Ï4 The canadjan statesyan, Eewrnanvifl, m" 19,i i"5 Clarke Twp. Appoints' Bowman ville Man -As New Road Clerk At a spei eeting o!f the must n w receive approval, .Clake Twn0 iCouci re- from the Dept. of Hghiwavs' tentIy, council accepted the and the Municipal Bd. The application o'! Henry DeWith $1,2.500 is te lie used to assist of B3ownmnville as Road Clerkj witli the cost et the new for the Township. The a p-i townshùip read dept. building 'poirttment La to take cffcct as,%%hieli when compheted is ex- of Mav l7th. Through a by- pected te cost around $60,000. law the annual cemuneration Ths sum includes the cost o!ý "for the Road Clei-k was set construction, land, etc. et$4,000. Weliec Tree Experts werc A resolution was also paeq- awarded the contraci for the ced at the meeting appointing construction of the Halhew ll Xr. LyalI Lowery t.o look a t-,bridge. -Times., ter land acquisition for the township fer current road ',projects. TPhe appointmentPe rG.N eI was recomxnended by thie P t rG e ei fload Superintendent, M. L. Itoss' Six tenders were rec'eived Re-elected to and opened for the construc- tbon ci fthcnew TownshipMark %oad DePartmment building teMretn ItSd noi-tl cf Orone. The Peter G. Newcli of New- lowest tender of $44.400.00 castie was re-electcd last W&19 aeeepted by councilweek as director of district %vhioch wsa subxitted bY Wm.i14. e! the Ontario Flue Cured D). Wnter Ltd. of Wilitby. The!Tobacco Marketing Board. tenders% ranged Up te 5100. Mr. Ncwelt won over An- Counicil aise passed a sup- drew Suteli, o! Pontypool, by~ iplementai-y coad 1yvlaw for a a vete et 6,9 to 5,5. Twirlers Do WeI! at Kawarthe P._ taveM ,an& sstem, Mr. & ~ftI ~ Mrs. 1H. J. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. rw M APLE RO VE and son David werp Sunday Congratulations to John father. They were alIso recent week as one of thp numbter visbato r . with br s.Aterusn- ,McGuirk on wnning the Jr. residents of this communjty. from Maple Grove Women's ehusbNadarandalls. A uh High division in the Royal Miss Kathy McGuirk accom- Institute who attended the' eNaara fiMs. adM Canadian Legion, 0 n t a r i o panied Mr. and Mrs. FDistrict Annual held in New-,The namews of Mr.and Mrs. Provincial Command, PublieC.Sedgewick, to Amhurst, New ovll*at ek lvin wee so erompa itteMr Speaking contest held In Tor-!York, o Sunday, where they' Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooney, andst ek. Comnet in Mr onto on Friday evefling Iast. ýattended an aquarium show. Misses Linda and Sandra, n and Mfr.th coineyt ind-q$ Sympathy of this community, Mr. Donald Wilhelm ad Master Rone Cooney or, ortheirgchri Pa,3% nin . is extended to the Hockley friend, Mrs. Felice Bouitin,ISunday visitors with the form-thigrnon aun family ini the loss of theiriHamilton, were Mondav sup- cr's mother. Mrs. B]anch Coon- - C father, Mr. Horace Hockley., per guests with the fo«rmer*slex Green Acres Nursingi They were former residents Ofisister and husband, Mr. andlHome, Trenton. Maple Grove: also to Mrs. Har- Mrs T. McGuirk and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Colla-'JU ry Windsor and family in the Mrs Cecil Jcfferv and Mr.lcutt attended the Hi-C prog- Y U sudden loss or husband a nd and Ms Stephen Jcffery, ac-jrarn at Newcastle last Wednes- companied by Mr. anid Mrs.