2 ~1~' -~ Coming Events The Wood Family Picnic at g" olina Hall, Saturday, July 31. S~upper at - o'clock, dishes rM04ste Bingo, Thuraday 7Anight oU 'clock, sponsored by thie Junior Chaniber o! Colmmerce. Red Barn, Northi 1Coming Eveni, Red Crois Eranch BLOOD DONOI CLINIC Wednesday, Aug -J ciacîn bmu veY SaturdaylESCORTEI) - 8-DAY TOI .ngt. Flic ver>' lest 10 coun- try style music, fun and food,! Aug. 1 - Aug. 8 starrîng Neil Mafthews and lis! inclusive Ontario County Beys. Special For Information Phane guests evcry wcek. Fake 115 6336 1lighway te Kirby sud turn62-36 fast 7 miles te Elzabcthvilîc "OJVE 101l1ow flie signa. C29-1 29TRAVEL SERVIC FINE QUALJTY 2 MONUMENTS AND 2 MARKERS Junior Lacrosse o k I« Tournament 0FSTAFFORD Wed., July 28 BROS. LTD. Franklin Park j LA 6:30 IP.M. .dUIllor:ieI Dealff ýIafford Brothers monuments Box 133 318 DUndaa St. E. Whltby Phone_______________ Mohawk 8-3552 Sponsored by Bawmanvi] Kinsmen Club IObtain your tickets tram Junior Lacrosse Players TICKETS - 50e eaeh Refreshment Boath and Speclal Draws Corne and enley Canada's National Garne 29- STREWIDE) We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities ONTARIO No. 1 New rotatoes a 59C ONTARIO No. 1 FIELD S4-Qt. TOMATO ES s.79C CALIFORNIA No. 1 WHITE Grapefruit 10 ' 69c Government Inspected Red er Blue lirand LEAN - BONELESS PORK ROA&SI 63 lb BONELESS (HUCK STEAK 65 l HEINZ PREPARED Lihby's Relish Hot Dot - Hamburt MUC RD Barbecue 1 Mx or Match 'em 2 -o.-12-oi. 4 SAVE 4e SAVE Il jMIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 67-0 SAVE 1eBi 7 DYKSTRA'S FOOD MARKET Shop and Save - Phone 623-3541 77 King St. W. FREE Delivery Bowmanville r~EJ W '-T 1.11-1 - brothrs, Wateér and' ed ~pessessien oethtéeliquonj Repdr bth _fetrboouh,1 0fegandi the truuk cf theU CAR BIDE TNP P ED GIN ER A L P UR Repara bth o Petrberughvehicle. Ne was represented- GUAR.ANTED televiuon and 'by Terence Kelly. approximat.Ily 25% longer tife radio service te aIl makea. * Constable Harte - Maxwe ____________________________ rdo service a. PaeGrn m. stafcd that when be sacnd 623-3883.ericeCo 5 on-t f fi l icth car he bound 25 cana Noof " HAYDT 112,1,18113, 53-tf ~~~~~beer su.d twe bottles cf liquerpWRN.80- ",HAYDT Refrigeration Hiolds Picnic on cee io a wasbtub and that P O W ERN.66-6"LGTDT 9 ~~~~~~~Pitchard adrnitfed ownershîp.No62 -6/4'LG D T and "k'FI accused stated that they À Appiane ervceAt Orono Park lad brouglit tIc tub and theA W No. 646 - 6/"" HEAVY DUTY Applimce Srviceliquor !rorn home sud bcught Comiecii aiDoealo 0MiTe Gniffin picnic was Iuld theicbec and beer in Bancroft No. 747 - 71/4" HEAVY DUTY Commrcil an Doesti etOrono Park on Sunday a!- on thein way te Uic race tha t Retrlgeratlon - Milk Cooiers ternoon, July llth, wîtb af- nuornng. Ne insistcd thatm PhoneoBERT STER tendance ot appnoximately 90. noue had been drunk af Me-m Day. 623-5774 At 5 o'clock evcrybedy sat sport, tley were juat taking aNderH ardware17 dwen or tIc cdren blsudf pedhoecaase lie lad la s aaWodP o Nib -62-377 dw nd te w adtabes ofiflin we an.te adew a s-Ohw odP Lander ardwar ood, ud fte lranrd aces a use le Ucar wad sop- an LCRC there were centests for bath two heurs' slcep Uic nigît be- 2-61LM T D HPIGCNR 384tf Te youngest member pre- "This Mosport business lias: IjTE -sent was Wendy Stepihens, te be atopped. People are be- 7811 728-1617 CoUnCil Bowmanille; ol1d es t, Mrs. ing kil'led fast enougli on fli, ClarkeIreneGrifffin, Bunketon; long- road withouf any nonsensei esre Coni t nuuT!dMr.ad like this," said His WorshiD. E The Township et Clarke Robt. Se-enB- - -l; $10 n - -, r15d-s field their council meeting on and thie tartîcat away, Mis. And I would like Uic word te Tuesday, July Oth when they Laure Waul1beurer et Buffalo. get around. I can go as higil conducted general business Ater a visdt sud gocd time as $1000."' and met witl delegations in had by alI, thc day came te Rene Dugal was tîncd $10nAI.I.LJT.Tjg* NAMI TC) BUIW ON respect et road construction i an end and everycue going and costs, an tive days, for, certainpartscf the Township. home, looking forward te an- public intoxication in New- Mr, %;arro Nichols, repre. ot« yeg. castle June 12. Constabi. B, Bowmanville, Jaly 21, 1965 13 Oahaa. 