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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1965, p. 8

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Ç The Canadian Stateuman, Bownianville, May 26, 1965 By Frank Mohun 623-7234 ZOUTHVIEW GOLF TOURNEY Manager Les Smale was telling us that he is planning A golf tournament nt Sauthview that should be a very V PoPular affair. It la an open father and son handicap tourney, when a lot of dada wilI get the opportunity ta bella junior win a prize. Or maybe it could be the oppositel %Vay aound.Hopes for Victory Fade by 1 Ia slated for Saturday, June lgth, with tee off time between s two and four o'clock. In case there aren't enough dads to go arnund, Les suggests that adulta could be a father for1 the day, xiving everyone interested a chance to participate. Prizes will be presented at the conclusion of the day's play.!i hemember to mark down June 19th on your calendar- âhould be lots of fun. p + + t i. i FREE GOLF LESSONS Those Southview membersai-re lucky. They receive free golf lessons Wednesday and Thursday evenings from six 'tili finp o'cloek. The instructor, a fine golfer and excellent Instructor, modestly doesn't want his name mentioned. but he has been giving lessons in the past, and we understand he is very good. t 1t t t t KINSMEN BINGO.... Dont forget the big street hingo on TAmperance Street1 this Friday night starting at eight o'clock. Sponsored by the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club, ai] proceeds will go 10-: wards cystir fibrosis research. Here's a fine opportuni"tN to' get out and have an enjoyable evening, while helping a! Wui Iy ucauseat thefl same urne. 7 t -, t t TOWN LEAGUE DOWN TO FOUR Lack of players, forcing three of the eight gamnes to date te bp cancelled, has resulted in forcing the Men's Town'; When this photo was taken these four members Softball League te reduce from five to four tearns. Thelof the intermediate boys 880 1relay squad from B.H.S. playera on the Ken's Men's Wear roster have been divided i had high hopes for winning their event at the Lake âmong the other clube, with Ken's taking over the Nichols' Ontario District Track meet at Clarke__High May_ TM'otora sponsorship. Games played to date. including al __ . . . - -- Fraction of aSýcond 1:3. Unfortunately they were working against time in their heat and lost out for second place by a fraction of a second. Thev are, from left to right, Ian McQuar- rie, PalJ Kelly,_Dennis MeFeeters and Don McMurter. single bv McKnight Put Ellis statitieshavebeen ashe out ThenIwILJp bgan gaafl in front 14-3. tuetaytnghi t I LJrra Is S qII,710 -9Vin Franks scored their final t t t t Iw o u ns in the top of te BIG TRADE sxth. Ken Baker and Web- BIGTRDE u i CL~. 0. iA~ I,.4II ster had s ingles and MeMur- Ever since it was announced last week, iust about every- i I I'E IU jJ ~ D I I5 IV ter a sacrifice fly. John Kil- body has been talking about the big trade between Torontoi0erN W UUhe s o n M od al pati ck. Ellils' f irst sacker, Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings. Majoriiy opinion has1 r made the outstanding defen- It haiLeas ot he ettr f te da1 by .Tlm Clarke ilhird with a lonie run. Elli.s a grvat bld ini the top oft the si%'e Play of the gamne, in the It tat eafsgotthebettr o thedea. 