WESLYVJLE 4T rent (Jniversity WESLE VILLE Grants totalling $20.000 fromn occurmîng in it. Another grant. TPhe reully warm duys of the National Research Couneil jof $7,000 from the National the pust week belpeci to muke, of Canada unr! the Ontario Re-1 Research Council is for an up for the slow growth of thieiseamch Founciation will enableiintensive investigation of the previous weeks unr! grass sbot HTrent University to muke its plants und! animuls living on up so fast. luwn mowems weme first stcp this summer towurds the bottom of the Otonabee pulled out of winter storage, thc devciopment of a research ýRiver unr! Trenit Canial ut clffodils raught unuw\are5z, programme in' fresh wu ter Peterborough. A third grant burst into bloom before their biology, it wus announcer! this 'of $3,000 from the Ontario Re- stem, bar! reaceec cuttingýweei< by Presirlent and Vice- ýsearcb Foundation will support lengtb, unr! the bees rushed' Cbancellor T. H. B. Symon. an intensive study of tbe their botisecleaning Io get Tbe University is taking im- 'plant unr! animais thut speoci busv t the blossom.s 0f the miediate steps to establish a their lives floating in bbe wat- Manitobu mapie. Tho.re famm- field station unr! a flouting me- ers of the same rmion. ers xvhose landi is stillittoo wet, seurch luborutomy. Pmeiiminumy womk on all have been busy' getting fences One grant of $10.000 from tbese pmojects bas ulmear!v s'hip-shape. the National Research Council 'started unr! xiii be intensifier! There weme 5.3 ut Sunday is Io enuble the University to ýduring the sumrmer by the school on Mothers Day with huilr unr! equip a floating e- University's bioiogy fuculty, the fumily week progmam tak- seurch iuboratory that will bc graduate students. unr!oole or ing much of the usual lesson capable of undertuking extens- ltwo undergmaurîs. Linder perior!. Invocation was r-eur!ive investigations in the Ka-:the direction of Pmofessor R. by Phillip Nichols, ezciptume wathu Lakes unr! thmougbout L. Edwumds. The pmoject3 by Lewis T'bornryke unr! Sui.- the Trent Wtershed. The'form part of the planner! de- unne unr! James Eyden. stories labomutomy will be equipped velopment of Biology ut Trent bv Ruth Nichois unr! Barbua'with uppamtus Io enable sci-,.University whch wiil put its Dâinner, unr! the offering waslentists to sumple both the !researcb empbusis on ecology i receiver! bv Nieki Groeneveld'wuter und! the bottom strata'unr! r*elater! problems. und! Wesley Best. Superin- of lukes unr! rivers unr! to in- In addition to the womk don(, tendent George Tufford wus vestigate plant unr! animal life fmom the fiouting research la- in charge.- boratory, a number of relater! Most fumilies rememberer! und family in B.C.: Mr. anr! studies unr! research pro.iect.i Mother on Sunduy with a! Mms. Ross Cornelius of Port wili be carrier! out ut a field visit, or contact bv letter or1 Hope with Mr. unr! Mrs. A. station to be locuter! on the telephone from parts of the Austin: Nola Hoidaway of University's permanent camp country too distant for a week- Toronto witb bier. mother, Mrs. ub at Nussau. An urca of 550 end visit. Mm. unr! Mrs. Er!.. P. Holduwav. acres on the campus bas been i Skinner spent the dux' &,*:rh Mms. Howard Payne w'hoeurmarker! for the field stu- 1 'Ars. H. Brooking; Mr. unr! bus been in Bowmanville'tion and a series of studies in 'M-.E. Kurvonen of Scarbor- Hospitu1 for surgerv i r-tretilur qai cbg ougb with E. Barowlough's gressing well anr! hopes to be wilI be undertuken theme over and were presenit for a re- horne the first part of t.his'the next few years. union by phone with Howardiweek.i President Symons noter! that 'parents. Mr. and Mrs. Laur- 1 ence Goddard, George Street. 