ýday cvening when their daugh- E SA R JonKessier, ail of Oshawa. E. W. Folex', and Mrq. R. l,. ter and grand-daughter, Mrq. - Dr. Keith Billett, a past Wordcn, Bowmanville, wrre Ted Hoar. Miss Diana Hoar, president, discusscd the plans guests last Saturdav 'at the!Mrs. Gordon Beech. andi U for thc spectacular display of Tukwdding iiaghe Miss Bonnie ReechPA fireworkr to be held by the Hami-lsbone in1daughKS ni I amilon. took part. Mrs. E. Ashton andj Rotary Club in the grounds of:ý Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woodi. Mrs. Reta Rodman, Oshawa, Bowmanville Higb School on Brampton, spent the meekcnd also attended. Monday cvening. Ma 'y 24th.' with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green- e9 IHe said that more than $800; Mrs. Steve Do 'vle and Mrs. ham were Sunday supper worth of fireworks have been S. S. Morton were guests at guesis with their daughter and purchased for the event, and the 50th anniversary of Black. husband, Mr. and Mrs. James the exhibition will lic truly'stock Women's lnstitute on Martin and family. POWER!I low orians toe srgd itelc- Thdae nmeof Ms. o r and, wre Ma odvsi- mem otra. Heltged hick- Frid a e ofng ls.. nd nweMrs ay vSde, ets for this fircworks display. 'Cryderman was left out last ors with lier mother Mrs. R. ON1'APIO THE ONTARiO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 30 o! THE PLANNING ACT (R.S.0. 1960, c. 296), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application b1' The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville for approval of it.s Restricted Area By-Iaw 1916 pas'sed the Oth dayv of July. 1964 as amended by By-Iaw 1934 passed the 3rd day of May, 1965. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD. hereby appoints Tuesday,-'tii. lt day of June, 1965, at the. hour of eleven o'clock in'tlh. forenoon, (Local time) in the. Town Hall Auditorium, in the. Town of Bow- manville, for the iiearing of ail parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. DATED nt 1965. Tor'onto this 12th day of May, SECRETARY Revise< CLASSIFI ADVERTIS RATES EFFECTIVE MARCH 3rd, 1965 EDII FOR SALE, FOR RENT, 'NANTEI 5c per word. Minimum $1.00 25e additional for Box Numbers or replies direc COMING EVENTS, NOTICES, CARDS 9 $1.50 per insertion, 25 words or lu Over 25 words, 5c a word BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, ENN 11.75 per insertion, 50 words or less. Over 50) 'w IN MEMORIAMS $1.50 plus 10c per uine for verso PAY CASH AND SAVE The above rates are for Thufsday of the week in whil 1lppcarn. Otherwise a bookke wili be added. These three young Bowmanville ladies did extremelv welI recently at the1 1Kawartha Lakes Twirling Competition in Peterborough. They ai-e, f rom left to right, Cindy Kowal, first place winner in the intermediate 1-vear-old class; Patsy Blake, who came first in the advanced 13-year-old class and Linda Ferrill, winner of f irst place in the 8-vear-old intermediate class. They are car-rying their trophies. Patsy also bas the second kiace trophy the 'Partan Lassies won underher Captaincy. Cindy was captain of the Harvey Sailorettes juvenile drill corps who came second in their class. Newcastlie Lawyer Ex plains Role of Defence Counsel lin Rot ary Club Address The primary purpose of a gave an Informative address by the differeuit ter'is for à defence lawyer to protect the on the legal profession in gen-i lawyer such as barrister. solici- innocent was emphasized by eral, and particularly on the ýtor, attorney-at-law, and oth-! E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, at role of defence counsel. . He explained that. bar- the' luncheon meeting of the Garnet Rickard, chairman rister and solicitor are designa- Bowmaîîville Rotary Club held of the Program Committec, tions that originated in Eng- at the Flying Dutchman Moto"' i introduced Mr. Lovekin, the lanid. i'Hotel on Friday.