1scored five m ore in tire scventh. ptiFhing across twol fifth inning. Bob McM.anus - However, we'd just as soon wait and see. Toronto needed Chartran's Men's Wear hUng fourth. to go ini front 63-4.'irrrns, but falling short by a[looped a drive to short richt gond young skaters, but don'i forget - Joyal, Jefferey n nt ananro 0 i is b iptik Dr igern field that Kilpatrick grabbed* McDonald have neyer made much of a mark in the N.H.L., over Ellis' Shoes on Monday'ýAdam;s and Gord Wallace, Arnund thre Bases: Guv. iflspertarular style. running! jind ihere is n<> reasori ta expeci them to do any better nig'ht. The winners outhit along with three Chartrans' P'arks and George Michelso'n'awav from the infield. Gordi the shoe squad 10-8 in the errors. did the damage. spearheaded Chartran's 10-bit WaI]ace, a newcomner to theï inow. In fact, along with Erickson, i's more likely they 1oýeIy played contesi. Ellis! iak ahhvn aro.Iautridi iegre wll end up playing for Rochester. Now if they do corne railied for two runs in the' C0hartrans rnared back wit afti!, cci1-ai1 a par o 1dKnetf El, turedb in ne gare final innig, but Goes. H a rixn id inetnetotoforoElheisd oth nla entri through, Leals could well be iaughing their way to anotherfinlurning butGoriWaansi.run inThe oitm oftir Stne u.lace flew out. with t.he bases1 fourth, to take 10-6 lead. Guy Burold Michelson. TRic k csafda hepa Stne u.'loaded. te end the garne. ýParks, George Michelson. Tv-- HranodDMnis llin . rrak-ha Jim Coyle. in addition ti But the only apparent sate bet is that lVibree1 Pronovost i- Baker adDni ulvnC and Dennis Sullivan ai.a hurling a steadY gamne and, will help thre defence, where it seems most likely tirai Dennis Sullivan of Chart- a -Il had hits. Coyle had co- Sinigles. John Hancock paced'crackino. a run-scoring double h:rans went the route, register-,to ruls vlig fu Elli. ,\vth a homer and doL1- 10 the scnasosoehm will repla e Stanley.ing is first w in of the yea r. me fi r a co e es rf , c w hile G ord W allace had in the fou rth fram e. o n i g Thre key to tire whole deal bas to be Andy Batirgate "SIIY*' walked seven and Ells nearrw e ess fift a pair of safetiles. Bruce Ad-;of ut angh' e nom who by teeing off on Imlach iras probably put bimself fanned four. Jim Coyle took - ,ddng a run in the top, -n" Jim MeKnight. Johflance for Ellis! the los's, evening bis record at1 10-7 diKilpatrick and "Doc" Adams, back int the top ten point-men. Baihgaie was the point- 1-1. He fanned two and walk- of the sixth. collected singles. Botir clubsý leader among the Leafs before he was injured, but neyer ed seven. Coyle held Chartraris run- turned iiishakv fielding ef-1 gai the chance ta play regularly after that. He will he]p Chartrans built up a 4-0 less afier the fourtir, allowing forts. with Chartrans makfJQ ,fl(T1I Detroit more than Pronovost will aid Toronto's cause. lead before Ellis broke'a lone single by Harold Mich- four crrors to tWO by theDr i g im sre <~ venairtir dyd-i-th wol Lat ansthrough _in the top of tire elson in the sixth. Ellis made losers. will 1,e pulling for Billy Harris to have a successfui season. à%% I Immin 1 If ne cornes trougn nt would be quite a bonus for tht Red Wings. Jarreit has to be listed in the doubtful category be given the opportuniiy, no telling what might happer Bathgate for Pronavost -- we'd have ta say as of nom that Detroit got the best of tire deal. But let*s wait anc . t t t t SUMMER SAFETY As we promnised lasi week. we are going to hring ou readers as rnany safety measures as possible tbrough tbE mnedium of this column. During the summer almost everyonE linds themnselves beading for the beach and streamns. and we feel that it is well worth thee lime you spend to read thÈs. It could mean saving a life, and it could be your own. We would like btbathnk the Red Cross and particularly water safety cirairman Bill Bagnell for praviding us wit] the material. This week we will rover several general rules arnund the house and boaiing. Following columos will deal with swimming safeiy. artificial respiration and rescue breathing. 