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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 9

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Fuelers- Shut OUt BiII's ExpIode for Fîve 'in Fîna Stephen Fuels exploded for ers to reach base on walks Terry Black, Grant Wi tive runu in the final inning and claiined four strike-out jim Morrf and John S to blat BiIl's Billards 9-0 ini victinis. Burgess also had fou r tnec olce Meà ~ Town mege softbafllstrike-outs, including Stephen tnec olce a act )a Vnet Massey park, three trnes, and gave up a singles to pace the winu 'rue s~y night. single base on bails. with Pat Corncll's double, The Fuels unleashed an il Stephen's pickcd up oneC run gamne's only extra-base b], hit attack on losing pitcher in the first and added three Lead-off batter Ron Ste, Mel Burgess, while Georgcemre in the third, before send- was the lone Billiards' Stephen was chccking Bill's on ing nie batters to the plate former ta collect more three singles to earn the shut- ini the big aeventh inning up- one hit, clauting a pair Rut. Stephen allowed five oth- rising. Isingles. Fi right, tain_ [r af ners, !the [0w. !warl per- than r of 'l' Kramp's Bomb BÎII's 13 to 5. Kramp's Furniture scored lni eadi of theclest four inn- lugs ta break up a 4-4 tic and bowib Bill's Billiards 13-5 ln Men's Town League softball action at Vincent Massey Park, Thw~sday nigift. Krairnp's opened with tire big ruins in the tirst and add-1 cd anoUier in thc third, but BdII's got one back in the sec- ond and tied on losing pitcher Charlie Kilpatrick's three-run homer ini the third. Lloyd Hamilton singlcd to open thic game, but Bill's re- tired thc next two. before Ray Crombe tripled' and Davel 1Werry followed wlth a home bitter to give winning hu run. Harry Snowden any trou Kramp's moved i front on with bis haone run and a single tally in the fourth, single. added Vwo in tihe next frame Snowden threw a live. and then broke it open, scor- ter, struck out a pair ing three tinies in the aixth walked four to earn the and seventh. tory. Kllpatrick dldn't wal Rusa Lane led Kramp's 15 better, and claimed a ei hit attack with a double and strike-out. two singles, while Crombie Ta tnig had a pair of triples, Werry Ta tnig added a single to his homel W. L.1 run and John Fowler belted Ken's Mens Wear.. 4 1 a honier and single. "Arduie" Crossey cloutcd a double and Stephen Fuels 3 2 single. Kramrp's Furniture 3 3 Kilpatrick -was the only Bills Billards . I.. ý1 5 urleT uble, ida -uit- and Inglc Pts. 8 2 Ken's Klouti Kramp's 10-4 Ken's Men's Wear posted thfe second, was the victlm af lead Kcn's at thc plate, with! their fourth win in fîve stants, Ken's uprising. They combied Williams cloutlng a triple in defeating Kramp's Funnifure' ta allow il uits, struck outV twois own cause. Cooke wasý 10-4 at the Vincent Massey and walked thrce. diamond last Wednesday night. Bagneil and Richards each Kranip's best with a homer' Ken's broke up a 4-4 dead- clalmed a pair ai singles ta and single. lock with a big six run out- bunst in the sixth, after Kramps b4d~ corne from behind an ear- lyo3-0 deficit. Te winnersiS O L IN A scord sigle un ie first1 Our mînister, Rev. Charles Wesflake Sr. and fourth and added a pairICatto, dellvered an enlighten- Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and In the second.,.1îng sermon Sunday morning family attended Decanation Kramp's pecked away wîthiabout the First Command- Day Service cf Bowmanville single markers in the thindimnent "Thou Shait Have No Ccmetery. and fourth and tied it in theOther Gods Before Me". Mrs. Geo. Gibson, Taunton: