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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 5

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- - -~ - - .- ,-. -- - - - - .-r.-- .--r -rr rrr - r -~-.--.~ -rr~.-rr 'tr~ 7. - - - RIAYCflrn - MARSDEN The marriage r.9 Missq Jean- ette Marsden- and Mr. Jon D'vid Hancock was solemniz- Pc n Trriitv Uni-,ed Church. PBwManille. on Saturdav af- tcrn J.May 2.9. 1965., at I1 F ý o1c The bride is the dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Marsden and the bridegrooin i' the sorn of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Hancock. ail of Bow,- mranville. Rev. Efdi Ha ncork o! Aurora. unrle o! -he groom. @nd Rev. 'W. K. Houslindpr off iciated. The, bride. whn was given, in marriage bY her fathe . a worp a full-Iength gown o! Swiss ernbrcidered gilk or- ganza with a semi-belI skirt, short sleeves and scoop neck- line. The dainty embroidery and appliques on the gown were in tiny rosebud design. Her QJhoulder-length scalloped veil was caught to a head- piece o!f white silk organza; rosebudF. stephanotis and for- get-me-nots. and she carried a cascade bouquet of white shasta 'mumns. pink roseç and s tepohan o tis. Miss Christîne Marsden waz, maid of honor for her sister and Miss .Jo-Anne Marscn. also, a sister o!fthe bride. was flnower rl The- maid of MEN'S SOCKS PARLEY KNITTINC1 WOOL 1-oz. skeins MEN'S WORK SHIRTS SPecial Price BOYS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Sizes Il to 1411,â MEN'S LIGHT BLUE DENT l-'JACKETS ME'L IGHT BLUE DENýir PANTS MENS~ OVERALLS - --- LADIES' BLOUSES MEN'S AND BOYS' Nylon Windbreakers Don't Forget.. - w - - I - $4.49 $1.27 8- $2.39 $4.95 58C $1.49 $1.49 $2.88 $3.99 -$1.77 59C 59C - 88C - $1.35 $1.69 $1.88.- $2.49 $2.99 $5.95 $4.95 $5.75 $2.88 $5.95 - $6.95 -Shop At I)enhertog's r w qw uw w w ww w w HOLIDAY SPECIAL!1 196 E Hors is a 1965 "EPIC DELUXE" DEMONSTRATOR! TI total value, total comnfort and GeneraI Motors dependi luxury red interior, 2,000 miîles, prico includos heater license -and gas. SUGGcSTIED RETAIL PRICE $1,919 HOLIDAY SPECIAL.- OUR PRICE ................ B- ffecIdin M arried in Trinity United honor wore à dress tyled with a sleeveless. seoop-neck- lined pink linen top and ;;ki- of pleatpd white nylon. hig.hi lighted b-Y a cuimmerbund of white Swiss lace. The flower girl was in a white dress em- broidered wjth white rotses and accented b.v a pink cui-n merbund embroidered witi roses. A small clusier of -wh i te feathered carnations and tulle formed their head- dresses. and their cascade bouqueLs were of white and pink carnations. Mr. Wm. Cro.ssev of Bow*l manville was best 'man. Following the ceremon'va reception %%as held at the homre of the bride's parents. The bride's mother receivec in a pink, double knit suit with navY blue tulle hat. navx accessories and corsage of pink carnations. To as-sist, the groomns mother chosea powder blue lace dress witl matching coat, white acces- sories and corsage o! white carnations. When the bride and groomý lefi, for their hone.vnioon in th e Kawartha Lakes, the' bride was wearing an aqua' print shift dress with neckline, ruffles a n d three-quarter lenath sleevcs. vellow A-line ,coat, white accessories and corsage o! yellow carnations. Thev are residing on Synny- set Crescent, Bowmanville. