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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1965, p. 14

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14 Ie Canadian Statesn'an, Eowrnanville, May 28, 19651 Appointment John NoblI% Durham Horns Go to Texas Mr. C. K. Burley, President, Burley Bus Lines Limited, an- nounced the appointment of Mr. John Noble of Bowman-. ville to the position of super- visor Bowmanville - Oshawa-1 1:Whitby Division of Burley Bus, Lines Limited. Mr. Noble's. appointoient continues the: company policy of continually striving to improve customer service in the area. Mr. Noble' brings to Burley Bus Lines' Ltd. 10) years experience i the bus industry and fourI years of' sopervisory experi-, ence. He is well qualified tW 'serve the travelling publie, having had considerable ex- perience in charter work andý regular scheduled operations.: '~M~JJ LOoeEn SBALL AMo YOUR SHARE ue iWher«s The a1? Join in the actian of exceo prsb flnding tronic ISM Unit. 'cvbodsga - ~.Wher th@e exact lacsan col the a pucwhich th@eon "nd manv i :g h hsse hasbpn enove fac, he phaafa famnous it h big cash prizes from Dominiarc! a ca sports scena t ch and evgry week vou hâve an loci!Entcer Canada'.9newest garas ofsi equ8l chance to wn cp Io 56000 becausa th@ skicwes anernapatnw 1ee ca ris are scien, fically scoferi chroccgh an elec- at DOMINION! GARDENS "Your Friendly Garden Centre" PHIONE 623-5757- Hwy. No.2 3 MILES WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE SPECIAL No. 1 POTENTILLA FARRERI This lovely dwarf shnib forms a compact round bal about 3 ft. wlth sparklng yellow blooms set off agalnst the green foliage, $ 5 througliout the entire season. $15 Reg. $1.95 Value - SPECIAL . -M ------- These are pottcd and can be planted amniediat ely! SPECIAL No. 2 MUGHO PINE Lovely deep- green globe evergreen, will become as compact as a pin cushion. forniing a dense mound. Extremely hardy either in %un or shade. Reg. $5.25 Value - SPECIAL- $4o49 This Weekend Only! SPECIAL No. :1 SHEEP MANURE The best proven fertilizer fer ail flowers, shrubs and trees. 50 Ibs., reg. $2.99 - SPECIAL - --- $2.69 25 lbs., reg. $1.69 - SPECIAL .....$1.39 COME HERE FOR GOOD HEALTHY BOX PLANTS AND GERANIUMS Gardening can he fun . . . and rewarding! It is relaxing No wonder Pontiac is so popular again this year..., just look at àt! it Bi a1 of pe Ai pe Ir( a ex ho A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE And look what's happening at your Pontiac dealer's Success Car Sales Celebra your Pontiac dealer's way for your enthusiasm abot ready to give you the kind to tell your friends about. and colors! With Pontiac) hardtops, sedans, convertit total of 40 eye-appealing m get fast deliery on most n in values! To keep up bis Pontiac dealer is off'ering trade-in at this Celebratior present car will neyer bce w now! Tak'e advantage of thi! Authorized Pontiac DerIer in Bovitanville: ROBSON MOT Ubi King S iL&. Phone MA:3 80 sure ho watçh "1'lescops- end "The Rogues" ncw ehovwingc !Nei Newton, commercial and advertising photographer, 102 Laird Drive, Toronto, who is a part-time resident of the Tyrone area, presents a special hat from the Professional Photographers of Ontario to, Harper Leiper, Houston, Texas, President of the Professional Photokraphers of America, Inc., at the PP of a 74th International Exposition of Professional Photography held in New York City, May 1-7. Newton acquired the horns for' the bat from Hank Van Dorp, inter- nationally known cattie rancher from Bowmanville. In presenting the bat, New- ton told the PP of A President, "We just wanted a Texas man to know that we have, some mighty good cattie in Canada too" ____ -Photo by Oscar Associates, Chicago ~the cihurc4i on Thursday even- HAY DON n to make plans for our S.S. An niversary supper. Practice for our SundaY Church service at 1:30 P2.. The -Iaydon Home and School Anniversarx' on Sun- on Sunclay.: School Club was held on Wed- day morning -at 10:30occu. A, meeting will be- held ini nesday evening. The meeting opened with singing "0 Can- ada," after whiclh ail 'epeated: )ne glance at Pontiacs out-and-out beauty tells you \\hy I the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Cowl- enjoys so much popularity with Canadian car buyers. ing had the following pro- ut looKýs are only part of the Pontiac story. Pontiac lias gram: Readings by Mrs. Patts, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Olesen: lot niore tItan just glarnour. Luxurious comtfort, for the school children sang fourý istance, in the rich fabries and thoughtful appointments songs: Mr. J. Dugan showed' lf Pontiac's fashion-plate interiors. Swashbuckling slides: Rev. Dugan gave a, (ommentarýy