fa. nd a telephone Installed * ~ Im e I in thei.r home, it just seeme Settvv as r n United ___hY L ER O Tecaains ton gond ta be true. "Peopr n ,r n iu c E V R O Th aajnSaeiaEwavi..My1,16 wslike ta live in the coun- Delta, Penn., U.S.A., is visiti S t d try without a telephone. with the Howard Maxcoinis and~ E In 1940 they retiredfm Mr. 3ames Shackleton. activ farmng an bougt a!Mr. and Mrs. Aron Czap, 'El *o i Staio, hee heyliedfo 1Czap Sr., have recently moved b e P og a fiveyear. Thy thn moed «into the community en the l j ta Bethany. Mr. Cavano died fome Hwrd Mcule * in December 1952, following a farm. i r S e u r Ic u lingering illness. Hearty congratulations to Since that time Mrs. Cavano former residents of this are aMn students o rdsVhnigadfsig r u. ter, hen se hadMrs.Mrs.e IqjMPSOX W - accessori". and corsage Of'her own housework and is ai-l.lsmnt r n r meeting at the CrstaEd.1redefotebuiespr yellow carnations. lways busy with needlework. McMullen farmed for years ton Cete o EenzridRprtntercetRm 15, 1965, a 7 o'cloc. AMiss [r evigo terNow she is planning what ta the farin now owned by Mr. Cuc aeSl a ie yMs Shar65n Yv onn cWls andMss wedding trip ta Niagara Falls,'plant in her garden for this and Mrs. Moxie Whitney at Ross Metcalf,MuiSpe-AvnMtafPrcdsro Gharon DvonnglasSisandwere.the bride donned her travel- year. She is a member of the the summit of Bunker Hiili onlvisor directed thechdenadaaklsBkeSecnv- GoriteD in marrigesinwOrno ling ensemble of a navy suit, United Church and the wo- ' the Gray Line. lannounced the foloigmstdb r.Aa aby n united inChurh. TeinOo; pastel pink accessories, and men's organization and has Sympathy is extended ta enjoyable progra:-apinMrGaet oyehvpu. 'ntdCuc.Tebride isl pink corsage. Their homnelalso been a member ofth ,MsSam Brw an the solo, "Rondo" byPaaWr-csd14shoswtest the daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. wiî e n roo.'Wme's nsitBefoowann~ Ralph1 Wl1lliinsroandWoethe groomtefor anyBrown families in thE sddnden was followed yatil eue yteby n il is the son of Mr. and Mr- ! The bride and groom at_-years. "'- demise of husband and brotheritrio singing "AlTruhtesfbl n okytas Doga ipoalo r cdd Orono Public andý She thoroughiy enjoyed hier ini Pontypool. Night" accompaiedo h r n r.Gre o DouglaRobnsn hsibenpiaonbKaenHawe.ofi w0eta:kd or onain on.High Schools, and bath are birthday party, meeting with - Mr. Clare Rocino's caee inobKae emplyeesof General Motars.1many fiends who came fromi 1 ~une tetdrple trolwt D hr(r-cet t h r By'Hce Rev. Basil Long waq the Osaw.outside points ta attend. ., Peterborough hosii thsdraColDwMrr-ea whc wo teSut officiating clergyman and the- Bethany W.I. week with virus pneumoniia. et Down, Donna:hsn alngtnSho hmin wedding music was played byj Mrs. Glenn Skuce of Janet- 0Ail wish Clare a speedy recov- 1Godo Ormstru, L Pn Mrs. R. Morton, the chrcville was guest speaker at the ,- ery. found, Susan Van'Cm.Pua Teramcutbne n achurch flBETIAJNY oren's Institute meeting on NranWlsnscl 'dWjordefland Dai~ ahn-$0 rz eewnb nn Gie nmrig yher May1thl tthe home ofciaMrB.Cuhwohd fat.her, tebiewr floor- MRS. CAVANO'S Mrs. Glenn PrestonBwavieHsia n e fsvna h eebrub3 ons lengt'b gÔwf of white Dogan-,9th BIRTHDAY Mrs. Skuce is the first w'o- port her not ton well. Festival recently.KanMc Thmetgadondan da satinsted it ll- Mrs. Emma Cavano cele- man t be elected as trustee Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilson Knight who rankescodirfesmnswesredb pointed leeves, scoop neck- brated lher 9th birthday on o he Manvers Townshp Area P*, ~adfml fTrnovstdbrcasa h etvlsn oilcnee r.A at unan itd oic.The!Friday, May 7th and held Schooi Board1" with the Wilson families stay- TeViea pig"Crladcmite skirt fuliness flowed into al'on Hus" drng te-I hrtl o dcton, ing at the David Wilson's. Mr. and Margaret Donetr,1 graefl atedaltrinanafternoon attended by rela- Mrs. Skuce said: "Education is and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson cal1ed tained with a pao de appliqued roses of seed pear1sJ tives. friends and neighbors. a development