'-'y ...........................................................................................................- - 'r '4 ~ a 2 - Te Candian tatesan, owmnanvtlle, May 12, 19651'ife because It preserits a lw i, S rv . f hi apag lha arad anrMLu<ln thee ndoathrdgh h chwetS rvic Pars psao U fshe a ruîchqe of the past, and is in reality M C ueen s Se vc ando ars taff ea y ro Se ve o ubsat h see the dying suri. Greece fell; Bonos adGrsCmite- udymonn ek: from being a great nation be-1 n u ak :Z1 cause it looked th rough the ' n U a k h y a s r . p c a a i y C o r n t e At D arlington Council I past ~~~vide ice timefomirhc-ail unt DadPere D a l n t n C ) n West window f talking aboutP key and have pu1 ae qi-DanePac n hi a Atthe meeting cf Darling-isharing cf High School costs, of ]ooking through the eastý ment for playgrud n t-te. ec ere e h -ton Township Council held iniwhich had been forwarded by window of stark reality. Dr.,'~ letie tearns. ohpsrvc.Rv Wm the Township Hall, Hampton, 1the Councils of Port Hope andasertogtttteget Over 1,500 UeCnr ir' aetesro r 'on Thursday afternoon, RoadHope Township. cathedrals of England were iflOrbgetpoecntecrsin dcte n hi ýaccounts amounting to $6,; William Thiesburger, R.R. 1,' the same category - always LosCmuiyCnrsota aml iig 670.77 were passed for pay- Tyrone, owner of the Margwill speaking of their illustriaus al diitrd b or'""""j! mYent. This was moved bYlFur Farm, appeared before past instead of how they wereý House Committeti ee Cuaedentcniti m.Couniciller Richard Gibbs, sec- icouncil, and told of thbe loss striving to assist modern youth w pn h ao oto feign er u ncn - onded by Councillor Carl'0f more than 200 young minklto be good citizens. of aur bdgt. h isbidnErn er SDowri. that died as a resuit' of smoke! 1-e said, manv organizations pifinus ueteydyecp uarsdnscnfgr motion made by Council-fo tbefrsatd in t-be and persans are apt to com- " Sunday. It iol aeto n'i lor Gibbs, seconded by Coun-itownship dump, wbich hadpare the successes of thbe pasti logta.u ciller Mary Budai, was passedspread to bis land. Iwith the faîlures of the pres-1 eetgop sn t o-aey-r that counicil does flot concurl Councillor Budai moved that:ent inst-ead of vice versa, and' ever, if yeu vl oka h fwedntsadU o Swith a resolution regardingith Township Clerk, Walter E. urged bis audience to see t-bat, Rundle, be instructed t-o in- t-bey, as Lions Club members tboard ylor ilseteei n'!i' vestigate the possibility of in- did not look out- of t-be "West:' ' very littie vactime h surance covering cases of'windaw." '~ tennis courtsadplgrud THPULCAC NANS I c ie erties through fires eccuringways look out of the Nort-herný age. Lion FredCl sii I ~~~~~on township poperty. This was window, whicb is a mistake a-saot150pol e 11 ~~seconded by Councillor Down,'because t-be view from there mont-habuethe enre '--- Ro ndncarmion . by Councillording, and apt te produce in a, And. m' hedege-tb There was a three car col- Budai, seconded by Deputy- persan, cynicism, and melan- ounn aldo aniaad a lision on Friday evening at Reeve H. C. Muir, the resig- choly, which seems ta be the! draw have averae us ne '7:50 o'cdock on No. 115 High1nat-ion of W. Harold Watson! psychological aftermath of t-be $5,000 each yea.