wi Soon Have First Birthday kBrad Yourth has successful- child, David Bingham, et the ly completed 2nd year Physical service in Westway United Educatiqn at Queen's Univer-'Church, Islington, on Sunday,ý !jiýty, Kiston. May 9th. ~fMr.~çL. Wordeni and Mr. David Thompson haç comn. - . And Mr,<. E. W. Foley attendedpleted 3rd year Engineering! ~ the Tuck - Osborne wedding Chemistry at Queen's Univer-1 ! I H-amilton on Saturday. sity anid for the summer .. . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burk have;mOnths ihteresarh Ireturned fronn a week*s vaca2 departinent of Dominion Rub-' .. tion. visiting fricnds in Brock. ber at Guelph. ~-". ville, Maxwell and Ceylon. Richard Lander hae success-w Editr Jhn . .Tr 't-51fuîîy completed second year tended a Managenoent Seminarýhonot3rs Ecanomies at Queen*s.......... et Ryerson Polytechnical In.;University, Kingston, and is stitute, Toronto. last Friday. employed in the General Mat-e A eutflwidw a1ors office, Oshawa, for theM recently placed in St. John*, - ume mnts AnglcanCburh. ere.The Mrs. Gardon Forbes, Orillia, lnvly ido wa a gift frain Mrs H. B. Kcnner, Miss Jesgie Mrs. R. Ha c n au FailI, both of Stratford. and Mrs. B. Kerruish of Toronto Mrs. Morley Vanstne and were overnight guests last daughte.rs, Misses Helen and week with Mr. and Mrs. M. Barbara Vanstone, spent the L. Roenigk, King St. West. weeendwit Mr. Vnstn&s Mrs. E. S. Dawson and son mother, Mrs. D. W. McC-or- Jimmy left Monday by plane mickGaît.from Malton for England ta Mrs. Kennrth lui. Mrç. attend the funeral of her math.. Betty Morrison and Mr. and er. Mrs. Dawson and Jimmny Mrs. Owen Nicholas attended will remain in England for two the Welsh Singing Festivalor tbree weeks before return- held at the Shrraton Brock ing home. Hotel, Niagara Falls, ast week- Norman James, son of Mr ~ end. and Mrs. S. R. James, has suc- ~ Mr. Harry Akey and soi, cessfully campleted 3rd year G;ary, Messrs. Ted Fairey, Bob Mechanical Engineering at Abbott, Mac McKenzie, Town, :Queen's University. He has and Mr. Harold Abbott, Frank- commenced duties, for the,. .. ford, enjoyed last weekend summrer, with the Fraser Bracel fishîng at Hallow Lake near CosrcinCmaya he Dorset. Dupant plant in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon C. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Omis- .v;. Martin attended the christen- ton, Betty, Bannie, Murray and ç Ing of their Youingest grand-iRobert were in Hamilton on t:. _______________________Saturday and attended the;~ wedding of Mrs. Ormiston~s Little David John, who was nine months old when the above photo was niece, Mises Linda Osborne, taken, will celebrate his first birthday on June 24th. David John is the sonl of .p~~5AEmqhnt, and Mr. Bruce Tuckf r.s rac JhsonT..iEnikletadgadono r n lvwmaneville were weekend guests Tfey [VIMr. and MrsFrni ontR. 1Enskleadgado fM.ad Gardon Osborne in Hamilton.. Mrs. Clarence Vice, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of R.B. Mm. and Mrs. Carl etu- 1, yoe Photo by Ireland Studio Pe tcs er and Mr. and Mrs. EganW- ~~~~Rietinuller attended the