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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 2

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2 The Canadian.Statesman, Eowmanville, June 23, 1965 Impresie Service Marks Annual Decoration Day Gives Challenging.-Address 'I I I I Ti The imTpressive annuai Me- The Resposive Reading was enter into the labor and con-! nrial and Decoration Day led by Chaplain Living, anditinue the work of tiofe whe Serivce sponsored by Misi prayers were said by Mr.' contributed sa much ta our Woôrahip the Mayor, the Town! Turner. counltry, and whose meinory Conit he Bowmanville Mr. Turner took as the text, we honor today," Mr. Turner Ministerial Association, and: for his inspiring address, John, askel with trong feeling. Branoh 178 of the Royal Can-! chapter IV, verse 38. "Others: Alter the addTess, the hm, adian Legion wa.s held on;have labored and you have 0 God of Bethel By Whose Sudy afternon t Bow- entered into their labor. No- Hand, was aung by ail present. &re Bomniie1go and this is true alscofu the Benediction.I Pipe Band with Drum-Major r gosfield, and it is a]5o Wreaths were placed at, the' James Martyn. led the parad true that one's taks in becom- conmemorative cross fr' HisI * Wroui he o~ ~ ing a Christian are neyer en- Worship Mayor Hobbs, Presi-1 cemeghther Brn<,h 17 te-tirely coinpetd," Mr. Tur- dent Ferguson, and President M bée. ere headedh 178Preen ner pointed out. RidItards. Ilhe pipe band play- bersh erguson nd Zosdne "Canada is tihe fruit of the ed the Lamnent and the servicej CommaaderguJandWoodwrd labor of tihose w1ho preceded was concluded with tihe sing- mnd the merrbers of the Bow us. Our religlous, political, ing of God Save the Queen. sruvile Ldie Auiiay ~and social freedoins were won Music for the hyrmns was, theRoyl CnaienLegonfor us by others, but they can provided by the Sa]vatlon ~ wereheaed y Peelentbe lost by aur indifference. Armny Bond under leadersi Dorohy idirds.Erne Pr- Are we great enoughto ta u Capt. H. Fraser. lect was the Parade Marshai and the Color P.arty was corn- poseed of Vice-President Mau- riec Conway, Ewart Bragg,1............................... Sergeant-et-Arms bornia Ad- air, nd Sandad Bererj YEO BOURNE Ing lace coat and orchld cor-....................................... Georgina Carter.1 sage. His Worghip, Mayor Ivaný Bouquets of rose gladioi As the couple left for theiriL ,,-,,: Hobbs, and the followingý forrned an attractive setting1 honeymoon in Northern On-, members of Town Councillin St. Paul's United Church,, tario and Niagara Falls, the Rv aodA unî,pso fS. alsUie hrh ersne h Counicillor Ken Hooper, Coun- 1 Bowmanville, when Misa ROs-bride was wearing an aqua- ý Rv aodA unr atro t alsUie hrh ersne h cillor Glenholme Hughes, and' lyn Carol Boumne and Mr. J. blue two-piece suit, matching1 Bowmanville Ministerial Association at the Decoration Day service on Sunday and Councillor E. J. Rundile were' Nelson Yeo were united in bat. white aecessories andj gave a challenging address. In the backgrounid, frum ]eft bo right, Legion Chap- present nt lthe service. irnarriage on Saturday atter- corsage of pink roseq. They lain John Living, Councillor E. J. Runile, Mavor Ivan Hobbs, Councillor Glen- The Cail ta Worship wasi noon, June 5, 1965, at 2 o'clock. will reside at 76 Liberty