12 l'h. candian Statenan. Iowmanvme, . uly 29, 1908 BitsIn Memoricam ComingEvents Articles for Sale1 Articles for Sale !~sokFrSl o etReal EstatefrSl Ra saefrSl JAMZS§iLen-and Ruth are CROWTHER-In ling mef1 McCire3s4'Cemetery Decora-LA SiYlbYSbcceWAT;ER for sale and dellvered. 40 WEANLTNG Pigs, wr o cm Van Nesi ___r oom.______ ofaduheLui neýda ubn fHzl hýudy uutIt t3PM1Bryr auefor sl.__32-tf 30-1 - - on Tuesday, July 2th, at:passed away July 26th, 1956,; 30- l*!Phone 263-2.355. 30-1* ONE C.C.M. man's bicycle, ex-IFIVE -year- gelding horse, Large furnished bedroomn REAL ESTATEBOE ville. With special thanks tother, dear husband o Ada,'Sdîina Hall, Saturday, Ju1y 31. 405'era his! 01623-52313. 30-1 11650 lbs. Russell Burrows, Pic caîl 1j11 hopse laa une pper nt 5 o'clc.dse o n.Poe4641.3.3-Bwavlewt -ero ugjw Drr. er adEurin srf.twSand nd dnursinge -,LA Y' gstaff.inner-towhntoPon p6-87. 'Tededooawayd ap. 30-1 .1952. . provided. 2-3W ýTER for sale anddlvrdLD ' odrb ig er 30_1 newly decorated. central, im-- Salesman: 1rt rde xeln an wt ae - -- ~ 1Sadly missed by their wivpsdaLkiw 24 hour service. Cali 623-5756. ly new, reasonable. PhonepossinCaIGy6-36bwl dhyr.La j LOWERY -Lloyd and Darla and family. 30-1* Deoratonvi-tl63.17e, Hln\Vntd BB7c -get ,_oh_. 0,no bic. enrai Akig-rie-160__'~ (ne tan Gd fr he--Cemetery, NwovilSun-' Hanc Wcorn.T TIT runAgLane4,aJdncernent _ ___r Col) aAu.8t,230pm BandICOB corn shelled ci_ __L . ec hoeD e W i t h, 623 -3111. $90.00 splendid condito. Ohters safnarrvio thei ofr uhrl-EY- ligmemiory , ag tennce2:23rn0 r20 fte 1 fan re!.L W.andBee. hnt COOK and waitresses. Apply manthl. 30-i water heatedi. 2btro __ _rivi.n nHerwerdenOon 9r20afe 1 no. l HENRY1965. Aingsister n foredMary.30A2263-237.ame1s.owhr. padesedak,.FJ.siVa 7lbs. 1l oz., born Friday, JuIy of a dear hushand and father - Dne o mnil a-29-22320.3- r adrMrFrsd ~ . -Ideal for inrho me Cm verv special thanks ta Dr An-l qaiJuly 28, 11)63. minton Hall, every Thursday STOVE, propane, like nt nrynewT O wt Poneorms -30i0el Resta ran ihla 113- us__mnWtwa15 er oom apbart-,pae it piuengalothtwf. fsiadt th nuss 01Th etso orww ca-night, 8:30-12. $1.00 per per- Phone 623-3885 any time nay e. ho_ 2 -050WOMAro rone pr nbous e- 11 er moatnt, bnglo. isedat$1,-FA Maternity Floar. 30-11 natton,.- Music by Jaymars. .1 Friday al. 5 p.m. 30 1* evenîngs. 30-1wr e dy pr week. loice uplectric ohpatin alseor 000 with $8,000cah Oftels o n eIne oser Bno hur-a NEsxo evnfn ise 5 ALO ev uty 1Phon e 623-3579 atter 5:30.30-hunidaen avalPhone 723-4471rom MEK --ai n ai neiBinder with grease ftig.storage tank. Telephone Osh- _ Applv Mr. Rice 623-5211 niorn.lotouheae . - _______ Trimble> are happy t ae0 h sa W on oedMonster8no, sThusrdy hone 7six osvn fot M asse 2 905.GALLONCnad.honarutio.d 30.-1 6re. a30a-eAu.1, on oefintredAkn 1, MEES Pau ad arita- nIl hie h seed apece byth Juio Cambr f hon_7a6Oroo.n0c*ew-723965.the*1CandunCnstucio. To 23-60. 