- - - y- ~ - -~ -~----- - ' ~ .~. Te aiiadan statamoa n ewmaavml, May 13, 1leu I.SPORTOPIcs LAWN BOWLERS STILL ROLLING .Sone 12 to 15 new members have signified their in-. tentions of taking the sport seriously, which wu good news to veteran Iawn bowlers. The added support means that the Bownianville Club will continue in operation, with the first activity slated for the end of this manth, as soon as the greens are In top shape. t. f. f f t t MINOR BASEBALL Judglng by this seasons recent district O.B.A. meeting,i it appears thet basebail. whieh has been on its way out! locally for severel years, fell toae new 10w. Only one, Bownianvllle team was officially entered to play in the eight teem Bantani league, while, as we mentioned ini lest week's column. we understand there will possibly be a Pee Wee entry.1 1The other bantam clubs include Ajax, Kendal, Peter- borough, Whitby, Oshawa, Cobourg and Port Hope. A dozen teems comprise the Pee Wee division with five In the Tyke section. There are six Midget entrants but the once strong Juvenile league has slipped to but two teems. representing Oshawa and Port Hope. .Courtice will step up ta the five teem junior loop -with four clubs included in the intermediate set-up. For yeers Bowmanville has strong intermediate contenders with the 24th of Mey a red-letter day on the local sports scene. It was quite noticeable that Port Hope, Cobourg, Oshawe and Peterborough must stili have e greet deal of basebal interest. Tho-ce four centres had teams entered in nearly ail divisions. CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE Apparently there were three unheppy younigsters in town after reeding this column lest week. And we don't blame theni e bit! Scoring a goal is quite an achievement - from tyke league right ta the N.H.L., but nowhere does It meen more than ta the young aspiring hockey player, and in a Little N.H.L. tournament. uwel] thet's a goal ta remember. Somehow or ather last week we gav e credit for more ,goals ta individuel players then we should have while oniitting these three fine upstending players. In the Pee Wee games Steve Forsey end Doug Crough each scored singles, while Budcly Depew should have had another in Bentem pleyý LOSING; A TRIOt The Town League Softball Leegue which got underwey Tuesdey night will be without four top performers this 2eeson. A pair cf long bal] hitters who also find time ta fare pretty well on the pitching mound have hcaded east- ward. Bill Osborne, a "phys ed" teecher et Port Hope has apparently decided to pley his sofibaîl there this summer, whill John James wilsoon be heading ta Montreal where he will enter the radio and television field. The third player hes shifted from the eastern ta the western end of Toronto, and this fine all-round infielder and e good bitter too will b. mlsaed. We refer te Terry Black. The other guy didn't wln or loac any bell gaines eil lest year, but without Gerry Marjerrison, e lot of baill games wouldn't have reachcd print. Gerry has decided toil fore-go the statistician's job this season. i. *t it i*t GOLF COURSES IN GOOD SHAPE This reporter has been quite fortunate in getting in a lot of golf during the pest ten days, and for those who heven't got out yet - both local courses, Erinli and South- Vlew are in excellent shape. The greens are in excellent shape In perticular. At Erinli, owncr Ken Nicks tells uà that he is expecting' heavy equipment ta arrive smon, In order te put the tees and ý fulrways in top condition. Meanwhile et Southvicw manager Les Smale has two big improvements on the agenda. the completion of a driving. range and practice green. t t KEN'S MEN'S GOLF TOURNAMENT Erinli Golf Club has announced plans te hold a big golf tournament on Saturdey, June 5th, when $500.00 warth of ecash and merhendise will be up for prizes. The Ken's Men's Wear first annuel tourney wlll be divlded into thrce classifications witb the Cellaway handi- cap systeni giving most golfers a shot et the top award! of $100.00 and the Ken's Men's Wear Trophy. To qualify: for the big prize e golfer must shoot from par to 100 gross icore. Fourteen other pnizes will be evaileble In this <'A"i division, totallilng another 150 bucks. .