2 The Canadian Statesmn,m, Ewmanvllle, July 21, 1965 lof 'bingo were enjoyed by the 91AI. adle- n tep* swre t d A u rien, Col»urg,5 %-. d'wa aduls ad th przeswereN4 ieu Utn r Ifroni Crowe Bay Chese Fac- won by Mrs. Betty McHoln,' tory; Jane Hicks, Bowrnan. ariene Coi and Marie Rowe. ville, 2 lbs. butter front Har- The bean guessing contest Succu m bs to woci, ml butAmter on Antique and' Ccis si c Car Tours was wnby rs. Vera Pa-ongaslei2Ilnebttrsso r. .s U II ILcke.rs and belloons. r. heefo ak ot To reature Gra Occasions Mary Aldread received thel Cheese F'actory; Muriel Lane, gft for the largest family at-r BOwmanville, 2 lbs. of butter, tending. Hampton Creamery; Margaret Relativ~es were present from , Au:tiero, Camrpbellford, 2 lbs. !oronto, Oshawa, Bowman-1 butter, Hampton Cîreamery; byAenAked "The Ninth Annual Tour ta merce, the Canadian Auto-ý fcesCoeByCes Oyez, Oyez! ît's once again Yesteryear" sponsored by theirmotNe Museum and the B.A. atr;S.nKumeahr the time of the vear to see.Antique and Classic Car Club OiI Co Newcastle, cheese, Warkworth1 P cïr*shCheese F'actorY, Bob Trrimble,1 those antique and classic carsof Canada as a "Hub Tour W'eoinesday, July 28 - on ta Newcastle, 5 lbs. cheese, Min- gedately rafling along the by-:Out Of Smiths Falls, Ont",:Brighton in the morning. InniCheeFco'CalL - way ad igway o tisfrom Juiy 19-23 was hosted by!the afternoon a parade with ney roo ls heese , MinLo- district. Such a priming,1 three ACCCC Regians: the Up ban thuh rito tahene hee atryadKih painting, polishing, even push- per Canada Region, Rideau arena. bte evening through nPO AE NîHiC s eek's suppandly o ing time it has been! ThoseýLakes Region, St. Lawrence the courtesy of the Brighton Hri.awe' upyo Model T's are so willing ta beïValley Region. ACCCC, and Chamber of Commerce a ban- and white streamers entire1'v milk froni Crystal D)airy. pushed comparcd ta cars of ta- the Antique Automobile Club quet at the Glenburnie Motel covering the wall of the stage thmbmeanDr of Dha ior- y Ba.Hwtos rvr A O taa not to mention the folowed by a street dance wiîî centred with "13011 in huge t Jurnessrln nittee in addi-y pushed themselves ta be ready iBA i Co. This Tour (hard- end the tour.- silver numerals. The head rncmC mte iad.1 this weck and next for the ly finished) will continue for Surely such an amnbitious table was centred wîth a large taon to Mr-. Jase, the chairman, two big rally events piannedimany years in unforgettable and interesting schedule will Anniversary Cake, which wps wAgent, M the ssi c-t for their "pride and joys" and memories for those who were produce the best "London to flanked by two beautîful ar tr, Agrtal et, treasur- of course their families. lucky ta take it, many of Brighton" held yet with the rangements af red roses. etr,At H aomniltoleA.u Vaieyissidt b hewhom are now rushing hiome largest crowds of spectators in Father Malane bas been Daîrymofpoavile, A.ua Varlife" - saniqu e car ta get started on the second Niagara Falls, Oshawa and parish piest of St. Joseph's . Agen, omale, Inpc-lua rliesar no exception. Bathi tour heading for London Brighton watching the most in- C'hurch s in ce 1951. This tor M. Napper, Department of tours should satisfy ail tastes (Ont.) on Sunday, July 25. teresting display of antique church was then situated inl Agriculture, Brighton, end A.t es varîety in hospitality on That "London ta Brighton cars glde (we hope) by! a smali building on Church N. Watson, bis assistant, Rab-s tour range firn lunch withiTour" sponsored by the On- A tour like this emphasizes Street. The fine large new er-t Flett, Oshawa, Wilfrida character - that which dis- St. Joseph's Cburch on Lib-' Franklin D. MeDowelI Mis Excellency Governor Gen- taio Region of the Antique