in knowledge, -, nterrsetv aet~Dneo h hdw. o- GlY u rc eoceted he own.Hershou- Asisting with the reception skill, abîlity and character by -~ti atweed aJhsnpae TePx uer length veil was held by a;were her daughter-in-law Mrs. teaching, training, study or e-.: ' Yelverton U.C.W. met at the ies' Drill" and Kae HweFo 'ai aEn~tCvao rs ale enece ehave a duty a,~. home of Mr. and Mrs. Balfour piayed "Snta" o te peari tiara and she carried a Net als. Mrs.Giadys aloem- brin chîden t ytketer.1Moore on Tbursday afternoon. piano. hog lesea e b u u t f E s e son, M rs. Etta Fisher and M rs. place in the w orld by givingBu i e s h d t do w h t e The choir of ov r 3 t IS T A T E S M & N Au s. t o o o or r .W illiam Philips. M rs. Cavano the m intellectual ". oahonnda de at3 n en s s ngaoor eiral S S I F Asmtrnrt oo. r.receie aygfsadcrstann" n oa o,~&~ June. Farewell gifts were pre- Dance"ad "Spiridn Larry Piper of Oshawa was M Phone 623-3303crdstrinig" ofcogrtuaton o tis Giin ecept fomle-sented ta two members leaving Spin,, dt lseti e Mer iste's atendnt i a o conratuatios on this Gîvig exerpt fro iec ~ ur community: Mr. and Mrs. lightful program th coi formel length gown of wed happy occasion. tures heard at the recent Rate- :- - Howard McMullen have recent- dîing-blue crepe. The sleeve-, Ninety years ago Emma Gil- payers Association and Trus- .ymoe.t.Prt.rr.a. sang "Happy Bîrthdyt n.CMLT thlespie, daughter of John Gl tees Convention which she had .rdWih h a eert lan"empir waisine d scoop Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taylor (aur îng a birthday. M.MtafULII~Y gown as deigned lespie and his wife the former lattended i Toronto, Mrs. . L.pecrmn ndbspue)adhetdnswrebnkIE51VA'E anem~ie aste ware lcongMary Ann Dawson, was born ýSkuce saidl"The three R's are p -. wl hrtly e anhsfserrnd theb Ms. A.Campel glvs n saîat bier parent's home, which still basic in teacbing, but WC ofSsacea.Bt ftese Geore SA.VCa ~x headpiece in the saine was situated near Morgan must also trainyugpoe a mission in the hinterlands Gden ato h shdeofNu aane wth5îie]ow's Creek on 7A High- ta live in aur rapidly changing ..ouplsatheae cotrîbu te s udoehwo KB Ob ie Atmbl bofa. el e acd ay. From there she walked world. We must educate th ,.Agrtdeloaucmuiy awa, a Deputy GaQ Wre bouquntvil et ao pncarco hemleadd hîet etay leprsnrntony hir .dea.l ta"" ' on te od ihe f hgosok a h bysmirsan owRte n am u Carnatcons. and ta attend cuc id We must teach theni - n ahi hi w a n osratonfie, ibl Marai. ry ie a s a Sunday School. There ta follow the iaws of health. with them od i herofnew eno adults about the us fpletRrlroete brother-in-law of the bride, irtas no hîghy t h tîst a We musthedu cateer sporit Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Douglas Simpson are shown in the above photo as they vrorens us, arrfebw and 2r2ORGAG FND was bcst man. 'dr odwihpldhg ecigtc hrce o-.. Mr. Art Rowan recentîyrosan 22ife et.HAVIA E Thereepia wa hldatwith snow in the winters and victians of igbt and wrang; eut their wedding cake at the reception f ollowing their marriage in Orono United liquicated his herd of white- stressed the fact ta aet The rNtio wR et aat bogged with mud in the teach them courage ta de-, Church on Thursday evening, April 15, 1965, at 7 o'clock. Formerly Miss' Sharon lheaded bovines and is convert- are held responsiblefrcid otc spring. Mns. Cavano is the velop a strong moral fibre for Yon ils h rd s h agtro i n rs ap ihs n h ng campîeteîy ta a "piggy- ren usîng these weaoswe(A E OE where the brides mothcr re- Ilast surviving member of ber the decisions they will have vneWlitebiei h agtro r n r.RlhWiadte land." The Rowans and the Ted under age. Hc alsI ecie ýLbet t .6376 ceived in a cornfiower arent'fmlofwo 0t mk.Prns aear-groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Simpson, ail of Orano.Spney'hae partlsmeotelasccrig wdoe s ui wanpdk ccsor-schgedoe grew ta maturity sponsibility here. D evelop- i_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P hoto by _A stor Studio each broken the seal n their le ad osae f ik am- She grew up and married ment of character shouldno piggy-banks for each are sport- tians. She was assîsted bv the: Thomas Gillis and moved ta be left entirely ta the school ~I A ing new automobiles - Meteorsi groomn's mother who chose a!Peteî'borough, which at that teacher or Sunday School o1cus!