0-1hadwod-lors nouner then Mire ontheir 14.,- fui sleep, Commerce, Red Barn, North DRIED corn, $59 per ton.SURGE milker, 2 units, anda dams.Ppoeline."obns, p 00 it .000ow.u r'.n . ghter aren arie n .Juy 14.His ,,nr, we shaîl al-.IOshawa. __4.9-tf 'FO.B. Browview, Nwate Ml Keeper" milki cooler pyn rics JbNw"Fr.10 ce iwrlI.ral eiLII 1965, at Bowmanville Mem- ways keep. --474. -4 honNew28s162e1"M29-240e and addressed envelope.1 R p.rIsÂÂealysoi! on pvdhgwy Barn dance at The Wheel GeraîdBrown, Q87 44294 h~e7802.2- o 3,Mdn.WS.GA~TE eeiinadBn an ag rc as IIE orial Hospital. 3(1-1*, _'-re--embO B xr12, ebnaW(ane north ___ ____13an brn.La _________________-- _____ Lavmby (onemile n ai n Mosport. .TO.ALLIS-Chalmers com- ionCOdFuraehna.Pie i 2.À17 hrhS. omnl __________--wife Arvilla and family. 'ý mile east), Western Four bine. completely overhauldi asfo aeFF CO OK ~ta 11m, es,. 000 with $8.000(on 0339 30.1*Satuday.JuIy31. 964.Reasonable. 651. '.57-P-ONTIACsi-x-std.,over- Get your Rnwleigh Cook .13ok*62383. SrieC. Po If you are sel ggveu 3t Mr.an____GodoAer:____peprsn.301___ 3tftria.I ebe OhaaadD trc Mr.andMrsGaron ber - - -- 7~c er ersn. 0-129- huled motnr, good tires. Tele-1now and information hnw ta' niethv announcp the engagze- ROGERS -In loving m oy Barn Dance, AI Foster, Ken- KY u mtmtcîywiepoe rn 08atrsx aemnyscln aîih Rfieain- memoryl - ., 2-.2*Products, fui] or part time,. ' ef i - 10 cr gai soc Beverlv la Mr. John Spiteri, 'beth Rogers wbo passed away IAdams and the Blue River ware, 316 King St. E., Bowman- 1930 PLMUHcaup Wieadc son ai Mr. and Mmrs. Charles IJuly- 27, 1964. 'Boys. Admission $1.00 - 9-12.ville. 3-fmtr oehuJaeetl C 05 Rceiu S. Spiteri. The marriage ta take Sweet memomues will linger 'Everyone welcome. - - - I r vrhued rcet.*' 40 Rcele S.CS. DELICTOUS Montmom e n c y.gond running order. m nrHenry,, Montreal. 30_1Appiane ervice cnta hain. ats plaenisturdanTAuoto. the faorever; 30-2,m cherries and raspberries- Pick body work needed. Reason- MEN wanted. Steady work,ý Commercial and Domestie 199 King St. E.,Bwavledul aae oewl 30_1 s it's true:WoviwCm uiyCnr yuronW.HGbsn ew able. Phone 987-4370. 30-1 no skiîl or experience requiR efigr1io 6Nil2Colr Yetstht ayca e alat - onte B ng . wet30ati.Salary, bot meals. lvn !Rfieain-Ml olr sevr gnie-twntydollars; fivePAANSGaiouan MDUMR quarters and transportation a Il Phone BERT SVER 1 PARKWAY CEC c-KnalHls-$6 e D e t sOur lving remembratnce o a mes-thirty dollars; $150,'ut fow m, container arrange Ë I DA M ER ltb *b dust i gondDa ts - 623-5774 wimb icrp ri Lre kth n x 10, p d. E cl nt7 o m ýÉý ,-avdJ-n--Sdi Jackpot, and two Jackpots atltm leots CaîC623-527,C22 eat, sobem and fee to aur.. sep. 2-377 iil arot iig ro. ie oe I ovnecs aae CeLAR, aideerbJouh- Sud- .Vau. h $2bus- .o Door prizes. Next 1enSt. l 21327-t0FAp1221so nl a r LnerHrda e'paeFinishdriiom.20arltckFr,8ro dnyaPerbrgbCvc- Ever rémembered b $2us-Duke t 7t Flpl npro nvt r Hospital, Tburrday, July 22,iband 'on n' mly Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, 'Hudson, Selîs and Gra Cir-eus, L n e a d a e pae iih 1965, fDavid John Clark, dear- Jhnad3a0i._ saw16-fSMLLpansutal frbej USED CARS IBowmanville. Mooday, Auguisi. and ELECTRICAsig$900-Tr. bck ouelaebrn ly Ioved infant son ai30.