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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1965, p. 9

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SCOUT NEWS %cout-s of t-be 2nd and 5t-ht-be best- posters turned in b1 Bowmanville Troops went- by, Cubs and Scout-s t-o be usec 'bue t-a Tor-ont-o t-o sec "Scout-, for t-is day. 'lbis was a ver3 ing in Action" put on by the' welcanie gesture, but- wher Great-er Toronto Region Bay we bad t-o judge them wf Scout-s. The boys and the. were flot- se sure. The boyx leaders were vers' impressed did a very fine job on t-b! with t-be displays of thbe Scout-ý and it- was very difficuit te and Cub craft-s. Tbev picked choose thbe winners. Hawever p sqee rv good ideas we did aur hest-. Winners foi jwhie .eyveplan t-o use in boys 8 and 9 years, Michael t-heur ~'op$. Adamns, .5th Bowmanviile: f Scout.s of t-be lst Maple boys 10 and il vears, Sie] r . Grave Troop worked t-wo Dykst-ra, 5t-b Bowmanville: - ~~weekends wit-h members of Scout-s, one only, Tomnmy the Newcastle Spastsmens Weish, lst- Maple Grave. f Club t-a plant 3500 spruce and Pasaenw cmlte oak trees eround t-be SecondfoPt-easrict- Cub t-let-i Mash in Os'hawa and aise in Day t-aeDhetrit- b thle ap an area near Blackst-ock. Gave oer feld onheSaplur Wbiie these boys are workîng day May 29t-b.feren Sli bî towards their Soil Conserva- daMy2t. hr ilb tio an Fresrybades t-eyoves- 250 Cubs par.ticipat-inge tio an Foesty bdge, tevfsrmt-be Packs af aur dist-rict are doing a very useful ser- and we aeepciga es vice in pseventing thbe erasion that mnarenpetindgat las of t-be land along aur streanis. tors. Cmen and specta.hes nie trees wiII aiso beauiy îiveîv, energetic boys prove the areas. We were haping what t-bey cen do. It wiil (S.M.) Bud Weisb had lea rn-maeyueeai- thpy ed ta identify poison ivy af- mkyufe l-.thpý tes- bis misfortune Iast year, On Sunday, June 6t-h, ar but- aies he w.as thbe only one Open Air Cburch Service and plant-ing trees ta corne home Parade will be held in Bow- with a beautiful spiotcbv menville for t-be Scout, Cub, complexion. Guide and Brownie sections The Scout Apple Day Chair- ; - 'aur district. Malre informa - maen Alex Hendr v announcd tion on t-is wiil be in t-be prizes would be awarded for paper et a later date. l'uts the things Iyou want within your reach Thre BHS Rec rd B eakes W SLEY ILLE fthe Oneuding hYin acenni eCanadian Statesman, Eowmanvmue, May le, 1885 able te do an, attended church d *. ~- ~ .~- ~ ~--- --- --- meeting Of the service at Zion. ryUi:dCuc Wor as Wid hasl been received;E UFM L a u o l r - -. ~ held at the churi on Wednes- rom Mr. and Mrs Hectar Mm M >~~~ day evening, May l2th, i ke Mrnd Ms laa aHe ~ ;~~sts4 '-4 ~~~~~ stead Of the afternoon be Ihatthey aeejyn hî,UA n a a q e is cause Of thbe district annuailtip through the Canadian, te0 h nttu- en ed t ws. T e left for t-he coast! The Mixed Bowlig League dies, and Dick Perfect for the 4 ~Morrish. The meeting wa sanie tine cgo. banquet was held on Saturday men; In the 2nd achedul. r,~pee bY '...yer. by te pre- Mr.CDc )radent-, Mrm. G. uf n issî rs. K.!night at thbe Memorial Park Ferne Bradiey d leîi ye -~durn h uiesi Ashby, Mrs. R. Best, Mrs. Tlubouse, wit-h about 70 were hîgh. --cietoassangrl Tison, Mrq. H. Reeve, Mrs.' members present. High Single wînnerm, pre. àigta attend hrh C arrol Nichoils, Mrs. WÀ. E.! President Ken Luxton wel- sene br Frank O&nond, Th~~ie devOtionalcprih ampwa Nichais. and Berniece Best comed evervone and remark- were: Betty Nichols for ladies. >- conducted b-y the group led frn h aebr ttne do -eecellent support of two men tied were Duke t- ' "~ 'lis Mr. E Barow lou h w tht-e Institute t M orrish on: the league in t ir owi c ru L a d h V we, n ls d t-houghts esPecially for 'rrini- ensa f etwe. ia ttenrdaniice throughout the schedule: and in 2nd adiedule. -- dad. Mrs. Geo. Tufford lL-d Mrs. Howard Payne return- year. An enjoyable meal of Mary Wiicox and Elton Brock. scrptre rad prayer, and ed home from Bomnle chicken