1- + t t t ÀAROUND THE HOME Because children love to play in water, they must hi watched constantly, if there are creeks, ponds or rivers, bo matter how smnall, near the home. A ditch. flooded after a storm, can be a death trap. * Caver open weiis. Attention to this constant danger will prevent tragedy. Make sure excavations in yotir neighbaurboodi are fericed and smnall children are supervised ai play. Anticipate and prevent that one fatal slip. Plastic wading pools should ire supervised while eiild. ren are at play and closed off wiren supervision is absent. flemember -- chirldren have drowned in as little as two or three inches of water. t. t t t YISHERMEN Heavy boots and windbreakers should not be worn in a boat unless they can be remnoved easily. Waders and hip boots are dangerous when filled with water. Don'i wear them in a boat. If fastened ta your beli or over tire shoulder, Inake the fastening easily undone. Don'i overlaad your boat -- use two iristead. Don't drink while boaiing. One drunk can endanger tire ]ives of everyone. t t t t SAFE BOATING In case of an upset bang on -- neyer leave the hoat end attempita a wim ta .shore. Don't use anY boat thai is flot .completely aeaworthy. that means no home-made rafts or logs as boats. and don't go oui in storm, weaîher. Keep your boat away from qwimmers. Know contrai end correct operation nt Vour craft. Non-swimmcrs sirould slways Wear life jackets. Neyer change seating positions in s mali craft. Know the area in which you are boating, watch wbere, .nu are going and bewarc of strong currents. If boating ai siight - know yaur "rules ofthtie road" -- and navigational lgits and right of wy .. + t t t BH..'rsDO WELI, The Bewmanville High School contingent sbowed wcll Ïn tire C.O.S.S.A. track and field meet ai Peierborough'sý kenner Collegiate, Saturday afternoon. Tire local lads seti Ptree new records, two nf them in the senior division. John Kîilpatrick cleared the bar at six feet, one inchr in the highi jump while Gerald Harness tessed the javelin 175 feet. Lloyd Clion set his record in tire intermediate hop, #tep and jump with a leap of 44 feet. Althaugh they didn'ti We any records, Jeif GilhoolY wound up second in the unlor broad jump and Larry Simpson came third i thel 40termediate high jump. I t waa certainy a fine shawing by the fîve B.H.S. stu-1 twho will be shaoting for higirer takes this Saturdayý ~the a Ota4ohia achool track and field meet at Torono 'Y hnoemen Irounce Fruànk's Sno~' ~E E ~ ~ E E ~ E EOn M ay 191111, Courtice rie- feated Maple Grove t-0 in a id yO eSie 4to 5 S o gae th:t c:u]d have gonpi eicther way. Wayne Dw ga-meon ascramble nii front by Jm (Iark <i ut cacr, virle Drr.:s iL4t-nup(-d oh n Bkr ftire net. Tire game was vrr*v McFeeters Ru-Lce A di a n. for seven run.on five bits, sl-ow as ail tire boys are stiili rl Ellis S'hoes di.splayed mid- John Kilpatrick, Jim, Coy\le. ;in tire bottom of tie second.igetting tire kinks stIraigiied1 ie season hitting form lasi 'Tues- GodIll lud'onCo-Ti ,add w ore in tire'away. day nighi. whaling Frank's fors collececid singles. thirr and tirree in the fourtIn,'Jotire seconrd game of tir Variety 14-.5,ai Memorial For Franks, tireir top bitter ta Joad 12-3. ngta apo iehm Id Park. Il was the firsi league was Ken Baker wiro bad a Harvey Webster replacecd team defeated Tyrone 3-2, d coniest for bath clubs, borner and single in thre Baker- inithre fiflir, but was!witir W. Wallroff getting two ir Jimi Coyie, Ellis' piiciring trips. Harvev Webster, tire g-rected rudely. Wray. Randeli ls n fae1tino9g ace last year,. survived a ieague's most' valuablc playeriopencd the ionjing witir a ting tire other. Tyroîre goal rougir stant, winning on a of 1964, also rapped out a drive to centre field tirat Bobi:scorers were E. Hamilton and y> steady six bitter. Ken Baker' pair of bits. witir Bob Mc ca let Ici et by mim and.Nick Van Se-1ggio. h iook tire loss for Franks. ai- Manus and Bob Burton adding Randeli spurted arouind fa1 On Saturdav nigiri, Solinal ~ lwin 12mo an si bts singles. MeMatits' blow was a tirird. An errer bv Bob Bur-' rc ntrergr otby during tire first four frames. toxvering triple in tire frrstý toi], Kilpatrick's triiple, ardidRa defeating Salem 3.