*KeTn-an ie ginners, hockey gamne, dol! '2s2-'THIRD ST.l,3bero bic sram Ony l50 -tm. ;An Afternonnan adBk *2- nleth and Leilla Clark of R.R.' Sale undem the auspices of the crib and bigh chair. Phnel94 Chev. 'MN r omn.ilva cn bungalowý\. Walîla alhod- 25 crs veloigRc 4-Dr.HStationing memXry!.endloom.îhrou bal.lLarge62e-22Lake.Eexcellentnsoi, 2ostore 1, ewathons!e. erietwas SMIIH latheIog royKna . lb eldat 623-216.ti0-1Wagon 'fiad 50 gond cnlstomrs r n vor anted roam and extrabtro rc ombrs3'x10 heldat te Rss Fnerl Ch- 'i au der faherGeare Mthe homeneaifMiss CatherinINEW polatoes, beets and cab- Power steerinir, Power brakes, yotir cnmunity, we ipso hsmn.Akn 1.0 n ( 0 eyatatv peWlo IPari oý s mt n asn wydI twart. 6tb Line. n ene-bage. Edwin Slaub, one mile windshield washers. Local you bow easil * yau can make CUSTOM ramhining. Phone!r~poerynrbafPr oe Sunay..Juy 5, t 230 81,. 956 da, ugutn4hofom 2 t 5 astaifronSt.tNwcstl, O r one owner automonbile. ' .600 manthly. Join the îargcst!.Jim Coombes, 623-2171. 29-2' LIBERTY SIr. ero rcd i$000-trs Cemteren- eîc0eC 1 cb'Therae dopain fo hspm. ofantireisobedmise-Ln 2!3ail Canadian vcnlerprise "n CUSTOM <ambiaing. Apply bungalow with atce a- lisam-10arso RI D CH iz o h , -- F rtd ais nc ercat i edivi de n 3 et.2- appliances, cal! Elm er,4-D r. Sedan Ifor deailg and c2aalog1le,:Blaksock 96-4868. 29-2* weiI kept h m . A kn1o m ho e wt i o v n ~'REDIC.-I OgaSopie - ortodl a i eies gaden,--'Hampton: business 263-2294 -1 Atmai tasmsio, Familex. 110 Delorimier. 1$12 5100 - Termraccs Lreu-a-aebr at shwa enra HopialEah dawing day a tbatigbt CALIFORNIA b residience 263-269.5. - ft fr iMantreal. 27-98 DULL trals arrn'l necessary,."MAPLE GROVE. era lspl ao mlmn hd on Tuesda.", .uly 27, 1965. ihMO M RENCY cer es,'ustom radio with haelk seat- --- e_ alg SohieZirNThelve speaker, hack wlndow FFMALE HFLP WANTEDi .rpnawciesbuglwolrelt.anymkbueuoatctbe %vire ophioert rn.drelaved At evpntide R praYer. T U pick youm owa. Fred Obmist, defroster. windshleld washer' . pruning sbh ca;rs, scissors,, ta srhoi and bu. $.0 -ce er Toni mik o- R.R. 4. Bawmanville diear1 la the hearts that loved hir, Eý;',ORTEI) - 26 D A VS north ai Gîbsoa's Fruit, Hanse.. Colour niaroon. Sarah ovnry kive.F rw,12EgnTr niother ai Veranica, Charles. I HealwaYs wiil be there. aa' SP.1 - 9Icuie Phone Newcastle 987-4498. fCaaa A .L > omnil.2- 1 RN eiam hm n 75ar tc am on WatradEns.I e 3rî--Lavingly rernembered :30_ 2 nluie.