T lhe Canadim Statennuj, Eowmanvmfe, May 19, legs TENMS OPEMING AUl tennis enthusiasts willI be reachlng for their racquets for the opening of the Bowmanville Tennis Club next Wed- liesday night, May 28th. Juniors will start off the round robin tournament at 6:30, wîth seniors taking over at cf ght ~ *'ojock. Tlhe club reached an aIl-time high in memberships last Wear, and they are hoping that not only will ail memnbers be back, but anyone wishing ta take Up the sport wiilT p K r m sT wn L ag e H give it a whirl. At present no instructional group has been " ph n sT p K m p s owLe g e H net up for adults, but if enough interest is shown graup lessons will be given prabably on Tuesday nights. If youin Stbl Oer wizh to participate contact either Anna Strike or Nora o t a l O e e Miun. It appears likely that juniors will receive instruction Stephen Fuel@sci e f e a t e d1 Stephen's scored single runs through the recreatian department. Kramp's Furnîture 12-4 in the lin the first, third and fourth The exécutive includes Nora Allun, président; Pat Lucas, opening game of the Mens lan rutd'ofienth secetay-teasrer Jan van, scia cnveor;LewRun_'Tawn League softball seasan, cnd errpnd for fove in the aeertar-trasuer; eanEvas, ocil covenr; ew un-Tuesday night at Vincent Mas- secodadfu oei h die and Anna Strike, tournaments; Colin Birtwistle, Frank sey park. ,sixth. The Furniture men had Swinburne and Wes Goodspeed, grounds committee; and The Fuels,,out-hit eight to one first framne tally, befare junir rerésetatie Bil Deew.seven, did it with extra base finally breaking loase with, iunir rpreenttiv Bi Deew.blaws including no less than lthree in the sixth. Fees for the forth-coming season are certainiy more than four home runs. Big John1 George Stephen tossed an' reasonable:- single - $10.00, married couple - $15.00, farnily - Stainton had himself a big eight-hîtter, fanned four and $18.00, intermediate - $5.00 and junior - three bucks. The night, walloping a pair of iwalked three to rgse h new intermediate set-up is for juniors who wish ta play circuit clouts, while Ray Pres-1 win. Colin Cooke started for ton and Jim Allun each col- iKramp's with Harry Snowden unti] fine o'clock. f ected on a round-tripper. taking over in the fourth. At a meeting of the Kawartha League last week, four' Ray Crombie had a double, They cambined toalalow seven clubs - OshAwa, Peterborough, Lindsay and Bowmanvilleand single ta leadi Kramp's safeties, while waling% five, were entered in the ioop, with action slated ta get underwayv with Bob Marjerrison adding batters and claiming threel short]y. iwo singles. strike-out victims. Bill Depew wilI bc looking after the courts this summer, making sure everything is in top shape for a big tennis,É l ' a l n i't BOLIG sR II i .Sit t t + YOUTH BWIGTOURNAMENT Tn Down K'ram n c AfÀ.1 4-1 Bowling director Harold Bennett informs us that the -WW E~ ~a Youth League bowling banquet wilI be heid et the Legion i Afler bowing ant 8-3 lead! Hall on Salurday, May 29th at 6:30 p.m. A list of traphy , .I, . Bili's Biliards poured across, winners appears elsewhere on the sports page. N ICfls t.iow f fve sixth inning runs andf t t t 1 1ta hand Kramp's a 14-10 set-' SNESNINCIDENT Ke s 15-1 back at Vincent Massey park,ý We've been wondering how long it would take Derek Th ursday night. It was tic; Sanderson of the Niagara Falls Flyers ta get embrailed In Nichais Motors, with five .second straiglit loss for the, somne sad incident. This reporter had the privilege? of sitting.