was served by thbe TeRlofwnesw t-li ntereasorby Mrs. Harold Hospital last week and waslMemnorial Park ladies. Those given triysby Ken Luxton, -. - - ~ ~~~~ Austinfom oosan and able t-o be present for Sunday sa-de -eha al eeadtb en Aa capt-ained srr Coosas etdai hea al wr n tetm w --- -~ Thefflalonians, told how eary school n Sunday mrning. !Ken Luxton, Joan Brun, Hil- by Dick Perfect, with Ji t-d4., Christians cared for ec Archie Ford is pndn dBocMreEthradBeodene rdeiE- iot-her even though, as todavths ekin evsQub, Frank Osmond, ma Bromej.i, Don Myles and separated by distanceadwhrheitkigaspr- Ken Luxton presented tePtPottlerto h .**.... ~ -- - -language. Mrs. Carroll Nieh. visrY course in connection1champions trophies ta Capt. t(eam.elcd fo th ols sang "How Green Are Thy wit-h his work witb thle rail-' Lau OWels'h. Morley Etcr tr *.t.rel and lsoreadherO. Don Bradley, Aud.rey Os- next Year are: President, Joan - thOught-s on t-he scripture Te date there have not- been mond. Muriel Melanson andMryW- ntmentioning Oppartunit-jes for eny mûre cases of measies in1 Marion Perfect. cox, Secret-aiy, phil Vowles; Y: oung People serving today in the district, and weargad hernruptmrcev Treasturer, BettyLobTr- ~~; ~:K'~4'~~-~ . 4 ~ countrîeo w here living is di -tfe o t Pen. s e as c r p i s fr î o n B u t ee, M atitH arrison. fîcult but service great. lable taes-et-us-n t-oscoinMebrofte-am r Draw pieso Port Granby an Monday., Capt. Frank Wright, Ken Nich al fvusan acn Mrs. G. Tufford introduced, Where Penny found the, ais, Jimn Bedfo>rd, Muriel Me,- helped ta windupat-e the guest speaker, Rev. J. A.'maisbg Suo nwn naMainPret n odyarfrTelaue Rainijit of Canton, whose t-alk FameMaripis retBet onhb. c ad Thanks are due ta Frank on antn ws aw.oderuîdeal in a few days wit-h thPI Hilda Brock p r e s rnt Moiu and The Statesmnan for beginning for a st-udy of that machines naw available and awardý t-o the High Averg- publication of our bowling country. Me told of its gea- it is surpri.sing the amount- of is ceuiJa rnt s anews. grap.hyhurhi or- nd i Cn-seeding done when spring was Harold Bnet ndsse! GET CASH TODAT necton itht-b c.urch- lFsOlat, Tee s a large acre- dule. Onie Etcher and VincilO SCanada. Ris appreciat-jon ex-1s a Ter, ndacrs f o-FroR-OLD APPLIANCES pressefi on behaif of his peo- ions planted assure somne peo- High Triples ewards werprg Lloyd Clifton, lef t, John Kilpatrick and Gregory Adams of Bowmanville High pien eeie ri ore thei- TTSA t-lites-e by t-he Presbytes-- trouble wit-b ore fli- s ceue oniHo LSIID School set- new records at the Lake On tario District meet last Thursday at ian church in the early days ure time. anrries o! leis- lst sfoedua-, Norma CLA 623-3303 Clarke and will naw enter tougher com petit-ion in the Central Ontario in Peter- wa nisiaint i ' n rc idfrl -ZTlephone 623-30 borough this Saturday. Cliftan's record in the triple jump for int-ermediate boys continue in efforts ta bringf iocmmrial- class. Now Inl Buffalo. was 42'l", Kilpatrick's high jump of 51V0"was a new record and he also cam aten ihtsel g ta yt-hs h l shoolte 1 ar eebal how Br.yand DolyPhllisW re f irst in the triple jump for senior boys. Adams pole vaulted 9' for a new do nos leltekn t hans wwa EVey e. ed sve t Sw aryd DlyPilpw junior bosrecord.r UO . oe their stay at a unday supper guest-s af Mr. junoroysrecrd.eîpressed on beha fo!t-be local office. All described in and Mrs. David Crasg, Tyrone. association b-v Mrs. E. Bar_ J. Taggart supported t-be SUP- glowing ternis their experi-. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cavý rowelough. - plying of a supply teacher as erly and fanilly, town, werl Ont Stdens o C u rice Re ord Bre ker t-~oi ea fo tbe ighwa be kept open when at-for jumping pits. and Mrs. Bob Cag t eawee ihasrnall us-adta- i eolsiaywndw n awutSnayspe uet fM, &nswr Tes-edwr rrne The next regular monthly Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehmati . .. .. .. .. f.lonr.ties erb arnged I r v l C n d -...:--.----......-' .-o ......y Be ....