~<2 1962 Chev. 4-Dr. o aaa t.i-Ifucbesçstsieet. I ovn rc on urudd b yer Walter n Enet. lNrth43rd sadly missed by Jim and Ada, i For Information KISR luiumI agnto CUSTOM Combining with aew ieaces. Smaîîatl eldirîîgeteslw ahgr year. aw- Perl andGeorge Bih ad Vi, - 120umatee A--d ConesMasscr' - Fergusan 100 .Cnm-$30amnb.skg$1 apitehro,2il. S sthing a arHmuttd Gorge Bildandg. Station bine.nani$30p0ona en Whi Smanil FuneraviHe i h.1ChplCrand Giadys and Harvey. Phone 623-i3 1ypar gne. Ads ta Cutolflradio, windshipi Bomanil. bne. Nwteonle 78-278n -6oo* - rerras arnedClslaownvleit on FidayJService in te2hpmlCYrus1 'resale value. Windows, doors, waNher%. A one owner wagon,ri,'v etn le76-58CRO E onpntay ul ow a t 2 p. Cm. 30-1 ýawniogs. Lamne Allia, I Prince 1I World'ç leading international, ___have_____a3033COO EDiCEK aubepvdma rnae Interment Bawmanviile Cern- '..J~.La±I±t.L Bowmanville. 29-2 1963 Pontiac jlewellcr.v company. on TV b-hv a3bdom tnaawAkn nî 3,00-trs eey301T O ASa n __________ __ daily. Part or futl time. No .. o 2 ar is vlae oofa' KnalHls 1rswt etey. - 0 ntOaS -iprn viGenmcm- TRAVEL SERVICE USÊDw-àh-éparts, _11,,41 Convertible investrnent, no door-to-door. A.BRS shointsN George t__________ _ __ s wh paied-motors. Complete line of, Autmtetasiso. no dlvr r c iNewtonville. Askn 750 -sra n od eysei ary deaA _________ __-. utoatand aDistrictn.BneattyeyTorrc aedtins.gleypropery.cGoo.cottag. $11, PERRY BnwAnviMemoniaTues-'hmswopsedaaBwavll n DtitBetyçhradCrse p ntomi radio. wiidshield Managers opening. UeaPcr l J11in qX&.LeU.±y50ar ar ilses a 0 -trs pîawa nviy2, 95.lle n Tu es- '.July 28, 1962.mi."Red Cross Braneh pliances. P a d dy's Market, washer. Sierra Tan. Ont. eeesr o itriwi Nlo t ow avle 50o h tbCn i lre CtaeLo cei ce Peary 31u i be,r96.y WlkSt . Wrth bo dyusd, ts apo,2324. 12-tr: owner automobile. elocaNesonvt.iBwmale - G15on bohe anh ar.Ol'na rn ih fs ru Feoerr,3 i ubcra Stn otdo BLOOD DONORS 1 rest Here Is a real bu,! lclywie-odhuea belvedhusaodaiBetty'As ihtdawrix another year, 'RASPBIERRY odrstken.T"BIN EFC 300 ON sig$800 tcm odsts elo Ferry and dear father ai John." aur lanely boums ai thinkmng CLINIC M. Mantel. Burketon. P hnc 1963LoEvaBrIeNuD 1IERNIE PEMake a,00.DOnfe.pmply.30 -trs Retmg i.th MrisFueriToubs ai ynu are ever Blackstock 986-4407. .10-2 ý1 252 PrincesAve. i pi iî0 VlaeHm -seemrn Chape], Bowmanville. Service' nea r. vveanesaay, Aug. 4.oNE Astor fridge. Phone 62.1-'4-Dr. i iILWAFOT PLUMBING & HEATING 1.Pasture farin- ce.g in the Chapel on Friday at' adymiseLbImtNrSn 5046 aiter R evenings. A01*EQulPPed with hfig enginp and'__'29 -2 ~ Phone 6'-3-3540wihga le spp.God iti co utn dsacet 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmaan-'dad;.-LIONS- - -_ -_ TO--fertces. Opposite rm sho.Obw. o 0 5,wt ville Cemetery. M-1 301 OMMUITY ENTR ,. blawing rneth- 4-%Peed transmIgsion, radio. 