Cof- ifestivities. Duri.gteeing fee artyin Ohawata cele-the silver annivemsary ope hurt brate tIhe 1t Anniversamy of was presented with a chest of' i n s e scs 75lhert St. X. the Oshawa German Club. silver flatware. The mema.r-l Bath couples were entertained able evening was spent inlA afterwamd by Mm. and Mrs. A. dancing and reminiscing, and-11 Message: ",steps of Schatz at their home in Osh-'crncluded with a delightful ' ays of O vercom ing awa. lunch. a-a- M à 1 r 9 'J 1J1 t itence Weekend guests with Mrs. M-__ llarry Smith, Queen Street, T? l oral Iireakdown Group meeting with ýweme ber sister, Mrs. J. Kent- JKLDRON ner, bier brother, Mr. Fred' The world today is faced present at 3:001 p r. Sunday Pastor Ahrabarn Kudra ýStuckey and bis son Bill, aIl On Mav 7th the Juinior- Ac- with many problenis, prob- on the theme, "The Moral, SpakngntBoh- ýf Acton, Miss Gail of Guelph,"'odino.rcetao h Dicki leris that it recognîzes will Breakdown - What Can Be Speakng atBoth nother nephew and his wife, .odtriocesr f -e nat be solved by money, con- Done About It", He said, *'Inl Serice M. ad Ms.KenStuke, isa Accardion School, Osh.; ferences or aggressîon. World the saine given period oi! Mr. and Mms. J. Cousis. all'awa, won first place at Wood- maraIs are at a low ebb. time, while the population, 11 a.m. 'Sevcn Thirigs of Toronto. bridge Musical Festival: pattiýman's conduct wîth bis fellow bas incmoased 5%.r im.moralityl God Says He will Do Mm. W. J. Cobban iniforinsRosn-ak played second accor-imen h-as developed a society bas increased 205t. t is seený For Yoi" 1us that it bas boon decided dioýn. Pbey won with a marki afflicted with two world la gavemninent, business, e ta demalish theolad conserva-, of 88%, and played at the, wars; continuous a n g u i s h ligion. families and in the 7 p.-m. "Peter's 31WO0 tory on tho south side of Marn- Winners* Concert on May 14. among nations; a colour prob- vouth. Ia times past the moralý Point Message on the woodi Nursing home and ta re- TeCupe lb fKd lem and food shortages and standard was mucb highe-.' place it with an additîonal rna bi a etn n a population explosion which; The reason for this was t-bat, Day of Pentecosçt" maom. Further planned renova- rna hiMametnen eesbydsouo.mnpae oeepai n tions are ta enclose the south]o"Yed Mrs. Frank McLel1an's' Bible priaýciples". A.- a pro- vorandah ta pictures of .1apan and the' Johovab's Witnesses con-- tectian against tbis moral WEDNESDAYah t encompass WaFarks of Afrîca. vened at t'he Whitbyv Com-bekowM.Satnîrd May 2fth lauindry roomn and an extra mnt rnWib hbekon r tto ig. bathroom. lnstead of their annual ruit;mea1Wiby bi is audience to hold fast tr> 7:30 p.n->. Family Night M.adMS .Sl Mother and Dauigbter bani- past weekend, Ia ecive fur-1 Bible principles. Mr.nd rs.E. oiki, Osh- quet, the girls of the 2011v ther instruction ta answer theý IServiçe awa, and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce1GieCmay ntraod questioni, "Wbat Can Be Done iHo ended bis t.alk on the Guid Copanyentrtaiediencoumaging nole that short- AIso: ,'ecial You th Ogden, Town, weme bosts for their mothecs a adinr AouIt.v under God*s perfect. gov- Mïs.