a1e-o o a ît tre oihwa uî'Carrutihers, Bowman v ill1e, eral Vanier and His Warship lAuto Club of America, July tinguishesa esno cretvSetSuhwsbilý Franklin D. McDowell, not-1 John Knox, Hampton, Glen the Mayor of Ottawa at Gov- 26, 9-7, 28, gets really rolling fi-an nother. Man'y xill and apened in 1958.; datoanawr-ingCleBwlyH adQu - ernmnt ous, Otaw, t aifro Lodonon ondy mrn-dress in costume ta suit thei Joseph Cuddahee, co -chair-1oed authaied n awrownn i Carlsewde y, H or un- ernmet Hose, ttaw, taa frm Lonon o Monay mrn- r - thest suit themselves. man o! the cammittee for nohe' utde nTrnoa rlCra abyOoa spaghetti and meat bail dia-ling. July 26, towards Niagara caro-rtheIsMondayatraln les.Ipco Wlim Duo, ner in Niagara Falls.If Bo arraba l Orono, again dînner, stated that the ata ner in NiagaraFals.Flîs. Plans for it have been spor-ts his 'coan coat, he should date of the anniversary H was 7. Dwl a or iDspay Mel Mf rcltr,r developing ail winter by Ron be mast comfortable in this few, weeks ago. He explwaned . Hope a aju- idsy MlMco ,Pr Fawcett, Whitby's car restora- codJl etr.!hai a and nalist, editor, and author of Hoý, M. Philp, Edgar Buttas-, ion specialist and Tour Chair- aOdeJlyowther. that it bad t been impassible urerous articles, short stor-land Williamn Moore, Cobourg, i - u m r man for 1965. A splendid cOeo h otclifIt have thc party then, sa umW .MoeCmblfr M ip S m n r oga ctereut ne-haracters, without a doubt, Sunlday, Julv l8t.h, was select- les and serials. His historical .P.M re Ca belrd ,prgra i th rsul. nte- iii be Mrs. Stan Hornby, cd for the dinner in honor o novel, "The Champlain Road", and Gere hw, Agricul- w net pnoedb h driving not an antique car but Father Malane's 3th Anni- wntheoven,-enrar Clàr n eNiagara Automotive Museumi her ow motorcycle. The onîl' verîsary. Award for fiction in 1939, tn ýincùde a reevist t Be peron n tis ourto avewhen iA was the Canadien Th e caws milked by thee All rics Reuce l inces a f r t e visitt e-ersovn a h is tor the '"The decorations are ni "best-seller", and was later Dairy Princess contestants ýber matai-cyclexon the what we would have liked, selected anc o! 10 Canadian were lent ta the event as fol- for Quick Sale Br prn Wa Msem, English '"London ta Brighton". but kaigFather Malane, books dGspdoyed in Amerîcan !thnoniingoer ndtheAns HrGardonnNorhBeck drieye inOronoca theaaraOnqe A uto Manusem alesHrb f-r'Nr and how lie drifts in and out, bososdrn ntdN-Francis Jase, Arthur Pedweil, Nigaa ntqu1AtoMueu, a -afriend o! Lawrence cudna oacapeetons Week.Two o!his anite bathoecse n hr - P 94plus the spaghetti and meat- w ol o oacmlt oho ecsladCa-c PLYMOUTIS !hall dinner at the Capri of Arabia (who was also a job anîd still kcep this as a nveaek."The Red Csonte e Dwe, omnvilie. L One V-8, as traded In, runs Rlestaurant. Niagara Imperial susmarpterstdsnemta--Mr. Cuddahee saici. and 'Forge.4 of Freedani". Prizes in the Special Draw pefc, odtieMotel is headiquarters while cycles) the one lic was ridiîîg srre" wer dîtrîut pefetgod irsinNigaa als.whc'n he met death was repair-; ltogl our group is He was bai-n in Borwman- .eedstiue by the On- clean ~$1495 licigraFls d xvith parts fi-arn Anne small aur wishes ai-e big. We ville, Ont. After secondai-y taria Dairy Princess 1964, One V-8. new paint, blue,i Tuesday, July 27, is Osha- Hornby's matai-cycle. AI- are here ta commemorate your scbool edulcation, he joinedElzbt Crawford, Weln godtrs hruhy" day. Aftcr a tour o! the though perhaps the grand- 3otuh Annivcrsaryan tc i shteeiaia patet o! aunty, A. 0. Dairymple, Ag- t ekOOd tirethr ou l te.ghni isi teediwra dpstet fricultural Repree cbeeke over$1795 ICanadian Automotive Museum mother of the tour Annîe is un-ya alth best in the years1 the Toronuto