1l7.. Box 15.9q Asking $11.000. Trs aae oa r $,0 ih oOMTIYCNR d, with rock woal. Work-, other extras $1750; POSTAL CLERKSi 78 Ontario St., Bowmatnville Len BISSELL--63-33lwdwpaAn. WILSON, Eva L. -At lTor- -- 1:30 p..to 4:30 p manship guaraneed. F me e -Wiif IHAIIKE, rn 2 saw trs r ont o Suda, Jly2sbIOTEN~. nand mteor, .m'Ph e wtia osnile 786-Wade,1958r.OSdnDyamc$3,990. -$5,040. Contraçt Carpentry Entelle 1LEASK 2-99 hme aae e alfma 1965, ia ber 86th year Be-Inf a dear hîîsbandan ate, 6:30 p.rn. to 'hn etnvîe7625. 0.Sdn --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - --.~ ah o lv wentteaï omsNarval C. Wotten. who passed:I3-f oREPAIRS - CABINETS 3- 1.0 20 on WisoInin otern Ee-aayonAgist3 16430-1 1 §É-- - 1958CIev. PstOffice -IEsBec-3bdoo Wilon lvin mthr n Ee.waYonAumis. . 964__ MSSY-Harris self-propelled 6 cvl., automatir DON/.' SPENCER 'itrzr otg.$.0 lyn (Mrs. E. G. Bown). lTime takes away the edge ofATATo.IT 82 combine with 10 fi.. transmission Departrnent 1 2-41Jh . eih $0 on r Sister ai Beatrice (Mrs. E. grief, o TANIJIT tbe, 1958 mode]: no custom Bow550v623-3-1centralF. Ki~nmt) i omnt Rb-But memomy tmmrns back AND rwork, ta excellent condition. 1959 Buick 4-Dr. OSHAWA, Ontario 15-1,RF.ALTR.'vro rckhm.2btos ert ai Vancuver and Charles evrla. NEW/ YORK Mse-egsndaeLtî Automatie transmission $795 Bowmanvllle -14rnkS.gaefepalo66 af Burtt, N.Y. Grandmother of --Eve-r remembered bsy wife 'SO TD- -A OJ BritainPI-one 37. 29-tfj For ful partieularç as ta resi- Bannie (Mrs. P. Olsen), Gord.'afld sons. 30-1).l RTDi- _T__R qupmet Tye-95- Do .dence, qualification require SEPIC t~TANK iPhone E335 6' oe necletcn on and Robert Brownm. Friendq Aug. 1 - Aug. 8 writers, adders, cashiers, dupli- :4-Dr................$250 ments and application formnt. diton.$26300s te'ms were rpceived ai. the Humph- Ie ,caltors, cheque writers fies sep. posters on display at the PUMvPING w60 Aces rnchwt odAbtlStet-6roorc vmew Ae. (a DavivmlleAFor information Phone furniture. We buy, sel!,ent:Natnalos ffiemply ere W IE AR GSALSing only $3,000. on c.btnwgsfmae Svie w e a as hld lte CAe)' MEMORIALS 62-365service. Largesi. stock, budget 'Station Wagon $175 and Post 12ff16. ta he BET TMPKNS 16 Acres witblaresragrglt6'x16.$700 Seric wa, eldinth Chpe 62-365terms. New and used. L Aawb,2.165arthêER OMKN partlv wooded.Asig$00.4bmorhicbnao' Interment Mount Pleasant: Monuments - Fiat Markers C L E Hamilton, R a gl1an (NorthiPower sterringr. powver brakp.. 25 St. Clair Avenue Fast, Caîl Colleet 41-tf 1 rewt ml ulig eainron lcrehaig Cemeterv In designs for any need TAE EVC saa.2-t i Local, on, owner automobile. TONT7,ntra ' tem ndpd.Akn'ldsaedndfcdyrd Cadsofhanksj12Smee ~~L 3- VO I 11956 Pontiac Qunte: Competitian 65-T-1009.! FRANK BRINK $.0.$950-trs woudko Thak 723-1002 - 728-6627îrTVen a----------$5 3- Te1hig50 Acres wilh 0arsle a!6339 1 îifÈktaïakry1Tenders Wanted $50 up ___ lorestation. Gadping s- b friends and relatives for vsi~ts,! Office E lig __ _____ i(CU ~ I 15 ota T A ~ 7 Aiag S5.000. Term.Atr9.. card. fowes, uis nd aayI --.. --;1enders vvanted__ SEPTIC TANK 10.5Arswt togtoî ,o ansi.7620 cards ALEwrBY TENDEndR . 