înning outbursts ln the second Furniture crew in three' a nd seventi, defeated Ken's nights. with Sanderson ast year et a Generals-Flyers game while Mens Wear 15-10 in a higi- The 1lose rs scored three he was injured. Usuaiiy these guys are pretty nice ta talk scoring Men's Town League tirnes in the opening frame,! to, 'even hhough you wouldn't want ta meet them on the saftbail attraction, last Wed- !but Bill's got one ini the same'ý Ice, particulariy Gilles Marcotte. nesday night at tie Vincentlinning, added tJ-ree in the! Massey Park. The 25 runs second and four in the fourth.' Bus this Sanderson is about the most viciaus acting were matched by an equai Kramp'E; got one back ln theý Individuel we've met and il was na surprise ta see him atnumber of his with the win- 'bottom haîf and splurged for. his worst in the third game of tie Memorial Cup series. ners holding a 13-12 edge in haîf a do7en fift4'i inning 7%e entire brawi and Sanderson's part ln it was a disgrace tie slug-fest. markers to lead 10-8. to hockey. And this guy is a darneci gooci hockey player mlx Wsmn e o Rntpewand lsngea home1 teams %vith a great display of rn rpean iget arn too! ower beling ahomerunthe Billiards, while To t t ivop obesnd a shom e.aPea rson cracked a homer "andi BAIT FOR THE FISHERMAN 'Moe" Richards added a hom- a pair of singles. Paul Mut-! Mrs. Sid Bond tells us that tiey are beck in business , and two singles, while Ted ton iad two doubles and aî 'Hoar, notcied Nichais' third 'ingle and Ted Dadson sms supplying bait for fishing, and custamers will be welcomne. homer and a singlee. Bihisoe rnandse ngfora1, Y For Ken'ýs, Kilpatrick col- safeties. BE CAREFUL THIS WEEKEND lectcdt a home run and single' Colin eooke beited a pair, flùtinig the past few years carelessness has resulted in to aid uis own cause, with of round-trippers, and Johni considerable loss nf life. particularly amang boating en- Bill Nicholson, Dave Werry Fowler supplying a doublel Îishrme. Wti ie ummc's irs log wek;andi Clint Ferguson ecd bag- andi single. Jack Manîle, HIar-f thusiasts and ging.Wt tesmmrsfrs og ek a pair of singles, rv' Snowden andi "Archie"ý end comiag up, chances of losing one's life are greatly in- Nlo e ikdLpteCosyec olce w creaed -- sotakeit asy nd PRY i sat. 1Win, while faaniag six and singles. 1 Aayone wvishing furlier informatiôn may contact Red lissuiflg seven bases on bails. Mel Burgess allowed 13 Cross water safety chairman, Bill Bagneil at 623-3585. f Kilpatrick also cîaimed six hiLs, but didn't waik a batter,î* ,strike-out victîms and walked and claimed a pai" ik- Through BilE's assistance we will have safehy rules on swsm-i four, j nuls b earn the decision. rning, lioating end other summer sports in aur column veryi,________________________ ockey AwardsiMen'1s League iL..l Schtdul suening gamnes start at 6:4 unday games : First game, 1:30 p.m. Second gamne, 2:45 p.m. May- 19-Ken's vs. Bis. 20-Nichais' vs. Kramnp's 25-Ken's vs. Stephen's 26-Bilî's vs. Niciols' 27-Kramnp's vs. Ken's 30-Stephen', vs. Kramp's 30ý-Ken's vs. NichoIs' June- l-Kamnp's vs. Bilîs. 2-Nichol's vs. Stephen's 3-Biil's vs. Ken's 6-Kramp's vs. Nichols' 6-Stephens' vs. Ken's 8-NichaIs' vs. Bill's 9-Ken's vs. Kramp's 10-Bill's vs. Stephen's 15-.-Kramp's vs. Stephen's 16-Nichais vs. Ken's 17-Bill's v.s. Kramp's 22-Stephen's vs. Nichais 23-Ken's vs. Biis 24-Nichais' vs. Kramp's 29-Ken's vs. Stephen', 30-Bii's vs. Nichas' JuIy- 6-Stephen's vs. Bill,'s 7-Ken's vs. NichaIs' 8-Stephen'sç vs. Kramp's 13-Kramnp's vs.. Bill's 14-Nichais' vs. Stephen'à 15-Buils vs. Ken's 20-Kramp's v.s. NichaIs 21-Stephen's vs. Ken's 22-Nichos' vs. BuIls 25-Ken's vs. Kramp's, t th e reoent cîosing banquet of the Men's Towni League hockey, many awards were presented includ- ing the foilowing: Jack McNulty, right, presents the McNulty Sports team traphy ta Capt. Don Masters of McNulty's Sports & Cycle team. High scarer Ted Fairey, right, accepts Stephe Fuels trophy from George Stephen IoN. MEIAEHOCKEYj Last year's intermediate loop comprising Brooklin, Port, £1 ecre a ti oq' evievî Penny, Port Hope and Cobourg will be