(r hr way, four miles nort-h of Ent-er- from the Darlington Planning, two World Wams. o f thbe Rot-ay-Lin ta m prise Hill. The drivers of the Board was accepted. Deput-y-l The speaker deplored tbey' ner is about$50adtb cars mnvolved were Patricia Reeve Muir then mnaved t-bat- wbo persisted in looking1 , okydrw e iia Morgan, R.R. 1 Eagle Lake, Mm. Wat-son be appeînted a threugb t-be Saut-hem window1 amount. Ourbigebrn Dorot-hy May Bmyan, 125 Stew- membrr of t-be Darlingt-onýbecause t-be view from t-bei-e in up ta $1,00.RntI o art Street, Peterborough, andITownsb ip Committ-ee of Ad-iwas one of inertia, bodiîy For several days, The Stat-esman photagrapher ails rat-ber than waste their time putting ont-be use cf thbe Ceteaesad Elizabeth Parker, 220 Wolfeijustmnent. This w-as seconded cmot -epilspyo h l inreinadhlpfIou StretPeterbmouh.by Ceuncillor Budai, and car-1t-urtle. He point-ed out t-at,tried to gather ail the part-s and service staff of cnes. However t-be picture dees show t-bat t-hey are our inreene O bugtio Miss Bryan, age 30, and ried. latter a wam, theme is tao muchiMCQueen Moters together t-o bave their piet-ures taken busy, but never too busy t-o handie one mare problem ail actilvities is.proatl Ronald Newbott, age 20, Will Two By-Laws %vere passed.lintrospectian, witb a resultinglfor tbis series. It took quit-e a number cf visits be- for their cust-orners. The group includes, fromn lef t- te$10.000.00 annuaî- senerwee ijued n tbe2j1~ -bew29Zo ning By-Law nd in suacwae, bcue anv1 -Iaseth were se busy working oi cars or obt-aining right, Doug Barrabali, Serv'ice Manager Don Plain,' Our rembersbpfv e crash. They were taken t-O By-Law 2297 separat-es certainpeople are tbinking of otherý,jparts for vebicles t-bat thev just- wouldn't leave t-heir Pbilip Balson. Parts Manager Milford McDonald, Rayýago was 70.Toawehv Memorial Hospital, wbeme t-bey~ lands fron t-be Townshipland t-yîng t-o belp t-hem, t-belwork long enough te be 'photographed. Finally, we1 Wiggans. Hugh Murphy, Fred Konopacki, Stan Kulach; 71 active membswo e- are receiving treat-ment-. Miss Scbool Area. !suicide rate falis off. , did manage to catch them off guard during a coffee absent, Carilus Walsh.'besa-lrendneoo- Bryan suffered scalp lacera- Caunicillor Down, seconded' Dr. Banister concluded bi1 rabtwebdt aet-e«nterdit oe-iary' member ani-ematr tiens, and Mm. Newbott-sus- by Councillor Gibbs, moved magnificent- addmess by umging,____ tins. lcetiknA. andy, t-bat-t-be Central Lake Ontaria bis bearers t-o look t-rough t-bel'uoae qimn-fr ~ftItA IIG .McOGLFC In.CntbeA adOPP, Conservation Aut-bomity be in- East-ern window because t-bat ,prhsdeqimn o lay -- was th investigat-ing officer formed that it is t-be intention is wbeme t-be day begins, wit-h grounds at- the Centre ataTe >bîcAcunat Cjn Mr. oi Yone cx ~ of t-be present counicil t-o main- theising suni, alt-hougb t-bat e cest of $100.Mm an Mr.Hly