on eaeh picture. lerformnance, backed by, outstanding dependability. H-e showed picttres taken in ind pace-setting Pontiac engineering developmrents. Like England which were, very he ail-new \%-ax Pontiac is but ibis year, with ough bs-autifui1: severa] were takený ý.t night to s'how their won-ý erlimeter franie construction and curved glass side derful illumination; picturesi i'îndows. Like draniatically inîproved road-holding ability of the beautiful colouredý om the new wider track and Fu-Coul suspension. Plus foliage of the trees in the fali! around Tyrone and district:ý long list of other fine featores and options that casily and Mr. Dugan's cottage and xplain Pontiac's appeal to your practical side. As to the lakes, etc., which were ail 0ow Pontiac gets its special place in yfour leart very enjoyable. Vice presi- dent Mrs. Jones o]osed the; *.just Iook atiti! meeting with singing "Thei Queen." Lunch was served! and a social time enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Font- taine and Neil and Mrs. A. McNeil. Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MiNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Webb and, daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. Dennis Thompson and girl friend, Leskard, Mr. D. K. Thompsotn and Valeî te, Eas+ Beach, Bowmanvil]e, were Sundav visîtors of Mrs. A Tho'mpson. Mr. Wayne Blackburnti,Ian,- ilton, Miss Joan F'allis. Kell- ... ....dal, at Mr'. and Mrs. W. Blac-k- burn's on Sunda.v. iMr. and mis. ivan Shlarp. Lincla an(] Janet, Mr. ancj is~ SR. 0Onniston %were Snnday te.q *~:**~« e~guests Ili'm r. alid1Mi-S. ly vle ii.C\'iiî'Ashtton and' Roy A.litoii ealled on Mr., Henrvý Ashton ai the Rt'ad Miss Linda Potts, R.N., Whitby, spent tule weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Ro'y MceLaugh- ]in and Debbie, Blackstock., Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone,' were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and faniily. Mrs. F. Denbe, and Mi's, ýAunger, Bowmanville, calledý Parsinn SprtCopeon Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard Parsinn SprtCopeon Wednesday. ation in full swing! 1lîere's Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashion,î yof saying "Thank you" I Eddie and Lea, Toronto, spent ,ut bis 1965 mnodels. He's E v' isit the ;the weekend et their cottage.' of îerrific deal you'îî want 1 jMT'. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Wide seleetion of models Success Car and Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Madore y'ou can choose fromn . , / . Sales Celebration and baby, Toronto, at their bles, station wagons.. a i/ today! cottage on the holiday. nodels iin ail. And %ou can Mrs. K. Cowling visited, nodels. Unsurpassed tradte- Miss E. Clysdale, Bowman.' stocks of used cars, your ville, on Wednesday. top allov.ancc on yourlJ Several from Haydon at-ý n ie. Which means your I II I L tended Enniskillen Sundayl orth more than it is rightP o t a services, and the supper on grea opprtunt> (daylMonday. is geat ppotuniy loaylMessrs. Leslie Graham, Roy Grahamn eccompanied Mr. Jim Grahami Bowinan v iii e, Io MOntreai on the weekend. Sirnce 1946, parallelling the ORS LI ITED transfçrmaton of Canada fromn 3-3396 BOWMANVILLE tion ni' electric energy has in- on loeiin hçlcllsig!lM ad Gh&nn.î. creased from 42 billion kilo- .watts to 134 billon. COUPON NO3.2 FOR YOUR SECOND TRAY TABLE Fresh Pro duce Specials MEXICAN No. 1 FIRM RED Tomatoes 2 lb. pkg. 49C ONTlARIO) (ROW~N No. 1 Cucumbers 2 king size 29C M'ASHED REAI>V TO COO0K SPINA(H 2pkgs. 39c1 N.DOMINION TRAY TABLE COUPONýc [ K1 NG UETA AL I CO fÉuPO IH T I $19 OUONsn $1COUPON e PR S J n d .'9 TffS COUPONg WORTH 40C TOWARD p4JRCHASE OF TRAI. >I* Guaranfeed Quality Meut s TEN ROASI VEAL TASTY - LEAN LOIN VEAL CHOPS New Season's Veal Saf 'DER DELICIOUS IDEAL FOR CUTLET LEG ROASI 0F VEAL SHOPSY'S FAMOUS Ail Beef Franks 49 clb MAXWELL IIOUSE - l14c0OFF INSTANT COFFEE Powdered Detergent PRIDE 0F NIAGARAX - CHIbi CARKS PORK and BEANS3 Crisco OIL (erais 2 for 69c 38-oz. 6;-o',.. CIt. Size 28.oz. Tin la.<iz. Tins AIl merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is 99C unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. 9c avex Li quid 99 BAC 9c A'iter 15-0z. Thum (houLe lialvesc 89 Peaches 3 for 79c Sc Jello Pow ders 6-0o. Pkgs. 9c Section% U 49C Grapefrut4 for $1l Sm ewum là m cd u " »M lhW - t@u i- Na hhIa«4., WB RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Values Effective in Bowmanville Until Closing Tirne, Saturday, May 29, 1965. oMINm King St. and Simpson Avenue REDENI TIS 4<-OF ~, Ni 64-oz. Container I 'o s lýe- Fý 1 Horpv Fanev General Mills 4 Varieties a

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