porter and have sotv 16 TrEMPERANCE St.- aunt belps the family withl movedta t their new home in T e ir ENU' 1W1fo rIfIFI h their daiiy needs when she isi the village. On Saturday, Mr.Ni U e iI i , *able. Their room is bare ofLogan had an auction sale~ of Teteediiiotneepdt h aeo ikt lý,tu epiin \soi. * * ~furniture except for an old bis farm livestock andi equip- of he tren ousmportaneepdt h aeo ikt i e sieptenU hxiPLI cabinet where they keep ibe ment. hepig ongp1pl odayýresponse ta the great demiandc.: lUe anchor of our strong IVI. nd is Keneh Vv-rea lie (-tbeir potential for goodî CapI ain H. Fraser inirD-' faithi. i .and Malto n, eth ili ailsoinfluence the fuItureiducing the guest speaker. Colonel Rader saici tUai the adndofRa Sgn, f at1n iutnn-CInlLyell Ra-i spake off Lieutenant-Colonel best book lie lbas read againsi wereguets wth r.xdlelder New York,. NY., stated!Rader's more than :1,0 Years the Darwin theorY Ls '-Mani or gusi it r.adi in ibis addre.s at the ltincbeori service in the Salvation Arniv. Gorilla" bv Rev. R. F. Me- sui q9.a. .ud.-1 (?0 cei s Robert Gilmnotr dtîring meeting of the Bownîanvil!e and of hi oeet responsi- CSarin, S.J.* Ie also referred fRay JJudteyThe Bethan,%SoftbaflTearns iROtalr Club utthe lUe iblii as an evang ls o otefr Ui n all theC R P ethe ir eekend. acI bisn prese Sudt.U..Prior ta jining the Sa- ies tha have been made none George Vice reporteti tibativation Army, Coloniel Rader have contradicted the bistori- Trinity United Church 4-11 Club Meeting 350 tickets have su far beeni was associateti with biis father'cal statenients of the scrip- OURI OBJI The JallY Roasters 4-H Club sold for the Ray Dudlev Pianoi in ehernical research, Captain turcs. h o dm e r m et n i t e R e i a b eltofn Trinitv, Fraser saoti.T e spe ker aiso stated tat T O D A T E boneof rs ary yeyOf!United ChuLIrch an Fridav,1 The guest speaker recalleti Darwin's theory breaks tiow:i F rid ay, ay 2 8 th Saturday. Norma Wilson readievening, Mav 231h. H e1 sa idi bis days iin the chemnical re- becauise it is impossible to F rida>', M a>' 28ththie minutes of the 1ast meet,-that peopIe ae rloa- rhbsnes n odHebelieve that the natural ortierT L igand AnniWlo a p1O-serhbsnsadtl h 8:5 .î.pe r e rporter. w3 ous musîcian play, and neilfrom different raw materials. bave come about bx' successive T L Prope mealplannng ýurgeti bis felflow Rotarians tu Jo those tiays bis firm ,vas modification. ncnlso Sponsored by Bownanville Rotary Club discussed. Patricia G r e e n'I coluin--- :demonstrateti how ta prepare able ta manufacturec stockingý, Colonel Rader gave somie i-CNAA16 TICKETS - - - -$2.00O meat loaf. Norma Smith con-and pocket books froîfl K e es- gexaiples \whieli he uctetof the meiengntheab were obtainable fronith(-c A vote of tbanks ta Colonel ~ Ticetsmaybe obtained frorn: Beaver Ltîmber, Thte nexi meeting \vil] be Ir t'lfegb oss h ai" Rader for his informîative ad- Bryson's Smoke Sbop, Canadian Tire Store, at tbe boine of Mrs. NoeltefeI ot, esi. drce.s was inoved U1).