~~~ in cnanr yBric A number of requests were meeting af the Publie School and family, Ashbrn were Best- during the business per- submitted in the individual re- Board will be held at Crooked Sunday visit-ors with Mr. Bncê This Summer il ___________________________ The M nister of Education i' - the group preparing the Spro- ___________________________________________ -à gram, but not- well enough tae There were 62 at- Sunday' Schooi on Sunday marning wit-h Gea. Tufford' in charge. and Garfield Payne peyingý Ithe Hano sa he W iiam - 4e5r6e stu den ts from Ontario schools Iwill travel to various parts of Caaathis summer as pr ticipants in th etnial Federal - Provincial Youth Travel Program. The Departrnent or Educa- tion and the Department ft Tourism and Information Ir0 the Ontario Government. inî co-operation with the Centen- niai Commission of the Fed- erai Goveroment p r o V i de Iyourg Canadians with the op- 7 portunity to travel outside their native province. This vill give the students the chance to learn at first hand ýsomething of the geography or their country, its edu cational .and politîcal institutions and e its cultural and industriat i achievements. Approximately 3.000 thi dents from al of Canada "VIi ,. . tak2 part in this summner's pro-N gram. The students wili spend. a fui! week in the provincei 'they visit and will be enter-! 5 tained in the homes of private , - kt~... Theseecionofpat.iipt- Ron Avery was the only thlete fr:m C:urtic: iý ng cholsis adebylot IlghSchoo] who broke a record in the Lake Ontario IDeartentof duatin ad te.junior boys mile race with a time of 5:08.8. assited~ by members of his Top Clarke r-uiutis staff, nominates a boy or girl,: 15 ta 17 years of age, prefer- ahly in Grade il, to partici- .z pate in the program. . - - , Ontario wiil exclhange stu- dents with the Yukon. North-' west Territories, British Co-: >' lumbia, Alberta, Saskat'che- wan, Manitoba, Queber, New, Brunswick and Newfound-' land. The studentll will travel hy .rail with the Centennial -Comn- amiIq inance IMY ANH B1 Plian Bring ail your personal credit needs ý ne oero LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS Bowmanvilie Branch: Oshawa Brandi: I JAMES BELL. Manager [AMES McCANSH. bManatee Fun for the En tire Family Bowmanville Kinsmen Club Mammoth Street TEMPERANCE STR EET FRIDAY, MAY 28 8:00 P.M. - CASH PRIZES - TOTAL PROCEEDS IN AID 0F (YSTIC FIBROSIS RESEA RCH DONATIONS MAY BE LEFT IN CANS SITUATED AT CENTRAL LOCATIONS . . . OR MAY BE SENT TO ROWMANVILLE KINSMEN CLUB Stotk up On"",W Holiday Fcoods At A&P Loev, 1.Pioes Coloued (Pachm .t W rapgd) EI f or Mml. MONARCH 469 LgQr FARM FENCE ..0 8SLine -42" 1 7 Line -42" 36" HOG FENCE ROD 96c LIGHT $7d65 FARM GATES 14 FT. $2 .4 EACH 16 FT. $ 2 7 EACH CHAIN LINK FENCE.. 36"" x 13 G 42"0 x 13 G $1-9 10 T.$15500 T 36" x 11G 42"" x 11 G $1 9e45 10 T. $2 ,4 100 T 1511 GREEN BORDER F ENC E -M 9 Line - 48" 32" HOG FENCE BARBED WIRE WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F: Clarke High School athietes copped several firstsý and one girl broke a record in the Lake Ontario Dis-: trict meet last Thursday. They are, front row, left to. right, Coreen Sweep who came first in the junior, girls shot put with 28'2", JoAnne Cameron who broke' the javelin throw record for senior girls at 82'1V, ack1 row, left, Gord Allun. who came first in the junior 1 boy's 440 yard and Keith Swarbrick who won the discus throw at 126'91/". They will compete in Peter-I borough on Saturday in the Central Ontario finals.I mnission and the Departmnent will leave Ontario about July of Eduration sharinz the trav- 5th. The first of the visitingl, elling and living costs. students will arrive in Ontario The first groups of itudents.on the samne date. STRETCHERS AND POST HOLE DIGGERS ON LOAN FREE WITH PURCHASE 0F PENCE McGREGOR 95 KING ST. W. PHONE 623421v HARDWAýRE SPOOL 2 5 ft. POSTS - WIRE STAPLES - FENCING ACCESSORIES BARBED WIRE .5o ft. - s6.49 - s3,39

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