fifthas theeenos.Warci- Next Sunday, June 27th, Mr. and Mns. Geo. Harper and mittd tnecerrrs.Sunday School will be held at Sharon, Utica, were Sunday A lead-off walk, Alex Wise-Ithe usual hour, 10:45 a.m. This calers with Mr. and Mrs. Russ mnan's double and singles byi will be the last Sunday School Vice and Mr. Everctt Vice. Don Bagneli. Jack Parker aud service until September when We sincencly hope Mr. Rus "Moe " Richards did most of classes wilî be resumed. Vice will soon be feeling more the damage in the big sixfi n ody,,ue 8h at corniortable and able ta be ouf fra me1OnMnaJn 8h Bob Viliam sctteed iJ8:15 p.m. the Eldad U.C.W. will anound. safeties, fanned four and didn'tmeet at the home ofM. .an Mrs. Du lt n allow a walk ta pick up the1 Howard Milison. There wilî Linda wene Sunday visitons win Jo Fote, atercom g be a panel discussion on "Viet- with Mrs. Thos. Flett, Co- on in relief af Colin Cooke ininam" with Rev. Charles Catto lumlbus. - 'as moderatox'. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Van Several famlles af the com- Blarcon and family of Wolf- munity attended the annual ville, N.S., are iolidaying a Pascoe picnic ield at Solina few days with Mr. and Mrs. hall Saurda, Jne 1th. Don Taylor and family. Lu STEN H E RE: hall, andurdayJn Knox Sunday visitons with the Mr. ud Ms. ohn uoxDon Taylor's were Mr. and and family were Sunday guests Mrs. A. F. Abernefhy. Mr. and: of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Down, 1 Mrs. Sandy Abernethy and Ebenezer. Littie Heather Down Ifaniily, Manilla, and Mr. and' returncd home after staying Mrs. Fred Samis and family, loverniglit with Grandpa and Enfieîd. Graudma. LAC Irwin Wilkins and Mn. and Mrs. Roy Knox, friend Rev. Wm. Hiltz, Otta- Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. xva, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Murphy, Toronto: Mr. and C. Fraser, last week. Mrs. John Siemon, Enniskillen, On Safurday, June l9th, aur enjoyed a family picnic with 4-H Club, "ýThe Solina 20 Mr. and Mrs- Howard MilisonPonkies" witi their leaders, and family. j Mrs. Russ Best and Mn. Fred Mr. Chances Allun, Mr. and Watson. attcnded thc Achieve-1 Mrs. Alf Allia and family. ment Day exercises in the Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs.CokHl ffeUie ý Clare Allun, Providence, were Ciurch, Port Hope. The dem- ..... . Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs onstration was well presented Bet Wes Ycllowlees and îamiîy tý by Miss Rosalie Pann and Miss celebrate some "'June" birti- Sheila Whitehead. days. Couuty Honours wvcre ne- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- ceived by Misses Judy Dennis lowles ad fmilyaitededand Ruthi Traviss. thees and family atend ed Others wio drove sudace- ~~~a the LArmers. iypinch companied te girls were Mrs. TOU LLI t te Aces.Norma Hockaday, Mns. Bileen "YOU WEET Mn. Elgin Taylor, Mr. and Knox, Mrs. Mang Brown, Miss Mrs. Bruce Taylor and famlly Pearl Leach and Mns.'Viola T~~E NII;L~T attended the decoration serv- Ashton. 4HCu njc Grafton, Sunday. Is "Beiug Wcll Dnessed and WeEPL. ~Aapleased to rn Well Gnoorned" hcwl b cd from fhe Oshawa Hospit ai Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, ta be with Mn. and Mns. Ross Peterborough; Mrs. Stan Hadg- CFRS's women's editor, the Crydermnan and family. We son, Mn . Ron White, Bow- weI-trêvelled, pevmoptlve Betty hope esch day shows a steady manville, called on Mn. and Kennedy, brIngs a fresh new impraverneut iu hesti for you, Mns. E. Hockaday. approach to lnterestlng people Mrs. Rundle. Mr. and Mns. Elmer Huggins and events, mlxed nicely wth Messrs. Gary