__ 7 - Sevn years later her husband ust teach school, net children. F o rmiier R e/ea ers i?/ic/nI - dîed and she cantinued ta byve We must teach aur cbildren ta a in Peterborough until ber make their own decisions anDEIa second marriage ta William nlot be swayed by to a ancs d Electric Club ,s Cavano in May 1910. Mr. advertising. Tbey must have ITop wà d ith Law Ess ySDEFINITIONStingth Cavano was a widower with tbeir awn convictions and the a2 h aalyt odb.ko h ogewa oe (Zlwo small sons, Leonard and courage ta stand up and belE A2.holThe avebeno temm atieffu DS Ernest, ta whom she gave a counted. The whole commun- f hOuuseond4-HFar bn mother's ioving care. Their ity bas a part ta play in teach- Hoe mrIC Cubmetn ~~ first home was in the vicin- ing arcidnnaf I in Lo Ag e l s 'O fl e sr oeEeticCu etn ity of Dr. Longfield's pond, God and bis feîîowmen. Every on ay helda BovewF the buildings no longer there. aduit is vitaîiy involved in the Dane Mîîl1îanis, 16 vear aid athers is or dty to or fl- isa îaw. This îaw gîves Tony isa6th.PCLTESCR InTRE 1919 thy purchased aneth- full education of the whole s0on<of Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. îawnien. Even naw the pcue iiyand Ups ta the sc thnfer newly insti.edcSPiTn-CR HN RATR r farm on the cauoty road. persan". Williams, Las Angeles, and1 plex were points of interest. Curtaîns and DraewIldsnertfomaimopel n Juta fie of about ta Mrs. Skuce discussed the fo.nmerly af Bowmanville, nas oflglpoetion remains tercd departments or state, ta Mr. Douglas Tideman, the acid deposits .-Nwistetm dungSrgceain ~"move, afreo mysteniaus mnany changes in rural scbools, been neciving congratula- mocomplete, for we. have -l't the 'sepaî-ate states, and ta the Sales and Service Representa- ta brjng them utiyn oaldInanr hy Ilb ornoe,.~ aigin compietely. destroyed the migration tram rural aneas tiens recently. due ta bis ta cnierTpkwi n even eew alc hi iefrteBwavll y eundfeha )Ring the haros, and Mrs. Cavana ta larger centres. "lBecause winning the bigbest award in broader sense, in a national pepe Wr e alckti tv orthe ownaipvie H-rtre fehadn $100.00 recails the long months of there i5 îess population in an essav writing contest,. sense. uoity, this purpose, this law, dth entatiwon h ue frise liard work involved in re- rural areas we must shout a spansoned .1bv the Bar Associa- "The Constitution of fhe aur nation cnuld not survivee intalautin the farmn b PLAN TOTK1H KDIST building. "Lnokng back, ittleUnitedrStates r educaîiopreme amang the other nations of Poitdottess~ib e.in in ust dan't knaw haw 1 dîd al ai needs. It is almnost inevit- Angeles. The cantest was law of the land. the Cos1 u Ihe world. Finally, therefore wihtetasomri e ROTAR I RE OK IPA THTth(, cooking for the gangs of able that the little anc roomed open toalal High School stu. tion is the plan of out, govern- aur du yf podthe lw Atter înspecting the baronihSho rons-My2t HA'men. school will disappear; anc of dents in the city and caunty. ment. Therefore, wit'h&ut such is aur duty ta our nation. wrn ytiM.W -Hg "Then.e was no hydro then. the basic reasons being that it The tapic was "Law and thîe a Plan, such a law, we would i "In retrospect, we sec that wiring sysEtm, Mn. Wmead sbaking was done on a wood is ton expersive ta supplY Citizen." There were aver have no gavernment which is ou existence, tram moral Cer, rlect rie Con types a d ar- enla.,11'ee tave.' No nefrigeration, sa equipinent necessary ta teach tive bundred cont e s t a n t s. ta say, we would flot exist as men to a great nation, indeed, nus, lecus n es ofandva- tvery Bluebird diamond mtn was hutchered on the by today's metbods, particul- Dane is a grade eleven stu- a nation. But we are a na- aur existence at all, is de- well as toucbing briefly