~ A score cf 101 ta 125 puts you in the "B" group with~ 3............................... JDarlington Soccer ceus son, ICenneth Vivian, RodneyI Sellers, Darryle Lunney, Rob- bie Hrough, Bradley RundIe,' Bobby Preston, Peter Nowlen,l Danxiy 1Leeman, J.oey Burns, Gerald Poirier, Richard Mear-i chant, Richard Hall, Christo- plier Terhune, Babby Strike, David Sylvester. Coach - Bud Perfect. Team No. 4 - Twint Kerry Miner, Mike Green, Peul Jones, Michael Le-blanc, Randy Thiele, .Ricky Thiele, Stephen Davey, Billy Leaman, Steven Sylvester, D on al1d Sturrock, David Fraser,. Jef- frey Rosas, Paul Forsey, Ron- ald Aberncthy, Reginald Free- thy, Bradley Miner. Terry Brock. Coach - Lloyd Forsey. Team No. 5 - Dodgeru David Oudshoarn, Stephienl, 13ruce, David Anderson, Doug- las Bragg, Kerry Harsien, Mark Sletnon, Bryan Helem, Donald Sylvester, D o u g 1 a s Sellers, George Wight, George Bowen, Scott Van Driel, De- vid Green, Thomas Nowhen, Bradley Freethy. David Pas-i sent, Donald Ellis, Alfred Bowen. Coachl - David Trim- ble, Reg Oudbhoara. Saturday's Schedule, May 15th: 9:00 a.m. Mets vs Car- dinals, Northi Diamond; 9:001 a.m. Yankees vs Twins, South Dianiond; 10:30 a.m. Twins vs Dodgers, Nort h Diamond. Laerouse: The Bantan, sries willi preetise on Thursday, Ma.ý 13, et 6 p.nî. et Franklin Park. Starting on Tuesday, May 1Mt, Jîrn Bîshop will have1 members of tlhe Oshawe Green Gales out to instruct funda- mentals on Lacrosse on the- rollowing nights: Tuesday, May 18bh, Midgets; Wednes- day, May l9tih, Novices, Tykes, Pee Wee; Thursday, May "th, Bantanis. Ail practice.- wîlli start et 6:00 P.M. Softball - Girls- There will be a practice for the Reoreation Girls Softbal League for girls 13 to 16 who ame registered ln this league on Thureday night nt 6:30 pm. et tihe Central School diani ond. There will be a prectîce for tihe Girls Softbal L eague for girls 7 ta 13 years of ege on[ Saturdey morning et 9 a.m., and a practice for girls 13 te te 18 years of age on Satur- day morning et 10:30 a.m. The teesns will b. plcked et this practicie. This Sumimer make it a; GRIEAT ON TARIO1 A-DYENT1IIE Win Model Airpiane Trophy Over the weekendt, these two Bowrnanville madel airpiane enthusiasts, Charles Evans, lef t, and .John Burk, invaded the City af Toronto and came away with this beautiful trophy. They flew their self-assembled Super Tiger 35 in the junior class of the Jim Walker annual event on a Jarvis St. parking lot, against tough competition, andi won second prize. ________________ Wins Hockey Television Wh1 asMs On Saturday evening, the draw for thie portable televisiari. sponsored by the Mens Town 'League hockey took place et their annual banquet. The wîn-J ner was Len Barker, 32 McLaughlin Blvd., Oshawa.1 He is shown here et right, receiving congratulations1 f rom League Vice President Harry Akey. TYRONE ir. and Mrs. Frank Wilsoit ,and Hector, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilson and Dawn, Oshawa,ý were Sunday evening vistr of Mr. and- Mrs. John Wilson and Allan., Sundlay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, follow- ing the christening of littie Lori Jane Cook, were Mr. and *Mrs. Wilfred Smale and fam- ily, Hampton, Miss Lorraine Plue. Oshaçwa, Mr. Edwverdi Smale. Hampton, Miss Grace Smith, Mr. Fred Smith, Long Sauit. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crowells and Jamie, Newcas- tle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Abbett and Mark, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McOujeen and Tanny. Toronto. Callers et the home of Mr. and Mrs. WfaIter Rahn- fol- lowing the funerel of her bro- ther, Lamne Griffin, were Mrs. G. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Shermaen Davis and children, Callander. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Herod, Weston. M rs. H.. Flewelling, Toronto, Mr. andý Mrs. Gordon Wrhittaker. Mrs. Alex Perger. Hamnilton, Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, Greeinbank. Mrs. Lorne Grif- fin, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Alr Garrard, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Raihm, Ajax, and Mies. Roy Grahamn, Haydon. Spain had a flourishing tex- tile industry in the l6th cen- tury. Shellfish were the staple diet of Indiens on the west coast of South Amnerica. j Senior Sehedule May: 19-Maiple Grove at Courtice Tyrone et lBampton 22-Solina et Salemi Hamnpton et Maple Grovl, Courtice et Tyrone 26-Salem eat Zion Maple Grove et Solina 29-Saleini t Courtice Zion at Hamnpton Tyrone et Maple Grove 31-Zion et Saline June: 2-Cu*rtice et Hampton Salemi et Tyrone 5--Hempton et Soline Zion et Courtice Maple Grove at Salem 9--Tyrone et Zion Courtice et Solina 12-Saleni et Hamnpton Solina et Tyrone 16-Haxnpton at Zion Courtice at Maple Grave 19-Hampton et Zion Solina et Salemi Courtice et Zion 23-Hampton et Maple Grove Tyrone at Courtice 26-Zion et Salem Solina at Maple Grave Hampton et Courtice 30-Courtice et Salem Solina et Zian July: 3-Map1e Grove at Tyronie Solina at Hampton Salem et Zion 7-Tyrone et Salemi Courtine et Solina l0--Salern et Maple Grove ZMon et Tyrone Hampton et Courtice 14-Zion at Maple Grove 1 Hampton et Selemr i 17-Tyrone at Saline Zian at Hampton Courtice et Maple Grave 21-Tyrone et Hampton Meple Grove et Zion Soline et Salem 24-.Maple Grove et Hampton! Courtice et Tyrone 28-Maple Grove at Saline 31-Zion et Solina Tyrane et Maple Grave Salem at Courtice August: 4-Salem et Tyrone 'Hamnpton et Solina 7-Zian et Courtice Maple Grave et Zian Saline et Tyrone 11-Maple Grave et Salemn Solina et Courtice :Bases? 14-Tyrone at Zion AUl Senior players must play 50% of the games to play in playoffs, unle.%- mmmcrd. Junior Schedule May: 27--Courtice et Tyron4u Hampton Rt B.T.S« Solina et Zian Y.- June: 3-B.T.S. at Solina Zion et Courtice Tyrone at Hampton 10-Exams. - ail teams idie 17--Courtice at Hamipton Solina et Tyrone B.T.S. et Zion 24-Tyrone at Zion B.T.S. et Courtice Hampton at Solina July: 1-Courtice at Saline Zion at Harnoton Tyrone et B.T.S. 8--Sauna et B.T.S. Courtice et Zion Hampton et Tyrane l5-Tvrone at Courtice B'T.S. et Hampton Zian at Sauina 2.2-Hamptan et Caurtice jTvrone ai Solini Zion at B.T.S. 29-Courtice et B.T.S. 1 Zion et Tyrone Saline et Hamipton August: 5--Saline at Couitice lIi3nDtoil at Zion B.T.S.at_ Tyrone LISTEN HERE: Gordon Sinclair Jr. Men's Soffball Schedule "KEE Open on onda at :3O INFORMEOU Open on onda at :301Some people disagree wit ________________i.. - ., not..... missh by Jim Clarke Men'shLagJe. Men's Softbalea pmuu Mondey night, et the Mernor- Softball Scneduui laI, Park, et 6:30 p..m.. when Chartran's Men's Wear will j appose the new.ly sponsa3red May; 1'Whyte's Uphoistery club in 1l-Krari-is vs Stephens the league opener. 