and Robbie and family attcnded the Salva- à fine taste of easy-tolisten-to McMiun. Oshawa, wene aven- tion Anmy Sunday Sciool miusic. You'iI flnd Most of the nigit guests of Mr. and Mns. plcnic on Saturday at Wallons Important people who cone to Everett Cryderman. Park, Newcastle. Toronto on Betty Kennedy's Mn. sud Mns. Joe Suowden Mns. E. Spiers called on Mn.. show. Theatre, fashion, news, and Bruce, Mn. Isaac Hardy E. Suffon who is a patient in educatin . you rame lt and and Stanley atfended Decona- the Oshawa Hospital. youl'iIfind it on the Betty flan D ay Servi ce at Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dyer. Kennedy Show, each afternoon ville Cemeten;! and werc tes Oshawa; Mns. Rau Hughes, Manday to Fnlday frorn 3:05 Vo guests af Mn. and Mns. Std Penfi, Ont.; Mn. aud Mns. J. 400 p.m. Cornish snd iamily, Tynone. McNab, North Bay and Mn.. There are sf111 some places Glen Glaspeli, Taunton, were ______________________left on tic bus for the W-1. callers ast weck witi Mn. and bus trip on July ti, f0 tour Mrs. Rae Pascoe and amily. thc Ontario School for the Mns. Rae Pascoe and child-1 ~ Dcci at Belleville and fthc nen celebnated Fatien's Day Quinte Isle. Tic bus leaves by calliug on ticir graudfath- I ia Kellett's store by 8 a.m. sud ens Iu Oshawa sud Salins. returns by 8 p.rn. For futher Miss Jean Baker bas gone Vo >pCI1iNC11rN contact Mrs. Mur- Eagle Lake, Haliburton, wiene, May.Vicd.sie is employed for the sum- M.adMn.. Murray Vice mer. ONTAANo'm FAMILY STATION and family atfendcd tiecora- Mr. Frnk Ponter, Mr. Mar-' tion Day Service at Prince @hall Poter ai Saskatoou,' ___________________Abert Cemefeny. Sask.; Mn. Alvin Boyd, Bow- Mn. and Mns. L. Johnson, mauville, callcd on Mn.. N. àîzý Lindsay, vuisied wifi Mn..P. Wottcn sud Francis. __ Miss Sharon Edye, Lindsay; - Miss Deanna Vance, Oshawa, Spartan were Suuday guesta wlth Mn. and Mrs. Burney Hooey. shatters the myth Miss Shelley Nichais, Oha- wa, spent thec weekend wlth that swlmmlng pools Miss JenniferEakin. mnust be expensive viitdwihMr. ad r r Moore, Sunday. Mn. and Mn.. Roy Langmaid celebnafed f hein wedding an- uivensany by moforing ta Burnt River, where tiey were tes gucafs af Mn. and Mn,. Graffon Hughes. Scout News We're tlklng a@bout fullsin, quilltyPools wth deap-dlvlng Bownmauvlle District Cub' aru - Pools tht iast 4a hfetima. How did we brinci ries ll aywshlda al tiv fo bc of ne ta ru be an *go JO foi on du. we ro weesi thie rst *a" epacks or lait place. ch.epion lMr «"A" grp, oyu 8 and 9, wu asPul Hart f st Hillerest Heights; run- ers-up were Garry Reid, Sth ownianville, and fanny Cat- of Hiilcrest. Chfamnpion for "B" group, oys 10 and il, was Stephen àrrie of 3rd Bowmanvillc; nnere-up were Darcy Du- eau of Newcastle "A" Pack nd Barrie Bragg, also froin rdBwavle Thanks from District Staff es ta ail the Cub leaders, ie fathers who helped, St. )hn's Ambulance Corps, and lple Grove Ladies' Auxiliary 'serving fthc refreeliments. We hope the poor turnout ibehalf of the parents was ie meainly because of the eather and the fact G.M.C. wked on Saturday. UNAI'ATTORIZED NEWS! Oaesaxca P'.O., Ontario, June 19th, 1965 Dear Sir:- Reccntly an art icle was publisied i your paiper re- porting a meeting of thc Township af Cartwright Council, wherein you uscd thc naine af tic Cartwright Lakeshore Rateipayers Asso- ciation wittiout approval of aur publicity comrnittee. Thc article referred te an icresse in garbage coolec- bion costs and reported ne- quested by our association. This is an erroneovus state- ment of facts. It is truc tiat we requested frani co'uncil LADIES' AUXILIARY DRAWS: and Other