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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1965, p. 3

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T. W ilSon day where Dorothy visited herf M r. an M rs.aunit, Mrs. Robert MéCail, in East Ganeral Hospial Messrs. Gordon Fleming and' Hlonored with Party C. C.dStewart of IÀnsay were On 2.5th Anniversary ,sMr n Ms CbJr. ef il Toronto are span.din.g a bh-i. A happy occasion teck, The room was attractively da tteHrr ri oe on July lt et Mamorial decoratad with pink and -white T Sunday visitons wit.h Mrs.' ark Club -Meouse when Mr. 'streamers, beils and flowers. G. lynSagfef WooMis d rs. m Wilson cale- Ater the brida and groom EvlnSaroec1od ant4 stock, Mr. and Mrs. George! rtd25th wadding a- were seaed, Mrs. Charlesý . Ibivers -y Many friands and!iGray read the address wish- Segoec aesbruh r relativ gtee tyih igtebrd n. gomcn and Mrs. Philip Langfeld, thn g:t h e nedîaw i rd ealhand groom cns.. a-heJanice and Cheryl cf Haniltn ad M. LuisAn-. charge of the guest bock. ed, the committea, Mrs. Bar-'.cnin ... isS1goe Years arnived and were escorted King, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Law. son are nemaining for a holi-' to their table by the brides-iMn. and Mrs. Francis Mac-: day. maid of 25 years, Mrs. Douglas Donald and Mn. and Mrs. Chas., rsCeuWlo wsli- Moore, Oshawa, and wAas alsoiGrav presented the gifts, a: r.CclWlo a o- faaxisted by Mr. Milo Van Volk- Sunbunst wall dlock, Corning- es o heJ deeigc enburj1c Havelcck. Wedding1 ware coffee pot, set cf aight the Presbytenîan Ladies Aid. [)UrI ws paa yMs .sle rme lse The student minister, Mr.' w0a Alexd bIngs.Wisj, Mrs. rInglis and' an R.fytton. The bride lookedI rack, for the bride e silver'lxIgiMs ni ad verY becoming In e turquoise;broocli and the groom e pair jvrîsmarm sheath with lace bodice end!cf silver cuff links and clip,! were in ettendance. white accessories. plus a gift cf money.i Mrs. Raipli Sadien enter- Gary and Robert, two Guests were present from tained et a trousseau tea for Yroungest sons, pinned the cor- î Havelock, Eldorado, Oshawa, lier daugliten, Miss Gloria sages on the bride and brides- !Newtonville and Bowmanville. Sadler, on Seturday atternoon. tnaid. An enjoyable evening was' A successful Vcto il spet dncig t th muicOf Scliool was held last week in! the Hobos, Glen Virtue, Paddyý the Pnesbyterian Church with' A bernethyWelsh, Shiner Sheehan and 'some twenty-five children in! Jack Reid. A delicicus lunch attendence. Teecliers w e r e including wedding cake was: Mr. and Mrs. Inglis, Miss Su nr e Pcncserved by the committee and Joyce Hoe ad Carn Gil Waltona Park in Newcastle a picnic was held in the Mal-I WaS the site af the tenth an- colm Memonial Park and on nual Abernatihy family inc NESTLETON pci. Fridav' evening children and! About 53 edults and children parents enjcyed a program,j enjoyed races, relays, shlot put Miss Eva williams is homnelscholars received their certifi-ý throw and tug cf wer under ifrom Oshiawa Hospital and lier cates and al enjoyed lunch.i the direction cf John and sight is irnproving sîowîy. Sunday visitons witli Mr., Marie DaNure, Bridgenorth, Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Freer and Mrs. Grant Tliomfflný and Sandy and Shirley Aber- are enjoying a trip te the were: Mrs. James Thomoson, nerthy, Oa.kwood. east coast and visiting the'ir1 Whitby, Mn. and Mns. Norman A dalicious picnic supperi son end lis family, Mn. and, Warmingtan, Toronto. Mr. and planned by Ms-s. Feng. Aber- Mrs. Peter Freer cf Halifax MnS., Roydon Cunnie, Ricli- etihy, Oakwcod, and Mrs. Ji.m Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hulbert 1 mond Hill, Mr. an'd Mns. Rus- Abernethy, Bowmanville, was cof Toronto are liolidaying ina sel Francis of Beaventon, Alan f enjoyad