c-ilfrtePoineEOnri accdent, was inju tain int-bepro oads giving access telis t-be window of bard reaîit-y E * * * 'a 1695- arneMr.nM and Me n(Ine -i ee- o Etefl ternoon a 2:10 o'clock. Sh te rposed Enniskillen Con- He said, if we look t-bougb .1-TIF EI. FY Goddard. Pr e sid e nt;BuPamrndsnAnM.ndlwn fieSndemr: I -.wa rimgsuth nLieryservation Amea at least t-ot-be t-be East window, we will see uir t t.Crrstas TresTraale.mrsE and sroide Moses, Secretamy; DougKemp, . EMcGn aml -MrGAMcDal wSrt Ngorth an i ting tstandard. This was facing us seven enemies, whicb ail f Pet-rborogbChreistmas, bonon, Vie-Pres entj ~IntoKing Street bier car struck Cucillor Gibbs mnoved -btar oliticwietout ricple, AJ A We huili a float- for t-be guests wit-bMshn P'Y r 1.(.Yînke '1 a hydro pale on t-be Nortb - - Wethat alt-bl A diReoutstaiork, PleasuareausrPrade ;rs are fKn te t-be Field Officer for C.L.O.- witbout conscience, Knaw-I at CasPaae on Sunday. Tmno ertrM Wet rerefKig t . CA. be invit-ed t-o attend t-beledge witb character, Coni- bI February 1965 t-be Club Dr omnLoeOblafrtF.AtawTea- She was taken t-o Memorial nexÊ meguaamameetiollar for Do.aîit-v1 next rgular eetingof cou-imerc withut morIity,ý by Ber "ansaofsplrketanthertweekend with ;Prn Once. C. te. Mey wae ,pnA.P. Hospit-al and received treat---bBeifa, fCak n Cat-rgfdsaearonenftd eyeied-omch olrfr '- ngetinte ofecyD.ci.Tiswss co un- merciece wtou -rnnt,' ibrMngmn oet1Townships, and it is expect-ed w1 die witbin a few we'Cks. ýollar alnY voluntary contri- bis parents, M.adMs n-spPs rsdn. r - atent for chin lacerations. Counillor Down, and areWosi without sacrifice. He During the past few yeas, ta move furter East this year. The particular virus uised isbuinrnd ytecbDoadLws Oent motionergency clr bIeu.vesw neno agea ninet ale heSrtf The favoumite food plants of'selerlîve inasmucb as àit ymembers t-o t-le Lake Jooalsoeep.hiteigln .CATooti She w-as nt mtinhy oucilo abile tacn njy rgea-tnursctcalettbeSet-ert-isinee- reSatcrJckt-ecer-trcahyan FndaT dt $9100 as Mr. os Hll MssLydaMebe o RossieMr H to er ome Costale anBudai, seconded by Councillor future if we are net- afraid t-o Sawvfly (Neodiprion sertifer) idRdPn adtb rn ipalc b etred y andbeend.ubcTidyt-be29 Clu Hallad.r.J .Rcar-Or ... oo - Sithine-ig atbleaci-Down, t-be Township Clerk, Mr.1face t-be East- windnw of bard bas moved into t-be Western dmg sdnedrn -it n be insect- colonisrin a'emes;t -b st-s Whitb M.adMs ar .P . nc r . dent. ude a ubrzdtoamai-. part- of Durham Count-y. Heavy larval (caterpillar) stage. Tbe:water base suspension. We donated $1o)i A moderate amount of dam- tencit-b e nnuaont ioan o e spebyaker waosoblyThenk- infestato fbsprinect- ou c- lamvae feed in colonies, de- jTbe virus spray is suitable .three Bowmanville Lit-tle N. Smnit-b. lnmnnFATro inae llsinonMuny t icips ab Cle ad FnaJncelPede n dy ThispsaTbcure st srling tbo ugn ot vauring most of t-be needles on for application in infest-ed Jack H. L. teams wbo made t-be Mr. and Mrs.BtFema LGodnFCATrnoW. 