12 The Canadian Stategman, Bewmanville, May 12, 1963! Seven Applicants for Clarke Rd. Clerk Post 1The Township of Clarke hasi received a total of seven appli- *tions for the position of road; qjgrk from Mess:'s. P. Rottine, *itby: K. C. Mark, Portt )ftpe; Dave Roughley, Orono;1 S. Simpson, Bov'manville; A.1 P. Crain, Oshawa, A. A. Mun- nele, Orono, and Henry De- With. Bowmanville. - Council intends 10 separate the rnad department from the< et of the township adminis- - On Friday evening. Mav th. the township council planned t6 open tenders for the con- struction of Ibeir new town- chip garage tri be plared north of the Village of Ocono on the county road.- Work on tbis project startcd recently with the levelling of the properîy. - Messrs. C. A. Holmes. Pub- lic Sehool Inspector; L. Green- *ood and H. Best met wilhE Counicil on Tuesday, May' 4th nt Council's request to discuss aspects of the Township Public Schiool building program andy financing program. Also dis- Th ird Cub Pack Receives New Canadian Fiag cussed was the sale of old scbool bouses which ultimate-, ]y become residenlial unîts.ý Council has asked for consid-, eration 10 be given to the burning over of such buildingsi t0 the township rather thant selling themn for a few hundred j dollars. Consideration was also giv- en hy councit on the Union Sections of the Public Schools'1 with the possibility of arriving aI an agreement with Darling- ton to disbanding such units. Mr. H. Best, Building In- spector, informed councit that, in tv.'o instances letters have been ignoced in whicb it xvas' pointed out Ihat building reguiations were flot being' adbered to. Counicil stated they had no objection 10 legal prosecution. A request was again receiv- ed from Newtonvilte for the! construction of a sidewalk.1 The request was handcd overý to ihe Roads and Bridges Com- rnittee. The clei'k vas inslructed toý Start Construction New Nuclear School A contract to buitd Ontario. tawa. homyest of six bidder". Hydro*s new nuclear training' Fir-t workers, are Mn the site centr'e bas been awarded tolof the $225.000 one-storevr Pillar Construction Ltd., 01-! brick-and-l)lock structure a the Nucîcar Po'wer istration plant (V'jD) B ROWNS Rolphton, Ont.. Carl..a*s i. nuclear power staffn. NPIà Mrs. George Stephenson. opened in 1962. .Mrs. Robert Stephenson and To be compleled by Sept. Kathy. Mrs. Ross Boyd and1 30, the 12.000 - square - foot the thrce boyýs and Mrs. Lloyd! building wii'l replace the Stephenson spent Wcdnesdxayi centrp's temporarv quarters. iii unds wtb c. nd rs.It will have five laboratories Hiltier. for developnient of operating Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mar'tin skills, fotur lecture halls and are hoiidaying tbis week in'other facilities. Washington. Grandma Fol-ý The training centre is being deak, Toronto, is staying liih'. expanded to keep pace with the Martin chiîdren. the growing role of nuclear- Master Robent Boy'dener electrir stations in Ontario tained a few oif bis vioung andI to train woî'kers fromn friends on Satuî'day afternýcoonl other countries buying Cana- the occasion being his sixtý dian-type reactors. birthday. Happy Birbhday. Th'i 200.000-kilowatt Doujg- Bobb.. las Point Nuiclear Pnwer Sta- Svmpathv us extended to lion on Lake Huron. whici'i 1\4. and Mrs. Jack Bridger opeO5 cmxt "car. will be op- and famniIy in the î'eeent suid- erated by Hydro staff trained den passing of bis mother. at the centre. The continent's - largest nucleac-electric plant, Pickering Gcnerating Station, LON SA LT is bein.g bult 20 iles [rom 1\Is L etGcher T Tr.oJohn Onaro H d . aneed money -e for any worthwhile purpose? a'sk for it by name at TORONTO-DOMINION J'Vhre pLope make the Uiference B. L. BURK, Manager Bowmanville Branch The Cubs and Parents Bin-IL!ving, Branch 178 Chaplain. quet for the Bowrnanx'ille .11,d The Toast to tbc Queen wasI CubPar. wichis sposocd proposed by Mr. Johnson whoi 1pcesided ai the banquet. by Braneh 178 of the Roy\al Others at thc head table, Canadian Legion, xvas en]oy-i\&ere iNAs. Johnson, Mrs. Lix-ý cd by 110 boys. Iheir paients. iiîg, 2-nd Vice-President Maur'- and Cub leaders on SatucId ayire Conwax'. the special repre- evening inii te L rI Hall. sentalive oif President Keil'h Ronald W. oho' n.Chaýir-,Fcu'gutson of Branch 178, Mrs.