by an. tlie village.i Francis, Toronto, the Neil' Early Summer Wedding eil eXCUAveio ]9j6were! Mvr. Mveville rrewin was in ' we 1dy lilU and iDonna Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Burteh are shown in elected as follows: President,I Toronto a few days this past! Swain, and the Neil Baileyth ab epht as hy lev Corie ntd Mrs. Don Taylor; Vice Presi- week. famnll__________Chhe foll potoing the on Satourda afUnter- dent, Mrs. Bil Carruthers; Trevor and Sharon Neshitt Cuc olwn hi marriage o audy fe- Seoretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Geo.lare spending a holiday witn * noon, July 3, 1965, at 2 o'clock. Formerly Miss Beverlyý Ed. DeNure, Mrs. Bill Car-I and family, Port Credit R elatives Je an Cochrane, an the bride is theo ofan ruthers; Sports Committee, lMr. and Mrs. Howard Lee Mr. Ian Lr. Cochlreh, ahegom is the, on of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Abernethy,'and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Roh-!F L ( ,, r n r.CclBrcalo ..3 omn Gordon and Cecil Abernethy. rer werein Toronto on Sun- i e CEj.l ile h t ySant RE _____OFTHE____ HWed 25 Years By theOntaro Tener Frut InsituteMr. and Mrs: Harold Han- Wd i c U'K REu.an .m m iiu puînu Ii T II1 T II ~ w j .~cock (nee M arion G reen), - u C a a a o i c e aon * F r u t " B e l l e v i l l e , O n t a r o , w e r e f e t e d U T H - C H R Nl e g h v i o f i n n y n t u e HONEY PEAR SALAD a surprise party at the home wUTCs-COHRNE le g tthv l affie nylntulle of their daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Courtice United Churcl-idas caugbthto alpeay rtrim- Refresbing one-course salad - pretty fare iWaite, R.R. 5, Bellevile, Ont., prettily decorated with white m ed, cascadte bvahl cown for party or lunch imn honour of their Silver Wed- g'adioli and 'mumis, and wt quet was of wîhite carnations, 1 etc 8 prunes dng Anniversary, June 29. guest pews designated by red sweetheairt roses and ste- tbsp godenhony 8sucs coke togue Marlon and Harold upon arriv- rosettes centred with whiteph1anotis. 6 bp odnhny8slcscoe oge ing for supper found about 30 'mumrs, was the setting for the 1 in Canada Choice canned pear halves relatives waiting to congratu- wedcing on Saturday after-l Mrs. Roy Eldridge, R.R. (buy your favourite brand of canned Canadian late themn. noon, Juiy 3, 1965, at 2 o'clock Bow'manville, was matron of pears) Ail sat down to a beauti- of Miss Beverly Jean Coch- honor for bier sister and the fully appointed banquet table rane and MT. Rober-t Ear1l bridesmaids were another sis- Soak and soften prunes. Remove pits and drain centred by the bride's wedding Burtch. nhe bride is tihe dau- ter -,Ms Creigihton Gray, aIso prunes dry. Place one prune in centre of each cake and flanked by double ghter of Mr. and ALrS. Ivan L.cf R.R. 3 Bowmanville, and pear haif. Brush pear with honey. Chillin iand triple candelabra with Cochrane and the groom is Mrs. Gary Bromell of Bow- refrgertor In be ofshrededletucearrnge silver candles. The wedding the son of Mr. and Mrs. CecillmanvilIle. They were in street- reie ato r. In a bled of nsh ed ed le ttuce, rrang cake was made by their B irt hal of R.R. 3, Bow - length aqua dresses of Bem- slied onge, oled p ad scued ithtooh 1 daughter Eileen. The "bride" manville. berg organza over taffeta wit.h pick. Alternate with chilled honey pear, star and "groom" cut the cake and RvJh oerlwstematching jackets of lace over efashion. Tyo tongue roil-ups and two pear halves ipersonaîîy served the guests. officiating clergyman, and thetafe.'heg nswrac mke ag d individual serving. Serve with hot Mr. Marlow Hancock New- wedding music was played by cented at the back waistline an ws ra hesi eie.castie, brother of the "groom" the church organi.st, Mr. Ar- b o n temr.Te trols an 'Éwss ceam hees, ifdesied. expressed