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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1965, p. 3

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1manville. wua the best Jand ushering were Mr. R Richards. Bowmanville, Mr. Lloyd Scott. Oshawâ 1~ JWeddings RICHARDS - SCOTT lwa- securefi h v sicrr)o f r Marilyn Alice. daughîler )f seed pearls. opaque rvfl bMr. anti Mrs. Clarence - and Guipure lace. She rat.- Scott. Kingston Rd. west. Osh-' ieti pink Delight roses in a aRwa, anti Robetî Ross Rich-1casade. firds, -son of Mr. anti Mrs. Mrs. Cliffoti Bai-ton Mf Lon- Ross E.* Richarde o or wnan-, don. Ontario. was the niatron ville. wene united in marnJa of onorThe Other atten- SaturdaY aftennoon. MVav ".'dat wene Mns. Lloyd Scott. 1P65 by he evernti~ OsawaMiss Ha-,el Richards, 'ý1'lYHerbent. 1Bowrnanville, aodt Miss Gýay1e Wesley Blakely. junior bitiesra id. of The ceenomdiî took placc'in, Greenbank. The floywer girl King St. United Cbuncb, Osi'wsMs id ihrso awa. Organist, Mn..Rhydiitiwanise.nichadofth WiliamnS, play"ti thr wwaeddinniceofth w, "ig groom. Master Scott Canigan, mnUSiC anti arcompanieti M..Oýshawa. cousinoftebi, D)ouglas Willianis or Whitby, was1 ring beaner.oftebiq the bridies cou,:in. who sang Tbey were aIl dnessed alikej "ThP Lord'e Prayen.'* The n formai sbealhs ;Of importeti, edding Pae n" nt** P>-turquoise shantastik witb bow Mect Loveanti tie-back accent, toppeti M.Stt gave bis daughler withwi te Chantilly lace jar- in rmarniage. She wore a fui]- kesW br-ievdat ak length gOwn of French Gui- bultoneti. Turquoise siik anti Pure lace with tbree-quante.n white lace heatidresses helti sleeve.s and a seallopeti neck- 1,hein over-the-face veils antie brne. A cathedra] train, scal- they cannieti nosegays of whitec lo0ped to match the neekline, chrysanthemunis, pink-tippeti flowed from xiie shoultiers. A anti eentred with a pink car- four-lier veil of, illusion. bi!-,nation. lowing below the shoulders Mn. Maurice Richards, Bow-1 A FLAVOR that can't be copied Mayhe you're not fussy about fiavor in a ginger ale. But Wilson's are. That's why Wilson's Ginger Aie tastes s0 good. Skiiful blending gives Wilson's the riglit balance of the Jamaica ginger flavor and sparkiing carbonation. Don'! let anyone tell you ail ginger aies taste the same. Try Wilson's and discover the difference. Receiving in the CentE Hall of the church. tihe b mother wa.- wearing a s dress no«French organ2 sihocking pink on et lines with a short-s]f bodice of Guipure lace w~ fan-tai! back interest.A of pink petals deepeni: match ber dness and pink whbite accessories and ai gladioli corsage with ribbons completed ber Semble. The bridegroomn' fther wore a mist greeni silk dress with pale ovenlay jacket with hat access;onies to metoh ai corsage o! pink gladioli. Laten the couple ]eft »wetiding trip to Puerto The bride donneti a pninieti silk sbeath, a cc, turquoise lined witfh Pink bat anti acce;,,sorieç a corsage of pink chrysai Mu UM S. Mr. and Mrs. Richards retun to make their box Osliawa. Several parties honnri ,bride pnior Io her marr :Her co-workers% in the eral Motors Products Sei Department held a musce eous sihower-. A preseni anti pani.ry shel! aîhower given by Mrs. F. J. Pe Oshbawa, when she ic. an beirlooni bedspreati. cheon set andi gnocenv lite A (ommnitx' miscellan shiowei' was held bv fri anti neighbors in Westmir United Churcb. NeighbGrs