St.1 om uhsadCuclo ent opr given by John rvir- The bride is the daughter 0f Manor, Bowmanville. i ___ uhsan onilrKent opr lain of Branch 178. His <W'r'- Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Boumne, Wo-and the groom is the son ni Teiegrarns were receivedý ship Mayor Hobbs welcomedj Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Yeo, ail trom London, Engiand, andî evryneprsntonbeal f dmnon Ataan ot f4-H Homemakers HoId New Salesman> Townryon p .rse n bH.A.of utBewnanville. Rev. HaroldEdonnAt.an ouo' Turnoner il. t r vS. H.AulsTre a caetown guests attended from St. . Turnr, asto ofSt. auls Tuneroffllatd. pay-Catharines, Edmonton, Alta., A h v r e tO sai te Pay Th wddig usic ws'ay- New York City, N.Y., Peter-I er of Invocation. and then thel Pd by organlat Mr. M. Beaton borough and Toronto, Lord's Prayer w-%v 4 injwwho also accoxnpanied the soloist, Mr. James Pair of Prior ta her marriage the. unleon by evcryone present. B Projects C m l t o Gie i arig y e1miscellaneous shower givenY Givn i mrrigeby erby Mrs. A Hart at her home One hundred and twelve .Mrs. Leonard Porter, Miks ;fathew. the bride was radiant in Oshawa. Mrs. Gary Con-I girls and their 4-H Home-, Joan Porter; Rossmount. Mis. ~ in fomailenth ownofway, Bowmanville, wis aiso making Club leaders atIended i Harvev Boughen, Mrs. Edgarýi?4 * ~ white siik organza over taf- hostess for a similar shower the Achievement Day held at Harcourt; Solina, Mrs, Russelli'I. C I17~ feta styled on empire lineq. at hem home in honor of the the United 0hurch in Port Besi, Mrs. Fred Watson; Ty-[ ST O C K The bodice wes of Chantilly bride. The groom was honor- Hope, June 19. rone, Mrs. Lorne Annis, Mrs.& For Immediate laeih hrFrchsev, ed wth a stag party held bv T h is Achievernent DayLodSkne.n . and the Waist was nile friends in theBamno marked the finish of th po. The girls participated n Delivery with a silksash. 'The A-linel Club, Bowmanville.Bditn ec,'etI teMn" urizzeq and menu planning! skr a_ýaedit flnssa1jet MetI teMnu.Dr- uin le morning ow 1965 CHRYSLER the back, forming a bustie. ing tepast fe months n chevmntDa adinth1 1965 DODGE iler bouffant veil of silk il- clubs in the county have been! cievmeaft ndi te lusin flI rom coone ofdiscussing the ways tao...ok ernoon presented exihibits! 1965 PLYMOUTH seed pearîs, and she carried a p s beef and pork, how ta identi and sub.ject matter which had 1965 VALIANT cascade bouquet of white car- fy f pertorn cuts of meat, pro:-1 bCoutv Hnoîr, orth P.P RUISRS Mss Jne Bumesistr 0 lated of meats and completion of six projec'ti, 3 OP.. CUIER Missub BoecIs. tr fwere presented tb: Juidy Roo- LEFT the bride, was maid of honor P(ROM PAGE ONE) The clubs and their leaders inqon, R.R. 2, Janetviile. Beth-i Clearig at Wolcsa e nd the bridesmaids were theýNewvcastle; Frank Riekard, are as follows: Bethauy, M.".anv Club; lanice AdamRR grooT's sister, Miss Marylee Rev. D.R. Dewdney, New- Harry IRyley, Mrs. Noei Wood;: 1, *Cavan. Cavan Club; Gmen- Prices Yeo, and a cousin of the castle; Jack Wade, Newcastle Cavan, Mrs. Cliff Tripp, Mrs.: db Lee, R.R. 3, B0owmaivile,ý 2 - 1964 PLYMOUTH igrôoTn, Miss Roxy Yeo. They Postmaster and Harold Falk, Howard Robinson; Elizabeth- Maple Grove Club: Judy Den-' 2-DRS. !were identically attired in Vce-President of Newcastle ville, Mrs. Mac