the sentiments of ci ampeq oe wiewdigbn Serves 4. the guests and on their behaîf che areblldwresswit w tedg ba presented the couple with a *'lie bride, who was given ing, and carried cascade bru -I silver rose bowl, electrie cof- in marriage by hier father, quets of white carnations with fee percolator, electrîc tea wore a floor-length gown Of touches of aqua. cleariers c/ZUC~~~ kettle, and two folding lawn flisy nylon gheer lover nylon a~ oet:nr,.. %teae s . both expressed their apprecia- *ointd sleves, and a largeBwmnie, as etmn tionfo the gifts, the good self bow at teb waist- adCrei iio r wishes and cards they bad re- line. Thle bouffant skirt, yiboothebrdR r.3 -n- DEFINITIONS - HONEYMOON ceived, and a special thanks te wliich was bound with mohair*' la' lfteie, r. R 3, Bow 1. hethillofa ifetie.Eileen, Gib and Grant for thei*r at the hemiine, was worn over Wilkins, brother-in-law of theý 1. The thrill of a wife-time.part in making this avent a satin underskirt and nylon gom onavle possible. net crinoline, and ricil lacegroBw nvle 2.Tr iedrom' wd 0fthonrid G vsth uests were then asked to appliques highlighted :t he The reception was held in bridgrom'swor ofhonur.reminisce the eventful day 25 daln. scoop neckline and the Courtice United Church Hall fovears ago and eventful hap- skirt front. Her shoulder- where the bride's mother re-ý 3. The vacation a man takes before starting to work fo penings since. Some very ceived in a mink tone dress of a new boss. lhumorous avents were brouglit 0 0îa e e sn pae corsage~ to ight. Ferguson D:...:.Cof whteandpal pink car-. Those attending were Mr. nations. She was assisted by and Mrs. Victor Hancock, Wednesday, June 30, 1965, the groom' mother who wor Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. a family reunion of rltv' ad ors i ae o vehit CLOTHES CRE HINT:Wesley Wood, Mr. and Mrs. of the Ferguson connection sa' ati os.fwhe CLTE AEHN:Robert Hancock, Orono; Mr. was held at Rivarside Parkad~n antos Tour Personal Appearance In llght summer clothes Ils greatîy.and Mrs. Marlow Hancock, Guelph, 79 attanded. Two The wedding cake was nmade. Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Glen boutfl rneals were partak- and decorae by the bride's bnprovied by fiehl drycleaned clathes. ]Hancock, Oakville; Mr. and en of, and a good deal of mother and the bride's aunts, Mrs. Neil McMullen, Mr. and visiting amongst the eider Mrs. Wesley Cameron, Mrs.ý BOWMANVILLE LIONS CARNIVAL Mrs. Frank McMullen, Toron- members was enjoyed. A pro- Stanley Coverly and Mrs. fto; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc- gram cf sports was carried William Preston. Memnorial Park - Saturday, July 24th 0Mullen, Tuscon, Arizona; Mr. out during the efternoon and As t'he couple left on their' and Mrs. Carmen Bell, Camp- prizes were awerdad as fol- wedding trip to NortherniI bellcroft, and Mr. and Mrs. D. îows: points, the bride was wearing F LF. Cameron, Belleville. Races: Children 5 and un- a three-piece Chanel style suit YI~.~ /~. -Z X~ ~Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Han- der, Lorna Ferguson; children in aqua and white, with white Z&4 W4- cock, brother of the "groom', 8 and under, Judith Mickle; accessories and corsage of SE . àA. , and Mn. and Mrs. Milton chidren 10 and under, Heath- pink and white carnations. -Green, brother of the "bride" en Dorrell; childnen 12 and They wi'hl reside at Courtice. were unable to b present. under, Ian Ferguson; 3-legged The bride attended Courtîce _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _race, L ean n e an d H eath er P u b li c and H igh S ch ools an d SU M R_________ Dorrell Paper stepping, Lea- the groomwh sepoe enioyed the peanut scramîbla. Gourtice Public Scholand Nail driving contest, Iris Bowmanville, and Courtice, Lossaline; Clothes