ý man of Legion CubCn i- na. District Cub Masterý tee, was in charge of auranlge- Robe ri Barcabaîl. M's. Barra-ý ments fou' the succe--fiýbal. John M. Knighb. Jr'., ilie ex'ent. Otheî' memobers uft tiýAkela of the 3i-d Cub Pack.ý commitice are jaames Faî'iViMrs. Kuîighb. Mr. and Mî's., and Jack Maguire. The Bnxv- .Janîes Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Jarc< manville Ladies Auxiliarvx 10 Magti' erg oiisn the Roy al Canadian Legion Ballon of the 3rd Cîub Park., catered for the delicious neaî.ý Miss Connie Lucas, Mrs. l<oss. lst Vice-Pres,ýident Florence, Bragg, Ra ksha of ihe 3rd C ub, Knigbt was the catcruuîg con-! Pack, and iMi'. Bragg. and venor. Miss Betty Welsh. Ba.gbeeraý Grace as sad bv oliiiiof the :3rd Cub Pack. prepare the necessar *v bv-la' to esbablish the Newtonvilh Hall under bhe Cnmmnun-it. Centres Act. Couincil tb ci' the by-law ronsiderai.ioiîa their June meeting at 101 a.m. The clerk infornmcd coui ihat Winter Works would i be extcnded lfor the instalIR lion of the water syster ii Oronon. A Corn iltte o(f Adfii îstiinîri war, appointed foi, the Town. sbip of Clarke to handie cci- tain àSpects ln the sale anr division of land. Those ap- pointed to the three-man cort mittee \vere F. R. Lovekin Newcastle: H. E. Wailke.\, New- tonvi île; Klaas Schoenmaker Orono. Approva I was rii errocr the Department of I-ighu-ayv for the piirchase or a nc' truck for the suro of. $10,.048 The truck -is to be purchasec le :ýý îJohnson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. :Wm. Johnson and Linda, Lit- ford spen t Sunday with Mr. 7RO TE BA SEMEt«£ Bert Johnson. Miss Jean John- '7 H IHS son, Oshawt. spent the \veek- TO E WER end with her father. r Mr. and Mrs. J, C. C'ook, î ALWAYS READY were Sundlay supper guests of [ To OO P.TH the Smith's. r O IR Mr. and Mis. Hf. De Mille r anid family. Bowmanvilie; Mr. ir and Mrs. John Vaneyk and Ahig'hiight of the evening' must retire fromn this officýe a hearty singsong. AilCX ýl family w~ere Sunday callers at was the presentation of a new'due to the pressure Of other lent motion picture Wande hme of W. aent , r Canadian flag to the Bow- duitiesq, and he stepped down shown, whic'h depicied 1h' e manville 3rd Pack by ' 2nd, the port of Balloo. George 3rd Cuh Pack's stav at Camp Mr. and Mvrs. Fred Brooks Vice-President Conway. The Tomniioson was then made, Samac last soimmrer, aud ser- and Chris. Oshawa: Mr. and flag was accpted by Akela Akela. eriohrinee fn iîrn', Mrs. David Phasey' and fam- Knight. who expressed grati-' The 3rd Cub Pack pieset- .howing other artivitirs of il\. Tyrone. were Sunday o tude of the generosity Of,-ed a most interesting pi-o- these ruhs were asopresent- guesis of the Hiarold Murphy's. Branch 178 in givlng the flag' gram. Fallowing the opening Ld. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cor- ______________ to the Cub Pack. exericises there wwere sever.i Evervolne %\711oatteIicd e'ilwish and family, visited Mrs. à Chairman Johonson on be-: gam1es. Then two informative banique(t viewed with ne4. G. Cornish, Oshawa, Suin- half of Branch 178 presented skits 'were well presented. and admiration the filic'd day aftcrnoon. us M' n rs .Mlsnwr Bowmianville 3rd CLib Par'k. ingf, and the sîîbject of ihe ,hiandiw\ork ,anj( badgeS tîîinjSaîî.iday evening visitors of 16 TIEMPERANCE ST. Akela Knight, Raksha Mr,;. second. was