8:46acollsioon o nd Hghay a-20 taicers t-o be islîeld on Jun rsd nadedbs ofDaringonaDdparsone branch befome migrat-ing and Red Pine plantations, play-offs at Collingwood in iand family. aeta eeLoad ... igto, 8:46 m. o No.2 Hîbwayriedt-o nathr brncb.Feedig wnfor ong erniEaster bhidas. gese- wit- Mrs Waler Rw- McDonld, .C.A, ToonMi and Courtice Road. The dmîv- rie. Banîster wvith t-hirt-y silver t-amy engagement because of antanohrbnc.Feigs ow frlngem forestry'tb crscf he-veîcls nvoed D. G. Kemp was autbomîzed1 dollars as a memento of t-be insan eiet ~gi e- confined t-o t-be id needies, pul-poses. Wr pumchased for $1.500 the land on Sunday.i oros. ... ' tat-indt-be Aso citonveof A cs~on.bî fWle udertom oti -els a ese t-bat-theme tisually is suf- Since t-be effect oft-be virus Potous pmperty adjoining 1Guest-s witb rhn r.(a-ans .E hpaT were William Piecb, 261 Celina t tndtbe Asan onven-locOn. - -f atrRude ior otintelstwr eficient foliage fmom t-be cur- is somewhat too slow t-o pre- aur grounds. Ross Camm duringteweedF(.. Tmno .A tn. Stret, Obaw, an Ja ess - claîmed t-batri t-odaydGib Europe Bud ks ent seasan's growth t-o keep vent ail damage it sbould NOT At t-be present tue we areiweme Mrs. OliveCmCvni... croog nfH Alexander Dudai, RR. 3, sessrng oirsOn M1tari8,1a -nHw ard G eibsntd Bud ea huge armed camp, sitting on t-be hast tree alive. Howevem,ibe used in Scotch Pine Christ- consideî-ing building a swim-,Mr. aroiEdusan WrhtFCAHmltn Georgm Ea nslle C ons ti- a nd be h ison a 17th, l8by wasne PatPesida tetsCluek f upoden hi Scotch Pine gmown for t-bemas tree plant-ations t-bat are m"1g pool. er cide .one ad Aipnoswhprdi Georg Evan, opp inveti- n 19trB. This c ovded byw re entet-of tbe Clubecinecould be toucbd off by a very Christ-mas t-cee trade can belt-o be market-ed wit-in a few Tbose are sme of the hbigb- Murry, ai Osbaa rib-npbi a-nîtn. nOt aT-e. sa w arcli- Cauncillor Gibbs. ntnimsoir res peciv tintsar. endemed valueless if extensivelyears. Chemical insecticides lights of t-be last five years.niithlinsdndrTeubO aionon Tesdy evning~t-A motion by Coujncillorý President- Laurence Goddardl Mm. lHood warned Canadian-S defoliation occurs duing t-be sbhould be applied in these Our egular servicecu LA*N 'Wotnv r nf ntc :0 'lkonSuoStetDown, seconded by Councillorý presented t-be Club witb a et ntbto complacent. tO year of sale. aîcas.aios bec ido b, PA N 8:4 'cok n cuo SretBudai, was passed t-bat J. S.! Canadian flag. st-riv'e to achieve lbammony Owesa:cthadRd Hoe'i cthPn hith-e varos mit-tees and at- OLDY at-t-be Knox School diea.Wîndatt- nomdtano ihnoronboundaries be- 1Onr focthaureHwee-S-tcPieh-fiveý lm v oldlk o O The drivers of these cdmiveeans. fbe infrormed tta thnofor wit ti krown oss Pnoine plantations are urged t-o mas t-i-es îcss t-han fur tbituew ol ik aEh'sladconb (4ucl Mrs, Pearl Lorraine Dayea pasfripoemn-totb ore wentio uinsesint chreck their Irmecs during tlie'years old, or Scotch Pine plan- pay tdute t-o t-heirachieve- NMake vinir esraniifrtonrg nghe mt .'road in the vicinity or bis 1l~rjains uiess last t-wo weeks of May wbntations that are nlot used for ment-s. NOW ani aodtcsadtepnlisfrnn R.R. 