Sunday World rsnta One V-8, new paint, black, !a Gr-and Parade through Osha- daunted at the thoughts or ta cone,' Mi-. Cuddahee told land subsequently worked for Bowmanvilie, George Shaw', gond tires, In perfect wa in the afternoon. A ban- tackling a 500 mile rounîd trip thle gue.st of honor. teTrnoNwMntb Agricultural Reprcsentative.l running condition, lquet follawed by entertain- rather than the 60 miles fi-rn The presentation of an ex- ic rs n o-uoMi BighFbton, and Wilfrid Car-' padded dash $1-495 iment and dancinîg at the Gen- London (Eng.) ta Brightonî. qiieyebodrd wieadEpr.H a dtro uhrBwavl * * *osiî a 1-otel will lie held Thiîs tour takes courage. We1 surplice ta Father Malane was The Sailor, the Navy Le ague 'Plie Glen Rae Dairy, Crystal1 thi-ough the courtesy o! the have it' Corne on boys, let's made by Mrs. J. E. Rand. 1-01, o! Canada magazine, and d idDiy, ad Mpe Goe 1963 FORD 4-DR.« Oshawa Cliamber__o! Com- go and 'have a wonderful time.1 belialf of this group liere ta- publicity work in the United Dairy gave away 1,500ha- 6 eyl., automatie transmis- Iniglit it is niy privilege and Kingdom. He then rejained plats o!frnilk ta the ci-owd. sion, radio, washers, back- A l4, , pleasure ta present this little the public relations depart- np llghts, mirrors, oniy cii pEE I E' ift ta you, Father Malane, as ment o! Canadian National,~j.t.c 21,000 guaranteed original "A l r lU C a , à rinemb-ance o! the occa- Ralilways. Mi-. McDowell ser-1 eT.~ ~ b miles. Local, sian. and ta w1sh you rnany ved as editar af the CN maga-1gi one owncr $1645I"S years of cantinued health and ziec, later becîaming public Ms.EizbthM.Hnc 1963 FORD IH arress rclrflies happiness. We hope you will relations representative for stifll le at St. Josepb's ta celc- CN's formner Central Region Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hinch o! e STATION WAGON a lirate youe Sthi Anniversary," with bead quarters in Toron- 3417 Southi Salina St.. Syra- ;i- Radio, mirrors,1' l qg,~ D,u. IC Mrs. Ranîd said. ta. 1He held this position untiî1 cuse, died Tuesday, July 20th, lic new tires $-- 1645 JE DAn ua icDII Fathier Malane expressed lis his retirernent. 95 fe hr lns nC 196 ACDIN 2DR bot 6 decegiats ! heChrstne onc lt ad Mrytlianks and appi-eciation in a Long identified withî a num- Cammunity General Hospital, ta 1964ACA IAN2-D. Aout65 escrlints f te, hritin Joes stwittyrv speech. Tlhe efforts ta lier o! writers' organizations, Syracuse.. El Imvde mode], one owner. lAldread, Clar-ke and HarnessjParker 2nd, and boys 6 ta urrie lmha bencai-Mr. MeDowell was a fore ative o!f Verona, Ontario, po Gond clean car,1 families gathei-ed at Ihelwas won liv Rileyý Wimpenny plctcly succesful, lie painted Ontario vice-president of the she badi resided in Syracuse ha 23,000 miles $1695 ýCuea'rn o! Barley. Bowrnan- l.st, Mathew Jones 2nd: Giris out, and lic addcd with feel- Canadian Authai-s' Association for 27 years. She was a gra- ga ville, on Sunday afternaan 10 ota 12, Paddy Par-ker, Su-ýigta ewt n ooaypeieto h ut fQen nvriy i 19t5at he woBELdAneyerlfor- andfhonorai-y president ofntse duate1o! Queen'Ro-nid rsityfti- 195 CHV. EL I uy lhfr hi analsn oie:Bys1 t 2.R- get the evcuiing. Association's Toronto braneli. Kinîgston, Ont. Mi-s. Hinch ne 2-DR. HARDTOP 1pî '-.bei-t McHolrn. In 1949, 1950 and 1951 he ser- was a former Latin teacher ii Automatic transmission. 1 Races wcre i-un off by theý Wheelbari-ow race: boys aîdI Others who spoke ta express ved on the Gavcrnor-Generaî's at Lafayette Central High - power steering presîdent, Wrn. A. Clar-ke, as- ils 6 ta 8, Christine Jones the testeem and affection in Awards Board. wbich chooses Scihool in Lafayette and also --- -- $45 sste bythespots àRiley Wimpenny: 10 to 12,wîl Father Malane is lield thceliest Canadian books every at Bownianville High S'ehool. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-. tee, Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey 'Paddy Par-ker and Rolit.Mear1 by finhscgrato Gond clean car with a lot Jae n i.adMs ow-'_Holmn; 13 ta 16, Karenî Par-ker!w thc ast pi-ciet f Mr. McDowell's bcst-known liand. Joseph Hindi, two sans, of transportation left $295 aid McRoberts. Al ohildren:î and Carl LaPrairie. teHd an oitJvo k,"h hmli od temnadNcoaaJo _____________5__ ._ ý ears and under rcceived a; Tlree-legged race, 13 ta 16,,Cooper, James Fair, and Glen- and Forge'oru ecCamla n aad"Stred a and NicisAahi 1 Qy j arenParer ad WyneMr- ýhln Huie nd Ms ebath selcctcd as Cana- Stedcman of! Kingston, Ont, SALS AD SRVCE he ýLlliiii rae oi-girslRoberts. Sack race, Kareîî Stewart Chisihioîni. a past pi-c- dian boaoks of special menit for Funcu-al services wil lie S A L E S A N D S E R V I C E8T h e n u na r fa r k r a dw oa nni m p o n. sie n t o e C a iio ie o- p e p le o f o th er c u n trie s. o n d u c te dt a t Jo h n G . B u tle r- for Rti8yar aswPare ad onSmsn iin ofteCtoiWo LW Bo WE ----Egg trwn otsV1a :TeChiamplainu Road" was Funeral Home, 2104 South aAn dBYMWR Parker and Wayne McRoberts. Tom Masteusouî thankd the translated into French in 1942. Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y,, n JOHNSON È_ f < en _ Balloaru brcaking contest was üammittec ln charge of ai-- Mr-. McDoweil is survived Friday at Il arn., the KRev.i OUTBOARD IMOTORS - w U won by Gel Vauîsouî. Throw- rangremeuits. He explained that liy bis wl-idow, Kathleen. oi IciS. officiating.1 mg te bl]PAGEfrtOtNws)wt'h the Catholic Youti Or- A piivate funeral service Fu'îends may cal at tîhe fun-1 PRMPGEOEwon by Bill Clar-ke Jr. and ganizatiouî catei-ing for the was held Tucsdayci-aI borne Wednesdy and ivas eaused by a gasket on Karen Par-ker-. dinner, and also wanting ta Thursday, 2 ta 4 and 7 to 9. PALM ER ja valve inside the depot During suppeî President surprise Father Malane, the PA M Rwhicix is located off High- Wm. Clarke of Oshawa con- number o! thase învited hadDa M otor Sales He said the scream of the for the 1966 picnic, with the asked were thase iii the ï ni escuaping awihsune following resuIts: President, churcli organizations, P h Local Authorized Dealer for 1,500 pud rsue ol David Vanson, Oshuawa; Treas- aider members cf the parisb,, ioncess C arcol' PlYnIouth - Dodge - Valiant 1 be heard for a couple of ni-en, Wm. A. Clai-ke Jr., Tor-- le stated. Dodge Trucks ml s FROMPAGEONE Offiialsof te pie nto; Sea eca, s Llpoydis ýMr. Cudidahee movcd a vote applause given showed the' FROM PAGE ONE) Cities Service Gas, 011, Ofcaso!o ip nAded ewatc 0-Sf thanks ta thc CYO mmentuiatc aprcito Lubricants which carrnes natural gas ta Cormittee, Mrs. Harvey Jonsleswo ev.te li*-etuistcape t o ! o Girls and boys wilil beý Eastern Ontario communi- Mu-s. Howard McRalicrts, ~ber wo ercdtc lcius the audience. 1tlrilled and deligbted by thel 20 KNG T. E tis an Motrea, wre cli-manville, anîd Mrs. E. Vanson,! turkey dinner, Miss Linda There werc a nuiumiber a! eigh t draws to be held dui-ing, 20 K I T.E. tics an ToMontoai, w eOsheaa.-M asterson. Miss M arijo r ie Special D aws aîd the lucky tle evening for tickets forl repairs. Aftersupper a fcw gmsl rhMsCrneSeP, winners were Rita Embley,lthe show ta be given by tacl __ Miss Ludwina Vandenliurgr,iNewcastle, a week's fi-ce milklfamous Beatles in the Maplei I UI slesforthefist ix s metig Oday ta deal with the situation, but AT CLAREMONT ON A IOrontlis o! 1965 also establish- it would appear that the only way the matter ON AROcd 'zi new' record. Figures foi- 1965 with 1964 figures in will be settled is for a larger boost in pay than 7:0 p.. *TOU 0FTHENEW HOGBAR ibrackets arce Total North has been offered. Only time will tell, but. the 7:00TOUROF TE NE HOGBARNAmerîcan car., and trucks. posties at the moment appear determined to fol.