1O l o r L fe Mr. and Mrs. John Dippeil,'Q I o r L f fe Kitchener, were visitors last Mrs. L. W. Dippeil and Rev. Phone 623-3303. and Mrs. Wm. K. Housiander. Rev. and Mrs. Ted Colwell, Susan, Tommy and Heather, The Frank Jamieson family 'are spending a couple of days vistedfrend inBeveronwith Rev. Colwell's mother visied fiend in eavetonand brother, Mrs. Bert Colwell lart Sunday. and Irwin. "W Î T M EA N ET H M rs. D. H. Jamieson was M ss H ln V st e rtu - guet o Mr an Mr. A D.ed home Monday evening from TH11?8 'ACTS2:12 Cameron, Oshawa, on Mother's an enjoyable holiday in Newi - Day. ýYork City. While in New! (Hear Pastor Kudra speak Mr. and Mrs. George W. York she was the guesi of Mr.! on Pentecost and Its Thrasher returned recently, and Mrs. D. B. Murray. menlg ) from a three-week vacation at Mr. and Mrs. Norman James,' illam."hispentecsa D1 oaBecFlrd. Kingston, and Mr. Doug James, 11 am. Thi Penecotal Mrs. Wm. Calver, Susan, tToranto, were weekend visi- Revival" Alan and Chris, Waupoos, re-1 tors with their parents, Mr. ctly visited ber parents, Mr.! and Mrs. S. R. James and Mr. 7p.m. "Pentecostalism and Mrs. Frank Hooper Sr., in r.W. .Aln and the Spirit-Filled Ontario Street. Miss Dixie Gill and Miss Pat Life" Mrq. Frank Spry of Roches- Gilmotored to Saskatchewan 9:55a.m.Chritian ter. N.Y., spent the weekend Ito visit relatives and friends. 9:55a.m.Chritian with ber cousins, Misses Mar-,Miss Pat bas successfully com: Education Hour jorie and Greta Oke, King St. pleted ber first pre-mcd year West.1 at Queen's University, Kngs- WED., MAY -19TH Mrs. S. Chartran, Mrs. Dun- ton. can Smith and Mrs. Geo. W. Mrs. James Hooper and Tobi Family Night - 7:30 p.m. James, town, were guestsn of ýJane returned last week from Message: "Steps of Mrs. W. R. Horn, Toronto,! a week's visit with Mrs. Hoop- Obedience: last Wednesday. er's mother and brother, Mr. Water Baptism" Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferrili Reta Marsball and Mick. at and family visited Mrs. Fer- Desharats near Sault Ste. '"" Young People: riIl's parents, Mr. and rs. Marie.e "Birthday Party" Marshall Silis of Campbell-i Mr. Larry Jamieson, son of, ford, Iast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Jamieson, Bestwïshes of ber ma'iy bas returned home for the Bo u a vie friends here go this week tok0ummer after cmltn h Bowma ville Mrs. G. C. "Pat' Palmer who first year of bis B.A. course atl is i Oshawa General Hospi- Victoria College, University! ene s talta for eye surgery. of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Need- Mr. Bruce Furlong and bis ham, Syracuse, N.Y., were dlaughter, Mrs. Richard Dean,! C hurch recent weekend guests witb Scarborougb, spent Sundav their cousin, Miss Donalda with Mr. and Mms. G eo.W 75 Liberty St. S. Creasser, Centre Street. ýGraham, Georgeann and Sus-1 anne. and attended St. Paul's Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, B.Th.l Mr. Brian Casey bas return- Sunday School Annivemsary. ,ed to Montreal, Que., after Phone 623-5100 spending the weekend with Mr. and Mms. Carl Rietmull- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cowan andier of Germaoy and their soný "Corne Thou with us and :family, Southway Drive. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and, we wil dothee ood" Mr. and Mrs. N. McKay of 'Mrs. E. Rietmuller and four we iiI1 o the god" igrandchildrcn, Concession St., ýNiagara Falls, Ont., spent theviie Mrao Ms.RSin weeked wih Mr. Mcay'sof Toronto over the weekend. Mr. Don Bate, formerly of TRINITY UNITED CHURCH . ..... branch of the Bank of Mont- ..'~'~ Mnister - Rev. Wrn. K.1-ousander, B.A., B.D. real, bas been traosfermed to Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. the brancb ut Alliston. He............ began bis new duties on mon-, SUNDAY, MAY 16tb, 1965 day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Doreen and,........... 