4-ff jLIONS Dancing, Satunday, July 24 COMMUNITY CENTRI At the Wheel, Danuy Nichols 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.i arid the Country Kings, 9-12, b1aaport Rd., ane mile north- 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.i met of Mospant. 29-1 Barn Dance, AI Fostcr's, Efctv Juy1t, ICendal, July 24, featuring Bo pensons afler flan emerger a " sand flic Blue River and those admitted ear13 M . Admission $1.00; 9-12, flic meruing sud disclai evex'o'ne wclcomc. 28-2 flic sain day, must cci Reserve Monday, Auguat 2, te Memoial Hospital, E 1965, Civic Holiday. Attend mnanville, net later than 3] the Carnival at Newcastle's Fhua decision lias been nr Ball Park, bcginuing at 2:00 in fIe interests et imprc P.M. Boys and girls arc ne- service and better patientc -nindcd ta enter flic dcccrated Sîgncd: Board o! Director bicycle cempetitien. 29-1 ______ Waodvicw Cemmuuity Centre Bermuda Cruis( -Menater B i n g o. Twenty Sp gais--twenty dollars; tive Sep . 1h- 'Ml pmnes-thirty dollars; $150Taelarcodtondm jkpet, sud two jackpots 5t caach ta rNwYethoea m $250. Dean pizes. Next.caht ewYrte Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Qucen ef Bermuda Oshawa. 46-tf Phone or write Au Afferneen Tes and Bake R W Sale unden flic auspices cf theRO V Kendal U.C.W., will le held at TRAVEL AGENC tIc home a! MissCahrn Stewart, 6fh bine aton enne 85257 PotH day, Auguat 4t1 from 2 te 5 ________ortHo diplmaTer will aise be a 1 FIe Durhiam County F. isplay5o!entiqes Amis- stein Club is holding fi sin 5 ens.29-2 annual Twiligbt Meeting Solina Hall on Friday, J CALIFORNIA 23rd at 7:00 p.m. The p TOUR jifg Competition for wih teeare good prizes and EiCORTED) - 26 DAYS gucat speaker, Mr. Brek, SEPT. 4 - 29 inclusive ahIre, wîe wbll show slides For IformtionweIl. Entertainment sud lui For nfomatin xilîl e suppîied by the cl Phone 623-3265 se corne out and bringi family witI yeu fer an enji COLMER able eveoing. _ 2 ThAVEL SERVICE ATLANTIC CITY AND Dance at John Hauaka'a EWsY R 11 Sent!ng ITamilton Townsh!p Famers' Mutual Fire M n.o u rt Thé Canadian Statesman, B to paY the tire attendance fee I. t lsYEL ERTON ________________of___e $75-DO for any fire ini theC or j Cards of ~~~ Township of Clarke. ThroughHed n B wm vilI onuatyur ci I would like to thank the agreement was closed out in Hel3 n Bowm nvtablastr fngb k mnd friends and n ihb r accordance to the request ofdsla y of ro ws t he c the Fire Insurance Company. July 2th, 1965 TlandPs.te htUc Ewr AeadrKme-csplte ofg this pathed fo dringit ts an card a cev Mr. John aiblrpe eheTmhkadWl Ccused had teo1d him he had ly, 51 Elgin Street, was charg. in th"e Mn's Open oft RS urig m uty ii hspial. nting Kimbf ald rre esieT.o .an Wlg0t Off a bus earlies' in the ed durirg the montai of July A.A.U. (Amateur Athietic U Shaw, requested a change ia FercekOaaenon and missed the next with abductiion of a 15-year- ion) heki at Peterborou. wihtatan y rensthe location of road construc- pleaded not guilty to theft of one. eld Bownianviile girl. He with the officiai Olymnpie É CI. 4 1 isht hn ryfin tien at his property. Another car ~Parts July 13th. They'Duls LnBreopedc uiy a on ics(. b. ae e and relatives for cards, let- request was als: filed for a were remanded out of custody u,1 Lae Buktnpldd guty wsfoddic (. b)Qm st ters, gifts, fruit and flowers change at Lots 16 and 17, until December 28th and thie was ftned $200 and casts, or guilty and remanded in cms- new record of* 1a5 feet 5i Eand