- Desgndbuilt and equipped for raising Connaught 202,425 (190,563); cars 172,228 low through. They are in a much lower paid Desined,(16.3,036); trucks 30,197 (27,. S.P.F. hogs. 527). category than the construction workers in Tor- - onto area who would receive nearly $5 an hour if their demands were met. 8:15 pa.- GUEST SPEAKERS: A cd n codent MEDICARE - There is every indication in Ottawa PROF TOM LANE Soi Scincethis week that a nationwide program of medical FROMpPAGE.ONC) thought possible. Almost unanimous agreement i P~~Soutilway rivPeOE in principle has been achieved between the fed- DRe e F CRA LEYDamnage ta the two car eral governiment and the 10 provinces, but the Connaught Laboratories. Toronto !amounted ta more than$0. dtiswl eanycuecoierb hgig 1Mi-. Murphy, wio sufferedi and discussion. Also there is a smali matter of minai- injuries in Vie accident,J raising about $600 millions ta cover the cost during p.m.* FEE UNC, RFREHMETS ND eceived treatment ia the Out-J the first ycar. Take a guess where the money - 9:00..-FEELNH EREH ET N Patient Depa-tment of MemnJwl cm rm LUCKY DRAWS loanal Hospital. The accident ll on ian was investigated by Constable1 t t Claemnt ars wllbe pe fo yur nsectonfron p.i.to u .m T H. Davis. SURVEY - Apparently the Dept. of Transport's 27reotb.,ar~m ile bcopenhofrClrem nstion eat ide 2fpBan. koad ..A car drivezi by'Ernecst Pat-1 road survey that has been operating in this area on JuIy 2t. iml ot fCaeoto h atsd fBokRa. terson, 98 Concession Sti-eetjl for some time has now departed. This wiIl be ,on Tuesday at 12:30 p. m.1go esfrtoewodntlaemc p struck a car parked on the, odnw o hs hodntlaemc pr LAURI BROS LIMIED jauti &ide o! King Street near time for getting to work in Oshawa or Toronto. LARI BOS1LMIE Dykslra's Store, Tic parked After being stopped four times in one day and PHONE 'IOUT ALBRT o H. 4,byoi-na answering the same questions over again, we MARKHAM 294-2672 or 297-1223 173.2405 vll.Total damnage amaounte aWndre happythey d ih have gefohrmaeise. 1 l j to s100. Constable L. Ricard Wodr hathyowthalhainrmtn [investlgat.ed. I anyway? 1. Ontario Aging Commit tee J 'Wl! Visit Washington To Check Mutual Probiee ants of the Ontario Select Coni- Dr-. James Birrea, Drectr of aite n Aging ai-e meeting the Aging Prograni in the U.S.1 A p point m ent for thi-ce days this weck with Institute of Health, and bis variaus authorîties on agîng in associates. the United States capital. Tic committce will meet on The commîttce, under the Tuesday, the 2th, with the cbairmanship of the local Hon. Wilbur J. Cohen, Under M.P.P. for Durhami, Alex Car- S le c r le t ai- y, Department o!f ruthers, was re-appointcd by Hcalth, Education and Wel- the legislature on June 22nd, fare, and the directors o! bis and following the closing o! department, ta review thc fed- the legislative session resumed ci-ai welfare pi-agi-ans for old- hearings in Toronto. ci- people and with Mi-. Moses In Washington, thc commit- Gozonsky, Deputy Assistant tee will meet on July 19th Administrator, Housing foi- wîth officials o! tie United Senior Citizens, as weil as the States Department o! Health, Hon. Marie McGuire, Commis- Education and Welfarc. The sianer, Public Housing Admin- Hon. Anthony J. Celebrazzo, istration. Tic Hon. Philip N.j secrctary o! the department, Brownstein, C o mi n issioner, will review with members o! Federal Housing Administra- the committee the variaus tion, will aiso participate in I serivces and pi-agi-animes in these discussions. aging pravidcd liy tic Federal