The Canad!an Stateffman, Newmaiie. Aug. 4, 1965 - w E a rF ( ,. '.-- .,fj (A e Ii b l C Lov'k'in Stables Help with Civic Holiclpy Parade ýoitLanaU-lJWUs -Rotary Speaker Combines'I GOOD NEWS - An officiai noneetwl i I j w 4 5be made next week that starting Sept. lst, de- S pendent children will be covered by Ontario Hos- -De aïl of See Gr werpital Insurance under the "fami premium until they reach their 2lst birthday. The age change will also apply ta the Blue Cross and CUMBA 14(ih Irp essc.ns cf P.E.I. semi-private coverage for which about one-third of the insured residents remit additional premiums Tue imriportance of tihe CanaIAmocîation delegates had ask ýSeed Grnwers Association in hog.heCm iso. hswl b odnw dian Seed Growerti Asocia-!ed If the island had the sarne spects and certifies 312 differ- for a great many citizens whose children are t1i' objective to provide Urne, Atlantic Standard, asent varieties of field and gar- stili in school although they are between 19 and improved varieties of gardenlNew Brunswick. The reply den craps. This total includes 21. anrd field crop seed w'hlelfrom an jslander was: Practi '15 varieties of wheat grown t j ti *u t maintaining the highest stan.[ cally, just about 10 minutes on 350 acres, 22 kinds of bar- dad wsenphasi by soe'ly ortpso ufoes SMALL FAPER - Due ta the holiday on Mon- Garnet B. Rickai-d in his ad-! "The Canadan Seed Grow-:eight varieties of tobacco, diay, this edition of The Statesman is a couple dreso to the Bewmianville Ro-lrs Association meets each grasses, cabbage, claver, and of pages smaller than usual. It is hoped that tarv lub n Frday.many other kinds of crops. taTyTheCCnadian Sed Grower everything wilI return next week to what we ..... Mr. Rickard spoke ait the AThsocain wSeefare rsomtmsci oml lhuhsafhld luncheon meeting of the clubý Ascain wsfre n smtmscl oml lhuhsafhldy held at the Flyin«g Dutchman, 1904, was supported by gos'- will make it quite hectic around this office. As Motor Motel, on his recent enet ud nt!148we ur reporting staff, office staff and advertising trip to Charlottetown, P.E.1., the growers assumed the main- staff will be depleted for the next couple of where he attended the annuali tenance of the necessary staff, !Mr. Rickard stated. "When 1 weeks the service may flot be quite Up to nor- meein ofth Caaden ee became president o! the asso- mal. But we shall do our best ta f iii the gaps. Growers Association recenty.' F'oib Heyland, in intro- ý ciation we entirely re-organiz- Incidentally, we require a new correspondent in diacing tihe speaker, said that e t iacalsrcue n the Hampton area. Anyone interested should Garnt Rekad isa Pst re-this niew method produced a Growers Association, a Past' ganizations are now using this - - President of the Durhami meHod oMichourS arp, I in County Federation of Agricul-$"o. ic L hap ands an d n r e sts ture, anda Past Prsident ofster of Trade and Commerce -WM W W the Bow.manville Rot'ary Club.'~frCndhsivtdte ~I I He also spoke of the Secretary - Manager of the v e ~ y ~ p r e: ýCanadian Seed Growers Asso- higlh offices Mr. Rickard basi ci.ont g o held in rnany other orgaiataemisosà Erp."AFs aging second, you will be helpîng to tifSy~ ear ago a group of 18 mem- by J. Armstrong, Biologist improve and/or maintain gond When they took part in the big parade at New- "Garne Riekad was orn ~ ers of the Canadian Seed FREE- information onthfshignOnriwaefo castie on Monday evening these four riders er in Darlington Township, ad nfih aîg t heievnu and yours in future years. , rs wr ail kow o hisyear of ommîttee forExpo Advisoryýtagged Even if x'nu are not interestedsparkling and dry. They are Janet and Ricky Love- we ail knw of his ears of, omrnitteefor Expo67 to beland when it was tagged, its vniyoarntitese service on Darington Town - ield on