2, NestIet-on, and Wîede prpetyha ben ncudd i Do h-(k Gibbs t-hallkfd te'-ebtbn ft-be insets -eprdcto1f bis s Tbhe Blind Commniitîe -As disappotmn- erneof-bAtsdrgu Vandergaaf, RR. 1, Bowman- poet a enicue nk fî i lqeth egs sbold beo lt ne btsthr i-odsu itabefr-isassspliî lassad N OKN CAG ain nvbeotie mmM. ville. Damage ta t-be two ve- t-be16Ietmte.lioîîghî-pmovokinig addmess, de- ue -eefc- ftb avltyp fbooia cotml eeeamntos1ebv $100. Corpral K. Freethy injjrd en liverec i hdyqtiacît-itv idd trnprtton tlJURY &'L V L .Duhv Rgs-ah ula hicles amounted t-o more t-ban w w aiaenh ion sc ynmcfeeding is stilI negligible. 1 We bave eceived a poidd trnprtton toAcoînatsCuuelfo h _______ ___________ CrltonereancciadeTntew. atcbd1araelot-bhis virus fron t-be Canada Oshawa for t-hase folk wbo Four (RMPG N)Cr onpeetdWriTenwyhthdlra Department of Forest-ry and attend meetings theme TRAVELAGNYPoicofntr ute2 0 * a ett-ers ofcnrtl o!dnBanc-ard wît- rt r appmoximately one eight-bin order t-o intmoduce and dis- t-wo weeks. We aisoe ent-ertainý PHONE 63Z6 weeread from sanie unable snaz7.y camera. Mrs. Mary Of an inch long wit-b a blackthsafldieeasac yar-blolC..B.Bwipilena. O riailm ai werale estiBudai presented Mrs lnh ed'-at per ag fwidely as possible tbmougbout Advisory Commit-tee and st-art ____________ - t-o be in t-be audience arcd wit-b a bouquet- of dark proportion t-o the damk grayisb -eifsehra ewl e seaPAEON) itdc., ed roses. green body. The larvae ma- qur h.ooeainad 'PROM PGE ONE ! At- t-be ead table were: t-le Miicb appreciated were t-be t-tre by t-be end of June andquet-ecoerin ad St-went-y fv hre ebr r naota nhl assistance of t-be local treeli 1 9 Y R S ým.t-be maIe qua-t-et wbo cnwnt-bey drap t-othegound pheodiusfrock 500 1 9 decased.nd, J~mnber ; r. pake r . ArMan- eclln vcl botanv-e ln e wipTh e irussock w00m ~~~~~~~pet bers.Pat Hpeandtrent-o hadMm. and Mrs. Gamnet knock t-be spot-s offfmost aift-o spin cacoons beneatb t-be t-o 100glosa paadn u n ~ c', Rickamd, Mm.an Mrs. Harold t-base "cruds" t-bat- cater-walîer iduif. !will b available, on requestU I IuIL mmm mu ~ Centrai Clubs assist-ed in Mor m n rs ikGbs n TV and wbo sbould be shot-ý Seriaus damiage t-oantafuei plant-atios1n ur "car-ein tbeBomavileRev. and Mrs. C. Catto, Mr. îseda ad ~ -tions can be avert-ed in t-wo 1bam County wberever t-bein Cber Maysen loth135se two and Mms. Bert Budai, Mr. and wae,'5: . sec- 1OU clusd ad we1 As each guest arrived at t-be larvae are very susceptable ta local plantation owners w you're no longer cov. en ifenapplaudt curh horse ed. - S RI chemnical insecticides. Pa h-my be able t-o prevent t-bisýý y u s l eed byyour parents' fve afnd tenty , t-s waY ent hrb hor she wyMr.andlcMrs. let-s and fumtbem information on! insect inoni becoming a major Hospitalbir-ysyears awrdsed, personcardyanyM. and:rs - A -subject- can be obtained ihett u rvt n u- -- 1-ositlInurnc. were presented t-o many rt- Banhrdad mEadI 1 n -bsofc. i oet-aes To keep insured, you light-ed recipients. deIMrs. Harold Mtîim - a graciaus L un is t-oce -leum pt rva e must take out indi- Mayor