frientis of the ThorntonF area helti a presentation papen sfiower, at which bride was the recipientc card table anti chair set% covens. Thie panty was1 ei. the home of Mus. Dot. Laotien, Oshawa. anti she assistet by Mrs. W. H& VIrs. R. Sully andi Mrs. Schuermann. A kitchen îshower was gi i- Mns. Maurice Richards uer home in Bownîanville he was assisteti by Mrs. G M1cCullough andi Miss H, Richards. Mrs. Haroldi P son Oshawa, assisteti by laughten Lyrda, was hosi for a PaPei' shower antid ing the evening the bridei presenteti witbh a rotiss( brouler anti autniatic openen. Mrs. Lawrence Allen, i Conton Whbite anti Mrs. H Id Pascoe assisteti at a ba 'om shower held aI lthe ho ýf Mns. Wni. Pierson. Oshal he bride waq also preser, iilb a chrome carînisten rom the girls of the Proc erv(ce Department anti fi îe staff, a step-stooi 'affle iron. The bride's motherv lnsîess foi' a tr'ousseau tea Nednesday. Ma,%,5th. The gnoom's fellow worki n the G.M. Payroli Depa nent presenteti hini witb -eclî'ir Fry pan. and fnier esenîeci hlm with a guni nonev at Ihe Bowmanvi nîf & Curling Club. s il fi( Se thi wZ ho ni 'Go If you're asking yourself This message might provide a pqsty answer. If a major purchase costs more than you want to spend, the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan might well be the difference between having it to enjoy and going without. YOU CAN DRING AIL YOUR CREDIT NEEDS 1110fR ONE ROOF. The Bank of Montreal Farnily' Finance Plan is the modern, economical way to take care of ail your credit needs without putting a heavy strain on your pay- cheque. It puts cash in your hands for a new automo- bile, washing machine, TV set, wardrobe for your family- or for meeting emergencies and recurring commitments. YDU CAN IORROW Up ro $3500 AND TAXE Up TO THREE YEARS TO REPA Y. Many people don't know you can walk into any brandi of the Bank of Montreal and arrange a large personal loan. Depending on your income, vou can obtain up to $3500 or e\'en more. And you can repay your boan wvithin three years through regular mionthly payments geared to y'our incomie. lnterest is low. AIl FFP boans are ~ automaticallv life-ns ured to protect yo0Ur family. The manager of your nearest B of M branch can tell * yo0U more about the Famnily Finan~ce Plan. See him today adbe sure to ask for the free informative booklet: 'How to Live on Your Inconie and Enjoy 1C". BANK OF MONTRIEAL lBn maox <le Branch: Ohau-a Rranchý JAMES BELL, Nlaniî2ef IANMFS NIrCA\'SH. Manaite, ReenloM riean sh w ! ENIKLLN The Canadian Statesnan, Iowmanville, May 28, 1983 lp. Sadie Billett, Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. W. Sandemrsn*fand Wayne, Mr. and ?&w. Ray ton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mur- Colunmbus, were Sunc!'v teal Cerreau. Windsonr. werot e.. tennial 'ph3'. Toronto. Mr. and Mrç. J ~tsof Mr. and Mrs. F. bride's, R. Knox. Hampton, Mr- n in. cent visitors with Mr. andi iha inrs. C. E HornsofhaM. wreMrs. Mildred Pitt. Toronto, Mrs. George Irwin and Rod. za n Snday ea uets f M-.and spent Sunday witb Miss Elsie ney. *mieedM-r n Mrs. F SdtTi0fl Oke and brother Albert. Mrs. George A. Scott, Osfr. weve r.ad rs .a,:hc Mr. and Mrs. Ruse-1CilGi-, awa, Misses Louise and Mvar- vAtha and Bill. Scarborough. were bert . Bowmanville, Mr. and jorip McInt&-h. Whitby. were si ht' ioswt î aet.M.Ms Ceci!Slemon, M rs. Mondas visitors of Mr. and ind o n MrS.d R. PeBil. Theron Moilntj y, Hampton, Mrs. George lrwin. Rodney kX, an r.ad r.R!!Maaf were Sunday visitors wit.h I'rwin is having a week's visit phiteadbos lcktok Mr M~T. M. Siemon. in Windsor with Mr. and Mirs. pink ~~~~~~~~~Mrs. Don Smith were Sunday r¶.adIts . ara .Creu tea guests of Mr. and MIrs.