an isîand at Montreaîj1size at taging and, if avail- in ynur fish's background, you km on ponies, Sherri Chisholm and lawyer E. Richard mihip Municipal, Councîl as a Iar mmerLIti comabetusitag.Btteesculdn't possibly let the oppor- Lovekin atop the larger size horses. The Statesman counici1Ior, Deputy Reeve, and i a qualification- xve need the tun îty of help ing in the man-pho tographer saw themn heading for home over a Ileeve of! Darlington. He xvas, K- Twn-, me:mbers of th e Cana-!ta g number o! the fish. By'aeeto ntro ihpp misa elected Warden of lAie ý dian Seed Growers Association! sending the tag or the number ulations slip by, could you'?? mewyaothianh ratrteprdec- Urinited Counties. Mr. Riekard ....... are in the Agricultural Hall Of it bears to us you wiIl be help-1 Throughout Ontario, the De- is an Eder of the Newcastle: Fame in the Coliseum Build- îng yourseîf in two ways, firstýpartnlent of Lands and For- United Ohurch," Mr. Heyland îI ng in the CNE grnunids, Sir yu will obtain the above in- ests is conducting tagging stu- Y u g Pa e s A t m t H c told the club. At present Mr. i !Charles Saunders. who bred fSmation on your fish and,idies on the game fish popula- Riekard is the federal Pro-! and introduced rust free wheat - tions in various lakes and gressive Conservative candi-: to Western Canada, and thei the Bownîanvilîe Detachment trems. Generallya ellowr date. founder o! our organization,i the OPP plastic streamer tag' is a!fixed Altihough he had previously James W. Robertson, Mr. Rick- 0! to the back of the fish whieh viited tihe Martirne Prov inces ard said. There wasa collision be- ,s then released. Occasionally, of New Brunswick and Nova' Alfred Allin. who also at- tween a car and a motorcycle in the study of certain species Scoti hig trip to Charlotte- Gre ikr tended the Canadian Seed on od1atrno t44 such as mnaskinonge and small- town was his first visit to year in a differeiit CanadîinGrowers convention in Char- O cl<>ck at Scugog and Kin, mouth bass a metal tag is af- . Prince Fdward Island, the province. Certîfication, of po- lottetown, mox-ed a vote of' Streets. Michael H'owe, SOi-ifixed tn the lower jaw of the third Maritime Province, Mr.itato seed may becomeI one or thanks to Mr. Rickard for his, na, was the driver o! the car. ýfislh. Rckard said. the responsibilities of the or- excellent address. 1'The motorcycle rider, Jos-' In ail cases where a tagging i "The isianders are a couir-! ganizatian, and this is ne President Don Moi-ris also eh Rjca.38 saastudy is conducted, its purpose' teous people, their farms are reason the annual con vention, ex pressed his persoiial appre-i Boulevard South, Oshawa, waS is ta learn more about the fish tieat, and the countrv and sea-'was held in Charlottetowncdation to Mr. Rickard, and' taken ta Meimorial Hospital populations in order to deter- side are heAuitiful in PET.lthis surnner. said he had given one o! the' by t'he Bowmanville Area mine the precise management, We nil noticed and were im-eI erte nul mcc- nst informative and interest-i Ambulance. He r ec e i v e d ol ( if required) to be used prAsi~ by the very distinct; ing will be at. Fort St. John, ing speeches heard by theIratîment in tihe Out-Patient to improve fishing. This is' Iride the Prince Edward Li-iin British Columbia's Peace club in a long time. iDepartment for lacerations to nour objective- to improve and îanders have in their prvne: River district. There is ex-el- The birthdays o! Bill Thies- his right knee and a cut on maintain the quality of fish- pPE1 otte r aoi1,nce. n heefo il burger and Merrill Brown'his left eyelid. ing consistenV.ih0he9Wv "P.E.I0 potoar fmucent oth t2lnd ohfr fore pronýý%!e celebrated by their tel- On MondaY at two o'clock, erse other uises of the waters ~ andm 8pecetoth po-duio !frgsedadowRtrnsGussreetamuel Bu!fam, Church St., by the public. Ini order tn sat- iol: produced are grown for there wou]d not be cross pol-Iat the luncheon meeting were rnotcntloftearivthsbjtvwe ed" " **i.