pin handful, High Schocisi Grant Ferguson1 Out-of-town guests attendedi '711- c! Youngest chi-Id, R ob bie from Ottawa, Toronto, Scar-' Smith, Brockville; Oldest per borogh Newcastle, Bowman-' .son present, Lloyd Taylor,, ville and Oshiawa. of Exeter, 81 years; Hia' The bride was guest cf ing corne the fanthest, Sain honor at a mibýcellaneous anid, Gibson, Edmonton: Largetý persona] shower given by thei family, George Smith, Brock- bide's two sisters, Mrs. RoyI C H IL S ày A D IE " W E R iville, Grant Ferguson, Tor- Eldridge and Mrs. Creightonl 37KNoTn.BO M NIL lto' nd Dalton Donrell, Nies- Ga.MisIe ila, 37 KNG T. W BO MANILLE tleontied, in each case both R.R. 3, Bowmenville, was lios- wene pr ese nt; Newlyweds,l shower. S M E DR S E Maurice and Jean Love, Exe- - REGULAR TO $24.95 VALUE ter, First arrivaI, Fred Fergu- son, Gueil.'elcaph.îa Clarence Ferguson .conduc-t-M tc I C a 000 cd two very interesting qu-~ 10. 0 925 Mr. Robert J. Fr - a grandson, iiled a record ONE RACK 0F. . . cf tha descendantsof t'he late Approximately 56 adultsi B O S SBATHING SUITS 1 Samuel Ferguson and Sarahj ndi cre f the Ma lf 1 e.t 3 9 2 92 0 <7 Coint of Cavan, Ireland, and teous picnic dinner at Orono, ______$2.49_______County of Durham, Ontario, i Gmsadrcswr n 1822. Thlis book tells the story: joyed by everyone (esýpecially' o f their early life in Ontariol the bailoon toss) under a' ~ S OR S A D LL - W AT ERand lias a full lina of their sports comniittee consistingofl SHO TS N D LL » W A TH R descendants up ta tibat date.îHazel Metcalf, Barbare Muiri PUSH R CO A Ti During the past year or more,1 Brian and Tom Matealf. __ US E SCO T Rex'. Clarence Ferguson, a: New executive elected fori SAe RIE - _ $35.9O8Fgreat-grandson, lias revisedîl 1966 are as foilos:President, SALEPRIC $3the book, bringine it up toi Sandy Muir; Vice President,i 3 * o O F date early in 1965. Tlie new 1 Neil Metcalf; Secretary-Treat.s- __________________books wene distributed at thei'uner, Muriel Abernethy; Table, picnic or mai]ed within tlie Comniittea, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- 20 0/o O FF S E T R next day or two. hepi !~don Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Don j A LCRDI A& ERLO S BThoeuelfrorth pieiare ca f Mr ad Mrs. LRaJl SU M E L U S2 0 O FFI 7 a d Mr an Dai eci Clr3M i THURS. JULY 22nd OPEN UNTI FR1. JULYH N23rd Mr. Murray wiII be on hand to discuss decorating and furniture problems. He wiII also be pleased to show you tihe fine Woodland furniture products on display. CIRCUS TICKETS Mr. Murray Fias purchased 100 children's tickets (under 14) to the great Selis & Gray 3-Ring Circus to be held in Bowmanville, Monday, August 2nd. These wiII b. given to aduits who visit Mr. Murray at F. A. Kramp's furniture store on the above dates. COME AND SEE these and o! he r beau tif ul Woodland furniture now! CREDENZA BUFFET *Solid Walnut Legs *Textured Walnut or Teak Finish *Ail Round "Self Edge" Beauty *Adjustable Plastic Laminated Shelf *Easy, Glide OPen %" Thick Doors featuring Below The Surface Nylon Track GOSSIP BENCH *Seat - Left or Right Facing *Plastic Covered Foani Rubber Seat *Textured Walnut Finish *Self Levelling Leg Glidcs TV or RECORD PLAYER UNIT eK *Includes Record Rack ~Solid Construction j m ~Textured Walnut Finish Both Sides *Easy, Glide Open -5/" Thick Doors Featuring Below The Surface Nylon TrackJ4 Will Hold TV and Record Player $2g 0 42" Long, 16" Wide, 33" High COMPETITIVELY PRICED AT F. FURNITURE LTD..: 7 King Street East Bowmoewlll. MEET DON MURRAN WELL-KNOWN INTERIOR DECORATION CONSULTANT Sof - WOODLAND PRODUCIS, NEWCASTLE ý at F. A.KRAMP. Ltd. BOWMANVILLE 1 he Canadian Statesman, Iltwmanville, July 21, 1965 3 M I M FRI. JULY 23rd KRAMP 13owmanqwille i 17 King Street East

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