ail those who made visita Concession 3. ]3oth request% goods ordered returneci to thie One mnint~h in jail, for failig tody to appea.r July 27th. ohe.s over thie previous Trecc and Rth I wasi emol Hos2-1aet eivsiae n set ihu onr to cean up is yard as order. Chief B. R. Kitney told His of 108 feet. Casey devotesj M pia. Also thanka ta Ho- aedtbe inet gremnstr h tfCons onerG. Ean, OPedby the court sonie weeks WoreMi.P that the girl's mother hur eah day in practisi Dr.tld b m tua a ree en. T e onsabe G E ans dPago. This was in contraven- lied rePorted her nissing fr this strenueus sport in inti Slemn, r. Urayandnurses work under consideration in testified that he had received tion of a township by-law. two days on July l4th. He e6ts of seif-improveinent M. ad stff o SuricalFloor. the two above areas are under information that two men A. A. H. Strike, solicito~r for stateci tha't a Telex miessage this particular field ofe .29-21 Jessie Tink. 29-1 the Municipal Works Assist-, were seen running from a the Township of Darlington, had been put on and the ac- deavour. When this muscul 1965, Iwudlk etakm ance Program. field north Of Motor City Auto told His Worship that, ai. ciised arrested the following 6 if. 4" chunk cf overgrov ncies 1 ol iettakm A grant cf $200.00 was) Parts. He said that he went theugih there had been scme night in Nortihern Ontario adolecence grabs that li y in neighbors and friends for their passed for the Durham Cen- there and found a quantity cf Cleaning up, there were stili wMùhn 100 mîles of the Mani- 4 lb. round chunk of wood ai igdcards, giftt, visits and the many tral Agricultural Society. parts and the complete back two haîf-ten trucks witai no toba border. WIth irn mwas a steel in his eversized meE k in ways they helped out during A letter was received tram seat cf a car belonging to Ken licences, one panel truck with pal and two girls, continued hooks, bo.ws, twists and twil my stay in hospital. Special the Insurance Company hand- Sumimersford. The 0 f f i c e r the engine out of it and sev- thie chief. in the preliinaries and thi 3ow- thanks te Pontypool u.c.w.. iing the Township insurance said he waited and the twe eral other vehiles still on the "tNflnen 15year-od girls are iheaves, he resequbles a gig& p.mn. Rev. Peirson, Dr. Butler and in which it was stated that -returned later that night and premises.wirnng te go off wltih 22-year- tic praying mantis with naeDr. A. Kelly. an additional premium Of were errested.MrLaeasgvn4dysadfhesf nilhidnsvre oecfUc icu ovd Everett A. Mitchell. 29.1 $81.93 would be necessary te cmhyMrsr.reete t ahsne. sgvn 4dy i den't knsof maw hat e re sey e sedsessesailthe iu care.,____ gîve complete township lia- byTerece a ersne opyhsfn.Idntko htw r ae osse i hs 29-1 T re c K elly a n d F e d o r- M ich a el S e h e M c r t , c m n g t " ce i m n d t e t ib e s o si , m u l , 291 We wouldIlke te thank outbility coverage. This cverage tPeoMGrtcOl>,"cmnae te 1 ts ofnd etemuscie, fo hewndrulrce-wuld include anything that czenke by G. S. Boychyn. Whi p leadec not guilty of crown attorney, . ntichw o p n te i ae h relatives, friends and neigh- They told the court that Tom.- assaruting W i 11 i arn Wade Kimmerly was remanded ina star îu hP i 1ahlicefi e bursforthewonerfl rcep my happen in the Oiçono, tio ours fsgi u n h Kendal orether anli bi dy had completed Grade 13 causing bodiiy harmn on June custedy te, appear july 27th a tain h spaent field tiencasanof ogttsien us on theingunder the jurisdictien cf adwsitnding te go te 12th. He was represented by Floyd Fletcher, ThBo-isToento ospnt afeher r tor- in h an orsay pc theT ownship. C uncil are te Ryerson in the fal and Feder- R.J. Murphy. -R.nville, pinaded net guilty sien. 14ni ers ry. Spe iahn*w othe additinal coverage. czenko w ould have coser IVlnk W ade tdld the court te k Via worked e