* Kudrsi a surprise paty at the bhrne tbey had prepared tbemnselves., C. E. Stattoni Super visair omnment, thli igbhest standard atr sviceKura.BT of - r aet, r n Lib r st.jhe paty was hold at the for..Jhovah'. Witnesseç fiqmefm1of . tywM be enjoyed' asor'evAKdreT - Jack-A-ceLirt S. homne of Guide Captain Mrs.1-udson bav ta the North and by al the farth. This will' Phonp 623-5100 South. on the occasion of Mr. Bob Patte. Winnipeg in the West, ad- resuiltin pearo, bappiness and Mms. Goheen's 25th wed-: "l'oi are neyer a stranzer ding anniversary. Over .30-, Af.teri dinnor t-be girl,; pre- resdt M-are than 531 and isecurii'. In the Pentecostal Chureh red rltvsfOgr e",ed a play, The Dyepti Tomonto, Petemborough, NewO dyr Th wartdiofted b castle, Oshawa and Bawman- ud HrtETbep-itAfth ville gathered ta jnifl in tho Ogre was played hy Catb-,- Irwin: Carol Morrîson was tho ; Mr. and Mrs. TOM Davis. play suit, Wilma Turansky; TJester wbo introduced thP-and daugiters Leanne and colouring book, Helen Woods; TKI IIY UNIED HUR Hlay, and inter.îected amusinglLaurie spent a fow days wîthikîigsaw puzzle, Bonnie Gah TRINIT UNIT D CHU 013 rmarkis. Others in the castIMr. and MmsF. Bill Jackson jîgsaw puzzle, David Denni;' Miniter Re. Wr. K Houiandr, A.,W.D. were Anne Bisbop, the Cook; :wbilo attonding the funerallgun, ShirleyPatn iis, Brenda Hopkins as France loieegadsobr, Mrs. A. Judy Fonk: jga uze Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Ruth Bisiiop as the Boy Scout, Jackson. i Wilma Tumansky: tnwel set.,- Wedy YumhasMndy Visitors with Mm. and Mis.- Dianne W i nfi elid child's SUNDY, M Y 2rd, 965dinner, Susan Annand as Reg Elliott last Sunday after purse, Dot Moi'cer; pillow' SU AM Y :r,16 Tuesday dinner, Shelley Fisbi- the baptismal service wr aeMs ude:cem L1:00 a.ni. - Morning Worship ier as Wednesday dinner, Both Mm. and Mrs. Neil Elliott,i and sugar. Doreen Neah: pil-. Keil as Phumsday dinner, Su- Christine and David, Mr. andillow cases, Mrs. B. Vounginan,;, ""CHRIST AND CITIZENSHIP" sari Arsenauli as Friday din- Mrs. N. Allin and Sharon, and pot holders, Miss Baor; pillow' ner, and Lynda Geisbergor asM-r. and Mrs. Logan of Oronai. cases, Kathy Morcer: toilet SUNDAY SCHOOL Saturdav dinner. Mrs. Ray Hughes visited iniarticles. Mrs. Brown; pillowý Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 9:30 at.m. The pmagrani continued with the village M-nday and Mrs.i-cases, Shirley Patton: books, Primry ad Kidergrten- 1120 am. ia game of -What's My Lino", Mary LuIxon roturriod ta Parti Mrs.. Adegeest: spangres, Mrs. PrinaryandKindrgaten- 1120 .m.witb Susan Waîkem as mod- Hope with ber. WednesdaYlGord Trim: books, Mrs. Roïs Beginners - 11:00 a.m.i erator; Patti Hart. Ch ristineMrs. L. Martineil and Mrs IPattan: white purse, Helen _________________________________________ iInnes, Cathy Soucb and Janet'Bob Brooks broug-bt hem home1 Coumoux: sweater, Mis. Den- --- Waddington as guests with and assisiod puttirig in bbc anis: sockees, Pearl Clark: pair mysteriaus occupations. Nan- gardon. of stockings. Mrs. Annie Jo - ; Reho othBrooks. iooking every incb. 