12-Nichols vs Kens On Tuesdav af next week,i 13 --Bis vs Krarmps Frank's Vat-ieltv squad take Sun. 15-,Stephens vs Bills on EIlis Shoes. Ail indîca- Sun. 15--Kramps vs Kens tiaons are thet the beague 18-Stepliens vs NichaIs should be much mare eveaiy 19--Kens vs Bills matched this seasan, with 20-Nichols vs Kramps four well balanced teams. 25-Kens vs Stephens Pre.sident Jim Coyle, the 26-BUis vs Nichais league executive and ail those 27-K-remps vs Kens involved are hopeful of good Sun. 30-Stephens vs Krarnps fan support this season. Only Sun. 30-Kens vs Nichais three of the four clubs wil be la the playoffs. This is the June: first time in thec leguc's I-Kramps vs Bills three-year existence that thisý 2-Nichols vs Stephenis has been the case and it 3-Billâs vs Kens promnises e much tighter race. Sun. 6-Kramps vs Nidlils The league would like ta Sun. 6--Stephens vs Kens recover their bases and cet- 8-Nichas vs Bis cher's mask before the open- 9-Kens vs Krarmps ing game ncxt Mandey. If !10-Bis vs Stephens whoever still has this equip- I 3-Kramps vs Stepflensý t6-NichaIs vs Kens 17-B-ille vs Kramps 22-Stephens vs Nidhols 23-Kens vs Bis 24-Nichols vs Kramps pr 16 prizes of $150.00 velue, whle class "C' crsranging 2r9~~ II '-Bille vs SNinhois sco16t 5 pttegle n iefr1 wrs Worth vIA I s svs tepns «s total arnount cf $100.00. VA ATON TheL g O eThis e 20applications will be accepted up ta neYe r i:- tedeadine Frda May 28tii. However, with a three dollar!_________________ -Stpens v N Buos entry fee covening bath the tournement and pleying privu- 8-Stephens vs Kr&nps jh leges, we would imagine that it wauld be a good idea ta Discover the unexpected 1-rmP sBle j entr s oo a pssbl. 4C 1-N ichols vs Stephens enerafl a osile n aros I -Bilis vs Kens . t xiin otes!2-Kramps vs Nichols DON MYLES CLICKS 21-thesvKes r It would have been fiee ta win a trip Ca Bermuda. Sun. 2-eNos vs Bîilps You know in that bowling tounament where yau lied ta, Northoast la your Ontario Is o land Sn 5Kn sKep beat your averege. la the zone finals held et Peterborough of adventure . .. a farnii'vVocation- vnn ens tr t64 Sunday, Don Myles didn't manage ta came out on top. but, land filledwith history,naturalwonders . .m nde gaes start t 4 bis 544 effort gave hlm second place and the prize of a iond unporolleled beuy lst game 1:30 p.ni., 2nd game portable tehevision set. Out of 170 bowlers. anIv a mere' e h amt SctSe ai 2:45 p.m. ______ seve wer ebl tabeetthei eveege andDon1as ocks that give oceon vessols entranceK of ten wr bet .a hi vrae n n a ne,,,Lake Superlor. Relax oamid the ' M. Thonipson 726, K.Piperx ofia outronh sersans spiendour of Manîtoulin Island . . . 722. MIN OR LEAGUE COACHES WANTED paradise af hunting and fishng. Thon Belt tea --Standin4 Coaches are still required for the Minor Lacrosse League. visit North Bay, gatsway ta the un-' .Mcin hp7 Girls Softbehl League and Minor Pee Wee Basebaîl League. spollsd beauty of Ontarlo's gr*eP *. Fan Belts ___ 6514 Anyone interested la coaching in the ebove mentioncd sports north. Hs - -~___ 6 pleese cal] the Recreation Office 623-3114, Vist Cobalt, Tiamins ond Krkland >ier ~6 .. f . Lake, built on iddon treasures of i Branbury 62 preciaus minerais. Seo the mines!niLbrder 45 LACROSSE INSTRUCTIONS operation. Thon on poit the "Arctic jiLaoetory__------__4j Jini Bishop wihh have members of his Oshawa Green: Watershed" beyond which ail waters; Lead Press ______27 Gels out ncxt week ta înstruct Lacrosse fundamentals tai flow ta the Arctic Oceon, te Cochrane Averages the verious age groups on the following dates: wéhere Ontario Northiand Raiiway's1 Tuesday - May l8th - Midgets "Polar Bear Express' taies you ona 3 Henning- - 27 Wcdnesdey - May 19th - Novice. Tykes, PFP Wees. day-long excursion te Moosonoe on, J.