Walker. Mrs.ns.Tutn oina lý Atu .Cd V-8 engines, 3-speed auto- floor lerigth, empire ]!ne, hot Chamber of Commerce. Ross Beatty; Maple Gr-ove,! lîîth Traviss, R.R. 1, Enniis,-' Peter Kowal Jr., is pleased matie transmissions, wind- pink silk oganza designed Mr. Honey, the M.P. for th*is Mrs D. Keith Whitney. Mrs.i killen, Solina Club: Ailien 10 annlounlce the appointrnenti shield washers, heavy duty with short ptiff sleeves. They constituency, welcomed ail toi Graham Lee; Mo'rrish, Mrs. HEall, R.R. 1, Bowinan ville,! c)f Art L. Code to ]lis sales, suspension, padded dash, 2- wore small matching pilibox the opening, and expressed his William Ashby; Pontypool,1 Tyrone Club. ýstaff. Mr. Code hias had con-! speed wlpers, reinforcedl headpieces, and camried bou- gratitude to the Minister of siderable sales experience in' front cushions. New ]Bine quets of pink roses end white Public Works and the Post- various fields and would lie and New Black. Real smart, carnations. master General for their fine M A k ~ E l ~ U U Upeased 10 offer his assistance gond Iookinar cars. License Mr. A. Hart, Oshiawa, 'vas cooperation. He also thank. :~if y>ou are thinking of selling M and 50-50 30 day 79 best -man and the ushers were LdReeCunnhman i r purchiasing property. warranty. Only $195the bride's brother, Mr. Tracy council for their excellenti 1 -194 LY OUII B.urne of Newcastle, and Mr. choice of a site for the build- The regular monthly meet- chieqiîe for $5.00, being Man1- spraver to lie opened. Theý 1964 edPLYMOUTBHmavjle ing. The Parliamentamy Sec- ing of the Municipal Council 'vers' share of fines for April, poîwngtner ee1eev A e2pin aDhlRa.h retary ta the Minister of Pub- of the Township of Manvers 11965; Dept. of Highiways, ri' p1mtrLd. odn sanie equipment $100 'Flying Dutchrnan Motor Hotel lic Womks, M. McWilliam, was held on June 8th with al] approval of fist road by-law 'Ont. Model 251, $2,069.10; Ai- aabove ---- $5 wfhere the guests were receiv- Who is M.P. for Northuber- înefnbers present and Reevei in the a mount of $47,000; Dept. 1'ton Iîadley Ltd., Belleville, Pd by the bride's mother who and-Miramichi, New Bruns- Lewis McGill presiding. 'of Highways re first interim 'Ont., Myers, $1,845.00; Chem- 1963FOR> 4DR. wore a blue crepe dress with ick, was introduced by Mr. Communications were re-igrant for 1965 iin the amount 'ical Specialties Assoc., Sarnia.ý 16FOD4D. matching lace coat and cor.'- oney. ceived and read: Dept. or of $8,500; Hydro Electric Pow- Ont. Myers, $1,740.00. STAION WAGN ageof astl luecamatin~ Mr. McWiiliam brought Municipal Affairs r rie c Commission re resuits of, On> motion of Payne and, Custom radio, mîrrors, new iShe was aasited by tllegeetings tb Newcastle from camps; and tiRailers in tbm the Pontypool street lightiîg Ileaslip, the tender of Chem-ý trs Belge, verv dean, groomn's Vnthe who choea his home town Of Newcastle, township: Board of Transport study; R. I. Moore, Q.C., me a;ical Specialties Assoc. was ac-ý tires. *owned i-aite. NB. "Mr. Honey, your M.P. Commissioners, Ottawa, re ap- street in Janetville; several~cpe rc f$,4.< loc iiy ow ed ra e. qu sl eat d essw i m a ~ h for D urham County is highlv proval of a d t o al c a g s accounts and livestock cia ms t« 16FOD4-DR. o diinlcags s1sbett h prvlo h e e 3t~~ tansis 'regarded àmong the Members by C.P.R. for Pontypool sig- On motion of Strong & P or- 'Depi. or Highways. Carried.. 