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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1965, p. 1

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Trhree Die 'When U. S.Cr Hi'ts Parked Traimler 's' i 1~ Hrb Knapp's Two Tow Trucks Pull Car Apart to Release Accident Victims Pinned in Front Seat VOLUME 111 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1965 lOc Per Conv NUMBER 27 Tragedy Ends Vacation'f Near Location Where À nmb -a ýla - -À O ied Few Years ÀAgo There was a tragic ending to a Canadian vaca- tion for five American tourists, who were enroute to their homes in the United States on Monday morning. Their westbound car went off the pavement on High- way 401 and crashed into a transport trailer parked on the shoulcier of the road. Three passengers died almo t instantly and two others in the car suffered seriojis injuries. /Mrs. Laura Linek, age 49, her eight-year-old daughter, Marta, Geneva, New York, and Miss Madeline Ells, New York City, were killed in the accident that happened approximately a hall mile west of Newcastle. At almost the same location, six people were killed several years ago in a head-on collision. Siegfried Linek, age 49, and axnother daughter, Lori-Lee, age 13, were taken to Memorial Hospital f Bowmanville by the Bowmanville Area Ambulance. Mr. Linek had susta ined a fracture of the skull and multiple lacerations.' He was transferred on Tuesday evening by Ambulance to St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Young Lori-Lee Linek is stili a patient at Memor- jail Hospital where she is receiving treatment for a broken right leg, lacerations to her forehead, and shock. It was necessary for two of Herb Knapp's tow trucks to drag the Linek's car f rom under the trailer and then pull it apart before the bodies could be removed. Corporal 1. E. Closs, OPP, and Constable K. Ruttan, OPP, were the investigating officers. The fatal accident occurred at Il1 a.m. Now Have Two Cars a a* No Drivers ,ifr. and Mrs. Bert Mundy, King St. West. now have two cars. She pu chased twa tickets on the Legion Car Draw last Friday and His Warship Mayý Ivan Hobbs drew one of them ta entitle her to this beautiful new Oldsmobi Ç8 sedan. It was just the color she liked, but since Mr. Mundv was injurq when he was a supervisor at the Ontario Training School for B3oys last veê ihe has been unable ta drive and she daesn't drive either. So, now thev ha, rather a money-making problem. They are trying ta sell not onl iv the car th( bad, but the new one ton. Draw Chairrnan Maurice Conway is shown at rig] ,Vresenting the keys to the Mundys. Receives B.A. Malcolm F. MeKenzie 1 recently received his Bachelor! of Arts degree from Waterlool University College, and plansý to return to the University iný the Fali. Malcolm is the son' of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKen. zie of Orono. Ç its anc1 CORRECTION - We are infoi error in a recent Accident Rot article concerned a two-car co It stated that Mr. Leonard C manville, and his wife, a passerý injuries. It should have read sister-in-law Mrs. Ruth Cook. barrassment this error caused. t *1* t AMAZING - Howard Taylor, Coroner Dr. C. J. Austin and Dr. H. B. Rundie confirm tliat three passengers are dead. !Petition Asks for Liquor Vote, Oct. 2lst ~Aees Le gion Presents Council rmed there was an ýund-Up repart. The ollision at Courtice. iger, sufred miner - ith New Canadian Fia gs., ioo, sufr.R.2, Baw Mr. Cook and his Werert n -R ecent Picture of Queen Truli Road South, , At the meeting of Bowmanville Town Counclg in Darlington, has a most unusual rose bush. It flot only produces beautîful roses, but has also brought forth orange hlossoms and sweet peas. We are indebted to Mrs. E. R. Hamilton who brought us in samples of this versatile bush's products. ON TELEVISION - Newcastle's Recreation Com- mittee received a phone cail