on . Mg famand cured by saiting arily in the field of science, dent in the John Marshall tien,, because we have a func- pendent upon a duty, our first such items as heatlaps rin i guraîed prfct an sokng.I hunedal Oe tacercannot possiblY Higb School in Las Angeles. tianing gavernment, because duty, and that is ta uphold fixtures, fuses, and simple Insured free. my own butter. There was cope with eight grades. Ail The two students winning we have a constitution which the !am." rig the milking of caws ta bclp the educators are speaking out second and third awards are B LUEBIRD DIAMOND iwith and the garden ta tend, that children must be treated in grade twelvc, frein a sehool Ingoemet od Wddg Rns t b the fruit and vegetables differently. There is a great in Long Beach. Enggemnt nd eddng ing tabecanned for winter use." scarcity of teachers and it is Thepsntio of n! oa futher complicate matters, becoming increasingly difficult e pdre sevntti and, ber husband became seriously ta hire teachers for rural huded evny-ie n R 'S uad wsa ivldfor sMros. Suefrhrdsus itdollars, respectively,:al.. aaym n '"' shols. 0 an engraved plaque tae ach,MZ r AiÀ Mrs. Cavano recails diving ed the situation in Manversluconta bibtep- JEWLLRYta Bethany village witb borse Township and the forming of lucoand teawch e ri- JEWELLERY and buggy for their grocenies the new Scbool Area Board e .Laet eb yto at 39 King St. W. for notbîng was delivered as it wbicb took place in December. in 'a radIo broadcast with thel Bowmanville is today. Later, a car made 1964. "There are 14 ichools Dsrc ,Eel Bowmavillethe tip eaier.When a tele- in the township whîcb former- Disuncr.toreEvl phn__e a ul past their_ ly had their awn board o of gr trustees. This is now served Tbe article follows. definite "Yes" by ail the nVateIa saduyt ur- W embes, wo gae vaiousselves. Yet, the picture af the O rasans for their answer. Plans poeto ht th a f wee completed as ta catering fards uis wauld not be coin!-l c LR AYAP I Ifar a Deanery Area Conven- pîcte, were we ta cansider 'i ~~IU M .D D ftfl ~ tion in St. Paul's Church, May Only an an indivîdual level SEOR EETIN0 U N OP R O O 20. ~~~~It was agreed ta plant a N, perhaps by fan the great- SEORELCIN F flowening crab tree an the est scope of protection the lawl L jID lw ofthe local churches as affords us is an the groupi a centenniai project. Ten level. maNTINtNTAL aIl rTABLES membens plan ta attend the î"The great m rt fa l M R OS1 ICH NS TSiO1 district annuai meeting in Iaw passed in this caunt 10 0/0J Morrish. Mrs. Ryley announc- Itodey bas aM it.s purpose the __________-______________-_____________SETS_ led the 4-H Club girls would protection of anc gmoup of be attending Achievemnent Day people tram another. Since! bài Pont Hope next month, alsoithe ]aw is impartial, if we arei WOMEN'S DRESSES - COATS SPORT COATS -SA K thton completion of their' ta be protected froin others, BO SS -SIT -SA K A K T course "Meat In The Menu" aithen we must allow athers ta WOSS -SKRS -SA KSJ CS m IND R AK R SAVE $2.9 supper wouid be served for be protected tram us. For mothers and Institute mcm- example. we may be proteet- $1025 GRADE bers in June. ed tram wniters and journal- j nrs. Thomas .lennxngs gave ! sts lest they slander us, while 1 , F ,, adcorrespondence. The Beth- cd trSn us lest we violateý AT:nyWI.aeinvited ta attend their. copyrights. Thus the COME IN AND LOOK AROUND! themeeingof the Mounti law 'S a give and take sys- ESR T ILI Plaatbranch on June 2, tein. To uphold thle law and BESR O ILI with ehn members giving ta extend is protection t. AN ENTRY BLANK FOR MLE' the prograin. Lunch was serv- UD .A B ER N E T H Y 'S ed by Mrs. Erery Smith, 1bomne, ta the guest speaker and -F REE E DR WMEINS, WOMEN'S AND CHIDE'SWA PAINT & WALLPAPER 1 Robert Ryley, Mrs. Addisont The next meeting will be at! ALAIIEPA V IN S BOMN LL 33 KIG ST. W, BOWMANVILLE, Mrs. Harry Ryley expressed enilt, the progr-am ta feature, M'NIhVERAhID AWKIG T.E the thanks of the members ta .Agriculture and Canadian In- Mrs. Preston for the use cf her' dustry.LA quumquaffl