______ 226 the amesBayfronier.Hor youre-225 Thursday - May 2th - Bantams. h aeBofrte.HrsYun- H. Bromell ______ 223 AI] prectices stert et 6:00 p.m. !tsrn to the sariligt days of theF ________ t trade ond visit Moose Factory, an out- . i F Wright.21 post of the Hudson's Bey Company ~4JMrh .218 TOWN LEAGUE SOFTBALL since 1673. R. Hately. 218 Town Leegue softball will bc playîng a regular sched- W'd Ilke ahIl o plan a reward 26 j We tc e~iau- ~J ______d-216 b cld double header this Sunday afternoon eit 1:30 p.m. et Ing Adventure Vacation In Ontari' .Prfc 1 te Vincent Massey bail park. excitlng Northeast. Send us this cou- Last week, there was brief mention of the iact.R Pret ______ 213 pon and ws'Ii mail yau cur GreaîI that there haven't been too niany big catches of fish e --------- _ 213 'Northeait Ontorio iMýý this spring. AI Cuthbertson is shown with a couple F. Blackburn ____ 211 'Adventure Vacation of rainbows, aone weighing six pounds. Bill Slaght M Thompsoa 211 £1?ecr a ton I1~ev< ws boket (24 pages in te12ked h lretovrsx pouds ad ere vr J FL Sth ______206 I îaurî.i reports that he had a gaod catch of 1 ikrloe utn _____206 RasbarLea-e -kR-ly-usonpa-sa-gî.., 1Kean landeq a good messof pekld trout to SK Carsonl_2__5 Atom Baebali esne Rlly Simson, Pul Sarin jProvince of Ontario, A oe23 min onMases o ni-1 Oept. of Tourism & Ifr tc satth eso f wl.LCnor 1 Tojo esbe Jh ebt, qeiParliament buildings. Roam 1952 IJ.Houck _202____1 itenwick Laird, Allen Frank, Bowen, Douglas Leddy, G j T Péetnd.menoploteInoraionG O Y AR B W I GGe s22 Sel ai efcDaniel Leddy, Kenny Livingstone IFinaltNrthostntaîoStenureI IHIgh Singles1 i'lvian, Bobby Luxton, Dcrek !Termy Carlson, James Stephe'n- aain.I i emSandigs WBnnîng teni for3thNBob i pli L.b sth Jzck e-son, Garry Chisholmi, PhtilipilNm n f n eul Ap.__29______ enning 34oN.tLuxton5 I»bTy oh Brco koski. J e rna. oc -JckNs Nm335,_______ E Jf.n ehdle p. 9Goode 333, J. Gould 304, Nole ro p he for the 1965 BroksI Wtl'cuy Ke r r AddCoach_-__Jack_______ Fan Belts 7, Cornets 0; Beits 1M. Connors 301, N. Luxton 298. 'bers of winning teem: Captain> noi£ onie gsth, Dop'r9 iiateam o. - Ynkes I Banbury 2; Hose 5, Lead' High Triples J. Murphy. H. Bromeil. L. Con- 1folth. oace ih , s onw- MiaelNorm Yeears b1 1 ity Province IPress 2; Braîders 5, Tîgers 2; 1I-N. Luxton 803, J. Goode ý39,noms. V. Cannera, L. Heerd, a ith. CochSkom Sni. 1Micael Orme,*cuiGar ib IL- ~acieShop 5, Laboratory 2. IR. Perfect 735. F. Wright 727, !E. Greenhama. ment wouid get ln touch with 1 I.U IoiIJ andUIL UIi IIU el anyione connected with the hpciyadayhn i icage, t wuld ertini'bi that cames into the sites of h ,Iegu,. t wul cetaily elnews biunderbuss. Like ti apprcieed.best basebaI ,mnpire, Sincli 1 wAill Joan you Up te j $5,000.00 at a reasonable rate of Interest lu consolidate our bis or for any othcr wsorthwhile purpose *..provlding you are jsteadily employed and have good credit. Telephone 723-4631 ~r ~r v v ~v v v v v v calls lem as he sees lemnand if toes are trod on . . . weIl, that's life. The comment you hear most about Sinclair is 'Il can't afford te miss, him be- cause I neyer know.that he's going to do next" I I's heard at 11:50 a.mn. and f:50 p.m. (as if you didn't know) - and with his "Lets Be Personal" at 11:45 a.m. and "Show Busi- ness" at 5:45 p.m. ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION -w--- w rt lis ce, ýse his the ( E 4 I I 1< Your BEST Buy~ Now is HERE! onal1965 PONTIAC DURING TRADE 'N TRAVEL lIME< Ask on. of our courteous salesmen to give you a test drive in the. beautiful Pontiac for '65.4 VISIT OUR LOT AND SEE OUR SELECTION 0F4 QUALITY USED CARS. ST. E.G : 623-3396 Rfap Philp Stew Preston Ray Lathangue 1 1 1 p