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. don David Hancock are showii in the above photo as they sign the cegister followirig their wedding in Trinity Un ited Church, Bowman- PACKAGE 0F 20CIGARETTlES 0 WITH ANY $5.00 PURCHASE OR MORE - AT - Denhertog's (Iothing 17 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE (South of King Taxi) OPEN THURS., FR1., SAT. ONLY This Week's Specials Fie tough littie car that gives you ability. Beautiful white finish wuth r, windshield washers, $1595 rROY NICHOLS MOTOR CHEVRLETCHEVELLE, CHEVY Il,' COR VAIR, OLDSMOBILE F85 h OLOSMOBILE 88, DELTA STARFIRE COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 BWAVLE-Poe6325 Ar-p'qihard. Lui- hijînýTed Miller, Harold Michelson The 2lst "A' Pack enjo ved camping last vveekend by the Osfhawa Creck. The v vere accGrpanied bY Mmr. and Mis. Bill Elliott, Mr. and M i-s. Charlie Thomas and Mm. anud Mos. Bob Dale. AI] the lead- er~s brou.ght their wholc fa-m- ilies. On Saturdav afterînth<e boys entertaioc-d -B- Pack foi- a game o!f bascbail. fnllowrd by cookies and a cnld drink, ai the camnpsite. The parenits werc inviled tn the c-ampri'-e on Satumday eveniiiug. ".hen thev welîe enlertained hy skits and souigs. The Ctnhs hcld rhir o\.'. ebtîreh serv'.icern Smiday norning-. Dîîriiig thNe wekenm thcv nmanaced tb gel, n i few brie! swîms. "Second EYes '.'rre pie- sentcd I1) Dennis Werr \,- Nril Ma'haffc\ - Gaî-th Pascne, Joe Wri-,iht. Rcggie Dav.is. Rarîdv Wat.,nn and, Philip Densfham.' Maxwvell Heights 5<-hooi Field I)ay ChaînDionship 'l'ahbs w awaî-ded to: .Midceî i Girs.. Mai-y Ellen Fitzpatrick; Itin-ý or Gir-ls. Gail Gifford: InIer- mediate Girls, Donnia Canmn- eP Senior Girls. Kar-en Kn- lenlko: Midgîî Bo 'sý. Biôn Gifford: Jtunior- Boys. Joîcv Fitzpatî-ick: Inter m e d i a 1 e Boys. Bil.ly Fitzpatrick: Senior: Boys. Bob Dale. The stanîding iniiiiîdi.idîîal events was as follnws: Midget Girls: Runnunig Broari. Mai-v Ellenl Fîtzpatrick, Stisan- Hart. Jo- anne Bathe: High -lumrp. , san flanzv-, Mars- Ellen F!i- Patmick, Anne akr 50 Yd. flaish. Susan CouItem, Ma r- Ellen Fitzpatîîck. .1 o a ii n e Bath.': Wheelharmntv Race,: Sandra Hopkins andri Crol MounitjoJ-. Susan Hart and" Susan Dan-,y. Anne '*a!ker and Susaii Coîiei. Bail Throw, Mary BIh-n Fit.zpat- rick. Sandra Hopkins, Stîsan Danz.%. .1unior Girlrs: Throw & Cth alGf ford and Barbara Fisher, Lin- dia Innes and Barbara Lam-, beri, Linda Montgomery and Sharon Robinson; High -lump, Dale MeLeese, Barbara Fisiher. Gail Gifford: Standingc Brnadl. Barbara Lambert, Gai] Gi!- ford, Jave Logan; RunnInjg, Broad. Dale McLecse, GaîIl Gifford, Barbara Lambert: 50 Yd. flash, Gail Gifford, Dale MJeLeese, Barbara Fisher: 2.5 Yd. Desh. Dale McLee,e. Gail Gifford, Jaye Logan and Bar- bara Fisher (tie). Intermediate Girls: Throw, & Catch. Kareni Mr- ILeese and Elizabeth Lambert,] Diane Brooks and Laurie Mar-J Patsv Sali; irig¶i JUTfl9, ia2i rie Marshall: Standing Bioa1l Donna Cam-pbell. Susanne Ar-, senault. Karen McLeese; Run- ning Broad, Donna Campbell. ,Karen McLeese, Diane Brooks: 75 \'d. Dash. Donna CampbeILl Diane Brooks. Karen Mc- Leese: 50 Yd. flash. Donna Campbell. Diane Brooks. Kar- en MNcbeese. If h )f is d Peter Souch. dPplrriaShroni I- High Jump, Brian Gifford. School o! Nursing o! the Peter Peter Souoh. Paul Bacon: Bail borotigh Civic Hospital a' Throw, Perr, Shearer, Bian graduation exercises held JunE Giffoî-d, Pete r Souch: Running,16. 