6 ion, eutomraio, wrasms- o f the House of Commons. His naisg; C.P.R., requesting ap-i ter, a by-law was introdured on motionof ouilos H b yjudgment is sounti, and the pi-aval of council ta emove to amend By-law 1411, deal- PyeadHahpab-a baekup llghts, 2-speed wip- peopayofeDrhad cn tak theacmetakr fri ers. Marroon, in very gond ipol fDra a aetecrtkrfo Pontypool ing with licensing and regu- was introduceti for a supple- condition. Local owner. ~ .Ow justifiable pride in the calibre station; Agricultural Repre- lating the keeping of dogs inmnarrotbugtfr16 S ho w of their fedemal epresenta- sentative for Durham County ýManvers Township. The saiti in the amount of $63,000.00.1 1962 cFsOniRDio, whee(FRÔM PAGE ONE) tive", Mr. MeWilliam said, me tule drains; Township Solici- amentiment i-eceived the lhree The said by-law was given the 6 yl, uso rdi, heland paidt tibute ta Mm. Honey's tor, i-e amentiment ta Dog Con readings and was duly passed,1 thrre requiret dig duly eovers, new tires. Oniy jn ncohwt e re outstanding work as Chairman tral By-Law; Dunn, Clarke &_ sîgned, sealed and numbered pse ind eld ad 21,000 guaranteed original ansOfheHue f Commons McCarney equesting informa- 1424. ýnumbered 1425. miles. Smart white and Thi-ce goond sam'les Of Miss Cortmttee on Agriculture andi mation me trailer camp regu-' On motion of Porter andi Moved by Porter, seconded green. Local owner. Zna Greenfield's ai-t shawn, on other commîttees. lations iin Manvers Townsbip; Payne a by-law was introduc- by Ileaslip that the following 196 FOD were an unusual chalk draw- "Post Office records show Magistrate Baxter, enclosîngled to licence, regulate andi gov- accounts lie paid: Hlf year 191FODjing, a loveîy Nova Sea that the Pos4t Office in NeW_- cm trailer camps. Carried . salary-Lewis McGill, Reeve. ECONOLINE VAN iqcene in ails. anti R very casîles here was establishetei was saiti by Rev. E. C. Woodi-j The' saiti by-Iaw receiveti $1,50.00: Rod Porter, Deputyj Reconditloned with new unique place of glam s oaic. 1845. The identity Of the ]and, pastor of Newcastle tbe three requireti reatiings Reeve,1 $137.50: R. J. Payne, 2-tone peint. Other items worthy of men- fimst Postmaster is ont defin- United Church, and Rev. D. and was doly passed, signed, Counicillor, $125; Roy Strong, 1960 ENVOY 4-DR. in icue i enigc u Hiram Hotiges whs R. Dewdney, rector of thbm1isealed and numbereti 1422. Councillor, $125; Wilson Heas-1 STATION WAGON wtrolr, pertling, Post Master fi-rn 1853 ta 1874. Anglican Church iin Newcastle, on motion of Counicil lors lip. Councillor, $125. H. V.1 needie'point, hooked rugs, cut The Po8tmosté'rs hera since gave the Benedfiction. l leaslîp andi Strong, a by- law Shca, warblr insp. andi travel- Radio, white and grey. very1 work and thér embroidery. tiiat lime have been Asa F. Flo gtr reoyIrwa n.oicdt iec ri-ln.$0.7 .B ha 1959ceVt . 