-0. Solina H'arvey Webster finisbed for frame. Il sc ored -Tuily- outplayed Salem bv tireirý tire lasers and was rapped for Tirompon. -giving Franks a Wyoung sped and experiencce two runs on four bits. 1-o lead. Tirird basernan Wray !as tirey have been playing fori Eirors burt tire losers. as Randeil's error on Larry P orievTri. rnrhr. oa they cornmitted nine riscues, qîrett. foliowed iry Ke Bak- I T N H R LISH scomersyears e tier. Goal, to onlv two by Ellis. Jim Mc-,er's borner, put Franks aireact Br LtE~ orewr G. errw (2an, R.ý eKnîgiri and Wra*v Randel 13-(tin tire top of tire second. Bakrooe . ape adR ;paced tlire -winîers -w tir a pair __Ells 'took the- lead -wliren I %al rv hhr rteam ireid thieHampton ritam to a 2-2 dradlock in a well Frank's Down Whyte'sj played game except for, a l hotheas. orHampton 1W. Walloff nd . Stainton seor- Las! Thursday Nighf eiand frtire oldvetrnW. cd land -fo ale ve. G.i W h.v Tim Clarke nakrng fix e n tire se""ond in-Tr Tvrone tire COuIrtier Th ieskies xxere cIIarbut îing xx iren Fi ank sadded sxta olntpttebl Franks Varreiv created thier big runs. Stata tiexx -sieadvia ordt u ie alie rown thunder, last Tirursdav tire bit hall over Ile'f il e* tir e bas and tice'if 0-r ex enîrrgai Memoriai Park. four innrngs, but tire damage thoptan tie itir oed Tbey jumped on Wbvte's Up- %vas a]readx donc.tpmn*vtie htloe bolsiersure goals. Tr tire o thirr hoseys Dick Stata. fo :i1 Tire loseis scoied a pa irOf end of tire field H. Prakkrii r uns, in tire first two n ngs rrîns in tire second. t vo thle u ~ r<u~~ irad 1111e b oI ri ir : and breezed to a 14-7 vrciorx'. sixtir anci a lune tally in tire WVuiiy Ctie vrnetem ecs 1 Bob McManus and Don ýeventh. Franks' victoi, * vleavec ,- of credit foi keeping threl McMurier bad a borner and trmx thaliian os Courtice team off tire score triple, as Franks leapi into a ini two ouiings. Whytes iook sheet. 5-0, firstIlnning leadI Stata, in their first ioss, after a 2-0 win To sumi it aIl up. for one suffering bis first loss after over Cirartrans, opening tire we' lvn hr t tbrowing a no bitter, was se:ason. "Tu METtI eek's pi 'ag fie sii toucired for 10 bits and walk- Around the Bases- Donr bal] b eayi oi os of ees ed tirree. Harvev' Webster toss- McMurter led Frank's attack H teamns as thevN foi-m loto shape cd five but bail for tire firsi with a triple and fwo singles T E NIPÇ'ST an ab a'lto rhad fixe trames for Franks. before in four trips. Bob) MeMati Iî and seo ant o f orcadn ireing relieved b * Kenny Bak- walloped a home inn arnd lr~o theoptosit b iai-e iere er. Ken gave ip ibrer runs, single, for four RBI'z.KeonieOpoietar.Te~ an twa hits. for tire winnprq, Baker rapped nrut two 5Angles VILI. ihbu1e favesi clamphufi during bis iwo frames of relief. and 'Tuilliv- irompson r'oliec-t- pthers playerh gelx tirt Franks beld a 14-4 learI wien ed tire xxinncrs' olirer saftyt. Wake up grumpy, stll i tred, .pl ar v norod'rt tes min Webster was relieved. For the Upirolstcry IrIw.M listless and unwilling ta face 111hserl ato tr er Errons added ta Whvte's Bovd went tirrer for tour. ,,ith the world? Don't bite the IlW- Waliroff irelieves lire ias downfall as tirey commitîed 10, a 'pair of doubles, AI Osborne children. Thousands of CFRB ýOMeigbrkn i rii s lh'gý irad a double and single and listeners start the day with a ý'n a game Againsi Marl Blaine Pickard and AI Farrow smille an their face because of, Grave. acddsinîgles. 