- seéd. Good growing land iSlination. Jon esle, shwa Dug h w sdrivn t Kinoftre ythu bjectivewithout 8ts .~.- priced at $30 and $40 an acre Mr. Rickard reminded 11the sn l !O haw, nd a d ipng Aen.tet ar agigwld be largely wafst- . ........ M. a.nd will probably double in' Rotarians that rnany people George Scott, Smnithers, B.C. Iaeî SimpeotrAveueprinodeft. Thercrtgin ol e loreyouare vale wthl te nxt Oi oret hatwhet s Cnad's In cîosing the meeting the road, struck a hydro pole, d1oin.g yourself and ourr- ~ear. retstexor."Canada is President Morris gave the fol-' -... 11 was invited ta speak ntiknown abroad for' wheat, and 1hun ortedy glanced off, and struck a sec- earchers a big favour when " . SRotary Club of Charlotte-,it is the responsibility of our"The person who often lo ndhdoplekos'ur h aora es '- ,~ town luncheon meeting whichý Canadian Seed Growers Assn-1up ta God rareîyîo looks loiwnpl'i b h henme fo t btpes wa atede ~ PT.Pr-Iciation toesr h fis0 a -a."dwnar was snapped off, and thebe sure it is the CORRECT j~ .. niier Shaw This Rotary Club; wheat -lpue adtui, __________ hydro wires trailed along the number. -, '" . bas 125 members. I spoke oftI type, end that it can be grow road. Damage to the carý A young fellow fishing fromj gorne o! the problems et an for profit," Mr. Riekard point-' m one oapoiae rdewsakdb as-. area that is developing veryied out. He spoke of the work O Y $300. Constable Hon Parker serby how he was faring. rapidlv. and discussed the o! developing new strains ofi S investigated. "Well 1", he replied, "if I get' This is one of the two groups of young hockey GoldnHorse Shoe froi wlieat which are rust resistant'1 Mr. Bu!!ain wàs taken tothe one 'I'm a!ter and- two play-eîs who donned unifoî-ms, except for skates, and Oshaw to Hamiliton. ýand higher yielding. D o y Memorial Hospital by the',more IIIl have three." hada okuatpfas.Teradba ndoth '"The P.ET. people take life! "We maintain pedigree ficld Bowrnanville Area Ambu- Yeti can't count your fish awrotao las hyrcdbc n ot easy and enjoy a slower pace. and garderi crops ail acrnss RM AGON lance. Me received treatment'until they ai-e caught, neither stick handling and pretending they were scoring, Thi s is noticeable in the way!Canada. We also grow some FO PAEN) in tihe Out-Patient Departmentican we properly evaluate the - restaxîrants serve meals. YOu'in the United States, and There was a Tots Race for!for eohest injuries. fisiery of a body of water n n-eed plenty o! time, but thelthrough aur cannection wlth children, five years aid and' At 10:25 arn. on Sunday a less we know how manv a-ýrm ' i d . C u food is deliicis The !ish is>the International Crop Inm- under, and each ynungster car driven by Gene Stewart ged f ish have been caugut~ ~ as W i d . C u w<nderful and superbly cook-!provement Association we test who took part received a Balson, Hampton, struck a cari Holiday HintTo G ed. some varieties in Europe, and prize. The Girls Race, ages parked at Liberty and Kingý The loss of lorest coverý oeveral amusing incidents o! Canada. by 1. Banniie Ford, 2. Jo-Anne owned by William John Gib-Iwarmy and filI with sedîment On fF ROM PAGE ONE) the trip. HP.e said that one nt Mr. Rîc-kaî-d infor-mcd the Dilling, 3. Rolland Robins. The ýson, 141 Roxborough Street, Since this ruins fishing, the On en's iM en :dent. niovcd a vote o! thanks the Canadian Sced _Growers Rotarians that the Canadian Boys Race, ages six, seven and Os'ha'wa. Both cars sustaîned;responsible angîci- is careful toi to the guest speaker for his ________ -eight was won by 1. Joe Kil-imincr damage. C on s t a bleprevent forest fire. Kramp's Furniture carne intcresting address. Me also patrick. 