'lMçs. May Merceir an dcat~i- .Kathv Mercer: scs !tenystemy guest. Four ina-' Gardon Hill. visitcd M rs. Marie Tcrhoncbv: stockingý;. Chrstan Reorm d huch thers made uip tbe panel. Luxon and Mrs. W. Mercer. Mis)cnniuz. C rsin R f r e ur1Tho 2Ist Cub Pack b elda Sunda'-. Face cloihi and .ýoap, Grace v Kite Flv earlv nMaG' rth Sending the weekenr l ' id 'apaadstb jeJh Mîniste . wa thunist o aun s.W. Mercer xveme lber da"- Luis Kennedy. Helen Cour.-' Pasco was he fi2t3-0g0t3 ghter Violet. Mrs. Charlir u sa evrOieLt F.e eehn 62-23jkte irbome JeffdTons. Roach, Charlie and familvý. (lf tic:' - sdish. Helen Cour- B' l e he bigb s t hend og st. P rt 7Credit. otiu',v w re-, pie plate. M rs. M aranathap Arsisenut an es Wtho mow.MrsG. Cathrar.NlS5. - 1-ýsCBrnown:' ro oadDn put the most work inoa nak- ceru1 rt and necklac,, big is box kite. Sinahi pîrzes LwadM~ a1y Charlene Hall: dish. Gloria1 noo thitaheome h rh ige e Pa ck biked ta Gbo- edth District Annual Of Mercem: 4 tumblers, J OSie wonbythseboy. t oWet uh Mrs R. lliotNew- - Hughe: reeî bow, l, ety 4 Rev. Henry Van Andel, B.A., B.D.,,Minister v4 swoods foi* lunch and Dovil o umbnibod at N-Wabl rart \sik hre Teep n 62-42toasted xm shmallows. rietvle o n r..Tue Co. pl.ÇtlC: a-b truv. rs. Lamne Telephone623-3492boyýs xent Off ini sixes on a. ' ndMr. dde un o-Tdd: CLIPS, Muriel Dollv; scaerge~ unpnd tue ou visited SLinday, wilb Sabad servors, Evelyn Emblev: Worslîip Service -i a.nm. ing finishied off -with a anl-m.Avi ows1 crearn and sugar, Anne Toddl: Wosipevie 73 :1. id" ýbaHlgae. Three Cubs pa \'e "I Peterborough. 1 ddish. Mrs.Dems e. her, "Prolaimng te whle otinel o (,,d" Thomnas and Bily Arsenauhl! Sproules who passed away iri.eamrings, Dorothv Mercer; face' ReggieDavis earnod bis col-- Bowma nvileMoa MayraltHos-powder, Dorot-by Stark; box 4 Bark t Cod 1-our Broadcast eggis de .ptlo Mna.M-yltshelis Mmùs. Todd, towel. Mrs. CKLBOshwa undy. ay 3rd at9:15p.m ~ ecirs adg. lîde and was huried froni thp Bai- Grooms. towel, lsabellr' Pa.- CKLBOshwa Sunay.1%ly 2rd, t 915 .M. At the 2,th audf ;ndlow Funerai H-oie on Thurz-s. on:.bib. Mrs. Nt-il El]iott. Brownie Mother and Daitgb- -day. Mr. Sproule bas he.en me- pyjamas, Mrs. Herh Mercer; __________________________________________ter Banquet bE.bd iri the Ked- siding on the Sixth Line with iî6,,oî, Shirley Patton; towel, sron Lower -Hall, the follow-lis sister, MTss. William!Joyce Hendricks. ing Brownies received badges: Green woad. î) Weidy Newelh, Artist and Another of Keridal'sroi Bib. Mrs. Jini Stark; tea E ~~ I ktcr*s; Paibi Rosnak. Skiem's.cdents. Milton Robinson, pass- -towels, Joyce Heon dr ic ks: cert :adge;Dia nne Moutnîoy. ed awav Wedne.sda.v evening îoweî. Gay House Oderly, Skaters andiat Lyntonhurst Nursing Home -and face cloth, Gladys Wal- Collector's: Susan Smsith andýaftem being in poor health forlkey: bulbs, Mary Jones: bulbs, aI I ~Darlerie Miller received theiîsome years. His wifeEna Grolden Bar. Robyn McBumnie- predeceased hini in June ef! Trinty nite Chrchi received he- Golden Harid 1961. HLe service was from' ath fe upta Guides. Hem