__Mr. Lovekin 1 guest speaker. He said that " 4A barristc'i appears at the Mr. Lovekin bias been con- bar ef the court, while a souici-: couinties of Northumber]aîîd nected with Durham Couintytor docs the paper work. In and Durham, Renfrew, Dut- Oýntario nearly ail lawvcî-s are feriîî, and Siimcoe. Voting was iboth barristers and solicitors. carried out at Ocono, Centre-! There are onlv a few exccp- ton, Alliston, and Renf.cew. tions, Englishmen, who have. Six directoca stoad for elec- been admitted to the bar in tion of four posts. Elected 'th'spoic sslctr ny woe. A. Osch'epper, OfNewis provine as olictors-ol Loweil; George Stc-iegl. *of'atfone sa r'n ee hat xs AnguF: Mrs. Veronica apsi"-j .coined aftcr the American *îik, of Pontypool: and Gerald~ revolution, and pointed oul Beaudrie, of Castleton. ýthat notarv public andcomi-; Albert. Atkins, of Centretontm soeior oaths are ternis: and Casima Zuber, of Osaeal descriptive ot certain legal 'I eeaed services. Iiiresut feated. e dic-1l' Discussing legal knowledge, tricts. Robert Causyn, of! 'Mr. Lovekin said that ail the' Langton. lost his district 8 rcported cases in English law directorship to Victor Van . could flot be read ini a single. 1 Ellaner, f Lngto, b a ifetime, but that basically law' Elslate 2 of ant., y l~as practised is a method of in- W9ter 72 lisvote. eequicv. flot of content. and lie diropped the district 10 direc- ietoe h aubetan torship te Anthony PIeli, of , ing law studeîits reccive in St. iliaîms 6438.logic, the techniques of cevi- wilan.G aoof Bur- dence, and in drafting. Willi am G.eleteVas "e- Lawyers have been criticiz-! goridiwstri-cted3. îe- ed for using ancient laîiguage.1 Two other districts eIectedý We like Latin phraseology and' en]v committeemnen becau se 1 aichaic English because thie cfdiccochi aclmaios.E. R. Lovekîn :werds do not change their! In al, 0 offli 14 is ite nd îne isneining. We know ttîat the.i Ina]t0o h 4obaccoel ilt.a ndsiT hqcourts have dcfincd them cex- districts ceturned their direc-1 graduation in law lias had a actix- lors by acclamation at nomi-Idistinguished career. Th seae*saed ta natin metigs Aril20. He told the Rotarians thgtmotion pictures, particuilarlvl Mr. Lovekin is the author ofthose of the gangster typ. *a legal tcxtbook, Laws of 1have resuilted in the spread or Divorce in Canada, and is edi-1 mistaken ideas about the role toi' or the*Ocriminal Lawlof diefence lawyers. Mr. Love- Iriï Um Quarterly. H'e is aise the ýki said that a defence lawyeî' former editor of Chitty'S l.aw mu.; t eed a egree of rm-, .Journal and of the Ontarie passion for hig client, and lbe Digest, Mr. Rickard stated. e'mPhasized the importance cof Befere starting his own k the presumption oh' innocence.! practîce Mr. Levekin was as- He remindied his lisieners fliatý sociated wiih the Judge Advo- anvone is innocent until prov- famiy, nd ivegenerations of idonp. somnetlîing it is the duIV E Dneighbors. !amine the nature of the charge ism . o kn miyaveed as e'of the deec cteounelocx- îlga roesin' ubierla cageiiToh xatofe tîc lios re hepooes ofajý,had bcen eonimitted. AndI gcroup in the land. He assert- tlii-d]N, il is the responsibilit3e '>1 N Gled that aîîy compliment given of a cietence lawyer to defend I "Perry Mason lias dont- Mr. Lovekin cxplained that, ýmore for us from the point of the melithod uce in the courts' iexiIv of Public relations, tlian is the adversary sYstemn. The ianyonpebcIs has, "Mr. Lovckin Crown versuls the rdefenre, with TION pointed out. He lexplained the .iudge as the umpfire toen that baniks, trust companies, force the crules. Hi- stcessed anrd others, present their char- thé, value and importance of D, ETC. acter and services ably to the the art of cresi-examinatin general publie, but the Law wherein evidence is citicallv, .Scey doles not as a cule. But examnincd. This system usuialhîY eted tri this office hle mentioned as an exception ferrets out the truth, lie de- a series on the air a year or se clared. 