2. Billy Dilling, 3.lJohn McGuey investigated. through again on Tuesday ýthanked tîhe musical trio on Billy Connors. Rae 1 On Sunday at 2:30 a.m. niht at Vincent Massey behaîf o! those present. JU !The Ladies Spot Rc -;John David PreranCitam g pl asvet in J S R I E Iner was Mrs. John Ford. Win- nught.,OPaae, w4 bCon-ýi s Beat ipar all a vn thinnse- MitnEioInbeafo ners in the Girls Balloon Race, n i tOhwwsbc-îgrlyadwntersc the Boxvmanville Meni's Cana-' nine. nd in car on the West Beach 1 j ond zame of the Men's dian Club members and their ages iie 0ad1 wereù Road when he struck a parked. Fr u pa offs. T - wives voiced their apprecia- SA I oy Wright, 2. Janet Skelton,icar with his vehîcle. This F aiiktord u1 -8 Leaue pI ut an8-7 Tevr .Diane Kilpatrick. The Boys parked car in turn was pushed aven Ken's Men's Wear, af- Bon fo Pi- engtheaclub ta w vaiiiap~i Bailoan Race, ages nine - 10iagainst another parked car.L tltrd er traiîing 7 ta 3 until the hBod fr lwn the cicicinth g os N ~~ 6 6 ~and 11, was woni by 1. BNrin'The owner o! the :irst parkedia- - S %qutp o eezd f -7nal inio t Pesdet ndMr Galbraith, 2. Tommy Canna- top of the finalHumblelg of their home, and for extend- ca a ITr-yHml 96 Foster opened the rally ing such a hearty welcome. Pr.-pasted ...ready to apply 1 ghen. rs n theMen's DulsDienootad o avleBîasd îth a triple, follawed by James Bell also thanked Sack Race weî-e 1. HonPark- te vec te seon aAe-t feated Frankford 10-8inai (raseys triple and Hamil- President and Mrs. Br-own on er, 2. Bill Cully. The pihtex tongaeplye on s double. Before the bchalf of those present, and See this large selection of winners in the Ladies Shae Datrs 3 Eli tee.I Mmra Pr n u nning w-as aven, the entire Ithen calcd on those presenit Kicking Contest were. 1. Mrs.anaet tethecrsd'.Ji 3s batting order had taken part j0sn o he r ol Thsinionors in taeeGirls.y ron.Bosplimn rce ere ,,ss arepoe apart and cannot be anything that couid h( construed as lire 4 and under, 1. Ricky Ril et- e -'Loye 2. ougRidr, Bb, reconciled. criticism of the co-operalive movement. ey looking Carnmen de] rick 2. oug ider 3.Molino, Furnpean star of the SU /'O Cooper. Society gains f romn this difference. The co-operative principle has great high trapeze, gave a thrilling fBoys Swimming race, 20> and Producers vie with each other ta meet merit. Yet when those who espouse the performance- higli near the ~oe:eoeoeo I nder 1. Jim Wright, 2.Lo s.fCern. Girls Swimming Race,, the requirements of the consumer - present set-up of producer and con- roof o! the big tent witihout SECOnNuDeI.DrlneCn-ad we are ail consumers a lrepr sumer co-ops go oebad somen a safety net. Other attractive 20OndTIde, 1 Ealen Co-ignht e auiene ihts heir aplidte son, 2. Sydney Rider, 3.ý of the time. needs ta throw some aih n where audenist eard lthsec Christine Corson - t seems ta me that some members their arguments couid lead us. ond timing of their juîmps, 1,;- utava, : cinx- ândant ,,ti' ts. Two Fatal <PROM PAGE ONE) ege 14, anotiier passenger in the car. were taken ta Memn-' oriel Hospîtal by tihe Bow-ý manville Area Ambulance.'ý Terry wves immediately sent, via the Bowmanville Area Ambulance to the Hos pitl for, Sick Children, Toron to. Sie-! yen Williamis was later trans- ferred to the Oshawa Generai Hospital. Botti had sustained multiple lacerations. Between FridaYrnîidnighti end Monday midîight 15 ac-, Icidents were investigated byt aof thie co-operative movement go Thie co-operative business is big wrong when they are biind ta this fact business today and growing by leaps af life. They promote the idea of a and bounds. Ail co-operatives, producer Ministry of Co-operatives ta advance and consumer alike, are a]io-wed special the cause of bath consumer ca-ops