comxntte . Council endersed a reccm. supervision at home. th . at e od t oravlpt Jns png a vlious do g. wored o ardtom ae t tathe wnd agrveIpi JaesA. Hoskin, D.og Control O Tursdey afternoen t] suc 0alo ha srdptris e mendation presented by Whit- Keith Hooley, 622 Dean nerth on Courtice Rad amd Officer, satd.t t he h Explorers, C.G.I.T. girls a] uch andv Tosurpis. by te petition the Province te Avenue, Oshawa, Fred Cob- tîhat cn that day he had d'niv- was Zaied te investigate a their leaders beld their ai Be2a9-Tm i 1;n accept a greater share of the bledick, Newcastle, and Deug- en there in his truck. A car, complaint tihe black Labrador fluai pîcnic at Cartwrig 21*cost of educatien in order thal. las Wannon, 66 Lloyd Street, confaining three youths, en- had bitten hlm while he was Park in Caesarea. 'he ga Thefamlyo! he at Pecyevery student in the Province Oshawa, were charged JulY tered by another roed and attenipting te tie it up in the induiged in swininba , Th aiyoth aePrywould have an equal oppor- 5th with rape. Hooley and pule u b'hndhi tuc backsr.Hiadta h bi n uc olwdb Werry wish te thank all their tunity. Such a measure would Cobbledick were rem-an*ded onfleith the hem bing, h saiduckdoghad. ese it tth ik evotqiana lserce.Iow b pe kind neighbors, relatives and alse leave more money in the bail until August 24th. \Van- gtetadwn akt 'n egbu.A acnaw eepe 29-1 fiends who helped in any way municipality te carry out their' non was remanded in cu~Os c wha gt otheyd wanted,"ctoan iea ihr, g 1,Adte hCOave a ernigJa. Ho- duning their recent sad be- road programs, policing rnd utntil July 26th in Cobourg. tsned Mr. a d e. aTe driven rd tat she toc ag.d beene t .hav e sant elfail fe-reavement, fer carda of sym- other such costs. Bail on the lest narned was iudM.W e "hdrvrsdta h o a bngetFI-etnntBlo hei pahybeautiful flra ffer- Ne further readings of the reduced from $2000 t $1000, told me te get that 'se-and-so' bitten. Censtable J. C. Cart- Panke, R.C.A.F., formerly st, et igs nd pepaingfor he y-lw toborow 20,00. yo onesurtytr 1uck Off the read or he would wlgdit, OPP, told thie court tioned at Cold Lake, Alta., ar Jlale ings an p re.ring e the b-awte forothe00O byo ne sre y. yrnpla-move it Off. I tcld them te that the dog kept te his e iw 1 aw tationed at Trenton, Or prolyn sae. CTh an an d K. thcm-dbentem fo the One redBaTroe la leave. He jumped eout and Yard and did net venture off Bel! la cunrently occupieda >ro- on, Rev. C. Duganfand ta e y d e Sys t hc ud b e-ed guity of carel sshdnvrng swung at me. 1 stod my't but would flot let anyione, navigtor on planes runnir iich their special kindnesses. 29-1* Ontarie Hydre have yet te Ne was fined $25 and cests, .ve fell te the ground andith us W heorshi reîucton t tum.Rîe an inte E r esndrE d a ____ give their approval. The de- er fiWos-p reutnlytr.Rahra itrsi en- betueisu is te be handîed orfve days. 1him an top cf me. The car ordered the animal destroyeà job, mcthinks. s a I ol like ta say "thank through the Canadian Imper- Constable J. C. Cartwirght, started up and I was sure I forfrhesudatckaie r.nd rsHo rdM riliyu o bîg snieas yeu il Bank cf Cemmerce at OPP, testified that Mr. Byarn would be run ver He jumn-- hilci wdo might go into the ceim, Terry and Oandy sper ýlub are" te Dr. Rundle, surgical 53/%. had been driving nonth on cd into the car and tliey left. yr e nwigc h o' cnsdysdTusa i the staff, nurses and aids on Floor Mn.' S. B3. Rutherford was Manvers Road, had leoked 1 tried te drive the truck and presence.tieNiMacbm atae joy- 3 whe were wcndertul in every appointed chairman of the night but net lcft and pulled could net. I got their licence the_______________a co 9-1 way. This extends further te Centennial Cemmîttee by res- eut loto the path cf an east- number. My neighbour hap- tage at GuIl Lake, ~my fiends, relatives and olution. The