from "Uncle Jerry" who has a youngster's television show over W.B.E.N., Buffalo, every Sunday morning. It will be recalled that he was in Newcastle recently when six talented young artists were chosen to appear on his show. The' phone cail confirmed that the show is slated for Sunday, August l5th. The winners, plus probably a busload of Newcastle parents and other youngsters, will go ta Buffalo on Saturday, July 24th, when the show will be taped. It should be quite an experience for those participating. t + t1* i* i OLD ONE - Brenton Darch of Salem unearthed what could bc a Bowmanville Dog Tag from his garden. It is heart-shaped and inscribed with the following: T.L.P. 20, Bowmanville, 1909. On the back is the manufacturer's stamp, B. Cairns, Toronto. t t t ** t LESSONS - Anyone interested in learning the fine points of changing a fiat tire shauld NOT contact the Editor. Last week, in Oshawa, about il p.m. with rain pouring down, the right front tire of aur station wagon went flat on the bottom. Urange Parade In Peterborough !This Saturday Orangemen and women by the thousands wilI be wend- ing their ivay to Peter- borough this Saturday for th nimual five-county walk to celebrate the anniversa ryv jof the famous Battle of the The speeches will begin at 1 p.m. at K ing Edward Park, two blocks north of the fair grounds, with the parade marching off al, 2- o'clock. Bowmanville's delegation froin the Purpie Guards 2384 and L.O.B.A. 1291 will lie led by Bowmanville Branch of the Royal Can- adian Legion's Pipe Band. Their own fife and drumn hand Is flot functioning this year. However, several niembers. plus majorettes froni this area will join the Tyrone Band in the march. It is not expected that local lodges will be march- lng through the town prior to departure. neici in thle Louncil Chamber on Monday evenilng there was a deputation frorn Brandi 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion. President Keith Ferguson, assisted by 2nd Vice-President Maurice Conway, presented ~ anadian Maple Leaf Flag and the Union Jack, ais. an excllnt picture of Queen Elizabeth 11, gifts froi %ranch 178 for the Council Chamber. His Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, on behaif of council tbanked Branch 178. Pre-sident Ferguson said il xplaîned tha~t the two stand- w'as a distinct pleasure to)i rd holders for the Canadian present the two flags and the Maple Leal and the Union frarned picture of The Queen1iJack had not arrived in trne. on bdihalf of Branch 178. lie, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Dairy Princesses IIIi De unosen ar Gala Event, July 1.5. A special salute to the Dairy free milk for everyone, drawt :Industry will be the selection'for 40 Ibs. of cheese, butter, of the Dairy Princess for both and rnilk tokens. 'Northumberland and Durhamý The evening program wtll Counties at a gala event in start at 7:00 p.m. with the the Newcastle Arena on Thurs- young ladies competing for the day evening, July l5th at 7:00 1Dairy Princess giving a short p.n. talk on the daîry industry lA Through the co-operation 0f1their own county. The contesta. the dairies, creameries and ants will then be milkheg cheesefactonies there will bej <TLJRN TO PAGE TWO> We preceeded ta change it. "No trouble, it willYo htl S a d r Be es oInly take a minute," we told the occupants. Three o tf lSa d r Be e s Accident quarters of an hour later a kindly, sympathetie ,,. .. 1GM employee parked behind, came ta the rescue, p 1 painting out that we didn't have the jack on Round-Uright; that's why it gave way at the crucial On Monday evening at moment. Aise, he suggested that the reason the seven o'cloek, a pedestrian, wheel boits wouldn't corne through far enough was c William Chattcnberg, age 44,, because we were trying ta put the wheel on back- LanfelNoa.hî b1a1a wards. Other than that. evcrything went fine. onN . 