4-D wnr. Mnythn eswilestItnms croce Walihridge, Thomas McChtmg, Newcastle Posi Office building ers in the township, other Ihan warble insp. and transporting 1959CHE. 4DR. 1 Mny f tèselas itms éreWilliam Rickard, Weilin ton was open for inspection, andtithose in a licenseti traile'- sprayer, $645.75; Chas. Moiton, Blue, dlean. oniy 31.000 mode by thé patients of thé Poster, George Jamiason,M -.heofclsatth gnel camp. The saiti by-law rceiv- tiog control travelling allow- oriinl mle. .Ocupaiaal haapyOeamt A b.L.Poîlarti (acting), antipd lcwr snnlho d hIe equired tbree eadingi ance, $10.75: Chas. Morton, Local trade-in. mentutOntari o 1181itâ], now 'Jack Symons Watie. temdm eiieb ot at a uypse ined, balance of first year salary, 'Thame weré te odrnedfne yveltian ws us pstdso 1959 PLYMOUTHelicqtoo Discusqing thé history ofr atrWteat w c sealeti anti numbereti 1423. $85.00; E. Lamb, Unemploy-, BELVEDEE 2-DR. numérous ta mention. iNa'vcastie Mr. McWilliemmRsii i s saff-Mr. J net O i n o Cucilosmet nurnc taps thLED rE ugi -,A# ..o auta,16jhti wsicroaeia rce ni r.Mr au niHanpab-ix 9 ot conRaiVu CuxiInues Servicecra .Gas, OÂiWLIiVJ1 School. 20; Sepa rate Scbool, 2.5. 1Wi ntifieldi Shell Service.,2 Ciie bSrice as, ;AVIAL Reeve Stone hought gmeretings C. Pethick, Enniakillen On motion cf Payne anti'James Willis, $14.04; Coln( 2ontKING rTm thePeople of Clarke J.HSemnEnlklc Porter. the C.P.R. pre ho lie Richardison, $15: H. VanWîer- W s A. LE OO YTo n hi nt on mauaît F . y m, T ro a nolifieti that the m unicipal jingen, $15: Gea. VanDam , $15; bi 36 Liberty Si. N. 823-7284 Newcast le reidentq on having' H. A. Barman. Hampton Council cf the Township cf John Mengan, $5; Terry Fisk, 3 1ýuch a fine new building. Trull'. Store. Courtice Manvers rare not iin favor cf '$5. rýWrd n Bancard brcA. E. Ribey, Burketon the caretaker being removeti Ou motion of Couinciilorsj Deoite Pener Hskna& .1. reetlngq anti congratulations H. ary tore, Blackstock fi-rnIbhe Pontypool station as Heaslip anti Strong, the meet- DelottePlederHoskns Sels rm the United Counties Kaith Bradley, Pantypool they feel thet the service will Ing adjoumnedti t July 6lth,' Council. Stutt'a Pharmacy, Omano lic reducet. Carniet, 1965 at 1:30 p.m. D.S.T. Ri wlth whom are nsw merged Alex Carr-uther.-, M.P.P. for Wm. Turansky, Kandal -oe yPrescne Durham, brouglit gmatings Hq:ndemson Book Store, Osh awa bYMtoveti b tPote Ucnitied fromn Premier John Robarts' Mike's Place, Oshawa h'Srn htteUiei PLANNING Montith RihiWates &Coant th Govmnmnt f O- fouse That Jack Built Countlies cf N. & D. Roati Dcpt. MotitRehtWaes&io no. th oer ln e, bobOn'cR.R. 4, Oshawa lie requestedti talay 514,miles A HOLIDAY? Chartered Accountants priest of St. John's Roman * * ofmulch onstnved ion Make vour reservations Cathollc Church, Newcastle, as - Bowmanville - 1964: also to put 1(,000) CU. NOWi and avold Metel Oshawa Toronto Hamilton weU as belflg parilsh pieiCt of Rickaby's btd. - "Big 2011 Iyards oft-'I" crusheti gravaI' disappointment. WIkdmri Wnnlpe legna Cagary St. Joseph's R. C. Church, Fank's Varlaly Store ion Manvers roatis et a cost of NOB KNGCAG Edinton Prince George Vancouver Bowmanvuhle, said that he was Jack%î Srnoie Shop 67c par cu. yd. delivareti up to greatiy interasted in ail New- Gohean's Handy Store six miles anti .07e per mile per JURY & LOVELL M. castle undertakings, and pleas- Brvson's Smoke Shop eu. yti, for overbaul. Carmied. ordn. Riehi, C.A., RIA. ]Rurt R. W~aters. C.A. eti by the support of the people- Jury & Lovei (, motion of Coni-lltors TRAVEL AGENCY Osaw Ohaa hopig enre 72-727 for the Boy Scout movementi Oke s Smoke Shop 11-' lin ant i; Pavnm hhlirtend- PHONE 623-3361 andi other wathy projects. The Flying Dutchman Cers receiveci for the supplying Bowmanville _________________________________ jThé Frayer of Invocation Crystai Dairvylo a new weed and- brusht IW'Iw, wl wwww 4URS.,. JUNE 24th thru SAT., Rex Stainless Steel RAZOR BLADES 8g Giant Pamily Peck 40 Brush Type Y HARRLES...... 