1965 at Crestwood Second- Broad, Brian Gifford, Peter arY. School. Roberta lis th( Souch, PerrY Shiearer: Whecl- dauighteir ! Mr. and Mrs. Roni barrow Race, Bian Gifford Hetherington, Bowmanville. and Peter- Souch. Paul Bacn ýand Paul Geisbergzer. Per' \ýYd. Dasrh. BillY Fitzpatri-k * Seaei-an Bî-r M-Dogai.shall, Donna Campbell and -Junior Boys: Alan Bathe, Frank Bathe: H1 Bail Tlhrow, Joey Fity.pat- Yd. Dash. Brad Logan. Billi-v rick. Bobbv Annand, Bobb.v Brooks, Karen McLeese. Lau- SBat1he: Higg.h Jump, Joey Fifz- Fitzpatrîck. Alan Bathe. ,patrick, Bobby Bathe, WillY eloBys Woodcock: Standing Broad. Sno os .JocvY Fitzpatrick, Bobb '\ An- High .Jump, Doug Woodcock, nand. Michael Bacon; Running Bob Dale, Carl Lindlsey' : Stand- BRroad, Michael Bacon. Bobb.v' ing Broad. Car] Lindse '.v Bob !Annmand. Joey Fitzpatrick: 50 Dale. Peter Atkinson; Running Yd. flash, Joey Fitzpatrick. Broad. Bob Dale, Car] Lind- BnbbN, Annand. Billv Arsen- sey. Brut-e Dale: Bail Týhî-ow.,ý puit: 25 Yd. flash. Joev\ Fitz- (Dis-tance), Bob Dale, Carl patrick. Bobby Annand, Philipý Lindsey\, Robert Lindsey; 100 Ha.ves. Yd. flash. Bob Dale, Peter At- Intemedite Bys:kinson, Bruce Dale: 75 Yd. Intermedite Boys: ashl. Bob Dale, Cari Lindsc, Bail Throw. Brad Logan, Peter Aikinson and Bruce Blil'.- Fitzpatrick, Wa y ne Dale (lie). Miontgornerv: High J tu m p. __ Bil I Fitzpatrick, Alan Bathe, Bruce Annand; S t a n d i n g Criminals often use disgtiises B roa d, Billv Fitzpatrick, Alan to ectape c-apture. Some have îBathe. Frank Bathe: Runnii!ig ev.en had plastic surgery donc. Broad, Frank Bathie, Brad or, sought to destroy their own Logan, Billy Fitzpatrick; 75 fingerprints. raduaes rhe Caniadie:n stategmàn, Iowmnvfln, june 28, l1983 GraduaPr ut Ilnd Mrs. Chaz. Wood, -Welsh FamilyLuhradMr(Wl on roiri onate<i oy .Mrs. jei@ ated the cand'v for thé guess- ing game. Relatitveswere preeent Immn Orangevillr. Toronto, Bay Ridges. Oshawa, Twee d, Bellerile., Cobourg. ge well as HI dReunion Last Sunday Over one htindred des.eend- ants ocf the late Charles Welsh end Grace G-ay gathered ai tihe Cream of BarleY Pa rk, Bowmanviile, for I:heir annual pîcnîic on Sunday afternoon, Senior Girls. Running Broad. B re nd a Hopkins, K a ren Kolenko,I ,Carol Gif ford: Standing Broad,1 jKaren Kolenko, Trudv Hart,ý ISsan Annand: High' Jump,i Trudy .Hart, WendY Yourth., Ruth Bishop: Catch & 1'hrow., Karen Kolenko and Janet Waddington. Marlene Rodnev and Glenda Danzv. Brendýa Hopkins and Ruth Bhshop; 100 Yd. Dash, Wendy Yourth, Karen Kolenko, Carol Gifford: j5 Yd. Da-jh. Ruîth Hoskin, Brenda Hopkins, Janet Wad- dington. Mldget Boys. 50 Yd. flash, Peter Souci,, Brian Gifford. Perry Shearer: 25 Yd. Dasqh. Brian Gifford, Roberta Alexis Hetberington Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith. ville, onl Saturday aftemnoon. May 29, 1965, at 3 o'clock. BOwmanville, were S<nday The bride is the former Miss Jeanette Marsdfen, daugh-, evE>ning guests of the Smith's. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Marsden, and the groom is: Mr. and Mi-S. Wm. Sim Or the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, ail of Bow-' Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. F. E.: Alexander, Bowmanville, were manvile Sunday evening visitors with - __ their brother Mr. Robt. Sun.E s Mr. and Mrs. Herb Powell, n o ce E g em t Bowmanville. were Sunday evening guests o! the Kovacs. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vanevk1 and famîly. Mr. and Mi-s. AI- fred Milison were Saturiday - evening guests o! Mr. and Mrs.' W. Vane\Ik. Mr. and Mî-s. Walter Vanevk were StindaY Stîpper guests o!. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden. 7Viss Jean Johnson and Mr. Jark Johnson, Oshawa. were Sîîndav guiesis ;O! their par-ý ents. Mm. and Mrs. Bert John- soni. Mr. and Mis. Jme Snnwdecn and Brtuce. Mr. 1. Hardyv andI Stanley.Soina, were Sunday suppe,- gtests ;of Mm. and Mms. Sidney Cornish.. ..... The anntial pmmiic oie %vil] be held at the C.& .1. Woodley home, Thursday. - Junet 24. Pienie is ralled for, 4 &*clock wilh supper to com- mence al 6 p.m. AIl are wel- com c. Son-v to hav.e nmitted frm MrÉ . G. Smith's obituary that she had been a mebher o! Club 50 since itlxvas organ- Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rutherford of Oruno an- ('Iuinh150.nuLince the engagement of their daughtei-, Joan Ber-' emetn ofClub 0 nice. to Mr. Robert Brock Miles, son of Mr-. and Mis. was hcld at the Kov.ac humne FHugh E. Miles of Oshawa. The marriage will takei with 14 memnbers and one visi- place on Juiy 24, 1965, at :3 p.m. in Ot-ono United toi- present. Pres. Mis. .jCh UI-cb VaneYk npened the meeting, wvith thc 23rd Psalm in' Me-Dicson fa ei n moi-v of Mis. F. Smnith and 1iciso !apci hyr'n26 rll\,,e b teiJIlY <n -elcbrate our l5th I KEDRO LorPia\ c. Scriptti i-c ead- Ibirtlîdav fn'llo\w\ed and commit-, RecetyII.ad r.Mlý ing bx' Mrs. Heicu Kov.ac fol- tee lu look after arrangements' a Muntjov m. an Ms. Mur- lowed b ' v devotinnal and arc Mrs. Mary Penivarden, 27ad-Vusntjd ie2 otst prayeî- hv Mrs. W. Varie'v k. Mrs. Helen Kovac and Mis. 27e adui tpts ad 52 he Li absence orftreasuier. MVr;. Jackie Vaneyk. Because of!. n theOf weneradue Hele n Kovac gave the treasz-,pic-nir the regular Juîy meet- clfro! te s 'hn adtineal iircrs report. Bills were ni'd-l inp was cancelled. Meeting9 Hopital in 19,50. A '.'eiy ered paid and MrS. Etheliclosrod with hymo and bene- pcsn day was spent. with Goble p resented Mrs. Kath%, diction !ollowed by a ]ovelv Pha rsa adhaealnams Baker îvth a wedding zift lunrh served bY the commit-an iicSyehchad 'frorn the club, tein charge. Collection, $3.30.1adnd ici syl.unh 1n BEÀNS &PORK 7 M(A %Vhite orPn TOILET TISSUE3 IGA CHEESE SLICES IGA Margarine ourc IGA APPLE JUICE IGA TOMATO JUICE IGA PET FOOD Ccri IGA CATSUP omt IGA PEANUT NIBLET CO)RI HEINZ SPA(. CAKE MIXES Lushus Jellie BISCUITS POTATO CHI 48-.îz. Tins for 25-1. Ting for 15-o' Tinis for 4 Roll packs for 16-o,. Pkq%. 