Barlow'ýs Funeral Home Sat-R Iohrpirined on bier wings. -urday afiemnoon, May l5th, Y U TheGuie bdge wee pe-with internent iri Orono' Fr d y a 8 h ýeted befome thle banquet, lms I UEIUCDADEMosDun :but t-hase earned wereas jsa htMs ako ,Mr NE S PR 8:1 p.. ows FrstAidbages Ao _Sprouîe's and Milt's funerals 8:15 .ni.ilow: Firt Ai bad e ndy were &Il within a. week. Glover, Donna Glover, i wsa retshckSn-PA K teesîare rnre n day evening ta hear of the' PA K Sponsored by Bowman ville Rotary Club Carol Chatten: Ernercrencyl t~g Helper, Ann Glover, Donna, agc drowning of Bob Best TICKETS * * * * * $200 Glover, Wendy Hitchens. a a Gardeni Hill pond. Thse twa TtIBrKnerSC$r2.0hatei irls in the party were framt) Ticket% inay lhe obtained f rom: Beaver Lumber, -ardeze test. Margaret Arn Thom'pson. Brysons Sinike Shop, Canadian Tire Store, At the banquet Mrs. Frank, There was a good tumn1outý Newell was invested as Brown ta tlie Penny Sale sponsoredý Cowan Equipment Co.. Palmer Motor Sales, 0POfihW E1 BoniibvtIeKed'ilmns n Rickahy's Ltd., Robson Motors, Strike & Strike Pack. Mrs. James McNa.lly,l sttute Seturday evening in' 1Uaw office or member of Bowmanville former Browni Owl. becametIse Orange Hall. The Esat of" 'Qntarv- Club. Tawnie Owl. and Mrs. Bilî wînners is as follows: Rosnak was invested as Sec- Child*ç dress. Mr!:.M. . 2 -3 0 1 od Twni Ow. 4oster; play suit, Mm. Denizusis Pearl Hudson: plant. AM )e in a. ed:v~&TeCndenSaemn emfle a 918 Todd: bulbs. Fat C.rute ni as. Jean Wood: seat cumhion,l~ plant. Shirley Patton: bulbs,;Kathy Turansky; yellow cu- Judy Fonk; 'bulbs, Mrs. Et-'shimi, Mr-,. H. Coatharn: seat k I r V ' m well: plant, Shirley Patton; cushion, Wilmna Turansky , 2UMMUhUl UM *UWUUU plant, Shirley Patton: bulbs. seat cushion, Kathv Turanskv* buls, Patton: plant, Mrs. El- centrepiece, Mrs. Hari." Mer ' . D ring o c o liott; bulbcs, Eleanor Fcster:ýcer: skirt, Mrs. M. E. Foster; e D ri g o c o l bubHelen Couroux: bulbs.'1apron . Pearl Clark, .kirt, Su- Mrs. M. E. Foster; bulbs, Jud.ý sn Thompson; blouse, Isa- Fonk, bulbs, Anne Todd:~ belle Patton: skîrt, Dot Mer-'Stage Choral Program plant. Shirley Patton: bulbs, cer; blouse, Kathy Mercer: Mrs. W. Mercer; apron, Dora- skirt, Wilrna Turansky: skirt,ý More than 200 childrertfrorn:Cryderman. teracher at Brad. thy Mercer: apron. Bea Oliv'e Little; apron, Dot Mer- six schools in North Darling- ley's school, who was to have Hughes; child's apron. Helen cer; blouse, G ace Coat-harn;" Couro>ux; apron, Olive Little; blouse. Wilm~a Turansky; c on akpati acoalpo accompanied them in somne child's apron, Isabelle Patton: eraîl apron,- Dorothy Turan- gramn in Hampton hall on Wed- ý numbers, was unable to be apron. Brenda Hoy; apron. sky; coat hangers, Lois Moore:!nesday evening, May 12th. 