1.29 A-SA-REX HEADACHE TABL ETS 99 500 - For Only------C WRITING PORTFOLIO 50 Sheet Pati anti 20 Envelopes Spacial Value ------------- Fast Home PERMANENTS Regular, Super, Gentia, Little Girl. Reg. 2.00 ,--------- IPurchase of $1.010 or more at aur sale. h -39c 1.49 REFRESH-AIR Room Spray, 4 fi-a Sen Breeze, Pine, Floral, Bouquet. 6!i-oz., reg. 89e --- Fils AIl Sizes SPUNTEX FOC For foot comfomî ai shoa protection in1 weaîhem. Seamless. Reg. 39c pr.-- ---- Rexaîl SEWING KIT GARDENIA TALC 3'4-oz. Shaker Reg. 89ec - REX 127 CAMERA Including film, flash bullis, batteries. flash gun. Reg. 6.95 --.44c 4.99 BABY PANTS Long lastung with elastîc openungs. Reg. 35e ca. - FOLDING SYRI In handy camton far Complele with fitt:i TENNIS BALLS Gooti quality, lots of bounce 'Cut Crystal" Design Packed f l PLASTIC TUMBLER 3 in a cauî Jfor 779C lO-az. - heat resîslauît .- dis Air Circu]ating WHITE KID STATION CUSHION Super Pack For summer 5 50 Sheels anti 30 Envelopes dRavg. 2.49 18 "HA KYO" NT Revg. cof2t.49"THNKY-" OT Pack of 10 noteg HICKOCK PIPES witlî envelapes. Feand finisihed 0% Spec(Mial Algenian Briar SAVE TIME. SAVE MONEY REXALL HOUSEKEEPUNG PR( New Rexahi FABRIC SOFTENER Big 32-az. plastic bottle Special Intmotiuctory65 Price ----- New. . Rexail WINDOW CLEANER Culs grime, mekes glass glitter 14-az. acrosol [ntroductory Price eMEDICINE CHEST SAVIN Rexali SPRAY STARCI 13ig 24-oz. ami-osaI Reg. 98e - - Silque Lotion-MId DETERGENT Reg. 99e . - -- Four Squarea HOUSEHOLD CI For heRVY CleaRning 32-oz. bottie New Rexail SLEEP TABLETS Far relief (if insomnie, rastlessness, on hot summer nights. BaIlle of 20- . MENSURAL TABLETS F'or relief of tiiscomfcrt and depression associateti Aith menstruel perioti. Vial of 15 Duo-Pack Fluouritated TOOTH PASTE Reg. 1.26 -- -- BONUS PACK SACCI 400 TablaIs Extra witb 11000(¼gr.) Reg. 2.18 M4ILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS (Minted) Botl cf 500 Reg. 2.00 1.50 79c 87c 1. 39 1 CALAMINE LOT 8-o1. Bottîl Rag, 4Pe CALAMINE ANT Nrw Rexaii SINUREX TABI For rellifof Sinus heatiaches qandi conge BaIlle of 1.5 HAY FEVER Allerigy Tabimîs Contrai sneezing, waî eyes, other hay feveu misenues. Vial of 24 MILK 0F MAGN Plain or Minteti 8-oz., Reg. 45c - --- HYDROGEN PEI eSAVE ON FIRST AID NiEl PISON IVY SPRAY FeIieves ihching anti ;reness cf rash, îlies, etc. ý-oz. sîze ...................-- ----- i-oz. Box îeg. 29e. FIRST AID KIT Stumtiy plastic box wîth aIl basic fîust t dnerts. 9 C oc Re.g. 2.50 Value COTTON 4-oz. Box .. . . .. 1 9..* C R g .95c ----39c rION 1 39c TIHISTAMINI 89C EDS. 189 KJu .r Y &L Loveil31 KING ST.E WE DELIER PHONE 623-336 Ion't Forget To Ask For Your Sewing Kit UW-Yo-ýu MI' ÀL À& ÀL AL ý& ý& r 19 '% mmi JULY 3r 'ACH TOWE' 27" x 5: i colou442 claurflo79 ciel _ XGOLF BALLS 2.2513 for 1.19 ..OURING KIT kof 4 Books and s of Coloumeti igrances: 9 )TLETS hot fer Good Onl ie Stocks Lai 3 for 88C INGE rtravell9 19c iswasher sale qERY .WITH DDUCTS ----------8 3 C ---89< LEANAR 'LJ A 0 1 Ki FREE! (21 59C

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