\ James 9 Cowan Equipment Co., Palmer Motor Sales, Wood. Dafet Colonel Radierilmenltioliod Sjieers. Pr-e.sideiiî Johin Bain _e Rickaby's Ltd., Robson Motors, Strike & Strike lh y namfintiaeigco inpbe oL"l-s o d Pres bis persotial, Z Iv"rojecstsig om sdýappreuiatio-itlu the guest Law office or niembers of Bowmanville lot ruduction of mechanize of two things that'bave such ispeak-er, and prcsente Colo- i Rotary Club. loe a sersarithen Hollad ina sutiden savage antipathyv for nel Rader xith a copv ofJ ________________________________________te_________in__ Proeltacardiedouiaurig eah oter hat n exloson lexenPats b eaeehs t________________a 1620. ____ arid utd'grestilts. He remnaiked IltUI________________________________ - ___ - 1964 bv the Durham Coulltyiromance, wbichlias been ex -______________________ Safety 'Cotîncil wervei'e wetollet in poetry and prose for at their Annual Project Plan- generations, is the resuît ut ning Meeting ai Bow'manvil wopoe aiganainî aon April 151h. Mrs. AIf All.i, f or e anr. fni the new chairmn for 1965 re- froeaohr porteti on the survey that Iiadý Discu.ssing a varietv M O TE R jusi been compleied in Du r- valules, the speakerintd Sorn pe ple buy a ;amn Caunty on farma accidents !out that even garbage, xvhjcb S onie peop e bu a 1it was pointeti oui that there lis generally regarded as 'was keen interestinii the Posterl worthless, can be of value.' and Essay competitions that "Some vears ago New York were carrieti oui last year in CitY lbat a garbage disposai à '6 tu e ak r fo ov .the Public Schools andi it was: problem. The citys refuse -IlpMOTOR HOTEUS '65 S udeb ker f r lo e. jdecided ta carry on witb these'ýwas taken in scows andi dump-, eventscine1965.A. O. Dal- 'd in lthe water soffeSan4iy: 1Was ta contact the Putblic' beachies." he stateti. RESTAURANT Scbool Inspectais anti send oui 'Chemisîs wantedti iis gar- S o ne for the iioney. ithe rls n regulations ta baag. anti aflera a conversion, ~N n :the ubli Schols hrouhoutprocess, md a f n ýthecouny. clorsanti dyes, anti even per-1 The Durbani CountyJno There ar wonidrou3 Junir fmes.DINNG I\OOIY Farmcr were represented by potentialities in good raw ma- 1! ibheir president, Donald Welsh terial. anti lie issueti an invitation ta "Our greaiesi rawv mateîrîal theSafty ounil a wrki, aur yug people."'thec Tere are 28 planning a Rural Sft h.lespke of tbe any f I CnsomeWiti !Ths wll.be iel onSepem-young men andi women as well l 't aerepreseniatives o hprobiem oft jiîveniie Is other reasons! teso ie ihig t. rovîng soffa gangs in New DiPcke York, anti the tragic conse- It was also decidedthai drug-zýfýA;i;- w ~ ~ ~ - ~The Safgtv Couricil did spend lie ~ b; -- considerable time discussingi up tote legtmaebit1 the merits of tbese slow mov- caused by the Arnerican GIs. Ca-ka a la Mvode ing vebicle signs anti as a re- There are flot enougb orpban- 1 suta eoltonws aseiages. More bell bas been ]et Old Fashi< which will be farwarded ta bse in the world than aur H tA e Pea dC es thc Ontario Safeiy Counicil asi forefatbers ever drearneti iis- H tA pePea dC es well as ta the Provincial Mem- sible. CANADA,$ OWN CAR ber off Parliament. urging that 'The speaker deploredthe Chbel such signs be rnataory an ahl attempîs beîng matie ta elimi-Chcl slaxv movîng vchicles, whether nate prayer from lte scbaols, 1; '...eese and Crackers farrn or otberwise tbat wîllý and urged that parents make be on the higrhway. a sjpecial effort ta make their O a g Pekoe e .Anyone seeking information J chiidren realize that Got is ~ O a g e 0 See ,,ouw local S*udebaker Dealer 01 regarding the Safeiy Program the creator off everything, and W W and tbe activities off ibis graupi that tibis iffe is preparation Milk in the cou-nty should contactý for eternity. RAY GiBWS SALES & SERVICE GRAHAM'S GARAGE Mrs. Aif Allun, President, Mrs.I "Those tiat believe that frzee Bey. Gray. Vice-chairman, or' man emerged frorn creatures, Phone o rRe r 181 King St. E. Haydon A. 0. Dalrvrnple, Secre.tamy-,that crawled out off the pre-, treasurer of the county Safetyl mardial mud, wil-J find thati CÇounciL. their logic dues not work. ind Dr. AI-!