5 Highway. The dri- ver ef the car was F. Bruton, We've been practising ever since, but probably Orono. will forget by the time another flat strikes. M'r. Chattenburg was takpn t t t 1 to Meniorial Hospital by the ON SHR Lat ecfu payrns ___Bowmanville Area Ambul- N HR atwefu lyrud ance. He is receiving treat- were listed as conducting summer pragrams. It ment for head and knee in- should have been five, because Franklin Park juries. Constable L. F. Dry1ý is also in aperation on a regular basis. den, OPP, investigated the'.~ accident.i There was a two car coî-ý CARDS- Those two Salvation Army travellers, lision on Monday at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Ed. Willatts and Mrs. George Forsey, who at Third and High Streets. are in England along with 200,000 other Salva-1 Thervo rs othevehicles tionists, repart bycards that t yare hai inovdwere Ralph Tukker g 4 Bernard Street, and Robert wonderful tirne but verv busv. They should have George Biekie, 37 Concession plenty ta talk about when they return home. Street. Damage ta the two t + t T T iasaouinted to less than' WINNERS - Three winners this week in the i 10. ontable Don Ander- K son was the investigating et-,1 in Investment Draw. They are, Jack's Smake ficer. Shop, Stan Dunn and Dîck Cale. They won $50 ----------each. Draw number 10 cornes next. Locl Grl Rain Forces Legion Inured in TwoCarrasTo Hold Carnival Sreet, Bowmanville, was tak li Ç f,1I~ 18 eligo ver en te Port Hope haspital for exam]natien following a two- De'pite the rain on Frda<ladian LIeRon offered excellent car accident at 4 o'clock Sun. evening, or rather as a resuit enterta nent and fun for all day atternoon at the intersec. of it large numbers of peopleand w~as exceptionallv well tien o! Peter and Hope Streets. fromi the town and distric t pla -ted. Miss Oke was released after were able te enjev this year's His VWorship, Mayor Ivan teten.She was a passenger'Legion Carnival in Memarial Habbs drew the winning tick- in a car driven by Bayd P Park on two occasions. The'et for thc 1965 Oldsmobile '88' ;Kinney, 6() Scugog Sre ms evenings fun was cut 2-doar sedan, and the winner Bowma nvilleshort by the downpour after was Mrs. Bert Mundy, King ~ F A total of $550 damage waslonly an heur and a hait, but Street West. Bowmanville. ,, donc when the Kinney vehicle the crowds enjeyed the eventi Second Vice-President Maurice ., coldd ury edonwt greatly in that tume. On Sat- Canway was chairman af th -_"-'s ~~ r-anether car driven by Guisep- urdav evening the repeat per- pepular car draw h ., ~- **~ 'orpeGrsoia o Knaick Cres-,formance a! this outstanding:of the winning ticket wa., iiue cent. Downsview, Ontario. Lgo anvlsoe ra r.G otoey ete TeRylCnda einsprd nFia vnn a loteey rcd Miss Christina Rubbescheu Leion arni ased tlalmsgreet.G.Mng er,8Cnr ThRoaCnain egnsprde nFray vnnghdam tevr' ten, of Pickernog, was a pas.-î,adi atdutlams tet thing by way of unique outfits and contraptions, but this inter-service color la,1'midnight. Cer5 aneBivr at ao vrees Tesadr errsovosyhdrcie ntu. asenge r in the Grisolla automo-CmaeBni oser at okeeyn' eye. Tesadr err biul a eevdisrc ve bile. Jimmy Nickerson was the was the convenor of the Bow- tion on the correct methad of placing their hands, but the sailor in the centre ley The accident w~as investigat. Carnival Chairman and Lew manville Ladies' Auxiliary t ad i ftobeaheigte xc oiinfrta soearma."99They ct d b',ý Constable Mack Wilson,:.Burton was Co-Chaîmman, This the Royal Canadian Legîon's aabioftulechvnghexctpsinfrta "oe ~of Port Hope police. annual carnival held b ain draw. Branch 178 Presi- are, f rom lef t te right. Eddie Robertson, Barry Henning and Donnie Ricarc4 -Port Hope Guide;Branch 178 of the Royal Can- <47URN TO PAGE TWO> __ who took their important positions quite seriously. 9 10e Per Copy NUMBER 27

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