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship daughter Lynn, Deep River, were weekend guests with Mm. "WE KNOW BEFORE WE ASK" and Mrs. Jack Eiston and fam- 1 ilv, Concession St., and attend-! At Bowmanville Lions Club's 3th birthdayv SUNDAY SCHOOL ed the Hum Radio Operatospryo M banquet und dinner, haeld on'Monday evening, it was announced that of Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 9:30 a.m. Ajax on Saturday evening. the original charter membership, only four are stili Primary and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mlntyre, active members of the club. They are, fromn lef t to Beginners - 11:00 a.m. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest right, Everett V. Hoar (member-at-large), Stuart R. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F o l e y , M r s . B e r t C o l w e l l a n d , J a m e s ,' J a m e s M a r r a n d D . A l e x M eG r e g o r . L o w e r ________________________________-Mr. Irwin Colwell, town, werephtshw hepa rsinswopeetdte Mother's Day dinner guests ht hw heeps rsdns h rsne h ;f Mm. and Mrs. Ted Foley and club with a new Past Presideni.'s plaque. The original TYRO E U ITE CH RC:Donald, Base Line, when theyi one in the background was filled up after 30 vears. TYRO E UN TED CHUR H Ielebrated Mrs. Ernest Foley's, From left to right, they are Howard Gibson, Russel Mrs. Ernie Box, Miss Sandra OeadWle ude Cameron, Misses Lyno and Sunday SchooI ~Marcia Deaco and Miss Beath'B z ran Te Sunday Schoot :,Denniston, aIl of White Lake,!C WL B z a n e were receot visitors with Mrs Norman H. Taylor. Mr. and Mis. Harrv Taylor, Napanee, ~ Anniversary undav witb bis motherM ost Success fui in Weekend visitors at theC home of Mr. and Mrs. Russels .J s p n F i a ÂAGilbert wvere Mr. and Mrs.. Sunday, Mviy 1 t hre Smith,Osa ;Mi The Baé.dar and Tea held. Booth. The convenor of the and Mrs. Robt. Johnston and '1,y the Catholic Women's Lea- Aprons Booth was Mrs. G. Wr. Miss Kathy, Don Milis, and' gue in St. Joseph's Auditorium Lee, who wa.s assister! by hemi Services 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. 'Mr. Donald Simpson and bison ria ateon andugtr Mr.Ens R- mother, Mrs. Lorne Simpson, evn ig ywus enoed b ndtheshte,Ms rnl R- Special musie by Sunday Scbool choirs of Enniskillen. mavny people wo end te sh M Miss Louise Harnimnan of Mrs. Michael Heenan was the Mrs. J. E. Rand, the irnrne-ý AilareweîomeToronito was a weekend guest:genemal convenor of the levent. diate pust president of the' witb Mm. and Mrs. A. Marjerr- Rex'. F. K. Malune drew CWLtahheenenro son, Flett St., and attended the . winning tickets for the Spe- the Religiou.s Articles Boo+h.! 1 Ton Lagu Hocey anqet'She was ssisted by lier dlau- REV. C. DUGAN, B.A., B.D. loan eanucke y bt anuet ycial Draw whicb was conven- gtrUiaJuyRn.Sse avn hen elatSau daye by Mrs. ,..J. Cuddahee gtr isJdyRn.Sse _________________________________________ een~g. Mrs. Marjerrison's The prize winnems were Anna! Mary Agnes and Sister Do- _________________niece, Miss Deidra Doran Of Proctor, 105 King Street West, minica Daughiters of St. Paul ç -~~ ~~ ~ Belleville, also spent thie week- aceto ivr neCn Order, Toronto, werc ;n Rehndt with ber aunt und! uncle.:noms. 77 Ontario Street, a charge of the Book Centre. Rebo oth ord was eceived lastichaise longue; and! Marjorie Mms. Bert Payne was ihe 4.week by relatives bere of the î'Oke. 151 King Street, a lawn! tea convenor. The servincg ~ ~ h death of Mr. Russell H. Pick-' cair, itable was centred %vith an ex- ~~Kh ructi~~n ~ Ihuoewr ~arr! of Kingsvillc, a native of, Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, Ms ust ragmn fpn >,,Christian Rehorme Chu Newcastle. He is survived byJPaul Laprade and Mrs. J. T. roses, pink and white. asters, 4Rev. John C. Verbruigge, B.A., B.D., Mînister a daughtem, Mrs. Pat O'Hara, Scott werv in charge of the forsythia and daffodils in a Telephon 623-502 and one brother, Carl, both of Fancv Womk Booth. 