1I liII an you Ken Baker's two bits tor up ta tire winners. gave hinm four, for sex'cn at bats, so far Ibis $5,0w000 iyear and pus him atop tire ibatting race, very early in tire' nt a reasonable rate season. Franks came up witir a camplete reversaI of tire of înterest forrn tbey showed, wben band- cd a 14-5l sbellacking from 'Elli,; Shoes. Defensivcly- for To consolidate your Franks, Don Bisirop sbowed well iniris ('eoncrfield post bills or for any other and provids.s tbcrn with some wnrthm-hile purpose -olil support in the outieid. Franks. wbo frnished in tire cellar last seasoîr, appear ta ...Providint iOn are have a top conterider tbis yean. In addition ta tbree of lasi steadly employed and scasan's regulars. tirey bave have tond eredit. added considerabie sirengîir ta thirn ineup and appear -trong- en bath offensivelv and de- Tellphon. 723.4631 fesively. This Thur,-dav night Eus Shoe5, al, 6:30. The Old Crout. A capable con- versationalist an any subject tram egg plants to dirigibies, that's CFRB's Wally Crouter and the saund fram the Music Room is designed not ta jar your nerves, Start your day the right way with Wally Crauter, weekday mornings tram 6:00 ta 10:00. ONIARIO'S FAMILY STATION A few chanrge-have, berril made intire seiredu le, s0 take note: On JUnc .5, Cotîrtice iaYs ai Zion: lune 19. ZI:on Plays ai Courtice: Aug. 7. Ma- 'Pie Grave ai Salem: and Aug. Ill. Mapie Grave ai Zion. Future Garmes: May 2g- Salpm ai Coutlire Zion ai Hampton Ty- rone ai Sauina Max' 31 ---Zjon at So)l.ina, June 2-Courtice ai Hampton' iunIor, sta i- teit ýchedtipli Thursday, May 27f h.' with Courtice at Tyrone: Hampton ai B.T.S.: Solina ai Zion. Aine 3-B.TS. a-t Soliria 7ino ai Coutîre GdTvnone ai Hampton. Godluck t.o ali the Junior Seaniless tubular steel frane, baked-on enamel finish; merr's models in flamboyant Red, worn- en's models bright Blue. White, nan-rattie mud and chain guards; comforiable 2-tone mattress- type saddle; Resilion coaster brake. Ail bright parts are heavily chrome plated for durability. FEATURE VALUE: 20" whees. Boys, or Girs' modlels with 15" frame. JUVENILE MODEL: 26" Wheels. Boys' 20/11l", Girls, 18" trame. ADULTMOUEL:28"WheeisMen., "TOP-OF-THE-LINE" - DELUXE SUPER-CYCLE 3-SPEED4 ROA&DSTrER49 JUNIOR MODEL: 2411 wheels. Boys' model 20/16" Giris 16" frame. 3995 Super-Cycle SPEEDOMETER lodicotes speeds up to 6f0 m.p.h. Also regis- ters m lcage Fts 20" or43 22" framcs4 3 GENE RATOR SET Smort s p ar kli ng chrr-me. 6-volt gener- Otor, toil lir1ht, wire and 35 r' ttinqs .5 inc luded Steel Case BIKE LOCK Brosýs ploted; 5" shockle. JL With 2 kes. B29 Cliain Lock-Chrom- en,. Plostic siceve. 39".............. 79 AERIAL FLAG x 52"' sîlk flrrg, s kull - ond - X-Bonrrs. With 12" streamners. 25" cveroll. 6 1EXTRA! Cash and Carry BONUS COUPONS-] Super-Lasri, BICYCLE TIRES 28" . 1 -à" o, 26" x 1 -1". 1 .89 Sae on other sizes Replace Worn INNER TUBES 2 8" x 1 .1 or il " , 26" x 1 "ori1 Deluxe Mattres SADDLE Coil-springs assure comf art. 2-ton : t .9 Junior Soddle - as above ........... 1.89 AS ocIIA TOE. PHONE 623-7111 TE~lc4~ 160 Church St. Bowmanville EASY Il f. 1' -I Trwo-Tone Bicycle HORN Streamnlined; pleosant dual-tone waroina, Hîghly poli shed. 10" long. .395 BIKE REAR VIEW CARRIER MULRR Elprtrically w e 1 d e d Pertengulf3.-c'x 2-' construction wîth Rerre f 1teron , brîcoht finishr reverse;8 ' rm Size .10 bracket. 4 *1

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