6 1.5 Acres wihgo lem acts af kindness vece-ived dur- - Personal i TV SUPPLY LTD. Sainaon ----- 35 - INSTALLATION Istmeam. Asking$30.Tem.PlVa - 2307 ing my stay in bospital and - - i BWAV11IUibn t ia 2-88 .K. SALER NE R rlr6t.26-270 5ibAyca wtinAsi KnHokn * 2-05 sinre roming home. A speciai HYGENIC Supplies- (Rtibber 1 : Sealp.iOteAdersmarked aGibbontont.3-iaI0 728-8180loO. thankg ta Dr. Miller and flr.igoods) mailed postpaid n Day or Night -Bill Leask, Prop Athe omîside "TFENDER- ad.- 24-tf $3.0O00. Terrms. .akWiemn 6331 Kandel, nurses and staff of plain sealed envelope with ~A 40-tf U S E)D CARS dressed ta Mr. F. B. Pidgeon.1-1i 5 Acres wilhbikhoe HarFrer*6-25 Port Perry Hospital, for t 24 sampce ls. ix aplre 2h5C. SA CvrSae- lain Clerk-Treasurprr, Village C Aor. Ei TR L alliloem convnice.Bm.blbCoer -0339 their prce lisI. Six sampes 25c.,erCommlting disance ta sh- 30- F Mrs. Howard McMullen. 'Depi.. T-9-8. Nov.-Rubber Ca., Contractors a owat30.Cea p a5 fa ourauhrze e cl le, i! beh eeived o ed. ___________!wa Prcean 301 qBxl, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 BY'car for bolidays....selling GM Dealer tiav î Atclock n h aiern o anr PIR -ALERTI S ,aPic an tem arn- __ omitYSta make romrri wr daAîui t,16foror illT-IN CIJPBOARDS :31Ars ihlrestem.Ls Thak yu vmvmîmh frt is tirgently requested thatý TRAINING SCIlOOL stock: '65 Rambler pîastcsiROY W. NICHOLS;the purchase ai a parcel Oi 0ATems. BAK nuscwsrae Thank vou p.ry uch nr 1 land in the Village ai New LaeInai held ai fEnst George Newton, by unersgndPlymouth $.95; and mast, spoeo i rnapmorxim- ORD623-324410 tri te Blaksloc Com-I orcived y the udrcge ourteous salesmen al, Manvers Streetlofai b im20 Acres with oihr.fo ac n5. ocsin mnnivCetr n rda, Tîi nyone knowing ber whemre-.until .:00 p.m. (E.D.T.«) on i1oplarmaes-3r24eBrs.Localed north a roo As-Twsi a MnesPhn 16. 965 Thnkala a abtit. Wite 30 alln S.,,Thursday. August 12th, 1965 I Upholstery, King St. W.. Bow- BOWMANVTLLE - COURTICEatl11.0edbadphai 16a95 hns na]w oPrt Hp. Otra rll-fr(eSpî n ntlainmanville. Phone 623-5252. SdNcas r î d approximfateiy. 144.10 fled. 2b'- ring $16.000. Term.3- Hoewhapn o ee- ,RIhrs Additional parliculars mav 3 Acres with osbrn _13 helpeti get il up. ta al who 0ýfrthwSpl ndsalton5 7 PPH Freue ____-__ _-Td Mler L Phll b hth plictinAr tt.i - _ 1 came and al,,n ta those wba phone 416 -985-2421. 2-3 a____3mn ns wa. Teti s rTin 5,g 1c5oo.P.H iUt' O.ýT ed_ MillierLon____________ aren ppiatnn ta the! Askini S7.500. Tr s R N O H RS Sle -- ,,oveHarot rs atMnihepaBOffice,.Newcatle, rBowmanville Homs h e p d i ; y w y T e g i f l1 NH'aerGoea o rltt h o r~.d M ic h e ls o n _ _ _ _ - r0 .i Â11M Ib r c k i a l w B r c e e tfaf iac eF id, ________ _a______EXPERT 15'àBoomet i pes atc r.C .Pl receiveti are very Nmicch ap-nng I l.Bowmanville, iShop Brrfo F lne rof _areopenon_____ _____ -rci-eiAti-oti kidnes Dr K. 1-Ontario. ati1 -whc oe Tesa,' eren Vok with Illmodem ovaecs.mr 6 ig tEBw Bi1tt ofiewllPanSecfrtin A IVIPING Pets and Fridays. iGaag. xcilea lcaio. iavll. ewrd 3- Speciaql lhanks to Rev. Chrîs IHand CHIP L Ontario. 