'The con-l silver howl, and waS lightm'd Telphne 23502 ~Kingsville. Mr. and Mms. venor of the Country Store witb taIt pink tapers in silver' M aranatha ~ ~ ~ ~14wr i învLle o SAtr- tnil. asse! x r. Ms o Coe.Ms 3 Speciak Good 'tii May 15 ALKA-SELTZER ----------------------sugg. PEPTO-BESMAL --------------------8-oz. Liquid or Tablets 24's, sugg. lit 1.25 1.12 SLUG-A-BUG . 12-oz. aerosol, sugg. list 1.69 1.39 SUCARYL LIQUID ------------- -----------------------------------------------4-oz., sugg. hst 1.15 98C SOMINEX TABLETS ----------------------------------- ------2o's, sugg. lust 1.5o 1. 33 COPPERTONE "GO.T." -- --.-.--------------------- ---------- ----------sugg. îjst 1.85 1.62 SUAVEIKRSPAYOO---- -------- -------------- - - ---------------1/io. rsl .29 5evalue 589c BRYLCREEN Hair Dressing -----------------------------------sugg. Iist 79c 68c MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS-----------I.D.A. Brand, 300's, Reg. 1.0 79c DELSEY BATHROON TISSUE ------ -----2.ply, Twin Pack, Reg. 33c 2 for 27c RANKSCRAFT Electric Sierilizer ---------and FREE Bottie Warmer 16.40 valuie 11.95 KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES - ----- 200's or Chtihby 300's, cach 1 6c WIKIXF NS N E NAI--------- Rtin e guee la, sr rslcnrline 49â c TAMPAX 40"s Regular or Super - suuu. list 1.75 1.59 PEPSODENT Dental Cream wilh Irium -------- 1.09 value, SPECIAL 81iC Helps You Diet Successfully SUGG. LIST 1.98 SLIM-mMINT GUM 17 A modern aid to wili power * Heips control your appetite *7 ALEX McCREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 623.5792 I I B A NUP ER SPECIAL 84 BAN ~ ~~~SUGG. LS .58 LO TION DEODORANT The REHOBOTH CHOIR of Bowmanville Combined with The WHITBY BRASS BAND WilI hold a CdONCERT in the auditorium of Knox Christian School on V Saturday, May l5th at 8:00 o'clock Guest accordionist wilI be Mr. Douglas Woodcock ADMISSION ,AflTtTTS - 1.t00 CHILDREN Soc0 - 1 ci -- - --------------- « -------------------- with Anti-Smoking Book 2.23 value 1.9 8 1 list 7ge 69C Regular, Super or Sle)lderline 49c 69C ,0%, ý . . 30 Years 'Ontario Riding7he canadlan statesan, E owmanvlle, may 12' 1965 M1aurice and Sylvia. frorn service here on Sunday as It 'Lieras Pan Toronto, called ut the Fraser'sl js Tyrone Anniversary, but 'Lb rl l n on Sunday. there will be anniv~ersary Mrs. Frank Gilbert returned! practice at li a.m. F or Nom ination,oemorial Hospital after a ySeverai from thi ommun! The Executive of the Ontario Misses Joan Westlake and' Coo<me wedding in Trinity Riding Federal Liberal As- Jean Baker attender! the Unit.; United Church. Best wishes sociation unnimously passed a er! Chumcb Youth Conference to thre bride und! groom. resolution to hold a nominat-'on Christian Vocation, utý ing coneto Fiay MayQueen's University in Kings- 28th, at Henry Street Highton last week. Tbey gave a: School, Whitby, Ontario. report on the conference ut!M n G o p Two factors which led the 'Eldad and Zion Unit ed' any o p executive to this decision 'Churches on Sunday. were, first, the possibility ofi Flight Sergeant und! Mrs. A. ar election being precipitater! R Baker of Montreal vstr e e by Conservative opposition tolthe Tom Bakers on Sunduy.j reform in purliamentary pro- cedure or the formula for re-i unr seond th eireto iveEM At Open House ý4patriation of our constitution, SÂ the candidate time to prepare The "Open House' ut fthe a strong campaign. Our Christian Familv Day S.imcoe Hall Crippled Child- At lastfou weI kownservice on Sunday was wellren's Schoo] anr! Teatment names are expected to con test u ttender!. Rev. Dugan toîr! Centre, 760 Bloor St. East, the nminaion.the ehildren's story, "God'sl Oshawa, on May Stb, vus a thenointin.Room.' The sucrarnent of. hiîhly successful