Employmeat, rcti-aining, etc., Administration, :as related ta older workers, j On the same date tle coin- will lie discussed n Wednes-' mittcc will have au opportun- day rnarning with the Hon. ity ta discuss publiceliealth Geoi-ge A. Smatiers, Chair- man, Special Cornmittee on new officers for 1965-66 were Aging, United States Senate, installed ini office, President and officias o! the U.S. De-V Ed Leslie, lst Vice Prc.sident partment o! Labour,. Douglas R. Roberts George White, 2nd Vice Presi- Other officiaIs and admin- dent Ralph Anes. 3rd Vice istrators in the field o! agig Tic Goodyear Tire & Rub- President Bob Williams, Sec- who will lie taking part ia tic bei- Company of Canada Lim- ietary H. R. Moses, Treasur- discussions include Hon. Luth- ited is cxpanding its product ci- Jack Dun, and Tail Twis- ci- L. Teriy, Surgeon General, line ta include offset blankets, ter Jack Dunn. Past Presidert Public Healti Service, Dr. gus, fabics and other prit- is Laurence D. Goddard. Caik Tiblits, Deputy Du-c- ers' supplies. Tic new line The biithdays o! Johnny ta, U.S. Office of Aging who will be narketed by the con- Seto and Norm Allin werc las made airangements for the pany's Industrial Produts celcbratcd by tlueir fellow tii-cc-day pi-agi-arn; Hon. Ro- Division, Bownianvihle, begin.' Lions. Bob awtou, Toronto, bet Weaver, Administrator, nng late tuis Fal. was a guest at the dincrHusugad om Finc Meanwhile, D. C. Ward, meeting. Agency, and Hon. Ellen Wins- Manager - Sales o! the Di- Nelson Osborne uovd that ton, Commissionen o! Wlfare. vision, las announced tic ap- the accounts. wlîicli amaunted Canadian Ambassador, Mr-. pointient o! Douglas B. ta $9 10.47, be passed for pay- Chailes Ritchie, as kindly ai- Roberts as Special Represent- men. hîs wa scon cd li ranged a reception for tic ative - Pi-inters' Supplies Sam Black, and carried. committee nembers at tic Sales. M. Roberts, who as' Canadian Embassy on Monday been Eastern Ontario Field evening. This will give tic Represeatative since 1957, will members an opportunity ta lie respoasible for direct sales Tow n meet inormally tic varius and servicing o! p-inters' sup- people with whom discussions plies ta the trade across Can, will lie ield. are______ ada. Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Seils Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Coý e Chartered Accountants1 PROM PAGE ONE) jther onc or the otici- o! thc ridges if cansideration were! iven ta installiug a perrns- int type structure." Couacillor Hooper, second-r id by Reeve Sidney Little, noved tat tic Town Clerký )e instructed ta rcply ta tic! 'PR asking that tic railway! ake action ta replace ticý ,Igin Street bridge as soon asý issible, and stating tic towný as not any future plans ne-! i-rding tic two bridges mea-' ined as both bridges are1 ieded. This motion was car-ý cd. Montreal Windsor Gordon WI. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 Oshawa Winnipeg Toronto Regina Hlamiltonî Calgary FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Bowmanvi'lle Public Utilities Commission PHONE 623-5471 GEO. VAN BR1DGIM Manager Do you have to ration hot water on wash days and bath nightsP@ electric water heater can change ail that. Cascade 40 has two elements: a 1 000-watt Iower element for normal use, and a 3000-watt top element that surges into action at times of extra heavy use. That's why the Cascade 40 can sup.- piy more hot water than the average family is ever Iikely to use. Cascade 40 is flameless, safe and clean. It requires no flue so it can be installed anywhere. The ten year guarantea on the tank is your assurance of Cascade 40's reliability. With a Cascade 40, the cost of abundant hot water is low. For more information... I askyour hydro anyway? a Cascade 40