expanded by the 'ie owavle era- lrdBwn, eryMae' addition of a Lindsay club came this fall. Efforts to form l ion Department Hardballîý Stephen Bruce, Dougl as a local club hast season were thwarted due ta a few un- League gat under way last Bragg, Keiti Sieman, Steveni fortunate circumstances, aad atiaugi it is early ta be' Saturday morning at Memor-ýi Jeffreys, Bryan Hellam, Don- thiniagof ocke, w'rewoneria ifanyne i ineretedil Park with three exhibition aId Sylvester, Stuart Wight, In reviving irtermediale hockey here. 1 msi heA~ e is. Gog BaenDvdGre, SThe Mets defeated tie Car-' Thomas Nowlan, David Pas- Ail teams in the league operated in the blâCk, maînly dinaIs by lhe score of 15 laisant, Raderick T hoamp san; because it was a compact, home-brew league. Long raad8, while thie Twins won a' Coach, Devid Trimble, Reg trips mnean financial ruin for many clubs, and teams of no doubIeheader, defealing the) Oudshoorn. local talent don't arouse muci inîerest. : Yankees 14 to 1 and the Dod.i Giants - Reginalci Freethy, O.H.A. executive member Jim "Ticker" Crombie wauid gers 10 ta 7. David Pndreson, Goa Gis, Il was cdecided ta formai a. avdAndrsonh, Doaelis, be pleased ta talk witi anyane who thinks they wouid sixth tea-n andi they wiil be - dlyFeel ,Dnnis Liv- be inlerested in arganizing a Bawmaavile Intermediahe called the Giants. ingstone, Derek Lobb, Bobbcy Luxton, Mark Steel, FEawik entry. The regular schedule wfll' Laird, John Masters, Ricky -- - ____--start this coming Saturday,f 'Phiele, Raady 'Piiele. May 22nd, at Memorjai Park:!--- Tisvs Cerdinals, 9 a.rn.. McQu ens îrl'Tea : nrth diamond; Dodgers vst McQueen's '~IrIsIeam s vs Yankees, 10:30 a.m. LSE HR: Merts, 9 arn. south diamon Takes Whitby 8 to5n fv or a time imit of one hourý; and a hell. In Exhibition Game Art83theoypresent limne te 1 e 3bosregistered in ouri MicQueen's Motors defeated: Bowmanv~ihe addcd enotier Atom Basebaîl Series. Whitbv Merehants 8-5 in i n the second, but 'Phrower'sý Pee Wee Series: Ludies' exhibition softbalh conýtw-o home run narrowedi To operate tdiree teams un;, tee at the Central Schooh d'a- lie gap, before McQueen's the Pee Wee League series of' niod Mnda niht wrapped il up with thre hhird thie Minor Harcihaîl League modMndyngh.:inimn: swtot o-mare boys are required fori A pair of dou.bles sent lie Iecî:ag ah1itsgop Alby eitr visitmns labo a 1-0 first ianing. 'Tle MercianLs gat two back ed and others iaheresbed lead, but Betty Thes-teli bell- la the fourth, before darkness hould repart ta Memnorial ed a bases-loaded tripleie hlt play ia tie top of the1Park on Saturday aflernoon, the bottom half andi seored'fifthi ,May 22, at 1:30 p.mn. herself to make il 4-1. Betty 'Pherbell started onf Recreation Girls Softball: ~ the hili for the Molors, withl AIl girls wio have register< ! * Diane Ormistan takiag over in cd in the girls safîbail league GCet Your Price lie Ihird ho protecu the w in.1 wili1 hold a practice Saturday' Jane Reyaolds went lie dis- 1niorning ai the Central Sehool F or Your Livestock tance ;n defeat. diamoad. Girls ", ta 13 vearF 1 1 ~~First lVeek ceie wiIl pr'actise et 9:00 a.ni., and T hrougb ýWed. May 26-. Port Hope at girls 13 to 16 years of age wilî Bob Hesketh S ATE£s M AN Newcastle: Courtice at praetise at 10:,10 a.m. C L A 98 1F1E D 8 Whitby. Mnor iardball Atom_ _ _ _ _ Phone 623-3303 IFri. Mev .29 - Blowman ville Revised List a Courtice. Mets - Donnie Srm:bh, Ran-: KISMNnie Smith, Kerry Noble, Wes- r f hey Parny, Tirn Jozkoski, Doua KEE !Vivian. Allani Frank, Kennyl 1 E BRING TRIS iFerris, Bob Joncs, James Ste- SPECIAL 1/ PRICE PASS 'phen, oTrry CappsonnyPu!IN FORM EDaaa T Leddy, Douglas Leddyt Co'ach, NI te the !Samn Snowden, Joi.n Joskoski.1 4 YCardinas - Roly Si mnpson, A SORT 0F iNEdWS S IS M 3fos! F ~~~~~~~~Paul Sargînson, John Nesbitt,Yo'Ifidmt fhenw PRIC PAS ,fct, ikeO'BrenKenav and soe of the offbat In KI SM N U ER CA Livingstone, Garxry Chishol Y H:sketh's twce dally es ble, anny LeamnJoey through Frlday at 1:00 and Bun, ihad' can.5.