First Aid. \vas set tip to ;dan n 'nthe W. Vaneyk's. Bragg, Bal]oo Tomliison. and, There was an impi-essi,'eý the- southern portion of the' Home Srhool club meets >]b Bagheera, Miss Betty Welsh.1 Camp Fire. Ser-vice, and theilarge hall. Frýiday evening May l', O ,i0 appreciation of their out-,_____ standing work for- the Cîîbs. Later in the evening Johni M. Knigbt, Jr.. who has berri I Akela of the 3rd Cub Parki for some time. stated that he .... NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers, - ing steady improverenrt. Tvrone, were dinoer guests of Mrs. Rallie Cole was uin-i at his parents, Mr. andl Mrs. fortuntate to break ber rigbt; George Bowers wrist in a faIt at ber borne. Mr. Ed. Vine of Edmoniton, She was in Port Perr, Hos- a, Alberta' is visitiog bis br'otber ptal but is now home with the <,_ Mr. Bert Vine and family. arm in a sling. in Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- The Chat-lie Fuidpe babY Al- etrs.\\ete supper guests of Mir. bert and the Joseph McClurg it, and Mr.s Harry Ly nch, Lind- babx' Dawn. are hoth borne 1say. ifrorni Port Perry Hospital. r-Mr. and Mi's. Andrew Mar-1 Oliver Rohreî' tonk Johîînie' d loy. or Qshawa wcre SundayýReynoIds Io Siinnyvbrook Hos-ý ~ it.swith Kitchener Bur- pital on Friday. Friendstrt lori. aIt ailing folk in tbe commun- n, Mr. and Mis. Bruce H-easlip, itY are soon feeling much bet- r Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cbapmao :ter. r, and Mandy were Sunday din- Mis. Jose'ph Forrirr sat net' guests of' Mr. and Mrs.lhber home in the village afltlr 'aymond Chapmian, Kirbv. spending thé. winter with Mr.ý ,.Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin. ý and Miss Gloria Sadlr attend- Rap1Sde of Nestleton ýe cdheb funeral of Mr. Charles bad the honorîr of <'rivincg ,,jScottt in Belleville. :former Premier Leslie Frost Douglas and Betty Jean Io the Testimonial inne Falhis were Fridiav dinnieritendereçd by the Bobvaygeon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don-iChamber of Commerrce on aid Tbompson. Douglas en.joy-i April 30tb. Tbe Sadier roarl cd a visit to Cartwrightl HIigh te-am, which won 2nd prize at: Scbool ini tbe afternooni. the 1964 Royal Wintrr Fair,' Mr. nd rs.Lysî Brok~hitcbeid to a "surrey with thps Mr. nd Ms. Lall il -fringe on top" was quite a and fail of Wbitby vi site sipectacle bib tis interesting Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McCiurg 'parade wbich ended up ia and famiiy. new club recenl opened in Mother's Day visitors with Bobeaygeon. Mr. aînd Mrs. Ehi Mairs were: 1Mr. and Mis. Grant Tbomp- Mr. and Mrs. George Windsor son visited their mothers, Mrs.f and Bill, Ballantrae; Mr. and:'W.H. Johnston of Pefferlaw Mrs. Ivan Mairs and Jim of;;niMS ae hmsna Erindale: Mr. and Mis. Nor- bbc, home of Mr. and Mr!5. man Maiî's and family and Mr . ,Ru ssei Franrl Beaverton. and Mrs. George Sellers and family, Bowmanvl Nestieton W. 1. Meeting Rcrrrnt visitors wîtih Mi'.ý Th<' May meeting of Nestie-; and Mrs. C'larke Wilams %vrccî toni W. I. was heid on Mav 5thý Mr. George Finney, .ad at the home of Mrs, R. Davu-, ýMr.s. Stewart Slemon and Mr sn h ititPeiet and Mrs. Doug Fraser, ail 0fMrs. Milligan, was itoable tol attend, due to a death in the Port Hope. familv. Mr. and Mrs. William M'-1 The Président, Mr-, A. H-y- Cabe of Lotus wcre Suinda.y land opened the meeting with dinnpr guests of Mr. and Mrs. th, %In, ,titute Ode" and "Col-' Arthur H 'vland .AI viiedld" The îroll ral], "Sortie- Mi'. and Mrs. Howard MrMul- Ibing new l'Il plant inmni ]eni of Port Perry. gai-den", was answered on an' Mr'. Dave MeMullen, 92 ycars interesting manner. The sec-: of age. of Oshawa, and Mrs. retarv read the minutes, gave, MelMutlen, 89 years of age. of! the "treasurer's report and' Cedlars Nursing Home, were deait with correspoudience. diioner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tîhe choice of a leader'ship Cia' ke WAiIIiams,. Frieuds w&ilII traiing course \Vas -Fucrus oih be iuierested to tearn that un "ise', it 'Vgtbls Max' 23rd this rienîarkable 'ilse," wti-Vgabs cou., le vil ceebrtetheir . with a Flair", as anl alterna- conoleddill celiera tive. Discussion regai'ding: 7Othwedîog nniei-sry. Cerîtennial ProJects fullowed.