appeintment was bound car. pened along and drove me fIIIT1TMn.Barry Staples and Mi] neighbeurs for carda, gifts, made due te the nesignation Charles Wayne King, charg- home." D IL1i~ flowers and visita while a et Mr. W. Bunting as Chair- ed July 18th with criminal Evidenoe showed that Mr.1 patient at Memorial Hospital, man. negligence, dangerous driving Wade was taken te Menionial Kenncth Spiers, Buffalo, Bowmanville, and since cem- Five bida were received for and illegal possession of Hospital by ambulance and N'.Y., was thie guest of lits ais- ýUR îng home. the purchase cf baled hay Off liquor, was rernanded in eus- his dislocated shoulder set un- ter and brother-in-law, Mr.n Audrey Fletchen. 29-1 e!f Township property et the tody for one wcek with bail der anaesthetic. Ligaments and Mrs. Walter Neal-s fo r- pn site of the new Tewnship set* at $500. were tomn, the socket chipped, several days last week. ' The family o! the late Ken. garage. Mr. J. A. Reid was Eric Stanley Naylor, agcd and his eyes biackened, ne- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Leaver, CUSTOM B tend their heartfelt thauks price e! 51 cents per bale. 1, Church Street, Newcastle, csîaigasa uhsia.Trne have becu gucats and appreciatien for the many Others submitting bids were plead cdnoct guilty te careless Constable H. Wight, OPP, with Mn. and Mms. Charles acta e! kindness, messages of Messrs. Ivison Tamblyn. Raipli driving June IllUi on Highway moade thie arrest and took a Reynelds,.y C sympathy and beautiful floral Greenwocd, Henry Skireatt 35.*Magstrate R. B. Baxter statement from the accuscd. Mr. and Mns. Cecil McGill, Noted for Qualit E tibutes rcccived tram rela- and S. R. Sawyer. convicted him and placed Uic McGrath explained that he Toronto, spent Uic past wecký 8-2 tivcs,neighbors and frienda, By nesolution Brian Caswell fine at $25 and costs, or five and ails t'wo pals were looking with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ry_ ER O -both duning has ilîneas and at was appointed to operate a days. for a p.arty which was sup- ley and MrUS. James McKinnon.3 E R O 1 time o! the passing cf a 1ev- deg peund in the Township Constable J. C. Cartwright, posed te be bu a bouse near Mrs. Henry Rusk cf Port on Large Lo ing husband and father. o! Clarke. Final arrangements OPP, said he was driving the gravel pit. Ne said that Hope, Mr. and Mrs. William Mra. K. E. Dean and Family. have yet te be campleted. south on Highway 35 with a if Mr. Wade had meved his Brck and Miss June Brock, 291 A letter was received frem long ine of cars following the truck there would have been Toronto, have becu guests 291the Department cf Highways cruiser when the accusedi ne trouble. wifM.adMsHrl ro m $14200.I Iweuld like tsxtn tating that tee many supple- drove out of the Shel Station n . Wade is.57,dmall ofHGroen spca hna t Dr.McKay mentary read by-laws were on the east side e! the road stature, while thec accused is Mr and Mns. Rosa Carr For Appointnient te Dr.cia Eetaks Dr. îet , being submitted by the Town- and ino the southbound lane. 17, strong and healt'hy," cern- spent several daYs wltih Mn. nrs Ee uDrstaff e the s hsip. They asked that in future This forced the officer cff on- rnented Crown Attorney G. F. and! Mrs. Creighton Carr and CA nie s andFsrff o th elpand these be cembined in orden te te the west shoulder te avoid Bonnycastle. "If a prope¶-ty family u Picton. li canelor o th e elMemnda reduce bock wonk. a series cf read end collisions owner has te carry a gun te 2- Hospital, Bowmanville, also AlterfonM.Hmsbhd.kp off trespassers then we fninda negîarsandfamîypublic School Inspector, point. Mr. Naylor said ho was may have a manslaugliter IiV,, .