Draws Electric Broiler Set of Comning Ware 1965 I DYNAMIC the costs for Increased gar- baire collection,, and werc given to understînd Uic top f igttre for srne would be no more than 60e per resi. dent. Howeven, Vthe couni saw fit taocharge $1.00 per- resident and gave this arti- cle ta Vthe prs statinig flat our assoclaion requested saine. Thtis was s filctly a coun- cil undentalcing and they shiu[d be able tZ accept thc responsibility for their ac- tions. We gavc the councilj considerable tirne to have tAis article cornected in thc Press but bave been refused. In aur opinion the costs wauld have been accepted authonized statements anly POWER BRAKES WHITE WALL TIRES EQIJIPPED WITH BUCKET SEATS TIC KET S ONLY 7,000 TICKETS CASH PRIZES of: -FR11 ATT1NDAN CE PRIZIS $5.00 $10-00 - $15-00 wilIl be drawn for at 9 p.m. YOU MUST BE IN ATI'ENDANCE TO WIN 1 10 Op.m. -*llp.M. PROCEEDS FOR LOCAL ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION COMMUNITY WORK M I wlllingly had it been hand- led abave board. Tte sanie caver up method was cm- ployed in tlic question af street signa. 7Tus was agi-ced upon by council at their October meeting and in Uic spring was again by- passed and suggested that ths be handiede by aur as- sociation. We have oun own pub.- Iicity omnittee and any article tihat appears in thc Press must be appnoved by Our executive before bemng Publisxed. Therefone, we requcaf that the above state- ments be correctly reported, and in tic future accept Sunbeam Clock £etiters &1o &l/ e,8cletor Sunday with Mrs. Walters has ta go bock again. I _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CKIZDREN 'Sç PARADAE Forms ut 1Bowmanville High School Grounds ut 6:30 p. m. Ali Children Report ta Ron Johnson ~ ~ PARADE ÙfCLASSES - 1. COMIC 3. WESTERN LEGION PIPE BAND WILL LEAD PARADE Ail Boys and Girls 13 Years and under are eligible CONTACT YOUR LOCAL PLAYGROUND SUPERVISOai FOR FURTRER INFORMATON SCASH PRIZES lst-$5.00 , 2nd-$3.O0 3rd-$2.0O Ail Entries WiII Receive FREE Refreshment Tickets 5. DECORATED PARADE ROUTE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION From the Bowmanville High School, East on Queen and Ontario Sts. ta Argyle St., West ta Duke St. and South ta Memorial Park where judgmng will take place. wil featureLL * FRUIT aa. BLANKETS RIDES FOR KIDDIES!1 -G.E. Coff es Percolator s- The Canadian statemanowuanvlfl.:m n un,-US for publication Wherc the and Mms. Smlth. mter vwa! naine oiftis association tonrs Wr& M. aidM Mm & appeare. Terbenchy, Port HOPe, Mr., Thaning ouand Mrs. Savozr aMd Mrg& Thanking y' , Bothwell, Starkvifla. YOIII*S ~Mr. and Mm . lareueS M. MfacGregor, Beatty pLumed a pienke lo Sec.-Treas. Father's Day. l'r. and Ms-s. B>ric Baty, E'TT7 Dr'q T1~7 TT E Tornto, were expccted ter ULI ABELL.aJ thie weekend et M1&. ad M&s 0. Mercer's. C[hurelh services were held 7%e Muldrews of Odxaw. at Garden III.l Sunday achOOl were at Sunnyside ove. the here. weekend. Bob Winn and Gaxiry Fowler Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKtoker, went ta Georgian BaY with a Whitby, were with Thlckaon'u nunIber of Boy Scouts from on Sunday, also Mr. R. We@.t- Port Hope, Satulrday, and will heuselr, Starkville. stap until Tuesday. Mr. John Quantrafl, Flint, Mr. Roy Beatty and Mrm. Midi., is home again for a Carrie Beatty, Toronto, spent couple of months belore ho 'I MEMORIAL PARK - Starts 7:00 P. m. (IN CASE 0F RAIN - SATURDAYD JULY 3) COLOSSAL BINGO BOOTH! .a . REFRESHMENTS NOVELTIES * u # e GAMES 0F CHANCE 0. OLDSMOBILE 1"8810 -Dr. HARDTOP 1 i 1 BRANCH 178 -."Oo $1.00 Each

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