___________________________ enm-; Ted e-y green- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gi- gree& ~ ~ ~ ~~ fin, Heather and Date. re f ( ' ~ I t and Sundav tea gue&ts of Mr. and Lày na X:k Mrs. Allan Werrv. Mr. and Mrs.' D. B. Kayj Toronto, were weekend gues! s' DLIIIN CNM on a ~.of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Ric.I ~ ...... r.and Ms vnSharp 1 A waY to spend money wlthout gettlnx an3- fun out of it, floal~ Q'and girls were SundaN' tea guest of r. and Mrs. Lloyd 2. Denyinir otr.%PIvef a nerps-.ity tdyi re u ern Mtn Heydon. Itxrtoor. ,ç rn an r. at MGf moey to o o. rnaid- and fmlMrs. Jantci Mr GenKs a n and Liean. wioth Meif. g3- en -enn ifd pessd .. he' av re e to 'rv c fand Mrs. .MGiI!.Mci ation~M bert righlinonntospe s il and siMtr, OMnli. H.Werigh:, mein; Lind d Jtsant M. and M-a.- H. .1 c .1ls Mn r. a nd i I . Chrnwm an gl ,dndane Cning dinnen îeo.s aid atd Mr. ani MC en-~~zZ. nse Aeys d ery spenItaret -adprsfd...teyaernwdt ela- and Mrs. Re.eeen wci . thi oiialfeshpsataMacin ofteorgn- o ami' M igh.bv TVrt o, Tor nt, leirce, the ~~w~ aweekenwti gues fathrKNNSRE IG 5 Vrtuvs Mr and sitr, Mi. . Grgt, with~Lnd ' 'M Gîland Markt. rilia, Mn he1d~ James A.dWenx-y.GMr. and Mrs -iglas H M were Sundav tngdnea! w as 1~~ . .. ~ g ue4 s avCn.rc a r I1 of l he Mrtued s. innte is.Li d A e y H hwn utngter edngck, i h icpio otohethi'rnîio owanl]e, M the and MM and ~ndMss. M. Staintu oroto ;p., lsaaadtegomi h o fM.adMs osERcad fBwa Hampon s a f ekd GueofnP.. o'- gncste'or Mr. and Mrs. F.rth enie Mis ndMarue Ori ll W rig . y B L canth ee e d ih e ~~~ameth-ery Mr. andiMr.Enls!Lreî u nglaa kso k, Mss Dan n MARR'S wereSundl wea gustsav tMr arand Mres. Wf t e Vrys. H. iowG.utiR.thJ. edOrmhakeoal th r9epKonng l wit WhirPhnane a,,2Bo manill, M . ad wmanEA DillTE R a reMr.and rs.Robet Rss ichads ho wre arrid i Kjg SteetUnitd iilMr andMrs.adMisan es AOsaaonStraMy.5195Thbrd stefreMisMrlrlandierarMrs.M.Mtix nd Mris.rt Garvi0sha a, a d thegroo is he so of r. a d Mrs Ros E. ichads ofBoIva sonampto ,mb[ s Pa Ga!n ,thW RLhoniNL an of Mr. and o Mr. w a nd r. F stesý Mr. and ~Mrs. . Lm a,,CURN du,- Setinq as S. Jo n's nglian C urrs. G. M'cbaiîM. Ran- rs mon S. ab.n Ms lodSp serie ~~Mr.iantiMarrsitAlanWreni ', uL cai san fathelwerkendSuty er 'en~vts theMN. . antis. Shoc WîthsThe cHidden F4Kgn it Tralleilr s hw aM r. and M r - .pr-Id11 .trtof.w e m n and Mr Grn Bee Ma - oBIG HGroe, M. Dwght rati-sta at-M.at M.Ent Mr.O.SZE rI O C. AaMi.tobet Tr nie!Mniel andro ebet risa,: Mr. aand nt. ans h 3 uebyt Mr. and Mrs. Dneare( romSan and.Demnda,Pwth ri. and!ALenî 1 * 5T s 59 '~M. and Ms. A.Do.nald er .R' an MnS eHosknSiitha,-, Hanepton', wn ina vn LTHE iny tea guesM.ati aMr, EELR ITSO Mr. ani Ms W . Sndrm,o1nn 9Kn t . P oe6356 o m n atColumbusthe 25t eSnd ev kers enig cersa of MA. San rs. o~~of Mr. anMravAnd, Hampt.uown.r. Cunatulatginstao Mn. and DIC INS N - AN ERS N w it ba-ke fhle with hit~ Btli~ nti Mr Ge. Cnw Mrs. E . Wn I i. B, ma i cam! on ani tehaoti. lw' N w:viller hsts- M . a d Ms. on dBrun ua Bowma vill, orîtil' de or- aste Eva Petrs o Osl- ~« foi