48-o:l. for 3Tins. 3for 16 02 2or 6 olai. BUTTER 4 jars 14 o,. Froren11 Tins Giant 6 for TTI 6'ins ;JHETT for Monorch RPkqx. Pouch Poli 6J for 10 Rieq. S Fi.ours 1 0 St.r Peak Freon APlics. BVorie fie, 'f for 10-o,. Ip PS mottent 2 io ktackýHI So TOKEN OF LOVE W.ddi.g Risg (. $75.00 $87.50 Every Bluebird Diamond is guaronteed perfect and in- sured free for one year. B3LUEBI1RD Diond and Wedding Rings "Swift Premnium" Ready To Serve SMOKED PICNIC 3fc SHOULDERS 397mb Smift Premium Short shank SMOKED HAMS 631b Burns Reg. or Ready To Serve Boneless f DINNER HAMS Ciy.931b 'Special Dollar Day Combination Offer" A 1-lb. Pkgr. ALL1 TableRfite WIENERS FORt A 1,2 -1b. Pkg. Maple- Leaf SIDE BACON Slieed Rlnd leui 4t m 11 A 6-oz. T'kg. TableRite Slieri BOLOGNA #Ib u ]RurstJng with Juice" SUNKIS Doh $10 ~~I ORANGES 3J~r$ O * Californla's 'inpst' Produre <of179A C~ a n. No1 Grade BING CHERRIES lb.39c * NemCrop ('alifornia" Produce of U S.A. ( an. No. 1 (Grade Cardinal Grapes Ib.29c < risp "Tender (,een ('anada No. 1 (,,ade LETTUCE î,arge lea% 23c i'armho,î'e I'rnen S-oz. Pies Apple Pies 3: $ Prices Effectiv-e Jnn< !', 34, ?5 and ?6. PIN EAPPLE cQT CBitiTins WHITE TUNA yI "1 ckf 3 Tins AYLMER SOU PS 8 è-èttfb'* .in BICKS RELISHES 4fl K L E E N E X R-hqu ar:r 7 ' * .. * .* Surf Klnq DETERGENT 40em'il site C HICK EN Cr::Iu3 l;; BRYLCREEM "*quir 3 Tubes Receive ]EX.1 Cherry Pie, Toothpaste Nou* & Gardon Raid Spray "SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPE.r4" $I0 Tape Reeive Extra $6 Tape ReeivP Extra $2 Tape Granulaed Rlugwaf*tr Flbone 4 White Sugar 10-1b. Fish Krisp: Pkq l sdetReceivP Extra S4 Tape So edHa Sce. F4 POU Fod S,., mk auf b..,, Wax Paper 100'RollOntario Fane ay Muîmoe Si..teAlpha bits APP LES 3.1b. Bowmanvi'lle IGA Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE- DUring the afternoon. races were rui off by the Sports liConivenors., Luther and Mar- :garet Wekdî. assisted bY Sec- .retairTreesurerrs, Charlie and Winnie Welsh. Ail children six Years and under received a toyv. Run-, ning races for girls, 7 and 8, was won by S'hanon Shackel-' ton. and boys 7 and 8, Barr'v' Welsh: Girls, 9 and 10, Scis-: sors and Paper Race was won by Wend *v Murdoch: Boys and Girls. Il, 12 and 13. Paper >Plate Tiirow.- Bruce Welsh: Oranige & Meat Skewer Race. Philip Shiackeltoni: Teenagers, Gem Ring and Meat Skewer Race. Wayne Vennor; Drange auid Match Box Rat-e. Linda Bothwell and Bob Wel.zlh. Burt Terry of Cobourg kickcd hi., ghoe !arther <han an'.v other man, and Mis. F.xa Souch. Oshawa, kicked hem shoe Eaî-thest in the womeins, contest. Mî-s. Bernice Both-ý well, Bowmanville, won the Pie Plate Throwing contesl. Lucky draws were won bY' Salýl. Prout, Bowmanville. and Brent Gibson. Rexdale, and Winnie Wclsfh won the jar of candy i.n the guessing game. During supper President Norman Welsh, of Oshawa, cotiduicted the election of of- ficers for the 1966 picnic wilh the followiîîg results: Piesi- dent, William Welsh, Oshawa: Secy.-Treas., Neil and Viviani Britton, Belleville; S po rt s Commnittcee Tom and Gwen Gould. Don and Bev Welsh, Bowmanvillc. Tlhe children enjoyed pop donated bh*yvNormn and Florence Welsh and pop.._ 'i p 'i 4 arirtirg ALLEN DRINKS 3 MA ' CHOICE PEAS 8 "The Lowest Priced Store in Town" CAMPING BLANKETS Large Size LADIES' SHORTS Special BOYS' JEANS itrpw OnIy - $3.39 - $. MEN'S FLANNEL DRESS PANTS ---- MEN's CAPS Summer Special MEN'S SHIRTS Short Sleeve NEN'S BELTS Now Only LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS Cotton MEN'S HEAVY DRILL, WORK PANTS Choice of 4 Cointîrs GIRLS' SLACKS Cotton, Sizes 7 tn 14 BOYS' SOCKS ETERNITY te it i e e Nom--- L.-I dd

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