'present and Mrs. Payne filled Isabelle Patton; apron. oa rhquî.Marion 2ead:ThY sang unison, two-part l ttepao McDonald: apran. Dorothy Dresden Plate quiît, Mrs. and th ree-part sangs under the' Thi.s wilI be the last time Stark: apron. Mrs. Helen Violet Walters of Elizabet*h-id-rection of Mrs. Stanley fhese particular schools will lHate: apron. Grace Coathain: ville. Payne, A.T.C.M.. Supervisor of ýbe together as, under the new apron, Peggy Foster. Door Prizes: Ladies, Mr3.;Music. and the audience was!sehool board, a full-time assist. Apron. Grace Coatham: seatl W. Mercer; Men's, Herb Mer-i delighted with their enthus- ýant to Mr. Metcalf is being cover, Stella Glober, pink'cer- Girls, Joyce Roaoh: Boys, iasm and sweet harmony. hired and Mrs. Payne has giv. cushion, Violet Walters; redi Brin Poster. Due to illness, Mr. James en up this part of ber work. or one of 10 OTHER PRIZES WESTINGHOUSE PORTABLE TELEVISION SET (2 PRIZES) SLJNBEAM ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER ARGUS AUTOMATIC 35 m.m. SLIDE CAMERA GENERAL, ELECTRIC CLOCK RAD)IO SET 0f' 4 ROLL-A-PAK TV TRAYS I)ELUXE CHAISETTE GENERAL ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER GENERAL, ELECTRIC 6-TRANSISTOR RAD)IO SET OF 2 FOLDING GARDEN CHAIRS IT'S EASY TO ENTER .. no purchase necessary Just complete ane of the Birthday Tag Sale entry tags (or a reasanable fac- simile of such tag). You'II find them attached to many of aur Sale Specials . . . or you can obtain ons upan request f rom any member of our staff. Entries must be deposited in the ballot box provided in aur store, prior ta our usual closing time on Saturday, May 22, 1965. PLEASE READ THE COMPLETE BIRTHDAY TAG SALE PARTICIPA- TION RULES . . . they are printed an the ballot box and are prominently post- ed elsewhere in aur store. English Style HEALTH SALTS Start the day rigbt. 1-lb, tin - rex. 79e SPECIAL 69C Hceavy Grade MINERAL OIL Btiy nnur and save! 16-oz. - reg. 69C SP EU IAL 49C MILK 0F MAGNESIA Plpaantlv flavoured. 16-oz. - reg, 59c SPECIAL 47C PLUS 500 OTHER PRIZES A WINNER IN E\VERY STORE As well as te Pontine and the other grand prizes, this store is offering a prize of a BEAUTIFUL WHITE BATHROOM SCALE. The winncr selected wiII he required to answer correctly, a skill.testing question. Drop iin your l.T.A. Dritg Store today and mee the niany more Money-Saving Specials on display on our Birthday Tag Sale.1 KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES STRON(;, COIMITRFUL PLARTIC CLOTHES PINS WASH CLOTHS Gond mpight, Approxlmateiyv 10 x Il inches 200' 16c SPECIAL1c1 9 ce Rur one - - - zet one FREE G.E. LIGHT BULBS Reg. 28ceca. 2 for 28c Save 28c on l.D.A. Brand TOILET TISSUE Eight I i at the regular 2 fnr 29c price Pqialçi 1.16 . . . Save Z8e on each eight roils you buy nom. 8fr88( A DISH CLOTHS Generous 16 x 16 inch size in attractive colours VACUUM BOTTLE 15-ounce capacity, assorted coinu rs, stu md construct ion BATH EPSOM SALTS Very popular bath sait aI an economical price INSULATED TUMBLERS lO-oz. - keep beverages cold - or hot - longer FLASHLIGHT BATTERY Eveready No. 950 "D" Size - sugg. list 2/60Ic --- --- SPECIAL for 2.9c SPECIAL 77c SPECI AI 5.1h. BAG 44c SPECIAL for 44c S PECI AL 2 for 44c EVEREADY 9-Volt BATTERY SEII No. 216 square type for Transistor Radios - sugg. list 89c 74c a PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A. REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. - - PHONE 623- 5792 "(IhnÉAiýnpn"