a ii~iEll a n e sjor1h d M s.FL St. .1oh ns u ~l <an Ch irchand fam ly', of B nmavilrP\,U fl atÎwt 'iecrsnhe osno h id. H.howen's munis nd soatiragos, ant xvar.iîandbarer, aD.yi.9 the .iffin for the niarnageTonoSato,îr, . aEtrC.'scau tea ii"honour of te oasThngHifdhenlFit!M-' Mav Isi.1965, ofMi~s ShroellMn.OsnawaicMr. and, Os1î Andcrsoîî. daughen of awa. wasMe.iWmHITforEiGi IVIr.anti rs. Enl Aîdersîî. aotherMnd.he tîhers ene -_Ma- i~~~~~~~ly Bowmn vlleaandMn..eandesrs.DonMcBi. SOshwa, - 54 T*O 10UR castîr. Ont. - -. aura Mrs Ros Dckiso, N w- iî Ja es Dea of Prsto'Mr. M a nd *.r. .CH rAs, A Dinknson son of M. au Doulas Gibsix, ewcal]e.M U E E U u rdas, itU Mr 11w oftîriating clergyman andti gess 1-til Ciî rpi% all hî the uxeddinz uî "spla, '- ih uct er ee Yeih e d b ' M . C .1 E v n s. te h e b rid e s nith e r w h o w o îe church organsi, Ms. Bri dges a range ire sheath wtli A n Im portant M essage for of Bowmanville V-as the soin. igu eti chiffon Cape-stoir. --rsage of w'hite anfoî Ci\-Pr n in arriagr h\- h,' Th, room's mothen assisiciY u w o a e a H arnàr b e fahr, fhe bride wore a for,- and for the occasion chose a Y U W o h v e r n r b e nia] Ilngxhiob of whlite bline gown with matching lbat organza over taffeta stvled nd shoe,. andt corsage of Pinîk *W.ELagCeifdHern AiAuolisi flyqafed u %viih long s1pfves. scoop nleck- carnations. Iune andi detachable chape! give you expert advice. train. Her shoulder lengthlavîg n hi netx'el eu n racfu fodswedding trip. the bride don- nndther trvelling enembleo,,. Yott'Ilreceive an Audiometrir Henring Test and Analysixs nt no charge froni a spray coronet of seeti pearis, ant i ebcrieti a boni- of an aqua suit, matie bv bei' or obligation. quel of white orchids, canna- niotfier, black patent acces- Uinsan sepantis ccntdsories. and aqua bal. Their Mr. Lang wiIb be plenscd Io showN you Eaton'sç "Viking" Hearing Aid tbyin ni tpanuscett home fig etRH 1 Oroiîo. complete range that now makes it possible bo fit almost everyone i A àiecretany. thie bride ai- Mi~ arar ai5ciRO-tendeti Bur-wash Pubbic School witb a connectable hearing boss. I mnl te. was ,çmai if onr and Bowmanville High Schoni. 1'iý n ind Hr b ide ad the The groom, who attentiet Mr. Lang will be pleased tb give you a home consultation at no charge Mi-' LiniaHaflv ntitheNewraslle Public Schfl anti ani B xele Xîe Eo~ ! -if B w ia vle 11g o ol or obligation. Bonwmaniville b, t t i e Miss an auto mechanic. *AIl purchases are cnvered hy the Eaton guarantee: MAary Reth Lawx. Bowmanville. Before lien inariage, t.he wa s Plw ir.in. The.v wel-e bride %vas guest oK honon at "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED" nflooulî'g. or.es~ several parties. NisBarbara lilac pca.î (je soie x ii cooD hfauSen. Bownianville, gave a Phone 725-7373 for an appointment today. necklines andi elbow îeiîgtjîimiscellaneous showen. and a sicevcs, and xhoirlheadlpiece sismlar shower was also helti wene bows of the dres:s ma-iat the home of Mî's. Haroild W. E. LANG EAT ON'S open Monday to Saturday 9:30 .m. to 6:00 p.m. frijal. Thr eîi attendants' Lake. Bownianville. Centified Hcaring Aid Tusan rdyN g t t b . Iouaufts wret of white car- Mus. Cianenre G a mnm ori Audiologist hr!yadFiayNgt tl . j notions ant ilsai leaves. anti Toronto, gave a linrn shnwr the flower girl carried a and lvrs. R. Lovek.n, Mr3. e.~, j ., ew

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