29-21 0W DOWN PAYMENT i Wanted for ng wthe re-cingavinausiace nt Dugan andi Rev. Davi-.-No-----. i ---- TERMS TO SUIT b -____________buildingros w iha r ve l iei ACKERMAN tonAsi..amelt.Hgha lcSb oe:T,5uresn they and aIl those wbo sent soi STORE Wanted toRent N u lu oswee pcfeiE1ioMi ilaCriit hqeo many cards, iits and flwers for - - B E E F Deadstock Service at the Boys' Training Schoo ,j CAVATING paymnt. ~5.0.Lwdw rrwl erqie asb COTTAGE two week«ads inwr 1 Bowmanville, Ontario. and matie very welcome visits. 11 loseAGt r and s-n-HihptCasripe fr tck Seifcttnant enerLOADING - TRENCHIGHADN7RomthmePrraneBdmdep- Kenan GrcyHady illbe cosd 0i aesuo r (OO TE IE ietCshPie o edDcmet n eotieSand, Grav'el, Top Soi! mNd inHgooti Drepair. Goiwtral ateHnual h N1 w as12B e ch..h ne 1 - 1 c lb . f o1o v e e t R o m 6 3 ,F ilI D el v ered su p ply . A sk in g 7 0 0 o P o i c a re s r r o n ai e He y formily.d328!9.- -0-1 51cBIJRRETT FUR FARM fo ,o iw d a o m 6 3 , 24-Houe W ATER SERVICE d wn payment.tai in te mo .cf 5 00. Nursing Home fo10ldys 'NE or two bedroam apart- lb.eLng ______prtet fPuli ors ment. preierably fumnisheti, by 'Yenilh 66530 (no charge to on East Block, Parliament Build-62-76 BW AV LFta cer 5Rond bikDcu nsmybeotie High Schoal teacherR inHighw-h____________in___w.bungalow.rontctrcOntarior 62l-57om- orWMviewed ai. Room 0650f LITNUS ao a, AUGUST 2 to 17 ýmanville or vicinity for montb F R O N T 8 Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 35i-C.6,5i A $800-.00 Bit Bond, a East Block. Parliament Euild senior itîzenis, bed or up 301-i --8:30-10 arn.. 12-2 pm.56Cl rpe n aIFoe'C s n teS Payment Bond will be requir- PLMBN & HETNGIAfter Iours - Ci:inTo nt2,O aro - .- .- 3.4*b iz- d as specifieti. SAE EV IE 'oadMutoNG2-64 edr ulftb csd patients. reasanable rate. .e ---~PM. P - No E-xtu, rapp Chd as rze n'fr C ah or Crl p oFrit enes PIlaLe ost24URGy tMn - 63315eeiuneamdeo om phone Omna371. 2- fr'edo rppe am1 Tnes iOnt enil BurnLESr&SERVICE ;DndiaWirma - ono149s on Dgh "NwsiyH2nesmall dng, wisb ta mca Iun- Liesd c vfl betriceioe rtnbdom' Telephone colleet 263-2721 I supplieti by the Depactmenl. A Td t 'ivce Ido iesm Cmon Highw a Llesed. A- lva1aei frniu etiot rtw dcmFRIGID LOCKER ~iThe lowest or any tender nont , IgrJresn-9749 Yee oncsa crnmoaîNue ah .Vaia i sWANTED' 'îun an tosawer upex.napartment o îvi.Poe o m nvle argw llFur Farm nesrl c ptd SEPTIC TANKS AND IneLor e . tf - 7322 Mr. m;siJ aheo aatJLY!n AgstSSTMJ. D. Millar.TLEBS W elcO er. N Pha se 987 45. W m Cehral baP hoelor 3 269ar t r e t ft u guat 14. A ppliance i rTYRONE IM rm setI P E PhvLnrnr MC D fto b e - 6 37 5 D p t i it r rusetiLPeePonle 623-5578 Licence No. 389-C-6à l Wpuy iRAMr.PHONE2328 oaDvdo ehn 03Dprmeta ulcWru 30-1* phone 303-2473. 8030-1-1 -ltOnartmto f ulcWrl HMTN26.Z8 PylsMRb