0F THANKS ago on trials, which was spon- Talking of the atmosphere soced by the Law Society, and of any court room, Mr. Love- ý ess ~in which the acting parts were kmn pointed out that; there is! taken by well known lawyers. not as mucli conflict as some- 1 The Law Society is very times. appears. The legal conservative in its approach. profession is a wonderful fra- GAGEMENTSand is anxious to avoid ail ternîty, hie sàid. An aniazing ~AG ME TSappearance of advertising, the feeling of mutual confidence iords, Se a word speaker declared. Despite this exisfs amond the members of 'attitude it is important to the Bar', le added. have the legal profession's Mr. Lovekin also mentioned position ini the wocld, and the ligliter aide of court, and is what it is tryîng te do, made1 gave a witty account cf sevecal I known te the public, lie said. ýentertaining examples of hum- "Occasionallv thece is an orous incîdeàts that had hep- cash sales paid by accotint in the press of the pened in various cases. IT'S NEW FAMILY-FUN! WINNERS GALORE! 1. Each week, tle ISM ard yoti racVi vpd ISPe ai Dominion ili.îirates an action fid sports ceres-- BUTJ,thie ballin the pîur tias heen remnoved! The whole point Io the gane is.. . WHERE WAS 1I! 2. Carde are special IBM pîn'-ysndo cmet mitilate. lear or fold the game cards you receive. 3. Use a hall-point pen oir sharp pencil ta punch oui the hole you select. Reniove punched oui chip from the back of ihe 18B M punch card. filin yoîîr naine and address and deposit in hallot box at Doninion. 4. Fach card niai ha punched ONL Y ONCE. The IB M data prrassinq epîlîponent i l reject any card with aiîy pari of more ihan on@ hoie piiocherl .5. l'he weekly cash prize wili b. awarded ta the persan wlîo poches cout tle single hole on the vard CORRESPONDING WITH THE EXACT CENTRE 0F THE BALL IN THE ORIGINAL PICTURE. wlî,ch is Iobe posted each week Ai Dominion, 6. Should more thafi one persan punch oîJt the correct position nfithe bail, the $5.000 weekly cash prize wull be divded EQUALLY among the winners, who wili ha nolufied promptly by mail. Seo rules on card and ini your Dominion etore. DEEP CUT SPECIALS iv- SOFT RITE 4 COLOURS Bath'room Tissue 5 2ý Roll Pkgç. $1000 PANTRY SHELF Whole (hicken Tin 99 C ALL BRANDS Canne( 12 d Beverage Tins' 89C STOKELYS FANCY Tomato Juice 348-oz. Tins $1000 QUALITY MEAT SPECIAL P RES SW OO SHANKLESS Smoked PICNICS 39 lb DELICIOUS (HUCK STEAKS 491b DELUXE GOLDEN BIRD TURKEYS FOR A QUICJ< TASTY MEAL ORIGENA BRAND PIZZA PIE BUY ONE GET 1 FREE -FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS- ONTARIO UROWN No. 1 SWIET FULL OF JLICE Hothouse Tomatoes JAFFA ORANGES 39~ 59 FROZEN FOOD SPECIAL YORK MEAT PIES Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited in unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Values Effective in Bowmanvilie Until Closing Time, Saturday, May 22, 1965. WE Rk,ÎlERVF THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIE8. DMIN King Si. and Simpson Avenue Fi I QUAKER KING-SIZ* TRAY TABLE AT AÏ, EXCEPTIONAL PRICE COUPONUPO FIRST *169 *50ePIIRCASE COUuPON, MY2~ IO TALEOR YOlOURW C'I40 OUWPO aCmAC0 f D.adline for Classified is Tuesday - cLir THIS FOR REFERENC 54 VARIETIES ISHOP WMRH CONFI Il Ailmt MW MW proiscs nd et ia~ wbhtr Fr.sà, Frozoq or Proc.ssd or@ GOVERN MENT- INSPECTED I 'o 1