-,00 p.m.; on Saturdays 11:50 N Cai'XRicard aU.JefreyBrooks:;and 5-50 p.m. Hlm philosophy et te :CachJackNesbtta out news la thet Ik shouldn't ýS Yankees - Michael Orme &always give PeopIe PeptÎ lc ers I P ~EBO OUG ME ORAL ENTE X Jeffrey Ross, David Fraser, and, like à shiskabob, should PE (RBOR UGH EMORAL C NTRU Sheven Sylvester, Jfamie Per- have meat of many different fect, ienneth Vivian, Derrvl kinds. OVE£ $8,000 uIN PRIZES inctuding .Luaney, Robbie Brougli, Brad- y., 1~~~ý ev Rundle. Bobby Preston, _________ N'ew 1965 ouctfied Car fromn dealer of your choice or Peter Nowlan, Christopher $2,000 Cash; $LM00Hi-Le Gaine; $1500 Big Snowball 'Teriune, Bobbv Strike, David (55 nos.); $1.100 imail Snowbail (53 nos.); Sylvester; Coach, Bud Perfect. I5I $M0 regujar gaines. $450 Speelal gimes. Twins - Paul Forsey, Scott __ l'~~ »u~'fout t bu tie eonoiy ackfor~ :Van Driel, Douglas Se1lenr., Dntoete b av te enemyPc o an n KerrY Hai-sheni, Rodney Sel-;I~<~( Plus Eary Bid Gane Sar heWalh rsTerry Brock, Bradley;i~Q Pls4Eal ildGme Sar h Wat) Milaer, Ronald A.bernethv t. % at 7:30 'Donald Sturrock, Bsfly Lea- flay Irc' '" Vauab. Di~.h.~. an, Stephea Davey, Michaelý ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION %" rr- Vlal Lo rssebiane. Paul Jones. Vike______________G IGreen: Coach, LUoyd Forsey. G 0Dodgers.- Dav4 idaho Whyte's B-eats Chartran'1s Jr. Men's BaI's Newest Entry Takes Openîng Game 2 taO0 by Jim Clarke AI Osborne led off with a Iance when they meet Frank's Theneestenry n he r.walk and moved to second; Variety. Next Monday nlght Te neage cien ed i the arý fter Boyd fanned and Steve, t63,Els he aeo iMen' Leage chrstene theBurns drew a frpe pass.t6:0 lisSos aeo '65 season on Mondav night.: Blaine Pickard slaslied '-,0hartran's. George Piper, who iwith a '--0 win. ai Memorial singe to riglit field, semîins verY capably handled the Park. Whyte's Upholstery,' Osborne. plate-umpiring chores last behind the standout no-hi t Te xjý de hi season, is a welcome returnee pithing of Dick Stata. coin- Tewnesaddti again this year to the league. npletely handcuffed Chartran's ter runs ini the last of the____ Men' Wea in he laguefeurth whn Bill Bates pow- Mpen' ear i 'elau ered a triple and scored on opeer!Dick Statas single. Sullivan. 1 i l'nî an yd IStata and the losers' Den- who got stronger as the game T nis Sullivan staged a red-hot, progressed, held the Uphiols- up to -playing conditions. Stata in the way. $,O0 Ihis na-hit performance, fan- Chartran's, who lYad' onily I n e d fo u r, w a lk e d o n e , a n d re - v e b ý e r n e s a th i a a e n o b e ' a é ceived solid support from his' f v a e r n e s a h i t a r a O l b e r 4 mats.best scoring opportunity in of interest "Sully" allowed six hits, Clarke and George Micheson fanned seven and walked1 were lef t stranded when Stataý To consoldate your three. The efforts by bath:retired the next three men in pitoliers were particularly ýorder. Bill Bates and AI Os- bis or for any other surprising, considering the borne came up with somne wrh ilpuos fact il was the first game off great defensive moves for the wrhhb ups the season and also the cold, winners. Osborne r o b b e d' windy weather that prevailed. Rick Lucas of a certain hit ini providing you are Stata aided his own causethe sjxth. and Bill erasedl by picking up two hits andf Bruce Smith by a whisker in steadily eniloyed and en RBI. Blain Pickard alsoth seventh on a bunt attempt haezo rdt had a pair of hits for Whyte's,!Brian Bradley and AI Boyd haegdeedt and Bill Bales, hast season'sf turned in steadv efforts in thei top batter, added a triple. 