Ivan Hobbs, on b~estre 1964 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. ;b>Booia ota:A Alpatto wesitr baî a tbeTon f owan The guest- speaker was M more refined and in many ýested in making use of t-be vidual membership viletne e-etcnt-roduccd by Gamnet Rickard, Police Cruiser, V-8 with ýway:3 upro methad oi con- virus spr-ay are requetet-- wihn30dy.Get ýgratulatiorîs. eulogized t-be a former Wamden of t-be Unît- automnatic transmission. t-mol is t-be introduction ai a caîl Bert Hlaas, Tmber Man-1w~ '~tt 2 wiappcai on 30 dlu'says.edevors c d Counties, wbo enunierated CLEARING AT disease amongst -t-be inseetlagement Forester, Depart-mentl .. at bak. hopitF, wisbed it- continued success in t-be many achievements of t-bis :HLSL RC colonies. The larvae are sus- cft Lands and Forest-s, Phone! 'tabnçahsi a i al future undert-akings. fabulous man, McInt-yre Hood. ceptable t-o a specifie virus ý224, Omono. - or from the Commis- The "Country Four", vocaiHOw be had been bon in Btîy Now and Save $ $ $ - --- sion. male quartet-, rendered sevealScotland; emigrated t-o Cana-* * * ( I LU .I' ;wel rceied umers iBe 'da srveuip aCaadanT- 196:,FuRDLJOflS iLUU i-ilS ory who was bomn in Calgary; st-ressed t-be peculiar paradox -wagon. ýand Bowmanville Legion Pipe recognition of tneîm fine show- YUýNDRO PT 350ADTX pT NE "raised" in Trenton, educat-edai t-be Brit-ish people carying 1959 PLYMOUTHU adwas_ iLidged best band îng at- tbe International Con- oiCN8RO u r at enucv nierity adý hav tx ipot hie-n-vention. )TA RS lO REPAY University of Toronto, and bad Yia by am post fllem o- BELVEDERE 4-DR. IBU IS W i2ns theDistrict- Aaypol ontko o a al noaybac O Bkenue flo lcs nldn t auh's money being spent domest-- Custom radio, windsiieldn sre cagsi aiusmn;cue y o u' EA bnest maobing cl and t-e o tan of ontre n d rag areproa Th ee insreons o h Calananenostbig ny marnv l dhe.ofeeBan kinfom, obtai Hnied Curcb. Bowmanville. ically, t-eo much for impart-s washers, mîrrors. two-tonegio PpeD enngnyuryuanp Hosita Isurnc 'n adian Armed Farces overseas export-ed. He warned t-bat- original miles. T r Ph y Band won t-ird prize. HoltlInuac in the Second World War, and1 Canada is fast approacbing t-be 198CE.2D.(RMPGON)Yar 96163 -G1ent$50orvnmr, -' Certificate of Paym ent retired witb t-be rank of Lt.same unbappy st-at-e and t-bat- 15CEV 2DR RMPAEN) Martyn, President; Bob Wil- within three years throug eua onhypyet 'Formn 104' that your Colonel. Dr. Banist-er bas two we may expeet unpleasant- tax ivith radio, bargain -- $445 *was fourt-h wit-h 71 point-s, lianis, Secretamy: Jim Bell,ý geared ta your inconie. ltrs slw I F on'r preent employer is daugbtems. His wife died lit-t-le impost-s if our export--împort (boys 42, girls 29). Treasurer. fltIl p ia aretenramot-bag.tHeeonaicbaanc i na- OOm SLESANISEVIE uBenaet-e9unhniaCort InJuy 962a ommt-ee YIOMi atomtialy Ifeinsre teprtec yur amly requured t give y'ou will leave the pastorate of adiusted. forice Higb Scbool, was t-be win as formed ta bring in a me- TeMfYeret o banh a on leaving. iChalmers. t-is year, ta becomel