uffair. baptism wus held, with the following cildren being pre- Many individuals nr! re.. SO I AI sented for buptism: JilI Di- prenttivs of vamous or & anne. r!uugbter of Mr. ur an iztosatedd _______________ One of Solinu's senior citi- Mrs. Jim Coombes; Elizabeth' Among the groups epre- zens, Mrs. A. Tink - betteri Sharon, duughter of Mm. unr! senter! were Boivmunville Bn- 1____kno1n us Grandma Tink - Mrs. Mutt'hew Marchant: unr!1tai-y Club; Trinitv Churcli the location of the University was guest of honor on Sunday Jonathan Euston, son of Mr. U.C.W., Bowmanvillc: Dur- othe bunks of the Trent uta.mtdypryu b ur r.DulsRyocsjham Obapter O.E.S., Bowman- ýWat.erwuy and adjoining the homre of ber daugbtem, Mrs. P. Mrs. Ken Shuckleton unr! Mrs. ville: Memorial Park Associa- 'KaurhaLaksun! te or- Dewell of Hampton. Mrs.'E. Twist fuvorer! with a vocal 1tion, Bowrnanville: Canudian 'sight of. the University's Gov- 'Tink às 88 this ycar, und! ber duet. "He's got thie whclc, Stutesmun, Bowmnanville: Osh- emnors in ucquiring ar!equate 'munv friends and fumily from world in bis bunds." uwa Rotary Club: Sînicee St. land, bar! made this important lSolima anr! the surrounr!ing. There were two iovely bas-iChureh U..W.. Osbawa: Sun- urserch programme possible,.am alomade countryside, cm during thelkets of flowers in the eburrhlbeum Ohupter O.E.S.. Osbuawu; These factors lomd fresh uafte'-noon unr! evening to wisb in loving memomy of Mms. W.1 Women*s Wclfare League, water biology a naturul fieldiher "Happy Birthduy' and G. Werry.j Oshawa, unr! the Oshaw-a 0of concentration for scientifie many more to come. Tberc will be no chureh Times-Gazette. researcb ut Trent University.p In announcing the fresh 1 A Mother's Day celebration wuter biology research pro- ut the Lloyd Broome's on Sun- gramme ut Trent Universty day, was the centre of a happy rsit, fuiiyguthering. Guests in- 11 ýPresident Symons suir! 'fi the neeci for more extensivelcluder! Mr. unr! Mms. C. Johns! ý y ld e o c r was now a matter of national Lurry Dev'eli, Rodney unr! urgency and importance. Me Debbie, Mm. and Mms. W. Mun- n bhoper! that Trent University day, Donald and Janice of wid ueacnrbto Osha wa; Mm. unr! Mrs. R. Mac- this field whicb, wbile of vital donald unr! fumily from Belle- TiiyUie hrl nr! immediate concern to the ville; M. John Broome nr! Trent Valley arienaunr! its net- chilCimen from Tyrone; Misses %vork of lakes undr! nr Betty Goyne of Courtice unr! wou ~ ~ ~ ' i eo ntoa Phyllis Westîke of Solna nr! Friday, M ay 28th ,nr! service. intres M Loran Pascoe, Oshawa. 1The guest speaker ut last 8:15 p.ni. ýFiduy nigbt's C.G.I.T. meet- LONG AULT ing was Mms. Charles Catto of Sosrdb omnil oayCu Hampton. Mrs. Catto spoke pnoedbomavleRoayCu Mr. unr! Mms. Clayton Bown'on the topic "The Teenager ut lanr! Linda and Mr. unr! Mrs.lHonie", the first in a semiles of TICKETS $2.00 !Ra.\ Penwarmlen, Lynn unclîthree tulks plunneci for the 'Brian, Pickering Beach, wereigirls. The seconr! of the Tickets may be obtained f rom: Beaver Lumber, Sunclav aftern-oon visitors of' seies wiil be given ut the: Brvson's Smoke Shop, Canadian Tire Store, :Mr. unr! Ms. Earl Penwrren1next *meeting wbich will he' oynEupetC. amrMtrSls am nd! Mrs. Rye Gibson'heîd mn the cburcb on May 21., CwnEupetC. PiirMtrSls werm Tuiesr!ay evening visitorsi Mm. Nelson Robbins unr! Rickaby's Ltd., Robson Motors, Strike & Strike of Mm. unr! Mrs. N. DavieslMiss' Thelmu Robbins bave' Law office or members of Bowmanville Pontypool, unr! weekend visi- moved from Solina to their Rotary Club. tors of bis mother, Mrs. G. D. new home in Bowmunville. Bentley, Port Perry. -Mm. unr! Ms. Noman Kyle,j M BAN-SMONE GUN KOTEX FEMINIME NAPRINS --- PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A. REMEDIES 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 623i 5792