and tax priviieges. And through a system of producer c-ops, as if they were not in crediting dividends ta members but î'e- con! ilct. taining them for- furthex- deveiapment, Another anomaiy Is the dlaim by the co-ops as an average pav six per- some producer co-operatives that they cent corporation tax agains fifty-two per provide "Service at cost." At whose cent paid by the f h-m they cornpete cast? I beiieve farmers, in particular, against. It is easy to setwhei-e profit- must wonder at this service-at-cost motivated business wiil get o!ff at in dlaim. Certainiy it is hard ta visualizethe next forty or f ifty years. Where a society in which everyone selis ta the %iil the taxes corne fi-arn then? I be- farmer at cast while he, as a producer, lieve there are man ' people in the c-- hopes ta continue ta seli at a profit. operative movemnnt itself who feci Inasmuch as consumer-s astiy exceed that they should bc carrying a fairer farmers in number, it is clear that share of the cost of running the coun- they mon would be demanding "pro- try. A ballerina on horesback,ý Miss Patricia, .dellghted the' 1 onlookers with her gracefuil and intnicate dancing, as well as gravity defying acrobaties while âhe was on the back o! a galloping horse. Shetland ponies and thoroughbred per- farming hanses were also part a! the show. The'e Mexican Horse Dance was terrifie. A chimpanzee deserves ta be mentioned among t-le stars l of the Selis and Gray Three Ring Wild Animai Circus. He put on a wonderful aet. Me smoked a cigarette, played the piano, roller skated. and prov- ed lis abilitv to use a qkate boa rd. Thle aniazing Znga.jug- gling wizards, wto have aP-ý I 'i 'I ciuded and the rains had corne down. They were literally soaked ta the skin and ".soggy in the sadd]e." But, it was ail in a gaod cause, ta help raise money ta put artificial ice in Newcastle's Arena, so they probabiy enjoyed even that part of their eariy even- ing canter. key Game on Moving Floats 1 body-checking and sa on, much ta the aînusement¶ the large crowd of spectators. There was aiso a fiaý filied with young girl figure skaters. peared in cireuses ini London,! in the backýwater of tihe River Paris, Rame, and Copenhagen. Nie. In addition thie circus fascnatd eeryneaidandalso offered many sideshow y7ounZ alike. with their talent- faue nldn wr ed dexterity.J swalîower. Clever clowns were î-eward- Afetelate-orac cd for their funny anties wit "h Atrtel efrac sgales of laughter. The excel_ spectators were aniazed by, s let crcu alo hd acotriethe efficient speed with whicli lent ccircuswalso had.amcoterie of other stellar circus attra the cinercus esdian ltled itions from this continent ard thecnvsrle.adgttr abroad. Dancing elephants i n p costumes packed. The fprovided the finale for the show was on the road for its main show. next stand befbre mîdnýight. of exotjc wi]d anjimals exhibit- A elock thaaigains or Icses ed bY the circus were a camel one-h.undrith second a day is and a 6,833 Pound hippopota- flot accurate enough for somne mus that had becn capturediscientific purpses. Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Selis with whomn are nomrncrged Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Mont re ai Osham'a Toronto Hamilton Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary Edmonton Prince Georgre Vancouver Cordon M'. Rif-hl, C.A., R.I.A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. Osham-a Oshawa Shopping Centre 729-7527 FLEETWOOD 23## TV $ 9 9 Reg. $329.95 - Now Only $2 99 PHILCO 2310 TV $269.95 Reg. $289.95 - Now OnIYf FEETWOOD.9 - w y $ter Re.TWOO9.95- waOy S FLEETWOOD 2-way Stereo (push.button controls) $249.95, Reg. $259.95 - Now OnIy ----- Fleetwood 3-way combination $499.95 Reg. $519.95 - Now Oni% À40 ~ PHONE 623-38ý 26 KING ST. M BOWMAN VILLE --i. 1 li 0","#