( . eceived Two.tOl -1 , niôie tdance Pins. foo Hy r a g were matie 1M itedncraee!)I'ecn at the Ion- 2 e c n 'ere Major Hydro users in the Villagethe sYstern' This motion was ýhreve, Jack: f Orono wi]llbave ta dig1 passed bY Forrester and Richardson, o nn Markle, deeper ta play their hydre bills' son witb Merceu reffrai ll off ORb:after June Ist. hbis support. Geer, Ricb-r On Montiay evening theO moinfF tra bur B Fin-Commissioners passed a reso- Simpsanthie OntaroaHdeî lution recommented by the ta be asked ta make a , om'I J Ontaria Hydra whicb set a: plete stuty of the Orono HYdl OL new scbedube of rates i ra systenta tetermine wha i )O I Orono. The new rates are de-;' if anytbing, can be done i' signedte increase the annualilower operating costs of tie l1ve Euchre revenue b>V $6,044.00. r systen. The request also ask- evening iný Residential rates will take' ed for same guidance in set. ýe winners lte greatest jump by 19.8 per ting up a type of Publie an Wierin- cent. AIl electric borne rates Utility ta hantile both water Payne, Mr. including home heat wiîî ;n- and htro.. -Timies. Ralpb Hoy. crease by 12 per cent, wvbîleý__ er off local Commercial will increase bY' aong those 7.8%, anti power raies by Y our Savings , lasi week 10A.4,. The overaîl raise :ther farm- amuvste 14.pe cent. Thp: ar ere ta pre-ýnesavroltn was mov- E r resent theirieti by Farrester anti Mercer. he Federal ;1/' ýwere me-! AIl bis will after Jîmne ist / eroffAgri-lbe grss buis witb no diQ-1 rHays. We counit. Late payment of'ac-1 ttheir trip counis wili be penalizeti with On 5 Yeor )ve presentlai atitional ten per cent. G A A TE ýoff. Com The need off the new rate1 I U R NT E meetingom structure was pinied out inI INVESTMENTS ial meeingan affiernon meeting when , in iha Mr. T. Bennett off Ontario ent ta ex- Hydre met with the commis1VDIII anti aims sien. (VDI C O I Commerce. ýman Eddy,'l Furtber te the new rate in- anti Mrs. crease a requesi was matie ta n G E )f Oshawa the Township of Clarke for rs bere. the issuing off tebentures in, n G E t M. Rch th a of f $20.000.00. Thisý T R U S T health. He amount witb atditional e-ý 'mat a beti venues aver the next two O )al. . years of $10,000.00 will pro- tell wasJ vide a funti of $30,000.00 for DOALD A.e iSaturtiay. capital expendutures for me- am Brown pacing overead lines, pro- io o te idng fther imta-,frersi a acGREGOR O u r g e n a l a n d o t h r q u i m e n t k e p !I N S U R A N C E Mn is pre-1 pace witb improving the sys- Dwelcome Item. Il bas been estimateI9' King St. E., Bownià1i1-ile il] arrive that over $19,000.00 will brc Phone 623-5962 spentth-isyearancapitalof_________________ .EASE HELP US REACH OUR GOAL! PPORT YOUR PLED CHILDREN CANADA 1965 ECTIVE ----- - . ----- ----»--------------- $6,00.00 - --------------------- ----- $5,001.00) NEEDED m m $99900 S0 THAT ALL CRIPPLEDj CHILDREN WILL BE LOOKED AFTER I r s DAY DINNER r -ni ýh Sherry or Chicken Soup ed Relish Tid Bits £Ripe and Green Olives Corn Relish SECTIONS 'URKEY HIAM fango Chutney - Creamy Horseradish Cranberry Sauce Madeira .LET Win e Sauce "ETABLES Green Peas Sour Cream and Chives Green Salad Assorted Bolîs and Butt SS ER T - ello and Whipped Creamn oned Rice Pudding ,ate Mint Parfait Pumpkin Pie Fresh Fruit Coif ee Chocolate Miik rvations 623-3373 Whipped Potatoes Svations 6 2 3 - 3 3 7 3