Mm. Hood's impression Of LAWN BOY MOWERS ner ai t-be JuniorGrs port on a Swinming Pool,.aaer yu __________________full time Professor of Theolegy iGenemal Charles de Gaulle and Championsbip. She won thmeel Febmuary 1963 we donat-ed: U ~I yau more about the FamyFiacPlnSehmtoa iat Queen's. lwasn 't tea flattering, as he JOHNSON events for a total ai 15 point-s. $500 t-o t-be Santa Claus Par-,!f1U I Dr. Banister is a forceful,'descmîbed bum as a super OUTBOARD MOTORS Virginia Slemon, Bawmanville ade Fund t-o belp defray tei ~ j1 and be sure ta ask forth freiomave ooi: Your ~~iegatist, arrogant-, super pat-riat- High School, won t-be Inter-ideficit-. i"How to Live on Your 1noeadEjyI" Your seaker withexcelent d l-of France te point ai be- Tickets available here for mediate Girls' Cbampiensbip, I n April 1963 we made a. ery, great fluency, and an en- ing despotic. Ray Dudley Concert, also wit-h 15 points. The boan of $6000 intemest free t-o ~o m lu u gaging personality al cf wbicb The audience was seriously May 2Sth. iSenior Girls' Championshipthbe Bowmianvile Amena t-o in- ONTADuUui was thoroughly a preciated by sbocked by Mm. Hood's obser- 'was won by Nancy Spinpson. st-ail a new compme9sor. The B N L 0F l I NT EA iis ttetiveau ence ashe atio tht th bigestthEDt Clarke Higb Scbool. lban was t-o be repaid at-ntB N ) tobis atteni auu i es, a beivationt-b at- t e i es heat- PALM RGord Allin, Clarke Higb less t-han $1000 per year. Pay-> w , cling ilicltero s-m,aiowo tdheacerat-b ersn'LV LIes~~~4~ d 4g HOSI TAII L wevdltn ue i -te stb emnlaes e Scbaol, was t-be winner ai t-be ment bas been made eacb year m m m u rael was impeUed by t-be t-inking, plus t-be fact t-bat- M otor CS les Boys Junior Cbampionship. t-o date.----- Um~UIBN Ue Prophet Elijah 'toshoot an ar- at t-is moment, t-be Gemmanor a Don MeMurter, Bowmanville Year 1963-1964 - Russ Oke, row. out of.thbe Eastern window Army is t-be best trained,LolAuhredDlefr High Schooi, was t-he winner President; Bob Williams, Sec- Of bis palace, in t-be direct-ion strongest and best equipped in Loclyoutho- Dod e-alr forof t-be Boys Intermediate et-amy: Jini Bell, Treasurer. pl nof bis strong enemy. t-be Europe. Mm. Hood believes'Pyot DodTek« iaan Championsbip. There was a. In October 1963 we donat-ed Bowmanviile Brancb: AEBELMaae SYrians. This, t-be speaker t-bat t-be eniy t-ing holding tie for t-he Boys Senior -Cam- 1$10 t-o t-be North Italy Dis-' outwe lnpt point-ed out-, was symnbolical,IGermany back from tacklîng, Cities Service Gan,. 011.,pionsbip as bot-b John Kil-laster Fund. Oshawa Branch: IAMESMCNH aae &rosC ~ nd sbould be emulat-ed by Russia is t-be lack ai nuclea!' Lubricants patrick, Bowmanville High I We paid $50 towards t-be peple of thbe present- day wbo devices. He is airaid t-bat- t-bis 20 KING ST. E. Schooi, and Idso Wiemsma, Iexpenses of a local Queen's, lare t-oc prone t-o want t-o look1 war-like nation may yet in-, ROWMANVILLE Clarke High .Scbool, won 151 Scout-t-o attend thbe Jamboree IOut Of the West window of 1volve NATO in a future mlli- points each. in Greece. In May 1964 wei