~ECUP crednihosadfml d eut that the Township lad drîvi bsfthrsnw carchreoouhnd" te rny sistens Ruth and holidays. If it was their wish with it. ', anla the accused te August 17 th o or iet fertloersan cada.Th non autliority te establish school and was not eyfmla Magistrate Baxter remianded Fo o r i eok W F AN R Derothy for the gecd caneetfte give theic heels a haîf day foJohsetec my dhidren. holiday te attend the local Jon P. Halliday, aged 25 r-suec report. Ne :hrougb Hele McEen. fain that it would be necessary pleaded guilty te îeaving therdndthn 8cky t i T A T E 8 M A N~ 29-1 ta pasa a civîc holiday. sccne of an accident June .5th. crb uruee n C L A S S I F I ED 177 CHURCH STREET I ~seven O'clock curfw be strict- P o e 233303 By letter Mn. S. D. Holmes He was represented by Ter- JY kept otil that date. Poe6330 .1 Fitzgerald-We w!sh toecx. et Leskard neperted the effcct ence Kelly. presaur sincere thanks and et road spray in bis garden. Constable D. Stuart, OPPl appreciation ta ail our friends The road superintendent was stated that lie was called to and neighbora for their acta et instructed to investigate tlic Uic scene o! au accident an kindness, 'phane calis and cemplaint. Ceunty Road 4 north o! Uic carda while Tcrry was bu the The first meeting cf fthc thirdi concession of Darlin'g- hespital. Aise thauks to ncwly appoiutcd Adi usfmentlton. There he !ound a car i Hampton chool teachersansd Cmmite, whih will hande the Wst dtoli witb extensive pupils. Special thanks te aIl inregularifies in propci'ty damnage te flie left aide. TheMIL ESF À1 bis accident. Weuld aise like Juîy 7th. -Times who lîad le! t the scene, was to tke tis pporuniy toletreturned 30 minutes latex' by telou tak e s opptui e t sletCorporal K. Freethy. ao ih ufnaienknwhei OIUAYSix witnesses had beenP OETC home wth usagain called by the Crown but werem Fgrald. 2y9-ad Trn nt rcquired te give evidence. Fbtzenad. 94*Miss Lillilan (Lily) Thompsonî This accounted for ftic costa Lost Thc funeral service for1 being se hîgh. The fine was- -Miss Lillian (Lily) Thempson $50 and the costa $107, or 15 MAY 29, black Persian cat in of Befhany was heldonWd days. There was an aufomnatic sethcat ewaslca e .-esa a ficCesfckFu- usenio 4! licese fr tii.0 eB E N C RUR $4.80 Up I ILADES tPOSEI . $13000I .$67.50 . $11900 Iucts y Of ther lis dis- eek. tbe Un- size in- wrd an Lng ter- in eni- >wn and mt- iris cn- a af- ýo [m 4d. lys ls- the itd e- as- ,ht ta. id nt. as ."e- if- th 1:- Paf Hart have indicated tIit intention et emibarklng this - Saturday on a course of eduit feducation usuaily referred to ras getting maried. Providing 3netie one daiekens out In thc meantime, we extend osr heantfelt felicitations and best. wishes in theïr marital ad- venture. Thtis wcek fhis commiunity was aluicaf inundated i wth welcom, if unseasenal, abun. dance of randrops. On Wed- nesday afternoon 2-3 boches et nain fell an our omnimuuity whilc te the nenth enly a few miles, littIe te no nain was reccived. Acccnipanying taie cloudburst werc very higli winds wbich blew down a number o! trees and flattcned many reds o! rail !eucing. Fentunately, most farmens in~ vicinity had prevbously con- cludeci laying operatieus. A rather unusual siglit in July te sec watcr laying in ditches. Mn. and Mms. Nexiian Wil- son and girls apent a long weekend at tie Smibth cottage on Lake Scugog. Local ncsidents wenc pîcas. cd te read an intereslng arti- cle, complete with pictures, in last weekcnd's Telegrani on our new ncbghbours, bMn. and Mrs. Mexie Whiitney andi faniily's transItien frena urban te rural life on their farm at thc suuixit o! Bunker HIU. Miss Marlene McGill necent- iy acccpted a position with thé Relen Fend Hairdressing Salon (not saloon) ini Lindsay. Hope she doesn't get sea-sick wafch- RESULTS COUNTI MULTIPLE LISTINC SERVICE Consuit a Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Ly Craftsmanship BU NGALOWS i)ts 75' x 200' - $2,130 down Inspect Model Homo .LL -3393 VE AGENT AL ESTATE Ltd. BOWMANVILLE LLS SAW ýing