1 outfield for Wh vte's. Tlpoe7343 Whyte's took a 1-0 lead in Tonight (Thursdav) Whyte's.Tlpoe7343 the botton of the first when make their second appcar-1 SDEMONSTRATOR JMlxed Major League Ho Id Bowling Banquet The Mixed Major Bowling for their high games. Le-ague held their annual ban-, The new executive for 19Des. quet on Saturdev night. May 66: President, Pete Dobb.lns-, £,15th. at the Lions Comxnunitv'Past Pres., Muriel PÇtlryd; Centre with aver 50 bowleris ice P..GoreUee r band guests present. The tables Sec.-Treas., Helen Ilun ;_ Av- Iwere effectivelv decorated erages, Molly Mirs: Replace. with forsythia and daffodilF. ment, Mel MeNuIty-, Fines. ,After a delicious dinner. serv-i Ross Wright: and Social, Er- ed by the ladies of the Re- nie Perfect. bekah Lodge. the prsntation Entertainment by "nPe Ho- of trophies took place. bos'- was thoroughlv enjoyed Doris Joli was preseîîtedIbx ail. and the remainder -if with a large trophy by Pete thie evningwa sen 'F Dobbins, for the High Single, dancing with manv draws. ,a High Triple and Higli Aver- wind up a Year of gond sport. age for the ladies in the first ____________ schedule. M u r i e 1I Holrovd 5, President of the LeagUe. gaiVe J traphes to Harod Ballemn for ot B wln high single and liig-h triple' OU B wln and to Ernie Perfect for h.ýh Resuits of Playoff, May SUm average. Winners-f the Dr. H. . For the second sehedule, Rundie Trophy: C. Ayre, Dl. ,Denise Annaert lad tih h,h Lewis. J. Bryson, L. W hit. singe of 47, for the ladies, iead. Hîgh Double, S. Whitp. and Pele D ohbins high si 5ie h a L P p r: H gSingle, 401 and higi triple for te D .hc ad l e, S r oigw n e !men. Doris Jo1l.hilgi triple',.S Bon and high average, and Haroldý Winners of the Legion Tro. 'Ballem high average. piy: N. Edmondson. M. Kil- DorL Joi. cptan. Jycepatrick. A. Chittick, M. Mack. Maor, Moalv Mpairs, oyc lin, P. Anderson, S. Leddy. Wajrih, Gorge Baih, eandgHigh Double. N. Goodwin, C. . E\,ans: High Single, J. 18ro- Jim Webb were the w~innHingmlD.Sles teain. and eaci were preseni- elD.Slrs ied wi 'i a tropliv by Bernice, innL-rs of the Lions Tro. BudaY. M rs. Selb,'ý Grant, phy: D. Luxton, B. Preece. presrnted Doris %vithi the Sel-, M. Ada*ms, K. Aihin, B. Pres- bv' Grant 1rophiv. Runnner-upý ton. Higi Double. D. Brock, team , O llie Patfie]d, capt., . Du n Hi h S n l , . Me] MeNuilt v, Babe Br-owîî.ý Donoghue. W. Gardon. Ernie Perfect, George Bebee, Winners of the Ken's Men's Vern Connoi's. each rcceived Wear Trophy: R. Beauprie, *a t roph ' proisented byv Pete M. Iiately. M. Bradley, D. Dobbins.' Edmondson, T. Gardon. High The bowlers wio rolled 1()()Triple, B. Colville, M. Mèr- , or over games. each rceived: shahl, C. Bradley, S. Mitchell*. binggase peene Sigi Single. D. Nowlan, P. Helen Dunn andi Jin Murphy. Jeffery. Two ."pecial awards, ta De-' Winner of the Lander Tro- 'nise Annaert and Pete Dob- phy: R. Etcher. ubns for their nice 400 games,' Winner of the Bennett Tro- fwas presented h 'v Moll Mair_.py S an Thev also recrived a pienie Youti League bowling banl- f cooie.r. presnted b > Bil] Hot- quet will be hed et the royd and donated b *v Smith Legion Hall an Saturday, May 1965 PONTIAC 4-dr. Sedan Be sure to sce this on.! A company car with new car warranty in Regal Red with matching Iuxury interior. . equipped with4 automatic transmission, windshield washers, customn radio, white4 waII tires, side mirrors and custom mats.4 Dan Girardi, lef t, modestly accepts "Most Sports- Includes licens., tank of gas. mnanlike Player" award, the Harry Akey Trophy from Fs" VISIT OUR LOT DURING THE HOLIDAY WEEKE? AND SEE OUR SELECTION 0F QUALITY USEDC CARS 4 11 4 Rav athng 4 'Photos by Lloyd McRobbie l'- -- TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE ... FOR RIAY, MALY CONCER , 4 1 a Stew Preston SALE Rap Philp