- Syinpath 'y is exlended to Play equipinent in Malcolm Mî's. George Willtt of Caesý- Memorial Park is to bec e- area and other friends in the pairecl and Institute members passing of Mr'. illett in Com- ar 0opatfoeiu 'a niiîx'Hospital, Port Perr a rets pnteirowi gardeui lat ,ek.Suggestions wr offereri Howard Lpeeîs in Toironto loi' lfli "Making Canada Love- at thé Compensation Centre ýlier", campaign. If signs could: having phvsio-therapy on his hé erected showing more rîcar- in.ie band which is show- ly thé location of garbagé' fro Bamlv otrsOs *dixmps. it wouldiscourl fro Bamîy otosOsa- roadside litter. Building in- xva. spector should be given au- A letter was received from ,thority to order buildings in the Town of Port Hope re- VerY Pool- repair and a publir questing councls suppor't b a eyesore, remove from prem- revision in the allotting Of ises. Hig'n School rosts. Counicil Discussion on August hiis took no action on the request. tnip resulted in Mrs. 1_ Mal- A letter was received from cOlm and Mrs. A. Beacock Mrs. Ruth Taggart 10 tbe narned a committce to plat- effect that the dog pound for. same. The invitation In Wouid be discontinued as Of caler to a local banquet was. Ma" 31s t. turned down. The Ontario Municipal Board The meeting closed with bbe requesbed counicîl 10 send a "ýQucen" and "Institute Grace". copy of bhe Rcstricted Area Mrs. Alice Beacock then aîîc- By-law tb the Comnîuni tioned plants and bulbs in her Planning Branch for their ustial wîtty manner. Nine dol- recommendations prior to ap- lacs was realized foi- our funds. proval being given by the A dainty lunch was served bv Board. The by-law cannot be- the hostess. assisted hy Ex- c'onelaxvutil suc'h lime as ecutive members and a social the Board gives their approv- hlaIt ouc enjoyed. June aI. meeting at the home of Mcs. New office bours foc the 'Ben de Jong. clerk's office bave been set, _____ from 8:30 Io 5:00. . -luîwv.as pl srttdIinýý "Xportî:g v nol froiîl'î i b e r o a d superintendsents, land was prohihîted by law ipalary at $6,000.0.-Timnes. - rom 1600 ta 1825, k 'I>UCKS*I Here we were set to tell you ail about our sales success (Rambler Ambassador sales up 211%.) and the snappy new thi ngs Ram bler has corne up with, like the Marl our newv man-size fastback, and optional reclining bucket seats and anti-fade diso brakes, and our big choice of hustling new engines...then wve got this news- Rambler American 440 Wins best m.p.çj. for ail cars, ail classes in Mobil Economy Run Rambler Amorican 440, wiîh three-speed Flash-U-Matic transmission and peppy 125-hp Overhead Valve Six, won again in the Mobil Econiomy flun, just as it has donc y2a[ afler year. But gasoline cconorny is ju,,îý a sniall part of the Barîibtor Anterican story. WVe've gai the lowest-priced sedans, wagons and convertibles made in Carîada. We caîî offer you ail the sporty options you could want, plu swîart new sîylirig, inare [uxury and better performan ce than everbef ore. And al1 that on top of famous Rambler qua 1ity eng1ern like Deep-Dip Rustproofing, Ceramic-Armnoured tIr Double Safety Brakes, and safe, strong,ratefe Înl Unit Constructon. C'monî see ail the Aiericans-the ga-èavifigest, fun- lavingest compacts in îown. Any town. At your Rambler dealer's-now. uc0 A ROUOAUEICAN MOTOR(CANAA)LME Best economy of ail cars, ail classes, 4th straight year McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 KING STREET, EAST PHONE 623- 3356 1 -rH r= 1